What's eating my Mobile Favorites during sync?! - Mogul, XV6800 General

I've got a new Sprint Mogul that I'm syncing with Windows Vista Home Premium. I have "Mobile Favorites" checked under Change Content Sync Settings. During synchronization, sometimes all or nearly all of my favorites from the Mogul disappear on both the desktop and the handheld.
This occurs often enough that I regularly copy a backup of the folder on both sides since I have to restore it a couple of times per day. It's pretty annoying, since I really do want to be able to edit, add, and maintain mobile favorites on my desktop.
The behavior is thus far unpredictable and inconsistent. Often I can go several syncs without it happening, then favorites suddenly vaporize. One consistent feature is that only favorites in folders disappear - the 2 that are in the root favorites folder never do. Often, the most recently-used, added, or edited on the Mogul will survive, while the rest disappear. Typically, favorites are safe until I use PIE then are liable to vanish, but sometimes I can use it without this happening.
Does anyone have any ideas what's going on and how I can stop it?

Same thing happening on my Touch
Found this thread through a Google search. Sorry to revive it but haven't found any explanation for this on the web.
My Mobile Favorites just wink out of existence right before my eyes ... really, I'm staring at my Touch, with ActiveSync cabled in and doing it's thing ... and ... blink ... blink ... blink ... every few seconds another one just disappears.
Very strange.

I'm having the same issue. Has anybody found an explanation or solution?

Favorites disappear - MS aware of bug
I read about this here: https://forums.microsoft.com/WindowsMobile/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=3808030&SiteID=65
Sounds like a bug that has yet to be resolved.
Oh yeah, it is also an issue with XP SP3 and ActiveSync 4.5.

Here's my solution...
I let it do the syncing for me as far as Contacts, Texts, Speed Dials, Web Favorites, etc. The only things I really use ActiveSync for now are flashing and transferring large files to my SD card (music, ringers etc.)
Once you get an account on the site and D/L the mobile client to the device, run it and let it sync the first time to save everything (Contacts, texts, Speed Dials, Pictures, etc. If you have alot of pictures it may take a while or even freeze on you, so it might be a good idea to move the pics to your SD card before the the first sync.
After that go into your ActiveSync settings and set it to only sync files and media (unless you use Outlook at home, then set it for that too). Once done, any time you sync that way, it won't touch the Web Favorites and you don't have to worry about losing them. Another good thing is everytime you soft reset your device, Dashwire does a sync just to make sure nothing is lost. It will also put everything back if you flash a new ROM too. (Of course you have to re-install the mobile client and sign in first, but you don't have to worry about losing your Favorites in the process.)


Two TyTN issues....help!

Just got my TyTN Pro yesterday with ROM Its my first foray into WM as long time Palm user, converted from the Treo 650
Okay, TyTN runs great in its virginal mode before anything is added. However after adding in my info from Outlook 2003: Contacts, Calender, Tasks, and Notes, I have problems. I also have ActiveSync set up to sync Windows Media and Files, but not Email.
First problem, when I go into the phone and choose options, then menu never comes up, same thing when I go into settings and choose phone, just nothing at all.
Second problem, it slows to a frickin crawl that is just plain unusable. I'm not sure if its related, but ActiveSync shows up frequently on the Running Programs Tab in the memory menu on the settings even when I didn't Activate it or set up an Exchange account.
Man, this is frustrating.
Actually I have a third problem too. When I have tried to send an MMS, it keeps resending it as though delivery failed, though the recipent receives all the MMS. kinda frustrating.
As for the first two issues in the first post...
I have slowly been syncing the TyTN.
I started with my 651 Contacts, things still worked fine
Added my 2374 Calender entries, still good
Added my 116 Tasks, still good
Added my 139 Notes/Memos and the problems start. WTF could be the problem that my Notes are causing the Phone options not to show up and the unit to slow?
And I just confirmed that it is something in the Notes after hard reseting and ONLY syncing just the notes. I am now going to separate the notes into two halves and see if I can further isolate the problem
Well, several hours later, it was one memo with 127 characters in the first line. Even when I tried to hit a return after the first few words, during the sync process it rendered it back to the intolerable format. Weird. Anybody know what the usable limit of characters in the title of a memo is?
lol very weird! :shock:

alternative to outlook and activesync.

