need help my cingular 8525 all white screen - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

i have cingular 8525, but when i turn on the phone :
1. no startup screen only white screen.
2. no startup sound.
3. cannot enter the bootloader.
when i try connect with pc no hardware detected.
really need advise, what steps should i do?
Thank your for your kind

I am having the same problem

Case 1 above does not sound like the hardware fault that can cause a white screen in which case the following may be relevant:
Case 2 above gives no details so we cannot tell if its software or hardware. The above thread may be relevant assuming it's not hardware.
The hardware fault normally shows by the phone booting as normal but the screen is white or goes white after some minutes.
If you post on the above mentioned thread, you MUST provide details or else folks may get upset as it means they have to ask a whole series of questions before trying to help!

White Screen
Try this: Hook it up by USB to computer and see it the video will pass thru ( try a sample version of "pocket controller" from SOTI software)......
Mine did this and the WHITE SCREEN required calling CINGULAR and they had to replace the machine , twice actually) ...
I think the problem originated from the use of the plastic case holder which when closed would sometimes get between the two halves of the unit and cause separation)

Ahhh yes prob solved.


Help! Stuck on Align Screen!

Guys, I hope you can help me!
I was using my Imate Jasjar when it was accidentally bumped by another person. the Jasjar fell but it wasn't that high and the floor was carpetted. However, I noticed that whenever i try to tap on the Start button on landscape mode, the calendar application opens up! And when I try to tap V-Bar on the other corner opposite the Start button, the Contacts application opens up. Basically, the soft keys on the bottom screen are the one opening up even if I'm tapping the ones on top! If I tap the bottom soft keys, I thought the Start button or my V-bar would come out but still the Calendar and Contacts applications were the ones that opened. Basically the everything on top cannot be tapped!
On Portrait mode, I can tap the start button but when the V-Bar was tapped it still opens the Contacts application.
I went to Settings then Screen to re-align the screen. I thought it would solve the problem but apparently it didn't! I was trapped in the Align Screen section giving me an endless loop to tap the 5 areas of the screen.
I now did a Hard Reset, and now I'm forever got stucked to the Align Screen part.
What am I supposed to do??? Please help!!!
Seen the same problem... Try to guess the error margin of the alignment...
for example instead of tapping in the center of the cross try tapping on left or right... Since your screen isn't aligned you can't press on the center...
Now the problem is hardware, not the MB but the LCD...
After tou figure out the margin error, the Universal will resume and then you ca align the screen via Start->Settings->System, align screen
I'll try to know more about this problem asking my friend.
Best of luck
thanks for your reply!
i also believe that it has something to do with the LCD. there are no cracks whatsoever. problem with the aligning is i have to keep on guessing. and if ever i do align the screen successfully, i'm not sure if re-aligning the screen in Settings would solve the problem.
i would appreciate though if your friend or anybody else can shed light to a solution.
This is a simple problem to solve ;-)
When the allign screen is ON and you have to make the first tap on the crosshair (just before you start clicking away to allign your screen), twist your display from landscape to portrait mode...
Now continue to allign it as usual, and you should finish successfully!
unfortunately, after following your instructions, i still went on an endless loop on aligning the screen. i'll try to reflash the rom and see if it would work. i hope it does...
i updated my ROM. still stuck on the alignment screen!
any more ideas?
To be honest, sounds like your screen is broke. Even if you got it to align, I doubt it would be very usable. I think you are looking at repair - if there's no visible sign of damage, you might get away with a warranty repair.
Few months back i've got exactly the same problems (odd LCD behavior, impossible alignment, etc...) with an HP4700. I went to the service center and they had to replace the LCD screen. They did not charge me and take it under warranty. In my case the unit did not drop and i made it clear to them. I would suggest you go back to the service center and forget about the drop in your problem description .
I had the same thing happen on a HP 3700, I did not even drop it all i did was install the Quake game for it and after a few days the screen alignment went a bit out. It was usable but definately out by about 1 cm in each direction. The unit had not been dropped. I went into the allign screen utillity and ended up in the infinite loop. The only way to fix was a new screen. But unforunately it was no longer under warranty. The screen consists of 2 separate parts the lcd and the touch screen bit. In my case the lcd had no issues just the touch screen. Very annoying but there you go.
Search your soul and do what you feel comfortable with.
Good luck
thanks for all your replies!
