Forcing VGA to QVGA - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm developing an application and currently have a Universal which has a VGA resolution.
I'm wanting to test it on non-VGA screens and was wondering if there was a hack, utility or way of forcing the screen to go down to QVGA?
Anyone know if this can be done?

dont the emulator support whatever res you set ?

The emulator does yes, but I'm now wanting to test on an actual device.
The AutoScale properties I don't 100% trust (past experience).
I'm surprised there's no library call to change the resolution, or if there is, I can't seem to see one anywhere.


Help with Forced VGA

Hi all,
I'm having problems getting any program to run in true VGA mode. I have read every article on SE VGA and true VGA and forced VGA but I think I'm still missing something. Either I don't understand what forced VGA really does or I just cannot get it to work. From what I understand is that the HTC Universal runs standard in se VGA mode which does the pixel doubling so you still get the same amount of space but it looks alot sharper. Now you also have true VGA mode which lets you run everything on your Universal in VGA mode without pixel doubling which means you have lots of space but everything looks very small. For this you have to use SE VGA or OzVGA. Now there is also a third mode which is Forced VGA and if I understand correctly it let's you get the best of both worlds cause it allows you to run in normal mode (se VGA with pixel doubling) but you can force some programs to run in true VGA mode.
Well I tried getting some programs to run in the third mode (forced VGA) with Tweaks2k2.Net and the Force High Resolution v1.60 tool from Mad Programmer but neither one works or I'm not doing something right.
If I use forced VGA mode am I not suppose to see the programs run in true 640 by 480 at 96 DPI without pixel doubling while the rest of the system runs on normal se VGA mode with pixel doubling?
I really hope someone can help me out here and explain this to me or just send me in the right direction.
I think your description sounds correct. Have a look here:
This pic best describes the ideal hack - QVGA double pixeled UI, but with VGA apps.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Technically it's perfectly possible with all apps, if they've been written correctly. However, I've only ever seen it done with NetFront. I'm sure more examples exist.
Yes that is exactly what I'm looking for.
So the program has to be written a certain way for us to be able to see it like that?
I thought that this could also be achieved with the Forced VGA hack.
I guess not then?
I wonder why developers don't make their programs this way.
Why couldn't they give you the option of choosing in what resolution a user might want to run the program in.
It's likely to become more common once VGA devices start becoming more established. Basically, PIE is written to ALWAYS pixel double. Most other apps could be forced, but I've not really looked into it. I always and only run in VGA on my universal. But I use a magician as my phone, Uni is just for developing!
Ah I see.
You say you use universal only for developing. Now if you were to use it all the time as your main phone, would you still always run in true VGA?
Btw, VJSihaya looks very nice. I will be keeping my eye on it.
Is VJSihaya kind of like explorer.exe on WinXP which runs in VGA and in it you can run other programs or do you plan to make it a today screen replacement. I would rather not use it as a today screen replacement though. I think it would be much better if it runs separately from today screen because then you would still be able to have QVGA today screen and use your other programs in VGA or QVGA if you wanted to.
if you were to use it all the time as your main phone, would you still always run in true VGA?
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Depends on how it's set up. My Magician is my main phone, and I barely use it as a phone. I use calendar, contacts, ebooks etc.
On the Uni, I can set it up at VGA to be comfortable for most things, but this semi-VGA idea would be best. At VGA, you can set up large scrollbars, chunky fonts etc and have it set well for the hand. But I use my Uni right in front of my face most of the time, again, ebooks, watching "Frasier" in bed etc. So for that kind of stuff, VGA is fine. However, VGA all the time for "normal" use, and I'm sure you'll go blind.
