rom for spanish users - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

hi all,
i'm a new user from almeria, spain. i 've been looking for information for 2 weeks here, waiting for my new XDA II from AMENA (spanish operator).
I will probably have it in my hands in 2 o 3 days, and after all my searches in wiki and forum, i'm desperated about use it in spanish.
is there any sub-forum o group dealing with spanish rom or something similar? you know, wm2005, wm2003 se, ....
thanks in advanced


Alguna noticia del WM2003 SE en español?
Me interesa mucho instalarselo a mi MDA2 de T-Mobile...
Saludos y gracias de antemano!

Hay algo ya en castellano?
Is there anything in spanish at the moment?

The last one I got was WndowsMovile 2003 from Telefonica Movistar, but I suppose they have already upgraded to WM2003 SE... Or maybe not. :roll:

only released 2003SE have been chinese

hola bienvenidos
hay roms de SE y de WM5 disponibles para el TSM 500 o equivalentes, creo que se las llevaron de esta web. registraos en y alli teneis todito con manuales, etc etc. 1saludos desde la por ahora España

is there any news about WM2005 SPANISH???


¿Como cambiar idioma de HTC P3600 de Aleman a Español o Ingles?

Hola que tal. Es que no tengo ni idea de Ingles ni de pdas y no se muy bien que hacer, he leido mucho, pero por lo que veo aqui estan lo buenos, pero no veo respuesta a mi pregunta.
Me han ofrecido una HTC P3600 muy barata, pero resulta que esta en Aleman, y querria saber si es posible poner en Español o al menos en ingles.
Agradeceria un poco de ayuda pues la verdad tengo ganas de aprender y aprovechar esta oportunidad.
No se si hago bien escribiendo aqui, pero no se ingles.
Muchisimas gracias por anticipado.
Maybe try to ask the question in English, so other non Spanish people might be able to help you (apart from the fact that this is probably a English forum, language wise)
Like changing language of HTC P3600 of German to Spanish or English?
Hello that so. It is that I have neither idea of English nor of pdas and very or which not to be made, I have read much, but reason why I see froom the good thing, but I do not see answer my question. A HTC very cheap P3600 has offered me, but it is that this in German, and to want to know if it is possible to put at least in Spanish or in English. to be thankful a little aid because the truth I have desire to learn and to take advantage of this opportunity. Not if I do writing aqui well, but not English.
thanks in advance.
abrahanjs said:
Hello that so. It is that I have neither idea of English nor of pdas and very or which not to be made, I have read much, but reason why I see froom the good thing, but I do not see answer my question. A HTC very cheap P3600 has offered me, but it is that this in German, and to want to know if it is possible to put at least in Spanish or in English. to be thankful a little aid because the truth I have desire to learn and to take advantage of this opportunity. Not if I do writing aqui well, but not English.
thanks in advance.
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Not yet= (todavia no)
If you want to post here you should better learn english, otherwise search a spanish PPC forum.
There are no ROMs available in spanish for the trinity yet.
Theoretically you can put any english rom if you CID unlock your device, as it will be CID locked to HTC P3600 german ROMs only.
Uy, yo creo que eso está díficil, porque en las otras Pocket Phone que hay ahora creo que no se puede. Mira conoces una página donde vendan ese modelo en espñol y envien a Sudamerica?
Hace un search aqui para ROM UPGRADE y podera cambiar el linguama al ingles...pero como te an dicho, no piensen que ay ROM en a howard forums y pregunta a lei...estan in america y ai mucho mexicanos y yo creo que el quieren utilizar el trinity in espanol...
good luck
The default language of this forum is english, so, you can use google translate is you've got problem with english language, but, please, follow the rules of this forums.
If you don't change, I will close, than delete this thread.
Thank you very much.
English : Abrahanjs, can you tell us if you've found an answer or solution?
Spanish : Abrahanjs, has encontrado una solucion ou respuesta a tu pregunta?
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App

