Universal/Jasjar sound fiasco...but it works with OpenMoko - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Ok I have been searching for a fix for the past months to my headphone only audio issue on my device. I have tried all the fixes that have been posted(push headset in and out, delete bluetooth profiles, backdate rom, etc) but nothing has worked thus far and because I don't make a lot of calls I did want to use it as a phone. Anyway, up until now I just assumed that this issue was hardware related(which makes no sense because when i get a call the ringer works no matter which ringtone I choose, it works). I go ahead and install the latest OpenMoko Linux and ..tadaaaa audio...I figure this is the site for developers, can someone tell me if there is some way to check a registry setting(that for some reason has not been reset no matter which rom I have flashed or how many Factory Resets I do) that can be changed or some kind of full refresh/wipe of the memory to reflash...something should work...as much as I would love to just use the OpenMoko only, its still in its infancy on the wizard and not as complete as WM5 and 6. Any suggestions???

I had a simlar problem.
Exec would only work with the headset plugged in, or with bluetooth. It would ring and if I answered it with out the head set plugged in or a BT, I couldn't hear the person on the other end. I too left it as is for a while untill I eventualy gave up and took the back off to have a look at the socket for the headphones. With some carefull jiggery pokery, I manged to hold the battery in place whilst testing various connection options. It turned out in the end that the contact at the back of the socket was bent "locked" into the headphone plugged in mode. The trick was to bend this back carefuly so it no longer makes contact. Once done, I put the exec back together and hey presto, the speakers and mic worked again. THe only down side is I can't plug in a head set anymore, but this realy isn't a downside for me as I use BT all the time anyway.
Hope this helps


M500 speaker not working, but phone still rings

Yes how strange. If someone calls me the phone rings, but if pick up the call or i move the volume control up and down i hear nothing. No sound enabled applications make any sound. If i put the wired hands free kit in it still works fine (phone calls and applications). At a gues i'd say the chip powering the internal speaker has died, but then how does the ring get played? Orange said it may be a software problem.
About to clear the memory fully buy taking out the battery for over 10 minutes. Fingers crossed it'll fix it.
Any other ideas, or has anyone else had this problem?
I used to have a simlar problem with my Himalaya in that after using the wired hands free there was no sound. This turned out to be the switch in the jack socket not working properly. Plugging and unplugging it a few times it would free it up. But this wouldn't really explain why yours is still ringing.
Hi, That would explain it you know. When the hands free kit is plugged in and the phone rings, the main phone still plays the ring tone, but all other audio goes via the wired hands free kit.
Fantastic, problem solved. Orange are sending me a new one this afternoon anyway, but its good to know its not me going mad.
I do use the wired hands free kit every day though, so something to be careful off!
no sound output from my O2 Xda II mini!
To: futurity and jwhitham
I have had the same problem for a week now and it's driving me up the wall. I have been plugging and unplugging the head phones to no avail. I have been in contact with O2 Technical Support, Asia Pacific Region (where the device was purchased) but all their reset-suggestions have failed thus far. (There is something about a Cab File that I haven't tried yet.) What surprises me is the fact that I have only used this device for 6 months ...I don't want to go back to my old mobile but I love my O2!! and this incident makes me want to cry as there is no O2 support in North America (where I reside)! I feel so alone and lost with my device!!
Any help would be appreciated!
No sound output
Hi Upcityhighroller,
Its a hardware fault so no amount of resetting is evey going to fix it sorry. The socket where the headphones plug is has broken, telling the phone that the headphones are constantly plugged in, even when they are not. the only solution is to fix the headphone socket, or just live with a phone where you will always have to use a headset.
My headphone socket broken within a month of getting the phone, but i think i may have dropped the phone and the headphones lead caught it (i think this may have broken it).
My solution was to exchange the unit with a new one.
I hope this helps?
sound/speaker issue with O2 Xda II mini
Hey Futurity - thanks for the reply.
Another contributor on this forum had the same problem and suggested tapping the device against my palm. I gave it a try and it worked!! HOWEVER, now my power button isn't working. ARGH!! At the moment, I have the buttons UNLOCKED so it can be turned on by any of the buttons and have it set so it turns itself off after 2 mins of inactivity - but that doesn't solve the problem. I have contacted O2 about this again and although I hope that they would be willing to replace the device for me, I am afraid that it will take an extraordinarily inconvienient amount of time, make me pay the courier fee, and I will be left with no phone to use! I wouldn't be as worry if there was an O2 office here in my city. No matter how I LOVE learning about new gadget/tech toys, It is times like these when I miss my past simple existence with my Nokia 6100 and Moleskin notebook.
From scrolling through this forum, it seems as though many have experienced the sound output problem with the headphone socket. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the makers of the Magician suppose to test these things out vigoursly??
Many thanks!
To be honest a lot of these types of problems are only reported after the device has been released due to everyday use. I mean its hard to test all the possible strains that a headset socket would go under. Saying this, a Sony Erricson head set plug would just pop off and would not damage the socket as there are just contacts and no socket.
For me, dropping the phone and the head phone lead being the only thing that stopped it from smashing on the floor put a lot of strain on the socket. I preferred this to the phone being totally broken. Thanksfully my Orange insurance means that i had next day replacement. I phoned before 5pm and got it in the morning the following day.
I think the makes expect everyone to use bluetooth instead of the wired headset, so the socket doesn't need to be so robust. I only use the wired headset because because the voice dial doesn't work through the bluetooth headset and i can't listen to MP3s through it. I still think its a great device and seems to be the must have PDA this Xmas.

