SPV M3100 (TyTn). WiFi wont connect to my router. - Networking

I have a SPV M3100 (TyTn, I think) but I cant get it to connect using WiFi to my wireless router. I can go into 'Configure Wireless Networks' and tell it to connect to my router, all the settings are correct, but all it does is try to connect and fail, and no error message comes up.
Does anyone know how I could fix this problem?

it might help if you state what rom your are using and what protection the router is using? I know there are many threads discussing this issue with WM6 using WPA. Have you tried connecting with no encryption? If so can you connect.

Sorry, the ROM version is:, date: 7/13/06
It is running WM5 PocketPC. Encryption is WEP. No I havent tried no encryption. I will after when I get home.

OK, I've tried without encryption, and I've fiddled about with the settings but it still doesn't work.
Each time I tell it to connect it says 'Connecting' for about a second then says 'Unavailable' for a few seconds, then back to 'Available', untill I next tell it to connect.
Any suggestions?

if it use mac filtering the mac of the tytn need to be added to the lists of mac's the router wanna talk to

that's not the problem either, sorry

Couple of things (I'm running WM6 on my M3100, so WM5 is a bit of distant memory ) you could look at.....
First, does your router use DHCP to issue IP addresses? if not, you'll need to set the phone with a static IP. To do that, go to Start / Settings / Connections tab / Wi-Fi / Network adapters tab, make sure it says "connect to the internet" then tap the "802.11" network adapter, tap "use specific ip address", fill one in and "ok" your way back out.
Second, in Start / Settings / Connections tab / Wi-Fi / Wireless tab, tap and hold your "unavailable" wireless connection then choose Edit. Make sure the "connects to" box says Internet. Also, if your router doesn't broadcast its' SSID, (on WM6 at least) tick the box that says "this is a hidden network", then go next, next finish (making sure the authentication and encryption types match your router config!!).
Hope this helps,

I have now been through every intricate detail within settings, and still to no avail. One (possibly) good thing did come out of it though - an error message.
I got it when going to create a new WiFi connection and clicking on the 802.1x tab, it says:
"Cannot log on to the wireless network. This network requires a personal certificate to positively identify you."
I made sure I inputted the network key correctly and all the encryption settings were right.
Please tell me that helps solve the problem! lol
btw, the router is a D-Link DSL-604+, just incase that helps anybody solve the problem.

If you're getting certificate errors, it sounds as though you've ticked the setting in the phone's wireless config that says something like "IEEE 802.1x network access" and selected "smart card or certificate".
Go back in to the wireless config, tap and hold the "unavailable" network, then select Edit. Go through - next, next and the authentication is on the last page IIRC.....just untick the box, tap finish and you should be away!!

I forgot to untick 'The network key is automatically provided' and tried to connect, and it now works
I'll just kiss goodbye to my battery life now
Thanks for everyone who has helped me.

My ATT Tilt wont connect to my D-Link Wireless N Router.. does the Tilt not work on N routers?


Having Problems Connecting with Wifi!

