Touch screen replacement - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I managed to take my Hermes apart and replace my Touchscreen. When i detached the touchscreen I had to take these orange connectors off, they were held in place with see through tape. One for the touchscreen about 1 cm wide and another one (my guess is the backlight ?!). I did so and i think maybe a bit to rough/unhandy. I replaced the Touchscreen and tried to connect those orange connectors again with some tape. Put my whole phone together again. Now I do not have backlight anymore and my touchscreen is not working... I think some pieces of the connection of the orange connectors stayed on the phone and some on the connector itself so it cannot make contact anymore...
What is the way to reconnect those orange "connectors"? Maybe it needs soldering?
On the picture you can see one of them.

I'm guessing you may have just screwed it... Unless anyone else knows different?

Damage to flex cable
If you have brocken the flex cxable on the touch screen you can find a new one on ebay at this link


screen just shows lines

anyone know how/where to get an xda mini II repaired? i'm in italy, but i can careless where it has to go. I'm at the point where i would rather just sell the device for it's workable parts (if there are any)...Today the screen has done a myraid of interesting things...anywhere from blank to thousands of vertical lines....ugh...
ohh yeah...warranty is void....or is time to just move on? answers so i thought i would add some images ...anyone seen this before?
Mate i had a similar **** up a while back ...I did a HR and it worked fine..for me it was caused by a Overclocking software [Dnt want to Name it ]
If this dnt work try the Batt out and back in trick
Call ur Local service Center...
mine looks exactly teh same! but it happened after i tried to replace my housing, i screwed up the little gold prongs where the ribbon connector from the lcd plugs in...****! any ideas on how to fix? im the us so service center isnt really an option, and id ont want to send it off.
hi i had the same problem with my magicians, after i changed the housing. i found the problem with my device was that i had not plugged the screen back in properly. all i did was to ensure that it was pushed in properly before i clipped it back in
Menappi -
I had the exact same issue. I reopened the casing WITHOUT disconnecting any cables. I flipped the screen's ribbon black lock up, while maintaining pressure on the ribbon so that it does not pop out. When the black lock lifted, the preasure of my finger moved the ribbon further in . I pushed the black lock down, reassembled the device and ... PRESTO!! the screen works perfectly... and chumps on the bard advised to buy a new screen!!
Good luck
Hi All,
seems, you have problem somewhere in display connector. However, sometimes I see similar picture on physically broken displays, let's imagine, you were careful ad didn't use a hammer during housing replacement.
There are two possibilities: at first - try to remove and re-insert display cable (I hope, you know. how brown lock works). If there is no success - try again. At second - some wire on flat cable may be damaged. Sometimes, good technician with soldering iron can fix it, sometimes not. And if you used force, removing cable, board connector may be damaged too. However, only the experienced man can find it easily.
So, try to carefuly re-insert display cable. Try several times. If you are unsuccessful, you, for sure, need an experienced technician to fix your device.
I hope, you are not enough mad to send device for repair to Russia

Broken Display connector! help please :(

So I bought a new housing for my O2 XDA II Mini, during the removal of the display ribbon I broke the little black part on the display connector which holds the ribbon down, and after hours of trying to get the ribbon back in and secured I have bent the pins in the connector to buggery.
The ribbon appears to be untouched, however the connector which the display ribbon goes into is broken.
Is there anywhere I can get hold of one of these little connectors to replace my broken one, obviously very sensitive soldering will be needed to remove the old one and solder the new one in place.
Alternatively, does anyone know any mobile phone repair shops in Auckland, New Zealand who would be able to help out with my situation?
I fear all i'm going to hear back is "the motherboard needs to be replaced", however I am determined not to go through this route, as I am a poor student and the phone sounds as if it functions fine, makes the beepy noise when first starting up on the setup screen.
I was very careful with the actual screen unit while removing it, and I have had signs of life earlier on in the broken connector episode, however I can no longer get anything showing as I can't fit the cable in.
Cheers for any help.
Anything would be appreciated.
"obviously very sensitive soldering will be needed"
And that only can be done by machines/robots. I don't think humans are even able to sloder those kind of connections...
But, could you post a picture? cause I might have suggestions on how to fix it. One would be to bend back the pins on the tiny slot with a toothpick and when done to tape the flatcable, so it stays there.
I've maybe got a spare creen for you.
g0atNZ said:
So I bought a new housing for my O2 XDA II Mini, during the removal of the display ribbon I broke the little black part on the display connector which holds the ribbon down, and after hours of trying to get the ribbon back in and secured I have bent the pins in the connector to buggery.
The ribbon appears to be untouched, however the connector which the display ribbon goes into is broken.
Is there anywhere I can get hold of one of these little connectors to replace my broken one, obviously very sensitive soldering will be needed to remove the old one and solder the new one in place.
Alternatively, does anyone know any mobile phone repair shops in Auckland, New Zealand who would be able to help out with my situation?
I fear all i'm going to hear back is "the motherboard needs to be replaced", however I am determined not to go through this route, as I am a poor student and the phone sounds as if it functions fine, makes the beepy noise when first starting up on the setup screen.
I was very careful with the actual screen unit while removing it, and I have had signs of life earlier on in the broken connector episode, however I can no longer get anything showing as I can't fit the cable in.
Cheers for any help.
Anything would be appreciated.
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Click to collapse
Hi, I've still got a SPV 500 and a MDA Compact, need to find it if you want you can have my MDA Compact screen.
Just PM if you are interested.

