Help: WiFi starts automatically on Mogul - Networking

Hello, I hope someone will be able to help me out with a problem I am having on my Mogul with WiFi. I just recently updated my ROM to a leaked one that enables the internal GPS along with a few other things that Sprint has yet to release.
Before this ROM update, I would leave the WiFi switch on all the time. I found a different Comm manager named Wrlsmgr.exe in the \Windows directory and made a registry change to have it open that one instead of the default one without WiFi. To turn it off I would just go to the Comm manager and turn it off.
This worked great, when I soft reset the phone with the switch left on, the WiFi remained off at start. Now when I soft reset the phone...WiFi switch on, WiFi turns on automatically. This has nothing to do with the registry change to the Comm manager. It is the ROM.
Does anyone know if there is a registry setting for WiFi on startup, or boot, etc???? I am looking to have WiFi "Off" at startup. If I need, I will turn on in the Comm manager.
Thanks for any help!

33 Views and no one knows how to fix this. I would think there is some kind of registry settings to change WiFi "Off" at startup. I will just have to remember to shut it off in comm manager after startup. Anyone know where in the registry please?

After a lot of searching and digging through various threads I came up with these that others have claimed to work.
I had to add all of these to my registry because they weren't in there.
HKLM\Comm\TNETW1251\Parms\HTCPreloadStatus --> 0 (1 is on)
HKLM\Comm\TNETW1251\Parms\HTCPreloadWifi --> 0 (1 is on)
HKLM\Comm\TNETW1251\Parms\HTCResumeWifiAfterReset --> 0 (1 is on)
I also added these. Both to the windows folder and the .lnk file to startup as well. These files weren't in there...
Add a WiFiInit.lnk to \Windows\Startup folder: WiFiInit.lnk 38#"\Windows\WiFiInit.exe"
After all of this and many reboots. My WiFi still turns on at boot up.

err... It would start automatically if you left wifi on the last session.
If you want it to be turned off when u load your phone. Just install this CAB, and place a shortcut in the startup folder (use resco explorer, create shortcut and dump it in the startup folder in windows/)
i included bluetooth if u want that off onstartup too (assuming you left it on)...
got these cabs from marcdu81 in the kaiserforums


BT Icon?

I search the link who launch the icon of BT on the botton right. I lost the icon and I don't want make an hard reset whith reinstall for retreive it.
hope this help
try this:
There is a workaround for this problem.
It's not pretty, it requires hacking the registry, but it works.
I found it at, but had to make a slight adjustment.
I assume that you know
- How to install form a CAB file
- How to create and edit a shortcut on your Pocket PC
- How to edit the registry on your Pocket PC
Ready? Here we go:
1) Download NoPluginsToday (you'll most likely want the ARM version) from
2) Install the CAB somewhere. Make sure you know the exact location of NoPluginsToday.exe (e.g. \Storage\NoPluginsToday\NoPluginsToday.exe)
3) Create a shortcut to NoPluginsToday.exe in \Windows\Startup. Name this shortcut ZzzNoPluginsToday, so that it is last in the list of shortcuts to be launched.
4) Start a registry editor, and go to HKLM\init. Look for keys named LaunchXX. You'll want to create a new String key named LaunchYY, where YY is a bigger number than any of the XX you found. I created Launch99. The value for LaunchYY is the exact location of NoPluginsToday.exe (e.g. \Storage\NoPluginsToday\NoPluginsToday.exe) you looked up earlier.
Now you're set! Do a soft reset, and see your Bluetooth icon again! You'll notice your startup time may be a little longer.
How does it work?
The BT icon disappears because of a timeout issue when loading plugins.
We solve this by using NoPluginsToday, which switches all Today plugins off, remembers the settings, and reactivates them the next time it is executed.
By calling NoPluginsToday twice, once via the registry (early) and then again via \Windows\Startup (late), we "postpone" the loading of Today plugins until after the BT icon has been activated. That's your longer startup time for you.
Hope this helps!
(from Pocket breeze website forum)
Thank's I try it when I have 20 minutes
Timon said:
Thank's I try it when I have 20 minutes
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
hi Timon,
you can maybe try this first:

ActiveSync button in Comm manager

I just flashed my 9100 with the new ROM and in commmanager, I can't activate ActiveSync (button is "grey")
Has someone already had/solved this problem ?
Hi, I am looking for this Comm Manager file, can you extract the .exe from the ROM (use Total Commander and copy it out of the /Windows folder) and post it here? thanks!
read the same problem you are having in another ROM, are you sure that you are connected with your dekstop? If you are not, the button is grey sometimes.
The button is grey when I'm connected or not to the PC.
3 buttons (push mail, connect, activeSync) are grey. I can only use the "phone", "bluetooth", "WiFi" and "Vibrate/Normal" buttons but not the other one.
Here is also the "CommManager.exe" program
Have you tried adapting the registry to point to the right files? In the universal upgrading forum there is a thread on which settings to adjust. try a search there and see if it htelps you. I will try the file you attached (thanks for that) tomorrow and see if it works for me.
Any other answer ?
See this thread for the registry settings used in the Universal to get the new Comm Manager with more options working. perhaps on your Wizard it uses the same settings?
If you connect To your PC, the AS icon becomes available, whenb you connect to gprs/edge, the disconnect data service becomes available and when pushmail is enabled, you can disable with the stop direct push button... works like a charm.
Why would you want a comm manager button to activate either one of these, for it happens automatically when any service requires so.
In the "old"Comm Manager you could also change the AS settings by tapping th AS symbol, even if the device was not connected. Now with the button greyed out, I guess he has to go to start-programs-AS to change them. possible, but not as easy. And it is nice to have all connections under 1 button. That's why I am trying to integrate the new file into my old ROM.
Ok, tried overwriting the old comm manager with the exe provided above, but no dice. The .exe in this thread is only half the size of my current working one. Also, the registry settings I got from the Universal forum don't work, we don't have the necessary keys, so looks like our Comm Manager is working with different keys, I cannot find which ones. The .exe file above just gives: Unable to get comm Manager settings. Perhaps someone can extract and post all the Comm Manager files ( not only the .exe) from their ROM?
For me the important one was ActiveSync. I'm used to lauch it via Comm Manager. And you are right :
- push e-mail is not available (-> OK)
- activeSync is available only if ActiveSync is running
- disconnect data service is available if GPRS is connected (I didn't know what it was, I could'nt test)
So ewerything is running all right. :-D
I ran a TMO USA cab for the Comm Manager from an Ext ROM. I found the file on this forum and it is working right. It has the phone button instead of the sound/vibrate button, so that is a small improvement. If only someone could send me the file with also the direct push and gprs button in it, i'd be happy.