i've made several searches yesterday with similar problems (even if they're using different PPC models) and they all ended up sending back their units for repair. there's even one who posted in expansys with the same exact problem!
we'll be sending it back through expansys (we got the unit from them) and hopefully get it back before the end of the month. and yes, i won't tell them that it was dropped, he he :twisted: and they won't find evidence either on the outside because there are no physical damages. what a start of the new year for me <sigh>
right now i'm back using my XDA IIi.
thanks for all your support! this is my first thread/topic in this site and it's so unfortunate that it had to be sort of a negative one. looking forward to be active more here!
Hello there
This might help (I am currently wrking with 200 PDAs so have had this a few times)
THere may be a iece of dust/biscuit crumb etc, under the edge of the casing above the screen, try using a post it note or paper and go around the casing/edge of screen, this should clear the screen of anything that may be causing this problem.
THis worked for me on the majority of non-aligning screens
My story was, one day when I needed to twist the screen, it was a bit stuck so I twisted a bit harder, yes it went back. Then few days later, the mis-alignment started and since then I have been keeping to do re-alignment my screen.
My screen is mis-aligned once every 2 or 3 days or even few minutes then I have to re-align by using WM5's alignment program. It sometimes takes me 2 or 3 times or even one time.
The most anoying thing is it keeps forget after aligned screen.
Now, certainty, I don't think it is a screen problem because after running alignment app, it correctly pointed into the right spot but then it forgot where the right position was.
I have done the upgraded ROM ( even tried Ivan AKU 3.2 ROM ) but problem still persisted.
I just tried clean up the edge of screen, finger cross, hope it fixes my problem.
Bad thing is, I bought my device from UK and I am living in Australia so therefore, my warranty is definately invalid. I don't want to spend 200 AUD for the new screen ( unless I am 100% sure that LCD is faulty ).
Anyone has any idea or even a better suggestion because I don't see many people having this problem.
I suspects that maybe the flex cable got ripped but not totally ripped. Don't know , please help me out on this one
Best regards
Anyone has any idea about my problem ??
One question :
I know that the flex cable has 2 connectors ( one is for LCD display and another is for LCD function ). Now does LCD function relate to the touch screen function ? and if one tiny wire of the function cable got cracked, but not totally cracked, will it affect the touch screen function ?
Other thing, does WM5 store any setting relating to screen alignment setting ? If yes, where is it ?
Hi, from another forum, it only help to bypass the alignement loop:
"here you go theses are simple steps to bypass the touchscreen alignment.
Install you activesyn blah blah blah when it finds it go on my computer and go into your PDA device
go to windows startup and delete the Welcome file
after that give your PPC a soft reset and BAM u by passed the screen now get a free desktop program liek pocket controller from the internet it will automatically install on your pda and BAM you can control your pda add music and whatever
but now if you want to click stuff on the road get pen irazu just search on google and send it to your PDA then go to file explorer and double click it and you got a cute little mouse program that you can use like a stylus"
also try this little soft:
Hope it helps.
Hi godtakeit!
I've had the same problem a few weeks ago (and still having it from time to time) and for me a slight (very careful) bending of the screen makes it work again. It seems to me that there are connector behind or near the display which has some loose contacts.
Did you notice any other problems which came in conjuction with the alignment problem (e.g. speaker not working)?
Hi oxident
No, I don't have problem with speaker ( it was not working before but it is because of the jack plug problem - it solved ). Yeah, I did notice if I bend the screen carefully, the problem is gone. The funny thing is when I aligned the screen, it worked but if I closed it off and left it over night, it started again when I opened the lid.
You may right about the connector between LCD screen and mainboard. Well, I have no choice but openning the device and check it up.
Also, I read the thread somewhere in this forum and somebody advised this problem maybe relates to magnet around device. My brother aslo advised me that LCD charged and reserved negative electrons. Wierd but I am experiment it at the moment ( taking off battery and leave the device for a few days so that it can release the negative electrons ).
Hope it fixes
please help
i have an imate jas jam that i i got from my father he used it for like 3 years and it is pretty banged up so i cant use the warranty and repairs cost a lot, any who i got it yesterday and it was very slow so i reset the settings and now im stuck on the align screen it keeps going on for ever and ever if any one knows any thing plzzzz help
Welcome aboard
You have one of the best HTC devices ever made!
Have a look here to locate the solution to your prob:
Post number 2
Good luck,

