VTAP rocks any web video on your Athena - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

I you wanna watch any web based video.
you tube etc etc get this free app.
you type in wot u want and it finds it and plays it.
really really cool.
google vtap for the homepage of app


www.tv-links.co.uk site and Windows Mobile

Don't know if this is the right forum to post this...
Anyway, some of you may be familiar with the site above. If you aren't check it out... it's great. Full lenth movies, shows, cartoons, music videos, whatever you would get on your regular TV, neatly organized based on titles and types.
I make extensive use of this site from my computer, and the shows encoded with divx can be saved on the hard drive. However, I seem to be unable to use this very site from my Wizard. Rather, the site opens just fine, but none of the linked content actually plays. I know this is a plugin issue of sorts, I just haven't been able to either find the right ones or get around it somehow.
Tried all browsers... Opera, PIE, Minimo and Netfront... nothing...
If anyone out there knows about it or has a workaround, please post it.
The thing is, TV-Links hosts links to the sites that actually have the video, and these sites vary. For example, a lot of the anime is on veoh.com, so you'd probably need plugins for the individual players.
Can u watch videos from youtube?? I can't.. so i maybe think when i could see vids from youtube.com i would CAN BE able to watch vids from tv.links I REALLY REALLY WANT THAT TO HAPPEN!!
DarkevilPT said:
Can u watch videos from youtube?? I can't.. so i maybe think when i could see vids from youtube.com i would CAN BE able to watch vids from tv.links I REALLY REALLY WANT THAT TO HAPPEN!!
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This is the choice from our XDA's: http://m.youtube.com (I.E and Streaming Media Player)will do the rest.They are still uploading videos,so if you try to watch the same videos as they have on youtube.com it's not gonna be possible,but little by little we'll get it.
By the way it's also impossible for me to watch the videos from that website in the UK(which seems to be way cool. ;-)

streaming video, not youtube

I hope this hasn't been covered before. I DID search, so I apologize if it has directly been addressed.
I have some questions concerning streaming video. I have tcmp and have no problems with youtube, but I've got a list of some websites here that I believe are rstp. I tried the htc player from here, but still can't get these sites to load. Some of the sites on these links are network stations (NBC, Fox, etc), so I think it would be awesome to be able to watch these.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Another site that I'd like to play, but it's divx and I just can't get it to work
How did you get youtube and TCPMP to work together? I never understood how to get it to work, I have the flash plugin and TCPMP installed but whenever the Youtube video opens in TCPMP it is so jumpy and laggy that its unwatchable, and it never works in full screen.
problem seems to be you're using an MDA (wizard).
The MDA is more than capable of playing streaming media, but you have to remember that youtube videos are not encoded for the low-bandwidth and slow-cpu of a phone.
The Titan (Mogul, which forum you're posting in) has double the CPU power of the Wizard, and can connect over 4x as fast to the internet.
It works just fine on the mogul/Titan.
what are you talking about? I have both the Wizard and the Mogul from Sprint, I am talking about using my Mogul to play youtube videos using EVDO. I know that the Wizard cant play the videos. But I don't know how to setup youtube on my phone.
Go to http://www.gopckt.com/ they have the mobile version of youtube that works really well with tcpmp. all the youtube videos are available unlike the m.youtube.com version
Check this forum. Forget mobile youtube, it blows http://pdaphonehome.com/forums/ppc-6800-xv6800/90808-full-youtube-access.html
Holy Riviera
Nice found! It works like a charm on my 6800!
riviera said:
I hope this hasn't been covered before. I DID search, so I apologize if it has directly been addressed.
I have some questions concerning streaming video. I have tcmp and have no problems with youtube, but I've got a list of some websites here that I believe are rstp. I tried the htc player from here, but still can't get these sites to load. Some of the sites on these links are network stations (NBC, Fox, etc), so I think it would be awesome to be able to watch these.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Another site that I'd like to play, but it's divx and I just can't get it to work
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I've also been looking for decent streaming media links and applications especially ones that are free of charge. I happened to come across this one which I found on the Microsoft site. https://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/domore/msnbc.mspx It only plays MSNBC network media but it works quite nicely. Videos also seem to be formatted specifically for wide screen. They look awesome and they stream rather quickly in my location. Check it out, I think you may like this app and even if you don't at least it was FREE.