8525 - WM6 Slow boot time, slow draw, system bogged down

I posted this over at the cingular website, but I thought I might get a better response here.
I have an 8525 with WM6 installed. Sometimes when I perform either a soft or hard boot, the boot time is extremely slow. For example, I read here that a soft boot once a day is a good idea to free up memory. So I performed one. It takes my phone about 1 minute to go from the Windows screen to the screen where I enter my PIN. It then slowly "draws" the screen with the keypad to enter my PIN and eventually the word "unlock" appears in the lower left corner. It seems like it takes forever to not only load, but then draw the screen. Any touch input is then delayed. In WM6 does eventually load, its completely delayed and bogged down. This happens until about the 3rd soft reset when it is fine and the system is stable.
I have the following running on my system:
Sleuth255's PTTfix
enunutz HTC Home Customizer
Skunworks FlashVideoBundle
TCPMP The Core Pocket Media
C. Ghisler & Co. gtotal Commander
Vicsoft Clear Temp
Also, I have made the following registry tweaks:
1. disabled start-up animation and sound;
2. removed battery and communication from lower task bar;
3. moved battery to top of screen;
4. changed scheduling of activesync.
I have 25MB of storage space and 24MB of program space. I also have a 2GB micro-ram. Any ideas or other occurrences like the foregoing?
It may be helpful to see what's in your windows/Startup directory. There might be some sort of collision between two processes or something.
Windows start-up directory contents
ClearTemp Startup (12/18/07)
Launcher (9/1/07)
poutlook (9/1/07)
PTTStart (9/20/07)
sddaemon (9/1/07)
TrayIcon_Manager (10/11/07)
Any help?\
Also, it does appear that after 3 soft boots, the system loads normally - in other words, three's a charm apparently for some reason or another.
My apologies if you have already tried to following, just need to know:
Did you try starting your 8525
- Without the microSD card?
- Removing the sddaemon.lnk from the startup folder (it seems to be optional, but to be safe transfer it to your PC first)
- Disabling cleartemp, either uninstall or removing it from the startup folder.
I suspect that it may be cleartemp, but I've never used it. Perhaps another process is competing with cleartemp by trying to write to the temp directory??
Also, which ROM are you using? The official wm6? Sorry for all of the questions.
I have read on many posts that removing the COMM MANAGER icon (your item # 2) from the lower taskbar causes a slow boot and system lags. It actually happened to me once after installing a program, but I successfully remove it yesterday and so far have not detected any problems. I don't know at this point why it would happen.
I've tried removing the SD Card - no change, removed ClearTemp from the startup - no change. What is sddaemon anyway? And I'm running the WM6 Rom that you could download from - I guess that's the official version.
I'll try putting the comm. manager back in. It's hard to know if that was the problem, but I'll give it a shot. When you make a lot of registry edits and install programs in often hard to pinpoint exactly the problem.
It may be a little early, but so far you're a genius. Looks like it may have been the removal of the Comm Manager from the bottom. I've had three soft boots now without incident. This begs the question, do some of those other today customizers which allow you to remove the Comm Manager slow down the system too, or is it just a product of using the registry tweak? On a side note, can somebody go into their registry at HKLM/ and see if there is a subdirectory called "5"? It's empty on mine and didn't know if I just created it by accident.
Thanks everyone!
Glad to help. I still would like to know why this happens. As I recall I had removed the comm manager icon when I first got this phone and it worked fine until I tried to install a kaiser type comm manager program, which didn't work. After that I experienced all the symptons, i.e. slow boot, slow redraw, etc. I then uninstalled the kaiser comm manager and put back the comm manager icon on the screen and the symptons were gone. A couple of days ago I removed the icon again just to see what happens, and so far is working fine WITHOUT the comm manager icon. I will try to duplicate the problem...
Update 12-26-07
I duplicated the problem installing this file: "". After installing it with comm manager icon removed, it took > 4 minutes to reboot and all the symptoms re-appeared. I enabled the comm manager icon, did 2 soft resets and the symptoms were gone (i.e. boot time < 2 mins). I removed the application and installed "Kaizer Comm Manager(10 Buttons).cab" and so far is working fine without the icon in the today screen.
Same problems...
I can't really help much, but I've been having the same problem, both with the default ROM I had and with vp3g's ROM: extremely slow boot, with a successful boot on the third try...I'm thinking that the system keeps track of the number of times you try to boot, and streamlines the process the third time around to ensure a success.
Several days ago, I did this whole sequence of soft boots, and my phone actually "reset" itself: it went through the phone's "first-time-use" setup sequence, unpacking and installing default programs. I'm still running vp3g's ROM, but it now appears to be a blend of that ROM's customizations and the original system ROM, thanks to that weird reset. Anyone else know about this?

HOWTO one finger bluetooth ON/OFF? (in icon)

The comm manager one step and then BT on two step
This is a too many time when i'd like to use the GPS
How to do one step this process? One click BT ON, or one click BT OFF
Please HELP
I too would like to know this...!
You can use quickmenu.
this replaces the start menu but has a handy bluetooth menu to quickly switch it on.
Google search cicleBT !!
Simple on/off.
I use VJVolubilis.
Download the cab here -
Once installed you will have a folder under your programs that is called VJVolubilis or similar, if you go into the folder you will get to a few files/shortcuts - the one you want to run is called 'VJVolubilis BlueToggle', I renamed the shortcut to Bluetooth Toggle, moved it to the root of my programs and deleted all the other files and folder.
Then I used Buttons under settings to configure Button 3 with the shortcut I renamed to Bluetooth Toggle (or VJVolubilis BlueToggle if you haven't renamed).
Now I just hold the bottom button on the left everytime I want to turn bluetooth on and off. Really simple stuff.

Missing Icons and Folders? Please Help

Okay guys more help please!
I can't recall if I saw these things pre or post upgrade from 1.48 to 1.66 rom
1) when I pressed the windows button there used to be a folder there called games which is no longer there. I can find it via file explorer in start menu/programs (and it contains links to a couple of games I installed) but I would like it back in the main screen to be able to click on
2) there used to be an icon for bluetooth. I think it used to be in the tools folder but again I can't find it anywhere now, not even via file explorer in start menu as above. I can turn on BT via the setting switch but
a) I would like to get back icons that there there before!
b) I would like to explore what configurable options are available
sorry just to update.
I remembered now where the BT icon is/was - setting/all settings!
Still would like the Games Folder on the main screen (ie when you press the windows button and/or even better a quicklink) though!
Ignore me - I'm dim!
Found it. It is still there but the icon is different [or possibly I remember it differently!]
I have added a shortcut to the BT Manager to the startup menu so I have an icon there now as well

