POLL: % of hermes users running WM6 - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Guys (and gals), just wondering what the %'s work out as for the people running WM6 in place of 5 on there hermes.
And as an aside, hows it going and anything you have noticed as a negative..
Thanks andy

guess i probably should ask, after you have upgraded, can you leave it alone, or is it one rom after another?

i have done the update on my orange 3100 which i think is a brand of HTC and all works brill!!!!!!! god i wish i did this ages ago

I used to upgrade to newer or older more stable WM5 roms every month after I got my 8525. I think I flashed my SDA a dozen times in 3 months. After I put the last WM6 rom on my 8525 I haven't touched it since. There are a few backlight and keyboard glitches that have tempted me to try another firmware but I haven't been annoyed enough to worry about it.
geekyhawkes said:
guess i probably should ask, after you have upgraded, can you leave it alone, or is it one rom after another?
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does this mean that the wm6 upgrades do not have battery issues etc like the universal upgrades had?
can you roll back to original rom if needing to send back under warranty?

I figure that because my wm5 has no problems at all I should not screw with it. On the other hand, the wm6 on my trinity is full of bugs and will be updated soon.

Mine came with wm6 and runs flawlessly. I thought I would mess with a new rom but ... if it ain't broke I ain't gonna fix it.

Interesting that the % of wm6 users is as high as it is. I would have expected a lower % but it would appear the flashing path is well trodden.
I am sort of thinking alone the lines if it aint broke... but then maybe wm 6 would be nice too lol

geekyhawkes said:
Interesting that the % of wm6 users is as high as it is. I would have expected a lower % but it would appear the flashing path is well trodden.
I am sort of thinking alone the lines if it aint broke... but then maybe wm 6 would be nice too lol
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The only way to be sure, apart from this poll, is to do shedloads of research and reading off this forum eg the wiki, the mr vanx guides, all the stuff on fixing your phone if you brick it, the hard spl stuff, the forums, etc. When you have fully assimilated the info and KNOW what you need to do to protect yourself BEFORE you flash, then go ahead and flash.
The Mr Vanx guides will also tell you how to return to WM5 if you want to (why you would want to do this is a mystery).
I spent 8 weeks reading everything connected with upgrading to WM6 on here BEFORE I jumped. I took every precaution I could find, triple checked EVERYTHING, then I did the deed.
The rest, as they say, is history. Go on, you know you want to..!!

There should be a third option:
"Yes I did, no issues, but not worth the effort."
WM6 isn't that big of a deal. WM6 is nicer to look at but if I wanted pretty there's the iPhone instead.
I don't regret moving to WM6 and will never use WM5 again, but I give the whole issue very little thought. Frankly I'm surprised anyone really cares.
I wonder if PC forums have these sorts of discussions about which Windows OS they are using on their computers in spite of all of the versions being basically the same from a usage standpoint over the past 12 years.

lol I think WM6 no issues is winning haha

Doom Tints said:
There should be a third option:
"Yes I did, no issues, but not worth the effort." WM6 isn't that big of a deal. .
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Not sure I would agree with this statement. The key reason why I moved to WM6 from WM5 was that WM5, as received from the manufacturer, was so unstable in day-to-day operation that I was on the brink of selling my Tytn and moving back to a Symbian device.
WM6 has given me masses of stability and the Tytn has stayed. Interestingly, the level of stability that I now experience has come from a fully loaded cooked ROM. I'm not sure what the experience is for others on the stock WM6 ROM; however it worked for me.
Each to his own, of course.

I am still running WM5, a couple of people I work with have just upgraded thier devices to WM6 Schapps ROM and are reporting no issues.
My WM5 crashes every now and then or doesn't "wake up" from a standby, but I guess thats just something we have to live with !?! Or is that wrong ?
Apart from the HTML email support, and a suppossed speed increase I am not sure it is worth the risk of upgrading (?) My device is still in warranty so I am maybe being over cautious ?

dmj1973 said:
I am still running WM5, a couple of people I work with have just upgraded thier devices to WM6 Schapps ROM and are reporting no issues.
My WM5 crashes every now and then or doesn't "wake up" from a standby, but I guess thats just something we have to live with !?! Or is that wrong ?
Apart from the HTML email support, and a suppossed speed increase I am not sure it is worth the risk of upgrading (?) My device is still in warranty so I am maybe being over cautious ?
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Having paid your hard eaned cash for a device you should not have to put up with crashes or unpredicatble performance/behavior.
My device had 6 months warranty left on it when I upgraded the OS. It still has 3 months to go. What are you worried about?
If you take a serious amount of time out to understand the process, potential pitfalls, preventative measures and remedies associated with ROM upgrading, and use some common sense, I don't see why you should not be ok.
The decision, as with everything in life, is yours...

