Accessing Company Email - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Quick question .. not sure if anyone can help or not.
My Company uses Xchange email and was wondering if there was a way to get this email pushed on to the phone first. I guess the main problem is that I am not sure if the company has pop enabled. Not really even sure what the incoming mail server and outgoing mail server are or where to find this information. Asking them really isnt an option... any thoughts?

This is the first thing that i tested with my Dopod. When it asked for servers, i just put in the web address to our Outlook Web Access site.
Hard reset after about 30 mins because my server enforced a 30min lock policy and i wasnt sure if i was allowed to hook my dopod upto the exchange server (we have strict policies about attaching non approved hardware to servers and or network)

Exchange servers don't use POP or SMTP, they use Exchange. So there are no 'incoming' or 'outgoing' mail server names.
Get your Exchange server address from your internal tech support group or your system administrator and go through the email account setup on your phone. You'll find one of the options early on is "Exchange Server".
You say that asking them for this info isn't an option, but it's the only way you're going to get this information. If you know where to look on your desktop, you can check your Outlook installation for the Exchange server name there. Otherwise, you're stuck having to ask someone.
If you just simply can't ask anyone, and can't find out on your own, it's a safe bet that your company doesn't want you to do this, and someone might get upset if you try.

i guess the real question here is. If I were to install the BBconnect 4.0 software on my phone; would this then allow me to access my company email on my Tytn?. The problem is that I am trying to get my company email on my Tytn without having to go to my corporate IT department and ask for official permission as they are idiots and say I do not have a need for this. Currently certain people have blackberry's in the company which they receive there email. From my point of view I could careless what they think I have a need for or dont. So in the end I am just trying to circumvent the IT department to achieve what I need. Any thoughts on how this could be done?
- Should also be noted that I have gone into my outlook settings on my Work PC; retrieved what is listed in there as the Microsoft Exchange server address and inputed this along with my netwrok id and password into my Tytn but when you do the Sync it does not work. I have also pinged the server address and inputed the IP# and tried that way unsucessfully as well ... any thoughts?

It's a pretty involved process. You will need to know the server addresss, user name and password and additionally an SSL certificate in order to get true push email. That's unless they use a big company like Verisign to provide SSL certificates. So you might have to talk to them...
First things first though.... Find out what the name of the exchange server is. You will also need a domain name. I'm sure you know what your username and password are.

NRGZ28 said:
It's a pretty involved process. You will need to know the server addresss, user name and password and additionally an SSL certificate in order to get true push email. That's unless they use a big company like Verisign to provide SSL certificates. So you might have to talk to them...
First things first though.... Find out what the name of the exchange server is. You will also need a domain name. I'm sure you know what your username and password are.
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I have retrieved the domain name from going into the control panel and system icon and checked under computer name. So I know what the domain name is; I have also retrieved what is listed in the Microsoft Exchange Server address. However for some reason it still does not work; I am wondering if what is listed in the MES address field is only accessible if you are on the company internet and not an outside connection? - Thoughts?

If you retrieved that address from a computer on their internal network, than it's an "inside" address and it wont work on your phone. You need to figure out what the outside address is and it's pretty easy to do. It's usually "" or something like that.

Any thoughts on when the usual doesn't work? Any thoughts where one might find this information?

Yes. See above for my thoughts.

Pk2007 said:
Any thoughts on when the usual doesn't work? Any thoughts where one might find this information?
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As mentioned by one of the posters above, the Outlook Web Access address is the best one to use to ensure that it is a valid routable host. You also mention that some of the other network users have blackberry devices. If your corporate IT guys are using Blackberry Enterprise Server, it may mean that Exchange Activesync is not enabled at the server end (or indeed that they are not using a late enough version of Exchange server) in which case, you will not be able to use it no matter what settings you have.

embeeowes said:
As mentioned by one of the posters above, the Outlook Web Access address is the best one to use to ensure that it is a valid routable host. You also mention that some of the other network users have blackberry devices. If your corporate IT guys are using Blackberry Enterprise Server, it may mean that Exchange Activesync is not enabled at the server end (or indeed that they are not using a late enough version of Exchange server) in which case, you will not be able to use it no matter what settings you have.
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By Outlook Web Address; do you mean the website that you can visit to get your company email when you are away from the office?