Semi - VGA is clearly possible, the Netfront example shows it, and all it requires is for programmers to take it into consideration when programming. I'm sure it will become standard in time as an option.
VJSihaya will be like a "shell" replacement. Hopefully, it can "be" your Today screen, but it's not intended as a replacement for your Today screen, although if you look at the screenshots, it can contain your Today screen anyway. I've recently implemented Today screen functionality directly, so you don't need Today at all, but I don't advise it. It's not a replacement, just an alternative.
VJSihaya doesn't really have a "function". Most people intend their PDAs to be handheld: can you use it with a finger? VJSihaya is best at VGA resolution, and basically just makes good use of the extra space, but will tie you to the stylus quite a lot (although in time, there's no reason why you couldn't make a chunky finger powered skin. The Vista skin is quite finger friendly already). You can run an app in a QVGA size screen in VJSihaya - you can see an example of a QVGA sized app running unskinned in VJSihaya here.
VJSihaya won't pixel double it to fill a VGA screen. It will merely let you run a QVGA app at QVGA size on a VGA screen. The screenshot at the above link hopefully explains better!
Well thx for taking the time to explain this.
If I'm not mistaken Terminal Services also runs in Semi VGA.
Do you think VJSihaya will support Semi-VGA sometime in the future?
That would be pretty cool.
You could then have everything run in QVGA pixel doubling mode and only VJSihaya run in VGA. And then every program you run inside VJSihaya could either run in a QVGA window (as shown in some of the screenshots) or you could maximize the program and have it run in VGA. All this without having to softreset everytime.
VJSihaya windowed apps dynamically resize to fill their window, generally and depending on the app (eg for now, in the Vista screenshot, gsfinder isn't. But the other apps all are). But they don't do any kind of pixel doubling etc. Which apps were you thinking of as running in QVGA?
Ok, I'll clarify.
VJSihaya in the screenshots is running at 640x480.
If the Benchmark screenshot linked above, Flash is running at 320x240 - QVGA size, and takes 1/4 of the screen. That's VJSihaya's raison d'etre, to run apps windowed in that manner. Those apps can be dynamically resized, so eg the calendar can run in a small window (eg 150x150), or be enlarged to fill a whole 640x480 as required.
Oh. I think I just de-clarified myself! Are you're suggesting that the system is run at normal QVGA dpi, but make VJSihaya VGA native, so apps can run in the QVGA system pixel doubled, or otherwise live inside VJSihaya as resizable, potentially VGA windows? Even I barely understand that, but I think I know what I mean. I think. I'll try it out if I can.
Yes this is all getting a little bit confusing :lol: but I think you got what I meant in you last phrases.
Are you're suggesting that the system is run at normal QVGA dpi, but make VJSihaya VGA native, so apps can run in the QVGA system pixel doubled, or otherwise live inside VJSihaya as resizable, potentially VGA windows? Even I barely understand that, but I think I know what I mean. I think. I'll try it out if I can.
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Yes this is what I'm suggesting.
So to clarify.
You use your uni in normal QVGA pixel doubling mode.
You then use VJSihaya which runs in VGA 640 x 480 non pixel doubling mode (as it would run if you use OzVGA).
Then every program that you run inside VJSihaya would run in a windowed QVGA NON pixel doubling mode (as seen in your screenshots).
And since the programs inside VJSihaya already run without pixel doubling but in a QVGA window you would just maximize them to make them run fullscreen in VGA.
Pffewww..... :shock: :lol:
I don't know if this is feasible but it would be very cool since you don't have to use OzVGA anymore and softreset if you wanted to run an app in true VGA and then have to softreset back to use your uni in normal mode for everything else.
