Just Bought an HD2 WICH Apps are really needed for daily use?? - HD2 General

As you see the title! Please put some apps for HD2!
Thanks a LOT
Appreciate it!!

Wifi remote access for file transfers (if you have wifi in the house) because it's faster than a usb cable.
The newest version of the facebook app from MS marketplace
dutty's task manager
I have more but they aren't for day to day use (except for maybe coreplayer but that's not free). Also search for tips and tweaks and have a read.

+1 Wifi Remote Access
G-Remote ($9) if you watch TV/video through your PC and want an ace remote control
TCMPMP Video Player (free) - so you can just drop videos straight on to your phone (like Divx and Xvid) and play them straight off (or CorePlayer but it's $30)
AlReader2 - The BEST ebook-reader bar none
Google Maps (obviously)
TomTom or iGo (both paid) are both great GPS navigators
FPSECE (I've not tried it since it came out of beta) which, for $10, gives you a frickin' PLAYSTATION on your phone!!!
MyPlayer (free) is the WM iPlayer equivalent - plus other freeview channels and live TV (assuming you're UK)
And down the line, consider looking at how to flash ROMs etc. if you want more tabs/newer features/better speed and stability (if you choose the right ROM!)
There's a Torch application (free) which uses your flash as an emergency torch - very bright and very handy!
Oh, and Windows MyPhone is (imo) the best way to back-up contacts, texts, etc.
Lastly, need a game for the bus? Try Experiment 13 - it's free and the graphics/physics are great!
Oh, and want to replace the basic mp3 player? Try S2P, very colourful, and fast to navigate, very similar to the iphone music player if you've seen that - although it's just left beta and is now $4 (although probably an old version about)
All of these are findable on XDA. Finally, welcome to the forum!!

Hrs of fun ahead
j.gigola said:
As you see the title! Please put some apps for HD2!
Thanks a LOT
Appreciate it!!
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firstly download marketplace to get microsoftmyphone very useful
Mainly download cookies 1.8&editor you'll end up tweaking your hd2 more than playing with apps I find.
Come back to this section very often as you'll always find something new all the time.
Most of all enjoy its f'in gr8

11calcal said:
firstly download marketplace to get microsoftmyphone very useful
Mainly download cookies 1.8&editor you'll end up tweaking your hd2 more than playing with apps I find.
Come back to this section very often as you'll always find something new all the time.
Most of all enjoy its f'in gr8
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I happen to know that there are some major issues with cookies home tab 1.8. Don't you think recommending a piece of know buggy software (no matter how good previous versions were) is a bit reckless?

M3PH said:
I happen to know that there are some major issues with cookies home tab 1.8. Don't you think recommending a piece of know buggy software (no matter how good previous versions were) is a bit reckless?
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what like?, seems to works ok for me........

donwhann said:
what like?, seems to works ok for me........
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There seem to be serveral crash bugs in it, major slow down issues and from what i can gather it's a bit of a mess. All the custom rom threads are on fire with request for 1.7 cabs (fools should have kept backups) and declarations of wishing to wait till 1.8.1
Personally i think sense is perfectly fine for my needs. It just need s kick in the butt to make it faster when it's after it's first boot.

donwhann said:
what like?, seems to works ok for me........
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I've not had no problems with cookies 1.8. I think it actually runs much smoother and is far more customizable than previous versions, no issues so far from a mess, anyways he was asking for opinions on apps & I gave mine

I like Bing for movie times. It also has turn-by-turn directions. Map-wise, I think Google Maps looks better, but Bing is a far sleeker application.

No issues from 1.8 for me... But let's keep this thread on track for our newbie friend, right?
To newbie : Cookie's Home Tab is a fantastic modification to your homepage, which provides you with many more shrtocuts on your homepage and tons of other configurations (such as a music player, task-list etc), but as you can see, the latest version may be buggy. Previous versions are stable as anything tho.

Thank you all for your quick responses!! LovE YA ALLLL!

i think everyone forgot to mention office mobile 2010 and i forgot to mention the following:
Leo Cpu speed
Chainfire's 3D driver patch
BSB tweaks
SRS wowhd 2.1
myriad java
And if you like gaming and a bit of nostalgia try out fpsece. It's a playstation emulator

just about to type BSB tweaks and saw the post above..
Fpsece - a must
skyfire - for browsing flash sites like tvcatchup.com
xda shutdown - handy for a quick reset
HDWalls - full screen wallpaper
JWMD icon changer - change all icons in start menu etc.
LeoCPU speed
world cup app - www.mobilepractices.com
Scilors Groove Mobile/Downloader - stream or download any tune
G-Alarm - not free but very good alarm app
mem maid or SKTools - to clean up your HD2
my Player - great bbc iplayer and live TV app (in the UK)
Sky - (if you've got a sky box you can remote record)
Mini Golf Wacky Worlds
SPB Puzzle
Experiment 13
Pool Rebel
Ivy the Kiwi
Fpsece (so good I put it in twice!)
that should keep you going for a bit!

if your gonna suggest the world cup application then i'll suggest the F1 live timing application. Watching the canadian grand prix on sunday with it was amazing.

My essentials are:
1. Dial-up Enabler/Disabler
2. NETCFv35
3. RegEdit
4. Remote Tracker (with MyMobiler on the PC)
6. WunderRadio
7. Total Commander
Navi: MN7
Other: GPS Weather Radar, mobiPocket Reader with Wikipedia (2008)
Works fine alltogether!
oldT830man (now a new HTC HD2 man, but I keep my T830)

Hello All, thanks for this thread, very useful. One question, what is the right regeditor?
I have used TCM, but can't figure out how to import reg keys (tweaks exported to save effort next time I hard reset). PHM regeditor seems to have the import keys greyed out. Mobile registry editor and Tascal seem to import files, but the keys don't actually change. Am I just a n00b and missing something?
Figured it out, simply copy the reg file into the registry root. TCM does it all then!

