'access is denied' ? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

i am getting 'access is denied if I try to cut,paste,copy or delete on my exec. The programs on it are still running and it will save files in winword and such. It makes no difference if the file is on the sd card or in the ram. The story is the same as regards copying onto a pc. Help I am locked out ! I don't really want to do a hard reset in case I am still locked out and the exec becomes useless. any ideas? It happened after syncing with Vista - don't know if that did it.


Error Message when trying to send attachments w/ PPC2003

I finally managed to send and receive e-mails using my ISP's POP3 account. All fine with plain text. The moment I try to attach ANY file with any size I get the following error message:
Message attachment cannot be added. Check to make sure the correct storage card is in the device. If your device stores attachments on a storage card, you must insert a storage card to add any files to messages"
Aside of this being a very enlighting message, the files I`ve been tryimg to add as attachments were residing on my main memory in the my documents folder!!!
Any clues???
is it set to store attachments on the sdcard ?
if it is then i suspect that it require a sdcard even if the files you add are not from the sdcard
because attachments of the outbox will prob still be stores on the sdcard
Yeah, I have a SDCard. But I get the message when trying to send attachments from the SD Card or from the Mai Memory. I haven't unchecked the "store on sd card" option. Will do that and try again!
Hi everyone!
Anybody has a guess as to how send attachments with the I-mate?
Hy all.
I have the same problem.
The first time the message appeared was after upgrading to 1.72 rom.
Now I have changed to 2003se but still I cannot send mails with attachments (even if I try to store them in my sd).
Any help, please?
Impossible to send e-mail Attachments over a GPRS Connection
Hi Folks
After a long abscense and several hick-ups I finally managed to get ROM1.72 up and running. Almost turned my I-mate to paper weight! BUT.. Still can't send any e-mail with attachments. Does anybody have a clue?
Hi everyone,
I had the same problem and after a bit of experimentation, and getting really annoyed :x I managed to fix the problem on my device - as I really couldn't be bothered doing a hard reset.
Open up Pocket dbExplorer and delete the pmailAttachs database
I'd suggest you take a copy of the pmailAttachs database first - so you can restore it if this method doesn't work for you
MCEITLIN, you're saying that after a hard reset (assumed since you changed ROM versions) it still didn't work? If so are you performing any kind of restore, for files or anything?
Hope this helps.....
btw....depending on your settings I'd suggest disabling the 'store attachments on storage card' option first - just incase this is also a factor.
Error sending e-mail attachments
I found the file PmailAttachs but I have no means to either copy it, cut it or erase it. Do I need a special tool for that?
Neither exploroe nor Pocket explorer or Sprite's Pocket Monitor aloow me to reach the file!
Re: Error sending e-mail attachments
I found the file PmailAttachs but I have no means to either copy it, cut it or erase it. Do I need a special tool for that?
Neither exploroe nor Pocket explorer or Sprite's Pocket Monitor aloow me to reach the file!
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Pocket dbExplorer allows you to delete databases - as well as editing them. Remember to take a backup of the database just in case
You can get a free 15 day trial from here: http://www.phatware.com/download/dbExplorer22.exe
Thanx for this tip! It worked like a charm on my Qtek 9090!
Thanks, that solution also fixed the problem for me with M1000. Now can send attachments using pop3 gmail account.
Good bit of detective work there, Webspider. I was about to give up on this one.
Glad this has helped people
I suppose now the only problem is making sure that you don't charge up a huge GPRS bill....lol
I know I use about 3 or 4MB a day...so glad my data is FREE
Cheers WebSpider - You're a star!
I have this problem but cannot find the file - could someone please tell me where to look?
Hi there,
although i deleted the file, i still have sending-attachments problem (on Qtek 2020i with wm2003). Any ideas?
so be it - manemoi

Need Help on installing applications into Storage card !!!

