Listen to http streams - P3600 General

The following URL opened in Windows XP (Mediaplayer) plays a stream of a popular Dutch radio station:
Unfortunately, this doesn't work with the streamplayer that comes with the P3600. Are there any other mediaplayers that would play this stream?

have you tried coreplayer?

No, I haven't - I will look into it.

Oh, this is payware, right? No problem, but I would like to try it to be sure it works with the streams I want to use.
Anyone knows of a try-before-you-buy version?
TCPMP is the free version though i dont know if the core version
have better steaming funcs

I downloaded this software, but can't find out to get it playing streaming radio (see link first post).

CrashingDutchman said:
The following URL opened in Windows XP (Mediaplayer) plays a stream of a popular Dutch radio station:
Unfortunately, this doesn't work with the streamplayer that comes with the P3600. Are there any other mediaplayers that would play this stream?
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im using dopod wwe original rom wm6 and the link works perfect for me, window media open the link

You are right, clicking the link works for me too. I tried to enter the URL directly when I tried to listen to this station for the first time!


Streaming TV FULLSCREEN please!!!

Hi all. Has anyone tried streaming TV using WMP10 (& PocketstreamerPro) and managed to get it in FULLSCREEN? I'm really getting peeved off with a viewable image the size of a stamp!!
Videos are OK in TCPMP, but it doesn't support streaming TV.
Or does anyone know of any plug-ins for TCPMP which allow it to stream? really need some help here..... :?
The latest tcpmp beta (1.71b IIRC) support tv streaming and mms. You should give it a try. For other format, try PVplayer
thaihugo said:
The latest tcpmp beta (1.71b IIRC) support tv streaming and mms. You should give it a try. For other format, try PVplayer
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Thanks for that thaihugo. I'll check that out!
thaihugo said:
The latest tcpmp beta (1.71b IIRC) support tv streaming and mms. You should give it a try. For other format, try PVplayer
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Hi again. I'm struggling to find that version of tcpmp that you quoted. I can only find version 0.71. Is that the same? Probably not! Could you point me in the right direction of a download link please? Cheers.
I'm pertty sure 1.71 was a typo. Get the latest version here:
Yes, sorry for this. The version 1 is planned soon, and we are still at zero versionning. BTW, PVplayer is only for operator coded TV or movies. TCPMP is suited for a lot of streaming channels, and can also guess the link of the stream if you provide it with the URL of the containing web page in the file open dialog.
You REALLY can stream Internet TV through TCPMP on wifi!!!
thaihugo said:
Yes, sorry for this. The version 1 is planned soon, and we are still at zero versionning. BTW, PVplayer is only for operator coded TV or movies. TCPMP is suited for a lot of streaming channels, and can also guess the link of the stream if you provide it with the URL of the containing web page in the file open dialog.
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Hi again. I actually bought PocketstreamerPro, only to find it way too restrictive and quite useless (as WMP 10 only shows TV in a small window and I can't find a workaround for it).
I fiddled around with TCPMP to no end, and to no avail I might add. But then I checked back to find your response, which implies that you can definately stream through TCPMP using the 'File Open' menu. Well, as there was nothing to link to (I had no format for storing the URL), I couldn't do it.
So I found a website called and copied some of the URLs there and typed them into the URL bar in my browser, which opened up Windows media player on my desktop PC. There I saved it as a '.mru' playlist (also checked in associations in TCPMP in addition to HTTP and MMS) and copied that file onto my storage card. TCPMP could and did find this and presto! I'm now streaming in full screen to my betaplayer (it takes a while to actually start working though). I now have access to potentially hundreds of Internet TV channels! I will explore further, but is this the way you do it? or do you have a much simpler process? feedback is most welcome right about now!!
Thanks for your help thus far though.
mackaby007.. i can view fullscreen streaming using my 02 mini on WMP. no problem at all...
spin_x said:
mackaby007.. i can view fullscreen streaming using my 02 mini on WMP. no problem at all...
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thats because you're using mini while he's using a VGA device, the universal
The file open dialog is to input a mms:// adress, or the http:// of a webpage linking to your content. If you input the webpage, you will get after that the list of all available streams on this page.
Hi, I have a question...
I have this app called "Streaming Video" under Programs. I guess it was there ever since I had this. I havent used it though coz I dont know how. I wanted to try video streaming but I dont know which RTSP url to put.. WOuld you know anything about this? Thanks..
.... additional: i tried opening and saigontivi thru the video streaming app and its not working..
Anyone got any good pages that just offer direct links to the feeds ? Nearly every site I find you have to go through multiple pages and some of them wont even show properly.