I need the ROM ppc6700 in Spanish - help

From venezuela.
I need the ROM wm5 in spanish for ppc6700 (apache). I have proven different ROM but they are in English. Now I need one in Spanish.
If they can help me it thanks for much to him.
Luck and successes.
If they respond to me far better in Spanish
Hola amigo creo que puedo ayudarte a buscar el ROM en español mas no te garantizo que exista, si existe mas bien seria en forma de .CAB y q se instale el paquete, que rom tienes ahorita?
WM5 ROM in Spanish does exist!
I bought an Apache on Ebay that came with the ROM in spanish so just wanted to let you know that it does exist!!!!The phone I received was from a cellphone company called TELCEL, but I changed the PRL(Flashed) to CRICKET here in the U.S.!!! I wish I could dump the rom for you, but that rom is gone off the phone because I loaded a english version of the rom(thats why I got my 6700 so cheap and in new condition(hehe)!!! I wish I could of helped you out, but good luck in your search!!! So... Te queria avisar que si existe el rom en español!!!
r5pete said:
I bought an Apache on Ebay that came with the ROM in spanish so just wanted to let you know that it does exist!!!!The phone I received was from a cellphone company called TELCEL, but I changed the PRL(Flashed) to CRICKET here in the U.S.!!! I wish I could dump the rom for you, but that rom is gone off the phone because I loaded a english version of the rom(thats why I got my 6700 so cheap and in new condition(hehe)!!! I wish I could of helped you out, but good luck in your search!!! So... Te queria avisar que si existe el rom en español!!!
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Yes, the ROM exists in spanish for Windows Mobile 6.0 (Spanish=Si existe la ROM en español para Windows Mobile 6.0)

HTC P4350 WM6 WWE Rom upgrade!

At least!!!
Download it from HTC e-Club.
This is for the un-branded HTC P4350.
French too !!
old news, lol
itje said:
old news, lol
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it was available like, a week ago?
Funny people...
21/08/07 - Actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 para el HTC P4350
HTC pone a disposición de los usuarios del popular dispositivo HTC P4350 la actualización de Windows Mobile 6® OS.
Los usuarios del HTC P4350 pueden descargarse la actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 de forma exclusiva desde la sección "Mi descarga" del eClub de HTC.
El registro al eClub de HTC es muy fácil y completamente gratis… así que si aún no eres miembro, regístrate ahora para estar al corriente de todos los beneficios que te ofrece.
This is the release the un-branded HTC P4350 people was waiting for...
I only want to share the new... sad.
MrKriptonita said:
Funny people...
21/08/07 - Actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 para el HTC P4350
HTC pone a disposición de los usuarios del popular dispositivo HTC P4350 la actualización de Windows Mobile 6® OS.
Los usuarios del HTC P4350 pueden descargarse la actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 de forma exclusiva desde la sección "Mi descarga" del eClub de HTC.
El registro al eClub de HTC es muy fácil y completamente gratis… así que si aún no eres miembro, regístrate ahora para estar al corriente de todos los beneficios que te ofrece.
This is the release the un-branded HTC P4350 people was waiting for...
I only want to share the new... sad.
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It just came out on the e-club. It's been out on the ftp for a bit. But hey, you were only trying to help, so kudos in that area for you.
MrKriptonita said:
Funny people...
21/08/07 - Actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 para el HTC P4350
HTC pone a disposición de los usuarios del popular dispositivo HTC P4350 la actualización de Windows Mobile 6® OS.
Los usuarios del HTC P4350 pueden descargarse la actualización de Windows Mobile® 6 de forma exclusiva desde la sección "Mi descarga" del eClub de HTC.
El registro al eClub de HTC es muy fácil y completamente gratis… así que si aún no eres miembro, regístrate ahora para estar al corriente de todos los beneficios que te ofrece.
This is the release the un-branded HTC P4350 people was waiting for...
I only want to share the new... sad.
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hey sorry, I didnt mean to make you sad
cheer up
well I think the more places its posted the better, you can never underestimate the stupidity of a newb.
I used to work at Rogers Wireless so I've heard some pretty stupid **** like...
Stupid Customer #1
Sir, how do I turn my Jabra headset on???
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(thinking in my head stupid b**** its only got one f****** button)
Times like that I just wanna pimp slap 'em in the face, but I restrain and just take a visit to my happy place (btw if you haven't seen Happy it) where everything is constructed from WM Phones and replacement stylus' are free
neptune said:
well I think the more places its posted the better, you can never underestimate the stupidity of a newb.
I used to work at Rogers Wireless so I've heard some pretty stupid **** like...
Stupid Customer #1
(thinking in my head stupid b**** its only got one f****** button)
Times like that I just wanna pimp slap 'em in the face, but I restrain and just take a visit to my happy place (btw if you haven't seen Happy it) where everything is constructed from WM Phones and replacement stylus' are free
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LMAO You know what they can't see what's right in front of you.(of course it sounds different in my native language )
I'd like that happy place of yours too... Here i can't seem to find a darn stylus
I logged in my HTC e-club account and couldn't find any downloads for my 4350.
I bought mine from Bahrain (with an arabic keyboard), but it's got WWE installed on it.. shouldn't i be able to view the new rom??