i use remote desktop client to log onto my pc im suprised more people dont use it as often as i do to control their pc its so easy to set up
all u got to do is right click my computer, properties and enable remote connections from there.
then when ur on your own wifi just connect to the pc's hostname or ip.
forward port 3389 on ur router to your desktop pc and you can do it over the internet too by connecting to your external ip / hostname
i use it a lot to do stuff i cant do on my phone, also if i want to download something when im out i can set it and it will be done when i get home etc
i also play emulators and just installed as many tower defense games as i could find.
tomtom and igo... both installed to memory card and the shortcuts are set up to reinstall when i flash. the settings DO save, but i have addresses set in my contacts anyway and tomtom has the feature to look up from your addressbook
i use torch on my shortcuts, but a different one that doesnt have a user interface its just on and off.
i have my brightnesses (both) set to dimmest, and i have the app autobacklight as a shortcut so i can switch between dark and auto (which is always bright enough). its usually on auto unless im in a dark environment. 1 click dim mode lol
batti is another good one. there are lots of programs like batti that let you put your battery level accross the top of the screen, but batti is the best to me because it lets you customise the colours perfectly so you can match it to whatever colour theme you got going on or just have it how you want it.
i used to use s2u2 because you could change the background randomly and show lots of appointments on the main screen. and read texts check missed called etc. dont even have to unlock your phone half the time...
i just installed omarket and that has unlocked a lot for me. you should def do that. i had to make an account on the website but it was worth the hassle.
metaldetector is a great app. so wierd how it actually works.
i have various guitar tuners, im still looking for the best one though...
lmt is another good one that basically makes your phone way more useable. i dont use all the features, but its still added a lot to the way i can use the phone
i read some pdf's on my phone now that it doesnt take ages to render pages...
ive used wififofum in the past, i should have that on my phone now really its v useful when you wanna see all the networks around you.
msn to chat once in a while
mostly been using energyrom

I am totally new with HD2
I am reading all your post and i will be thankfull if some one can explain me some question:
1) how to install all this stuff on my HD2
2) what should be first stuff to install

dusancurcin said:
I am totally new with HD2
I am reading all your post and i will be thankfull if some one can explain me some question:
1) how to install all this stuff on my HD2
2) what should be first stuff to install
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the most common way is to plug your hd2 into your pc via usb.
then copy the files you have downloaded (usually its .cab) and paste them onto your phones sd card storage (via my computer)
then unplug your phone from the pc
then on your phone, use file explorer to find the cabs and run them. that will install it.
then to run it, find it in the start menu...
as for what to install first, system stuff.
but really, if you install a rom you will wipe all your data, but dont worry about flashing and roms yet, just try out different apps and customisations you like while you pick it all up.
i install things like s2u2 first (lockscreen app) when ive set my phone up i use it for a while before i install the next thing, so that if a problem pops up its usually because of the last thing you installed/modified.
read a lot of stuff. dont worry if it doesnt make sense at first.

After you install all those recomended applications above,try a keyboard called Swype,your head will hit the roof with amazement!! so be careful.


What is the best free software everybody uses?

