Vtap - Video Player - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Has anyone had any experience using this Video Player ?

VTAP is by far the best free option
Originally Posted by Technology
Go to http://www.vtap.com via your mobile web browser and download the YouTube setup for smartphones or pocketPC devices, works on wm5 and wm6 mobile devices and also works on just about all name brand mobile devices, even works on the iphone. You can set Vtap on your homepage as a plugin. Just type in the search bar the subject of the videos you want to watch, and play the videos, fast and easy. Here is a YouTube video clip of how things work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWm5YkNsB6A, with Video Inc. you will have more than a million videos for your choice and taste. A strong and simple solution................!(Lol)

rickrugz said:
Originally Posted by Technology
Go to http://www.vtap.com via your mobile web browser and download the YouTube setup for smartphones or pocketPC devices, works on wm5 and wm6 mobile devices and also works on just about all name brand mobile devices, even works on the iphone. You can set Vtap on your homepage as a plugin. Just type in the search bar the subject of the videos you want to watch, and play the videos, fast and easy. Here is a YouTube video clip of how things work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWm5YkNsB6A, with Video Inc. you will have more than a million videos for your choice and taste. A strong and simple solution................!(Lol)
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Haha hm...sounds like a neutral party post ...
EDIT: Seems to work real good. Easy to find videos and such. Plus wikipedia

Just downloaded.
This is by far the best web video solution out.
it searches all kinds of sites not just youtube
my only gripe is it fullscreens upside down on hermes.

I like it! Thanks.
Videos work great, and the Wikipedia is real nice.

any idea why vtap puts two shortcuts in my programs list...vtap & vtap(1)?

Lavachild said:
any idea why vtap puts two shortcuts in my programs list...vtap & vtap(1)?
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Was wondering that myself. A bit silly. I just went into the Start Menu folder and deleted one of them. I think the smaller of the two. Still works fine.

I work for Veveo Inc. who provide the vTap service.
1. We are looking into the issue with the 2 icons in the programs folder. In the mean time, if you want to remove the vtap(1) icon, I have posted a process to remove it at this link: http://www.vtap.com/faq.html#rq11 .
2. We are looking into the upside down video on the Hermes phone. This has been seen now on a couple of HTC phones. I will post back when we have a solution for that problem.

I have an issue with Vtap, it won't connect to the server, why??
It says "Server is temporary unavailable, please click 'retry' to try again.
It keeps saying that over and over again when I'm at home using WiFi. Interestingly, when I go to a hotspot location, it would work.
I have tried to reconfigure my router to put my phone in the DMZ to open all ports but it still won't work?
What is going on?
Btw, I'm living in Singapore, if it matters.

I really like vtap. I think its an awesome app and it pretty easy to use. Of course with T-mo US only being able to offer edge it kind of kills the overall experience for me. But I tried this with a WiFi connection and it works perfect with a high speed data connection.

Must say I haven't checked the wiki or the faq, but it is a real nice videoplayer for youtube etc.
aalvino keep it up

aalvino said:
I work for Veveo Inc. who provide the vTap service.
1. We are looking into the issue with the 2 icons in the programs folder. In the mean time, if you want to remove the vtap(1) icon, I have posted a process to remove it at this link: http://www.vtap.com/faq.html#rq11 .
2. We are looking into the upside down video on the Hermes phone. This has been seen now on a couple of HTC phones. I will post back when we have a solution for that problem.
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Hello All.. We have posted a new version of the vTap client. This version has a number of bug Fixes:
1 - Storage Card - Previously if you requested vTap to be installed on a storage card, it would still get installed into the main memory of the phone. This has been fixed, and vTap will now be installed onto the storage card.
2 - Double Icon - Previosly when installing vTap, there would be 2 icons created in the Programs folder. Now after installing, there should be only one icon.
3 - Proxy Issue - There was an issue when connecting through some proxies where you would not be able to play clips. An error would be reported indicating the resolved clip is empty. This issue has been resolved.
You can install the latest version of the vTap client by pointing the browser on your phone to www.vtap.com, and downloading the appropriate application.

Can it work with any site with videos?