Movistar Spain original ROM needed (WM5)

I have a lot of problems with new WM6 ROMs (original and cooked): blank screen , hangs, etc. I think it's not related with WM6 (right now I'm installing original WM5 ROM from HTC) but if I send my HTC3300 to Movistar maybe they'll complain about not original software. So, I need the original ROM shipped by Movistar-Spain. Is there anyone who can help me?
Totest said:
I have a lot of problems with new WM6 ROMs (original and cooked): blank screen , hangs, etc. I think it's not related with WM6 (right now I'm installing original WM5 ROM from HTC) but if I send my HTC3300 to Movistar maybe they'll complain about not original software. So, I need the original ROM shipped by Movistar-Spain. Is there anyone who can help me?
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Hola Paco:
I have a backup of my HTC P3300 original Movistar, but I don´t know how to write this one in other device. If you want, send me a private, if I can I help you...
The backup is made with pdocread. The format is: os.nb
Hey guys... did you manage to get the oficial Movistar Rom?
I bricked mine yesterday and I need it to recover.
Please let me know.
javier.alves said:
Hey guys... did you manage to get the oficial Movistar Rom?
I bricked mine yesterday and I need it to recover.
Please let me know.
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I sent a private for you...
Hello, I have my stopped p3300. can you send me the movistar rom?, thank you.
He/she has noses that we have to be writing in English.
Se puede escribir en esapañol siempre que se traduzca en ingles tambien
you can write in Spanish as long as you translate in english also
Me gustaría saber cómo has hecho ese backup de la ROM, ya que acabo de conocer este foro y no sé bien bien cómo funciona el tema y antes de estropear nada me gustaría poder hacer un backup de la ROM para tenerlo como respaldo ante cualquier catastrofe.
¿Me puedes echar un cable o pasarme directamente un link de la ROM?
Mil gracias anticipadas
I would like to know how you have done that backup of the ROM, since I finish knowing this forum and I do not know either or how works the subject and before spoiling nothing I would like to be able to make backup of the ROM to have it like endorsement before any catastrophe.
Me you can help me or directly pass a Link to me of the ROM?
Thousand anticipated thanks
Snatch said:
I would like to know how you have done that backup of the ROM, since I finish knowing this forum and I do not know either or how works the subject and before spoiling nothing I would like to be able to make backup of the ROM to have it like endorsement before any catastrophe.
Me you can help me or directly pass a Link to me of the ROM?
Thousand anticipated thanks
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I followed this method and it seems to match well...
Yo seguí este método y parece ir bien..
juval said:
I followed this method and it seems to match well...
Yo seguí este método y parece ir bien..
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Movistar HTC P3300 WM5 ROM available
at the end I have achieved to get the original WM5 ROM from Movistar:
You can download it from
Totest said:
at the end I have achieved to get the original WM5 ROM from Movistar:
You can download it from
