HTC P4350 WM6 WWE Rom upgrade! - Wing, P4350 General

At least!!!
Download it from HTC e-Club.
This is for the un-branded HTC P4350.

French too !!

old news, lol

itje said:
old news, lol
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it was available like, a week ago?

Funny people...
21/08/07 - Actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 para el HTC P4350
HTC pone a disposición de los usuarios del popular dispositivo HTC P4350 la actualización de Windows Mobile 6® OS.
Los usuarios del HTC P4350 pueden descargarse la actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 de forma exclusiva desde la sección "Mi descarga" del eClub de HTC.
El registro al eClub de HTC es muy fácil y completamente gratis… así que si aún no eres miembro, regístrate ahora para estar al corriente de todos los beneficios que te ofrece.
This is the release the un-branded HTC P4350 people was waiting for...
I only want to share the new... sad.

MrKriptonita said:
Funny people...
21/08/07 - Actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 para el HTC P4350
HTC pone a disposición de los usuarios del popular dispositivo HTC P4350 la actualización de Windows Mobile 6® OS.
Los usuarios del HTC P4350 pueden descargarse la actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 de forma exclusiva desde la sección "Mi descarga" del eClub de HTC.
El registro al eClub de HTC es muy fácil y completamente gratis… así que si aún no eres miembro, regístrate ahora para estar al corriente de todos los beneficios que te ofrece.
This is the release the un-branded HTC P4350 people was waiting for...
I only want to share the new... sad.
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It just came out on the e-club. It's been out on the ftp for a bit. But hey, you were only trying to help, so kudos in that area for you.

MrKriptonita said:
Funny people...
21/08/07 - Actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 para el HTC P4350
HTC pone a disposición de los usuarios del popular dispositivo HTC P4350 la actualización de Windows Mobile 6® OS.
Los usuarios del HTC P4350 pueden descargarse la actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 de forma exclusiva desde la sección "Mi descarga" del eClub de HTC.
El registro al eClub de HTC es muy fácil y completamente gratis… así que si aún no eres miembro, regístrate ahora para estar al corriente de todos los beneficios que te ofrece.
This is the release the un-branded HTC P4350 people was waiting for...
I only want to share the new... sad.
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hey sorry, I didnt mean to make you sad
cheer up

well I think the more places its posted the better, you can never underestimate the stupidity of a newb.
I used to work at Rogers Wireless so I've heard some pretty stupid **** like...
Stupid Customer #1
Sir, how do I turn my Jabra headset on???
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(thinking in my head stupid b**** its only got one f****** button)
Times like that I just wanna pimp slap 'em in the face, but I restrain and just take a visit to my happy place (btw if you haven't seen Happy it) where everything is constructed from WM Phones and replacement stylus' are free

neptune said:
well I think the more places its posted the better, you can never underestimate the stupidity of a newb.
I used to work at Rogers Wireless so I've heard some pretty stupid **** like...
Stupid Customer #1
(thinking in my head stupid b**** its only got one f****** button)
Times like that I just wanna pimp slap 'em in the face, but I restrain and just take a visit to my happy place (btw if you haven't seen Happy it) where everything is constructed from WM Phones and replacement stylus' are free
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LMAO You know what they can't see what's right in front of you.(of course it sounds different in my native language )
I'd like that happy place of yours too... Here i can't seem to find a darn stylus

I logged in my HTC e-club account and couldn't find any downloads for my 4350.
I bought mine from Bahrain (with an arabic keyboard), but it's got WWE installed on it.. shouldn't i be able to view the new rom??


rom for spanish users

hi all,
i'm a new user from almeria, spain. i 've been looking for information for 2 weeks here, waiting for my new XDA II from AMENA (spanish operator).
I will probably have it in my hands in 2 o 3 days, and after all my searches in wiki and forum, i'm desperated about use it in spanish.
is there any sub-forum o group dealing with spanish rom or something similar? you know, wm2005, wm2003 se, ....
thanks in advanced
Alguna noticia del WM2003 SE en español?
Me interesa mucho instalarselo a mi MDA2 de T-Mobile...
Saludos y gracias de antemano!
Hay algo ya en castellano?
Is there anything in spanish at the moment?
The last one I got was WndowsMovile 2003 from Telefonica Movistar, but I suppose they have already upgraded to WM2003 SE... Or maybe not. :roll:
only released 2003SE have been chinese
hola bienvenidos
hay roms de SE y de WM5 disponibles para el TSM 500 o equivalentes, creo que se las llevaron de esta web. registraos en y alli teneis todito con manuales, etc etc. 1saludos desde la por ahora España
is there any news about WM2005 SPANISH???