I have a MDA PRO
Rom Version: 1.12.42 wwe
Radio : 1.08.00
Protocol: 42.41.P8
Ext rom: 1.12.126 WWE
What I want to do: I am trying to connect to the internet using pocket internet explorer using my wifi network at home and not GPRS.
The problem: I go to 'Settings' >>"connections" tab >> 'Network Cards'>> "wirelss" tab
It displays my wifi connection and it says "available" so I {tap and hold} and select 'connect'. It then states that it is 'connecting' but it doesnt connect and reverts back to saying that my network is "available'.
What am I doing wrong? Do I have to set up something on my pc? Any additional settings on my Universal that i should initiate?
I tried searching the forum with no luck in finding someone with the same problem. Is there a thread with a guide that can help me out. Thanks for your time.
soft reset the phone
then no need to go into settings
on today screen (main screen) touch the "G" at the top
it will ask you if you want to activate wifi
it should connect automatically
I have exactly the same problem with my M5000.
Can anyone help?
Are your home wireless networks protected (eg WEP or WPA) ? If so - and I would hope so - then are you using the applicable WEP/WPA settings and key when trying to connect ?
Worth also trying to set the IP address manually on the PDA, see if this helps ?
For me, the first thing to do when experiencing wireless probs is to temporarily disable any encryption and see if it works then.....and then re-enable, carefully inputting key etc.
Are your home wireless networks protected (eg WEP or WPA) ? If so - and I would hope so - then are you using the applicable WEP/WPA settings and key when trying to connect ?
Worth also trying to set the IP address manually on the PDA, see if this helps ?
For me, the first thing to do when experiencing wireless probs is to temporarily disable any encryption and see if it works then.....and then re-enable, carefully inputting key etc.
Are your home wireless networks protected (eg WEP or WPA) ? If so - and I would hope so - then are you using the applicable WEP/WPA settings and key when trying to connect ?
Worth also trying to set the IP address manually on the PDA, see if this helps ?
For me, the first thing to do when experiencing wireless probs is to temporarily disable any encryption and see if it works then.....and then re-enable, carefully inputting key etc.
Are your home wireless networks protected (eg WEP or WPA) ? If so - and I would hope so - then are you using the applicable WEP/WPA settings and key when trying to connect ?
Worth also trying to set the IP address manually on the PDA, see if this helps ?
For me, the first thing to do when experiencing wireless probs is to temporarily disable any encryption and see if it works then.....and then re-enable, carefully inputting key etc.
What happened there ! :roll:
On the Blue Angel, it was simple - you just set up a new connection, enter the PSK, connect and off you go!
On the Universal, however, I'm having no joy. I've set up the WEP and PSK stuff and the PDA can connect to the network, but when I try and open IE it opens up GPRS. Also, PC Anywhere only works via USB - again, it won't connect via WiFi. I'm sure it's just a case of adjusting some settings but I don't know which ones!
Wifi Connection Problems
Hi I'm experiencing exactly the same problems trying to connect.
I have a Wanadoo Livebox and my xda exec.
I've tried with my connection both unsecured and with 128bit wep encryption using the correct wep key....I still get connecting, followed by available, repeated continuously?
I have the xda set to connect to "the internet" and the authentication to "open". Key index is 1.
Can anyone help?
Wifi Connection Problems
Hi, Just a bit more info...
Encryption is set to "wep"
Mac address is associated with the livebox.
802.1x is ticked to use IEEE 802.1x network access control.
EAP type is Smart cCard or Certificate
Rom version 1.13.82 WWE
Rom date 11/30/05
Radio version 1.04.02
Protocol version 42.37.P8
ExtROM version 1.13.188 WWE
I just checked (with my Blue Angel) that the router and everything else is working and I'm happy to say it all is.
I set up the new connection on the BA from scratch - WPA-PSK enabled, nice long PSK, and I'm using TKIP. Network connects to: The Internet.
This allows me to remote up to the PC via PC Anywhere, and allows me to connect to the 'Net for free via the WiFi router.
When I duplicate the settings on the Universal, neither of the above works. What am I doing wrong?
You haven't got mac address filtering enabled on your router, and have forgotten to add your Universal's mac address to the list, have you?
No, it's disabled.
hehe i had this problem tonight and was going to post up.
Has your router got MAC-control or anything on it? My SSID is not set to broadcast so I put the settings in manually.
I deleted the settings, and put them in manually again a few times, making sure I had the encryption stuff set correctly.
Eventually it connected and now seems to be working fine.
Ad Hoc?
Ok, I've tried every possible combination possible and nothing is helping. So my next question to get around this problem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Can I use my pc as a ad-hoc and us it as my gateway for my Universal?
I have a pc in the office down the hall with the actually wireless router, I have a pc in my room that is accessing the wireless router from the office.
Please let 'US' know if you have tried ad hoc or if you find the right settings to connect to the main wireless router.
Thank you
I am on my wifi network typing this, and my settings show 802.1x network access control not having a tick and network adapter connected to Work......on my iPaq hx4700 before, I used these same settings as they seemed to work well, although it ran WM2003SE not WM5.....
All this said, however, but I was lucky in that my MDA Pro connected to my wifi network at the first attempt - except not with as strong a signal as the iPaq had.....
Wifi Settings
Can anyone who has connected okay, let us have their full settings, so that we can try them?
Is your Router set 802.11g only?
You need to set the router to accept 802.11b and 802.11g.
If your router will only output at 54g, you could try the hack to switch the universal to 54g. I am yet to try this so I don't know if it works.
My MDA Pro connected straight out of the box once I set the ssid and encryption.
Hope this helps
I've been on the phone talking to 3rd line support at Orange.
Basically, the guy is totally flummoxed!
After trying to talk me through the setup from memory, it seems as though a whole menu of WiFi settings has disappeared from the phone - specifically, the ones that we need! This being the case, he's going to get hold of an M5000 tomorrow and will then bell me back so we can go through the whole process together, both of us using an M5000.
One thought that did occur to me was this: I've only just (like, 3 days ago!) upgraded to the M5000 and I've taken on some kind of free Internet access scheme with my tariff. Could it be that the settings for that (that are sent by Orange in a data SMS) have knackered the WiFi setup?
I'm considering a hard reset with a soft reset before the .CAB files install but will at least wait until tomorrow.
I'll keep you all posted....