Fair comment WB, fair comment.

I agree with the above, most who use WM6 don't go backward to 5! It's a progression to the latest and greatest which includes better interfaces, support & development. When ever WM7 comes out, then we'll be moving forward to that one...
BTW: there have been numerous polls already, so this seems redundant.

You'll mess with it a lot the first day or two, but once you find a ROM you like, that's it!

Glad to see no one is bricked when I vote!

somewhat useless thread
Tianjun said:
Glad to see no one is bricked when I vote!
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Right! Why would WM6 "brick" it? Like asking, "Did Vista brick your PC?"

Is it possible to return to WM5 in case WM6 fails to satisfy
Hi friends after looking at the results I am planning to shift to WM6 in my Orange SPV 3100...Is it possible to have this OS in my Orange..Anybody plz tell me what is the difference b/w both of these OS I mean whats new in WM6 which wasn't there in WM5..


Universal users....a poll :)

Post your feedback guys, guess it'll help the world to be a better place :lol:
It is a good device but too costly...
I would recommand new buyers to wait for a while, so that you get a trouble free device for less..
I really dont understand the idea of this... They sell Device with bugs and problems for very high price and then after a while when the probs are almost fixed they come down.... Isnt that suppose to be other way around?
Of all the criticisms, I don't think it's expensive. OK, I bought an MDA Pro with a nice subsidy from T Mobile and not a sim-free Jam Jar, but even so, it's a good price. Compare it to an HP Hx4700 and, say, a Nokia 654321i or whatever a current phone is called :wink: Looking at retail or launch prices, you'll see that they add up to pretty much the same price or more.
mniko said:
I really dont understand the idea of this... They sell Device with bugs and problems for very high price and then after a while when the probs are almost fixed they come down.... Isnt that suppose to be other way around?
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what problems???? my jasjar is the most stable ppc phone yet...i havent soft reset it once in over 3 weeks now.. doesnt hang ...everything is working.. this is superb piece of device (i shod know ive had pda2k,pda2 and jam.... and all of them had their weak points but jasjar doesnt have any (not talking about the price...coz if you wait it will come down...or if you know anyone like i did i got my jasjar for 3800 dirhams unlike many of you who had to pay well in excess of 4100 hehe)
zohaer21 said:
what problems???? my jasjar is the most stable ppc phone yet...
....(i shod know ive had pda2k,pda2 and jam.... and all of them had their weak points but jasjar doesnt have any
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I completely agree, my experience is exactly the same, however, there do seem to be a few people around here with underperforming devices. Guess we're the lucky ones (But I'm sure everyone will be happy sooner or later...)
I like to way the Jasjar works and it's stability, although it is a bit bulky.
HOWEVER, I got mine on Monday last week. On Wednesday, having loaded everything on it and got it working exactly the way I wanted it to, I twisted the screen from phone mode in order to close it, felt a slight resistance and......guess what....yes, the feed to the screen was broken.
I guess this was always going to be a risk with the revolving screen but, really! I'm awaiting the replacement.
It's more usable than my SPV M2000 thanks to the keyboard but it is that bit bigger.
Oh and the fact it crashes my PC doesn't help either :evil:
If ur a housewife who uses it stock-standard with the awful PIM and shocking today screens - you'll be stable and happy. If you are a bleading edge techie (which is probably why you've already got one of these) then you'll have hard reset at least 2 times by now, and will have discovered the myriad of issue that require fixes (BT, PIM, 3G connection TTL, notification sadeamon dups, working player vs chip stepping, etc etc). This is much like WM2003 was in the early days - all issues eventually get solved by software. But for now it's tough battling to find suitable solutions.
personally, I think my time could have been better spent on making money and waiting for the October-1 ROM to evolve 1 more generation.
funny thing is those who complains a lot about the Universal always claimed that they're techsavvy i could prolly say that I'm one of those "idiots" that's quite satisfied with my JJ. I'm annoyed with some of its problems but satisfied overall with its performance and I don't mind waiting for the upgrades to come.
This damn device is droolworthy for sure! There are certain memory handicaps, os problems etc., but i'm sure things would be sorted out over time....
MS has wm5 in its early stages, and i-mate (or whoever) has been bold to release it...as far as i remember, there were a hundred ppl cursing MS for not releasing WM5, for which the JJ launch was being delayed....and i'm sure, all of you would have hoped for a release even though wm5 is not yet fully done and packed, and wouldnt mind an upgrade once complete....face it, its so damn gorgeous that you could'nt resist!!
The memory handicap is definitely a big issue, and i'm sure there trying to fix it, if not completely, atleast to a stage where its practical to use.
I'm wondering if O2 delayed the launch of the Exec, because of these issues??? hmmmmm!!!!!!
This is by far and away the most stable ppc I've had yet. Considering it offers vga screen, wifi, BT, keyboard and its a phone(3G also), I dont mind the size. In fact I personally prefer something with weight. Yes there are issues as there are issues with all relatively new devices/OS, but if u want to be at the forefront of cutting edge technology, then this is it...Obvoiusly, its horses for courses so its not everyone's ideal choice...but thats why there IS a choice.


