Internet timing out/freeze - Wing, P4350 General

Anyone know what the hell is going on when internet kicks you off without telling you, and its not tmobile shutting me off. When you try to reconnect, it's either waiting for network, or it gives a bubble message trying to connect but wont. When you disconnect by tapping the "E" while it is connecting, it won't disconnect (I'm thinking its either trying to download something, even though no internet pages are open, or anything to my awareness is downloading)

Not sure, did you clear your temp internet files?


WING and WiFi

My problems with my WiFi on the Wing (Very FRUSTRATED )!
1. When the screen turns off, the Wifi turns off. Meaning I cant use this as my email machine like a blackberry. I have to turn the screen on to get the wifi back on.
2. The Wifi it keeps "forgetting" the WEP key even though I programmed it. It happens once a week (approx)
3. The wifi keep suggesting that I can connect to all these weird SSID's around me when I have my own router set up in the phone. Just connect to mine and stop asking. At work, At Home, At my friends house, At the cafe down the street. If you dont find these, dont ask. if you do, just connect, stop asking. Stop not connecting.
4. The wifi keeps asking if I want to hook up to LOCKED SSID's. Hey, they are locked, if I knew the wep key I would try to connect manually. Stop asking! Is there a patch that allows the phone to suggest connecting to the OPEN wireless networks after it actually makes sure there is actual internet access in there?
5. How do I tell the phone: NEVER TRIES TO CONNECT TO THE EDGE OR GPRS for data. I DONT HAVE THE SERVICE. The wifi keeps turning off and the phone TRIES to get on T-Mobile GPRS or Edge all the time. I even deleted T-Mobile from my internet connections (I dont have internet access on my t-mobile account as it was extremely slow and I have Wifi everywhere I go, except when I am driving)
After months of use, I still have not been able to use my Wifi. In fact the Wifi does not connect to my router anymore, not even once. I gave up and I am paying for the $5.99 service now.
Sounds like you need to take a look around these forums... All your issues have been posted over the net and how to fix or actually "customize" them are everywhere. You may want to read the manual too since that tells you alot of stuff also.
Reading is Essential!!
The easiest thing to do is start over: reset your router (you might check out your setting on your router as well to make sure your encryption is the same and you haven't been hyjacked.
The messages of secure sites is normal: keep dismissing and it will get it. The ones you normally setup on will automatically log on.
As far as the losing the encryption, thats new: the only way I know to lose it is to reset it, or the phone crashes!!
My suggestion is to READ the manual on WIFI settings. read, try read & try.
it only took me 2 weeks to set everything up, and I never had these many issues.
Have fun. Peace
brooklynite said:
My problems with my WiFi on the Wing (Very FRUSTRATED )!
1. When the screen turns off, the Wifi turns off. Meaning I cant use this as my email machine like a blackberry. I have to turn the screen on to get the wifi back on.
2. The Wifi it keeps "forgetting" the WEP key even though I programmed it. It happens once a week (approx)
3. The wifi keep suggesting that I can connect to all these weird SSID's around me when I have my own router set up in the phone. Just connect to mine and stop asking. At work, At Home, At my friends house, At the cafe down the street. If you dont find these, dont ask. if you do, just connect, stop asking. Stop not connecting.
4. The wifi keeps asking if I want to hook up to LOCKED SSID's. Hey, they are locked, if I knew the wep key I would try to connect manually. Stop asking! Is there a patch that allows the phone to suggest connecting to the OPEN wireless networks after it actually makes sure there is actual internet access in there?
5. How do I tell the phone: NEVER TRIES TO CONNECT TO THE EDGE OR GPRS for data. I DONT HAVE THE SERVICE. The wifi keeps turning off and the phone TRIES to get on T-Mobile GPRS or Edge all the time. I even deleted T-Mobile from my internet connections (I dont have internet access on my t-mobile account as it was extremely slow and I have Wifi everywhere I go, except when I am driving)
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GPRS issues

my GPRS on my XDA STELLAR...
Even though this has now been flashed it is an ongoing issue regardless of the rom so is probably an issue with the service..
basically whilst maintaining a constant GPRS connection my internet pages will randomly stop loading popping up whatever error each browser uses to say you internet is not working..the connection becomes useless even whilst still stating there is a connection and full signal on the phone
this is becoming a problem which a simple reconnect will not fix and i need to either Turn off the phone and go into flight mode and back which sometimes work.. if not i need to power off the phone.
This is a real inconveince and i would love if anyone had any tips to resolve or.. improve this issue?

Wifi connected, but not transmitting at times

Hi all,
At times, my hermes' wifi connects to a wireless access point (WAP) successfully, but no data is being exchanged. As in, at times, a connection has reasonable visibility and signal strength, but i cannot surf the web nor sign in Windows Live. The connection just wont move, if you know what I mean. This doesnt happen all the time though. Just at times, even though the signal strength is reasonable.
Sometimes, I will manage to load a page, before the connection stops moving. I will have to connect again to load another page, before it stops again. Has it got something to do with my radio/rom or it is due to the WAP? Please help.
Anyone? Please?