Yes, exactly what I thought I was thinking :shock:
I really don't know, I'll try to check out VJSihaya in a QVGA environment ASAP. It's not currently expressly hi res aware, because I always run in a hi res environment, but I'll incorporate the settings. I'm not optimistic, but it'd be interesting to see what happens...
I hope that you can get this to work. 8)
And if you do I would really like to know about it.
It doesn't have to be in this post but if you could mention it somewhere as a feature, maybe on your own site or a new post here at xda-devs.
Somewhere where I can check back and see if you managed to get it working. I really don't want to be one of those guys that keeps asking "when is it going to be implemented". :roll: I know that can be quite irritating.
And you don't have to feel pressured into doing this either. All of this was just an idea/request. I know you code in your free time.
Keep up the good work...
No problem. I was reading a bit more on hires_aware yesterday, and it would be a wonderful combination - general OS in QVGA, but apps running in VGA if required. But, I don't know if it can work, it would be magic - can the system jump from pixel doubling to hires_aware like this? I don't know, but I'll try it this weekend I hope.
vijay555 - for me that would be great - OS in QVGA and switching into VGA on the fly for IE. I am new to WM5 and can find no way of doing this (I used the .MUI hack in 2003SE on an iPAQ 4700 which was ideal). All I need (or want) is IE in VGA - I assume I'm reading this forum right and currently IE in VGA and everything else in QVGA is not sussed yet ?
Waltzing Mathilda: this is all absolutely hypothetical right now. I'll give it a go shortly though (once I stop posting!). However, it's likely PIE will always have to be in VGA for VGA.
Internet Explorer and HTML Controls
HTML layouts are an exception to the rule that all pixel coordinates should be scaled. On Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, Internet Explorer interprets pixel coordinates in HTML specifically as 96-DPI pixels. Although it is always best to use relative coordinates in HTML (defining a table column as 50% of the table width, for example), if you are currently using pixel metrics, they will continue to produce the same layout at higher DPI.
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However, it should be relatively easy to make a new browser based on the IE web browser control, which can be hires aware.
Hmm, bad news
Although you can see that VJSihaya is running in VGA, the native apps are still being run native QVGA.
Now, what this means: well, I think there is another way. It would require quite a significant hack, which I don't think is feasible, but I'm going to have to do part of it for VJSihaya anyway, so at some point I'll try investigate this hack as well. This would require making VJSihaya trick the OS into selectively using pixel doubling, and on other occassions not... not sure if it can happen... but if and when, it'll be quite a while until I can put that particular hack in place.
Guys, this might be obvious, but has anyone tried resource hacking PIE to include the Hi_res_aware resource?
I just tried, but unfortunately my rom ripped files won't allow me to edit the resources (a by-product of rom ripping?) and mamaich's rom tools haven't created contiguous files, just directories of files like S000 etc
Anyway, if we can get the files, we need to have a look at
That really is too bad. Maybe it can be done the way you suggested. Will keep my fingers crossed.
vijay555 said:
I think your description sounds correct. Have a look here:
This pic best describes the ideal hack - QVGA double pixeled UI, but with VGA apps.
Technically it's perfectly possible with all apps, if they've been written correctly. However, I've only ever seen it done with NetFront. I'm sure more examples exist. did u manage to RUN NF 3.1 on yr Uni.....
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hdubli: that's not my pic, if you follow the source of the image back you'll see the guy who posted the info. He explains how he hacked it like that. I think it just works... but I've never touched NF, so you'll have to take his word for it