Hi All,
I have an I-mate jasjar, This is the first time i tried installing applications to Storage Card (1GB), when ever i tried to install using Activesync 4.0, It doesnt ask me which folder to install i.e Like Default or Storage Card. And also If i click Add/Remove Programs in Activesync 4.0, I find that the checkbox "install program into the default installation folder" is checked and disabled. Hence I am unable to change it. Find the below image for the same.
Please can some one help me on this, on how to resolve the same.
Hi Francis,
1. Try inserting a bit smaller memory card (may be 512).
2. check if the momory card is not locked physically.
3. At the lowest, try to hard reset, but keep the memory card inside the i-mate while it install the windows. IMP: dont forget to backup important files before rebooting.
[email protected]
First of all get Active Sync 4.1 from here...
On WM5 devices like Universal and Wizard I think you choose the location on the device, so you just install to 'default folder' from activesync and when it gets to the phone instead of then going ahead and installing it gives you the choice, phone or storage card.
On 2003SE Windows Mobile, you did have to choose the location on your pc in active sync and when it went to your device it went where you sent it.
Mine is a MMC Card, so i dont think it can be locked Physically, also i dont have a smaller card to check whether it works. May be i can try your last option, but i have lot of sms, which will be lost.
Thanks a lot
As mentioned, whenever I tried to install the application in the PPC it ask me where to install. Thanks a lot !!!
Did you find out how to load a program to an SD card in the Universal? I want to know too, please.
Whenever I install an application I see a message saying: "This is from a unknown developer, do you still want to install? Press YES or NO." This is the only message I see, no option to install it to the SD card.
Any suggestions please?
Can anyone confirm if cabinstl does anything on WM5?
Its dialog pops up, but then I get the normal WM5 dialog then asking for a destination a second time.
I think I may have confused cabinstl by adding the following registry keys:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apps\Microsoft Application Installer]
which will force the Wm5 installer to ask for a destination. This may be useful to those who aren't getting this dialog by default.
However, I want my MTV. And cabinstl. Working. Properly.
i've do the reg hack, softreset but nothing succeded! any idea?

Safe Mode

Is there any way to boot a Wizard into a safe mode?
I dont want to hard reset , it boots, I put it my passcode and THEN it hangs, so it boots but something is killing it before it fully loads.
I think its the today screen itself that is hanging in, is there any way to disable/remove today plugins through active sync ? Add/Remove programs wont work, so am thinking I could probably disable the plugins and then reboot.....
If when you boot the phone and it hangs, it is still visible by Activestink, you could do in to your phone and remove the plugin files... then reboot, and if that in fact was causing the problem you might be ok.
Otherwise you'll be hard resetting. Hope you made a backup!
Yeah, it syncs if I dont put the password in. Only thing I would lose would be my SMS messages which haven't been backed up in a while. Bugger will be getting a new license for Opera.
Any idea where the plugins files are?
The thing that broke it was I installed O2 plus. I re-enabled RhinoStats cause I wanted to know how much CPU was taking, and I think it was the combo of these two things which broke it.
If I hold the power key down it does ask if I want to turn off my device, which is "nice"..... it's not dead but it certainly doesnt do much.
It wont add/remove programs, it gets half way through then dies.
ANd what happens if you break a today plugin? Does it fail to load and then have windows clean up after itself? Or does it royally break things?
Wont let me delete the rhinostats dll file and I dont know which O2 files I can delete so I shall not be touching those.
Have removed the sim card, will see if that helps get it into some sort of working state so I can fix the problems it seems to be having. -> Answer, no. Just shows a different screen when it gets round to breaking.
Any more ideas?
Ok, I dont know how I managed to do it, but this time (having now re-inserted my sim and removed the 2Gb SD card) it didn't immediatly die.
I cant explain it, I dont know if this is a coincidence, but I have now de-installed O2 plus and disabled all the today plugins I could find. I shall now be running a new backup.....
Now let's see if it dies.....
On a side note, anyone know of a way of exporting all the SMS messages in a format that is readable by a desktop computer (preferably via notepad/nano)?
if u want to backup ur sms msgs, there is a file called cemail.vol.
copy it to ur storage card, hard reset, then copy iy back again.
mohgdeisat said:
if u want to backup ur sms msgs, there is a file called cemail.vol. copy it to ur storage card, hard reset, then copy iy back again.
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Hi Mohammad, i can't copy/paste it as it is locked by something. How to do it?
try renaming the current cemail.vol to anything ..like cemail.volx then copy the old cemail.vol into the same directory where the new cemail.vol resides. soft reset.
da_mayhem said:
try renaming the current cemail.vol to anything ..like cemail.volx then copy the old cemail.vol into the same directory where the new cemail.vol resides. soft reset.
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but how can i backup the "old" one? as i said it is locked so i can't copy it...
btw: even renaming does not work because of the file being locked...
Tried checking it on my phone, and yes it can't, i guess this only works with Smartphones. I'm sorry for that.
Cavey.co.uk said:
Is there any way to boot a Wizard into a safe mode?
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Read http://www.pocketpcmag.com/blogs/index.php?blog=3&p=1255&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1

