Changing RealVGA resolutions: iGuidance - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

This is what I got from the iGuidance support team. I was excited to hear the solution was so simple.
What you are asking is the capability to keep both QVGA & VGA.exe's on your PPC and be able to switch back and forth depending on your applications.
iGuidance will initially install both VGA and QVGA.exe's, but after first launch on your PPC, the program will automatically detect and keep the file according to which mode your PDA has and delete the other one.
For example, immediately after you've installed iGuidance on your PPC and BEFORE you try launching the program, under your program files\iNav\iGuidance directory, initially you will have:
iGuidance.exe isn't QVGA nor VGA. It launches when you launch iGuidance, checks resolution of your PPC, deletes the wrong one, and relaunches the right one.
Thus, the only way to keep both VGA and QVGA exe's are to delete iguidance.exe immediately after installation, then launch iguidanceVGA.exe or iguidanceQVGA.exe manually from the program files\iNav\iGuidance directory based on your need.
Hope this information helps.
Thank you.
Support Team​​
In the next few days I hope to whip up a mortscript to see what the current res is and launch the right version for it and also test the VGA version on 128dpi (the default for 128 is QVGA, which is why I asked in the first place - it works, but the icons overlap & some other funky-but-useable stuff.)

Awhile back I posted an even easier solution. Set both of the resolution bound exe´s as “read only”. By doing this you can use the standard launcher in the usual manner.
One caveat, in 128dpi, using this method, the vga app will launch. The menus in the qvga app are better for 128dpi.

Why wouldn't you just create a .lnk to whatever executable
you wish to initiate Iguidance in qvga or vga?

That's what I actually use now. Just wanted to point out that writing a script was not necessary.

The blessing of the developer
RO is, quite frankly, much more ingenious than this solution! Sorry I didn't find it before I spouted off.
I do like the idea of doing things that are supported, and the QVGA does look better, if not perfect, in 128dpi, so I just made shortcuts to each. Also, this way if I have to flash, I can restore my start menu/programs and not worry about blowing one away if I forget to change the properties. It's more clutter, but worth the safety.
Ninja1, the world needs more brains like yours. please keep posting your thoughts!