I'm connected and able to download.....however, I only get the audio playback......no video. Instead, I'm getting a green screen with a bizarre purple stripe design....This is on 3G...

mikiedreb said:
I'm connected and able to download.....however, I only get the audio playback......no video. Instead, I'm getting a green screen with a bizarre purple stripe design....This is on 3G...
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Hello Mikiedreb, could you tell me what phone you are using? Would you happen to know if it supports the DirectDraw feature?

yes I got problems , seems like media player can not co-exist with htc audio manager, one day i tried to star htc audio manager from today screen and my phone reset by itself , i needed to make a hard reset
cingular 8525
schaps 4.01

aalvino said:
Hello Mikiedreb, could you tell me what phone you are using? Would you happen to know if it supports the DirectDraw feature?
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Hey aalvino,
I'm using an 8525 (Hermes 100) w/vp3G's WM6 v3.62 AT&T ROM. Not sure about the DirectDraw support. I'd like to add that I'm having the same issue with my WiFi connection as well........good audio, but the psychedelic color video...would've been cool back in the '60s.......

arreguin said:
yes I got problems , seems like media player can not co-exist with htc audio manager, one day i tried to star htc audio manager from today screen and my phone reset by itself , i needed to make a hard reset
cingular 8525
schaps 4.01
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Well arreguin.....I took your advice and removed HTC audio manager from my 8525....and guess what? I've got my video and audio
vTap's working great, even on edge...
Thanks for the suggestion.

i dont know much about this stuff. i tried loading this on my 8525 (WM6) and it wont load. i download to PC and copied to phone is this right? i got an error and it told me that there might be a componet missing. i tried just opening on pc but nothing happened. what do i do?

henmar77 said:
i dont know much about this stuff. i tried loading this on my 8525 (WM6) and it wont load. i download to PC and copied to phone is this right? i got an error and it told me that there might be a componet missing. i tried just opening on pc but nothing happened. what do i do?
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The easiest way to install vTap is to just open the Browser on your phone, and go to the site www.vtap.com. You will then be prompted to download the correct .cab file and the installation should start automatically.


Youtube.com going to m.youtube.com

i try to go to youtube.com and it keeps going to m.youtube.com.. can ne 1 please help me?? I have the isp.cingular connection i'm using too.
Been getting the same thing, and trying to figure out why. I would love to know what the deal is. I was hoping to see how the plugin works with the wifi and all that.
As usual
I'm not an expert, but I can tell you that most of the important web sites, look for the users browser to render the site for them in the best way possible. When you go to google, maybe cnet, hotmail, en others, they recognize you as a mobile surfer, so they know they can't give you a 1024*768 website version. Instead, they give you acces to their "mobile version web site" with less width, graphics and texts.
Youtube has his services for mobile users in m.youtube.com, the videos are not flash videos like the full web site and you dont have full access to ALL the videos. They stream you videos instead.
By the way, it seems that My ATT8525 doesn't have the codecs because I couldn't watch any videos in youtube.
It's a registry key that determines whether or not you go to the wap versions of websites, connecting through wap.cingular.com or isp.cingular.com doesn't make a difference.
I found the key after a lot of searching, but I don't remember now which key it ultimately was. Also, I don't recommend changing it. Pocket IE was downright broken when trying to view the full versions of these websites after the key was changed.
Instead, I recommend hunting around for Picsel Browser, which is a far better solution for viewing fullsized webpages on a small screen. I'm pretty sure it was posted here somewhere so you can brush up on your searching skills and find it.
An even better browser for these things would be Thunderhawk. Thunderhawk is not free, but there is no question that it is the best.
masta7100 said:
i try to go to youtube.com and it keeps going to m.youtube.com.. can ne 1 please help me?? I have the isp.cingular connection i'm using too.
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Use this URL instead--> Works Great! You can still PIE, no problems..
Whats weird is now that I can go to the website, I can't use the FlashVideo Plugin for TCPMP to play videos off youtube. I had it working and now neither my treo or my 8525 work. Its so odd, anyone else have this?
it stinks... I also get the mobile versions for like espn and cnn.com
burrzoo said:
Use this URL instead--> Works Great! You can still PIE, no problems..
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thanks man! i'll try it :-D
burrzoo said:
Use this URL instead--> Works Great! You can still PIE, no problems..
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this worked out great for me
how good is the gps on the vogue compared to a standalone gps unit - both running either delorme or tomtom?
would you need a holux bluetooth gps receiver to be effective? thank you!

