Help with dialer on official wm6 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi all you exellent hackers
Ok, I know that this question is popping up everywhere on the forum, in the diffrent device sections, but there is none who gives an answer to this, the reason for this might vary, but its still a unanswered question as far as I can find.
Im a nOOb, I know, and I am trying to find all the sollutions for my self by using google and search on the forum.
But im still hanging in the air without any sollution for this.
When we try to implement the touch dialer or the kaiser dialer in our official wm6, it do not show up right. There are some small issues with the commManagers too, but I worked that one around, atleast for the 8 button touchdialer. It has some color issues on the buttons, the left row is slighly darker then the left row..weird but no big problem, ill solve that.
But, as I said/wrote, cant get custom dialers to work.
Could any of the expert chefs provide us with a sollution to this? Is there one?
I know there is alot of roms out there that you guys have provided us with, and they are amazing (I have both qtec9100 and htc P4350,and have tried some roms) But, since I come from norway, I would like to have a custom rom with features like touch/kaiser dialer, kaiser commManager, touchflo/cube on my native language.
I have worked quite alot of hours making things work, but now im stuck.
I have changed many oem apps so they will work on my norwegian rom, changed language and edit paths so they would show up in right places, and they do
I dont want to sound like a kid who just wanna be cool and do what you guys do, im not even close to be where you guys probably where when you started cooking.
But I gotta start somewhere, and I have a hope that I can be of help with sollutions for things myself as I go along on this trip
What I have noticed is that there is many ppl who wants to take shortcuts to everything, to have everything handed out. Well, I hope im not like that.
Here in norway, there is not a big community of developers, and there is not many, if any, real good custom roms available (please corect me if im wrong) in my native language, and that in my mind is a sad thing.
I have no problem using a WWE, I have used many, and made the changes to make norwegian keyboard, both hardware and software work. (thanx to the many, many ppl who worked with providing the sollutions) But still WWE dont provide us with in.ex norwegian dictionarys for in. ofiice, it can be done by using 3party progz, but is nicer to have a norwegian (or other languages) base rom with the appz/mods/hacks working.
It would be greatly appreciated by many, many if someone could help us working this issues out.
If someone would post some reg edits to make it work?
Maybe make a cab file that makes the changes? (I would rather do it myself though)
I would easy be happy to make donations for the time used to help out, and im pretty sure many other would do the same.
AND please dont flame this thread

well, dialer solved...but not yet inn cooking, but reg edit/delete and cab install
Ill figure that out in cooking


Phone mode makes me type numbers!

Arrrgh! So frusterating. I just searched for info on this for a while, and I know its simple and everyone probably knows how to fix this so here it is.
When I am using the phone (connected to someone) the 10 letters with numbers on them are stuck as numbers. No way can I type the letter j for instance. Its like the blue dot shift is pressed. If i press it then the letter, I STILL get the number.
When does this suck? Say i am talking on phone and the person on the other end want to give me some info, say a shopping list. I can put it on speakerphone then hit note and type as they talk.....would be sweet for me cause i do crazy work but I cant cause i am missing 10 letters. I have to use the on screen keyboard but booo.
And I know this is a feature, probably to make it easier to dial numbers or something.
BTW i have a hermes with wm6 (non att, i think schap 4.20)
Thanks guys~~!
This has been discussed numerous times and cannot be fixed by the lay person... You have to install a rom that has the numlock on call fix already cooked in.. there are quite a few of them out there... The fix has to be cooked into the rom, as far as I know, there isn't any way to replace the system file that is necessary while the rom is in use...
Feel free to ask as many questions as you like, but you may want to take a look in the Wiki as well... It'll help you with answers to questions that you don't know you have yet...
Great... I have flashed with a couple different rom now trying to find one I like before settling on schaps 4.20. So your saying all I have to do is find another custom rom out there that includes this fix. Thank You very much. Is there a rom package out there with this that you can reccomend? If not do you know the name of this fix or what phrase they use to describe this as I couldn't really find anything about it and never noticed in the descriptions of different custom roms.
Thank You again so much, getting this "feature" fixed will be a great boon to my productivity. It is such a "sounded like a good idea at the time" thing, if they would have thought it out would have know it was bad. It doesn't even help you dial numbers when you call because it doesnt take effect until you hit send, so you have to hold in the blue button anyway. It would be really great if I took notes while on the phone that consisted of only numbers, but even phone numbers need a name.
All you wonderful chefs out there please smile upon the masses of technically proficient but not quite good enough to cook roms and start including whatever this fix is to get rid of this ultra dumb super-numlock-when-in-phonemode phenomenon.
Or do I have to do something to the custom rom I download before I flash it?