Easiest Way to VGA

Can someone please explain the easiest way to get VGA resolution on my XDA Exec? Am I right in assuming that although the screen has a 640x480 resolution, they use pixel doubling to negate it and it actually runs at the same resolution as my Dell Axim X5 (320x240)?
Is there a simple registry hack that disables this, or do I have to botch around installing a hack and then trying to botch all my apps to run in the new resoluition? Does anyone know if TomTom5 works in VGA mode?
I'm sure this has been covered already, but some of the topics are 13+ pages and date back quite a bit, and the site is a tad slow to trawl through lots of postings and searching for VGA brings up hundreds of topics.
Thanks in advance for your helps folks.
This is the best thread - there is a ZIP file on page one that I dobwloaded and it contains all the instructions to get things working
this is the post I didn't particularly want to have to trawl through, as it's 13 pages long and really slow to switch pages.
TheFair - as noted above, there is a zip containing instructions. You don't have to read all 13 pages, although it's useful background reading - we didn't write all 13 pages just for fun .
I had to do VGA again yesterday, for the first time in a long time, and it's very simple. Basically:
Unzip, copy files to windows, click ozvga, reset.
OK, thanks Vijay. Will I need to install your Bigphone application and replace other system apps once done? Also, any idea if TTN5 works in VGA mode? As my XDA is used primarily as a SatNav, I'll stick with QXGA if it's not going to work properly.
thefair1973: VJBigPhone can be used to make the phone app usable again, (I don't use my Uni as a phone, so I don't use it ) Replacing system apps etc is optional, but obviously helpful if you use the apps effected.
No idea about TTN5, but it's basically one click to revert to QVGA, so I'd do a backup and just give it a go if I were you!
great, thanks very much for your help Vijay.
I use TTN5 and VGA. TTN appears to drive the screen directly, so you don't get any extra resolution, but it works fine
I use TTN5 and VGA. TTN appears to drive the screen directly, so you don't get any extra resolution, but it works fine
Is VGA in Universal already perfected? Which applications are still not showing right upon application of this hack?
Just finished reading the VGA thread. I have a headache now. One important question though, I am using the latest JASJAR ROM, would OZVGA work on this new ROM?
Yes, I did it yesterday with no probs.
vijay555 said:
Yes, I did it yesterday with no probs.
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Thanks Vijay! I just performed a hard reset, so I am ready to try something new. I downloaded the file compliled by Khashim I believe, I'll check if I got his name right. Which one did you use? Is it the file from Carnivor or Khashim? (Yes it is Khashim.)
I think originally I used Carnivor's, but frankly, I had an old set of files that had been sitting on my SD card for some time (I've posted the zip in that thread as well, towards the end).
However, I don't think there's a big difference. Use the one that sounds positive. It's easy to copy over new files if required. But you should only need to fiddle with it if you see problems in some of your apps. I don't use many apps, but I don't see any problems.
I tried. It does look wonderful for browsing using PIE. But I do agree that the font are too small. I also tried VJBigPhone and it did made the buttons larger, but the bottom part has a different color. Did I miss something about the skin?
Comm Manager has the same problem about the skin on the bottom part.
I love how ozVGA changes PIE, but weighing the benefits on other applications I use, I decided it is not for me at the moment. I hope someday someone can implement an application to run a specific application on VGA mode selectively and not implement it on the whole device. Thanks for the responses.
cktlcmd said:
I love how ozVGA changes PIE, but weighing the benefits on other applications I use, I decided it is not for me at the moment. I hope someday someone can implement an application to run a specific application on VGA mode selectively and not implement it on the whole device. Thanks for the responses.
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try tweaks 2k2 vga brute force
cktlcmd: there is a background fix for the phone on my webpage and in the VJBigPhone thread. I haven't looked at the comm manager fix yet.
Waiting for a more selective pixel doubling patch may take a while or be futile. I think it's possible but I've not had time to implement my own hack yet.
I've done the VGA hack & overall its a major improvement.
The size of toolbars & the fact that some fonts are too small is a nause, same as the programs that don't display properly. But its SOOO good to see so much text on the screen.
To be honest, if it doesn't really run at 640x480, is it not a case of false advertisment? Just a thought.
xyon: it is running at VGA (640x480), but just making everything sharper and emulating 320x240. I asked an Orange spokesman once and he said they were going for "quality over quantity". I suspect they just didn't know how bloody persistent haxxors could be
I prefer 640x480, but it does make day to day usage inconvenient. Perhaps all apps will eventually have native 640x480 support. But given how many years it took to go back to square screen support, I'm not very hopeful!

Per program control for RealVGA (doable?)

Hello everyone,
Having tried out RealVGA on my recent reflash of WM6 for my Uni I must say it's rather lovely at 96dpi and while quite a few progs get along just fine there will always be a few that just are not keen on it and resetting the Uni just to run a game or prog is a pain on the rear.
My question is would it be possible to have RealVGA have a list of .exe's which would be run at 192dpi (kinda like Midget_1990's VGA prog but the other way round) so in operation it would kind of do the following. . .
Run prog.exe
RealVGA checks list finds prog.exe is 192dpi only
RealVGA runs prog.exe in 192dpi
When you exit/taskswitch prog.exe screen returns to 96dpi
I know it's a bit of a long shot but I'm also looking to treat myself to an Athena/Ameo/x7501 of some flavour and given that this has the same issues as the Uni I think this would be a winner for both units.
Long time lurker first time poster
That is not possible. RealVGA does not run in background, it just changes a few registry settings so the device 'thinks' its a regular device with big screen and not VGA.
What you can do is make some programs 'VGA aware' that way they will run in true VGA while the rest of the system works normally.
You do this by adding a resource to the exe of type "CEUX" called "HI_RES_AWARE" with binary content 01 00.
You can use Resource Hacker but make sure the file is not signed when you edit it.
Thanks for the reply,
After posting this thread I thought I could of better worded it so take two.
As you say RealVGA just performs it's magic then it's done but would it be possible for an app to be made that could sit in the background and change the dpi on the fly or is it something beyond the capabilities of a WM device?
Meantime I shall have a look at the method you have described and see if it can fix the problem on imate blackjack as it visually looked ok but none of the menu items could be selected.


