i'm an virgin - P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc.

guys ive scaned areas but having problems understanding half of what your on about has someone got a guide in simple terms to show us new guys what the potential of these things are bought one, read some reviews found this site and wow blown away. im eager to learn need to know more but need to under stand the basics b4 i can run
many thanks

Do you have any experience with Windows Mobile or is this your first pda?
In general I can recommend you to check out some cool sites and download software to get used to your pda and how it works. One of my favourite sites is pocketpcmag.com - in the best sites section the have tons of links to good sites in many languages.
If you don't understand what people are writing here, don't flash your pda unless you are sure what they are talking about. I read so many threads where people "bricked" their pdas and don't know how to get it working again.

replie thanks
thanks will check the site out its my first phone/pda i feel the need to learn i can do the norm install software to the device but curiosity killed the cat little knowledge IS BAD ive made mistakes in the past and lernt my lesson but still very eager

My own experiance is that sometimes you need to take an educated leap of faith - I am no technical genius but I have an XDA running B&B 4.1, ripping DivX movies to TCPMP and changing my Splash screen.
Pretty much this is all thanks to the great work done on this site - First I suggest yuo browse, read what people are saying, look out for the pit falls (make sure you run USPL before flashing any new ROMs) but more importantly share you experiances and questions - people on the forum are always keen to help


Basics of every mobile phone

Hi friends this is saksham frm india when i started surfing on this site, i felt really confusing as any other might be, so i just make a mind to start new topic to learn about the basics of every mobile phone whether it Pda,windows mobile phone or any other device,So friends Plz help to enriched this thread and Give valuable information to all Our inmates,Thanx U understand what i am trying to say,Thanx and Keep on enriching this forum.Byeeeee.
Hi there....oooeww I must agree with Saksham, for the really new guys it all very hardcore. But let me hand a first topic:
I'm getting my T-Mobile locked MDAC next week. I already no how to get it unlocked for almost 30 euros. But what is my next step to boost the Magician? I think it is something with the extended rom...I know, i know....forgive if these questions are so basic...it's just that there are starters on this forum too...
The thing to do is read the manual (except where it's wrong) and look for sites that have "newbie" guides. Your product site such as http://www.clubimate.com will have them, and independent sites like http://www.modaco.com , http://www.compactjam.com and http://www.imate-user.com also have excellent beginners' articles. Look for subjects like "FAQ"s (Frequently Asked Questions), or "Sticky" threads in forums, which usually contain information most often asked for.
XDA-developers, as its name suggests, began life as a site for people who already have a basic working knowledge of HTC devices and wished to push those boundaries further. That does not mean to say it doesn't welcome new users, but the momentum here is to not get bogged down in rewriting product manuals. So you will probably not find as many FAQs here as on other sites.
Then again, sometimes it's hard to get past the first post even here, when some people can't understand the difference between a cellphone and a PDA, or the basics of how to turn their Magician on and off! (Not intended against saksam by the way, for asking a very valid question).
But I do see the need for a FAQ section on XDA-Developers to bridge the gap - even if it only points the new user to more relevant resources. All it needs is someone with the knowledge, time and inclination?
Tnx for the info. I understand the thing your saying and I agree. Your idea of putting a FAQ online, even if it is to redirect newbies to a place on the net were first time user can interact with more experienced user is a good one.
I'll check the sites you mentioned!

Information Overload! Please Help...

Hi everyone, first time poster here so be gentle
Ive had my O2 XDA Ignito (HTC Touch Diamond) for 8 days now and i still cant get my head around the massive amount of features it has. I feel like an absolute no0b, which is not surprising as its my first Windows Mobile
Ive scoured the Diamond Forums here and elsewhere but i still cant seem to get a grasp on the most basic of things, so i was wondering if there is a REALLY simple "How-to" guide on basic things like - how to change themes etc. I keep reading all kinds of confusing stuff about different software needed, expiring your warranty, bricking your phone, having to mess around with ROM's and hard/soft resets
I realise that there has probably been a thousand of these topics made but i simply cant take any more information on board without it pushing all the old stuff out
I'd really appreciate someone pointing me in the right directing or giving me a basic idea of what to do, lol!
Btw my ROM Version is WWE if that helps
Many many thanks

WM6.5 - noobs guide?