WiFi connects but fails on "Locate"

I've just got a T-Mobile Vario. It connects fine on GPRS and PIE navigates to web pages.
I then try to connect to a free WiFi hotspot (I have no home wifi network to test on).
It *connects* fine. However, when I try to navigate to a web page it hangs on the "Locate" message, then times out.
I have searched the forum and read similar problems but with home networks not public hotspots- for example:
I tried the solutions suggested there but with no luck. Has anyone had similar problems?
I *really* need to get WiFi working (by the end of the weekend hopefully) as thats what I got the device for in the first place.
I am a WiFi virgin so any pointers will help.
ipl 1.06
spl 1.06
gsm 1.12.10
protocol version
Cingular 8125 WiFi fails
I have the same results. My router assigns my device an IP address with WiFi on, but I get the message "...the connection was lost." whenever I try to surf internet. If anyone understands how to set it up, we'd appreciate instruction that works (I'd like a Cingular user if possible) but I would also like to learn what the settings mean. Anyone have a link to network setup information? I have a WiFi network in my home which works for my wife's laptop and my old PDA. This 8125 is bugging me.
working now...
OK, as soon as I posted and went back to the PDA the WiFi connection now works - gremlins again... I didn't change anything or even soft reset - it just connected. I wonder if it was because the GPRS connection ended... I'll try turning off my automatic e-mail checking and post again. BTW, I am using the suggestion of the first Network being "work - no proxy" and the second being "MediaNet - proxy"
Your problem doesn't seem the same as mine.
I have no home network.
My vario, on a public hotspot, always "connects" but always fails on "locate".
you need to make sure the connection is not using a proxy server.
go into settings
then manage existing connections
untick the checkbox on the proxy settings tab that says this connection uses a proxy (or words to that effect)
now you should be able to connect to the network as long as their is no security in place to stop you.
good luck
I have no "manage existing connections"
under settings->connections.
I go into connections which gives <tasks> and <Advanced> tabs
Under Advanced> I have <select networks>
This screen "Network Management" has two drop downs
1 states "Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using"
"T-Mobile Internet" is selected
If I edit and look at proxy settings it has:
"This network connects to the internet" ticked
the proxy server box is empty
If I edit the modem tab it has Cellular Line (GPRS) selected
Dropdown 2 has
Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using:
the dropdown is filled with "My Work Network"
By default the "connects to the internet" box is empty. I have filled this in previously with no luck.
Modem is empty as are all the other entries.
I have swapped the order of the dropdowns, I have made both "My Work network" and both "T-Mobile Internet" with no luck.
I have tried the suggestions on the thread I referenced above - again with no luck.
To repeat I can get the "connection" up. When I select the network it states connection is "good" yet when I try to surf to a page it craps out on the "Locate" message.
Is it failing to find a DNS server on the wifi link?
I'm just guessing as I know v little about WiFi as I have never used it before
TIA for any further contributions
I just wanted to say I have this same problem and have not been able to solve it yet. I can't tell whether to use GPRS while using Internet, or whether I should have the connection set to "Work" or "Internet" or what.
I have tried with 3 unprotected wireless networks already and have gotten the same results with each. I suspect it may be due to DNS. Hopefully it is not the phone itself.
Hi mat,
Well it can't be that you *must* use GPRS whilst surfing - thats what WIFI is for!
I suspect (no real evidence)T-Mobile have somehow crippled the OS to make it difficult to work out how to get free hotspot access working properly. Looking at their site they say CS do not "support" WIFI access problems - how convenient!!!!!
Although I am a WIFI virgin/idiot, I am not a *total* idiot and would have been able to get it working if it was completely straightforward.
To add ammunition to this opinion, I do not have a T-Zone account (I should have but it hasn't been set up correctly). Anyway I tried to connect though a t-zone and it worked straightaway presenting me with the login page. I could also download data - the terms and conditions.
However, obviously I couldn't surf to totally check it out as I couldn't login.
I wish someone would provide a definitive solution as it is really irritating me now!!!!!
Why would it be hanging on "locate"? I imagine it must be because it cannot look up the IP address through the free WIFI link. I made the same suggestion as you did earlier something to do with the DNS setup.
Thats as far as I can get!!!!!