MDA Compact II and no sound

I have a MDA Compact II using the latest T-Mobile ROM and experiencing a problem regarding incoming phone calls and text messages notifications. I have set the phone to ring full volume and text messages are assigned to an audio notification. Occasionally when I receive texts/phone calls there is no audio notification even though they are switched on. I am missing quite a few phone calls and the only way to get the audio notification back is to soft rest the phone.
Does anyone know how to get around this?
Just to say I have exactly the same problem. phone working fine for 3 months then sound only after soft reset, then stops working after a couple of days. i cant attribute it to any event
U2 have probably a program installed which is eating up sound handles (i.e. not releasing them after usage). A soft-reset releases them of course. So you have to uninstall some 3rd party software to find the nasty one...
No Audio
Am running a T-Mobile Compact 2 with WM5, also installed is Spb Pocket Plus
I have no audio for any Windows Media Files or for any sounds / notifications e.g. the alarm. I do get audio playback and notifications through wired headphones. The phone will ring and vibrate when called.
2 Soft resets and the removal of an Alert progam unwittingly installed from Skyscape (medical and nursing texts for PDA) have not resolved the issue.
I have been into sounds and notifications and ticked all the relevant boxes. Interestingly in notifications I ticked the box for the device to vibrate when using activesync. It was vibrating but not making any sounds earlier.
One of the seniour guys at Pocketnow.Com has suggested that I have somehow turned down the speaker volume. If so - how do I turn it back up? Trust me when I say that the standard volume display shows volume at full.
Any ideas?
I've just got back into work tonight and synced with my work PC. When active sync started up the audio came back online. I have no idea why.
Any deas?
Still No Audio
Last night the audio on my T-Mobile Compact 2 came back online when I was synced with my work computer - great! I even unplugged the USB lead and audio remained. I then resynced and carried on listening to headphones for a few hours while I worked. When I disconnected I found that Audio had died again. I therfore assumed that it was an issue with Activsync 4.1. I deleted the sync relationship on both my device and the PC, did a soft reset and created a new one. Still no audio.
Does anyone have any ideas about what is going on? I am thinking about a hard reset if no one has any thoughts.
have just tried calling my deviced from a landline, what i've found is that the device will ring but that I am unable to communicate using it (Can't recieve or send voice) unless I use the wired handsfree kit. Have not tried a bluetooth headset.
Sound problems with telephone
If your PDA works when playing sound files but you cannot hear anything when telephoning, the problem is usually bad contacts on the phone earpiece.
The PDA has 2 speakers, one for sounds and a smaller one for the telephone.
You must open up the animal and clean the contacts on the motherboard.
Hope this helps.
I have the same problem...sound is often working normally, but sometimes it just stops for a few days or longer. It is very annoying to always take the wired headset with you. Soft-resetting does not help in my case. I also have SPB pocket plus installed and a wireless network SDIO card. I could however not find a general rule that makes the sound stop... e.g. installed software or activesync problems.
I read earlier about cleaning up the speakers, but I have no idea how to open up the phone. Suggestions?
It could be the problem from the wired handsfree jack/socket, once you are taking the pin out, the socket is not switching the device speaker functionality back.
The picture attached is for illustration only, and the functionality is to cut all the sounds from the device and through to the hansfree, and once the handsfree is out then to restore the device's original sound system.