i'm pretty fed up of outlook and how it screws with my contacts *i recently updated, and it removed all the titles from the names which is VERY annoying.* not to mention when i add contacts to my phone, it does NOT add them to outlook (maybe i'm just stupid but when i tried to set it to phone, it DELETED all my contacts sans a few) are there any alternative programs that are a bit easier and funner to use?
thanks in advance.
in one word: no.
Outlook is the easiest way AND the most perfected.
There are a few other possibilities to avoid outlook but in my opinion a pda without outlook is useless.
If you encountered problem it might be
-correct active sync version ?
corresponding to that : correct outlook version ?
-correct settings in active sync ?
If you fail to syncronize with ac....dont even try other solutions.
i'm using activesync 4.5 and the outlook version 2002, i copy contacts and settings from outlook just fine, with the exception of it screwing with the titles and names a bit, it's the other way around that's giving me a headache.
what do you recommend the optimal settings be so that if something is new on my computer, it transfers to my phone, and if something is new on my phone, it transfers to teh computer
(also anyway to stop it from seperating the names and removing titles?)
thanks in advance.
seems to be a settings problem
So i only have a german verison of ac i don't know the english name for the settings.
But you have to tell ac to sync in both ways and give the mobile thing the priority.
Then your problem should be solved.
did that, and once more it deleted all the contacts on my phone except for like 3-4 .... either this install is screwy or something is going wrong, or i'm just an idiot.
i refuse to sync with outlook!
i used to, and i ended up with half a dozen duplicate contact and calendar entries for each one!!! i tried settings, etc, finally said to hell with it and set the phone to not sync with outlook. i feel your pain.
Good, now i don't feel like an idiot
I had similar frustration. I eventually set up my 8125 to its own email address, and turned off the sync-ing of contacts. I have two separate contact lists now, but I'm not losing contacts from my phone all the time, either.
I do not have problems with duplicated events, but I publish my Outlook calendar to the phone, not the other way around.
I never schedule from my 8125. I always tell people to send it to my email, so I can control it from my PC. I only use the handheld on meeting-heavy days, and then I'm only checking email, and not accepting meetings.
Using: WM5, ActiveSync 4.5, Outlook 2003 on Desktop
Well, there is an alternative. I run linux so AS isn't even an option for me. I have been using FinchSync since I got the phone and it has worked great. I can even sync anywhere I have a network connection without being at home.
FinchSync uses an http connection to sync contacts with Mozilla's Thunderbird email and address client as well as your datebook with Mozilla's Sunbird calendar. So far it has worked great. One hint though, take the time to read the install and configuration instructions on their website!
Hope this helps!
I absolutely hate Activesync. I update my phone contacts and appointments via my Tilt, and then hook it up to my computer only to find that Activesync is deleting them on my phone and restoring the older files on my two PC's. I think, "oh, well I must have the sync settings set improperly," so I check them on my PC and my Tilt... it turns out that it only goes one way: from the PC to the mobile device. (Please correct me if I'm missing something.) You can just disable the sync settings, but then what's the point of having the program installed?
Personally, I have few complaints about Outlook.
I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to be giving PDASync a try. They seem to advertise all of the features I'm looking for, although it does carry a hefty price tag of $50.
I'm still not 100% sold on PDASync. It seems to lack the ability to sync internet browser favorites/bookmarks and custom file folders. The quest continues.
On a slightly brighter note, this seems like quite a useful list of syncing software.
i must use lapsync because i don't want all 1500 outlook contacts into my phone, so i filter them by category and only sync a certain category.
i dont sync bookmarks, but i know you can use AS to sync ONLY bookmarks. to sync custom files and folders, try mobsync - its free.
I Tried Laplink today, This needs ActiveSync to function properlyu (did not see my device attached). I am lucky I had trial software instead of paying $ 50

ActiveSync Question..

Hi All,
Currently, I have my Touch synched with my laptop because my desktop was ill. Now that I have it running again, I notice when I connect my Touch to my PC, ActiveSync is "looking" at it as a new device again. It doesn't seem to "remember" it since I switched computers. I hope I am making myself clear as to what I'm saying... It goes to the setup wizard, in other words. I usually just cancel out of this and do my downloads, etc. My question is I would like to again use the features in ActiveSync, but I am deathly afraid I will lose all my contacts, and I already had to do a hard reset for another problem, it's no fun to lose a hundred contacts. I use SPB backup now, so I feel a bit safer. But is there any chance I will lose my contacts/address book if I use the setup wizard again?
Thanks. Gary
manullay back your contacts from your laptop and copy them to outlook in your desktop and try syncing.. it's simple drag and drop the contacts into outlook
Another ActiveSync Question
Does anyone know why at random times ActiveSync will launch on it's own? Even after you close all the current running apps from the today page task monitor?