Yes, try that address. Ours is
If yours is also HTTPS you'll need the certificate. If it's a MAJOR provider like someone else posted, no worries, your device will handle it on its own. If it's a self-signed certificate, SOL.

pkley said:
Yes, try that address. Ours is
If yours is also HTTPS you'll need the certificate. If it's a MAJOR provider like someone else posted, no worries, your device will handle it on its own. If it's a self-signed certificate, SOL.
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Yeah I tried the web address that I login into my web mail when I am not in the office. However that does not seem to work either.

Thank you to all those who replied with useful information. Combined with the answers I received a little tinkering around; I was able to successfully accomplish what i was trying to do; which was receive company email without the involvement of the IT department.

computer misuse act
without sounding picky, you shouldnt be doing this unless you have explicit permission.
IT departments have specific policys in place to safeguard the data transmitted to mobile devices, and in this case, I doubt you know what these policies are and potentially opening up your corporate network for attack

all you have to do is call your IT department. Tell them you want to enable Outlook Mobile Access (OMA) on the server.
Once this is done, ask them for the Outlook Web Access (OWA) URL. Also, check to see if your server requires SSL or a domain (if you are unsure).
Once you're off the phone with IT, launch activesync on your ppc. press menu and choose "add server source"
enter your OWA address (without http:// or https://) and be sure to include " /exchange " without quotations at the end. press next. enter your outlook username. this is usually the same as your email before the @ symbol, however it can be different.
enter your password and then domain. ensure 'save password' is check. choose next
choose what you want to sync wirelessly , such as contacts, calendar, and task.
note: whatever you sync wirelessly will be deleted if you ever decide to stop using exchange activesycn
choose finish. the initial sync will begin. also, your company's security or it policy may force you to have a password on your phone. if so, you will be prompted during the initial sync to set up a password.
if you need any more help, let me know..


Microsoft Exchange Driving Me Crazy

I have done a search on this site and HOFO and cant seem to come to a solution. I'm about to go crazy.
I know my company uses Microsoft Exchange. I also have webmail access for my email as well as VPN access.
At this point, I'm unsure what to do with all of the info. I was hoping some of you could help me out. I am on yahoo messenger as curiosity7277466 or I am definitely open to calling you or talking via email. I have been really looking forward to making this work. Hopefully someone here can make my first post here a success. Thanks!
it's pretty easy.
*IF* your company has an Outlook Web Access (OWA) Email Server setup so that you can access webmail from the net, you should be able to setup your outlook/exchange email as well.
I bought my 8125 a few nights ago - and while sitting in the store, entered my OWA info and, boom, had my contacts, email, etc. within a few minutes.
Open ActiveSync on your device and click on menu/configure server.
enter your server email address - it should be in the format of so, for example, it could look like one of the following:
The point is it will use the same web address that you use for webmail from outside the company. If you use to gain access to your OWA, you'll use as your server address. You'll likely need to select the SSL connection.
Hit next.
Your use name is your Active Directory user name. The password is your corporate password; and the domain is your AD domain.
You may typically know your user credentials as domain\user name, yet you do need to keep the separate on this screen. Enter user name, passowrd, and domain. Click on the save passwork box.
Hit next. Select your preferences and hit finish.
that's it. you're done.
The key question is which version of Exchange is being used, and what has been exposed to the Internet.
Browsing to Outlook Web Access is the usual clue. Exchange 2003 OWA looks very different from the previous versions - it is very similar to Outlook.
First thing I would try is OMA - Outlook Mobile Access. You can try it from a desktop before you start playing around with your handheld.
You should get a prompt with username and password.
Enter your username in the format of domain\username and then your regular domain password.
You should then get a list of options in plain text. You can now read your email etc.
Move over to your handheld and enter the same URL and the same thing should happen.
If that doesn't work then you will have to speak to your Exchange administrators to see whether the options have been enabled. There are a number that aren't enabled by default which can stop OMA working.
As Exchange Active Sync works through the OMA virtual directory, if OMA doesn't work then I would be surprised is EAS works.
Exchange ActiveSync setup is as previously posted - but without support enabled on the server, it will never work.
The best bet is for you to call your help desk. They may not know but they could probably open a ticket to the Exchage team and you will get a correct answer from them.
There are many different ways to expose the Exchange Front End server to the internet that just guessing will drive you crazy. Some companies expose the whole exchange web directories and other only expose OWA
With all the Firewall Settings Web Proxies and ISA configurations out there it will be hard to tell if you can use Active Sync.
URLs follow this method of connecting to the different IIS Web inerfaces of Exchange = OWA = WAP based OWA = is for ActiveSync
So they have to expose ActiveSync to allow you to use it.