white screen

hi screen has gone all white! i have tried every kind of reset possible, and still no luck. i can hear the start up chime, so i think the memory, OS, etc is intact fine...but there is something wrong with the display! Any ideas??
Yea its most likely your screen. I disassembled my magician to install a new case and now the screen wont power on but i can hear a startup chime.
Looks like ill have to buy a new screen or move on to a new phone.
Did you end up replacing your screen? NB, you might want to try cleaning the contacts to the LCD with some no residue flux, and a toothbrush / painting brush. The contacts just might be dirty. At the very least you can see what type of screen you need if you decide to go that way.
NB, My unit is doing something similar, but it doesn't seem to display the bootloader screen, etc. It has a samsung screen.
Also, when I try to use USB to connect to it, it gives an error message, but only after it's booted up. If its in the bootloader, I can use romupdate.exe and connect to the bootloader fine, and back up to SD, etc...
Is it definitely just the screen that needs replacement?
Have you tried to upgrade the rom to a higher version?
I met the simliar problem when I flashed my rom to 1.06 CHS, after I upgrade
it to 1.12.07 CHS or 1.13.00 WWE, it works very well.
I have a O2 mini(magician) after update rom is white diplays
can you upload rom for me?
Somebody Can Tell Me Where I Can Download Mini O2 Rom .please Help
I have the same problem. I open it up to check the front speaker and now I ended up with a white screen phone
That is nothing to do with rom, because I run MyMobiler and I can even everything with it in my PC, I even hear the clicks, but still only white screen on the phone
Damn speaker. It was his fault!!
Here is the cause of your problem - you connected the screen badly on assembly or it slid out when you were closing, open your device and make sure the flex cable is properly inserted. That, or you damaged the flex.
hey my problem *developed* to be like urs

Screen Turns White with stripes

Hello All,
This is the first time I'm posting a message, because this is the first time I'm not able to find the answer via the search.
I have an MDA Vario with a T-Mobile ROM, the latest.
What is happening is that when I use my screen in the portrait position it will turn white with all kind of stripes, then I have to turn it on and off and then I can see the normal screen for a few seconds before it happens again.
I have updated my ROM and no difference.
No I have found out that when I use it in the Landscape mode, with the keyboard unfolded it is not happening. As soon as a fold back the keyboard it happens again.
Can any body tell me how I can get this to go away? I have tried looking for a driver update for the screen or something, but without any luck.
Please help.
i'm affraid it is a hardware problem
the same thing happens to me, except quite opposite - when i slide the keyboard out, sometimes screen goes bad. turn off and back on does the trick. also, when the screen is not unfolded completely you can see 'crawling dots' ... i think it has something to do with 'floppy' connector tape (if there is one) or another way the screen is connected with the base of the device. i wouldn't like to disassemble my wizard to verify this claim, unless someone can tell me how to fix it - so that i am sure. anyone has any experience with that?
People at PDA Club say it's connector tape.
Mine Wizard has the same problem, I left it at the shop where I purchased it, for a warranty repair. I hope they'll fix it.
Anyway, I heard that the cost of this repair is about 100PLN [ that is about 25 Euro ]
thanks swistak. unfortunately in my town (eastern poland) there isn't too many people who knows what a pda is, that includes mobile shop, or other service stations workers. but it's good to know there is a way of solving the issue.
Ask people at forum for help.
I know that there are few guys who run their repair points, maybe You could send it to them via post.

What problems to look for when buying a 2nd hand hermes?