VGA without Soft Reset?

Just a dream or is it reality?
See the attached pictures. 1 pictures show O2SMS is in VGA mode when my PPC is in QVGA mode, the other shows O2SMS when my PPC is in VGA mode.
Anyone has any idea how this can be done?
How what can be done? Live switch from QVGA to VGA?
I do not know how, it is in the O2SmsPlusV1.1.
Maybe you can check it out and enlighten all of us.
Or someone who wrote this software can release the O2SmsPlusV1.1 Source Code.
Attached is the ZIP file of the exe files. just copy into anywhere and run or create a shortcut link and run.
Sorry, think I may misunderstand. Are you saying that on a VGA device the app looks the same, ie hires, when the device is in either QVGA or VGA mode?
This is a choice of the coder, who merely has to code his app to support the true native resolution of the device, ie VGA, rather then "emulating" QVGA on a VGA device using Pixel Doubling, which is the normal path suggested by Microsoft. Any app can be made to support VGA on a VGA device if the programer wants it to, whether you're "apparently" running in QVGA or VGA, by use of the hi res aware resource and appropriate coding. Look up "dpi aware" on msdn.
Pocket Internet Explorer can do it I think. Some other apps to.
Ok, now I understand. Thanks.
But the PIE smallest resolution is still not small enough to see the whole width of the explorer.
There was a tool once (can't remember it's name now) that hacked individual apps to work in real VGA. It didn't always sit well with the app, but if you really want to try this same functionality can be achieved with resource hacker.
Just add a binary resource of type "CEUX" called "HI_RES_AWARE" with the following value 01 00 to the exe of the app (note this will mess app the signature if it is a commercial software for WM 5 and may make the file unusable).
CWKJ said:
But the PIE smallest resolution is still not small enough to see the whole width of the explorer.
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Wait for crossbow. PIE is improved on hi-res devices.