Streaming radio.

I want to stream radio to my Vario II.
Is there anything out there that will play .ram files? I know RealPlayer do not do a player for WM5's, so is there anything else?
Also, would this be frounded upon by the T-Mobile contract? Or are people streaming stuff without any warnings.
ratzz said:
I want to stream radio to my Vario II.
Is there anything out there that will play .ram files? I know RealPlayer do not do a player for WM5's, so is there anything else?
Also, would this be frounded upon by the T-Mobile contract? Or are people streaming stuff without any warnings.
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Not sure what files it plays, but resco radio is a very good radio streaming application. Check link below:
Would this be frowned upon by T-mobile? Probably, but not received any complaints yet.
My Vario 2 came with that kinda odd 'streaming media' program, which fires up when I load an .sdp file... Maybe you could try download the ram file, renaming it to sdp and tapping on it to open it? That may work...
I know TCPMP doesn't support the RTSP protocol, but there's the off-chance that it's not an rtsp stream of course. Not too likely though. I have the installer for the last version of Real Player before they went over to exclusively provide their software for Nokias, I could chuck it your way if you want (I've had mixed success getting it to work though).
Thanks gyus ...
Allows streaming via WM and others.
Real Player for Universal should work
Just google real player pocket pc, its a version 1.1
... This one, you mean?
So, will that do the job?
I mean how can one possibly play .ram files in streaming?
My favourite radio uses this kind of files only, thus making all other options (Resco, TPCMC, etc.) useless.
I have discovered many radio streams now require the latest flash to be installed but when I install flash 7 it breaks the work I've done with tcpmp and the flash plugins for youtube. Any way to avoid this situation? I have both Opera mobile and IE installed on my 8525. is there a way to allow opera to use flash 7 while maintaining my settings in ie for youtube. Thanks in advance for your help.

YouTube Mobile help

I have my AT&T 8525 loaded with the latest ROM from HTC but cannot get YouTube mobile ( to work. PIE tried to open the .3gp file with RealPlayer, but RealPlayer doesn't recognize the format. Has anyone gotten YouTube mobile to work on their Hermes? How about ideas on how to get IE to open .3gp links in TCPMP?
I can take the link and manually type it into the StreamingMedia.exe player that came on the phone and it plays.
If I click the link in IE or Opera I just get a big RTSP error.
pcm2a said:
I can take the link and manually type it into the StreamingMedia.exe player that came on the phone and it plays.
If I click the link in IE or Opera I just get a big RTSP error.
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Where can I find this StreamingMedia.exe player? How do you determine the link location? Are you using the AT&T 8525 ROM?
pcm2a said:
I can take the link and manually type it into the StreamingMedia.exe player that came on the phone and it plays.
If I click the link in IE or Opera I just get a big RTSP error.
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the only streamingmedia.exe i can find is for the built in xm radio...
There is a StreamingMedia icon when I go to Start->Programs.
When I pick About it says "StreamingMEdia for Pocket PC" Version 2.10h build 314.713
Is there a way to change the association of the file type so IE doesn't try to use RealPlayer but uses something that will play the media type like TCMP or any others?
There sure is! Check out this post on page three:
This guy tells you how to use sktools to change the rtsp file association. I did this and it works perfect now from PIE. Doesnt work from opera though.
Me Too
I just upgraded to the att rom but then i was trying and click on the videos real one pops up. I didn't install any realone. Isn't it suppose to play using windows media player?
I wondered that as well as I have never installed the RealPlayer "Player" on my 8525. Nor do I have it in my uninstall list!