HTC Tilt / Kaiser Java Midlets problems when using bloover

Really newbie here - I've been reading all the forums for a week and still have problems.
Have an HTC tilt - Cingular/ATT - 8925.
So far, works good but - I was trying to use "bloover" / "btexplorer" / "sbth" and no luck. Install went good but trying to start them from Java, I get an error :
" The MIDlet could not be instantiated: java.lang.NoClassfFoundError "
I do know that this could be fixed, not sure how.
Any help, suggestions (never worked with java before, edit registry).
I also like to mention that after a week of studies and tries, "youtube" on HTC (at least on mine) does NOT WORK - tried everything - nothing works - won't play video. Error: "RealPlayer : Media file type not supported." And regardless a few threads - there is no "Video Sites" icon on "Programs".
Thanks and please don't redirect me to "JavaBible" - I couldn't understand it. All I need to know is if there is anything (and if yes - what - to make my programs run - maybe a different midlet manager).
dorudoru said:
Really newbie here - I've been reading all the forums for a week and still have problems.
Have an HTC tilt - Cingular/ATT - 8925.
So far, works good but - I was trying to use "bloover" / "btexplorer" / "sbth" and no luck. Install went good but trying to start them from Java, I get an error :
" The MIDlet could not be instantiated: java.lang.NoClassfFoundError "
I do know that this could be fixed, not sure how.
Any help, suggestions (never worked with java before, edit registry).
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See my lats comment: there's no way to run most? all? BT stuff on Windows Mobile. Sorry - if you need Bluetooth support, get a Symbian Smartphone.
dorudoru said:
I also like to mention that after a week of studies and tries, "youtube" on HTC (at least on mine) does NOT WORK - tried everything - nothing works - won't play video. Error: "RealPlayer : Media file type not supported." And regardless a few threads - there is no "Video Sites" icon on "Programs".
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??? Are you sure you've deployed the TCPMP plug-in? RealPlayer has nothing to do with YouTube.
And, do you mean Mobile YouTube or the regular one? For the former, you'll need HTC Streaming Media (but it may not work with you if your connection is NAT'ed); for the latter, the TCPMP plug-in.
Thanks and please don't redirect me to "JavaBible" - I couldn't understand it. All I need to know is if there is anything (and if yes - what - to make my programs run - maybe a different midlet manager).
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But, in the MIDlet Bible (if you mean the one at http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=The (Java) MIDlet Bible ) it's clearly explained you in NO WAY can mke Bluetooth work under the current KVM's.
youtube and bt
First off all, thank you for prompt response.
About BT- eg.-playing and listening music n/a on HTC Tilt but with 3rd party software (bt audio, bt music and so ) music streaming over bluetooth, skype enable and so works - could be a 3rd party to deploy midlets on java?!
Then youtube - I installed Tcmp, then flash player, go thru all the options, even made default player for all files. I was trying to acces youtube from ie - www.youtube.com -
and that's how I got the error. And why is realplayer I don't have a clue. Tried a few versions of tcmp, uninstall and flashed all the time.
It will be great if I could get some heads up or some new links for different players. I'm kind of sure I did it correctly (not once).
Thank you!

Youtube Videos?????????

HOW do I watch YouTube vids on my Mogul by HTC? I tried downloading the flash player. Didn't work. PLEASE HELP!
Search The Threads!!!!
You are looking for TCPMP player and flash video bundle.
HTC's Streaming Media is good too. It uses YouTube Mobile quality, (a good amount more compressed,) but it streams great. I prefer TCPMP.
I followed the article written at Treo Central and it works great on my XV6800.
Attached is FlashVideoBundle 1.4.4 and TCPMP 0.72RC1 for PocketPC. I used these CAB on my phone.
Are these the latest versions, or do they work the best??? And thanks for posting them.....
How to make PIE appear as IE...
have these files installed without problem...but my pocket IE always goes to the mobile versions of websites not the "real" full site...i have been searching but have been unable to find the appropriate work-around...any suggestions?
Download Vtap to your phone. Works great and loads very quickly. Video quality is fair.
azclown said:
Are these the latest versions, or do they work the best??? And thanks for posting them.....
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Yes, as of now these are the newest versions. In terms of performance I have not tried any other versions.
I used Opera Mobile before my trial ran out (after the rom upgrade I can use it for another 30 days, then might pay the $24). There's an option to identify your device to websites as a desktop computer, so you don't automatically get forced into a "mobile" version of a site such as YouTube. Opera Mobile also supposedly has a flash player built in, but I haven't tried it.
butlermd said:
have these files installed without problem...but my pocket IE always goes to the mobile versions of websites not the "real" full site...i have been searching but have been unable to find the appropriate work-around...any suggestions?
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If you go to youtube mobile and scroll down the page, there is an option to view the normal site. from then on your browser will take you to the regular youtube site.
Try typing this into your browser www.youtube.com/?nomobile
all of these are good...
Help with tcpmp.pocketpc.0.72RC1.cab Install
Hey everyone I,m needing some help, just started tweaking my Tilt moble, and when i unzip the TCPMP.pocketpc and put it on my phone theirs no RUN SETUP_ file.
What am i missing how do i run the .cab file