Intermittent internet connection problem

Hi folks,
I have noticed an irritating, intermittent connection problem with a couple of XDA phones I've had. Specifically, I now have an HTC Touch Pro, and most of the time the internet works fine. Sometimes though, when I try to connect, nothing happens for a very long time, and eventually an 'unable to connect' message is displayed. Usually, I use Opera 9.5, which was pre-installed. But the problem also exists if I use the standard IE and also with Skyfire too. The message is different depending on which browser I'm using of course. But if one won't connect, none of them will, so I don't think it's a problem with one of those browsers. I should point out that when the browsers do connect, they stay connected. this problem only occurs when I open the browser and it tries to connect. I did have the same problem on my previous XDA device - O2 XDA Trion. I have found that if I perform a soft-reset, the internet will then start up nice and quickly on the first attempt, which I'm guessing suggests it isn't a network problem. Does anyone else have this experience? Does anyone know what might be causing it? Of all the pieces of software I've installed, there are few, if any, that I've had installed on both devices, other than the programs which are preinstalled. The only commonality between my previous device and my current one is the OS and the SIM card.
Are you speaking about your HTC PRO Wifi connnection or the EDGE/GPRS/HSDPA connection?
I also have issues with the data line not being connected or running the way you would think. I then pop over to wifi and all is good. I normally just turn off the data connection and reconnect.
Also, do you keep the connection permanently on data mode or do you let the phone log on for you?
My theory (this happens to me sometimes too) is that my phone connects to the tower and then gets timed out because of no data activity. The phone doesn't figure it out and simply shows a connection still. Then when you try to get data the phone is confused as to why the digital connection it thought it had was no longer active.
Props to me for making up **** and having it sound 2Legit2Quit.
I am talking about my EDGE/GPRS/HSDPA connection, and, now you mention it, yes, I think wi-fi works when EDGE/GPRS/HSDPA is not working. I'm not sure about that though. I'll have a go when it happens again. Which it will, very soon, because it happens all the time. It's annoying.
Thanks for your ideas!
PS: I didn't respond to your question about data mode. I'm not really too sure what you mean by that. I didn't know there was a data mode! In the Touchflo3D settings, under communication, there is a switch labelled 'Data connection. Turn off data connection.' But if I do turn that off, it just turns it straight back on again. I'm not sure that's what you meant though.

Data Connection Always Connected

I am not sure if this is even a problem, but before today my data connection to t-mobile would only connect when needed. For instance, if I was home then I would be connected to wifi and my data connection would turn off by itself, but would still connect if needed by a program, or whatever, that can't use wifi but needed the data connection instead. Like when I sent a MMS message for example. Then after the message was sent or whenever the program was done with the data connection then it would automatically disconnect where I would continue to use the wifi connection. Also, if I left the house then I would automatically be switched to the data connection as the wifi signal went out of range.
This is the way I liked it. Today it had changed the way it behaves. Now, the data connection stays on no matter what and I have to manually turn it off in the comm manager. Also, everytime the screen turns off and the device goes into sleep mode, or whatever you call it, the data connection automatically turns backs on while it is sleeping. For example, when I go to sleep I press the red hang up button to put it in sleep mode then I go to sleep. When I wake up in the morning the data connection is on and when I go to turn it off it shows it has been connected for however long I was asleep for.
Like I said I am not sure if this is a big deal or not, I just don't want to be charged for going over the data cap for some reason. And I am not sure if maybe there is a program in the background that might not be showing up in the task manager and is downloading data that will eventually cost me when it goes over the cap.
Now I know that certain things automatically connect to download data like mail, weather, stocks, twitter, etc., but I always thought that they could use a wifi connection if available. And if not then I know for sure that it used to at least disconnect the data connection after it was done.
I am basically asking if this is normal because it used to not be like this on my phone and if it is something I need worried about? Also, if anyone knows how to change it back to the way it used to be? I would greatly appreciate it if you let me know how to do it.
All I want to know is if it is normal to always have the data connection on. So does anyone else experience this? The data connection seems to reconnect by itself everytime the phone goes in standby and stays connected until I manually disconnect it.
Hey I just happen to have similar problem with the data connection turning on by itself when I check email on my wifi.
If you goto comm manager - menu - connections - advanced
Under "select which networks are automatically" - select networks
Change the connection type under "programs that automatically connect to the internet..." to your wifi connection from "t-mobile data."
Seems to work for me at the moment anyways. It's not connecting automatically to data connection when I check my emails.
Hi Michael.
It's actually the default behavior for the data connection to stay on once it's activated, until it's switched off manually. You won't pass significantly more data that way than if you just turned it off right after whatever app(s) are doing using it...the only downside to leaving it on is the speed at which it drains the battery.
There are some users who choose to leave it on, just to avoid the delay when they want to use it, and there's probably tons more who don't even have any idea you might want to turn it off when not in use.
Now I could swear there's a cab floating around here somewhere that will shut off the data connection once it sits idle for 60 seconds, but I didn't turn it up in a casual search the other day, so I can't point you to it right now
As for the apps using wifi when it's available instead of calling up a data connection, every one you mentioned should do that, and those all behave that way for maybe there's something else you haven't thought of yet that ignores wifi when it connects to update or whatever. I would start by turning off auto updating for any and all of those services you listed, and see if the issue persists. If so, you'll need to dig deeper to find the culprit. Do you have microsoft myphone connecting to backup maybe? That seems to ignore wifi on my phone, I'm sure there's other apps that do as well.
Today it actually quit doing it for some reason. So I have no idea why it did that for awhile. Now I read that some people were having the opposite problem, which was that they couldn't get their connection to stay on. Now, this is actually the way I want it. Oh well, I hope it stays this way now.
Thanks for your help,