Added a quick fix file for users with 0.95 installed
-Fixes the huge weather icon
-All programs including subfolders show up under programs
-volume control under settings just controls flipslide sounds not pda volume.
-also an option in flipslidelaunch.ini to turn of sound always just add false to the bottom.
-Tasks are organized properly and tasks with no due date don't display 1/1/01
Just unzip below and copy to your \program files\FlipSlide directory on your pda, also delete your flipslide.ini and flipslidelaunch.ini files in the home \ directory.
The new version which is dedicated to speed and size is coming along nicely, I may be able to finish it this weekend. It is about 7 times smaller in size and should hopefully be atleast 5 times quicker for load time and runtime.
New Enhancements Include:
-Increased speed
-Theme support in FlipSlideLaunch.ini
-QVGADefault theme created for QVGA users
IMPORTANT!!! - please delete the FlipSlideLaunch.ini file in your PDA base directory if you have ever installed this program, otherwise it will not take advantage of the speed boost.
It can be downloaded from SourceForge
It's in .cab format.
New Enhancements Include:
-Supports QVGA and VGA not square
-Default programs can be changed under settings
-.ini file to manually change settings
-Improvement on quick slide programs so you can flip sideways easier
It can be downloaded from SourceForge
It's in .cab format.
the video tab on your page doesnt work
same here the video tab on your page doesnt work
He doesn't have a video page right now. It's just a null link. Give it time. He'll get some up there eventually.
chetstriker said:
FlipSlide 0.8 Released and completely free with source code
Allows you to access most features of your pda with a slick sliding and flipping interface and finger sized buttons.
It Works with any 480x640 touch screen device running wm2003 or greater.
I'm using it with my axim x51v on wm6.
Let me know how you like it and what pda and OS your using it on.
Here is the home page
And here is the project on SourceForge
Source code is also available.
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WOOOW this is a great program, i installed it on my kaiser/tytn II but its QVGA, are you willing to make a QVGA version to, because i really love this, if it was commercial i would pay for it. the vga version works on kaiser.
Thanks in advance for considering..
Marcel van Blankers
Is there any QVGA version??
It seems very great I want to try it out..
Works good on my Axim X51V using WM6.1 but can I customize it? Don't use Media Player for example.. Also on the first page it shows tasks but no appointments! Anyway it's a great thing, one of the best I've tested so far!
Just in time to get nominated for the awards!Of course,without a QVGA version.....
Thans for the feedback
About the calendar, The calendar button on the front page is your daily planner. It shows only appointments for the day, you can press the arrors above it to go forward and back days and pressing the center bar returns you to your current day. If any on the front page icons have a green bar under it then that means you have data in it.
For the QVGA option, I do plan on building one however it's a little difficult because i only have a vga pda and I want to design it differently for QVGA, this program was designed to not have to use a stylus and take advantage of the large display. I want to use a diffent touch interface for QVGA that better maximizes the space for it's specs. But yes, it's in my plans.
For the video link, i've have problems getting one uploaded because i can't find the software to retrieve it from my camera an they don't allow you to download it. And software recorders for the PDA always seem to make it look choppy which it i not. If anyone doesn't mind recording a short vid and put it on youtube or somewhere i can access it I would be very greatful.
About customization, My next release I plan to allow changes to default programs for media, contact, tasks, dialer and such. I also plan of making this skinable. I definately agree withyou, I also don't use media player as my default player.
Thank you very much for all your feedback. I will keep posting more, I usualy create new releases each week or two.
Chet Striker
thank you very I will test it and give you feedback!
about the calendar again, it has a green bar but when I press it doesn't show any entry! the tasks icon works for me!
It looks nice. I will try it.
Curious G
This is only for the VGAversion????
Might bring some competition to PointUI in later builds!
Hey TacoLoco, I was wondering if you could give me more info about your calendar problem, like do you have appointments in microsoft calendar for the day? and if so are your appointments a single occurance or weekly, monthly or yearly appointments that are in microsoft calendar but not in flipslide?
also i was wondering what PDA and OS your using.
Any further feedback would be very helpful.
72% download only
HI, The download stops at 72%.. can you upload the file in this forum
The download finishes at 3.75MB plz seee pictures
good work
qvga version pleassee
Same problem here...
My Touch is QVGA...
QVGA project started
Ok, i'm starting the QVGA program today, It will probably be by this weekend or at latest by next before it's up. But It seems enough people are interested.
Since I don't actualy own a QVGA PDA, and virtualization runs unrealistically slow, I may need testing help from people along the way.
Chet Striker
chetstriker said:
Ok, i'm starting the QVGA program today, It will probably be by this weekend or at latest by next before it's up. But It seems enough people are interested.
Since I don't actualy own a QVGA PDA, and virtualization runs unrealistically slow, I may need testing help from people along the way.
Chet Striker
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i'll be happy to test for you.
my device info:
Rom: Dutty's 6.1 209=latest
Greetings from holland.
chetstriker said:
Ok, i'm starting the QVGA program today, It will probably be by this weekend or at latest by next before it's up. But It seems enough people are interested.
Since I don't actualy own a QVGA PDA, and virtualization runs unrealistically slow, I may need testing help from people along the way.
Chet Striker
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hi chetstriker I own Touch Cruise and don't mind if you allow me to test your QVGA FlipSlide once completed. Cheers !