I was just wondering, with so much software on the internet, what is the best free software people use? I have been doing so much customizing and tweaking I just wonder what more is out there.
I use:
amAze GPS
Google Maps
HTC Home Customizer
Live Search
My Mobilier
GPS Today
Pocket SNES
Unfortunately some of the best ones are not free:
SBP Mobile Shell
Sprite Backup
Sprite Terminator
Code Wallet Pro
Free ones that I have are:
Google Maps
Microsoft Live search
HHC Home customizer
Opera Mini Browser
PHM RegEdit
Resco File Explorer
Cool, it seems most people use the same programs but your right some of the better ones are not free...
Flashlight is pretty useful at times
KeePassPPC for managing passwords. There are also versions for Windows, Mac and Linux, which is handy.
Htc Plus!
Opera Mini
Nilisco Flashlight
iContac Burt Edition
My Mobiler
PHM Regedit
Kevtris 2
Pocket UNO
not free:
SPB Bubbles
Astraware Bejeweled 2
Garmin Mobile XT
SK Tools
and some ohters that I don't have installed right now...
* Sorry this is so long... but recently I sent an email with apps & links to some of my friends who also have HTC phones, so I figure it's just easier to simply paste the text heree. *
Hello HTC friends!
I'm sending this email to some of you who I know have HTC PDAs, or may be getting one at some point. Over the few months that I've had my phone, I've received a few tips on good applications from some people, and have discovered several myself. So I thought it might be a good thing to send out an email to my friends that summarizes some my favorites, in the interest of sharing knowledge & experience for those who might find something you're looking for (or didn't even know you were looking for!).
First of all, it should be noted that I've found several of these tools / applications / customizations at a website called xda-developers.com. It's a site dedicated so HTC -branded phones *specifically*. I mostly use it by searching their forums for answers to questions, and looking for applications or basic tweaks:
Another good site for Windows Mobile devices is ppcgeeks.com:
I recently upgraded my phone to Windows Mobile 6.1 with the latest ROM update from HTC & Sprint, so a lot of these are still fresh in my head. It is also worth noting that all of the apps listed here are free; that is usually a criteria of mine when searching for new software especially for my phone.
nueLED: Turn on / turn off / redirect LED lights on your phone
This was one of the first little apps I installed. After I got my phone I noticed that it was always blinking to let me know it was "alive," and since I have bluetooth turned on all the time that light was blinking incessantly as well. I installed nueLED, configured it to disable the service LED and bluetooth LED, and now if my phone is blinking at me I know it's because it's *actually* trying to tell me something (missed call, voice mail, etc.).
Opera Mini web browser
It couldn't have been more than 2 days of using Pocket Internet Explorer before I got fed up with it and started looking for a new browser. Maybe I was spoiled by playing with my friend's iPhone, because the web browser absolutely blows away any browser I've seen for Windows Mobile. But Opera Mini is at least a step in the right direction, until someone develops something closer to the iPhone's Safari browser. I have high hopes for Firefox's version of a mobile browser, but that won't be out for a while. And although Opera Mini runs as a Java app,let I've found out how to create a shortcut for it (as well as Gmail's Java applet) so that you don't have to go through the annoying Java menus.
* There's also "Opera Mobile," although I haven't tried it yet. They have a beta (currently v9.51) that is free, although I think their non-beta releases (currently v8.65) are only free for a 30-day trial. If anyone has had any experience with these, please share the knowledge!
Google Maps
This has got to be one of the coolest apps for mobile devices; a must-have. Good interface, relatively fast, great searching, and it's easy to check traffic at a glance. It also has the ability to interact with the GPS receiver if your device has one, and can give you driving directions. But it's not the best for turn-by-turn directions as you navigate if you're trying to use it with the GPS. And also be aware that any software which accesses your GPS will suck on the battery pretty good when it's turned on, which is why I only turn on the "Use GPS" feature of Google Maps sparingly.
Microsoft Live Search
Google Maps pretty much has the upper hand in most aspects: Map GUI, usability, searching, etc. However, one area Live Search seems to have Google Maps beat is turn-by-turn directions. While it doesn't include audio guidance (I haven't found a free app that does), it integrates pretty well with the GPS and will even prompt you if you go off course. Not bad for freeware. The same caveat applies for battery usage if you turn on the GPS locator.
iContact: A more "finger-friendly" contacts manager
A better UI for interacting with the contacts in your address book. Originally started a while back by someone named "larna", and version 0.6 (April 2008) was good. Then after that developer didn't have any more time to devote to it, "supbro" took over and made it way better (July 2008). Now "burt" has made his "Burt Edition 6.2" (August 2008) and made some additional improvements, and now I think it's a great app. I would have recommended it even with larna's versions, but definitely now with supbro and burt's new features. It's light weight, responsive, and highly customizable. I can tell you how to set it as the default Contacts viewer, too.
OggSync: Over-the-air sync with Google Calendar
This is a nice little app which synchronizes the Pocket Outlook calendar built into your device with your Google Calendar, via the internet connection on you phone. I looked at a few other solutions, and went this one because it is free, accurate, and doesn't use a 3rd-party server as a go-between. The free version is good. They also have a paid version (yearly subscription) which includes a few additional features including scheduled syncs and multiple Google calendars. The scheduled sync would be nice, and multiple calendars maybe (maps each Google Calendar to a category) -- but not enough for me to pay for it. If you don't use Google Calendar then OggSunc is probably useless; but if you do, this app is a big winner.
Total Commander: A more feature-rich file explorer
Although the interface looks a little bit "old school", I use this app more than I thought I would. More options when browsing & interacting with files (geez, you can even see the actual file extension for once!), plus you get a registry editor and the ability to interact with LAN file shares (if you're connected to a network via WiFi) without having to jump through a bunch of hoops.
PPC PIM Backup: Backup personal data
This is an easy way to back up contacts, call logs, calendar entries, tasks, messages, and other files, etc. to your storage card. It's pretty light weight -- in fact there's no installation process, you just run the .exe and you're off and running. There is an optional scheduling mechanism for automatic backups; but I prefer to just use the manual backup periodically. It came in handy after flashing the latest ROM update last week.
TCPMP (The Core Pocket Media Player)
This is a nice alternative to Windows Media player, that actually plays formats beyond WMV. Fullscreen works great, and it is pretty customizable. Link to WM 6.1-compatible version below:
There are also a codecs to play WMV files:
and other audio formats including AC3, FLAC, Vorbis, etc.
Flash Video Bundle: A way to play YouTube (and other) Flash videos
My friend Scott told me about this one. It is a cab installation that includes FLV codecs for TCPMP as well as a plugin for Pocket IE that allows you to save Flash videos from the youtube.com website (the non-mobile version).
YouTubePlay: Another way to save and play YouTube videos
My friend Mike showed me this other alternative. Not only will it play Flash videos like the TCPMP plugin, but it serves as a front-end for searching & saving YouTube videos. The player is good (fullscreen works nicely like TCPMP), and it seems to be a better alternative for finding YouTube videos than using a web browser.
SPB Full Screen Keyboard
I haven't tried this because the device I use (HTC Titan / Sprint Mogul) has a slide-out keyboard. But for devices that don't have a hardware keyboard, I've seen other software keyboards that are supposedly better than the ones that come standard on the ROM. One that is mentioned often is SPB Full Screen Keyboard. They have a free download, although I don't know if it's a limited functionality version or a limited time trial of the one for purchase.
Change # of vertical lines on new SMS reply screen
Windows Mobile v6.1 comes with a new "threaded" view for text messages, but the default space for replying to messages on my phone was only 2 lines. You can increase this if you want by simply editing the the thread_sms.htm file:
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SenseiMP said:
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The next few applications are clones/extracts/repackaged versions of some of the software that comes standard on the HTC Touch and similar devices. So for the Touch, Diamond, etc., I think these are already baked in. But for others, here they are:
FTouchFlo version 1.4.1
Software that mimic's the HTC "TouchFlo" functionality, which allows scrolling with your thumb or finger rather than having to use scroll bars. It also allows for some nice customizations, including the ability to launch different programs via directional finger swipes.
SCLPC++: Cloned version of the HTC Cube
There are a few cubes out there, and this is the one I found to be the most useful & responsive. It's also a 4-sided cube, with the last face being an additional program launcher. In truth, I don't use it as much as I thought I would now that I have it all set up and configured, but it's still pretty cool.
Configuration tool:
HTC Home Plugin / HTC Home Customizer
Large digital clock, favorite contacts, program launcher, weather, etc., on your Today screen. This can be used to configure, customize, and backup settings for the stock HTC Home as well as the custom one. Install "HTC Home Customizer v1.0 Final," and upon first use it will prompt you to install the HTC Home Plugin if you don't already have one.
If your interested, there are also several other HTC applications and skins extracted from the Touch ROMs:
I also have the .cab file installers for all of these programs if you need them. If anyone has other applications that they enjoy, please share! In particular, I am looking for a more "finger friendly" alternative to the default UI for the Calendar. I very rarely use my stylus, as I find it more convenient to just use my finger or thumb nail. That's a bit more difficult with the default Calendar interface, and there are other things I don't like about it as well. If you've seen the Calendar interface on the iPhone, it's pretty good. Don't get me wrong, I'd still rather have a Windows Mobile device than an iPhone, especially since you can get more "under the hood" and customize it, etc., and there's a huge community of developers making apps for WM. But there are some things that are much better on the iPhone, including web browsing and overall touchscreen responsiveness. But hey, at least we're moving in the right direction. Maybe Windows Mobile 7 and beyond!?
By the way, I recently found this site:
It contains links to several different kinds of "finger friendly" Windows Mobile apps, including some of the ones I've listed above. There's a link to an older (free) version of "ThumbCal" on there, and I may give that a try at some point. But it looks like the more recent versions of it are no longer free.
EDIT: I also use S2U2:
and nueLight:
SenseiMP said:
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I tried out nueLight, and although the high beam and morse code functions are fancy and cool, I will still use Nilisco flashlight as my default flashlight. The reason is that I can easily bind it to a button (comm manager) and flick it on and off. The nueLight will only turn on with the button, but will not turn off.
There were people saying they had a NES emulator for the Mogul, but I don;t think it actually exists, I never saw it posted. Would be sweet.
emkorial said:
There were people saying they had a NES emulator for the Mogul, but I don;t think it actually exists, I never saw it posted. Would be sweet.
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I use Smartgear. It emulates NES, GameBoy Color, and Genesis. It has a free trial version, but it is WELL worth the $10 it costs to register.
Find it here:
My favourite freeware:
1. Today Agenda: A rather simple Today screen plug-in that allows very flexible customization of information from your calendar and tasks to your Today screen. multiple-day agendas in collapsible line items on your Today Screen. Useful for precisely deciding how much real estate you want to give up for it. I love this program.
2. Amaze: Free voice navigation. Works pretty darned well.
3. S2u2: Slide to unlock program that allows you to dump your unlock line on your Today Screen, provides a bunch of useful info on your lock screen, allows calls, and is highly customizable.
4. Skyfire Beta: I really like Skyfire Beta. It works with most websites and provides full web experience, including streaming sound and video (you can play Youtube right on the browser).
5. Youtubeplayer: A nice means of searching, playing, and downloading you tube videos.
6. Pocket Music Lite: Free music player. No fancy coverflow interface, but a nice skinnable finger friendly interface. Only plays MP3s, but you can just get a converter program for your desktop.
7. Vade Mecum: Nice little ebook ready that reads plucker format. I read downloads from www.projectguternberg.org all the time. Has bookmark, search features.
8. VS Painter Lite: A nice draw and paint program that is free. Useful to annote pictures, draw maps or dungeons, etc.
9. Total Commander: One of the best file explorers out there.
10. Set Volume: Full screen volume controller. Skinnable and nice to hard key so you don't ever have to fart around with some tiny onscreen volume control.
11. Pocket Screen: Just a screen capture program, but very nice at that. Useful for showing off your stuff on forums.
12. Beyond Pod: A nice podcast player and RSS feed reader.
13. Google Maps and Live Search: Indispensible. Must haves.
14. Icontact (Burt's version): Very nice finger friendly contacts manager.
15. PCM Keyboard: Very customizable, essentially gives you the iphone keyboard experience on your ppc. Disable the annoying dictionary and word complete functions however.
Those are my favourite non-game freeware apps.
A shout out to shareware SPB Pocket Plus for having a very stable and nicely customizable Today Screen and Launcer experience. I tried Ulitmate Launcher and had all sorts of errors and problems and have read nightmares about HTC Home and HHC.
Fav app
My Favorite is GC Java Pack
I have Meboy gameboy color emulator that runs as a java app. I love i play pokemon on it all the time