plz help, dunno what's damaged, flex cable or LCD flex cable

Hey guys!
I've a really big problem:
I tried to fix the "white screen of death" syndrom of my SPV M3100. But when I put together the phone again (the LCD-part) I didn't push in the flex cable of the LCD hard enough into its connector, so when I closed back the LCD part, I might have damaged the flex cable. What I know for sure is that I broke the 2 white small crooks of the connector (by accident of course). Now when I turn on the phone, the screen stays off (but the upper LED for GSM/UMTS connectivity glows for a few seconed, also the LEDs from the small keypad), only when I push hard enough on the LCD-flexcable-connector, I see a white screen, sometimes some lines, but I never saw a "good screen" again. Now my fear is, that I screwed up the LCD flex cable, what can I do in that case? buy a whole new LCD only cuz the ribbon is broken? Do I have to replace the flex cable of the phone itself too, (cuz the crooks of the connector ar broken) or can I glue the connector somehow?
I hope you know what I mean. If you need any more info plz ask me.
Plz help me in this issue, this phone is the best I've ever ever had, I don't want to lose it! Thanks in advance!
greetz from Vienna, sebid.
PS: took you a pic, so you know about what connector I'm talking about.

plz help, dunno what's damaged, flex cable or LCD flex cable

Hey guys!
I've a really big problem:
I tried to fix the "white screen of death" syndrom of my SPV M3100. But when I put together the phone again (the LCD-part) I didn't push in the flex cable of the LCD hard enough into its connector, so when I closed back the LCD part, I might have damaged the flex cable. What I know for sure is that I broke the 2 white small crooks of the connector (by accident of course). Now when I turn on the phone, the screen stays off (but the upper LED for GSM/UMTS connectivity glows for a few seconed, also the LEDs from the small keypad), only when I push hard enough on the LCD-flexcable-connector, I see a white screen, sometimes some lines, but I never saw a "good screen" again. Now my fear is, that I screwed up the LCD flex cable, what can I do in that case? buy a whole new LCD only cuz the ribbon is broken? Do I have to replace the flex cable of the phone itself too, (cuz the crooks of the connector ar broken) or can I glue the connector somehow?
I hope you know what I mean. If you need any more info plz ask me.
Plz help me in this issue, this phone is the best I've ever ever had, I don't want to lose it! Thanks in advance!
greetz from Vienna, sebid.
PS: took you a pic, so you know about what connector I'm talking about.
You will need Both.
Go on ebay and try to see if someone is selling the same Cell for Parts that might help you in getting your parts cheat.White Screen is indication of a bad LCD and you said you damage your flex cable too so should try ebay for a Parts Phone.Good Luck. D

Touchscreen: Flexcable damaged due to typical endbutton problem

i got the typical problem that my screen wasnt responding after use of endbutton. Sometimes it was working.
I now disassembled the device and saw that the flatcable had a small scratch and i guess the first one or two cables are brocken already and only get contact sometimes by luck.
So does anybody know if there is a way to repair this ?
A new touchscreen isnt to expensive 20-30€ but why throw away a working one if a cable is repairable easily?
Next time i will glue the cable to the display so that there is no flexing when pressing the endbutton. The problem is that there is a little space between that is pushed away each use of the endbutton and someday the problem occours.
I had to replace my touch screen to solve the same issue
Is there any thing we can do to prevent the same damage to the new screen ?
Well i tried a few times to fix the issue.
But its hard to solder the flex cable without totally burning it.
If i solder it its very likely to break fast again.
Im going to buy a new digitizer too..
To your question:
Yeah i saw that there space between the flex cable and display. The cable is bent a bit towards the buttons. When you push the button the cable is bent back in the free space.
I will glue the flex cable directly to the display and put a layer of protective tape over it. so it wont bent (What causes our error) and wont scratch(if this could happen too).
The problem is the poor quality of the flex cable. Its very hard and therefore breaks easily what causes the wires to break to sooner or later.
If i can ill try to take a few photos but its hard as my digicam cant focus so closely..