Log Me In, Skyfire/Opera w/ Flash, Garmin XT, & Slingbox

For all of you that have an X1, Congratulations.
The purpose of this thread is simple, I want to know if any of you have the above programs and if they work on the Xperia X1.
Please don't ask me for the program, I don't have them.
However, I heard all of these apps are very good and would like to know if they work at the 800x480 resolution.
Garmin Xt works great on the xperia =)
skyfire does not work,slingplayer on the other hand runs like a dream..
Micke401 said:
skyfire does not work,slingplayer on the other hand runs like a dream..
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nice good to know i can see this coming in handy
LogMeIn works perfectly .
fpbiii said:
For all of you that have an X1, Congratulations.
The purpose of this thread is simple, I want to know if any of you have the above programs and if they work on the Xperia X1.
Please don't ask me for the program, I don't have them.
However, I heard all of these apps are very good and would like to know if they work at the 800x480 resolution.
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Flash Lite 3.1 works with Opera, got Flash from one of the pages on xda-developers.
I seem to be unable to install Slingplayer Mobile on my Xperia, is there any fix needed in order to be successful? The version I'm trying with is the
SlingPlayer Mobile for Windows Smartphone 1.6 (US English) available at Sling.
PocketPC version
Solidsun said:
I seem to be unable to install Slingplayer Mobile on my Xperia, is there any fix needed in order to be successful? The version I'm trying with is the
SlingPlayer Mobile for Windows Smartphone 1.6 (US English) available at Sling.
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Try the Pocket PC version istead.
Flash lite working with opera? Tried all versions to be found here on xda to no success..
Slingplayer loads for me, but does not seem to connect for me? Odd.. anybody else get it working? Only the pocket pc version will install.
I think I remember this issue on my last Windows Mobile device. You have to use isp.cingular instead of wap.cingular (which is the default configuration). isp.cingular isn't working for me on my data plan, but hopefully this fixed the issue. what is everyone else using?
wap.cingular or isp.cingular???
SCtud said:
Slingplayer loads for me, but does not seem to connect for me? Odd.. anybody else get it working? Only the pocket pc version will install.
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Once I realised it was the pocket pc version it installed quite easily, but I also had trouble connecting (I assume you have entered the Slingbox Finder ID along with password in the setup on the Xperia), until I changed the connection settings and unchecked the proxysetting from my operator (Telia, Sweden). I don't now the exact translation of the box but I think it is [This network connects to the Internet by a proxyserver], once this is unchecked it started to work for me, the only downside is that the software only supports resolution up to 640x480, which becomes quite a small window on a 800x480 screen. News from Slingbox is that the new software coming soon, might support higher resolutions, but until then is there any way to change the screen settings to a lower resolution to get full screen?
It's old this topic. But I have to pick it up
I got LogMeIn on my X1, connected via IE perfectly, I can see my computer, can do file management. But each time I choose remote destop, it gives me a blank screen. Nothing seem be running. It's just all blank.
What's wrong with this? Any ideas?
It's old this topic. But I have to pick it up
I got LogMeIn on my X1, connected via IE perfectly, I can see my computer, can do file management. But each time I choose remote destop, it gives me a blank screen. Nothing seem be running. It's just all blank.
What's wrong with this? Any ideas?

Just Bought an HD2 WICH Apps are really needed for daily use??