Some very noob questions here

Hello all,
I have receintly upgraded to an Xperia X1 on Vodafone UK, coming from a very old out of date phone, it is quite a leap, though i am use to Windows mobile.
I have been reading some of the topics here and have come across some questions, which i hope some kind sole does not mind answering for me.
1) A lot of talk is about flashing ROMS, i assume this is some kind of upgrade to the firmware or OS. Would somebody mind just explaining what it is and why its of benifit.
2)Another thing that has generated a lot of talk is hard SPL, again what is this?
3) I am a keen gamer and want to get some good games up and running on my phone. Though a lot of what i try does not work, i have seen suggestion on other forums that a bit of software can help a lot of compatible games run. Does anybody know what it is i may require? I have seen a video on youtube of somebody running some FPS games is this fake or is it possible?
4) As a new Xperia owner i would also like some suggestions of anything that people think to be essential, to get the best out of my phone. Be these software, firmware upgrades ect. I have installed Batti and Xperia Tweak both of which have been extremely usefull.
Cheers in advance for any help.
1) Have you ever formatted your PC because it's full of junk and it's the only way to remove the crap and start a fresh? Bit like that with some ROM's. Others start from nothing and install programs for you. I find it best to use a clean ROM (Jacks) then install what I want on top.
2) Hard_SPL allows you to flash a new ROM onto the device.
3) FPS is possible but remember it is a phone at the end of the day. Alot of games run fine and the rest just need the VGA fix as it's a different resolution.
Hope that helps
Thanks for the swift and helpfull responce.
So if i was to flash a new rom would it speed up my phone any or stop/reduce all the random errors i get?
I have heard that i may need to install .net framework 3.5 onto my phone to get some of the games working. How easy and safe is this to do? I assume it is just like adding anyother software to my phone.
Yes I would (and have) installed 3.5 framework. It is easy to install and maintain as it's just a cab installer.
I use the Jacks 1.4 Lite ROM. It's much quicker than stock and is as stable as you make it really. I highly reccomend at least reading up about it.
The Mole said:
4) As a new Xperia owner i would also like some suggestions of anything that people think to be essential, to get the best out of my phone. Be these software, firmware upgrades ect. I have installed Batti and Xperia Tweak both of which have been extremely usefull.
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Well so far I've installed SPB Backup, which does pretty much what it says on the tin. Useful if you plan on doing any modding, I guess. I also stuck SPB time on there coz I needed a decent stopwatch. There's a neat little program called Touch Response that basically makes the phone vibrate slightly when you press the touchscreen. The strength of the vibrate can be configured. It's not essential but it gives a nice physical feedback which touch screens often lack. Flash 3.1 is available for download and works with the Opera 9.5 browser. Oh yeah, coreplayer's a good one too. I can't remember where I got all of these but there should be some links on here. You could also try www.xperia-x1.com or www.inexperia.com or www.modaco.com
My current software setup includes:
Resco Explorer - Nice touch-friendly file explorer with many options
Mini Stumbler - Helps you find wifi hotspots
Call Firewall - Nice people ditcher
Coreplayer - for playing videos with assorted codecs
G-Alarm - Cool alarm replacement, you have to solve a puzzle before being able to snooze it
Missed call reminder - beep reminder for missed calls
Newsbreak - RSS reader
Pocket Tunes - iTunes playlist sync for winmo
Resco Audio Recorder - lets you record voice notes and your own phone conversations
Spb Wireless Monitor - lets you run reports on internet usage
Stopwatch - standard stop watch
hTorch - turns your camera flash into a flashlight
This is why i sold my iphone to come back to windows mobile, it's sooo much flexible, I missed being able to mod my phone.
Thanks once again for the great responces and help, they have been of great use i will be getting a good 80% of what has been suggested, it sounds right up my street.