Elfin can't connect to belkin N router

Hello... Got a Touch recently, and doing research found this forum. One of the best findings lately for me: already flashed the phone with a WM6.1 ROM and updated my radio successfully. But I have a problem (even before the flashing):
I can't connect to my wifi. I have a belkin N router. Have tested almost everything: updated the router's ROM, updated the phone's radio, turned off security, assigned manual IP's, etc, but with no success... so I'm running out of ideas. I can connect to another people's wifi's tho.
Anything I have missed? Just an incompatibility? (which means I'm screwed)
Thanks a lot
is t on n only mode?
touch is g/b as u probably know
if not, try with no security to see if it connects
Yeah, it is in a multiband setup (g/b/n).
Also tested with no security. No sucess.
I have the same problem, I'll let you know if I find a solution.
Same thing... I'm trying to figure out a solution, any findings, will post here.
I tried to connect my Touch to my old netgear 802.11b router at home without any success. I did a lot of "googling" on the subject, and only found that many concluded that it wasn't possible to do so.
Also, I have AT&T, and they are offering free hotspot WIFI connectivity to their customers (which is intended for laptops). My touch detects the WIFI signals, but I have yet to find out how to make a connection.
It seems like there should be a way to do it somehow though!
Best Regards!
pl, when you go into your Settings -> Connections -> Wi-Fi, can you see your wireless network being detected?
The only things that spring to mind at the moment, are the basics for normal connection ...
1. Network type (B/G/N)
2. Authentication (password)
3. MAC Filtering
Here's what I would do ...
1. Reset router (usually has default button at the back).
2. Set it up for DHCP (sometimes cures a lot of problems).
3. Set simple WEP with password.
4. Obviously a network name (make sure it is not hidden, also make sure AP is enabled)
5. Set channel
6. Set mode (Network type) to mixed.
7. Save and reboot.
8. Soft reset Touch
9. Go to Settings -> Connections -> Wireless LAN
10. Activate Wireless and see if your SSID (network name) pops up. From here you can see signal quality and IP (to make sure you got it from DHCP).
Give it a shot and let us know what happens.
same problem here, really annoying!
Strange, I have never had problems with mine (had it connected to a couple AP's already). In fact, it's easier than connecting my laptop to a WLAN.
You have anything else that can connect to your Router? pc or something.
My Touch can connect to other routers, and I have 2 PCs at home which connect to my Belkin N router, I just can't connect my Touch to it.
I found a solution
Customer Call Details Nov 13 2008 04:37
I have an HTC Touch that can connect to other hotspots, but not to my home Belkin router. Sometimes, if there is another connection available, it can see the router, and says that it is Available, but cannot connect; other times it won't even see it. I have checked for firmware updates, but I have the latest. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Belkin Response Nov 14 2008 22:18
Hi Lilburd,
Thank you for contacting Belkin Technical Support.
We understand that the HTC Touch does not connect to the router. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Please follow the steps given below to update the firmware and configure the router:
We recommend that you update the firmware from a computer that is connected to the router with an ethernet cable.
Please download the latest firmware on the router from the link given below. Download the file "3.01.29":
and save it to the computer.
- To update the firmware, log on to the router`s web interface by typing in in the address bar of the browser. The computer should be
connected to the router with an ethernet cable.
Note: If you have changed your Router’s IP address, use that IP address.
- By default, the password is blank. Click the "Submit" button.
- Click on "Firmware Upgrade" under the option "Utilities".
- Click on “Browse” and select the bin file that you have downloaded.
- Click on “update” and follow the wizard.
- After updating the firmware, restore the router to factory defaults by clicking on "Restore Factory Defaults" under "Utilities".
- Reconfigure the router.
Please follow the steps given below for configuring the router:
- Connect the computer to the "LAN" port on the router and connect the modem to the Internet/"WAN" port, using Ethernet cables.
- Take a paper clip, insert the paper clip in the reset hole of the router and hold it for 15 seconds.
- The power light will flash and then come back "ON" solid, indicating that the router is being restored to factory defaults.
- The corresponding lights on the front of the router should be lit up.
- On the computer, check if you have an IP address in the range of 192.168.2.x.
- If not, specify a static IP address, gateway and "DNS" address by following the steps given in the link-