Activesync Exchange Server Password Prompt

I have an 8125 with Summiter's 2.3 Rom installed. I am trying to establish a connection to my exchange server which is hosted. When I enter the server, user ID, password and Domain info correctly, activesync keeps prompting me with "Please correct your Exchange Server password"
My provider insists that the settings were correct on their side and their crack tech support staff told me that WM5 has problems storing the password. They said that the only thing to do is to keep deleting the server connection on the device and recreating it.
Through this persistence, I was able to get it configured once. It was syncing (with push email) for most of the day... until I connected the device to the PC with the USB cable to charge it. Then Activesync on the PC kicked in and the password prompts began.
I have deleted and reconfigured the server on the device in excess of 20 times now with every combination of soft resets in between to try to get this resolved.
Any thoughts? Your help is greatly appreciated!
email host needed to create a pre-NT4 alias for the userid due to the naming convention ues by our company in their provisioning console. Therefore once I found out the alias the config was a snap. working perfectly now! Thanks.
What tech support for your host meant to tell you is that they do not have a clue what they are talking about. I support numerous WM implementations using AUTD and Push email with WM devices of all flavors that support one of those options (2003, 2003se, 2005) and NONE of my customers have to continually put in ANY information to keep syncing.
It is true that using the special sms tickle method of pull on 2003 devices does sometimes hang up and have to be restarted manually but even then you should not be asked for information you already saved about the connection.
Find a new mail host.
Well, since you have no problems setting up "WM implementations using AUTD and Push email with WM devices", I would love to hear your thoughts on why I keep getting a password prompt over and over again with the message "Please corrrect your exchange Server password".
Using Cingluar 8125 with stock 2.25 ROM.
Mobile services are enabled under ESM
Pre-2k alias is set in the username
SSL is installed on the server with front end virtual directory
I have disabled certificate checking on the device itself by hacking the registry on the device since I'm using self singed cert
Exchange SP2 is installed
Activesync on the PC with USB works like a charm
But, trying to sync over GPRS/EDGE with the exchange server it keeps prompting me to correct exchange server password which I know it's correct since I administer the server myself.
I've seen NUMEROUS posts about this issue but no one seems to have the answer.
This is driving completely bonkers
You say you can sync while connected via USB to a computer but you do not specify whether that computer is INSIDE or OUTSIDE your network. So I am going to assume it is INSIDE, and bet that were you to try the same test from OUTSIDE your network it would fail just as it does using GPRS. If so the indications point to incorrectly putting in your user name/domain information and not the password itself.
I assure you, the domain\username and password combinations are quite right. It's DOMAIN\username and then the password. I mean you can't really get away from that format when you enter the information in the pocket pc or activesync on your pc since it asks you for the domain and the username and the password. I can however login to webmail and oma through the web browser using the exact username and password.
Any more thoughts?
I have no more thoughts until you answer the question I asked. Can you sync while connected to a computer that is OUTSIDE your network?
When putting in your information on the mobile device, in the username field if you are putting domain\user you are wrong. That box is USER NAME ONLY.
Let me start over again. No, usb or gprs outside doesn't work. And yes, the username is put in as just the username with no domain\ in front of it. Activesync substitutes the domain from the domain field as domain\ is what I meant.
So it doesn't work from outside no matter what the connection. Again, the problem is the domain reference. We just have to figure out what is wrong with it.
From outside your network, can you access Ouloook Web Access? If so, EXACTLY what is the URL you use?
I'm using https://servername/exchange
I can also user https://servername/oma from the phone and it works too.
I would really like to see https://servername/exchange work from outside your network. I am interested to know how you got a NETBIOS name to resolve from outside your DNS zone over the internet.