More Question From Me, Some Phone Some Program Related

Hey guys,
It's me yet again, I've got some more questions I'm not sure if I should split some for the other forum area or not. Either way, let's start. Note that I'm migrating from a Nokia N95 so ignore my lack of knowledge I'm trying .
1. What programs would you guys suggest for sending text messages from my HD to another phone via my laptop, bluetooth or USB are good, Nokia PC Suite had something for this but I've not found anything for WinMo.
2. I'm used to having a the ease of changing my profiles so my ring tones and what-not for different situations normally at will, WinMo does this very differently is there a program that I can use to just pick say 'Work' and it goes to vibrate?
3. Is there a newer version of the Opera mobile? I'd like to update it as it think it has a few bugs.
4. My contacts are Sur, For how do I change this for all contacts? I have far too many to change them all by hand.
Sorry about the length and thanks again.
For such a large forum it amazes me that hardly anyone posts to my topics.
Lets start here:
1. What programs would you guys suggest for sending text messages from my HD to another phone via my laptop, bluetooth or USB are good, Nokia PC Suite had something for this but I've not found anything for WinMo.
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Is this just so you can use the keyboard on your PC to type?
DO you mean something a bit like this:
2. I'm used to having a the ease of changing my profiles so my ring tones and what-not for different situations normally at will, WinMo does this very differently is there a program that I can use to just pick say 'Work' and it goes to vibrate?
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Yep - you can download the Cab for DDrivers 15 Tab TF3D changer for HD http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=450278
This allows you to have 15 tabs on the bottom of the screen - one of which is a profile manager. There are loads of applications out there which also do a profile manager and can also do it for time of day etc.
3. Is there a newer version of the Opera mobile? I'd like to update it as it think it has a few bugs.
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Newest version is a beta - try using the forum to search for newer non-beta released version - some people have posted some updated versions - but Opera has a few issues at present.
4. My contacts are Sur, For how do I change this for all contacts? I have far too many to change them all by hand.
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One way is to use Outlook or Outlook express and import your settings from your Nokia to this. Then update what you require in Outlook - surname/first name or vice versa (means you can use the keyboard and mouse). Then connect your device to the computer and update contacts through active sync.
Or get a different contacts program: Something like this:
Thank you very much .
I've installed the Outlook add-on and look forward to using it. What other profile programs would you suggest as I'd like to ring and vibrate at the same time or just vibrate but with the ability to listen to music (vibrate turns off sound WTF?).
Also which is newer the Opera beta or the Opera on the forums? I'm a bit confused as to which to use ...
Lastly will these contacts programs replace the HTC variation or simply add my changes to the HTC version? I rather stick to the inbuilt one as my main contact storage.
I've installed the Outlook add-on and look forward to using it. What other profile programs would you suggest as I'd like to ring and vibrate at the same time or just vibrate but with the ability to listen to music (vibrate turns off sound WTF?).
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Yeah - bit of a pain that one. I use S2U2 and S2P
- this allows me to set different levels for the volume of the ring and the audio. You can do this on the standard volume control on the HD by clicking the top tab but I prefer the S2U2 version where you see both volume levels in the same window.
You have to go into the settings of S2U2 and turn volume control ON under the phone settings.
If you don't like the S2U2 thing there are loads of other apps with volume control settings. Think of your phone as a phone and a music player hence 2 controls! S2P = Slide to Play. Is a bit like the iphone's music player - get the open GL version as it is better for touch HD.
Also which is newer the Opera beta or the Opera on the forums? I'm a bit confused as to which to use ...
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Hard to say - the beta may be newer but will have issues with stability (hence beta as it is not a real release and intended for testing). Best to find someone on the forums who has a stable version. I'll have a look but so far mines kinda still got issues.
Lastly will these contacts programs replace the HTC variation or simply add my changes to the HTC version? I rather stick to the inbuilt one as my main contact storage.
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It will replace it. May have to bite the bullet and go into outlook or sort them individually. Good thing is - once you've done it - it's done. I spent an hour sorting mine in Outlook but I'm glad I did as it now means I have a very tidy contacts list in both applications and they are synchronised together - so if my phone/outlook lose data I can just put it back again. Plus outlook can backup the settings to a .PST file or to excel etc for importing to other programs and computers.
Main thing is. So long as you have backed up your contacts you can always put them back on your device the way you like em!
Hope this helps? If you need more help just ask - I'll do my best.....
Sorry missed a bit....
A large number of people use SPB as their profile tool.
May be able to find it on this site for testing but if you like it you should buy it.
I'm sure there are loads out there just have to go through and install some and then take them off is they don't work as you like.
Good thing about the phone is if you think you've messed your phone up you can do a Hard Reset which boots the phone back to how you got it when you first turned it on!
Look at this page for some good ideas and tips
Thanks for your help.
Can SPB Mobile Shell be used with TouchFLO3D? I enjoy using the interface so not looking to change any time soon.
Thanks about looking into Opera for me, I've seen a version posted round January but that's it.
No SPB Mobile Shell cant be used with TF3D. Or actually TF3D cant be used with SPB Mobile shell. You can technically keep TF3D running, and then use SecondToday software to add a second today screen that is easily accessible by tapping one of the 2 bottom soft keys. I have this very setup. I have mobile shell and pocket plus as my main today screen, and SPB Diary and SPB Insight as a second today screen. This allows me to have SPB Diary as a full screen as it starts at the very top and ends when it ends (at 300 because thats SPB's max alignment).
For profile auto switching, try Inesoft Phone. It can coexist with TF3D.
Agree with everything above.
Should have asked you - What issues are you having with Opera?
This will help me to troubleshoot for you as it may be options.
Thanks for your help again guys.
Inesoft Phone seems a bit slow and I can't seem to find out how to delete some of the profiles as well as release the contacts (I only wanted the profile application NOT the others).
Regarding Opera it's mainly because the keyboard seems to type very slowly on webpages, the URL bar and stuff is fine it's only when typing say a username or password on a website that it has problems.
O and O said:
it's only when typing say a username or password on a website that it has problems.
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Can't say that happens on mine - Have search XDA-Dev forums and also Google and some people report it is a bit slow and have tried using Opera Mini.
It may be worth doing a post specifically for this as someone will be able to help (hopefully)
Personally I'd stick with Opera mobile, I used Opera Mini on my N95 once, it was good but the power of Opera mobile is still by far the best in regards to mobile internet experience. If anyone finds a newer version of Opera please send it my way .
Just to point out that I'm still looking for a profile application, Inephone installs the Address Book which I don't want. I've recently enjoyed using SSMaPa so I suggest it for anyone who needs it.
Thanks for your help again guys.
Any more suggestions?