- Log on to the router web interface by typing in, in the address bar of your browser.
- By default, the password is blank.
- Click on "Connection Type" in the left hand column under "Internet WAN" heading.
If the connection type is Dynamic (cable):
- Choose "Dynamic" and then click on "Next".
- Type in your “Host Name”, if your Internet Service Provider has provided it. Else, leave it blank.
- Click on "Change WAN MAC Address".
- Click on the button "Clone".
- Click on "Apply Changes".
If the connection type is PPPOE (DSL):
- Choose "PPPOE" and click on "Next".
- Enter the user name and password given by your Internet Service Provider.
- Save the settings.
- Click on the "Home" link at the top of the screen.
Internet Status should show "Connected" on the top right hand corner of the web page.
If the problem persists, please get back to us with the following information:
1. Type of connection provided by your ISP (Is it PPPOE, Dynamic or static).
2. Name of the Internet service provider (ISP).
3. Version number of the router. You would find the version number on the bottom of the device. It would be a number in a series of thousands with a prefix “ver.”.
4. If the internet connection is stable on the computers using the router?
5. If the HTC Touch detects and connects to other networks in the neighborhood?
Lilburd, if you need further assistance please feel free to write back to us and we will be happy to assist you.
Belkin Technical Support.
That really is strange. The way I see it, WLAN is a standard. It's like BT, any headset should work with any BT phone, as would any wireless device work with any wireless device
Maybe force the router to only broadcast in G (or even B) and see what happens? (I know, I'm reaching now )
Tried everything so far, no success. Even with no security enabled.
same problem here, Very Annoying, tried every thing
HTC Diamond doesnt connect to WiFi!!!!!
EMoeHTC said:
I tried to connect my Touch to my old netgear 802.11b router at home without any success. I did a lot of "googling" on the subject, and only found that many concluded that it wasn't possible to do so.
Also, I have AT&T, and they are offering free hotspot WIFI connectivity to their customers (which is intended for laptops). My touch detects the WIFI signals, but I have yet to find out how to make a connection.
It seems like there should be a way to do it somehow though!
Best Regards!
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Same problem here, N1 Vision router and XDA Orbit, both running on latest firmware. Wrote to Belkin support describing the issue. Here's their reply:
Thank you for contacting Belkin Technical Support.
We understand that you are not able to connect XDA Orbit WM6 communicator wirelessly.
To resolve this issue we suggest you to open ports on router.
Please collect the port number from the XDA Orbit WM6 communicator vendor and enter under "Inbound port" & "private port".
-Please open the Internet Explorer and in the address bar type in "" and Enter.
-Leave the password blank and click on "submit".
-Click on "Virtual server" under the "Firewall".
-Enter the port number under "Inbound port" & "private port".
-Enter the IP address of this computer under the "Private IP address".
-Check the "Enable" box and click on "Apply changes".
George, if you need further assistance please feel free to write to us or call us on 08456077787.
You can also contact us through our online chat support at:
Suzane Taylor
Belkin Technical Support
Utter nonsense...
I just got my Touch Diamond from Sprint and am having the same issue. I have a Belkin N+ Router that is in g/b/n wireless setting.
The phone just simply will not see the SSID even if you put the settings in there manually. What it does see however is the guest SSID my router emits and connected to it without any issues. The guest account is a feature of my router gives friends access to the web but denies access to internal network.
Out of curiosity changed my routers wireless bands to only G/B and all of a sudden my phone can see the network. Unfortunately for me I rely on the N part of my network to connect my laptops and do streaming HD so leaving it on G/B is not acceptable.
I just connect via the guest account, anyways its not like my phone would have been able to see the internal home network anyways.
Just my 2cents
I have the same issue.
Used to use a D_Link G router, but recently upgraded to a belkin N-draft one.
My laptop connects on G, and my desktop on N, so I can't switch N off and just use G.
Anyone found a solution yet? It's bugging the hell out of me!
I posted a fix on page one that should work. You have to update your firmware.
Did u all using any encryption security?
128bit WEP - touch have a problem of connection
64 bit WEP - works
have you enabled easypairing, (WiFi easypairing : Enabled) if so turn it off or press the required button sequence on the router to connect.