Please read the question asked before answering so I can stop asking you the same thing twice. I asked you:
From outside your network, can you access Ouloook Web Access? If so, EXACTLY what is the URL you use?
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Your answer might work inside your network but no way will it work outside. And if you are afraid that advertising your domain name will compromise your Exchange box you should just shut it down anyway.
I'm REALLY trying to be tolerant here. Unfortunately, I'm starting to reach the end of my patience. You and I BOTH know that I'm not advertising my NETBIOS name on the Internet. We BOTH know EXACTLY what I mean when I say https://servername/exchange. It means a URL accessible from the outside which points to the server via NAT on our firewall and then /exchange. So, here's the URL:
When I say that webmail works, I REALLY REALLY mean that it works. I'm not making it up. If you don't know the answer or if you are not sure of the answer, just let me know. That's no problem. I'm really starting to think that this issue is due to the registry hack on the phone to remove certificate checking.
Unfortunately, I'm using a self generated cert and I've tried using the .cab method to import the cert, that didn't work. I simply copied into a file (DER encoded) and tried to import it no workie either. I tried copying as a Base-64 encoded, copied to the phone and when I tried to import it said it was unable to access certificate. Before I disabled certificate checking, it wouldn't accept the certificate. So, now it accepts it but it keeps asking for the password.
I have gone over the exchange settings over and over and over again and I'm simply not seeing anything wrong.'s where I am.
Great. Thanks for answering the question. So in your server configuration fields you are filling in those blanks like this:
Server Address: ""
User Name: "jdoe" or whatever your user ID is
Password: "Password1!" Your CaSE sEnsiTIvE password
Domain: "myeyessuck" your internal NETBIOS domain name which may or may not be the same as your FQDN
Does all of that sound like what you are using? If you feel more comfortable PMing the information then thats fine. But your settings should resemble what I wrote.
Are you forcing users to use SSL for Outlook Web Access? If so, you might try turning it off TEMPORARILY and test syncing without requiring SSL to eliminate the self signed cert possibility. I won't be much use troubleshooting that as I get my customers fo flip for a Thawte certificate to avoid untrusted root cert authorities.
That's exactly what I'm using:
Server Address: ""
User Name: "jdoe" or whatever your user ID is
Password: "Password1!" Your CaSE sEnsiTIvE password
Domain: "myeyessuck" your internal NETBIOS domain name
Under secure communications I do not have require secure channel checked.
I just enabled http(port 80) access to the exchange server and it's working like a charm.
So I guess it's still a certificate issue. I guess disabling certificate checking is not doing the trick but instead cause more problems.
I really wish I could import the self signed certificate. This really sucks. Your help is appreciated. Thanks. I should had tried this before. I just assumed this registry hack wouldn't have any bearing on it originally.
@deeztech - I'm also suspicious of the registry hack to disable the certificate checking. This worked for me in the 2003 days with my client's Blue Angels but I've never been able to get it to work with WM5. I have numerous Exchange 2003 servers that I maintain here in So. Fla and they all have self generated certs. I use MMC and add the Certificates snap-in. From the Trusted Root Authorities I'll right click my certificate - all tasks and then export to a Der encoded x.509. Copy to my storage card and execute it from there.
Of course it sounds like your certificate is installed correctly as your logon to OWA and OMA are working which is why I suspect that reg hack you mentioned.
I did read on exchange-experts to check the authentication on the webserver....
Curious if it's just your PDA or are there others with the same issue?
Glad you narrowed it down. Unfortunately I don't have a magic bullet for the self signed certificate piece but I do have some suggestions for you.
1) Enable forms based authentication:
2) Require SSL for access
3) Unless you intend to offer services you might turn off the default website at
If you are interested in a cert from a trusted CA check out Thawte, where you can get an SSL123 certificate in just a few minutes for as little as $149:

ActiveSync Exchange Issues

HI guys,
Got my new TyTn out the box, set it up with some of my files, now i am trying to sync with my exchange server.
If I take off SSL, it tells me I don't have permission to initiate sync, which i know i do, cause i set it up on my account.
If i put SSL on, it says the server cannot be reached,
Could someone out there please help me. I have been trying for weeks, in the end i thought it was the unit, so this is my new unit now.
Be sure that the OWA folder (http://yourserver/exchange) has the "require SSL" unticked in security option of IIS, also check that integrated authentification is ticked.
Check that your tytn trust the CA and that the cert match the server name (with both internal/external DNS if possible).
If you want to go without SSL (which is far from being a good idea, everything will go through the network in plain text) have a check in the server log; there will be a critical event explaining you what is going on and what to do in that case
Hi man,
Thanks for the response, how do i issue the CA certificate for the Tytn from the server?
Is that maybe my problem that the relationship between the device and the server hasn't been established properly?
I just want to get my e-mail, why has microsoft made it such an issue?
Surely if you enter in all the correct details for the server and the user account it should work, just like setting up teh IMAP with the send and recieve schedule like u used to on the IIi's?
Appreciate the help mate
Microsoft deny you to check your email if you don't trust the CA. This is normal and a part of the SSL security; SSL certs are used to cipher AND to auth.
If the certificat is not issue by a trusted root CA it won't be trusted by your device. You have to connect to http:/ca_server/certsrv and here select "download" CA cert. Just transfert the cert to your device and set it up. If you can not acces the CA web service that way you may be able to gather the certificate while surfing to te OWA with explorer: go to https://your_server/exchange click on the little lock, go to "certification's path" double click the certificat on the top of the "tree" go to detail and select save to file. Select *.cert format and then finaly send this file to your PPC.
No can't connect to the Cert page, and with the OWA page, if you mean the little lock that appears at the bottom of some web pages in one of the blocks, I don't get that with my OWA. I am a bit lost...
ruski said:
No can't connect to the Cert page, and with the OWA page, if you mean the little lock that appears at the bottom of some web pages in one of the blocks, I don't get that with my OWA. I am a bit lost...
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use https://your/owa instead of http://your/owa. Using the OWA without cipher is far from being a good idea; your user/password (wich is in fact an active directory user, that a some power) goes in plain text through the internet.
aaw, man, Thanks so much, I see now... OK, I will get the certificate off tomorrow and copy it onto my Tytn. I really hope that works! Thanks for your help!
OK, now I have made the certificate and copied it onto the Tytn, Still says The server could not be reached! Support code: 0x80072EE2
Ok, just want to check, when setting up the server, under server name, I have the servers external IP address. SSL is ticked, the user name and password and domain should be correct, username is @domain.local
Other than that, not much complicated, i don't seem to be understanding microsofts issue here, i have searched for white papers, which seem to be very vague and no step by step on how to set it up.
Hooooaarg speaking english is giving me headache
You are only satisfying one of the requirement at now:
-Your tytn trust your CA
In IIS you have issued a certificat to a name, for instance server.domain.local; if you contact this server through a SSL connexion by another name you will get an error; the name you accessed doesn't match the name in the certificate; so for IE and your PPC the security may be compromised. In active sync, under server name, you have to enter the exact same name you entered when you issued the SSL certificat in IIS, if it is internal (server.domain.local) it will only work as long as you are on your network. There are several ways to solve that; you can revoque this certificat in IIS and issue a new one matching your external DNS, with this solution you will be able to setup your activesync to connect through the external name of your server, keep in mind that NAT forwarding must be configured to route the traffic from HTTP socket (80) to the exchange server.
You can also setup a VPN server (L2TP/IPSEC should work fine), so that you will always be on the internal network and so able to get your email. This should be the safest way to go, but I guess that it generate more traffic, thanks to the encapsulation; so if you are greedy and pay per byte, avoid this solution.
You could, at last, also disable the SSL encryption; but in my opinion this FAR from being the good way to go, it should only be used for testing purpose.
If you can speak afrikaans I will happily change! lol
OK, if I turn off SSL and connect to the server external IP, it says I don't have permission to synchronise,
If i turn on SSL it tells me the server can't be reached, wish it would make up it's mind.
I am not very good with IIS, I am staring at it now. I am not sure if i did the certificate thing right. As there are 2 options to export , DER encoded and Base-64, I used DER first time round.
If i try and access the server name ie. https://servername it says i cannot use my existing connection and must check properties.....
Thanks for your help man!
You may want to check that you are also forwarding port 443 or what ever port you are using for https access for external use at the server end.
You had to get ActiveSync permitted for your account (by administring it with "Active Directory users and computers" in one of the tab for your users) but you also need it activated on the Exchange "System Manager" under organisation settings (have a look at