I think this information might be useful for lots of people.
The question is: What problems should we look for when wanting to buy a second hand hermes, and how to look for them?
Everyone who's had problems with herms or knows about them should give an oppinion.thanks
Watch out for:
High frequent tone, ONLY when the display is on. Very annoying.
My phone has been to the shop for 3 times. Now I have got a new phone!
But I miss my HTC......
i had that one too, on the day i bought the 2nd hand tytn. changed the radio and rom and it went away. then the battery started heating, but i don't know if it heated before too
1). turn device on if you can.
2) sceen alignment and whitescreen - some people have the whitescreen problem, to see if it could be in yours(one type anyway) run your finger down to the bottom right at the side lcd screen (not on the screen, the casing) til you are about 2/3 of the way down from the top. lightly increase pressure and see if it starts going white. Please note this is a specific type of whitescreen which can be fixed BUT will have the warranty voided to do so. Try running a screen alignment (ask if FTouch flo is on the phone & active as this will stop this working and require a soft reset to fix)
2). test the buttons usually the bottom buttons ie. hotkeys, answer/hangup. but dont forget to check out the slideout keyboard too.
3). check to see if the battery gets hot or if there are any "hot spots" on the case. this indicates problems too. there may be a short somewhere on the hermes that is draining power REALLY quickly or may be affecting if power gets to where its needed.
4). soft reset and check if "no GSM" flashes up in the loading stage as this shows its a brick with a corrupted radio rom. this may be fixable but for me personally it would be bought only for parts (and would have to be cheap).
This is what I'd do as it is fairly quick BUT ths works only if you can see the device before you buy it otherwise you may be in for a nasty surprise.
Hope this helps...
hostedrage said:
The question is: What problems should we look for when wanting to buy a second hand hermes, and how to look for them?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
While it's not exactly a problem, it could be a warning that problems may happen in the future.
Check the stickers under the battery, make sure the VOID sticker is intact and the (at least mine had one) reflective sticker is also intact.
Check the model and IMEI listed on the sticker, then compare it to the model and IMEI listed under the Identity tab in Device Information (Start -> Settings -> System -> Identity tab). This could give away someone trying to sell a HERM100 model as a new HERM200 (and asking a higher price), or a phone that may have been dropped and damaged. Also check the call duration tab if it's being sold as 'low use' (true, this can be cleared, but it's not exactly a couple of taps to do it).
At the very least, this could save the buyer some dosh and expose the seller as the potentially slimy person they are.
White screen mda vario 2
I have purchased a mda vario 2, last november, with only 3 months waranty, now I`m having problems.
I have had my screen going white, some times if I go into landscape mode or turn the light on and off by means of pressing the power buton quickly the screen comes back, then the screen sometimes goes all blurry.
Now the phone wont come back on at all, all I get is this white screen, the screen lights up but just a white screen, nothing else.
So I bought a new screen from E-Bay and I connected it up to my phone but I get the same, the screen lights up, same old white screen.
Nothing else, If anyone knows what this problem is I would be very grateful.
It was a shop I brought the screen from off of E-Bay, I asked prior to purchasing this screen if it would be compatible with my phone and they told me that it was.
Many Thanks for any help, ideas what this could be.
Not nice of you to hijack someone else's thread.
Anyway, read the following thread for information:
li-ion have a limited number of hours before it dies i would check batt time of cause thats kinda problematic to test
I appologize if I hijacked someone else`s thread.
As I am new to this site I thought that you just use it like you do in a chat room.
I guess I was wrong, I`ll try to figure out how you use this site without annoying anyone.
My Appologies.
Anyways, Thankyou for your help, and for the hijacking part.
thinking of buying a hermes
I've been reading through out the forums because I am seriously thinking of buying this phone, a second-hand because I can't afford a brand new one. I'm a bit worried about the Whitescreen and D-pad failures thread, it seems it's the usual or maybe common problem of this model. So I have some questions before I do get this model.
-How would I know if the phone has been opened for repairs?
because I read here that you need to open the phone to fix the whitescreen prob.
-Do I look for one that has FTouch flo to check the screen alignment?
is there any other way to do this just in case the phone doesn't have one installed.
-How long does the battery last if you only use it for texting, wifi and making short calls? Also about the battery heating up, does it mean while it's idle? Is it sometimes normal for batteries to heat/warm up?
sceen alignment and whitescreen - some people have the whitescreen problem, to see if it could be in yours(one type anyway) run your finger down to the bottom right at the side lcd screen (not on the screen, the casing) til you are about 2/3 of the way down from the top. lightly increase pressure and see if it starts going white. Please note this is a specific type of whitescreen which can be fixed BUT will have the warranty voided to do so
Are there other more ways to check if symptoms of whitescreen is present? I'd really like to be thorough because I'm pretty sure the ones that I can afford would not have any warranty anymore.
The ff. are the things I think I should do to make sure the phone is in good condition:
Make a call
Send SMS
Try wifi
Use the camera
Check all keys/buttons on the front, sides and dpad if all working
Try a memory card
Pls. advice me if I've forgotten anything else.
I'm actually choosing between Hermes and HTC Elf, I'm leaning more to the Hermes because of the Dpad and it's slightly cheaper than the Elf.
Thanks in advance!
Also check the external speaker, I have four that I tweak, and two had loose speaker connections(made a good deal for me). It's an easy fix, I got the tool at radio shack. BTW these units are out of warranty.
Ok I'll add that.
Anything else?
Essentially a good indication of a possible whitescreen issue is the buttons on the front not working.
To check to see if its been opened look under battery as jdc said, theres a small white sticker over a screw on the right hand side thats says Void if removed, If can see a screw under the flash LED, then its been opened.

