WiFi Password AES question - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

i have my router set up using an PSK-Personal AES password when i try to connect it tries and then it stop as far as i know it only supports TKIP so i was wonder how i could get it to work thx in advanced

Same here
I have the same problem - did not connect at all. Anyone?

The HTC Wizar, in my case Qtek 9100, does not support AES.
This due to the high processor demand for the encoding of AES.
You should either use WEP or WPA-PSK TKIP.
I had it working on a US Robotics Wi-Fi Router, but since the purchase of a new Belkin N1 Vision it is faulty again. Check my post in this forum if you can help me out.


Universal and WPA - is it on the way ? Any rumours ?

Hi all !
As far as i can understand there is no WPA support on Universal.
Did anybody hear about the plans or is there any third-party software that provides WPA functionality on Universal ?
Orange SPV M5000 flashed with JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10402.
currently supported is WPA-PSK, WPA-TKIP and WPA-WEP...
If you meant WPA2 with AES: I dont know.
I had asked (much) the same question before buying my O2 EXEC and found the answer here
Select High Tech Computer Corp (HTC) and Submit and you'll see the Exec listed as (if I remember correctly) PU10. It claims to have
WPA™ - Personal
WPA™ - Enterprise
c0rnholio said:
currently supported is WPA-PSK, WPA-TKIP and WPA-WEP...
If you meant WPA2 with AES: I dont know.
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How to achieve it ? I can see ONLY LEAP in my wireless config.
Can you help ? Did you try ?
can anyone help with this issue?
I am not sure as to how to proceed (and my obvious insufficient knowledge of wireless networks is not helping...).
I am currently using WEP, so my educated guess is that if I set WPA on my router I will be automatically prompted to sign-in with my WPA encrypted password.
Can I have confirmation of this; and also - do I need to enable/disable any setting on my xdaExec before I attempt to connect my device using WPA.
I use WPA-TKIP with my JasJar. Not sure exactly how I set it up, but can't remember that I struggeled with it.
Believe I just setup WPA on 3Com router and when JasJar connected I was aksed to enter the code/passkey, and then it worked. ...possible I did some changes on JasJar setup also...?
Actually I had some more problems due to that I also use MAC filthering on the router, and if I added my JasJar's MAC AFTER setting up WPA, it did not work, and I had to remove from JasJar and reconnect again, type passkey, and then it worked. ...but if you don't use MAC filthering, this will not be an issue.
If you struggle with it, I can remove and add it again when I get home, and note down the steps.
Thanks mrGydar :!:
I appreciate your effort.
Before you re-configure your setup - I'll attempt to alter my setup to WPA and see how it goes. If it doesn't work out within a day - I'll let you know!
Just for info, settings on my JasJar is right now in settings for my homenetwork:
Authentications: WPA-PSK
Data Encryption: Passkey
Best of luck, and if U struggle, let me know, and I'll write down the steps.
baudy2 said:
...As far as i can understand there is no WPA support on Universal....
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Don't speak too loudly. I don't want my o2 Exc to discover it's been doing something it shouldn't for the last 6-weeks. :lol:
However, I have my Exec configured for my own and four different client's networks using WPA-PSK, TKIP and MAC-filtering, so it definately *does* work. I have the habit of presetting the connection settings since my key is 27-alphanumeric characters and it's a pain typing that in blind.
There is something strange depending upon which way you go about the configuration. On a few occasions, I've clicked the Authentication dropdown arrow to find only Open or Shared options listed - no WPA or WPA-PSK in sight. I've then turned the wireless off/on, sometimes reset, or just gone back into the configuration screen a different way and the options were back again.
It's usually happened when I've been rebuilding the system after an enforced hard reset, so I've never been in the mood to track the problem further - too busy trying not to smash the damn thing against the wall! :evil:
correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't WPA security for 802.11g and up.
This model supports 802.11b only so it will not do WPA.
afaik this would mean WEP is the only option.
JaySea said:
correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't WPA security for 802.11g and up.
This model supports 802.11b only so it will not do WPA.
afaik this would mean WEP is the only option.
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Don't think so. I have a couple of clients with laptops only capable of 11b and they connect at 11b to multi-speed wireless/ADSL-routers using WPA-PSK without problems. Probably depends upon the age of the router device's firm- and hard-ware. Think one of my earlier ZyXEL models had only WEP when it arrived, but then a firmware update added WPA.
I am happy to say - I have just checked it out and it works :!: :!:
Earlier I reconfigured my router from WEP to WPA, and a few minutes ago I switched the wifi-ON, on my Exec - it just located my home network and asked for it's WPA catchphrase (password);
I didn't have to configure anything else. Just to be certain I used the internet explorer to surf a bit - and it did so with no problems whatsoever!
JaySea said:
correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't WPA security for 802.11g and up.
This model supports 802.11b only so it will not do WPA.
afaik this would mean WEP is the only option.
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I must admit I had trouble finding out where you configure the wireless adapter in the Universal... But there's no worry because WPA and everything else can be configured here...!
Firstly ensure that the wireless adapter is switched on in the Wireless Manager... FN + -> key,
Once this has done, the wireless adpater will scan for networks in range. At this point some users will be prompted for the WPA key as mentioned in previous posts (this didn't work for me).
However, if you go to Start... Settings... Connections... Network Cards now, there will be a Configure Wireless Networks tab (wireless tab)... Here you can click Add New to enter the Network Name, and specify the WPA key via the "Network Key" tab.
Hope this helps some new users of the Universal!