¿Como cambiar idioma de HTC P3600 de Aleman a Español o Ingles?

Hola que tal. Es que no tengo ni idea de Ingles ni de pdas y no se muy bien que hacer, he leido mucho, pero por lo que veo aqui estan lo buenos, pero no veo respuesta a mi pregunta.
Me han ofrecido una HTC P3600 muy barata, pero resulta que esta en Aleman, y querria saber si es posible poner en Español o al menos en ingles.
Agradeceria un poco de ayuda pues la verdad tengo ganas de aprender y aprovechar esta oportunidad.
No se si hago bien escribiendo aqui, pero no se ingles.
Muchisimas gracias por anticipado.
Maybe try to ask the question in English, so other non Spanish people might be able to help you (apart from the fact that this is probably a English forum, language wise)
Like changing language of HTC P3600 of German to Spanish or English?
Hello that so. It is that I have neither idea of English nor of pdas and very or which not to be made, I have read much, but reason why I see froom the good thing, but I do not see answer my question. A HTC very cheap P3600 has offered me, but it is that this in German, and to want to know if it is possible to put at least in Spanish or in English. to be thankful a little aid because the truth I have desire to learn and to take advantage of this opportunity. Not if I do writing aqui well, but not English.
thanks in advance.
abrahanjs said:
Hello that so. It is that I have neither idea of English nor of pdas and very or which not to be made, I have read much, but reason why I see froom the good thing, but I do not see answer my question. A HTC very cheap P3600 has offered me, but it is that this in German, and to want to know if it is possible to put at least in Spanish or in English. to be thankful a little aid because the truth I have desire to learn and to take advantage of this opportunity. Not if I do writing aqui well, but not English.
thanks in advance.
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Not yet= (todavia no)
If you want to post here you should better learn english, otherwise search a spanish PPC forum.
There are no ROMs available in spanish for the trinity yet.
Theoretically you can put any english rom if you CID unlock your device, as it will be CID locked to HTC P3600 german ROMs only.
Uy, yo creo que eso está díficil, porque en las otras Pocket Phone que hay ahora creo que no se puede. Mira conoces una página donde vendan ese modelo en espñol y envien a Sudamerica?
Hace un search aqui para ROM UPGRADE y podera cambiar el linguama al ingles...pero como te an dicho, no piensen que ay ROM en a howard forums y pregunta a lei...estan in america y ai mucho mexicanos y yo creo que el quieren utilizar el trinity in espanol...
good luck
The default language of this forum is english, so, you can use google translate is you've got problem with english language, but, please, follow the rules of this forums.
If you don't change, I will close, than delete this thread.
Thank you very much.
English : Abrahanjs, can you tell us if you've found an answer or solution?
Spanish : Abrahanjs, has encontrado una solucion ou respuesta a tu pregunta?
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App

Some help please, HW6945 rom ???