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Hello, Totest:
It works well?
Did the backup that I send you for e-mail be useful for you?
I have not news anything of you...
I have a compilation that I have sent to autocamiones, javier.alves and peterblack, but nobody has not answered me ... I don´t know if it works well...
To test this your own risk.
Better use the Ship of Totest. Is the original from Telefónica.
Hola Totest:
¿Funciona bien?.
¿Te sirvió el backup que te mandé por e-mail?
No he vuelto a saber nada de tí...
Yo tengo una compilación que he enviado a autocamiones, javier.alves y peterblack,pero no me ha contestado nadie...
Esta versión mía es para testear bajo su propio riesgo y responsabilidad. No está probada.
Mejor usar la de Totest que es la original que le han mandado de Telefónica.
For more information, the Extended Rom of this version that I uploaded on wiki is:
Para más información, la Extended Rom de esta versión es ésta que colgué en wiki:
juval said:
Hello, Totest:
It works well?
This is the original ROM from Telefonica, so it has OS & ExtROM original.
It works.
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Totest said:
juval said:
Hello, Totest:
It works well?
This is the original ROM from Telefonica, so it has OS & ExtROM original.
It works.
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Thanks Totest.
We are sure to update ours HTC P3300.
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wenas juval,
Soy novato en esto y me gustaria probar en mi p3300 de movistar, diferentes roms cocinadas que he ido encontrando por aquí, pero me gustaría hacer un backup de mi rom por si acaso o por si me canso i deseo volver a wm5.
Pero antes de eso me gustaría que me guiases un poco, mas arriba das un enlace de como hacer el backup con el comando pdocread, lo que no se si echo bien es copiar la extended rom.
Imaginate ahora que me cansado de otra rom que haya puesto y quisiera volver a mi antigua rom de telefonica que ahora tengo en mi ordenador, como lo hago para pasarla a mi htc?PC-->HTC
Hi juval.
I need your help because I would like to install in my htc diferents roms which I have seen in the forum.
Now I have done the backup of my rom, but my problem is, when I would like to back my old rom from telefonica, how can I install the rom that I have saved in my PC?
kaximbeider said:
wenas juval,
Hi juval.
I need your help because I would like to install in my htc diferents roms which I have seen in the forum.
Now I have done the backup of my rom, but my problem is, when I would like to back my old rom from telefonica, how can I install the rom that I have saved in my PC?
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It is easier and safer to download ROM link from Totest, which is the original WM5 Movistar and that you can install from your PC when you want to go back ...
Lo más fácil y seguro es que te descargues la ROM del enlace de Totest, que es la WM5 original de Movistar y que la puedes instalar desde el PC cuando quieras volver atrás...
Recibe un cordial saludo.
Thanks for the information, I'll try to install another roms in my p3300.
If I need your help, I'll write you in the forum.
Gracias por la informacion, veré haber como me sale todo, si tengo algun problema te escribiré.
Thanks Totest