XT9 types only numbers no characters

I have been searching for about 2 days for a solution to my problem (my and of many others):
There are several XT9 support packages on the web, but none of them seems to work on Polaris.
I have tried "all" of them. Various languages, various combinations.
Even in this Polaris forum are some not functional packages posted.
The installation was successful, but pressing any character would type numbers only.
Uninstalling the installed package got me always back and repaired the problem.
I am looking for Slovak pack, but I have seen people from all over Europe facing the same problem.
If someone has a solution please post it here.
Have a day!
At least LIE to us and say you used the search function. But you didnt... (see attachment).
There is no solution available. It doesnt seem to work, I suggest you flash one of the custom ROMs around or wait for a Slovak one.
schaggo said:
At least LIE to us and say you used the search function. But you didnt...
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Thank you for accusing me of lies... You know it probably better if I have searched or not.
They guys in the thread you have mentioned talk about T9.
Isn't there a "slight" difference between T9 and XT9?
I am getting confused of all tips that do not work. (One of them on the first page of sticky thread "HTC Polaris tweaks and tricks #17".)
You are the first one to say "There is no solution available." I'll settle with that for now.
Thank you for responding.
Freaky keybrd
I've the same problem. Time-to-time htc keyboard refuses to print something except numbers. My solving is to quit the application in which I try to print, and launch it again. Everything goes ok at second time, but this situation confuses me a lot.
I liked my orbit 1 t9 key pad which i found on this forum however it doesn't work on the orbit 2. I’m finding the HTC one very hard to use.
Oh no buddy, you got me wrong. Please check again, I said you SHOULD have lied, not that you did It's just quite obvious you know, there are 2 threads, almost the same subject, covering the same topic, and like right above each other (this is an unedited screenshot, thats why)...
xT9 is the successor of T9 and it's the only form of text prediction available on the Polaris. There is no T9 anymore. xT9 is supposed to be better, more advanced, but all I see is user complaining. Obviously Tegic (the inventors) didnt do a very good job in making it better and more advanced... Kind of like Microsoft all the time
Sorry for the missunderstanding then.

Immersed in Information (and drowning!)

