As chinese people said:name is not his ture~ - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 ROM Development

Blue angel with poor with bluetooth proformace~
Why I cant use bluetooth out of 1M?

"Why I have to pay the bill? Where is my document? What file run away? Why my pocket is out?" Je ne sais pas... Non comprende... Nie rozumiem... Nie chcę...
toxi, please... let us understand your problem. Explain. In plain english. And use logical thread subjects, OK?

jakubd said:
"Why I have to pay the bill? Where is my document? What file run away? Why my pocket is out?" Je ne sais pas... Non comprende... Nie rozumiem... Nie chcę...
toxi, please... let us understand your problem. Explain. In plain english. And use logical thread subjects, OK?
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THX~I will.May be you have the same problem with me
The bluetooht signal on SX66 is too poor.Today I miss a important call when I'm was on highway cos just put the sx66 besid my seat~
I will soon put it into dustbin~or some one need it without bluetooth~

aaaaaa, OK, you complain about BT range in your BlueAngel. I have bad news: you have to live with it. BlueAngel had and will always have ****ty BT range. No fix for this. You can just think about buying ifferent device.

its easy ...
KEEP IT IN YOUR POCKET ! .... solved !


Unable to place the dialed call.

Hi I have very big trouble. I bought XDA, few days ago it was used. The guy that I bought from was calling normally. But when I want to call i got message : Unable to place the call. Check the number and try again.
I do not know what is going on. I tried to configure it, but it doesn't work. I can send sms, receive the call but in case of that I cannot make call it makes me worried...
please help
I'm really green in PDA, and do not know how to configure it or upgrade.
if there is anyboy in Warsaw that can make it working for a piece of money I can arrange meeting.
please help :arrow:
Hehe ... jak widze Nasi gora !!!
why don't you make an upgrade to wm2003 with either not-official T-Mobile ROM from or make a cooked ROM from there ??? I do not know what might be the reason ... i.e. it is difficult to say
or eventually, if that is possible turn to the person that sold you that device for help assuming he is living next door
maybe if you live the same city ... I can help you out, if not you need to send me your XDA to have a look
regards, monika
ps. (pardon my Polish) nie chce cie martwic ale mogles kupic zepsutego, ale na odleglosc nie pomoge

What was this wifi programme i used !!

Hi All,
A few weeks ago I downloaded a small brilliant and useful programme off the net for my XDA2s used for discovering wifi sites in different towns.
I was able to tap in the town In the UK and it would come back and tell me the local sites available (not neccessaraly to connect me) .It appeared many of the towns in the UK were covered.
For the life of me I cannot remember the name of the software and I inadvertantly discarded it....but now wanting to put it back on my XDA2s.
Can any of you knowledgeable guys help me out with the name of the pprogramme I wonder ?...........and of course where I download from ?
Any help would be appreciated.
Kind regards to you all and thanks for a great site.
Wifi Scanning...
Certainly not town-based, but WiFiFoFum gives me accessable WiFi APs.
Retina is another but again not town based.
Pardon my ignorance, but what would be the point since the XDA2 hasn't got wifi?
Pardon my ignorance, but what would be the point since the XDA2 hasn't got wifi?
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But Gaz the SPVM5000 / Universal / Exec has !
Rick GM said:
Pardon my ignorance, but what would be the point since the XDA2 hasn't got wifi?
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But Gaz the SPVM5000 / Universal / Exec has !
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Indeed, but he said XDA2
traveller's question was reated to XDA2s which certainly does have wifi - at least mine did !
Ah sorry. Didn't realise that.
Alays thought the only difference between the 2 and the 2s was the 1.3mp camera
But anyway, why not google from your PDA and do a search for hotspots. No software needed !

Problem coverage whit Spv 3100

Hello, before that at all to greet yourselves and to congratulate yourselves on this forum.
To seeing if someone can help me with a problem that I have. Buy for ebay the new spv last week. During this week and detected that well when I call from the spv, or if I call the spv from another number, he(she) says to me that the mobil this one extinguished.
Nevertheless the pda marks his(her) coverage correctly, or says that there is coverage but you can neither make nor receive calls. Not only coverage marks, but mark that this connected to 3g or gprs.pero nothing.
This mistake is random. By snatches it(he,she) goes, by snatches it(he,she) does not go. It(he,she) does not fix up with soft reset.
The case is that I am llamdo to orange, and they say to me that they change the terminal, but for the repaired one, (position(place) to new) textual Words.
That opinais, sabeis in that been these terminals come?
Some solution for the problem of the telephone?
Thousand graces(thanks) in advance
Lamento que este foro acepte solamente la lengua inglesa.
Utilice por favor un traductor del Internet.
Guarde su cortocircuito de la pregunta y simple.
¡Si puedo hacerlo! ¡Puede tan usted!
jrabinat said:
Hello, before that at all to greet yourselves and to congratulate yourselves on this forum.
To seeing if someone can help me with a problem that I have. Buy for ebay the new spv last week. During this week and detected that well when I call from the spv, or if I call the spv from another number, he(she) says to me that the mobil this one extinguished.
Nevertheless the pda marks his(her) coverage correctly, or says that there is coverage but you can neither make nor receive calls. Not only coverage marks, but mark that this connected to 3g or gprs.pero nothing.
This mistake is random. By snatches it(he,she) goes, by snatches it(he,she) does not go. It(he,she) does not fix up with soft reset.
The case is that I am llamdo to orange, and they say to me that they change the terminal, but for the repaired one, (position(place) to new) textual Words.
That opinais, sabeis in that been these terminals come?
Some solution for the problem of the telephone?
Thousand graces(thanks) in advance
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I'm not sure I fully understand.
Is the phone being blocked by Orange?
Is Orange saying you should get a new one from the place you bought it?

Really need helpppp

ppl i´m from portugal...i bought on ebay a xda vario I and i have a problem with wi-fi i can´t get connect to my network using wi-fi...anyone can help me?the pda find my network i enter the key but don´t connect... help me plz sorry my english
omg, so you have vario and cannot connect by wifi.
any fockin more details?
can you use ppcphone at all?
did you read a MANUAL at last?
mods can me ban now for that...
sorry for my bad english too.
'e muito facil man.
It is easy man.
hum i have other problem no...on the other day the screen dissappear litle slowly, i don´t know what it is!it started after i format, and pass some hours the screens appears only with some line and everything else white...but if restart the pda the screens become ok...its a software or a hardware problem???

[Q] Qtek 9100 WM 6.1

i have a problem and maybe somebody can help mi.
I would like to that if my Qtek commes out standby automatic a SMS ("Help i am having troubles") commes to my GSM (my GSM number).
It'is for my old mother.
So, the only thing she have tot do is putting the "ON" button.
Maybe this question is too much, but maybe someone can help mi.
Thanks a lot.
Pity that no one can help me.
I am sitting here than on the wrong forum?
Can someone tell me where i or should be?
Sorry for my bad English.
I do note understand well.
So many great programmers on this site and nobody can help.
I regret very much.
OK, i have another solution.
This should be closed, thank you.