Not 100% sure but someone can try to clean the jack without opening the device.
1. Switch-off the device, remove the battery, leave it for 10-15 minutes.
2. spray a minimum quantity of CONTACT CLEANER ( http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=4153&criteria=contact cleaner&doy=15m11 )
3. Leave the device again for 10-15 minutes to evaporate any moisture
4. Put back the battery and try now.
Has anyone tried yet??
yes, hands-free socket could be the problem
My beloved Jam suddenly lost sound yesterday, and it does seem to have been caused by a physical failure inside the hands-free socket. I was able to fix the sound by opening up the device, opening the little black box that houses the socket, and tweaking the contacts.
All sound suddenly disappeared except for bluetooth and the wired hands-free earphones. Without using those accessories, there was no phone audio, no sound from speaker (from ANY source), and--interestingly--the mic did not work at all. But calls worked fine through the BT headset, and all sounds from all sources came through the wired earphones when they were plugged in.
This evidence all pointed to the existence of a switch inside the hands-free socket that was stuck, telling the device to send all sound to the wired earphones even when they weren't plugged in. After opening the device and the box that houses the socket, I pried the contacts a bit with a pocket knife, hoping to ensure that when the there's no jack inserted in the socket, the device will know it. Sure enough, after I put things back together, sound is once again functioning properly. Whew!
BTW, the problem started after I took the Jam skiing so I could listen to music. It might even have been caused when the earphone jack was violently pulled out at one point. Anyway, I had already decided not to try that again, because the Jam seems to stop functioning reliably above 9,000 feet.
Hi, I had the same problem as all of you, what i did to fix it was...
1. plug in handsfree
2. pull handsfree ^up^
3. now slowly pull out
This should cure the problem as it cured mine
thousand thanks to Ayyub and mtn_lion. i'm glad i went to page 2 of this topic. now i can invest my time for important projects. the importance of sharing ideas in this world will help evolving each other without having to go through the same paths again. to everyone reading this: it's okay to share your painful steps even though you didnt find a working solution! dont make others do the same mistakes over and over again. support the evolution. it could save your life and millions of others soon or later.
We have to thank everyone who posted in this topic. Without them, we would mostly still be struggling. Great contribution folks!
same problem here
I, too have an t-mobile MDA and have had the same exact sound problem with and and have exchanged two with t-mobile - all three lost sound after a day or two and the only thing that brings it back is a soft reset. I do NOT use a hands free unit pr plug anything into the headphone jack so that's not the problem. T-Mobile claims to know nothing about this problem....
Littleton, CO
well, i was experiencing the same problem when uninstalled "pocket zen phone" application. after uninstall, charmer sometimes lost sound completely and only softreset brings the sound on again. hardreset solved this completely, not using PZP anymore...
Hi I have this same problem with my T-Mobila MDA Vario II, it did hapen before to me but i just did hard reset and thath solved the problem, but this time it didn't helped. I allready reflash MDA with 3 different systems and still this same, i was trying to plugin in and out handsfree kit but that didn't help. MDA doesn't have any sound now, only thrue handsfree kit. Is any one have any more ideas what i can do?
It unblocked it self after 24 hours lying on the shelf, so still don't know what's couising the problem.

Strange sound issues (this is a tough problem!)