VTap-Webclips Online video and wikipea search

Found this on www.coolsmartphones.com
Basically put it's a great interface into Wikipedia and a brilliant way to search through online video sites and watch the vids too. Yes, you heard right - this software will let you search and then view YouTube videos, Google videos, MSN videos, MySpace videos and much much more.
It downloads fairly fast but the quality is not great.

Using HTC YouTube app to view embedded YouTube content on a webpage

First off, I have done my research! I promised... looked through the posts (Wiki page/Tips & Tricks..) and can't seems to find anything pertaining to this.
What I'd like to know is:
- Is there a way to view YouTube video embedded in a webpage (Web Browsing using Opera Browser that comes with my HD2) by using the inbuilt HTC YouTube app - Eg. tap on the YouTube video on a webpage, HTC YouTube app starting automatically to play the video.
Thanks in advance!
Ps. HD2 ROCKS!!!
As far as i Know (my HD2 is on its way and my HD on Ebay ) the opera doesn't have a flash support yet but the IE mobile browser on HD2 does have flash embedded which means that you get a flash player startet by tapping on your video
I've seen that also on a review on youtube....
Thanks for your prompt reply.
I'm really want this to work in Opera browser... I suppose such is life...
works perfectly in Opera 10 Beta 2...click the video and it opens in the streaming player.
mkent_barbados said:
works perfectly in Opera 10 Beta 2...click the video and it opens in the streaming player.
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Hi... Did u have to install anything other than Opera 10 B2? As I'd just tried it out, and YouTube content on the webpage just shows a place holder with text showing "Plug In Content"... Did I do something wrong..?
As far as I'm aware, the only browser which allows this is Skyfire. I use that for video and Opera for all other browsing (as Skyfire is a bit pants really).
Check out that thread. If you follow all the steps, you can also watch youtube and other flash sites in Opera.
It's also possible with IE and Skyfire.
I would prefer when browsing youtube, that it would open the youtube application, which gives better quality and speed.
The only way I've found for the youtube app to work is to stream from m.youtube.com with opera.
That's the only way I've got it to work its not the best as I hate the layout of mobile youtube but it works, like you, the youtube site on opera doesn't show any clickable links or videos for the hd2's youtube client to work with.
Well yes, I meant on m.YouTube.com, and other mobile sites. On a mobile after all.
mkent_barbados said:
works perfectly in Opera 10 Beta 2...click the video and it opens in the streaming player.
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And with Opera 10 final?
youtube works on Opera 10 without need for m,
Are you sure?
My Opera Mobile 10 doesn't stream youtube, mobile or desktop version.
Having a look to Opera's and other forums, it can't stream youtube...
Mine does, search around this forum for /TX Opera Mobile10 With Flash /in the settings enable Plugins.
but it does stream youtube through the streaming media player instead of the youtube player and the quality is quite decreased....
If it streams via any external player it's ok for me, it is important that it doesn't play in browser, because quality is worst...
It's exactly what I'm searching for, mine actually plays in browser or doesn't play, so, how to make it play in streaming player or youtube or core player?
The latest version of Opera will stream youtube video and depending upon your connection it is either good or bad.......
Are you sure?
My Opera Mobile streams no video...

Youtube viewing on mobile

For example : http://www.youtube.com/results?sear...&search=Search&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&spell=1
When viewing on computer, when searching songs etc, featured video will be on the top, most of the time will be official music video.
However searching on phone using the youtube application, there wont be a featured video and even we have the direct link to the official music video, it can't be played. It will say "The video is not available for mobile"
Any ideas to make youtube searching be the same as computer and able to view those video that wont be available on mobile?
Did you use the youtube player to search the video... ?
Or just the webservice..?
I use both youtube application and browser to search but both is the same, can't display the offical music video of any songs.
try using another app like jetvd, u can search youtube that way and it plays videos that the youtube app cant. and if u long hold on it, you can actually download the video as well
gohwh1 said:
Any ideas to make youtube searching be the same as computer and able to view those video that wont be available on mobile?
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Sure, write the content provider a strongly worded letter than you don't care for their copyrights and wish to view things on your phone.
The reason is they have the rights to show the video on a computer only. Those rights don't transfer to mobile devices or devices hooked up to a TV, like the PS3, Wii, or Google TV.
@isiyou125: OMG Thanks, it work now!!
@iead1 : You're wrong, the jetvd apps make it able to play it on mobile!
No. I'm right.
The app you're using is a way to circumvent copyright protection. Officially, YouTube doesn't have the mobile rights to that video.
Yea correct. Anyway I don't care about it when I still able to watch those video "not available on mobile" on my mobile.