Hi frens, I would like to know is there anyway to change our device from VGA to QVGA? I mean maybe using some certain software we can toggle between using QVGA or VGA..something like that
Because VGA can't enjoy many cool interface things like Cube, Ifonts, etc
pliz help
did you find a solution ?
i am looking for the same soultion ? did someone find ?
i need it ASAP ?
Not looking likely
Hi Guys
It seems fairly certain to be a no go see my previous threads
Sorry they are all a bit short but you will get the general idea, basically it comes down to there being no apparent way to hotswitch the dpi on a per app basis. The closest thing to any chance of it working would be to have a patch or layer that can emulate a lower res screen which GAPI for HPC's is capable of doing for WinCE boxes that have widescreen resolutions but want to run an older 320x240 game or app so any potential solution would likely have to work along the same lines.
However the main issue is that the gx.dll method would not work in most cases as they are now quite heavily tied into the roms (certainly on my Athena) so I could never test it out fully, a generic or emulation layer based gx.dll would most likely 'break' the newer phones if it was forced into the windows directory and from some basic testing before simply placing the HPC gx.dll in the app directory does not enable you to make use of it as the base gx.dll is already resident in ram when the phones are started. I also tried reshacking a couple of apps and changing it to look for xg.dll and renaming the HPC one to match but that just broke everything as you have to re-sign the app which I managed but it just plain refuses to run and either brings up an error message or just does nothing when you run it.
Wow a bit long winded sorry about that but it may help anyone who wants to take up the challenge

How to change the screen resolution ?

well.. this is the question.. my resolution is 480x234. somebody know how to change it for a 800x400 res? i seen many videos of youtube with this resolution and compared with my 480x234 is a BIG difference in quality...i think , and im sure its possible.. ,
i seen in the internet a page (search in google for wincepatch) , the patch on this page changes the resolution driver for a 800x480 driver on ANY wince 5/6 device , the main problem with the patch is for the $ , the patch is not for free.....
the main "video driver" , calls a value on a registry key ([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\Drivers]) ,there is a key called "maindisp" , here , it calls a ".dll" file , THIS dll file tells the resolution and other things... the question is , how i build a ddi.dll file with 800x480 resolution? , sory for the bad english , im argentinian.. good bye !
ok , y advanced some , searching all the internet and is no way to get a "ddi.dll" disp driver from the internet... ,
i think its possible to upload mi ddi.dll with the 480x234 resolution, with yours help, modify it with a hex editor to a 800x480 resolution.. what do you think?
Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I don't believe what you are asking is possible. The screen on your phone can only display 480*234 because the screen itself only has the hardware capabilities to display that resolution (or possibly lower). It's like taking an old CRT tube tv, and then trying to play a 1080p video on it. The TV simply does not have the hardware technology to display the 1920x1080 picture, but rather can only display a resolution of 640x480. I believe it is that same case for your phone, your simply can't make the screen hardware display something it is incapable of. Again though I may be incorrect and anyone with more knowledge on this is subject would be appreciated to comment.
zoomonkey90 said:
Someone can correct me if I am wrong but I don't believe what you are asking is possible. The screen on your phone can only display 480*234 because the screen itself only has the hardware capabilities to display that resolution (or possibly lower). It's like taking an old CRT tube tv, and then trying to play a 1080p video on it. The TV simply does not have the hardware technology to display the 1920x1080 picture, but rather can only display a resolution of 640x480. I believe it is that same case for your phone, your simply can't make the screen hardware display something it is incapable of. Again though I may be incorrect and anyone with more knowledge on this is subject would be appreciated to comment.
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sure! , you are correct. sory for my bad english , here is my question :
>The screen in windows is set to 320x240 and it stretches on the 480x234 display...
Finding the way to change resolution in core would allow to set a better solution (perhaps 400 or so pixels) and could solve both problems (display not sync or looking bad in my case).
According to there's a way to change the resolution. Perhaps there's a way in win core too.
lukz93 said:
According to there's a way to change the resolution. Perhaps there's a way in win core too.
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Windows CE based devices are designed to support only a single video mode. For example, the Medion PNA I own has a display which is 480 pixel wide and 272 pixels high. Whatever the size, this is the physical resolution of the device. It is generally determined by the actual number of individual pixels elements that make up the display hardware and video chip that control the display. YOU CAN'T CHANGE THIS PER SOFTWARE!
BTW: Why not simply try out Nyditot Virtual Display ("NVD") you pointed to, which is trial ware, means you can testwisely install and use it for 7 days? Be aware, not all software applications written for the various Windows CE platforms are “resolution aware”. That is, they assume a standard resolution (e.g. 240x320 on Pocket PC) and therefore do not alter their layout based on NVD’s virtual width and height settings. NVD can't control the behavior of these applications! Even the Windows CE desktop (explorer) can't be changed with NVD.
reading , again reading and acquiring knowledge i learn this :
-The screen in windows is set to 320x240 and it stretches on the 480x234 display...
now , i take apart the resolution-change proble, and go for the new problem jaja, im stucked in sysupdater .. the problem? the touch screen doesn't work , and i can't press any button on this window...i'm thinking the unique solution is weld the usb port for the wince board , exactly as petrutms explained... , with that port attach a keyboard and w/ the tab key move between fields...
First of all you must say which device you have.
If your device has a 320x240 display, or a 400x320 or a 600x400, etc., you'll not be able to change it to a bigger size. You're limited by drivers, yes, but also by phisycal parameters. In other words, if you are capable to build a device using the screen of the HD2 and putting it in a Herald, and get it to work, probably you'll be capable to change or create the drivers.
On the other side, I've been using some 400x320 apps into my 320x240 display, and this means some parts of the app image (when it runs and does not crash because of display resolution) remain "out" of the screen and I can't scroll them. If this is what you mean when writing about those drivers...
And by opposite, apps made for smaller screens appear as a small part rendered in a black screen. Then, probably they can be stretched using some sort of apps or drivers, but this means you'll see blurred images, as they are zoomed like when you're displaying images 200% in your photoshop.
there is a program to change the resoloution.
not sure if it will work for what you need it to do but if i can find it ill upload it for you to try.