Hey all, firstly great site you've got here! LOTS (too much for me!) of info on here that goes right over my head!
Righty....basically, I want to install 6.5, and I've read lots and lots of threads on here, but there doesnt seem to be a simgle thread that will talk me through it in step by step - there's talk of USPL etc etc and I'm just rather confused!
Anyways, I'm tech savvy, but just not in the mobile world - I've done a lot of modding of other gadgets, and obviously numerous OS installs/homwbews/builds etc.....but phones are new to me!
Can someone point me to a dummies guide??
Thanks in advance!!
The wiki is good as a general source, but for flashing what you need is all here - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505377 (It is your step by step Dummies Guide)
Read the first few posts a couple of times and then if you have any questions ask them there and I or one of the other senior members will try our best to answer you. It looks difficult, but it is not that difficult at all. But it's best to at least try to understand what is happening when you are flashing, there are far to many that rush in and flash before taking the time to read up or even try to understand what they are about to do to their lovely expensive device.

i think we need to return to the windows again

after those hundreds of proplem with android we need then to go to the windows again
when i used android from the first time i have many proplems and no one can answer it not even me this great forum full of android proplems
i think we just spent our money with this uneasy system from google
hundreds of android mobiles will be on the hell after few weeks
Are you kidding me? After all the problems I had w/ winmo, I will never go back.
salah_heart said:
after those hundreds of proplem with android we need then to go to the windows again
when i used android from the first time i have many proplems and no one can answer it not even me this great forum full of android proplems
i think we just spent our money with this uneasy system from google
hundreds of android mobiles will be on the hell after few weeks
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Most problems you find here is related to cooked kernel/roms there isnt based on official magic releases.
Anyway if you cared to make a bit research before starting topics with questions there is answered a lot of other places, you might get a bit more help. The questions asked by you has answers in the wiki and the sticky topics, you even asked question where you already wrote the answer. It's important to read carefully and understand the things you're about to do.
If people can see you got a problem which is either hard or doesn't have a solution for it anywhere yet, people are more likely and happy to help.
But as far as i understand is that right now you need to get fastboot to work. So first of all get the SDK and make the driver working for it so you can connect your device with adb. You'll find information about this in the wiki: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Sapphire_Hacking#sec02
Good luck!
salah_heart said:
after those hundreds of proplem with android we need then to go to the windows again
when i used android from the first time i have many proplems and no one can answer it not even me this great forum full of android proplems
i think we just spent our money with this uneasy system from google
hundreds of android mobiles will be on the hell after few weeks
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Windows=limited potential
Android= OpenSource= Unlimited potential
What you're lacking to understand that the devs here are dealing with an OS that has only existed for 3 years. While the exact same windows coding has been used for close to 20..
furthermore.. you can not compare the problems with WinMo to the Android problems. WinMo problems where because of ****ty devs. Android problems are from stupid users who can't follow clear directions. I've done over 100 successful Android flashes, and probably 1000 some tweaks to my phone over the past 2 years. Never once have I had an issue. How do you ask? Cause I do my research, I know my coding, I follow directions. Android modding isn't for people who don't know code and who are e-tards. If you want your safety net go back to WinMo. Now go play with an HD2 and tell me how it feels to have a phone with a 1ghz processor only do 2.4mflops because the OS is horrible and then feel stupid cause you can a lame phone with WinBlows on it.