Services.exe Error on Device Restart

On 1st Jan i had to do a hard-reset of the device. Since then, regardless of the applications i've installed... my Xperia has been working with remarkable performance! But Alas! today after i was testing out new software, i ran into a new problem.
Though the performance of the device hasn't lagged, but whenever i do a soft reset, i get an error saying 'a problem has occurred with services.exe'.
Any ideas? It seems to me that it is starting something that doesn't exist anymore? Is there a startup manager app that i could use or something like that?
Best Regards.
Salman Khalid.
Oh never mind... i found that SKTools has a startup app manager, but that didn't help. I also checked missing links in registry and stuff, but still no luck... so i ended up hard resetting the phone. (true that the error came only once when you soft-reset the phone and that the phone's performance was not at all degraded, but it was annoying me crazy! )
What is the piece of software you have intalled that prior to the error ?
I think Services.exe is a system file, if that is missing or damaged you may have to do another hard reset, aslong as youve saved everything to your Pc or memory card, its ok.
One thing you have to watch with a hard reset is the system files left on the memory card from your prev install, using file explorer, click menu, show all files, and look for any folder on the memory card called things like cache, programs, MSMETADATA, WMDRM, etc, basicall anything you have not specifically copied there manually.
If you dont delete these files windows will boot up and get confused and try to follow settings you had for your last install.
Mark A Cilenti said:
What is the piece of software you have intalled that prior to the error ?
I think Services.exe is a system file, if that is missing or damaged you may have to do another hard reset, aslong as youve saved everything to your Pc or memory card, its ok.
One thing you have to watch with a hard reset is the system files left on the memory card from your prev install, using file explorer, click menu, show all files, and look for any folder on the memory card called things like cache, programs, MSMETADATA, WMDRM, etc, basicall anything you have not specifically copied there manually.
If you dont delete these files windows will boot up and get confused and try to follow settings you had for your last install.
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I installed over 10 different apps in under 10 minutes and it coule have been any one of them. Services.exe was neither corrupted nor missing, as that would have resulted in continuous errors, but like i said; the error came up only once once i rebooted.
Anyhow... i've already hard-reset the device after being unable to figure out what caused the error. As for the MicroSD card... i did a full format of the card as i can easily copy all the stuff back in from my laptop again as needed...

Device has some how put itself in read only mode

Hi there,
My HD2 has somehow made the main memory Read only, I cant install anything and cant delete anything and when I do I get the message "Cannot Delete "": Access is denied. Be certain that the file is not write-protected and is not currently in use"
Iv tried deleting multiple things and get the same message, I have done a soft reset and it still remains the same.
also the message is the same when trying to copy something to phone memory "Cannot copy "": Access is denied. Be certain that there is enough frree memory, that the destination is not write-protected and that the file is not currently in use"
Please someone tell me that there is a fix for this
Hyweljh said:
Hi there,
My HD2 has somehow made the main memory Read only, I cant install anything and cant delete anything and when I do I get the message "Cannot Delete "": Access is denied. Be certain that the file is not write-protected and is not currently in use"
Iv tried deleting multiple things and get the same message, I have done a soft reset and it still remains the same.
also the message is the same when trying to copy something to phone memory "Cannot copy "": Access is denied. Be certain that there is enough frree memory, that the destination is not write-protected and that the file is not currently in use"
Please someone tell me that there is a fix for this
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Try hard resetting the phone?
Use google to find out how.
If that doesn't work, you'll probably need to send it back to HTC.
Did a hard reset, its been two days and now it has done it again! is this happening to anyone else? or any idea why? the phone is still usable but I cant install anything or delete anything!
There is once diffrence to last time! the sd card was not read only last time and now it is! so if anything the problem has got worse!
Happened to me once. Hard reset didn't fix it.
Luckily i happened with a 2gb card and I had a 8gb in the post.
ouch wood, the 8gb has been fine for over 2 months now.
shandoli Did your phone's internal memory go into read only mode aswell though???
Update: I am going to upload a video that shows my problem in more detail!
Here is the video!
Please watch!
Please can someone just give me some new things to try?
same error not sure how to fix
Hi All,
I am alos getting the same error, not able to install and delete any application any file. Can any one help on this