Hey all, im glad this site is up its been great finding what i can really do with my wizard!
here is he issue im having. the wizard has 3 different speakers and 1 microphone. 2 side speakers (used to play music, or speaker phone) and the 1 main speaker (used for hearing calls). none of the 3 work when im making calls, listening to music, alarms, or any of the "screen click" sounds and the microphone doesnt work on phone calls or note recordings. however, the one time the speakers do work is when i have an incoming call, i tried listening to see which speaker its coming out of and it sounds like all 3. the headphone jack still works so thats what ive been using. pressing the speaker phone button while on a call (that i cant hear) doesnt do anything, the UI doesnt show any change or switch to indicate its changed to speaker phone and the "speaker on" button doesnt change to "speaker off" like it used to.
originally i thought this was a ROM issue, i was using the manufacturer's ROM (cingular 8125, unlocked for tmobile service) so i followed the lovely tutorial and switched my phone over to the t-mobile 2.26 ROM. this had no effect, so I then upgraded to XDA's WM6 ROM and while i love this new ROM it still did not fix my sound issue.
im stumped, any help anyone can offer would be great. I wanted to post here before i crack it open to look at all the insides.
same problem!
I'm having the exact same problem! I just noticed the problem recently, when my phones alarm didn't sound. I'm running a custom cooked rom from mattk_r 318 kitchen, but I don't think the rom is the problem, as i am indeed still hearing sound from the head phone jack. I don't think the internal speakers are broken, as when a call comes, the phone rings, and the sound come out from the speaks as mentioned above!
have you ever dropped your phone?
I have dropped mine a couple times and thats the only cause I can come up with. But this never seemed to be a problem until recently.
no major drop recently.
i havent really dropped it recently at all.and for some reason i dont think the hardware is the problem,because i tryed voice recorder,and it records my voice and i can play it
back through the headset.so that confirms that the mic and both spealers work (rings
when incoming call). i really dont want this to be the downfall for my wizard! is there
any key registry entrys for sound maybe that we could have a look at? btw my wizards a G4 if thats makes any difference.
please help!!
mine is a g3, if it were a software issue then reflashing should have solved it. right? i dont know enough about the internal workings of the wizard to know what a flash actually does.
Anyone have any ideas on what I can try?
Well, a flash is an OS upgrade/downgrade. It contains drivers, programs, registry settings, things of that sort. Sounds like your problem is hardware related, nothing to do with the OS itself.
I assume the warranty on that baby has already expired, so you're pretty much on your own.
Two options come to mind:
1. The obvious... buy another Wizard
2. The not so obvious... buy another Wizard with a broken screen and take all of its guts out and put them in yours.
A third option also exists... (ther's always a third way)
Mind you, this is for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY! In no way do I condone the below mentioned method.
Get a new line of service with Cingular and buy the Wizard to use with it. Exchange their boards, swap the IMEIs using the Wizard Service Tool utility found on these boards, cancel the line of service and return the "new" Wizard.
Sound issues
I have had a similar problem but located my problem to the microswitch which is in the headphone socket. Might be worth trying pulling the headphones in and out a few times to see if it allows the microswitch to release (if that is the problem?)
The wizard is magic
Some how my wizard seemed to repair it self. Its sound is working again...i didn't reflash or do anything special....weird. I think its because the phone had a good vibrate....ive got one of those speaker docks for the wizard..i put it in there...got a phone call and talked and stuff...but while it was in there (with the mic plugged it) it vibrated alot...maybe that flicked the switch mentioned above?
weird..this phone never ceases to amaze me. I just hope it doesn't happen again... because it appears to be emerging as a problem as the wizards get older?
Keep up the good work guys!
LOL!!!!!!!!! its so simple and yet so amazingly smart
wow, Steve you are the most amazing person EVER!
I put the headphone piece in about 1/10 of the way and slowly made a swirling action as i slid it all the way in, clicked the start button on wizard and i heard the "click" for the first time in a month!
I tried different options to get my sound back, no luck so far
Problem started after using the headset-connector to connect it to an FM-Transmitter.
After reading this thread, my guess is that the "micro-switch" is in a wrong position. So I opend my MDA, but can't find any "switch" in that connector.
Is there some more info about that connector, a connection-diagram perhaps ?
what worked for me was inserting the headset jack in roughly, robbing each side of the headset jack to try to hit the "switch". that might work for you.
Yes!!! Thank you a lot!
I have the same problem, no sound in my speakers, just vibrate and sound in handsfree. I figure out that this micro-switch could be the problem, but I haven't know how to solve it. Thank you once again, I love my SPV!! and this community.
This problem just cropped up for me on the weekend.
Thankfully it wasn't long before I happened across this thread.
About a minute of persistent jiggling the microphone jack did the trick.

Switch from headset to speaker?