Hello All,
First off, I want to thank everyone whos cooked and added information on these forums.
Also I want to state beforehand that for the past 3 days I have gone through countless pages of threads to try and learn as much as I can on ROMs & the such.... its a lot of info! Thats not so much the problem, as I have a pretty good idea now on how to do it (though haven't decided on a custom ROM yet), but the problem is some of it so scattered you can easily have 20 tabs open and either get confused or something.
I have been unable to find (and if there is forgive me for not searching well enough), a thread, topic, or FAQ which would state where you can get programs (ie. Windows Live/Messenger, Internet Sharing, etc) that some ROMs remove. Thats really what has held me back so far from flashing a new ROM, as I really like some of these, but they might be missing certain things I would need (like messenger, or even maybe 5 fav?) but I can't find exact information on all of this.
Edit: I understand if I want to find a program I can just Google it. But what if I don't know theres this awesome program I have never tried or heard before? Can't google a program I don't know! That's why I ask if there is a thread, site that would list them all, or a good amount. I know there couple threads here and there that display default HTC ones, and maybe some odd others.
If anyone can please help me out, or direct me where I can find more info on this I would be really grateful! I might have future questions from then on but i'll definitely be searching to keep the asking to a minimum.
One other question I do have right now is the Radio version. I know theres a thread on a current version, but I see some ppl already have a version higher than that.. is there a place where you can find the current version always, and also, when u flash ROM, does that update your Radio too.. or is it seperate?
Thank you in advance all who help!
I really do hope to be part of this community.
Well I took the dive (woot!) and HARDSPL my phone succesfully. Just finished flashing the default OEM rom and upgrading to the newest radio as well without any problems thanks to all the info you guys provided.
I can't wait to get home (where I have really bad reception) and see if this truely helped me. Im in the mood now to play with all your ROMs as well (I feel like a kid at christmas).
Update: Flashed Open 7.7 and loving it. just need to get used to this brave new world..
Play and get used to this!
My only concern, and one i cannot find so far is.. at the moment i have no MyFav program.. if i call my currents fav i had will T-Mobile still know, or do i have to have the myfav program installed on my phone so i don't get my minutes charged for calling them?
New concern is i keep getting a text from "4670" saying WCI 1.1 111 every so often, is that normal when you get this program?
Another question: When I install programs, must they always be installed ON the Device, or can I install them on the Storage Card? If i do will they work fine? (or some u can, some u can't.. and some examples)?
Sorry for all the questions!
I install all my programs to storage card. haven't had any problems there. I deleted myfavs because t-mobile stores your favs on their system, so when you call a fav their system should recognize the number. the myfavs program uses memory is why I deleted it.
the text you are getting I don't know what to tell you on that.
sounds like you have the rest down pretty good
How did you delete the my fav program? any assistance would be helpful

Please help...

Hey everyone,
First thing, YOU GUYS ROCK!!! Myself and a few mates/coworkers could not live with out this forum and your helpful hints, tips and .CAB's.
I am a Telstra Employee **Ducks for cover** (I work Back of house managing Data Base's for asset tracking so no insider goss available soz). I have had a HTC HD and now i have a HD2 (so worth the upgrade). Now myself and 2 other mates all have the HD2 and work for Telstra, We have debranded our HD2's and added many tweeking cabs and Apps from this wonderful site BUT we are really dieing for a Theme creator for HTC Sense, Telsta has given us (out of the goodness of their hearts) the gayest Blue theme ever! I want a Black one but im unable to work out how? We also are a little curiouse about some of the larger tweeks for the HD2 but are not willing to Flash our ROMs away from the standard Telstra ROMs avalible.
Can any one help? I see many great themes and Sense mods that others have created but no way how to do it myself.
first of all, you should never, under any circumstance, admit your a telstra employee, even if you think this site may be able to conceal your identity... madam karma knows who and where you are, and she is coming for you.
now that that's out of the way... as far as i know (moderate experience flashing winmo phones), the only way to customise the Sense interface is with a cooked ROM, with a built in modifier. note: im only assuming this because the only versions of M2D ive used before this HD2 were cooked into custom ROM. i may be wrong, but im just sharing my knoweledge.
also... you noted that you have de-branded your HD2... what exactly do you mean by that? have you just removed all the 'telstra/foxtel/bigpond' junk that telstra polute their phones with? if so... perhaps you can teach me something... is there a way to edit the links/shortcuts from the "apps & downloads" tab? i would like a dedicated program tab, but something i can edit the shortcuts. similar to the quick links on the home tab.
hope i helped.
good luck mate.
Oh ok, ummm... I quit and no longer work for Telstra?....!
By de branding i mean we have removed the fixed quick links and telstra tabs bloatware that all go to the m.bigpond site (little puddle as we call it), remapped the internet connection and modem settings so you dont have to go via m.Bigpond for everything. Added as many cusomising cabs as possible like Bg4all and Co0kies home tab (kudos to Co0kie for that one!!!), Bsb, Advance Config and basically every tweaking cab avalible on XDA and opnMarket. We have not been able to remap the links in the mysocial tab or the apps tab but we think we might be close?
Our big issues are that telstra hide alot of the options and advanced setup pages from us due to government legisation, Like the Camera sound; we dont have an option to disable it as it is Au law for digital cams to make an anoying sound (to prevent up-skirting). We are also a bit confused, everyone talks about cabs only being compatible with sense 2.5.1XXXXXXXXX but in our software info section it states that our Manila version is 1.0.19211622.1? I mean WTF is that all about!
ha ha, i was just playin with the telstra comment. it seems from your original post that you know and dislike telstra as much as anyone.
hmmm, ill have to look into some of the tweaks you have mentioned. particularly cookies home tab editor.
and yeah, as far as the sense versions go... im not sure why our "brand new" interface seems to be 1.5 versions behind everyone elses. its probably just a numbering thing - and might mean nothing. but im sure someone on this board wouldnt mind explaining it to you.
ill keep you posted if i find a way to edit the app links and such. its in these WINMO device's nature to keep evolving, so im sure there is a way.