Wifi is connected but i cannot surf

hi there , i can see that my Polaris is connected to my router via wpa2-psk
as it's MAC and ip are showed in router
I also see that an IP is assigned to my Polaris , but i cannot surf the internet
Tried IE , Opera and YouTube
Anybody has a suggestion?
depend on your network setup really
as take me my wifi dont have direct uplink
so i have to manualy set ip's and gateway and dsn to my
pda to match the computer which is the gateway and what
dns it have
you can get that in windows in a console by ipconfig /all
and manualy set my ip within the same subnet as the computer
which is gateway
Rudegar said:
depend on your network setup really
as take me my wifi dont have direct uplink
so i have to manualy set ip's and gateway and dsn to my
pda to match the computer which is the gateway and what
dns it have
you can get that in windows in a console by ipconfig /all
and manualy set my ip within the same subnet as the computer
which is gateway
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you'd better check your router's DHCP settings as your provider might wish to change his DNS server addresses in the future and your device will keep using old, static ones
same but different?
this thread title describes my problem, but have to admit that I'm not certain the fix described above would apply to me (or perhaps I just didn't understand the answer??)
My setup:
HTC Advantage x7501 (freshly done a "hard reset") running WM6.
I DO NOT have a SIM card installed, nor do I plan (at this time) to use on a 3G network, just wish to use as a mini-computer on wifi. i've set the "wireless lan" Power Save Mode to "best performance" and am sitting close to wifi. Other windows and mac laptops have successfully used this router for years.
Asante FriendlyNet 3002 Wireless router (80211.b; WEP capable and on, MAC address controls capable and on)
The HTC has been connected several times to the router with the 40/64 - bit encryption. The little arrows move during connection, then stop and status is reported as "connected". The Wireless Lan "Advanced" tab shows "connected to network", reports the MAC, and the right IP address, and allows me to 'renew' it (and it always renews to the same #).
I do notice under the "configure network adapters" part of the wi-fi control settings that there are no "name servers" filled in, but the router is doing DHCP so maybe this is not a problem??? (checking my mac powerbook, I don't fill them in there either)
If I check (from another computer) the router I can see the HTC advantage shows up in the DHCP list of active clients.
Now: when I go to surf the internet, I get NOTHING with either IE or Opera 8.65.
when I put an address in the browser bar (or click a link on the Opera homepage) I see a status bar report at the bottom of the screen that says: "Images 0/0KB Looking up host..." after sometime this process times out. sometimes then I get a message to the effect of "unable to locate host" or just a time out.
Any suggestions?
ugggh: BTW, I have my "configure network adapters" setting to say that My Network Card Connects to: "the internet", not "work"
AND, under Connections I used the "select networks" button to say both types of programs should connect using "My ISP"
many thanks in advance! ( i have been trying for nearly two weeks a bit here and there, reading, googling, etc. w/o luck...)
May I suggest to enter manually the DNS and alternate DNS. I had the same problem and done that and worked.
marklar2u said:
this thread title describes my problem, but have to admit that I'm not certain the fix described above would apply to me (or perhaps I just didn't understand the answer??)
My setup:
HTC Advantage x7501 (freshly done a "hard reset") running WM6.