Hi all,
Ive just upgraded from a universal so greetings to you all. What a big difference this machine is, That screen is simply awesome. I'm not a noob to flashing and unlocking, and a big believer in the search and donate button so no problems there, my only questions are more of a choice nature. the first one is does anyone have an opinion on carrying the thing, my universal had a belt loop on the case and it hung on my side no problems. Ive yet to see one for the Athena. my other question is, my machine is a T-mobile Ameo with a very plain WM6 ROM on it, is there a ROM that you can suggest that is better looking and has better features on it? Ive found a few on this site but experience is worth a lot. The universal has numerous Roms on WM6 for it, but not many were without bugs, and its memory had its limits. It is still a very capable machine. Many thanks
Take care
I use this case and it works very well for me. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=355416 but others have chosen different ones with equal satisfaction.
I think you'll be spoilt for choice when come to ROM. PK is also working on a much anticipated PK4 due sometimes these few weeks. If you're into switching ROM, no harm just researching on unlocking your phone first for the time being. Immediately even without switching ROM you could already make giant step improvements on how it looks and works by installing the right software for it, such as wktask, realVGA, etc, while waiting. There is also the option of wm6.1 while waiting....
Memory limit will always be there (at least it is for me), so I install everything out of the device memory unless the program forces me to install it on the device. I also tend to do the same if the program is a today plugin, in order to speed up the soft reset procedure. Sometimes, even if a program is installed on say a microdrive, it would still place something into the device memory. Doing that, I have just less than 20 MB left in my RAM at the moment. However, I'm probably not a typical user, with close to 70 installed program on my device, and 30 more which just sit in the microdrive, ready to be installed if I need them occassionally.
As for bugs, I don't encounter too many, but you got to by experience weed out those applications which gives problems. Generally, the problems are with the applications rather than the device or the ROM.
Hope this helps.
responderman said:
Hi all,
Ive just upgraded from a universal so greetings to you all. What a big difference this machine is, That screen is simply awesome. I'm not a noob to flashing and unlocking, and a big believer in the search and donate button so no problems there, my only questions are more of a choice nature. the first one is does anyone have an opinion on carrying the thing, my universal had a belt loop on the case and it hung on my side no problems. Ive yet to see one for the Athena. my other question is, my machine is a T-mobile Ameo with a very plain WM6 ROM on it, is there a ROM that you can suggest that is better looking and has better features on it? Ive found a few on this site but experience is worth a lot. The universal has numerous Roms on WM6 for it, but not many were without bugs, and its memory had its limits. It is still a very capable machine. Many thanks
Take care
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Welcome! You'll find that this is a generally congenial group at least most of the time, with a wealth of knowledge.
As to ROMs, I have to say PK3 Dual works very nicely until we get the next version:
I particularly like RealVGA which is integrated into the ROM, running at 192 dpi. Gives you the advantages of the big screen but at a reasonable size. Note, if you are under 30 you can probably ignore this last advice!
Agan, there's lots of info on these boards but takes a lot of sleuthing! When in doubt, just ask. But start with, "I know this may have been answered already..." Then you are less likely to endure the flames that "certain people" seem to enjoy. Good luck!!
Hi again
Well thanks for the heads up on the rom and the case, the PK 3.0 rom looks much better than the drab T-mobile one so I shall give it a go. The unlock tool worked well and followed to the letter had no supprises for me. Not sure about the £1.000.000 donation though Oli. I now have the start for a bit of experimenting. The case is the style I needed but how hard wearing is the neopreen?
Take care
responderman said:
Hi again
Well thanks for the heads up on the rom and the case, the PK 3.0 rom looks much better than the drab T-mobile one so I shall give it a go. The unlock tool worked well and followed to the letter had no supprises for me. Not sure about the £1.000.000 donation though Oli. I now have the start for a bit of experimenting. The case is the style I needed but how hard wearing is the neopreen?
Take care
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if you a do it your self kinda of guy, then maybe you can go this route... i attached some pic of what i did to the standard case so i could put in on my belt
OH if you looking for some cool apps hit up these two links

Your Opinions please! (tried searching!)