Was thinking of a better way of organizing ROMs

Just got a HTC HD2 a week ago, been playing with ROMs since I got it and having a blast doing it. I was noticing that things are extremely unorgainized when trying to find the ROMs, where to download them (also having to download them off the free mirrors), what exactly changed, etc...
Was thinking of building a website, where all the cookers can upload their ROMs, provide a change log for each individual ROM, be able to display the different versions of their ROM. Provide details about their ROM (look, functionality, etc...). Then in each cookers section, people can post comments / questions for that individual ROM. I tried providing more details below of how the structure would work.
For the break down of content management I was thinking:
Phone Model - For now I would just be doing the HTC HD2, but if this caught on, would be up for doing more phones.
Cooker / Rom - This would be area for the cooker to show off his / her ROM, with pictures, description, anything else they want to say. This would also be the area where people can post questions / comments, that would be easily responded to by the cooker or another user.
Language - Notice that lots of cookers like to create their ROMs in different languages, this way, it is very easy to find the ROM in your language.
Rom Version - Display all the versions of that ROM in that Language
Rom Download - Change log for that specific Rom Version would be displayed and allow you to download the ROM (I would be hosting the website, so everyone would just be directly downloading off the website, no mirrors, etc...).
Like I said, it is just a idea. Let me know what you think!
i don't mean to be instantly negative, but it gets talked about every few months, and a few people even make a start(have a look through the regular hd2 section, theres at least one rom index project, possibly two,complete with little-used websites.)
problem is you need to get all the chefs on board, and most of them just don't care for the extra time and work involved.
best of luck, none the less.
I would be doing all the work. the chefs would really be uploading the roms and change log that's about it.
as i said, best of luck, it would indeed be usefull, im just passing on my experience of these type of projects.
(another point to consider is that quite a few of these roms have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times, , at around 200meg each, can your server manage that? at a speed that people will be OK with? day in day out? you can bet that right this second as i type, there are probably a dozen downloads happening, thats a gig and a half, concurrently.... thats a lot of bandwidth)
yeah totally get what you mean. reason why I posted this to see if the cookers would even want to do this before I did all this work.
the bandwidth would be no problem, think I should just post this under windows development?
I totally agree and am willing to help!
Thanks, you have any knowledge in HTML / CSS / PHP / MySQL? Not going to start on the project, unless I can at least get a handful of cookers who are at least willing to just upload the ROMs to the server. I would be even willing to go as far as to get all the initial content up for the ROM, then hopefully the cookers would just upload new ROMs and submit a change log for that ROM version. The backend I would be creating for this website, will be very easy to use, and really would not take them much time.
But the biggest thing is getting them on board, see if any post in this thread.
great idea
I also think that having a website to organize these roms out there is a great idea. It can be very handy for new users who want to try out different alternatives with hd2. I think everyone including the experienced users would like to just go to one place for downloads and check out new updates. if you had the website done, everyone from this forum will check it out since we don't see much over here (we do have some threads about rom, but its just links to other thread, not organized enough). I will be very happy if someone like you can build a website for these roms.
Yeah, was also thinking of allowing users to subscribe to ROMs they like, so when a cooker releases a new version of their ROM, they would get a email, letting them know a new version is out!
Just to try to get the ball rolling on this, going to just ask the cookers just to upload their ROMs to my server and that is all. I will pull all the other information myself, at least for now, see how well it catches on.
There's already pretty good sites for that.. and ! does not seem to bad, but they don't even have up to date roms, very cluttered website, etc... was going for most up to date rom / extremely clean / easy to use website.
logcomptechs said:
Just got a HTC HD2 a week ago, been playing with ROMs since I got it and having a blast doing it. I was noticing that things are extremely unorgainized when trying to find the ROMs, where to download them (also having to download them off the free mirrors), what exactly changed, etc...
Was thinking of building a website, where all the cookers can upload their ROMs, provide a change log for each individual ROM, be able to display the different versions of their ROM. Provide details about their ROM (look, functionality, etc...). Then in each cookers section, people can post comments / questions for that individual ROM. I tried providing more details below of how the structure would work.
For the break down of content management I was thinking:
Phone Model - For now I would just be doing the HTC HD2, but if this caught on, would be up for doing more phones.
Cooker / Rom - This would be area for the cooker to show off his / her ROM, with pictures, description, anything else they want to say. This would also be the area where people can post questions / comments, that would be easily responded to by the cooker or another user.
Language - Notice that lots of cookers like to create their ROMs in different languages, this way, it is very easy to find the ROM in your language.
Rom Version - Display all the versions of that ROM in that Language
Rom Download - Change log for that specific Rom Version would be displayed and allow you to download the ROM (I would be hosting the website, so everyone would just be directly downloading off the website, no mirrors, etc...).
Like I said, it is just a idea. Let me know what you think!
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I think this is a great idea... kudos n all the support to you... i have been driving myself crazy trying to sift through the threads n get a sense of what's what... we should totally factor in the time line of releases to make informed decisionmaking easier..
also, speaking of, anybody knows which thread has the best(stable+complete) version of android for the tmous hd2? not that i havent searched but the results of search are quite overwhelming to an extent they act as a deterrent for me to try some rom that might brick my phone.
Now that I have the support of some of the cookers, going to go ahead start on the project, will keep everyone updated!
Sounds great ... I wish I could help but I really do not know anything about websites/html and such stuff
But just wanted to let you know that this is a good idea and such a website is definitely much needed with so many ROMs out there ...
I like the idea, and hope it works well for you! You are probably already aware, but just thought I'd point out that there are chefs out there who don't post on xda. Ark_N is one that comes to mind over at htcpedia dot com. I'm sure people know of others??
its already done my friend
Really looking forward to how this turns out...thank you for taking the time to do this.
If you like to see something change on let me know. I am also looking for help in getting the word out. HtcPedia doesn't allow you to really search through roms. A lot of chefs there repost over an old post so if you enjoyed an older rom better than the new one you can no longer find it. With I wanted the ability to have all versions of a rom available to search through. I also have the ability for Chefs to add a template to their account which you can generate a complete forum post based on a rom by just clicking a button. From there you can copy and paste the forum post and you don't have to write out the same stuff each time. The issue you will run into is mass adoption as others have pointed out. If you really want to help out and make things easier you should use what I have already created and pitch in to make it better.
Sorry to drag up an old thread
I started a while back, because I wanted to learn PHP and also to give people an alternate to RapidShare etc. While I was fairly sucessful in learning PHP, I really do not like the code at all, and need to start again fresh, probably in ASP
I have seen a few of my ideas end up on other ROM sites, which is cool becauase we are all here for the same reason, XDA ROMs.
Unfortunatly, since I started, my work pattern changed and I have not be able to spare the time to keep the site up to date (code or ROMs). Hopefully, I will re-write the site soon-ish and allow chefs to upload their own ROMs (the user interface is there, just not the backend upload code).
In an ideal world, I guess all the ROM sites would end up with the same ROMs, just presented to the viewers in different ways. Personally, im not looking for graphics on my site, just all the ROMs
With all this being said, if there are some ROMs people want uploading, PM me and I will upload them.