New to Touch HD

I have now got a Touch HD on Orange.
Can anyone give me a quick top 5 of things I should be downloading to make this better?
Software, Apps, Games.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Total commander
Clean Ram
HD tweak
Pocket artist --> Photoshop on windows mobile (not free)
Music id (not free)
nebo pad
pocket rar
Wlan button --> activate and desactive wifi with one click
mocha ftp server --> to make ftp server to share file between pc and htc without cable
Game : Xtrack
Pacey said:
I have now got a Touch HD on Orange.
Can anyone give me a quick top 5 of things I should be downloading to make this better?
Software, Apps, Games.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
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Hey mate, my advice would be to read up on the dummies guide to flashing roms: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505377, and start FLASHING, it can take a bit of getting used to at first but definately worth persevering with.
I use this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=524032, you can see screenshots of the rom itself in post #2
Have a good read through the threads first but there are always plenty of members who are willing to help.
Good luck!
Thanks, I'll give these a go, hopefully I'm successful!!
Pacey said:
I have now got a Touch HD on Orange.
Can anyone give me a quick top 5 of things I should be downloading to make this better?
Software, Apps, Games.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
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SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 ! ! ! ! ! ! !
SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 ! ! ! ! ! ! !
SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 ! ! ! ! ! ! !
SPB Mobile Shell 3.5 ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Well, I guess it depends on what you like to do with it.
Here's a list of the things I use on mine.
CoPilot 8 for SatNav (not free)
Coreplayer (not free) for play back of movies and tv
CleanRAM - frees up memory that apps have left unavailable for Windows, saves rebooting.
myPlayer - for streaming TV, but more importantly for me, I can download programs from BBC iPlayer direct to the phone.
Internet Explorer - this is installed by default, but I tweaked the settings to make it pretend to be a Nokia phone, this is so I can watch Sky Sports using the Vodafone service. On a HSDPA connection, it is not bad at all for £5 per month
Nimbuzz - instant messenger, I have used this and Fring, which allow you to be connected to Skype, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, GoogleTalk (and theoretically Facebook and Twitter)
Midomi - Music Id to "name that tune" - not used very often, but pretty cool
when I do
Google Maps - when you need satellite or street view.
G-Watch - nice stopwatch and countdown timer
HD Soft Reset - allows you to reboot easily
HD Tweak - let's you tweak various settings
Run GPS - Go for a run or on your bike, it will track your journey and create file you can then upload to various services which will map your journey.
If you get a heart rate monitor it can monitor and chart that.
Whilst you are running it can announce your progress via the headphones, telling you various information including how fast you are , whether you have deviated from your journey, or even if you are running slower/faster than a previous journey.
Remotely accessing a PC:
These all work and may suit your needs
MyMobiler, allows you to use your windows keyboard and mouse to control the phone. So for IM, it is much quicker to type on a full size keyboard.
It is a little laggy sometimes, and I believe there is a HTC equivalent, but I haven't tried it.
I did try S2U2 - Slide to Unlock, but for me it seemed to kill the machine and everything ran very slowly.
I have tried some of the other browsers, like
Skyfire and Fennec but Opera still wins for me.
Outlook push email with Google Mail works well for me, not sure it is quite as instant always as Google would have me believe, but fast enough for my needs, and having it automatically deliver my mail to my phone means I can review them on the tube.
I also use the FM Radio quite a bit too.
Hope this helps.