I Finally Found Out How to Get YouTube To Work![new]

On your wizard, go to this address:
The videos load perfectly and work 100% using Internet Explorer (the videos automatically open in the streaming video player thing). I think YouTube just set up this site today(to test for the upcoming iPhone), but it works perfect on our wizards as well! Try it!
Nice, got there but when I try to play a video I get an unspecified error on Windows Media. Does this work with WM5 or I must install something?
I'm not sure about WM5, never tested it (i'm using WM6 XDA-MOBILE 6). When I click on a video, it opens in the streaming video player that was bundled with XM6.
Anyone else have luck? I got mine to work ^_^
Only works from certain cell providers!
Seems as though YouTube's only sharing the love with certain cell providers... I was able to successfully test the site using Cingular. The site didn't work using my 8125, Wifi & my local cable ISP!!!
Site loads Video does not on T-Mobile USA.
I just tried it on Faria's WM5 with wifi!! Works great!!
I can't get it to work. I've tried opening and clicking on video opens media player 10. These are 3gp files (?). It just says "Unspecified error".
WM5 / MDA vario.
Even i got the same error with WM5.. anything else need to be downloaded..
Maybe we WM2005 users should install a codec or something? What does Faria's WM2005 ROM have? I'm on a spanish WM2005.
Post your provider and connection method.
Because Youtube and fodavone officially announced their service in NL so it might have to to with ip ranges or provider networks for it to work.
I checked it over T-Mobile NL and it worked BTW.
It indeed opened up in the streaming player that i found useless at first.
Running Faria Crossbow Real Thing ROM.
Faria's WM5 3.3 has streaming video installed. All I do is navigate to with PIE and select a video, it automatically pops up streaming video and it plays.
I'm on Cingular/ATT and it works with WIFi and GPRS.
It has absolutely nothing to do with your provider. I tested on my cingular 8125 running XM6, on both T-mobile and on cingular and it works fine (although I recommend using it through wi-fi, as the videos can take a while to load if you're stuck with a slow gprs connect).
Need HTC Streaming Media Cab For A WM5 PPC
I have the HTC streaming media cab for wm6 smartphones and it works perfect with mobile youtube. You can get the smartphone download cab here ! Go to post number {25} for the download and details Now I need the wm5 ppc HTC streaming media cab file for ppc. Can anybody help me or direct to where I can find the ppc version HTC wm5 streaming media cab! Thanks in advance!............!
i use official tmobile AKU3.8 which has streaming media preinstalled. however when i tried to play clips from youtubemobile, i got 'failed to find network' error. i used wifi. anyones having the same problem?
fikrinasir said:
i use official tmobile AKU3.8 which has streaming media preinstalled. however when i tried to play clips from youtubemobile, i got 'failed to find network' error. i used wifi. anyones having the same problem?
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I have the same issue in XM6. GPRS or WiFi....weird how some are working
it works for me if i open the streaming media player and input the link myself. If i just click "watch video"on the web page, it opens in real player and gives me an error. How can i make it default to the streaming player?
Intergalactic said:
I have the HTC streaming media cab for wm6 smartphones and it works perfect with mobile youtube. You can get the smartphone download cab here ! Go to post number {25} for the download and details Now I need the wm5 ppc HTC streaming media cab file for ppc. Can anybody help me or direct to where I can find the ppc version HTC wm5 streaming media cab! Thanks in advance!............!
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I have the player installed, but only get audio distorted) no video. Is there a URL I can put into the RTSP box to get both audio and video?
So, unless someone can tell us what fario's WM5 has in it... I'm personally stuck using this method that I just stumbled upon this morning. I guess the only ugly part is that I have to copy the ID part out of the URL, and past it into the little 'youtubedownload' program. Then, explore over to the downloaded file to play it in TCPMP.
I wish, I wish, It would pop up from my browser after clicking it from there, like fario's code does. (what programs does it use?)
The 3 files in the link below are the 2 plugins, that need to go into the plugin directory of TCPMP, and then the .exe that is the download util. .Yea, Ugly.
Your Device!
mikeofaustin said:
So, unless someone can tell us what fario's WM5 has in it... I'm personally stuck using this method that I just stumbled upon this morning. I guess the only ugly part is that I have to copy the ID part out of the URL, and past it into the little 'youtubedownload' program. Then, explore over to the downloaded file to play it in TCPMP.
I wish, I wish, It would pop up from my browser after clicking it from there, like fario's code does. (what programs does it use?)
The 3 files in the link below are the 2 plugins, that need to go into the plugin directory of TCPMP, and then the .exe that is the download util. .Yea, Ugly.
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Is your device the MDA or another device? The TCPMPplugin is out dated, the link above is for wm6 smartphones! Tell me just what you are trying to do!
Wm6 Smartphone Download Only
hotdog53 said:
I have the player installed, but only get audio distorted) no video. Is there a URL I can put into the RTSP box to get both audio and video?
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This dowload will not work on PPCphones running wm5/6 os, if you are running wm6 software on your 8125 I can tell how to fix that problems!