As you see the title! Please put some apps for HD2!
Thanks a LOT
Appreciate it!!
Wifi remote access for file transfers (if you have wifi in the house) because it's faster than a usb cable.
The newest version of the facebook app from MS marketplace
dutty's task manager
I have more but they aren't for day to day use (except for maybe coreplayer but that's not free). Also search for tips and tweaks and have a read.
+1 Wifi Remote Access
G-Remote ($9) if you watch TV/video through your PC and want an ace remote control
TCMPMP Video Player (free) - so you can just drop videos straight on to your phone (like Divx and Xvid) and play them straight off (or CorePlayer but it's $30)
AlReader2 - The BEST ebook-reader bar none
Google Maps (obviously)
TomTom or iGo (both paid) are both great GPS navigators
FPSECE (I've not tried it since it came out of beta) which, for $10, gives you a frickin' PLAYSTATION on your phone!!!
MyPlayer (free) is the WM iPlayer equivalent - plus other freeview channels and live TV (assuming you're UK)
And down the line, consider looking at how to flash ROMs etc. if you want more tabs/newer features/better speed and stability (if you choose the right ROM!)
There's a Torch application (free) which uses your flash as an emergency torch - very bright and very handy!
Oh, and Windows MyPhone is (imo) the best way to back-up contacts, texts, etc.
Lastly, need a game for the bus? Try Experiment 13 - it's free and the graphics/physics are great!
Oh, and want to replace the basic mp3 player? Try S2P, very colourful, and fast to navigate, very similar to the iphone music player if you've seen that - although it's just left beta and is now $4 (although probably an old version about)
All of these are findable on XDA. Finally, welcome to the forum!!
Hrs of fun ahead
j.gigola said:
As you see the title! Please put some apps for HD2!
Thanks a LOT
Appreciate it!!
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firstly download marketplace to get microsoftmyphone very useful
Mainly download cookies 1.8&editor you'll end up tweaking your hd2 more than playing with apps I find.
Come back to this section very often as you'll always find something new all the time.
Most of all enjoy its f'in gr8
11calcal said:
firstly download marketplace to get microsoftmyphone very useful
Mainly download cookies 1.8&editor you'll end up tweaking your hd2 more than playing with apps I find.
Come back to this section very often as you'll always find something new all the time.
Most of all enjoy its f'in gr8
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I happen to know that there are some major issues with cookies home tab 1.8. Don't you think recommending a piece of know buggy software (no matter how good previous versions were) is a bit reckless?
M3PH said:
I happen to know that there are some major issues with cookies home tab 1.8. Don't you think recommending a piece of know buggy software (no matter how good previous versions were) is a bit reckless?
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what like?, seems to works ok for me........
donwhann said:
what like?, seems to works ok for me........
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There seem to be serveral crash bugs in it, major slow down issues and from what i can gather it's a bit of a mess. All the custom rom threads are on fire with request for 1.7 cabs (fools should have kept backups) and declarations of wishing to wait till 1.8.1
Personally i think sense is perfectly fine for my needs. It just need s kick in the butt to make it faster when it's after it's first boot.
donwhann said:
what like?, seems to works ok for me........
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I've not had no problems with cookies 1.8. I think it actually runs much smoother and is far more customizable than previous versions, no issues so far from a mess, anyways he was asking for opinions on apps & I gave mine
I like Bing for movie times. It also has turn-by-turn directions. Map-wise, I think Google Maps looks better, but Bing is a far sleeker application.
No issues from 1.8 for me... But let's keep this thread on track for our newbie friend, right?
To newbie : Cookie's Home Tab is a fantastic modification to your homepage, which provides you with many more shrtocuts on your homepage and tons of other configurations (such as a music player, task-list etc), but as you can see, the latest version may be buggy. Previous versions are stable as anything tho.
Thank you all for your quick responses!! LovE YA ALLLL!
i think everyone forgot to mention office mobile 2010 and i forgot to mention the following:
Leo Cpu speed
Chainfire's 3D driver patch
BSB tweaks
SRS wowhd 2.1
myriad java
And if you like gaming and a bit of nostalgia try out fpsece. It's a playstation emulator
just about to type BSB tweaks and saw the post above..
Fpsece - a must
skyfire - for browsing flash sites like tvcatchup.com
xda shutdown - handy for a quick reset
HDWalls - full screen wallpaper
JWMD icon changer - change all icons in start menu etc.
LeoCPU speed
world cup app - www.mobilepractices.com
Scilors Groove Mobile/Downloader - stream or download any tune
G-Alarm - not free but very good alarm app
