notification LED always appears on soft reset - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Every time I soft reset the amber notification light starts blinking when the phone boots. It goes away eventually, but I've not been able to determine what makes it stop. It does it when I use a program to soft reset, when I use the button, or when sprite backup autoruns. There's no unread mails or voicemails.
I believe it started doing it when I installed Shogunmark wm6_threaded. s2u2 thinks I have 57 unread SMS.
1. any ideas
2. how do I uninstall Shogunmark wm6_threaded
3. how do I clear SMS in s2u2?


How to turn off the RED LED

Occasionally, I am unable to turn off the red notificaiton LED after receiving an SMS or a reminder from the calendar.
Usually, viewing the sms, calendar entry or missed calls list will solve the problem,but once in a while I can not find a way to turn it off.
Is there a utility to do this - or could someone write a program - it must be really simple (I assume..). My only solution at the moment is to do a reset.
go into settings for notifications and the exit them. that will do the trick.
beside its pretty anoying anyway.

The mystery of the vanishing text messages

Set up Vario II yesterday, all appeared fine, installed all my 'must have' software and was ecstatic.
However, I discovered that despite having 'ticked all the right boxes' in options, a soft reset made all my texts (inbox and sent) vanish.
When I created a new folder in inbox to store read messages, and soft reset, this vanished too.
Does anyone have any ideas? Is this happening to anyone else?
Also, if I hard reset and then install a backup, will this re-install the problem?
Any ideas welcome.
Lost messages
I too have disappearing texts on my Tytn. It appears to be just sms messages that disappear and its very frustrating. Its possible it happens after a soft reset and if I havent opened the unread sms prior to reset - also I know its not for this topic but I have also found that my device freezes if I try and open my text messages whilst syncing with WMP. VERY FRUSTRATING.
Lost messages
Actually I have lots of syncing issues with Tytn. Better post a topic. Anyone know of any decent sync software. Activesync is crap!
Lost messages
Actually I have lots of syncing issues with Tytn. Better post a topic. Anyone know of any decent sync software. Activesync is crap!
how do you soft-reset? if you softreset using the stylus it won't write the txt messages and other settings to the memory. If you softreset using the on/off button it should write the messages to the memory. Hold the on/off button for a few seconds and press yes when the message appears on the screen!
All of a sudden my text messages don't disappear, in fact, ever since I installed Wisbar lite task manager, which has a soft reset button in the task manager.
On the Vario, holding down the on/off button only closes the device.
So, in conclusion, I reckon that on this machine (didn't used to happen on my old 2003SE) if you use the stylus to reset, then you lose texts, if you use another method then you don't.
Let's hope that's it.

Alarm keeps on going off after soft reset! Help please!

My prophet's (M600) alarm keeps on going off when I reset the device. There is no notification and no ways to stop it. I have to mute the device for an hour or so, then it "forgets" about it. Any idea why this happened and any ways to stop it apart from hard resetting?
Thanks in advance
Hi,which alarm ? Alarm clock ?
Yes, I think it is the alrm clock. As I said there is no notification saying what alarm it is, but it is the same sound as I used for Alarm clock to wake up in the morning.
Maybe a scheduled task registered every day no ?
No. Infact there is no alarm set now. I dont even use it to wake up in the morning. I have turned off the alarm. Still it starts after a soft reset.
Thanks for reply
Do you use a plug today in your today screen ? Next message in pm.
The problem will be a notification in the notify queue that should not be there. For a calendar reminder it will be a calendar.exe notification. Use the attached program to check the notification queue - find the one and delete. For the alarm notification - turn off alarm and check the queue and delete any clock.exe notifications which is the one for alarms. Also goto options/settings and tick both boxes and check for duplicate notifications which will be marked in red - delete those. Do not delete the other notifications they are needed for the normal running of the device.
Activesync your device and run exe from pc.
Thanks for the reply. I tried this using memaid. But no cure. So, I had to hard reset my device. Thanks anyway :roll:
Thanks for the reply. I tried this using memaid. But no cure. So, I had to hard reset my device. Thanks anyway :roll:
hey, I was having the same problem - and it worked! MemMaid will open the notificaiton queue; from there, I had to look for any "CLOCK.EXE" type notification - I found several that were set for daily alarms, even though they never rang (and I don't remember setting them.) Deleting them did the trick!
help please
So it gets rid of the notifications.
but if i want to use the windows alarm, why does it not show up on the screen when the alarm is going off? I want to be able to snooze.
should i just use a 3rd party alarm?
Worked for me
Yep that program worked for me to. only problem was i had so many clock.exe in the list and you can only select one at a time and it takes its time. but still quicker that reseting my phone up after a hard reset.
I had the same problems as others listed on here and so I am trying this fix. During the fix I noticed a lot of "null" applications.
What do all the "null" lines mean?
Example: Application - Null
Notify type - CNT_TIME
Event Status - Active
Event Type - NONE
Arguments - (none)
MemMaid worked for me too
I had the same problem, every notifications didn't display.
I installed DinarSoft MemMaid v2.3, in the QuickClean tab I checked the 4 Notifications-related lines and I performed the cleaning process.
Then a soft reset with the stylus & the small button next to the usb connector.
And then : no more orange led flashes, no more unwanted alarm sounds. And I can use the alarm or calendar notifications again. It works.
Thank you for your posts.

WinMo 6.5: New/Unread SMS icon on Home Screen won't update

Hi guys
The SMS notification icon on the Home screen shows a "1" in green circle but there are no unread text messages in the folder. I have cleared out/deleted every single text message (from inbox, sent items, deleted, outbox, drafts, etc) and done a soft reset but the SMS icon on the Home screen still shows as having 1 new SMS! Also, when i go in to the Windows Messaging (as opposed to HTC's skinned version), it shows that i have 1 new/unread SMS even though when i go in to the folder, there's nothing there.
What can i do to clear this anomaly?
Thanks guys
Is there anything in the registry that controls the SMS notification on the home page - just something i could clear/change the value?? I'm desperate as don't want to hard reset and i've tried everything else (i think).
Thanks to onthemail for the fix:
run program and do reset reset.
the fix works!
Thank you thank you! I have been in to the AT&T store multiple times and they were completely unable to help! I had to soft reset after running the fix, but then it worked like a charm!

Possible to start sms application in the background?

I wanted my sms application to be always running in the background so that I can access/send sms quickly.
I put a link of the sms application into the \Windows\Startup\ folder so that it is called up even after a soft reset. The "problem" is that the sms application will be displayed after a soft reset instead of the home screen. Is it possible to set it such that sms application is called up after every soft reset but is running in the background so that the home screen shows up everytime?
Friend, once you start SMS, the SMS application is a always running in the background till the time that you run ouf of memory and the system needs to shut down an application that is not actively bieng used.
True, but why the messaging client have to reload all SMS when opening it ?