What Android Can't Do But WinMo Can -- an Android Lover's Thread

I now view my HD2 as "An Android Phone That Also Boots Windows", because there are some daily driver Android builds that I think do a better job now than winmo, so maybe knowing what unsolvable Android issues are solved by windows will improve the Android experience and save hours of searching the Market. I would recommend someone buy an HD2 for Android, but keep these windows apps around as an "android add on pack" just to increase the 'cool factor.'
1.) Movie Maker: with TrakAx movie maker you can make and edit videos on your hd2 and add music photos etc, with cool transitions. It has limited fonts for captions, but it's a good movie maker. The app is fun to use 'only after' you watch TrakAx's tutorial video on their website where a cute English Gal shows you how easy it is.
2.) Movies/TV via your Orb Server that look great and have fast forward and rewind: Coreplayer on winmo is a great media player, with .mkv support, .avi and when used in combo with TCPMP player there are almost no formats that can't be played.
3.) TomTom, Navigon, Igo8, Route66 offline navigation apps: Maybe you want to have a 32gb sdcard and run all the different nav programs? Nav programs seem to be a matter of personal preference, so having ALL available options is something nice.
4.) Fast psx emulation with FPSeCe: If you love psx games watch some youtubes on how to set this up and where to get the good versions and skins of this, and the onscreen controls are multi-touch good if you watch the videos and research how to set it up.
5.) Opera Mini 5 (build 5.1.21594): INCREDIBLY smooth browsing: the inertial scrolling with this browser is so fluid, fast and natural - there is no jitter/chop/lag - the fps is very high. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=486502
6.) Free Hamachi: I think you need to pay for logmein hamachi on the Market (worth it for sure) but there are free clients in WinMo that work very well. If you 'need' to save money here you go.
7.) Free Grooveshark downloading: I love Tiny Shark and MP3 downloader off the market, but in winmo a developer named 'SciLor' has made a great freeware grooveshark downloader called "SciLor's GrooveMobile Downloader." what's also great about this app is that winmo's media players and coreplayer can play the song 'when it begins downloading,' which means Coreplayers graphic equalizer can work that tune 5-10 seconds after you click 'download.'
8.) Torrent Downloading on the phone: I haven't yet found an android app that does what WMTorrent does. WMTorrent is a paid app and there is a new and older version that both have their strengths. Don't expect full speed on wifi or 3g like on a pc, but this app does the job.
9.) Super Tethering via 'ICS Control v0.21': freeware that allows cel->bluetooth pan .. cel -> wifi .. bluetooth->wifi .. wifi->bluetooth .. bluetooth->vpn .. vpn->hamachi .. openvpn->usb. Basically, any interface can be routed to any other interface and subnets and dhcp servers can be added.
10.) Mortscript: 'Tasker' and 'gscript' in Android could be considered better in many ways, but Mortscript was/is a powerful and accessible scripting program for a mobile OS to automate tasks, make apps do cool stuff, enable long-chains of opening apps cutting/pasting/into other apps etc. I turned my old q9h into a 'talking/listening star trek phone' with mortscript by combining 'vlingo's returned speech results' with 'textspeech pro's tts program,' i could verbally ask it to read wikipedia pages for me or read the first couple pages of a spoken google search - and my programming skill is almost zero.
11.) Microsoft Voice Command: it's not as robust as what Android offers, but I don't think there is an Android app that is so 'instantly accurate with basic phone functions,' but then again the list of what MSVC can do in 2 seconds is a little more than basic. Android will catch up in a month or two no doubt.
12.) RemoteTracker phone finder: Android has phone finder apps, but if you lose your phone there is a chance that the sdcard is gonna get wiped. There is also the chance that the the phone will get hard-reset too, but before that happens RemoteTracker freeware is solid.
13.) Run Windows 98se faster on Winmo's Qemu: Windows 98 Second Edition can run on the hd2 reasonably well now, and some devs on XDA recently have been more active in getting different flavors of it to run even better and progress looks set to continue. This requires the 'qemu' emulator for winmo and a backwards-reading of this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com
/showthread.php?t=637889&page=50 (I'm gonna try this right now)
14.) Gestures on any screen with any app: I installed LMT v0.8 onscreen multitouch gestures and I'm very impressed. By swiping left with 2 fingers I activate microsoft voice command, by swiping right with 2 fingers I launch TellMeExpertLauncher.exe and do bing searches (this takes less than 2 seconds from swipe to speak). These are just 14 of the customizable gestures that LMT can do, and it can do them on top of any app, even the camera or a movie, etc. This app also comes with a bonus "on screen game controller" that's multitouch and works great.
15.) Reverse-Bluetooth-Tethering: Lets say you want to pop your sim into another phone, but still have internet/voip on your hd2 via low power bluetooth tethering. Well, noone needs to do that really, but I actually do it a few days a week because I have an 'almost' dirty job where I use a very weather/work resistant q9h and I have it feed the hd2 internet through bluetooth when on break or in the truck.
A.) Good E-Book Readers: like Alreader2, it's felt by some that all Android E-Book readers lack a certain something, though CoolReader comes close.
B.) Good Alarm Programs: like G-Alarm, some reviews praise it for having tons of alarms and features and varying snooze techniques like mazes or 'turning on a light' to activate the light sensor, and it's supposedly very easy to work all this stuff via a finger friendly today-screen plugin if you like.
C.) SPB Mobile Shell: a very elegant and nice UI for WinMo that sets a classic standard for many users.
D.) Office Mobile 2010: I myself have gone searching for office apps in the market a few times and I've been surprised that I DID NOT have immediate success finding good free office apps that were better than Office 2010. NOTE: Using 'BsB Tweaks' free app to add 'screen rotation' to excel and the other office apps might be a good idea.
E.) Cookies Home Tab Editor: HTC Sense on hd2 winmo is 'excellent,' but what takes it to a whole new level is Cookie's Home Tab Editor for making customizing your homescreen 'fun+productive.' When investing time choosing a good ROM to boot android, keeping CHT in mind might make HD2 a more enjoyable weapon of total annihilation.
F.) File encryption with FreeOTFEPDA: This is something I should be more proactive with, and on page 3 it's explained further, but my brother is 'security bent' and he is always upset at me for 'not encrypting my files.'
G.) rSAP Bluetooth Profile for VW/Audi Group Cars: Integrated bluetooth calling and contacts management in these cars requires what the HD2 has - rSAP Bluetooth Profile. Want your car to turn into your phone just by sitting in it? Also, some premium sound systems exist in these cars and I've read the connection to the HD2 is quite stable. (I had to read what rSAP is)
H.) Hide Your Caller ID Number To Strangers: someone brought up a good point that in winmo you can shield your caller ID from everyone except those in your contacts list. (I didn't know this)
I) Garmin XT: We all know Garmin - a clean running and reliable 'offline nav' app with maps that are always up to date. (I have this myself on an old q9h I keep in the glove compartment - shoulda remembered it earlier.)
What are other good things to know?
Igo8 works just fine in android.
I write in the spirit of love but I gotta take issue with some of your points:
1.) Movie Maker: Can't comment as I don't use, mainly as I'll always do this on a PC
2.) Movies/TV via your Orb Server: Thing is, I could never get this working easily on WinMo, but for me it works flawlessly on Android, using the default Web Browser to select the file, and then default video player or VPlayer to play.
3.) TomTom, Navigon, Igo8, Route66 offline navigation apps: Agree, I keep WinMo around purely for TomTom (and booting )
4.) Fast psx emulation with FPSeCe: Wow, PSX4Droid works so perfectly out of the box for me, and with RomBuddy I can even download the games direct to my Droid. I donated to FPSECE and followed it closesly and praised it, but the bugs and the constant controller set-up are WAY behind PSX4Droid. Give it a go (free version available, otherwise $3) if you haven't already.