WeatherPanel and TouchFlo2d

Okay, I'm going to assume that I'm not the only person to try this. I would like to run WeatherPanel in conjunction with Touchflo2d. Not necessarily INSIDE TouchFlo, I know thats impossible (as of now, or ever, lol). But I've been trying different ways to have both plugins running in tandem.
Ultimate Launch does not work. At first, I thought that it was was the a screen issue, maybe the dynamic plugin sizing from UL was not compatible, and if I just changed it to the max static size and deleted the UL tabs from view, that maybe it would do the trick. Wrong. Using TF2d as a tab under UL will cause UL to close instantly.
Next up, FtouchSL, maybe I can just assign a gesture to Ftouch and open close weatherpanel from there. However (why I never bothered to check this before embarasses me), there is no exe or lnk to speak of the FtouchSL directory. AFAIK, you cant assign a dll or other random file to use in that program.
My next try is Mortscript, but I don't know a thing about it really. Luckily, the rom I'm using now (SJ's HyperDragon III) has mortscript installed, but I still need to work on a shortcut. I have done plenty of searches, and have not come up with anything in this realm.
While I know that it isnt possible for these two plugins to share screen space, I was trying to find out if there is a way to enable/close a today plugin via Mortscript or any other means - AND be launchable from another today plugin, namely the programs tab of TouchFlo2d.
I will continue working on this, and I would appreciate any input from experienced (read - mature) people with reasonable insight or advice.
*edit* Hell, even if I could make a simple .exe to launch is as a program instead of a plugin. has this ever been approached before?
Wow. Even better than I thought, using this I just mapped Second Today to my PTT button. Thanks so much.
Also the other thing that I kinda stumbled into, was that for those of you running Dynamo, used in conjunction with SecondToday, you will always have the 2 screens to select from. Just an FYI.

