8525 - WM6 Slow boot time, slow draw, system bogged down - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I posted this over at the cingular website, but I thought I might get a better response here.
I have an 8525 with WM6 installed. Sometimes when I perform either a soft or hard boot, the boot time is extremely slow. For example, I read here that a soft boot once a day is a good idea to free up memory. So I performed one. It takes my phone about 1 minute to go from the Windows screen to the screen where I enter my PIN. It then slowly "draws" the screen with the keypad to enter my PIN and eventually the word "unlock" appears in the lower left corner. It seems like it takes forever to not only load, but then draw the screen. Any touch input is then delayed. In WM6 does eventually load, its completely delayed and bogged down. This happens until about the 3rd soft reset when it is fine and the system is stable.
I have the following running on my system:
Sleuth255's PTTfix
enunutz HTC Home Customizer
Skunworks FlashVideoBundle
TCPMP The Core Pocket Media
C. Ghisler & Co. gtotal Commander
Vicsoft Clear Temp
Also, I have made the following registry tweaks:
1. disabled start-up animation and sound;
2. removed battery and communication from lower task bar;
3. moved battery to top of screen;
4. changed scheduling of activesync.
I have 25MB of storage space and 24MB of program space. I also have a 2GB micro-ram. Any ideas or other occurrences like the foregoing?

It may be helpful to see what's in your windows/Startup directory. There might be some sort of collision between two processes or something.

Windows start-up directory contents
ClearTemp Startup (12/18/07)
Launcher (9/1/07)
poutlook (9/1/07)
PTTStart (9/20/07)
sddaemon (9/1/07)
TrayIcon_Manager (10/11/07)
Any help?\
Also, it does appear that after 3 soft boots, the system loads normally - in other words, three's a charm apparently for some reason or another.

My apologies if you have already tried to following, just need to know:
Did you try starting your 8525
- Without the microSD card?
- Removing the sddaemon.lnk from the startup folder (it seems to be optional, but to be safe transfer it to your PC first)
- Disabling cleartemp, either uninstall or removing it from the startup folder.
I suspect that it may be cleartemp, but I've never used it. Perhaps another process is competing with cleartemp by trying to write to the temp directory??
Also, which ROM are you using? The official wm6? Sorry for all of the questions.

I have read on many posts that removing the COMM MANAGER icon (your item # 2) from the lower taskbar causes a slow boot and system lags. It actually happened to me once after installing a program, but I successfully remove it yesterday and so far have not detected any problems. I don't know at this point why it would happen.

I've tried removing the SD Card - no change, removed ClearTemp from the startup - no change. What is sddaemon anyway? And I'm running the WM6 Rom that you could download from http://www.america.htc.com/support/8525/software-downloads.html - I guess that's the official version.

I'll try putting the comm. manager back in. It's hard to know if that was the problem, but I'll give it a shot. When you make a lot of registry edits and install programs in often hard to pinpoint exactly the problem.

It may be a little early, but so far you're a genius. Looks like it may have been the removal of the Comm Manager from the bottom. I've had three soft boots now without incident. This begs the question, do some of those other today customizers which allow you to remove the Comm Manager slow down the system too, or is it just a product of using the registry tweak? On a side note, can somebody go into their registry at HKLM/ and see if there is a subdirectory called "5"? It's empty on mine and didn't know if I just created it by accident.
Thanks everyone!

Glad to help. I still would like to know why this happens. As I recall I had removed the comm manager icon when I first got this phone and it worked fine until I tried to install a kaiser type comm manager program, which didn't work. After that I experienced all the symptons, i.e. slow boot, slow redraw, etc. I then uninstalled the kaiser comm manager and put back the comm manager icon on the screen and the symptons were gone. A couple of days ago I removed the icon again just to see what happens, and so far is working fine WITHOUT the comm manager icon. I will try to duplicate the problem...

Update 12-26-07
I duplicated the problem installing this file: "JUVS_HTC_CommManager_Kaizer_fix.cab". After installing it with comm manager icon removed, it took > 4 minutes to reboot and all the symptoms re-appeared. I enabled the comm manager icon, did 2 soft resets and the symptoms were gone (i.e. boot time < 2 mins). I removed the application and installed "Kaizer Comm Manager(10 Buttons).cab" and so far is working fine without the icon in the today screen.

Same problems...
I can't really help much, but I've been having the same problem, both with the default ROM I had and with vp3g's ROM: extremely slow boot, with a successful boot on the third try...I'm thinking that the system keeps track of the number of times you try to boot, and streamlines the process the third time around to ensure a success.
Several days ago, I did this whole sequence of soft boots, and my phone actually "reset" itself: it went through the phone's "first-time-use" setup sequence, unpacking and installing default programs. I'm still running vp3g's ROM, but it now appears to be a blend of that ROM's customizations and the original system ROM, thanks to that weird reset. Anyone else know about this?