5.) Opera Mobile 10 Final INCREDIBLY smooth browsing: Fair enough. Personally I've been happy with the default Android experience, as well as trying Opera, Dolphin and one or two others on Android.
6) I'll add e-book readers to your list: I was addicted to Alreader2 on WinMo, and all of the e-book readers on Android lack something (and I've tried them all). Either missing night-mode, or file compatibility, or saving restrictions, or just plain ugly when reading. Only CoolReader has come close (in fact, very close except for a couple of issues).
7) I also find myself trapped using HTC Sense on Android as I love it's email widgets, and can't find decent equivalents for other launchers.
... Oh, and I do miss Cookie's Home Tab. It is amazing software which could have been the saviour of WinMo if it had arrived two years earlier, and was built into official ROMs. Microsoft completely dropped the ball with UI and with AppMarkets.
pandollar said:
Igo8 works just fine in android.
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how did you manage to get it to work? I keep getting "Insert SD card with IGO8 files" or something like that thanks...
You are right about psx4droid, it is awesome. There are a few games I was addicted to back in the day, like Twisted Metal 2, and it runs at 60fps in FPSeCe, whereas it's kinda choppy in a couple Android builds I've tried - maybe I just need to try the right build, and yes the controller setup in psx4droid blows FPSeCe. The browsing experience in Android is excellent, I just am addicted to that Opera Mobile 10 Final.
smeddy said:
I write in the spirit of love but I gotta take issue with some of your points:
1.) Movie Maker: Can't comment as I don't use, mainly as I'll always do this on a PC
2.) Movies/TV via your Orb Server: Thing is, I could never get this working easily on WinMo, but for me it works flawlessly on Android, using the default Web Browser to select the file, and then default video player or VPlayer to play.
3.) TomTom, Navigon, Igo8, Route66 offline navigation apps: Agree, I keep WinMo around purely for TomTom (and booting )
4.) Fast psx emulation with FPSeCe: Wow, PSX4Droid works so perfectly out of the box for me, and with RomBuddy I can even download the games direct to my Droid. I donated to FPSECE and followed it closesly and praised it, but the bugs and the constant controller set-up are WAY behind PSX4Droid. Give it a go (free version available, otherwise $3) if you haven't already.
5.) Opera Mobile 10 Final INCREDIBLY smooth browsing: Fair enough. Personally I've been happy with the default Android experience, as well as trying Opera, Dolphin and one or two others on Android.
6) I'll add e-book readers to your list: I was addicted to Alreader2 on WinMo, and all of the e-book readers on Android lack something (and I've tried them all). Either missing night-mode, or file compatibility, or saving restrictions, or just plain ugly when reading. Only CoolReader has come close (in fact, very close except for a couple of issues).
7) I also find myself trapped using HTC Sense on Android as I love it's email widgets, and can't find decent equivalents for other launchers.
... Oh, and I do miss Cookie's Home Tab. It is amazing software which could have been the saviour of WinMo if it had arrived two years earlier, and was built into official ROMs. Microsoft completely dropped the ball with UI and with AppMarkets.
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thanks for being the first to add something to the list, I appreciate it. I think the hd2 is quite special (been playing with computers since 1979) and you helping build a list that helps other members here have a pocket computer that does anything is cool.
Twisted Metal 2! That remains my ultimate game ever ever ever, and its the game I got Psx4droid for. For me it works perfectly on the Black & Blue remix Rom. The Paris level stole years from my teenage years I am either Spectre or Warthog
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
smeddy said:
constant controller set-up are WAY behind PSX4Droid.
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Lol no. You can set up your own way of controler in FPSEce while PSX4Droid have only pre set type of controller (i would even go as far as to say that there is only one controller).
Anyway, lack of other options in not a plus for simplicity.
Back to the topic: I agree with the Navigation and FPSEce points. I dont really mind others. Also winmo have better alarms (G-Alamr for example). I wasnt able to find good one in Android (created my own with tasker though).
so for PSX4Droid how do we specify the bios in our build? I am using HD2ONE.
Well... this might not be crucial, but I've been using WinMo with SPB Mobile Shell on it in almost all my WinMo devices (countless). There's nothing that cool in Android
KowboyBebop said:
Lol no. You can set up your own way of controler in FPSEce while PSX4Droid have only pre set type of controller (i would even go as far as to say that there is only one controller).
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I guess I do agree with you, but I just got so sick of configuring FPSECE that I enjoyed the "pick ROM and play" approach, and have been happy with the default controller. But point taken
SorenStirner said:
Well... this might not be crucial, but I've been using WinMo with SPB Mobile Shell on it in almost all my WinMo devices (countless). There's nothing that cool in Android
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I had been using SPB Mobile Shell on my phones, too. However, SPB Apps are poorly supported. If you try Android you would find that the apps are better, easier to install and uninstall, many more options using Android. Have you tried LauncherPlus? That really is better than APB MS. JMHO
pandollar said:
Igo8 works just fine in android.
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If you tried both versions you would know about huge difference between those two
SorenStirner said:
Well... this might not be crucial, but I've been using WinMo with SPB Mobile Shell on it in almost all my WinMo devices (countless). There's nothing that cool in Android
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Not crucial, but quite valid actually. I know there are many fans of spbshell, because it is awesome, and an spb shell version for android would be quite cool. Im not familiar with spb shell, but have seen it many times.
Something that was mentioned in another forum was that in FPSeCe you can have a different custom controls for each individual game: gsensor on/off, different layouts, etc. Now, it's a different .ini file each game, and making custom controls for each game is laborious, but I've done it and benefitted by it. Psx4droid will have this soon I'm sure. (I also need to try psx4droid on some of those mentioned builds.)
smeddy said:
Twisted Metal 2! That remains my ultimate game ever ever ever, and its the game I got Psx4droid for. For me it works perfectly on the Black & Blue remix Rom. The Paris level stole years from my teenage years I am either Spectre or Warthog
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
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I am either spectre or warthog -- you rock smeddy! I am starting to think Twisted Metal 2 should become one of my benchmarks for testing build/rom/radio combos.
I totally agree with the sentiments of this post. I loved my HD2. It was a remarkable device. I also loved all the programs you mentioned. However, i really wish the phone had been Android right from the get go. The hardware was so awesome, pictures we actually clear and didn't look grainy. (This was a first for HTC.) For us hackers WM was great. Now Android is great and becoming greater by leaps and bounds. It's hard to beat Google Navigation and also all the cool voice commands offered by Android.
I would have bought the EVO 4G to replace my broken HD2, but I cannot stand the sprint network. I'm waiting for an HD2 device that has a 4.3 screen and is GSM.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
"all the cool voice commands" by both google and vlingo are going to change human history starting this year. You are right to highlight those. Its the dawn of a new era in computing (is my hd2 a 'Monolith' from the Arthur C Clarke books?)
Oh yeah, and Android doesn't have "TellMe" -- can't overlook that GoogleKiller.
Office 2010
CHT 2.0
You do know the thread title is an oxy moron?
This shouldn't be in the Android forum. It looks and smells like a troll thread to me.