I DO NOT have a SIM card installed, nor do I plan (at this time) to use on a 3G network, just wish to use as a mini-computer on wifi. i've set the "wireless lan" Power Save Mode to "best performance" and am sitting close to wifi. Other windows and mac laptops have successfully used this router for years.
Asante FriendlyNet 3002 Wireless router (80211.b; WEP capable and on, MAC address controls capable and on)
The HTC has been connected several times to the router with the 40/64 - bit encryption. The little arrows move during connection, then stop and status is reported as "connected". The Wireless Lan "Advanced" tab shows "connected to network", reports the MAC, and the right IP address, and allows me to 'renew' it (and it always renews to the same #).
I do notice under the "configure network adapters" part of the wi-fi control settings that there are no "name servers" filled in, but the router is doing DHCP so maybe this is not a problem??? (checking my mac powerbook, I don't fill them in there either)
If I check (from another computer) the router I can see the HTC advantage shows up in the DHCP list of active clients.
Now: when I go to surf the internet, I get NOTHING with either IE or Opera 8.65.
when I put an address in the browser bar (or click a link on the Opera homepage) I see a status bar report at the bottom of the screen that says: "Images 0/0KB Looking up host..." after sometime this process times out. sometimes then I get a message to the effect of "unable to locate host" or just a time out.
Any suggestions?
ugggh: BTW, I have my "configure network adapters" setting to say that My Network Card Connects to: "the internet", not "work"
AND, under Connections I used the "select networks" button to say both types of programs should connect using "My ISP"
many thanks in advance! ( i have been trying for nearly two weeks a bit here and there, reading, googling, etc. w/o luck...)
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I have a HTC Wizard (Cingular version). Last week, I discovered this forum and upgraded my phone from WM5 to WM6.1.... and the exact same thing happened to me! Before the upgrade (on WM5), my phone was surfing the internet thru Wifi just fine... and 30 minutes later, after the upgrade -- it didn't work.
Like you, I searched thru these forums and found various "tricks"... none of them worked for me either.
Luckily, I didn't give up on my phone. A couple days later I got the idea "let's see if I can connect to other networks". I stood out on the back porch and my phone found 3 or 4 other Wifi networks..... I tried to connect to each, with no luck. I came back into the house, and on a whim tried my own home network again --- IT WORKED! Since then, I have been able to connect to various-and-sundry Wifi networks just fine. The problem "just went away" (which some others on the forum have reported... "just keep trying", they say).
I have no conclusive evidence, but my theory is that there are some default (or residual) registry settings for Wifi that need to get "pushed out" or overwritten. By attaching to several different networks, the new/default settings in the registry gets overwritten, and once all the "bad" data is gone -- your phone will be fine.
Hope that helps.... good luck!
TY - but no success yet
I went to my router config page and got the DNS, then I checked the DNS from a laptop (that is successfully connecting) and both report the same:
domain net
Note that neither show / report a "WINS".
entering these into the SETTINGS>CONNNECTIONS>WIFI>NETWORK ADAPTERS>NAME SERVERS helped...and I did a soft reset after entering them, and the entry did hold in the setting after the soft reset.
if anyone has any ideas I'd be thrilled. Happy to do a hard reset again and start from scratch if need be. TY.