Connecting to Exchange Server

My company runs an exchange server for email, and I was wondering if anyknow knows how to connect to them, using the mogul. I went through the setup on the phone, with no success...Are their any additional steps required to connect to the server when you are not on the same network as the server?
Missing Certificate ?
I think you'll have to install the certificate from your Mailserver on the phone to get it working.
Do you get any active-sync error code when you're trying to sync ?
In general you get an error-code in ActiveSync which is telling you what's wrong...
IMHO the best idea would be: aks your IT-Stuff in your company
you need to add a server in active sync with your companys exchange server addy and your username/password
To be clear you need to enter your companies OWA server address. At most small companies this is your Exchange server and at most large companies it is your ISA server.
You access OWA using
You enter: in the activesync settings and you use your username, password and domain to authenticate
You also need to make sure Outlook Mobile Access is enabled on the Exchange Server and on your Exchange Mailbox. You will need to contact your IT Admin to verify these settings.
I'm in the same boat as the OP. I had been trying to hit the mail server directly or via VPN, with no luck, probably due to no certificate. Never thought about OWA. I set this up as indicated in the prior post, and checked 'Tasks' only (just to run a quick test), and it sync'ed fine. I then checked email and calendar, and now it takes me to a company sign-in web page (same page I encounter when using web access to OWA). Weird thing is the page is in the ActiveSync window and does not appear to be rendering correctly or completely (e.g. no 'submit' button). Nonetheless, I sign in and click where the submit button "should be" and the page goes away and it appears to start syncing, only to take me back to the sign-in page again after 15-20 seconds. Any suggestions on how to get past this point? I've tried logging in to OWA from IE, but ActiveSync still brings up this sign-in page. And yes, I've got my userID, pswd, and domain properly set up as well. Thanks.
BTW, my company IT won't help because they only support handheld access for specific company-issued devices.
try using
its a lightweight version that handles easy in mobile browsers (only if your IT guys have enabled it)
as for the OP your exchange settings could vary depending on how your admin set it up, ssl (requiring a certificate) or not. to get the certificate from your company you can dl it from the server
you log in using your mail credentials and you select download certificate chain and select a der 64.
save it to your phone and just install.
chances are though if your company is using a lot of treo's they dont require ssl because you can't install self issued certificates on them (good work palm). so if you want to ask your IT guys their setup and post it here i can try to walk through it with you.
this is my situation and how i got it to work.
Although i tried to internal address of, that didn't work.
I thought about it for a while, and reasoned if i can access my companies exchange server outside the network through a address, then maybe that'll work hahaha
BAM! it did and now it works perfectly fine. Conincidentally, since i started trying to get this going last week, i emailed a few guys i know and the last one who got my email (it was forwarded to try to solve the problem) said that because of security policies, i am not allowed to do this. Ooops!
Here is a quick run down of my settings:
server address:
ssl is selected (checked)
username: exchange/nt workstation login name
password: user password
domain: network domain (we have different domains)
save password is selected
under advanced you can select whatever options you like
next select e-mail, and any other options you want
and you're done!
I also enabled the push email icon and get my email regularly on my phone throughout the day.
Well, i hope that this helps some of you out.
server address:
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just so folks know there is no standard for this, its whatever subdomain your company decided to put OWA on, for my company its
best thing to do would be to ask someone in your company how to access email from outside the office using internet explorer, thats the address your lookign for
Sprint mogul (Titan) WM6.1 Rom update killed exchange server activesync
(Sorry in advance for the long Email) I purchased a Mogul from RS about three weeks ago. For the first week, it worked great! I logged into my company exchange server down loaded and synced email, cal,contacts,tasks ... was very excited. I also got very excited when I started t read threads in this blog .... it seems like there are some pretty smart members maybe someone can help!!
Noticed that there was a new Rom (Sprint TV and improved connection) installed the ROM.
Have spent endless hours with HTC technical support, sprint technical support (not an appropriate name). At times managed to get the email to load but never again Cal, Tasks, contacts. Always able to get sent emails to load (by checking option) . I'm left with a couple of alternatives (any others would be greatly appreciated (actually I really like this phone but I need my email,schedule,etc to work) The error is 0x8503001C there is no exact description about this from MSmobile it seesm to be an awh**** code. Searching on the web provides 1000s of hits unfortunately not just my issue.
o Go to an early Rom WM6.0. So far it seems like to do this I need to unlock the phone then flash the earlier rom?? Since no SIM card I need to hack the registry?? There are several products out there which is best (I do not mind paying for somethng that works well). I down loaded several "Oficial ROm versions ... unfortunately did not write down the number of the one the phone came with.
o Find some way of getting this thing to work well to keep the extra features
o My grace period ends in a week ... cancel with Sprint go to Att but there is not a 3G phone I like ... only Iphone ... it has issues for exchange server??
o I got my wife a Touch at the same time (it runs WM6.1) same issue. Downloaded once my corp email no cal, etc.
o I was told that this Rom was cooked up by MS & Sprint what a disaster
Please, please help ... Thanks in advance
Exchange email and Skype not working after Upgrading Sprint Touch to Wm6.1
The Exchange activesync died at connection and never can sync my company emails after I upgraded Touch to 6.1 Sprint/HTC ROM. Skype also does not work, no sound after first ring, even with I like the GPS and Rev.A speed, and do not want to risk downgrading the ROM. Anybody encounter ssimilar situation?

Corporate email - No Android Support?