Hey folks,
I've tried searching and there's no forthcoming result on this (despite that I suspect it *must* have been covered somewhere) - perhaps it's my dyslexia?
I'm now ready to install a WM6 ROM on my currently WM5 hermes from Tmobile.
I'm looking for people's opinions as to whether it's worth my while and what the performance differences are? (obviously it's a lot of work getting things set up again so I want to be sure it's worthwhile).
Is WM6 running slower on hermes that WM5? or faster?
Has anyone a ROM they would reccomend? Else I'll go with the Tmobile standard.
So opinions please!
Thanks a lot guys. I appreciate it!
cmon!!! you cant be serious!!!!
ppl are looking to upgrade their devices to wm6.1 and you want us to compare wm5 to wm6? i mean seriously......look at every device thread, even the older devices, you can practically see wm6/6.1 for almost every single devices, even devices which are waaaay older than wm6. and you probaby wont find anyone getting excited over any wm5 releases anywhere.......doesnt that tell you something?/
if you searched hard enough, you could probably find someone who compared the performance of wm5 to wm6 but those will probably be with older builds of wm6, and those just dont compare with the current builds. your best bet i would say is to try it out urself, its not that hard.
I know it's not that hard to test it - I'm already running it on my blue-angel.
And it's running well.
But comparing hermes to blue angel is comparing apples to oranges.
It's a *huge* amount of work doing the upgrade. Not the actual upgrade. That's, as you say, rediculously easy. But installing 20/30 medical textbooks? dozens of other programs, fixing out my network setup on it....
these take hours, and in a casual not setting hours aside for it fashion a couple of weeks.
So I'm understandibly not wanting to take the risk and plung in until I'm sure it'll be worthwhile.
Anyone got any experience? Has WM6 upgraded the speed? or is the slight graphical revamp a strain on the processor?
Also should I go with tmobile's own ROMs for WM6 or a community alternative?
Opinions pretty pretty please to save me hours of work!
2 words.......user customization
there truly is a HUGE diffrence between wm5 and wm6/6.1. i would recomend going with a WM6.1 build from the get go considering all the programs you say you load on your hermes.
I am currently using the DVH Rom build 19400(http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=387516 ). I find it to be the fastest, loaded but not bloated, and honestly is the best i've used in quit some time. He has apparently released a new rom (build 19701) but i have yet to try it out. (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=388747)
best of luck
molesaied88, TRY 19701, ITS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!Quick and VERY stable... I love it.
Thanks folks.
Sorry I took ages to reply i had exams! Right so you guys are advocating using a custom home cooked WM6 Rom rather than an original one?
(I'm assuming these are faster? Are they fully featured though?)
Now I'll need to decide whether to go with Ultra or molesaid's suggestion. Anyone know which is currently running more spritely?
Again thanks again! I know the forum must be deluged with this kind of stuff
I have found WM6 to be much, much more stable than when I had WM5. Not as many lock ups of freezing as before. I used to have to soft reset my phone all the time because of lock ups, but with WM6 I rarely reset my phone anymore.
I would say that stability and the larger pool of programs for it made WM6 the choice for me.

Is it really worth it...?