New Android Website! Need Feedback! Please

Hi, I am working on a new site with some of my buds...
Since we all have HD2's lol we will start here. The plan for this site is to help you with your android hacking. Like I said we will start with the HD2 for right now but eventually expand a whole lot. We want to have Android latest news and phones, help the community out. Maybe have forums eventually for other android devices in the future. Who knows where this idea will take us, but we want to focus on helping out the community. In no way we will be competing with XDA, but for Newbies is not easy reading thru all these phorums; or they are just lazy lol. We currently have a writer, graphic designer and a Mod freak to start things off. We want to know what you guys think, feel free to discuss and overall: What would you like to see on the site?
The site shall be called WWW.ANDROID4LIFE.COM and it goes live real on 3-1-11
You can preview the site now! Here: http://www.wix.com/casademipadre777/android4life
Leave comments/questions/concerns/feedback/ ++++++
Thank you!
Very good site. Fantastic for beginners. Layout is easy to see and format throughout is good. Continuity also good.
One thing I will mention is that the transition effects between pages may be a burden for some older legacy computers and people running a a poor connection. Perhaps having a feature to avoid this would be good.
Good work man
lukey-windy said:
Very good site. Fantastic for beginners. Layout is easy to see and format throughout is good. Continuity also good.
One thing I will mention is that the transition effects between pages may be a burden for some older legacy computers and people running a a poor connection. Perhaps having a feature to avoid this would be good.
Good work man
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Thanks. I'm glad you like the concept, and you are right... Pure Html sites are better but they lack on data stability, which is why we are using more flash sites. Besides they are more simple and I am a flash freek lol. This site is more for our generation and you need a good internet connection jaja! But we do have a link to update your browser flash player, we hope that helps some people. I really appreciate your feedback and trust me your suggestion is kept
it appears like its a NAND flashing method you are building here
you should specify that, as we know the other method is via SDCard in Winmo 6.5
also you should highlight the importance of the very basic and foremost first step of all
flashing HSPL3 (2.08HSPL)
then, MAGLDR
then everything else follows.
just my polite suggestion, very nice website BTW
jigners said:
it appears like its a NAND flashing method you are building here
you should specify that, as we know the other method is via SDCard in Winmo 6.5
also you should highlight the importance of the very basic and foremost first step of all
flashing HSPL3 (2.08HSPL)
then, MAGLDR
then everything else follows.
just my polite suggestion, very nice website BTW
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Thanks jigners, we are thinking of adding a seperate tab for the SD Method for those that follow. But you got it right we are Emphasizing the Nand method. We will talk about this in the Video Tutorials along with all these major important steps, thanks!
Oeh, ok i try start at first things. It will be hard for you to understand but i give my best.
Never ever dont think this way - i have new and good pc (laptop, tab or smartphone) and my friends have too. So i create website, fun yes.
Real life is other. 65% people use older pc-s. Even more, think if someone goes to this site with hd2 and winmo, what and how he then see this page. This ugly and today outstanding flash IS NOT good way make good website. I'm serious.
About design.
I liked it. Littlebit mottled but not hurt everyone.
Site visitors counter today also out. Just place it bottom and hide for itself only.
I recommend to you get better some php based cms and attach your design. Then your site will be gotten on fly. With hd2 winmo and 3G. As you want bring beginners to site.
And one hint more. Think again about site content and main idea. Why? Week ago i seen on HTC site HD2, today not.
I dont want claim or blame you. Just these opinions i got whe i looked to this site. I thinked itself many times that hd2 needs some special site for helping xda devs work better and not waste time for threads named like these examples just gotted at this forum: [Q]Help needed Please, problems, HELP!
datas0ft said:
Oeh, ok i try start at first things. It will be hard for you to understand but i give my best.
Never ever dont think this way - i have new and good pc (laptop, tab or smartphone) and my friends have too. So i create website, fun yes.
Real life is other. 65% people use older pc-s. Even more, think if someone goes to this site with hd2 and winmo, what and how he then see this page. This ugly and today outstanding flash IS NOT good way make good website. I'm serious.
About design.
I liked it. Littlebit mottled but not hurt everyone.
Site visitors counter today also out. Just place it bottom and hide for itself only.
I recommend to you get better some php based cms and attach your design. Then your site will be gotten on fly. With hd2 winmo and 3G. As you want bring beginners to site.
And one hint more. Think again about site content and main idea. Why? Week ago i seen on HTC site HD2, today not.
I dont want claim or blame you. Just these opinions i got whe i looked to this site. I thinked itself many times that hd2 needs some special site for helping xda devs work better and not waste time for threads named like these examples just gotted at this forum: [Q]Help needed Please, problems, HELP!
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I understood some and thanks, we will work on making a back up for those that use older pc's lol. Thanks for the tips too, the datat that flash sites produce is awesome. The "visitor counter" feature that you mentioned is built in on the url as soon as you click it, the features of flash sites. We certantly want this to help people and make it easier to see, thanks... I hope we don't become like that site that you mentioned, that just disapeared lol...
Great job guys,
u definitely need to make that site live.
rikardo1979 said:
Great job guys,
u definitely need to make that site live.
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Yeah it will be! Can't wait, we are going to be adding a lot of stuff.
wanna help?
Well, we need a logo for our site! Anybody want in?
looks good,can't wait till its up.great job
puch77 said:
looks good,can't wait till its up.great job
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Thanks puch77, gotta love those sevens
Hey is there gonna be a tp2 section
sent from Simple~Mobile G1
dswaggz said:
Hey is there gonna be a tp2 section
sent from Simple~Mobile G1
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u mean the phone? touch pro 2 ..... hmmm... We don't have one, If I can get one, we could....
site is down!
vyklos said:
site is down!
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We are not Live yet but you can preview the site here http://www.wix.com/casademipadre777/android4life
We have added a tab that in the future will have the G2 hacks!
In "Download" page you put only NAND builds. I think, links to some modern SD builds also must be present on download page.
and_p said:
In "Download" page you put only NAND builds. I think, links to some modern SD builds also must be present on download page.
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They will, actually the SD method will have its own support page
Looking good. I would change the background color to android green . +1 on a non-flash link site.