I have made my worst error in my life i think... i was trying to update my rom.... but not really knowing what i was doing.. so.. unfortunately made the error...
now i have my ipaq HW6945 with a great hp logo wich says "hp invent, vG.39" and in the top something that says "serial" or "usb" when i plug it up.
After reading all the things you talked and having no idea of what to do... i asked someones help..
Do i have something to do ??? Has my ipaq chances ?... i was reading and looking for HW6945 ROM to flash my ipaq... but i had no good response...
Did anyone dump a rom of this ??? does anyone has a 6945 rom in your hard disk ?? or know where to find one ??...
And forgive my english.. is not my first language...
im asking some help, because where i live, nobody knows about the solution if it has..
try to find HP Original ROM
i mean go to HP Website and download any ROM Update
or search on ther ftp servers
thank you for your help..
but there is no IPAQ Original rom, to download... and it became really hard to find on internet..
thats why i posted here !!
ho to HP and download the FW Update for the 6945... just use the german, or whatever rom is best for you, but there is no english rom... at least you will have a working phone for start.
where r u from anyway ?
papizdono said:
ho to HP and download the FW Update for the 6945... just use the german, or whatever rom is best for you, but there is no english rom... at least you will have a working phone for start.
where r u from anyway ?
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first of all... i appreciate your consern, but i looked for it.. having no luck... so anyway... it doesn't matter if it is in english, german, italian... but i coulden't find it... i talked to hp consumers department, and they told me that there is no rom avaible for my hp model.... thats why i wrote here-- trying to find an aswer.
my hp is blocked... with the hp logo and the version of the rom or something like that....... and i dont' want to give up... thinking there is no solution...
thank you papizdono..... and im from uruguay.. a little country in south-america..
paolitox said:
thank you for your help..
but there is no IPAQ Original rom, to download... and it became really hard to find on internet..
thats why i posted here !!
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Genial Otro amigo latino mas
puedes intentar Dumpear la ROM que es algo asi como copiarla del aparato de algun amigo tuyo y flashearla en tu 6945 hay un par de trucos para cargar roms de 69XX en tu ipaq no importa cual sea brincando la validacion del modelo, esto es un poco dificil mas no imposible se puede hacer desde las 63XX y las 65XX yo te recomendaria echar un ojo por...mobilitytoday, davesipaq o similares... espero captes el tip
nicromant said:
Genial Otro amigo latino mas
puedes intentar Dumpear la ROM que es algo asi como copiarla del aparato de algun amigo tuyo y flashearla en tu 6945 hay un par de trucos para cargar roms de 69XX en tu ipaq no importa cual sea brincando la validacion del modelo, esto es un poco dificil mas no imposible se puede hacer desde las 63XX y las 65XX yo te recomendaria echar un ojo por...mobilitytoday, davesipaq o similares... espero captes el tip
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buenisimo leer en castellano ja... esa posibilidad q me decis nicromant es la q pienso hacer... si no consigo solucionarlo... ahora se lo lleve a una gente especializada... que aunque me cobre puedan tener acceso a la rom original.. pero a su vez son representantes hp... y capaz lo canalicen como garantía.. la cual creo no muy viable... ni bien tenga alguna novedad postearé como sigue esta novela ja !!!
muchas gracias por la preocupación.... y tendré en cuenta lo de dumpear otra ipaq.. en caso de coseguir nada...
thank you.. everyone who has read my post... and tryed to find a way to fix it.. i still have not my ipaq fixed... but i have learned a lot cause this forum...
i will write again if i have a solution, to leave my experience to everyone who has this kind of problem.....
Try this
It may not fix everything (HP iPAQ hw6910 Mobile Messenger series) but it could work...
b0ris747 said:
It may not fix everything (HP iPAQ hw6910 Mobile Messenger series) but it could work...
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DEAR b0ris747 !!!!
Paolotox!!! jajajaja my name is paolo too, soy argentino!!!!!!, did this flashing tool work for you???? I need to flash my english hw6945 to a spansih rom. did u find a way to do that? I used this tool and it says its for hw6910/5 and not 6945
paolitox said:
DEAR b0ris747 !!!!
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que onda chavos aprovecho que veo su post en español para saludarlos y pues de paso pedirles su ayuda con los roms que no puedo encontrar ninguno ni en la pagina de hp ya que la liga esta rota
hp hw6945
Hi .. I got a hp ipaq hw6945 here in the US and send it to my brother in Ecuador.. it bought unlocked and everything, it worked fine at once down there it recognized all the network settings for mms in the data manager but then since it was used he decided to do a hard reset now he tells me that it does not recognize the the networks down there anymore for mms
he says that before he did the reset there was a program in memory something like mms settings phone dat man or upgrade something like that but it's no there anymore.. but the phone works it's just the multimedia that doesn't any idea?? do i need to unlock it again or load a new rom??
please help
ipaq 6945 english rom
or try link on this page
estimados amigos tengo un grave problema con my pequeña hw6915 la ipaq venia en holandes y la he intentado cambiar con la rom en español que he descargado desde esta web, pero al cargala se me ha bloqueado y ahora solo puedo leer esto HP invent vG.39 alguna solucion? gracias
I have the same problem with my hw6915 (I also get this HP logo and on top of it the text Serial or USB).
Does anyone know a solution for this?