A serious replacement to Active Sync alias Windows Mobile Device Cente

I am really fed up with ActiveSync / Windows Mobile Device Center!
I just can't stand it anymore.
Are there serious and good replacement for it? For WM 6.5.5 and Win7 x64?
Since 2007 I am experiencing these 3 major issues, with any subsequent versions of ActiveSync (which is now called Windows Mobile Device Center, on my Win7 Ultimate x64 system)
1st issue:
After a restore on one of my 3 WM devices (two HD2 and one HD1 blackstone), I had to full resync each time: sometimes it takes 30 min, sometimes 5-6 hours: I ALWAYS AND ONLY include contacts, task and calendar, with default sync settings (no emails)
2nd issue
Apparently, without warning, any 3-5 days a message appears saying:
A change to the server requires full re-sync.
I do and sometimes all is fine, sometimes ALL MY CONTACT ARE REPLICATED on both my PC and my devices...as for today I got 6,000 contacts! (they should be around 1,500)...And I am forced to go through my contacts and remove manually all the duplicates.
3rd issue: sync is completed BUT CHANGES are NOT reflected on DEVICES!
Suppose I change contact/notes on one of my 3 devices and then sync. My laptop might or may not take in the change. But invariably I get the message Device connected, Sync completed!
Viceversa: I change the email field of a contact on my laptop: the changes are reflected on device 1 but NOT on device 2 and yes on device 3! Very random behavior...
Yesterday I have edited the notes (it is a field) of a contacts on my 2nd device. On PC and on my 1st device the changes were synced. On the last device NOT....sync was completed all 3 times, WITHOUT ERRORS but changes are not there!
This is irritating.
Please help and suggest a substitute to ActiveSync alias WMDC for WM 6.5.5
Is there any tool, even if it an expensive one, to replace it?
I'm not talking about IntelliSync, PocketMirror, etc which are
not replacing, just extending its functionalities...
I don't want any more trace of activesync on my laptop, I wish to have
a professional product installed.
Thank you
I read on interenet about SyncML and another solution called DevilsPGD.
Any feedback about it? Is there a off-line version? I dislile the idea of having my data on a web server.
Thank you
I forgot to mention that my main goas are to sync PIM data (Outlook data) e.g.:
- Contacts
- tasks
- calendar
Through the years it has always baffled me how so many people have had issues with AS and MDC. I can honestly say that I have had, maybe 5 ot 6 errors with it, and all were solved with a simple reboot of both devices. After that it would go for like a year or two without an issue.
I have been using WM devices since the dell axim was introduced (changing both computers and PDA/Smartphones as time progressed) and have always read of people having massive issues with it. I also consider myself a pretty heavy user of AS/MDC: PIM syncing, Office doc syncing, Note syncing, music and photo syncing (yes with windows media player), Pocket Quicken syncing, Mysportstraining and mypersonaldiet syncing, ewallet syncing, Quickbook syncing, Mylifeorganized syncing, Checklist syncing, and a customized program I had built that syncs my loan files with an industry software I use called Point.
With all of this crap being transferred to and from my various computers and my PDA/Smartphones I would have thought, based on reading other peoples' issues, I would have experienced more problems. But as I said, it has pretty much always been a painless experience. Even the issues I had were minor (one record wouldnt sync, or one conduit would not sync, but everything else did) and as I said, rebooting both devices fixed it everytime.
What is everyone else doing differently?
I use Jeyo Mobile Companion, and I am really happy with this program. Works well on Windows 7 with a lot of features.
Compatible with all Windows Mobile Smartphones and Pocket PC Phone Edition devices
Send, receive and search SMS messages from a Windows PC
Syncs new SMSs automatically
Sync user-created SMS subfolders
Chat over SMS using an instant messaging-style UI
View sync'd SMS messages in threaded mode.
Organize contacts in a Windows Mobile device's memory or on a SIM card
Universal contacts import
Powerful new data export capabilities
Manage call history
Backup and restore SMS messages, contacts and call history
Supports flexible XML export file format
Install applications and homescreen themes on a device
Customize your device's theme settings from your PC
Set device ringtones and audio notifications from your PC
Take screenshots of your device
View a device's system information
Manage running applications and processes on a device
Dial your phone from your PC
Support multiple-language UI
15 day free trial
Lifetime email support with purchase
Free upgrades to all dot releases with purchase
Dear Cirrob
I also use pocket PCs since 1998. 12 years. and always been with Active Sync.
But now I cannot accept that a sync is completed, no errors and in fact the new updated phone or cell phone is not there, on my device!
Also I edit some NOTES (notes field, within a contact) and these changes are not reflected on my PC.
I get no error messages! I have checked that the right couple (WindowPC - Device) are selected... a new contact is corrected sync, a old one, if edit, I have 70% chance is correctly synced and 30% chances it remain unchanged, either on PC or on Device...
Sure enough, if I make a hard reset, these issues are solved, the sync is perfect...But I do no want to make an hard reset every month.
Does Jeyo Mobile Companion rely on Active Sync (like Intellsync or Pocket Mirror)?
Or is it a real replacement?
Forget Activsync
I have used PDAs heavily in my business. Before wm phones I had to carry two devices. I have also used a blackberry which has an excellent interface with any computer, it is faster and more accurate, It is realy a shame that MS stuff always seems so counter-intuitive. In my opinion the best solution is to not use activesync at all. You can do that if you have an exchange account, then you can sync all PIM over wireless, with 3G it is effortless. One caveat is that you cannot sync notes unless you activsync with outlook configured to exchange.