WiFi Problem with TyTn against WPA

Hi, maybe someone could be of any help
I tried out allready a lot and do not see a light at the end of the tunnel.
I am trying to get a TyTn to connect to CISCO APs using WPA with LEAP or PEAP or WPA-PSK and i do not manage to get it connected. The TyTn "sees" the network (SSID is hidden), tries to connect but did not manage to get connected. I tried with allmost any ROM available here. At the moment i am using the I-Mate on:
ROM version: 1.20.305.3
ROM date: 07/21/06
Radio version:
Protocol version: 32.41.7010.02H
Any help would be appreciated
Same problem here w/the Cingular 8525 and Cisco AP
Been the Cingular 8525 the same as the HTC TyTN, and using Cisco AP's at work I'm experiencing the same problems here.
The Cisco AP log shows a failure on the TCP/IP handshake when my 8525 tries to authenticate. We're also using WPA-PSK. Cisco support analyzed the log and found no explanation on why it cannot complete the 3 way handshake.
I can use WPA-PSK in my home network with a D-LINK DI-524 w/o any problems.
The next test will be to try a Linksys/Cisco router and WPA-PSK at a friends place, also I will try WEP (just for testing) at work and if I can w/o any encryption on the Cisco AP that is giving me problems.
I'll also try contacting HTC Support.
Thanks to anyone that could help, I will post any results of my tests.
The Wizard doesn't seem to support AES. Maybe other HTC devices have the same problem. I've also had trouble with routers running in dual AES/TKIP mode. Try setting TKIP only.
WM5 does not support AES. WM6 supports!!!
Entering the following line in the Cisco AP Config fixed it for me:
dot11 wpa handshake timeout 1000
I too am having troubles with the tytn and cisco AP's.
Ive done some testing
Encryption: none works
Encryption: WEP64/128 works when entering code in HEX
Encryption: WPA-PSK (HEX KEY, 64 digits) works
Encryption: WPA-PSK (ascii, 8-63 digits) FAILS
I will try the dot11 wpa handshake timeout 1000 later today, hope it fixes it.
Also noticed that my Hermes won't connect to my parents router (SSID hidden, WPA-PSK of about 16 digits). Somewhat frustrating, but never mind. Router in question is a Thomson Speedtouch 5xx (can't remember exact model number).
Go into Wireless LAN & Power Mode & max it out to Best Performance.
Same problem here... with my Tytn and an old 3com OfficeConnect b.
No way to enable WEP encryption (authentification will always fail).
Working perfect now with data encryption disabled: connection security made by letting only authorized mac-address to connect.
This way is also more secure than WEP encryption, am I right?
I will try the dot11 wpa handshake timeout 1000 later today, hope it fixes it.
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Go into Wireless LAN & Power Mode & max it out to Best Performance.
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Neither of these fixed it.
Its like the Hermes will only accept 64bit Hex key, which is fine but one of my other devices will only accept upto 63bit Ascii key
I had issues with my Cisco 1100 AP's and read somewhere on Cisco's website that QoS must be disabled on the Radio interface to get WPA/WPA2 to work:
interface Dot11Radio0
no dot11 qos mode
It worked for me
ADB100: Tried your code, still not working
Ive gotten WPA to work but only when useing the full 64digit key in HEX,
I think the Tytn has troubles with using ascii in WPA.
I had the same problem as the starter of this topic with Linksys WAG200G router, just couldn't set up to connect with WPA, so I switched back to disabled security with restriced access on trusted MAC address, and now it works like a charm.
Works for me. I have a Linksys WRT54G, and an 1100 AP. Connects to either of them seamlessly.
Just to add some more info in case anyone else stumbles on this thread.. had very same issues with WM5 on stock Hermes (T-Mobile VarioII). Had to unprotect the netork and rely on MAC filtering
Installing WM6 using Black 2.5 (now on 3.0) sorted the problem immediately. It seems some routers expect certain things from the device when using encryption that WM5 can't always provide (AES has already been mentioned). Yet another god reason to upgrade to WM6
Router here is Philips SNB 5600.
I'm having a similar problem with my Orange M700 (HTC Prophet) and Netgear DG834G.
Anyone any great ideas???

