slide to unlock question - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Anyone know where i cant get a working slide to unlock with the animated themes and the caller id feature? please help!! i found links to places but all of them look like patches

come on guys 46 views and no replies!

When I searched it, here's what I found...
You just have to search around here and you'll find whatever your looking for.
Great program by the way...


Stand alone iLaunch Lock program? I do not want iLaunch, just the locker.

Does anyone know where I can find the Slide to unlock application from the iLaunch program but without the iLaunch program?
Basically I am just looking for the slide lock but to not want the whole app. Does anyone know where I can find this? I DO NOT want slide2unlock(too much memory use).
Also I have searched all over the place... Google, Yahoo, Ask... Everywhere... I can't find it if it actually exists.
And help will be appreciated.
Did you try the "slider" found on arianesoft?
YOu find the link to download it somewhere in this thread

iDialer Help?

I have searched every dialer thread found. Ive tried everyone "iphone style" & get the same problem. They all lock up between Status & keypad. Ive read alot of posts about others having this problem, but there scattered about, & ive never found an answer. So if someone can please help me out Id greatly appreciate it.
if u want and iphone dailer get an iphone

DBH Slide2Unlock Pro

Does anyone else use this? If so, are you having problems answering your phone when the slide to unlock screen is visible? I installed it today and I love it. It's easier than using the actual lock option on the Wing imo. I had to uninstall it though because it seems like it didn't wanna answer a call when I slided to unlock it. I'm not sure why. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, is there a fix for it?
I believe I got it in that post where there's a bunch of cab's posted. It was shared by the starter of the thread. Here's a link to the file:
Nevermind. I tried searching before I made this post and I didn't find much. then I tried searching again and I found a thread about this program where the creator posted updates. So the new version seems to answer calls correctly. problem solved I guess. Nice program btw.

cant find a clock:HELP

hey I was wondering if you can help me find a clock, it was I variation of a flip clock, it was a clock with the writing on antique looking paper, I remember seeing it, but I have looked forever and cant find it, so it anyone could help that would be great!
it is found on this page first post:
someone has to know how to find this clock????

apps or shortcut helps please

hi all, im after a shortcut to use on either iphone today or easy today UI's so i can adjust my backlight quickly, and 1 to lock the device.
if you know of any apps which i can use for the shortcut please let me know, or if you know what shortcut i can put into the thing that would be evan better.
also i saw a thread about how to change the LED light colour but i cant seem to find the thread now, so if anyone knows the one im after please share the link, i have tried to search but still no luck.
i found one of the app shortcuts in the thread here:
hope it will help others using easy today launcher or iphone today ect...
ive just found the 2nd one aswelll. both were found via google instead of on xda site, evan tho there both on this site!!!
heres the link for the backlight thing if anyones interested...
now i just need one to change the light colour LOL