By the way "TrineFix" is a utility I downloaded somewhere here, when installed on your phone it will remove duplicates from your contacts, it works extremely well, and you don't have to edit duplicates by hand.
hallo researchm
Can you please expand on exchange server? Is it possible to subscribe to it for a private person like me? I mean is exchange available for personal usage?
Do you khow to start an exchange account?
Is this process something similar to syncing to a website and then connect my HD2 to the web to complete the sync?
Thank you and waiting.
saulo866 said:
Does Jeyo Mobile Companion rely on Active Sync (like Intellsync or Pocket Mirror)?
Or is it a real replacement?
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It requires ActiveSync 3.7 or above
SyncML (and a provider, which supports it!). Supports WiFi!
How about microsoft my phone its syncs everything apart from email. There is one thing it can be slow sometimes to download, but uploading is fine. I was reading that they are working on fixing the download speed.
I use MyPhone. It's good, it has also a duplicate item eraser, but it does not sync with PC, as far as I know.
Did you ever heard about Funambol ?
woaloo said:
Did you ever heard about Funambol ?
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That's SyncML posted above!
MyPhone just backups but doesn't sync Outlook, SyncML does.
S-Line said:
SyncML (and a provider, which supports it!). Supports WiFi!
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woaloo said:
Did you ever heard about Funambol ?
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S-Line said:
That's SyncML posted above!
MyPhone just backups but doesn't sync Outlook, SyncML does.
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When I did a search for SyncML, it brought me to the Funambol site.
Looks like they have "cloud" sync options as well. Interesting.
Have you guys tried it?
I too have had problems with WMDC and Activesync. I have found a solution that works for me so I don't get the error messages:
1. Delete ALL items you want to sync from your mobile.
2. Delete ALL partnerships from your mobile.
3. Sync with XP PC (which in my case has all of the correct appointments and contacts which is all I want to sync).
4. Delete ALL partnerships from your Vista PC.
5. Delete ALL items you want to sync from Vista PC.
5. Sync mobile with Vista PC - make sure the device name the Vista PC suggests is the same as the XP PC.
Then hopefully you can sync either PC without any activesync errors. I have over 2000 appointments and over 400 contacts, so there is quite a bit of info. Each sync in 3 and 5 takes about 30 minutes. Each second sync only takes 30 seconds.
Trident said:
When I did a search for SyncML, it brought me to the Funambol site.
Looks like they have "cloud" sync options as well. Interesting.
Have you guys tried it?
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Yes, working fine (using it via my provider, which offers a special version of syncml).
I've owned Asus MyPal A639, HTC Touch HD and now - Leo. Never had any of these problems that you mention except that ActiveSync really drives me mad for one particular thing - its virus-like auto-start behavior on both desktop and PPC. Its like sync , sync, sync... a-a-and.... sync, sync, sync. Even disabled it rewrites its entries in the registry every time you start it. Its a pest! On the other side it does what it does - sync(!) and you can use many 3-rd party programs on top of it. I use Jeyo Mobile Companion and MobilEdit! but they rely on ActiveSync. Unfortunately there's no real alternative to ActiveSync and its derivatives (WMDC).
saulo866 said:
I am really fed up with ActiveSync / Windows Mobile Device Center!
I just can't stand it anymore.
Are there serious and good replacement for it? For WM 6.5.5 and Win7 x64?
Since 2007 I am experiencing these 3 major issues, with any subsequent versions of ActiveSync (which is now called Windows Mobile Device Center, on my Win7 Ultimate x64 system)
1st issue:
After a restore on one of my 3 WM devices (two HD2 and one HD1 blackstone), I had to full resync each time: sometimes it takes 30 min, sometimes 5-6 hours: I ALWAYS AND ONLY include contacts, task and calendar, with default sync settings (no emails)
2nd issue
Apparently, without warning, any 3-5 days a message appears saying:
A change to the server requires full re-sync.
I do and sometimes all is fine, sometimes ALL MY CONTACT ARE REPLICATED on both my PC and my devices...as for today I got 6,000 contacts! (they should be around 1,500)...And I am forced to go through my contacts and remove manually all the duplicates.
3rd issue: sync is completed BUT CHANGES are NOT reflected on DEVICES!
Suppose I change contact/notes on one of my 3 devices and then sync. My laptop might or may not take in the change. But invariably I get the message Device connected, Sync completed!
Viceversa: I change the email field of a contact on my laptop: the changes are reflected on device 1 but NOT on device 2 and yes on device 3! Very random behavior...
Yesterday I have edited the notes (it is a field) of a contacts on my 2nd device. On PC and on my 1st device the changes were synced. On the last device NOT....sync was completed all 3 times, WITHOUT ERRORS but changes are not there!
This is irritating.
Please help and suggest a substitute to ActiveSync alias WMDC for WM 6.5.5
Is there any tool, even if it an expensive one, to replace it?
I'm not talking about IntelliSync, PocketMirror, etc which are
not replacing, just extending its functionalities...
I don't want any more trace of activesync on my laptop, I wish to have
a professional product installed.
Thank you
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.And I am forced to go through my contacts and remove manually all the duplicates.
Why? There is software out there for your phone that will delete duplicate contacts from your device. Then all you need to do is resync back with outlook.