I just bought a used Trinity a few weeks back, and I'm still playing around with it. I've got a question (searched the forums + read the manual with little results).
How do you switch between the wired headset and the internal speaker?
Currently, from my setup (I'm using AXL's 3.0.6 rom), the sound doesn't immediately switch from speaker -> headset unless I put the phone in standby and then turn it back on again. This will cause some problems if I happen to be listening to music (I use an adapter), and then an incoming call comes in... the phone is then totally useless unless I also happen to be carrying my wired handsfree kit....
Please tell me that this is not the normal mode of operation...
I've got the opposite problem, I cant switch from the speaker to the wired headphones, I thought it would have done it automatically, but nothing....how did u get urs to work?
I couldn't get it to work. However, I've mastered the quick art of turning the phone off, pulling out the adapter, and waiting for the ring to turn the phone on again... sometimes it still doesn't switch back to internal speaker mode, which irritates me and my caller.
From what I read, it's a hardware thing, and I'm too lazy to get it replaced currently, so I'll wait till it's totally broken and then replace it.

Audio dies on my Uni... then is resurrected!

Yesterday, something strange happened... The speaker and microphone on my Universal stopped working - all of a sudden, out of hte blue, and completely inexplicably!
I spent 4 hours on a train yesterday, and was listening to music on my Uni nearly all the way through. I had also used it to make calls and it was working fine. Since I was using normal headphones rather than the bundled hands-free headset, making a call involved unplugging the headphones and holding the phone to my ear - so I know that, for at least part of the day, the phone's speaker and mic where working perfectly!
I kept on listening to music on my cans until the journey ended. I then check my phone and find 9 missed calls, from various people. "Strange," I thought, "I had the headphones on all the time - why didn't I hear it ring?"
I try to call back some of the people who had tried to get to me. As I watch "dialling..." switch to "connected", I hold the phone up to my ear and say "Hello...?" and hear nothing in return! I try again several times, with the same result. I try soft-resetting the phone a few times. I try switching from 3G to GPRS in case it was a radio problem. Nope, not a radio problem, as I can still send and receive texts. A few start coming in. They read "I CANT HEAR U! R U ALLRIGHT?" Great, so it's not just the speaker, it's the microphone too. I try making another call, but using speakerphone: doesn't work, and in fact won't even enter speakerphone mode! I press "Speakerphone on" on the touchscreen but it just doesn't want to go there - the speakerphone icon doesn't appear on the status bar, and the button doesn't change to "Spreakerphone off" as it should do.
I get home, do several more resets. No result. I try plugging in the headphones and playing an mp3 file. As I suspected: I can hear just fine through the 'phones, but when I try to unplug them to see if there would be music coming out through the phone's speakers as well, they stay mute.
Great, I thought, phone's busted! Well, still works... but not as a phone! Unless I permanently use some hands free solution. So, an unwieldy device just got more awkward to use!
I leave it disassembled (battery and sim card out) and put it in a drawer. I'm already thinking about new phones to buy when I go to sleep. The next morning, I decide I need to check my calendar, so I put my phone back together and switch it on. The battery had run down completely: it now thinks it's January 1st 2006. Happy days, I remember them: my phone worked back then. Then, all of a sudden, someone calls me and, oh joy of joys! It RINGS! I can HEAR it! It's 2006 again! I answer, casually have a conversation on a working phone, and hang up. Problem solved! Phone shopping averted!
The question is, why would this weirdness happen? The speaker and mic stopped working LITERALLY in the middle of using them! I was sure that they had gone, that it was a hardware problem and it would need repair or replacement, but no, it turns out it was some kind of software problem which leaving the phone off overnight fixed! Why would it break so suddenly, and why would just leaving it off fix it? Anyone vaguely tech-savvy want to hazard a guess?
If you use earphones, your 3.5 plug is simply shorted when you pulled the earphones out. What I suggest you do is start playing some music or sound files on your media player and insert a very fine thin screwdriver into the earphone plug then wiggle it lightly until the sound from your speakers comes back.
Yea i had same problem ... and as Enigma said it is due to some left over of 3.5 m jack....the phone still thinks the jack is plugged in, hence no sound from built in speakers.... just take a toothpick and wiggle it in the 3.5 m earphone socket or you can just blow it with some air.....