Spanish please

Now than new OS (6.1 and next Betas) are comming will be great someone thing in Spanish/Latin people and become work in our languaje. Join this Thread asking for it, please
If someone can post a Spanish dumped ROM I can strip it down for you but we need someone to post a ROM.....I don´t have access as my Polaris is WWE.
christonge said:
If someone can post a Spanish dumped ROM I can strip it down for you but we need someone to post a ROM.....I don´t have access as my Polaris is WWE.
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Then we need someone to cocked ROMs... C´mmon pepole!! let make POLARIS Spanish revolution!
No I just need an orginal ROM or a dumped ROM....
Hello, how can I get the original ROM from my Polaris
Everything is outlined here
Good luck...
christonge said:
No I just need an orginal ROM or a dumped ROM....
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I do not understand the usefulness of that. Watch post #4 of this address: I agree with that comment.
Anyway you seem more aware that I. Could you explain us what to do?
The important thing is move this thread men...
Is any one there? You don´t have comments to do? Nothing to say? Any doubts? Any idea?
Have you downloaded the tools and tried to dump your ROM? Let me know where you have got to with it and then maybe I can help....
I'm may get access to spanish cruise... The link you posted there leads to a utility... but after that I have to rebuild it. For some one who just know flashing and a bit of programming, how hard is it? and most importantly... how much time does it takes?
Could you make a french french rom please; PLEASE; I am ready to help; I have a french Unlocked rom
PS: if you want my help send me a PMm thank
PS: version of my Polaris :
5.2.1623 (build 18129.0.4.5)
ROM 1.25.406.1 FRE
Radio :
Do not hesitate to contact me ;-)
Vizcaino and christonge, they are free yours polaris or are of some telephonic company?could to extract the ROM that you have in yours machines? This is necesssary in the case it broke our machine. because we can carry to Service Tecnic
Yes, I bought my device contract free but it came with the WWE Rom so I don´t have access to the Spanish ROM...
Mine is same problem: free machine and not Company ROM. Thats why I understand was interesting start this thread to join anyone who have possibilitty cocking ROM.
Rafael1000 said:
Could you make a french french rom please; PLEASE; I am ready to help; I have a french Unlocked rom
PS: if you want my help send me a PMm thank
PS: version of my Polaris :
5.2.1623 (build 18129.0.4.5)
ROM 1.25.406.1 FRE
Radio :
Do not hesitate to contact me ;-)
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Initially is a thread to Spanish and Spanish versions, not French. But thanks for your message.
French Version
rafael1000 here is your link to french version:
bueno ya que es para los españoles lo pongo en español y asi nos aclaramos mejor.
la verdad es que es una putada porque si tuviesemos cualquier rom en español ya fuese la de htc original en español, la de movistar, la de vodafone o dios sabe que siempre nos qeuaria la oportunidad de poder extraerla para y por si algun dia se jode al flasear tener una rom de emergencia. pero sin eso estamos muy limitados.
Good since it(he,she) is for the Spanish I put it in Spanish and like that we catch on better.
The truth is that it is a putada because if tuviesemos any rom in Spanish already was her(it) of htc originally in Spanish, her(it) of movistar, her(it) of vodafone or god knows that always us qeuaria the opportunity to be able to extract it for and for if algun day gets screwed up to the flasear to have an emergency rom. But without it we are very limited.
Pardon the next time pondre the post in both languages, I am sorry, thousand pardons
Pues si... pero hasta que tenemos una persona que tiene el versión original, no podemos hacer nada. Asi que.... por favor alguien!!??
Well yes... but until we can find someone with the original Spanish ROM, we can´t do anything. So.... please somebody!!??
Estoy de acuerdo y, además, podríamos ir mejorandola y haciendo actualizaciones, metiendole programas, etc...
By the way, this is an english post. ¡English please!
Aun no la tienen, pero... parece que esta que sigue es una página WEB bastante activa en esos temas... Supongo que pronto podremos disponer de una ROM en castellano para trastear.
Seguro que buscando en a la gente que se la compró en "mundopda" que allí son muchos... Probablemente alguno sea lo suficiente intrépido como para hacernos un donativo en forma de ROM (Y las de mundoPDA son en Castellano... Libres... y con ROM original de HTC).
Personalmente siento no poderos ayudar pues mi Polaris será la versión de O2 Alemania... y algo me dice que no estará en Castellano ;-)
Por cierto, creo que a los moderadores de este Foro no les gusta mucho que no se hable en Inglés.
Un Saludo.
Something like English... ;-)
They still do not have it, but ... I Believe that this is a website quite active in these areas ... I suppose that soon we will have a ROMs in Spanish for play.
Surely that in, if you looking for the people who bought it on "" (There are many)... Probably one of them wants to make a donation to us in the form of a Spanish ROM (mundoPDA ROM's are in Spanish... it's sim free and it has Original HTC ROMs).
I can't help you because my Polaris will be the Germany O2 version... And something tells me that it not will be in Spanish ;-)