mem maid or SKTools - to clean up your HD2
my Player - great bbc iplayer and live TV app (in the UK)
Sky - (if you've got a sky box you can remote record)
Mini Golf Wacky Worlds
SPB Puzzle
Experiment 13
Pool Rebel
Ivy the Kiwi
Fpsece (so good I put it in twice!)
that should keep you going for a bit!
if your gonna suggest the world cup application then i'll suggest the F1 live timing application. Watching the canadian grand prix on sunday with it was amazing.
My essentials are:
1. Dial-up Enabler/Disabler
2. NETCFv35
3. RegEdit
4. Remote Tracker (with MyMobiler on the PC)
6. WunderRadio
7. Total Commander
Navi: MN7
Other: GPS Weather Radar, mobiPocket Reader with Wikipedia (2008)
Works fine alltogether!
oldT830man (now a new HTC HD2 man, but I keep my T830)
Hello All, thanks for this thread, very useful. One question, what is the right regeditor?
I have used TCM, but can't figure out how to import reg keys (tweaks exported to save effort next time I hard reset). PHM regeditor seems to have the import keys greyed out. Mobile registry editor and Tascal seem to import files, but the keys don't actually change. Am I just a n00b and missing something?
Figured it out, simply copy the reg file into the registry root. TCM does it all then!
i use remote desktop client to log onto my pc im suprised more people dont use it as often as i do to control their pc its so easy to set up
all u got to do is right click my computer, properties and enable remote connections from there.
then when ur on your own wifi just connect to the pc's hostname or ip.
forward port 3389 on ur router to your desktop pc and you can do it over the internet too by connecting to your external ip / hostname
i use it a lot to do stuff i cant do on my phone, also if i want to download something when im out i can set it and it will be done when i get home etc
i also play emulators and just installed as many tower defense games as i could find.
tomtom and igo... both installed to memory card and the shortcuts are set up to reinstall when i flash. the settings DO save, but i have addresses set in my contacts anyway and tomtom has the feature to look up from your addressbook
i use torch on my shortcuts, but a different one that doesnt have a user interface its just on and off.
i have my brightnesses (both) set to dimmest, and i have the app autobacklight as a shortcut so i can switch between dark and auto (which is always bright enough). its usually on auto unless im in a dark environment. 1 click dim mode lol
batti is another good one. there are lots of programs like batti that let you put your battery level accross the top of the screen, but batti is the best to me because it lets you customise the colours perfectly so you can match it to whatever colour theme you got going on or just have it how you want it.
i used to use s2u2 because you could change the background randomly and show lots of appointments on the main screen. and read texts check missed called etc. dont even have to unlock your phone half the time...
i just installed omarket and that has unlocked a lot for me. you should def do that. i had to make an account on the website but it was worth the hassle.
metaldetector is a great app. so wierd how it actually works.
i have various guitar tuners, im still looking for the best one though...
lmt is another good one that basically makes your phone way more useable. i dont use all the features, but its still added a lot to the way i can use the phone
i read some pdf's on my phone now that it doesnt take ages to render pages...
ive used wififofum in the past, i should have that on my phone now really its v useful when you wanna see all the networks around you.
msn to chat once in a while
mostly been using energyrom
I am totally new with HD2
I am reading all your post and i will be thankfull if some one can explain me some question:
1) how to install all this stuff on my HD2
2) what should be first stuff to install
dusancurcin said:
I am totally new with HD2
I am reading all your post and i will be thankfull if some one can explain me some question:
1) how to install all this stuff on my HD2
2) what should be first stuff to install
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the most common way is to plug your hd2 into your pc via usb.
then copy the files you have downloaded (usually its .cab) and paste them onto your phones sd card storage (via my computer)
then unplug your phone from the pc
then on your phone, use file explorer to find the cabs and run them. that will install it.
then to run it, find it in the start menu...
as for what to install first, system stuff.
but really, if you install a rom you will wipe all your data, but dont worry about flashing and roms yet, just try out different apps and customisations you like while you pick it all up.
i install things like s2u2 first (lockscreen app) when ive set my phone up i use it for a while before i install the next thing, so that if a problem pops up its usually because of the last thing you installed/modified.
read a lot of stuff. dont worry if it doesnt make sense at first.
After you install all those recomended applications above,try a keyboard called Swype,your head will hit the roof with amazement!! so be careful.