New Touch Diamond 2 Wifi Wont Connect

Hi Guys & Gals,
I have a brand new HTC Touch Diamond 2, on O2 network - this is an untouched device, all i have done is booted it up and sync'd it with my PC,
I have tried to connect the device to to wireless networks now with no luck.
1. My home connection - security enabled WPA-PSK password protected, The phone can see the network, i type in my network key - i also checked the password on my router setup. The little spinning circle comes up and try's to connect with no luck. It will then keep trying for as long as the wireless is on
2. Home connection again with no encription - again the same thing
3. Work connection WEP secured, type in the key, same thing again.
Has anyone encountered these sorts of problems before in the past - if so how do i fix it so i can connect wirelessly.
Cheers Guys
Doubt if this is an issue with the phone more likely to be a setup of the wireless.
What router do you use?
Do you have MAC Filtering enabled?
Do you use your router as a DHCP server?
Are there any error messages displayed on the phone?
When it doesnt connect and you tap the notification area (top bar to the right of START) do you have any messages there?
jderonde said:
Hi Guys & Gals,
I have a brand new HTC Touch Diamond 2, on O2 network - this is an untouched device, all i have done is booted it up and sync'd it with my PC,
I have tried to connect the device to to wireless networks now with no luck.
1. My home connection - security enabled WPA-PSK password protected, The phone can see the network, i type in my network key - i also checked the password on my router setup. The little spinning circle comes up and try's to connect with no luck. It will then keep trying for as long as the wireless is on
2. Home connection again with no encription - again the same thing
3. Work connection WEP secured, type in the key, same thing again.
Has anyone encountered these sorts of problems before in the past - if so how do i fix it so i can connect wirelessly.
Cheers Guys
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I too had problems with WIFI. My home work network was visible but it would immediately drop or not be able to connect. A few days later it started working flawlessly and I have no idea what changed.
I am sure you have tried a soft reset but just in case...
I have a NetGear DG(Some Number) v4 ADSL wireless router, which i have set up and works for all of my other devices (ie. Laptops, PS3). With a simple encription key.
I get no messages etc, all it sais is that its 'not connected' and there are no new notificatons
It then persists in trying to connect again and again, when it cant connect for a while, it then comes up with 'new network connections found' in the notificatins area.
I have switched the power mode to best performance with no luck.
I have tried on 2 different networks now. including with all encription off. WEP and WPA-PSK - This is driving me nutz cuz i love the phone, i just want to use it to browse the web without paying out the nose for it.
DHCP server is dynamic from my ISP.
I have contacted HTC now about the issue, but im going to feel so stupid if it turns out to be somthing simple like a setting on the phone somewhere.
But thanks for the reply
Have you checked you arn't using MAC filtering?
Log-in to your router and check under Wireless settings > Wireless Station Access List.
While you are on your wireless setting page check what Encryption your using for WPA-PSK? TKIP? (The wrong encryption chosen will cause you not to be able to connect)
Ok maybe telling you how to suck eggs but on your phone:
Settings > Communication > Wifi
Select Advanced at the bottom right.
Select Change Network
Click Add new...
Type in the name of your network (The SSID also found under wireless settings, Case sensitive)
Select Connects to: The Internet
Leave the other two boxes unticked.
Click next.
Select the correct Authentication - WPA-PSK is different to WPA2-PSK. You will probably be using WPA-PSK.
Select the correct Encryption (Propably TKIP)
And type in your Network Key
Click Next and Finish.
How does this fair and what are the results of checking info on wireless setting page?
Im at work at the moment trying to connect to the WEP connection,
This connection most deffinatly does not have mac filtering on it, just asked the network tech.
Changed the network key to.... Shared key and it works
so i am guessing that it must be somthing to do with my setup at home..
Cheers guys
Just match up the Authentication / Encryption / SSID and Network Key from the router to your phone setup and you should be fine.
HTC TD2 Wifi issues
There's some discussion around the web about this problem of encrypted wifi connectivity: a few things to note
1] the TD2 is _very_ sensitive to the power settings applied to the wifi chipset.
The default power saving settings are only likely to work if all other on-board devices - bluetooth, HSDPA, GPS [and maybe even the screen] are either off or in low power mode: the general recommendation seems to be that one adjusts the wifi device power to be "best performance" if one wants to guarantee connections.
2] several people have reported that both the wifi device [card] and the settings for the particular wifi lan [SSID] to which you are attempting to connect should both be configured for "Work" rather than "The Internet".
3] these secured/encrypted connection failures are not about the WiFi access point or router: I've personally tested with several different makes and models of Router and Access Point [3com, Cisco, Enterasys, Netgear, DLink, Belkin etc] - both on my own and on client networks where I have complete control of security, and have also methodically tested every single combination of TD2 setting for WEP and all variants of WPA. In each case my TD2 has failed to make a valid encrypted connection.
The same device will happily connect to "open" unencrypted access points and routers.
Other models of HTC device, such as the Tytyn II and Touch Pro work fine on the same access points and routers: so we can be pretty sure that this is specifically a TD2 issue.
Conversations with HTC's European Tech Support on this issue have not been helpful to date, but they HAVE pushed the issue further up the line, so there's a chance that we'll see a resolution.