wifi fine but wont work on secured system

OK US Robotics MAXG router. All set up, laptops etc working fine. I got the mini s and the xda2i working on it too.
Then i went and stuck the security on it
WPA2 and WPA (PSK)
entered all the correct stuff on the computers and working ok.
with both the XDA's it says trying to connect but wont.
I ve looked in the distruction books for both 2i and mini s but they just say you might need to enter some password!!!
so mini s and xda 2i settings are
general tab
network name 'xxxxxxxxx'
connects to 'the internet'
network key tab
authentication 'wpa-psk'
data encryption 'tkip'
network key 'correct entry for my sys'
key index 'greyed out'
802.1x tab
nothing changeable but set to
use ieee 802.1x net access control
eap type 'smart card or cert
they both sit there saying my network is available but wont connect.
anyideas whats going on??
Network Prob
I recall a similiar problem some time ago and as far as I can remember I solved it by changing the encryption to WEP. It's worth a try.
Phil C
cheers.... dont want to go to WEP as its crackable in under 5mins by a novice now!!
Seems a bit silly that the XDA's have the apparent ability to do this encription but then won't work.
Is WEP really that hackable??
heres the info i found on it.
worth a read.
I'm using the exact same router with the same wireless security config. While other clients can connect to the router using WPA or WPA2 with TKIP or AES encryption, my TyTN simply refuses to connect.
After some intensive trial/error, I figured out the problem to be the TyTN itself, which simply can't get associated with the router when both TKIP and AES is selected on the router. Changing the WPA encryption to TKIP only while keeping both WPA and WPA2 authentication on the MAXg router solved the problem (no need to use the less secure WEP encryption).
Hope this helps.
cheers, i have been playing with my settings too. I found that i had to change to WPA and TKIP only to get he Mini s to connect but hte 2i still wont The only thing i really use the connection at home for is to transfer files if im on the laptop rather than having to go to my main puter and plugging it all in. Its a pain as i tend to use the PDA's at work for stuff. Ill just have to get off my ass n go up stairs and do it now. Its a pain and it should work but im learning that these things aint all they should be
ConnorP said:
Is WEP really that hackable??
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You bet it is, Try backtrack 2.0 is self booting linux build for "testing network security"

Help with WIFI on O2 Atom

I am trying to enable AES encryption on O2 atom so that I can connect to Office Lan using WPA-AES. Currently only seeing TKIP option.
By the way, I am using WM5
Can any one please help or suggest alternatives.
praveenvj said:
I am trying to enable AES encryption on O2 atom so that I can connect to Office Lan using WPA-AES. Currently only seeing TKIP option.
By the way, I am using WM5
Can any one please help or suggest alternatives.
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I have tried playing the wireless connection function of an ATOM black with a router the other day. The router is working properly which is being shared by few clients, and was set up with WPA-PSK (with either AES or TKIP); hence, I configure the ATOM black with WPA and TKIP but it kept connecting and disconnecting. Finally, I disabled the encryption with both router and ATOM and tried again. This time, the two devices talked to each other. Put the encryption back to the devices but failed the connection again. Think that WM5 is not geared up with wireless encryption. **Have not tried the OPEN, SHARED nor WPA though** --- Julian
Upgraded to WM6 still no WIFI access
Thanks for julian to try and help.
Since it was not working on WM5, i installed WM6.1 ROM on my phone using file PDAVIET_ROM_WM61_OS20755_ATOM_Sonblack.exe. Still I do not have ability to connect to my WIFI network. I see that under Network settings, even now for WPA and WPA-PSK only TKIP is listed.
Error i get is : "Network requires you a personal certificate to positively identify you"
My friend has HTC touch with same settings as mine and he can connect to WIFI. Is the O2 atom missing some modules. I find that my friend's mobile has AES encryption along with TKIP even though TKIP is being used.
How can I install WPA2 on the above ROM. That is one thing that HTC touch shows which my phone does not have as well.
I have not been following up the thread with PDAVIET WM6.1. So I cannot comment your problem.
You may want to access the following thread hope it will give you hint on your certificate problem.
Good luck,
I have the same problem anyone help?

can I use WPA wifi security in P3600i?

I can only see WEP in my Wifi setup, is there an update to enable WPA/2 encryption ?
I connect my p3600 to my WEP secured network, so i guess it sould work on p3600i too.
Hope that helps
yes WEP works ,but I'd like to change my home wifi to WPA as its more secure but looks like the phone doesn't support this protocol.
which is strange as I think this has been out for a few years , isn't this included in WM 6?
I'm using Lalle's latest Manila 2D ROM, and I got WPA as well as WPA2 available. I guess it depends on the ROM you're using.
Sorry I misstyped
I wanted to say:
I connect my p3600 to my WPA secured network, so i guess it sould work on p3600i too.
Hope that helps
Sorry for missleading
its funny u should be asking this im have big issues getting my spv m700 to connect to me belkin g mimo + router its set to wpa psk tkip and i cant connect it attempts to but no good just stops then comes up with a cross on me router name only way to get it to see me router as there again is to reset the phone.
now it connects to me dads fine and thats the same router only diff is firmware.
any one else had this if so how was it fixed.
p.s i allso have a ipaq rx3715 does the same thing it wont connect to me router.