White Screen??

My Cingular 8525 is having screens issues that I thought I'd post to the community if anyone has seen this.
The normal screen will go to all white under thermal conditions it appears. Thermal being inside a hot car, in my holster against my hip, gripping in my hand, heavy use with BT or wifi... thus I suspect thermal. I've changed battery's, no change. If it has changed to all white screen, a soft reset will not revert the screen back. The pda appears to have to "cool" off before screen will recover.
Could this be a LCD driver chip dieing? The screen itself? Worth repairing? Got my eye on the AT&T Fuze but wanted to keep the 8525 going for a few more months.
Thanks, Craig
holy crap I'm having the same problem. I havent determined heat to be the problem, but the only possible clue is that once, right after i hung up ona phone conversation, the screen turned semi white. If you looked real hard you could tell that the menus and programs were still operating normally, but the screen was screwy. using johkoss's V8 w. Manilla2D
Major problem, theres a MASSIVE thread going for this, sometimes it pays to use the search function.....
this is "the most common issue" on a hermes device.
I, personally, experienced it 3 times with 3 different hermes. Each time I had to send the device back to the shop. Because my device was under warranty, I always got a new one, free of charge.
You guys might want to check the Wiki, cause I believe there's a section there just dedicated for this issue.
I can't remember what the details are, but if my memory serves me right, it has something to do with the hardware (connection of cables to the screen).
I don't use hermes anymore, but I still come to the hermes forum every now and then...
Therer are actually a myriad of reasons you can get whitescreen, both hardware and software. From the descriptions though, it sounds like hardware.
This can be one of the most difficult things to fix as there may be multiple reasons and fixing one thing won't fix the issue.
I am agree with you. White screen may be appears occasionally and may be not. When white screen appears in my experience, it's enough to soft-reset.
May be different solutions with another?
HTC TyTN White Screen Issue with S/N Starting with HT6's
is your TyTN S/N start's with a HT6 you have a defective model for sure they are one of the first breads and are being known too have issues, so anyone make sure it starts with a HT733G4323 Etc, if your buying one of these used.
Or Even new Watch Out.
mobile 5
With 6.1 Plug-in's
Can't say that MY HT6 is a problem.. I actually found it faster than a HT7 (I have both). I did have to replace the LCD, BUT, it was because the touchscreen died, NOT whitescreen.
I bought the HT7 as a broken Hermes off ebay and found that it was actually less responsive than my older model. Used it to fix my older HT6 than use the HT7 motherboard in my, now, Frankenphone....
The "broken" Jasjam had a broken camera. It was actually just unplugged from the board. Liked my older model better...
White Screen
Hi to all,
I'm using PDAcorner v.20 w/ 5mb page pool,i to has encounter a white screen issue,it is true that its my be a hardware and software issue but if you only encounter white screen that all the time it is a software issue,you can check (schaps advance config) im using version builtin in pdacorner v20 check the performance setting disable file system cache and file system filter cache in the glyph cache use only 8kb observe if the white screen will appear again.
hope that this will help all with white screen issue.

