Bottom Connector Loose - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

The Cradle ConnectioN 0n The Bottom of the Phone is loose and it looks like it will break And am unable to sync and charge . i can only charge the device only when it tilt it foward whilst its connected to the cradle and it causes usb to say unrecorgnized device error can anyone tell me what to do

take it apart and solder it yourself ,if it is like mine it will be the two connectors on the left and right that have broken free ,on the outer casing. Just make sure that none of the metal pins are bent upwards,if they are just place something flat over the top of them and bend them straight again also make sure that its nice and flush with the connectors (you will need a magnifying glass, if you are as old and blind as me) then try and see if it works.
It worked for me

get the service manual to show you how to disassemble and reassemble the device here


help pls, phone not charging ( not battery point)do i take phone apart?

need help please people.
my phone hasnt been charging properly for a few days now, to get it charging now i have to get one of my missis hair bands and wrap it round my phone and then round the usb cable so it stays in , although today it doesnt want to charge at all now .
ive noticed that the connection in the phone is loose and you can move it round a litle bit,
now the bit i need help with , is do i take the phone apart and try to fix it.?. im thinking of doing this but unsure about taking phone apart ( dont think my phone is under warrenty anymore,) and im guessing the usb connection on the phone is fixed onto a board.
is it worth me trying that or should i just take it to a repair shop ?
take a dry toothbrush, give the usb port a good scrub. dirt often builds up in the bottom of the port and stops the usb plug pushing deep enough to get a good contact.
Have a good inspect of the usb port, bright light and magnifier is good, see if you can see buildup, or a bent connector, or somesuch.
Also look at the usb plug on the cable, its uncommon but not unknown for the metal outer enclosure to open slightly, and make for a weak contact.
Sometimes a cable simply doesn't fit well for no obvious reason, , i have a generic cheap ebay cable that will only work when angled up or down, like yours, but looks perfectly fine, and feels to fit the socket, while the HTC cable works perfectly, so i know its not the port.
If it all looks good, then chances are you have a dodgy connection from the usb port to the mainboard, which will get worse every time you wiggle and bend the cable to get it to work. In this case, you COULD try a repair, but there have been reports on here of some repair shops pronouncing it too fiddly to replace teh usb port, and a new mainboard would be the only other option.
edit - just reread your post and seen that you can wiggle the port. Broken solder, gotta be. Its not an easy solder, so if your a dab hand, then go for it, if not, see above.
Hi iainbp, heresandyboy had this same trouble in from post 16.
It looks tricky!
Just a thought though, I recently bought a cheap phone charger with multiple interchangeable heads for different phones. The microUSB one became difficult to charge with and it took me a while to realise that the metal bit at the end had detached from its plastic casing, and when I plugged it into the phone it just got pushed back into the casing. (got my money back)
Possible with yours?

[Hack] HTC charger AC charging

DISCLAIMER​What follows is a modification I did on a non genuine (apparently) HTC AC charger with the european plug, bought from ebay. It includes desoldering and soldering so some experience is needed. For whatever reason, XDA forum and I, cannot be held responsibles for any kind of damage done to your mobile phone or charging equipment. Proceed at your own risk.
So that's the deal, I bought a DHD last month but it came with a UK charger. Using an adaptor made the whole thing really huge and flimsy, so I ordered a european charger from ebay. The thing is that when Im using the UK, Battery Widget Pro reports "AC charging" (800mA max) but on the ebay one it reports "USB charging" (380mA max).
I read this thread the other day and I thought why not give it a shot on this charger. After all, its cheap and I wont have to mess up with wires and USB extensions. Apparently, you have to short the Data wires together and leave them floating.
Step 1) Open the case
This is somewhat difficult. The case does not have any kind of screw so its glued down. In order to open the case without "severe" (cosmetic) damage I used a small vice. Just squeeze gently the upper part of the charger on both sides and you should hear a *clac*. After that using a bit of force and a flat screwdriver, you can open it.
Step 2) Remove the resistors on the Data+ contact
In order to create a dummy USB connection, Data contacts had to be adjusted according to USB specifications. So Data- was grounded and Data+ had a voltage of around 2.1V. Firstly, remove the resistors. Use a desoldering tool, a pump, a pair of pliers, whatever.
Step 3) Remove the PCB trace connecting Data- to ground
This is a bit tricky. As I mentioned before, the Data- is grounded. You must remove the pcb trace. I used a small flat screwdriver used on clockwork repairs to scratch the trace. You have to be patient and careful but it does the trick.
Step 4) Short the Data contacts and close the casing
Thats easy. Just a bit of solder between the middle USB pins (on the pcb side of course). After that close the casing, applying a bit of super glue on the rim. (sorry I didnt take a picture of this )
Thats it! You're done. What we've accomplished you say? Well, on USB charging my phone reported max 380mA. With this mod, it can reach 540mA! Its still not 800mA but its a gain nontheless. The charger is just warm. If it gets burned, I wont care much. As I said, its cheap.
(this is a report of 445mA, I will change it with a better one as soon as I have my phones battery lower )

Replacement for HTC incredible PCB Connector

A few month's ago I'd ordered a LCD screen replacement for my incredible, and so when I got back from work o immediately took out the LCD from the package and started taking out my old broken. For me it was my first time experience replacing an LCD phone screen, anyways back to what I was going to say was when I unplugged the connector for the screen and the motherboard itself, after attempt to plug the connectors back together; the display connector plugged in perfect while the connector for the motherboard didn't do so well. The white piece that covers the PCB Connector, it tears a little bit off and I'd tried to power on the phone, meanwhile it didn't I tried again and things got worst. So I search online for a PCB Connector and see one, so I decided to and try to rip off the PCB Connector and plan to order the PCB Connector. So the part to attempt ripping off the PCB Connector didn't go so well, and stop there before things got worst. Any suggestions how I can replace that? I can't just leave my phone in my room and have to cover in dust. I need my phone back, how can I fix these? I know this thread seems long but I tries but it details for you guys.

How to pull off left pins on motherbord

Hi.zenphone 2 32 g.the cable port of sim is broke into motherbord.there are afew "teeth" left do i pull them of from the connector motherbord? Thanks
Use the force.
Posting a picture would help us a lot.
Use mechanical sense.
lift the back of the tab the flex cable goes in, if its the small one
Have to take the heat sinks off, metal over the board.
Dont worry, little grooves they go back in

Circuit diagram of main board

Does anyone have a circuit diagram of an Umi Super main board? I am especially interested to know just what purpose the three flexible connections in the uper right corner on the board serve. They obviously make contact with opposite side of the phone case when it's assembled. There are also three at the top left corner of the board as well. After droping the phone, the two connectors at the very top on both sides broke off. The result was that the battery was quickly drained and no longer could be charged.
I managed mount them back on so that they also had functioning contacts by carefully super glueing them in place. After reasembling the phone it worked again but only for two days, then again I couldn't charge the phone. It turned out, that the connector on the right top corner had broken off again.
So just what is it for, anyway, because as far as I can tell, really only the second connector has a connection to metal on the cover when assembled?
So now I very, very carefully sodered it together and I knew I could destroy the rest of the electronics, but had nothing to loose... Then I tested the connection with a ohm meter and it was as it should be. Again I reassembled the phone, but still can't charge its battery. Maybe I really did kill something else in the process.
Still I am interested in a circuit diagram to understand what might be the problem. Can anyone help out?