Internet radio stations

I have found a radio station online that I would like to be able to listen on my Wizard. Every time I am trying to copy the url in Windows Mobile it tells me that I am missing some decoders. Same error I get if I try to use it on Resco Radio. Can anybody please help me on trying to resolve this issue?
Thank you.
what's the link to the station?
noellenchris said:
what's the link to the station?
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could not find your link
dacib said:
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but i found this link on
this stream is mp4a and as far as i find, not supported by resco radio.
resco radio only supports mp3 streams, and some aac streams with resco codec-pack.
i have no idea any other player like tcpmp or any else supports mp4a or not.
anyone else might answer this.
rajib said:
but i found this link on
this stream is mp4a and as far as i find, not supported by resco radio.
resco radio only supports mp3 streams, and some aac streams with resco codec-pack.
i have no idea any other player like tcpmp or any else supports mp4a or not.
anyone else might answer this.
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FWIW it does play in coreplayer just fine and it might in TCPMP
The best website for online radio is:
You choose your state, and listen to your local streaming station, at least whoever has a streaming site. Works very well, in fact I've been listening to my local station for almost 4 hours, no drop! Only problem I've found (tried on one station only) is that you can't create a playlist file through the media player. The best thing to do is, once you've found your station of choice, tap and hold on the streaming link and save it as a web favorite. Then once you open that favorite link, I use QuickMenu so it's very easy, it will go to the page and about 3 seconds later the stream will play.
Also, found a Live TV site:
Litte Info
To all .. Looking for Internet Radio ?
A Little urban Music?
maybe eaven some minimal techno , and tech house, some Detroit ?
check out my littel project :
Just click on the WMP option to stream on your Device
feedback wanted
Radio Feeds ( is also quite good, offering different streaming formats
Also make sure you read my Radio Streaming Bible in the General forum.
Play 99.6 is the Jordan’s most vibrant, energetic and free internet radio station.There are lots of amazing shows, latest songs and many more. enjoy with DJ flava. Jordan's hit music in the mix with DJ Flava.
Football Radio Stations for Resco Radio????
Hey guys.. I've been searching for a while now and cant find any online radio stations that broadcast their local games online.. or one that is a compatible file format..
I know that have the exclusive webcast but Im hoping to find a local station that broadcast the home team..
If any one out there know the url that will work with resco radio.. please post them here..
I'm listening
If you like alternative, indie or rock music . It's a Seattle rock station, it can not be bad.