NullKB not working, plus some easy questions

I've tried searching, I can't seem to narrow my search enough to get relevant results.
I installed NullKB to block the annoying SIP popup from searchfromtoday. I first installed it to the memory card, and went into settings ~> input and selected it as the default input method. I go back to my today screen and the SIP still pops up when I tap the searchfromtoday box. I think that maybe it needs to be installed in main memory to work, so I uninstall, and reinstal to device. Still the same thing. I noticed that I can go into input, select nullkb, tap OK, then come back and it goes back to keyboard. It's like the change to nullkb won't "take" so to speak. Any ideas? Search from today is amazingly useful, but the SIP popup is a deal breaker.
Another quick question: How do I make programs launch on startup? I like to have magicbutton task manager launch everytime I start up the device. As it is now I have to open it after every reset.
If i remember correctly if you go into magic button settings, there should be an option to automatically start.
As a rule if you want a program to startup when the device starts place a link in the windows\startup folder, i.e. a lnk file to the program.
MSigler - after installing NullKB, try a soft reset. Also, don't set it as the default keyboard through the registry - if you do, you may end up with the device not booting anymore and requireing a hard reset (lose all data).
Mark - Thanks for the tip, I found that, but I'll use the startup trick in the future.
I did do a soft reset and it still doesn't work.

GSPocketMagic++ configuration.

Hi, first off im new to the XDA EXEC so be gentle , I've already unlocked and updated the device and now I'm just getting use to customizing it.
I've installed GSPocketMagic and although i can get it running theres a few things im unsure of.
1. it seems to slow the boot up of the device considerably, don't know why or if that might be some remnance of O2 stuff kicking around on the device.
2. The icons don't seem to blend into the themes properly. For instance the close buttons seem to be of a different colour and you can easily see that. On the main today screen when no apps are running I have an obvious discoloured sqaure in the top right hand corner. I'm guessing this might have something to do with the bmp pallettes for the images? anyone done anything about this?
3. Skining the menu , on the download site is shows its possible but i've had no luck.
it looks like a good app but its just not reaching what i need any ideas on how to configure it properly as so far from what i've seen theres limited information on it and i've not found any translations etc.
Download the latest here: http://homepage3.nifty.com/UK-taniyama/tools/GSPMagicPP.html
Goto Start menu > Option > Setting... and and "play" with the settings of GSPocketMagic++
i've had a play with the settings already and could really find what I was looking for the most i've managed to do is change the startup menu button to an image but it didn't resolve the fact that the button images for say close are off colour (even if you install the VGA xscale version (as i stated before).
Also I can't see how you skin the menu so it'd look similar to that of the existing menu bar (just for continuity of the plug in). Then finally theres the fact on boot its terribly slow to start up with this addition (or so it seems). However its still a vanillia(ish) device so i could be som O2 crap kicking around that i haven't removed yet?
dunno..hence the thread.
Smallmenu and GSPocketMagic will take quite a while to generate the icon cache on first launch. Just let it do it. It doesn't do it again after the first launch unless you manually refresh. It takes about 30 seconds for me.
If you goto Goto Start menu > Option > Setting... and directly close de Setting page it wil refresh the cache again. You can time it how log it takes. I have about 30 shortcuts in the menu (which I pointed to \windows\start menu\programs and not the standard folder), also to the SD card, and it takes about 4 to 5 secs to refresh it.
installing GSPocketMagic
Hello downloaded it
How do I install it on the Exec
is there an update 2 this? where can i find skins?

Why do Today Screen startups sporadically fail?`

Query: Why do various Today plugins randomly fail to start, even when the application and all related materials were installed to the internal memory, not to a storage card? I see this behavior from time to time with lcalendar, but also with other plugins. They might start fine 95% of the time, then fail suddenly and not startup at all. Is there some generic timing issue involved? Thanks.
I've had some trouble with my Wisbar Advance 2 skins failing to load the softkey bar section of the Today screen, and the Lakeridge site has a FAQ item on this issue that might pertain to your problem.
The Windows Mobile operating system allows only so much room for DLLs (system libraries) to be loaded due to the 64MB memory constraints. WisBar Advance uses a DLL to enable the skinning engine. If this DLL cannot be loaded, menubar skinning will not work. There are a few remedies for this:
* Reduce the number of DLLs being loaded by turning off Today screen items
* Reduce the number of programs running by closing them or setting them not to restart automatically (for those that have the option)
* Increase WisBar's boot delay (go to WisBar's settings > Times/Delays)
Rather than alter my program or Today-screen items, I tried the latter suggestion (changing from 0 to 5) and haven't had a problem since, but it's only been about a week.
I also had trouble with PocketMusic's Today plug-in, which like your experience would not show on the screen about half the time. I don't know if this is related to the WA2 problem. I emailed their tech support who said they were aware of the problem and working on it, but I just disabled the plug-in, which I can live without.

Half of my \Windows folder is gone....