moonlight custom resolutions

I have stop adding support for other resolutions to moonlight streaming, if you want other resolution please leave a comment on the official moonlight github page link below.
I have ask the developer many times in the pass to add support for other resolutions but I keep getting a ignored response so please let him know that you would like to to see other resolutions support.
thank you and I apologize.
one of the builds only has 2048x1536 and 2560x1600 support.
updated on 09-09-2020
Do you consider adding sub-720p resolutions for phones that doesnt have 720p screen?
Sweet just want I needed. Thanks. Now to overclock my phone and see if I can improve on 28ms @ 1440p 60hz with 50mbit video rate.
Latest update breaks it for Gforce experince. Will have to try find way to downgrade.
GeForce_Experience_Beta_v3.0.2.205.exe Is the last version that supports custom res.
Installing it is a bit of a pain since it defaults to auto update to lastest beta when you install it. On my 200mbit net it pritty much instantly starts to update if you have the internet enabled.
So for me. I needed to go to programs and features.
Uninstall the latest beta.
Disable the internet.
Install "GeForce_Experience_Beta_v3.0.2.205"
Asks you to login,
Re-enable internet just for the login.
Then disable as soon as its logged in and asks to scan for games.
Let it do the scanning so you can get into the settings.
Un-tick Include beta and all driver update settings.
Close Gefore Experience. Turn internet back on and open gefore experience again and it should work with out trying to auto update.
Here is a link to "GeForce_Experience_Beta_v3.0.2.205"!TYg0zRCK!R5PtpHO4VhkD8PGkhYupRpy60nPGQZxRRpXqcrl3LPc
i read somewhere that they are no longer refreshing the nvidia shield
looks like they are no more beta drivers but i did menage to get to work well sometimes, the new Geforce experince drivers have support for other resolutions now what i did to get my targeted resolution to work is i go into moonlight change resolution to 1200x800 start my game(or windows) then go back to moonlight change to my targeted resolution. This sometimes work I do get this error 400 and 403 RTSP announcement request failure.
lateforwork1000 said:
ok i add support other resolutions but there is a few things you need to do first be for you can use them
1. Make sure your game or computer and run at your targeted resolution.
2. Download and install Geforce expericence bata this is a must!!! or it will not work.
3. Your device must be rooted! this is also a must.
new resolutions
they all should be working, if not let me know
if there is a resolution you would like to see let me know , also ill try and keep this up to date.
I also recommend desktop streaming
here's the how to
updated 8-21-2016
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Hello, Would it be possible to add 1920x540 (letterboxed)
This would be very helpful for Google Cardboard type HMDs
lateforwork1000 said:
ok i add support other resolutions but there is a few things you need to do first be for you can use them
1. Make sure your game or computer and run at your targeted resolution.
2. Download and install Geforce expericence
new resolutions
they all should be working, if not let me know
if there is a resolution you would like to see let me know , also ill try and keep this up to date.
I also recommend desktop streaming
here's the how to
updated 12-31-017
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Hi there, are you still actively working on the app? If you are, can you kindly add in custom resolutions for my note 8? Here they are:
I sincerely appreciate it!
yeah ill see if i can add those tonight don't have my laptop right now.
i added the new resolutions I don't know if they will work let me know if they do.
I very much appreciate and welcome your efforts to add resolutions to Moonlight. My phone (ZTE Axon 7) is a 1440p phone so I was badly missing the 1440p resolution However... I made few tests with 720p, 1080p, 1440p and 4k (obviously downscaled to my native phone resolution of 1440p) and got to an interesting observation: the 1440p actually equals (pretty much so) the 720p in image quality. The other 1080p and 4k work as expected - meaning qualitywise they improve.
Once you have a minute, could you please check what's up?
sure I'll look into it as soon as I can, I left my laptop at work sorry for the late reply. thanks
fix it
lateforwork1000 said:
fix it
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OK great. I will get the new version.
Thank you!
Hi, I really appreciate your time and effort that you have made on Moonlight.
I recently got a Galaxy Tab S3, which has a 4:3 resolution screen. Is there anyway you can add a 1440x1080p so I can get rid of these black bars? I would be very thankful!
Thanks again for your consideration!
pirathonite said:
Hi, I really appreciate your time and effort that you have made on Moonlight.
I recently got a Galaxy Tab S3, which has a 4:3 resolution screen. Is there anyway you can add a 1440x1080p so I can get rid of these black bars? I would be very thankful!
Thanks again for your consideration!
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2048x1536 is the tab s3 native resolution
lateforwork1000 said:
2048x1536 is the tab s3 native resolution
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First of all, thank you for replying.
Yeah, I know. I am not positive that my computer can run well on some games at that higher resolution, so I was settling for at least a 4:3 1080p resolution. Does that make sense?
Could you possibility add both so I can test it out?
i see your issue but the better solution is to set moonlight to your tablet native resolution then run your desktop to your targeted resolution(1440x1080p), depending on the content you are looking at or game if it does not support 4:3 you will see black bars or worst screen stretching. All tho you are still better off just setting your desktop to your tablet native resolution and let your graphic drivers handle the rest, you can change the scaling in the drivers settings(fit to screen or stretch and others).
lateforwork1000 said:
i see your issue but the better solution is to set moonlight to your tablet native resolution then run your desktop to your targeted resolution(1440x1080p), depending on the content you are looking at or game if it does not support 4:3 you will see black bars or worst screen stretching. All tho you are still better off just setting your desktop to your tablet native resolution and let your graphic drivers handle the rest, you can change the scaling in the drivers settings(fit to screen or stretch and others).
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Ohh, I see. I made two custom resolutions via Nvidia's control panel and added 1440x1080 and 2048x1536. I did what you said and set the resolution at 1536p on Moonlight. After launching the game, I set the resolution in-game to 1440x1080 or 2048x1536 depending on the demand of the game. Everything is in fullscreen glory without the stretching.
Thank you for your help!