Activesync/Outlook 2007 connect/sync failure

I have been struggling with hd2 stability using activesync to sync my Outlook 2007 data. I have about 2500 contacts and about 2 yrs of calendar events. My old palm pre did not have a problem with this w/o active sync. I am about to rebuild the phone setup as it is corrupt again to the point that restarts no longer fix the problem. Sync works fine and fast for awhile and then the network connection takes longer to establish. You can browse the phone from the desktop activesync, but the data sync will not work. SPB backup seems to be able to sync properly and quickly.
The phone also goes unstable when you edit a contact shortcut or add a picture. I would love to find a way to solve this as this is the main, productive use of the phone for me and I love all the other capabilities of the phone and would like to move on to some of the other tweaks...but I need this basic functionality.
Please, any ideas?
The phone ROM is fully updated.
Dimes to Dollars you have a corrupt contact. Not surprising if you have 2500 of em. Experienced similar issues, fortunately the user noticed which contact wasnt syncing, deleted it from outlook/exchange, phone started syncing properly again.
If you decide to do a refresh, connect to WiFi of your work (or wherever the email is), and let it sync for a while before messing with it. It does contacts and calendar first, then inbox. Given you have so much data, let it go for quite a while.
Thanks Jimbonics,
Good clue. The pst file works properly on all my desktops and laptop. Any suggestions to validate the Outlook contacts?
I am using a usb connection to the phone (cradle) for sync. The initial syncing takes a long time, but works properly and does not stop at any contact or issue an error.
soundidea said:
...does not stop at any contact or issue an error.
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No error message? Hmm...that's a tough one. I was just going to ask you about that. I just resolved my activesync issue for "Exchange error 80072F0D".
I may have to move my data to an exchange server, but sure would like to have the desktop sync with Outlook work reliably.
The only error right now is after the connection has been established and activesync sez "connected", after about 5 minutes an activesync dialogue on the desktop comes up saying it cannot sync the data. SPB backup connects and syncs almost immediately.
The other nuisance is that when you connect the hd2 via usb, Outlook (and other parts of the desktop system) are frozen for awhile until the connection is finished. I guess there may be a problem with the desktop as well. I may just have to look into the process logs and find the log jams.