Ok...so i have picked up my SPV M5000 which has been put aside for the last two years and have decided to show some interest in it again.
The only mod from it being original is that it is unlocked and had the changes to run Tomtom 6, apart from that it is original Orange spec.
Being a newbie on these sort of things i have been reading up on cooked roms etc and fancy having a go at an upgrade but...blind as I may be what difference can i expect and, is it really worth risking a bricked phone....what advantages are there..??
I know there are many roms out there but, now there appears to be some stable ones with plenty of feedback what rom should i go for...?
Any advice..?
Suppose it is not then..!!
Dude... you expect an answer to that question within the hour?
The advantages are pretty much that you get the next generation of an OS, with the changes in UI and visualisation that come along with it.
Let's face it, if there was no reason to want to change from WM 5 to WM 6 and higher, they wouldn't have made the newer iterations of the OS at all.
Whether or not it's worth it is pretty much up to you. Who are we to tell you what changes are worth the risks? If you are perfectly happy with your phone the way it is, there's no reason to change it. If you see the newer WM builds and think "Hey, that'd be much cooler on my phone", then obviously it's up to you to figure out whether it's worth the risk.
You said it yourself, the phone's been put aside for two years. I, personally, would think making that phone more interesting again is worth it just because it isn't put aside again.
For that matter, I like the process of tinkering as much as I do the results...
As for which ROM to use: again you said it yourself, all of them have lots of feedback posted.
Read it and decide for yourself which one sounds most fitting for your wants and needs.
Because honestly, if you can't be bothered finding out for yourself then maybe you shouldn't start a project like this.
You are just about to get one of the best HTC devices ever!!
Read the Wiki to learn hot to flash a ROM and I personally recommend Tomal ROM´s
Good luck,
Thanks guys and yes, suppose i was really answering my own questions, as in most instances I should "read the book first".
Yes it's really worth every risk...well the chances of getting bricked device is 10 in 100 and even though it gets bricked you will be able to make it work in couple of minutes... so there is no risk at all... well wm 6.X adds new features and functionality... it's way better than wm5... and try tomals v8.5 or (8.9 if you are a bit high end)... or v12 if you want the latest in the os... which is far more finger friendly ... AND BELIVE ME YOU WILL NEVER REGRATE DOING IT AND THE PHONE WON'T BE LEFT ASIDE

Seeking advice on possible fix from WM/HTC experts

I'll start by saying I really DO like this phone and don't wish to return it. I am coming from a BB 8320 which I also was a big fan of. This being my first wm/htc phone I have no idea how these two companies support their platforms. The phone obviously has some pretty bad lag/freezing issues as well as some weird glitches where the screen will shift and be half black. Now since its a brand new device in the market I'm totally willing to work with that as most new technology has some kinks to be worked out. I have even been looking into flashing a custom rom as I hear this will help. All this being considered I was hoping you all could perhaps tell me what to expect as far as a possible fix. Do you think this is something htc is working on fixing, or do you think I'm out of luck and should just get used to it? My phone is fully stock and has no additional progs/tweaks on it. I remember when I first got my BB that it had some problems with locking up while web browsing and eventually this was addressed and fixed by an update from BB, do you see a similar thing happening here? Thanks
OneNutShort said:
I'll start by saying I really DO like this phone and don't wish to return it. I am coming from a BB 8320 which I also was a big fan of. This being my first wm/htc phone I have no idea how these two companies support their platforms. The phone obviously has some pretty bad lag/freezing issues as well as some weird glitches where the screen will shift and be half black. Now since its a brand new device in the market I'm totally willing to work with that as most new technology has some kinks to be worked out. I have even been looking into flashing a custom rom as I hear this will help. All this being considered I was hoping you all could perhaps tell me what to expect as far as a possible fix. Do you think this is something htc is working on fixing, or do you think I'm out of luck and should just get used to it? My phone is fully stock and has no additional progs/tweaks on it. I remember when I first got my BB that it had some problems with locking up while web browsing and eventually this was addressed and fixed by an update from BB, do you see a similar thing happening here? Thanks
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To be completely honest I have never relied on the actually manufacturer to fix my problems... because even as you said that they eventually do... how long did you wait to do so.
I own a blackberry, windows phones galore (mostly HTC)... and both I have learned to fix on my own / use the forums to fix my problems. Blackberry 9700 for example.. greatest blackberry alive.. yes... but people hate the phone unless i fix /tweak it like i have mine because the OS the came in the phone with TMO sucked... but uploaded a unofficial rom and all better...
back to windows since thats the topic... every windows phone i have had has lasted longer than it normally would have (i based this on my patience with lag, lack of memory, and frequent crashing over time) because I learned how to flash "cooked" roms on to the phone.
These developers don't make the perfect rom... no one every will.. because not even the manufacturers can and they know the phone not only software wise but hardware better than any of us... BUT:
These developers make the best rom you will ever use compared to an "official" rom.
Will it fix your issue.. no idea... i get half a black screen some times on my cooked roms.. but it has happen once in a week... i will wait to see if it keeps it up. But the speed is better, the cooked in applications are better, and the support if there ARE problems is 10 folds over manufacturer support.
All my opinions are based on NRG's rom, using Mar 30th with cookie home tab (which once u use cookie home tab, you won't look back to stock home tab lol) He made my Touch Pro2 a better experience so I trust him with my HD2