TouchFlo 3D or similar aparience is possible?

I´ve a P3600 factory free... Im probe varius version of roms existen... ESN, WWE, FRE....
I never see a interface similar to HTC Diamond 3D (TouchFlo3D)... My question is: Is there software emulation or Rom or app to simulate this?
Tengo una P3600 libre de fábrica... he probado varias versiones de las Roms que existen, en ingles, español, frances...
Nunca he visto una interface parecida a la de la HTC Diamond 3D (TouchFlo3D)... Mi pregunta es: ¿Hay umulador de dicho software o una Rom o cualquier aplicacion que simule esto?
GoldFran said:
I´ve a P3600 factory free... Im probe varius version of roms existen... ESN, WWE, FRE....
I never see a interface similar to HTC Diamond 3D (TouchFlo3D)... My question is: Is there software emulation or Rom or app to simulate this?
Tengo una P3600 libre de fábrica... he probado varias versiones de las Roms que existen, en ingles, español, frances...
Nunca he visto una interface parecida a la de la HTC Diamond 3D (TouchFlo3D)... Mi pregunta es: ¿Hay umulador de dicho software o una Rom o cualquier aplicacion que simule esto?
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Check out this video from
And moving thread to Trinity general where it belongs!
not really similar to TouchFlo3D... It´s the one software to "emulate" this?
In this video the interface is a little slowly, really?
no es demasiado parecido al TouchFlo3D... ¿Es el único software que "emula" esto?
In ese video la interface parece un poco lenta, cierto?
I probe it... Dont work in my P3600... no loading interface, the display loock at black background and all the icons in up screen. If push a button I cant see enythin...
Can't handle it.
The touch flo app that is on quite a few custom roms is not as smooth or responsive as I't like You would be better off with the mobile Shell instaed.

Android porting on htc touch 3g

Is there any progress on this subject? Cause I'm tired of WM!
is there any android version for HTC touch 3G?
I don't think that Touch3G will be using Android ever. If you're not quite happy with WM, may be you should switch to other HTC models with Android on.
i wish to get android os soon couse i want to try that amazing operating system
azahidi said:
I don't think that Touch3G will be using Android ever. If you're not quite happy with WM, may be you should switch to other HTC models with Android on.
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Yeah that would be a good idea but you'll find that a lot of people come to this forum because people do some really cool things that increase the functionality of the devices we ALREADY have ... I myself really want to see this happen but unfortunately it's not looking good.
I'll be investing in an Android device as soon as I get the funds
the touch 3g have screen small for android..with wm6.xx my jade use gmap,buzz,skype,msn,yahoo,all in the browser...
De lo q yo sepa para pasar de windows mobile a android "no se puede pasar de verdad" pero ai algunos progr q te pueden ayudar a disfrutar de unas ventajas del nuevo sistema android .
Y aqui ai una tema que te puede ayudar aunque por una parte da resultados y por otra te "da la posibilidad" de comprarte un nuevo telefono :
Si no entiendes el ingles aqui tienes la pagina traducida en español ...
Demo de como va el android en un Htc touch 3g :Android OS ported to HTC Touch : 3g Technology
Espero q os he ayudado con algo ..
b3nnyray said:
De lo q yo sepa para pasar de windows mobile a android "no se puede pasar de verdad" pero ai algunos progr q te pueden ayudar a disfrutar de unas ventajas del nuevo sistema android .
Y aqui ai una tema que te puede ayudar aunque por una parte da resultados y por otra te "da la posibilidad" de comprarte un nuevo telefono :
Si no entiendes el ingles aqui tienes la pagina traducida en español ...
Demo de como va el android en un Htc touch 3g :Android OS ported to HTC Touch : 3g Technology
Espero q os he ayudado con algo ..
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pls use english only this is a English forum