I have an Incredible with 2.2 and Touchdown installed. I just switched jobs to a corporation which claims to only support Iphone and Blackberry. This is troublesome, because I don't want to switch to a 2nd device just to get corporate email.
I can access my corporate email from my phone by going to the corporation's secure OWA server, but I want to get Push email on the phone. On the OWA site, it lists all the server and domain information, but I can't get Touchdown to work. It looks like the company uses Exchange 2007.
Since Touchdown is secure, is there any way for me to get push email from my company, even though they only claim to support iphone/Blackberry?
Stockmoose16 said:
I have an Incredible with 2.2 and Touchdown installed. I just switched jobs to a corporation which claims to only support Iphone and Blackberry. This is troublesome, because I don't want to switch to a 2nd device just to get corporate email.
I can access my corporate email from my phone by going to the corporation's secure OWA server, but I want to get Push email on the phone. On the OWA site, it lists all the server and domain information, but I can't get Touchdown to work. It looks like the company uses Exchange 2007.
Since Touchdown is secure, is there any way for me to get push email from my company, even though they only claim to support iphone/Blackberry?
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even if they support just iphone and blackberry, you should be able to get it to work on the inc. just get the server address, domain name (chances are you wont really need it unless the server requires it but get it anyways) and it should work. just try setting it up on the regular phone email. I have exchange 2008 sbs and have no issues.
2.3 has exchange service
khanam said:
even if they support just iphone and blackberry, you should be able to get it to work on the inc. just get the server address, domain name (chances are you wont really need it unless the server requires it but get it anyways) and it should work. just try setting it up on the regular phone email. I have exchange 2008 sbs and have no issues.
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How do I know which of the following to use as server address, domain... there are a lot of things that say server in the OWA general settings:
Exchange mailbox address: XXXX
Outlook Web Access host address: XXXX
Outlook Web Access host name: XXXX
Client Access server name: XXXX
Mailbox server name: XXXX
... I tried using "Outlook Web Access host address" and it did populate my email and calendar, but when I tried to update something on my calendar on either the device or the OWA server, they wouldn't sync correctly. It also wouldn't download my last 2 weeks worth of email, even though I have that selected in Touchdown.
Any advice on which of the above to enter?
r2DoesInc said:
2.3 has exchange service
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What does that matter if my company doesn't support Android? Doesn't that mean they block these devices?
You can set up an Exchange ActiveSync account on the DINC. We just upgraded to Exchange 2010 (which means HTML emails pushed!) and the only thing you should need is the domain, server address, username, and password.
toosurreal01 said:
You can set up an Exchange ActiveSync account on the DINC. We just upgraded to Exchange 2010 (which means HTML emails pushed!) and the only thing you should need is the domain, server address, username, and password.
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Ok, but you're not answering my question. If you look in the string above, I'm asking which address I enter for the server. There are multiple server names.
Stockmoose16 said:
How do I know which of the following to use as server address, domain... there are a lot of things that say server in the OWA general settings:
Exchange mailbox address: XXXX
Outlook Web Access host address: XXXX
Outlook Web Access host name: XXXX
Client Access server name: XXXX
Mailbox server name: XXXX
... I tried using "Outlook Web Access host address" and it did populate my email and calendar, but when I tried to update something on my calendar on either the device or the OWA server, they wouldn't sync correctly. It also wouldn't download my last 2 weeks worth of email, even though I have that selected in Touchdown.
Any advice on which of the above to enter?
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None of the above will give you the server address and domain name. You will have to ask that from the tech support people in your office. it will be something like:
server address:
domain: ibm3
username: ssmith (should not be [email protected] format)
password: whatever you enter into owa
thats all you will need. just ask your tech support people. its the same info you would need to set up outlook access on if you have a mac. just tell them that and you should get the info u need
khanam said:
None of the above will give you the server address and domain name. You will have to ask that from the tech support people in your office. it will be something like:
server address:
domain: ibm3
username: ssmith (should not be [email protected] format)
password: whatever you enter into owa
thats all you will need. just ask your tech support people. its the same info you would need to set up outlook access on if you have a mac. just tell them that and you should get the info u need
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If none of those are the right address, then why when I plugged in the server name that ended with "/owa" did my calendar and email populate on Android? I tried putting the same info into my Ipad and it wouldn't work. Also, my Android calendar doesn't seem to sync very accurately. But just curious as to why entering the server address that ended with /owa did anything?
Sorry, I'm burning the midnight fuel here and totally misses you're using Touchdown to connect. You can just skip to the bottom of this post then, my comments were in regards to using the built-in Exchange ActiveSync services on the phone.