[tomtom] problem with poi icon

i have installed tomtom 7 on my diamond and i have one problem.
Probably because of diamond's screen resolution(640x480) during navigation poi icon are too small....there is any way for fix it?can I just resize poi icon?
I have got the same problem, during driving you can't see the small icon properly, but secondly I am using the voices as well, so rather than just the beeping sound my camera database tells me what speed camera is ahead, so this solves the issue even better.
According to your advice I did try to edit and even created a new image of 32x32, 64x64, & 128x128, but none of that work, it just start to show a blank RED icon rather than "30" written on it, so I revert it back.
sidd said:
I have got the same problem, during driving you can't see the small icon properly, but secondly I am using the voices as well, so rather than just the beeping sound my camera database tells me what speed camera is ahead, so this solves the issue even better.
According to your advice I did try to edit and even created a new image of 32x32, 64x64, & 128x128, but none of that work, it just start to show a blank RED icon rather than "30" written on it, so I revert it back.
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yes im using voices as well,but with ipod conected to the car's hifi its hard to hear anything else
I guess this problem should appear on every diamond,but around i havnt found any discussion about it.......
So,its a common bug or just for few lucky diamonder??
I have the same problem, the icons is too little
Icons gone !
I have no icons on a Western Europe map V725.1905
But i do have them on an Benelux Map V725.1883.
I don't know whats going on, i use TT7 V7.451 (9033).
Also my WE map loads and is very slow and Benelux is very quick.
Check it out, maybe i'm the only one.
Sorry guys one more clarification, are you using QVGA Tomtom version?
As I was using the QVGA version of "7.40.9028", but now I am using VGA "7.451.9033".
VGA has got normal resolution as in the QVGA everything was TINY.
Basically it is just one EXE file to overwrite the existing QVGA exe in the device, I don't know if the moderator will allow this, otherwise I could upload that.
I'm using the VGA Black 7.451.9033 on HTC Diamond, but the radar icons, poi, ecc. are too small and remain too small even by increasing the zoom
Lancillotto69 said:
I'm using the VGA Black 7.451.9033 on HTC Diamond, but the radar icons, poi, ecc. are too small and remain too small even by increasing the zoom
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Like me!!!
My solution: I edit TomTom.exe to run it at low resolution mode. You'll see all menus fine... and the map and navigation screen at normal size (normal as QVGA equipment).
I spoke with TomTom's service and nobody has solution, while I can use TT7 at car and easily I can see the radar warnings.
From Xda developer tread...i don't remember where......:
I must say when I first got my Diamond it was TomTom that I was looking forward to putting on there for the real VGA 'experience' and at first glance I was very impressed... but then I started using it for navigation and, not least given I use it in 2D mode, soon found that everything was a tad too small! I wasn't so fussed about the POIs but it was the map scale overall - at arms length I could hardly see the map detail and really didn't need to see for 10 miles around - it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't zoom out so much.
So, here's how I sort of fixed it.... a kind of workaround which disables TomTom's awareness of it being VGA. The upshot of this is that everything becomes a reasonable scale however the drawback is that it's a waste of VGA and at first glance you might think 'oh my God that's awful - so blocky!' but I soon found that when actually using it in my car I really don't now notice. The blockiness is down to running at a non-native resolution - like all fixed-pixel screens you end up with unclean lines.
Grab yourself a copy of the freeware resource PC tool Resource Hacker, make a copy of the TomTom Navigator.exe file on the PPC, and open it up with the tool.
Now find the resource CEUX\HI_RES_AWARE\2057, right-click it and delete it. It will likely take the whole branch with it if it is the only entry in there. Now save the resulting file (I got an error at this point - dunno if it's Vista or what but it still seemed to work) and copy the file back to the PPC (note it makes a backup so make sure you get the right one!) - you might want to call it something different so you can then have a choice of VGA or non-VGA TomTom's to run.
And that's it... I'm sure when you first see it in action you'll think it's horrible... but in use I think it is fine and indeed for me makes it at least usable once more.
Lucausee i have use your solution, in effect solve the problem, tnx.
Excelent fix, well done and thanks.