Mods - I don't even know where to put this (although I've looked for similar posts, sites, wikis, you name it, I haven't seen it).
My touch screen doesn't work, I don't have a start menu that has anything in in except "Today." The rest is blank. It didn't disapear right away, either. My touch screen worked after one soft reset, and I still had the expected display of the start menu, but none of it worked. Somewhere in the middle of all that my .tsk changed to the default. After another reset, I am here:
No Start Menu (Today option only)
Default .tsk
No links from Ultimatelaunch to startmenu links work, but links to Programs themselves do (in Program Files)
No CommMgr via hdwe key, but my wifi was on when this all started, and keeps restarting, without recognizing my network (I just re-entered my WEP key)
the joystick works, and the keys do things, but the camera and CommMger keys can't find thier apps.
the joystick won't select my wifi bubble radio button, but otherwise works.
AEBPlus stopped working, so I can't get to my MortButtons to launch anything else.
Since I don't have a start menu, I don't have a file explorer I can get to (yet I have 3....)
Phone works (but only using hdwe keys)
I can't do much else (no screen print uless you want me to take a picture of it with my Wiza200)
I'm doing quick copy of my Program Files and App Data foldera to catch all the changes I did today, the rest is synced (but I'll copy what I can) via a Guest partnership, since the name of the device seems to be gone as well.
I was playing with assigning hardware keys, fisrt with AEBPlus, then I switched to Calligrapher's config mgr (I was trying to regain the functionailty of button 3 press&hold, which went away with assigning the other keys with AEBPlus). It was all I did, besides play a few audio files with Vito Audio Notes and Vito Sound Explorer, since my last reboot.
Prior to that I was trying to get my video streaming up & running this way:http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=FlashVideoBundle
, and I installed Vito Metronome (just to see. kind of a waste. KOOK K-met is better, even tiny on VGA), and MccMobile Finder, but had reset a few times to recheck my timing in a Mortscript to bring back my today screen after having MccMobileFinder and Vito Audio Notes launch on start up (niether of which will automatically minimize.)
I had just entered all my reg codes earlier today, and I know there are too many, so this sucks.
Are there any viri (viruses, I guess) that might do this? I mean, yeah, I can spend an hour or two (I'm afraid it might be more, since things go all complicated on me all too quickly) getting back to running, but what the *{^ ( |<* happened?
I hope I'm off my rocker for the moment and no one ever sees this happen to them. Any ideas?
New development: I loaded up, started doing a few things I need to do manually (I like to do my AEBPlus, and have never been successful at imprting Phonealarm setting), and lo, I soft reset, and the boot screen stcuk. The red boot characters went away, but the button lights never turned on.
Can anyone tell me if I should be sending it in to PPCTechs, or might this be a ROM (or software????) issue.
Any input is welcome.
Have you tried hard reset? If yes and still unsuccessful, try re-flashing the ROM.
something similar happened to me once when i banged my phone on something..
all shortcuts / programs dissappeared...
i only had 2 options in start menu..
did a hard reset and everythign was restored

Help! Weird malfunctions: no text input, no start menu

Yesterday, something suddenly went wrong with my phone. It became very unresponsive; programs wouldn't open, screen froze.
I had CHT 1.8.5 installed and suspected it may have something to do with that (though I'm not sure at all). I managed to uninstall it and get the original Sense back, but a number of things are still broken:
* Start menu: can't open it, neither with hardware Windows button nor with onscreen start button.
* Right hand corner icons "x" and "ok" don't show.
* Text input doesn't work: I can type on the soft keyboard but the letters don't appear.
I want to do a hard reset but would like to backup my text messages first. Problem is: I can't input my Windows Live password in MyPhone, since text input doesn't work.
Does anybody know what's wrong here and how to repair it? Or are there any other reliable ways to backup AND later restore text messages, that don't require text input?
Edit: I can use Resco explorer (except for text input) and most other programs, but it takes some trickery as they don't come to the foreground when I open them from the Sense home tab.
still have the problem?
the absent start menu and X buttons sound like a symptom of an overeager task manager terminating Shell32.exe. A soft reset will bring them back, until the task manager kills them again. I had the same problem with WKtask or xTask if i forget to exclude shell32.exe and mainila.exe from the exclusion list, (LINK).
if you don't have those task managers, but can still use the touchscreen for other things, then install MyMobiler in your PC to control the HD2 via usb. Do a full system backup, and use ActiveSync to start uninstalling a couple programs at a time until the problem goes away, and you'll know which program did it.
also, turn off CHT's lock screen, it causes more problems than it prevents. the stock hd2 lock screen should be good enough.
absent text input panel? don't know about that, but again, MyMobiler will take care of that from the PC.
Damn... that's a very informative reply. Thanks very much. I wish I had waited just one more day but I already performed a hard reset.
Still, it's great to get a little more insight on this as I was baffled by the behaviour of my phone. And I've seen a lot of weird things over the past years with different Windows Mobile devices. I don't know what could have caused Shell32.exe to shut down as the problem was present immediately after each soft reset, and I only use Resco Explorer's task manager which, I think, excludes critical stuff by default. And then there was that weird text input issue as well: it's not that the input panel was gone, but when typing on it the letters never appeared. I tried my Bluetooth keyboard and that didn't work either.
The touchscreen was still usable though, and your solution would probably have worked and saved me a lot of trouble...
I wonder if CHT's lockscreen could have been the problem. I uninstalled CHT first thing right after everything went wrong, but its lockscreen was enabled before that and maybe the uninstall left some unwanted stuff in place that kept causing trouble.
Anyway, thanks a lot for helping me understand a little more about all this.