I definitely can't speak for every Android device out there, but since this post is in the Droid Incredible forum...
I'm running my Droid Inc. with version 2.2, which supports Exchange ActiveSync. Do you have an option to connect to Exchange ActiveSync on the phone? If so, the only things you'll need are your email address and password.
What I can tell you about that address /owa is exactly that: you've connected to the same website OWA server, you're looking at all this server info for. The website server and Exchange ActiveSync server are normally not the same server address, at least that's the way I run the servers for my company... It's also the reason everyone is telling you the info you have won't work, because the names and method to connect are different.
Your best bet is to ask them to send you the instructions they hand out for an iPhone to connect, since it also uses ActiveSync I'm positive whatever settings they're using will be the same. Either way, that's the closest information you'll get to the right settings.
Sent from my kickAss Incredible using XDA App
I use touchdown, an do IT for my company. In touchdown did you hit Menu-Enable Push? It sounds like you have it working, try adding an event to your calendar, then manually sync touchdown. Does an event or email show up then?
Sent from my girlfriend, according to my girlfriend.
There is a known issue in android that it will not work with exchange 2010 sp1 server. For some reason the sp1 on the server kills android ( but iPhone continues to function). It has to do with eas but this will hopefully be fixed in gingerbread.
Google bug report :
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
infotechsailor said:
There is a known issue in android that it will not work with exchange 2010 sp1 server. For some reason the sp1 on the server kills android ( but iPhone continues to function). It has to do with eas but this will hopefully be fixed in gingerbread.
Google bug report :
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
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It is a bug, but everything I read in that link was for connection issues with the native Exchange ActiveSync. TouchDown was the work around until they got the native Exchange ActiveSync working correctly, which I don't believe is the issue the OP is having since he's using TouchDown currently.
I've been using TD for the last three months on our Exchange system without issue. My phone vibrates before Outlook even pops up that I have an email, it's a "warning" system!
He said his corporation only supports iPhone & BB.
BB enforces the use of it's BES server license for security and RIM royalties.
Does iPhone have a similar solution to BES?
If so, android exchange may be futile.
GOOD / VOX would be a security product for android, similar to BES.
luvit said:
He said his corporation only supports iPhone & BB.
BB enforces the use of it's BES server license for security and RIM royalties.
Does iPhone have a similar solution to BES?
If so, android exchange may be futile.
GOOD / VOX would be a security product for android, similar to BES.
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I got my work email to work with Moxier mail, but not Touchdown with the same settings my IT dept hands out for iphone. There are a couple of strange bugs though. I've noticed that when I leave the work Wifi and transfer over to either 3g or another wifi signal, my email, contacts, tasks, and calendar refreshes from scratch. This is super annoying because I have thousands of contacts. This happens in both Moxier and Touchdown...
And on to Touchdown, which has been the bane of my existence. I've entered the proper server/domain/login information, and 1/10 times it downloads everything from scratch (which takes hours). Then I'll switch to another wifi connection or to 3g, and I'll lose all the information and I'll have to hit resync. When I resync, 99% of the time it hangs somewhere along the line and doesn't load all of my information. This battle can go on indefinitely until everything finally loads - but then all the info will eventually randomly disappear again and I'm back at square one again.
Since the same thing is happening in both Touchdown and Moxier, it makes me think this isn't a coincidence. But why would my information erase when I change signals and then have to completely refresh? And Touchdown probably takes 10 times longer to reload my info than does Moxier.
Any thoughts from the experts?
Bump. Can't anyone help me with Touchdown? It keeps randomly refreshing. Sometimes it's just the inbox, sometimes the sent box, sometimes contacts, and sometimes all of the above. What is going on?
Try contacting the app support people yet?
You can set it to poll for the folders you want it to refresh. You can also enable or disable push, and you can select which folders to refresh. When it goes to refresh, it will always refresh what you've told it to, did you check these settings?
Sent from my girlfriend according to my current girlfriend
luvit said:
He said his corporation only supports iPhone & BB.
BB enforces the use of it's BES server license for security and RIM royalties.
Does iPhone have a similar solution to BES?
If so, android exchange may be futile.
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iPhone and Android both use ActiveSync. If one works conceivably the other should, but it's a question of how they're administering the server side. I've seen IT departments that don't turn on ActiveSync at the user level until they confirm that the user is using an approved device.
The fact that the OP says that the calendar is synching and not mail says that it's a client side issue. For starters he should have to just specify the name of the server that's doing OWA and not the full URL path and he's stated that he's adding an /owa to the path.
So unless he has a really fubar Exchange server where he's at everything so far points to client config.

