Bluetooth/COM problems with tomtom on hermes - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

i have problems connecting bluetooth GPS receiver with tomtom, any one know how to solve this? My TyTN wont allow me to chose the COM ports that are listed on tomtom's configuration page under the bluetooth settings for Outgoing port.
Tomtom only allows COM3, COM7, RIL on COM6 but all these COMs could not be created on my Bluetooth settings with TyTN. TyTN says "COM port could not be created. Please check your settings again"
I have TomTom Navigator 6.020 (7980) with GPS driver 1.20. Is this version having problems? The funniest thing is that the Route66 Navigator 7 that came with my TyTN works perfectly without any COM settings and problems...I just wanted to opt-in for TomTom because of its features. I am driving all the way to Norway next week and I would like that TomTom would work so I could know about Speedcameras and POIs which I do not have on Route66
I have the new August Europe WWE WM6 Rom: & Radio: from HTC Europe site installed on my TyTn.
Someone please help...comments are hightly appreciated!

BT Com Problem TomTom Hermes
When your TyTN can't assign your COM Port then the Com Port is in use allready. Sometimes it hepls, when you restart your Hermes. I don't know how to check your COM port settings.
If you can understand German you can look at there your Problem is discussed already.
Greetings Pudl

don't know if you add the bluetooth GPS to your bluetooth equpitment list yet or not. if not do that in the setting (the phone setting).after they connected, go to "com setting" add out going port for the GPS. then open tomtom and setup the gps again. should see the port.

i think i have a solution
I think i might have the solution to your problem.
It took me almost 2 weeks to find this hack-ish for myself, but that was because i had a holux m1000 bt reciever (aparrently not many people use it).
First let me explain my problem so if someone else is going thru this same problem they can identify the solution.
- The problem was that after pairing with the bt holux reciever, the outgoing com port that i had assigned it would not work under the "bluetooth reciever" preference in the tomtom software.
the reason is that holux apparently works on nmea profile and in the nmea preference, the given outgoing port doesnt show up.
Now the step-by-step answer to this problem(and hopefully yours)
1- Go the blutooth devices and delete the device from your system.
2- Restart the bt reciever and wait till you have a satellite signal
3- Pair with the reciever and input the appropriate code.(you dont need to check the serial checkbox)
4- Now go to the COMPorts tab in bluetooth settings.
5- Assign a new outgoing port to the bt reciever.(COM9 works for me)
6- Start tomtom navigator.
7- Go to "change prefrences"
8- Find "show Gps status"
9- click configure
10- Find "other NMEA GPS reciever" - select it
11- Leave the baud rate to whatever it says. -click done
12- Now you will not see your outgoing port that you assigned in step 5 but choose any other "COM PORT" (i always do COM7)
OK, we are almost there.
13- Now find the file Program Files>> Navigator>> "navigator.cfg" or Storage Card>> Program Files>> Navigator>> "navigator.cfg"
-if you have a hex editor installed on your ppc use it to edit this "navigator.cfg file and skip to step 15.
-Other wise what i did was rename the navigator.cfg to navigator.cfg.txt and opened it using "word mobile"
15- Now you will see a lot of wierd symbols but look for the com port you assigned in the NMEA settings in tomtom. (step12) (on mine i had assigned COM7)
16- Change that "COM7" (from step12) to "COM9" (from step 5)
17- exit out of WORD and choose "NO" at the Prompt to "not" save it in word format (if you have accidentally saved it in word you have to go back to step 6 for tomtom to create a new navigator.cfg file)
18- last thing to do is to rename the "navigator.cfg.txt" file back to "navigator.cfg"
that is it. now when you start tomtom you will automatically be connected to the correct NMEA COM port (just dont try to configure the gps again or step 13 is for you.)
I had tried External GPS settings in the connections i had tried Gpsgate software (which worked but i didnt like the extra memory hog)
to me this was the only way to get it to work and once you have it configured you dont have to worry about a thing.
sorry about the length of the explaination but i had trouble figuring this out for myself so i tried to make this explanation as detailed as possible.

I have done this:
settings - connections - bluetooth
After pairing the GPS go to the "COM port" tab, click on "new exit port" (or similar, my system is in italian!)
select the GPS
select either COM 2 or 3.
go back within TT, select "other BT devices" and you will find the COM you have just created.
credits: stesa @, thnks again.

"thepella's" method is about the same as the one I used.
Just a couple of general points to note:
If you have previously set up a bluetooth pairing and it does not work, do not try editing it to different settings (ports etc). I have found, as have others, that even if you put in the correct settings it may still not work. It is better to DELETE the old pairing and create a new one. Whatever Outgoing port you choose (often it chooses COM(0) for you), that port will then appear as an option in the Tomtom menu.
The Tomtom screen that shows the satellites is very useful. It has a line that comes up saying either "no GPS device" or "no valid GPS signal" when you first switch on. No valid signal is ok, normally just give it a minute or two to find a lock. No valid device means, either the BT receiver is out of range or you do not have the correct COM port selected. If all is OK you will see the line change to "Other Bluetooth GPS receiver". These little messages are vital when setting up because the satellite bars on the screen can take some minutes to appear (with mine sometimes it's instant, other times 5 minutes despite it having found the BT device)
Which ports you choose depends on what else is set up on your device. On mine COM(0) or COM(9) seem to work consistently well for Tomtom.
When you are done using Tomtom, switch off the BT receiver first before exiting Tomtom. This ensures that the Bluetooth radio switches off when you exit - otherwise it stays on using power.
It appears that you can use the red phone button to close Tomtom. However I have found that if you use that button instead of the exit menu in Tomtom, then it leaves Tomtom as a running process in memory. This may be handy if you want Tomtom to start more quickly next time, but not if you want a clean system without extras running in the background.

TomTom Nav 6 COM port
I just did this myself today. Its as described by a couple of the above posts.
Go to Comm Manager>settings>Bluetooth
Open "COM ports" tab and select "New Ougoing Port"
If your device is paired it will show in the list. Select it, press next, then choose the port. Then finish. I used 0.
Now TomTom will have that COM port available to select.


Universal problem BT port

Hi all,
Cannot register a serialport (Bt)
Have manage to put TomTom5 working with BT Gps.
thanks to "andreuroig"
with this work around:
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In BT, select the OUTGOING port to 8.
3. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 0 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 0 free. Select COM 0 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM 8 (before we set it up at 0).
6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 0.
7. Back again to GPS control panel and select NONE.
8. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
The problem is the BT-com port is not visibel in any software neither in Tomtom the Com0 is not visible after the above instruction.
Is there a way to do the BT-com port visible?
Complete step by step guide can be found here :
Thanks I have done that , still have a problem TomTom works but if I want to use another program it don´t connect :roll:
Hi, try to do that as listed above BUT replace COM 0 with COM4. This seems to have worked for me, TT5 now works automatically, and I can use Memory Map on COM 4.
More testing tomorrow but it seems to be OK.
Josef, gpsgate is a piece of software that allows you to share a serial port between many different programs at the same time. Try downloading the working demo and see if it helps.
Hi kevwright,cruisin-thru,
kevwright can you reset your device and after connect to Com4 with memory map? Tomtom will work I know.
Please let us know your testing.
cruisin-thru , I have tried GPS-gate and send one e-mail. Haven´t get a replay yet. gpsgate worked well in xdaII
Ah, after reset it does not work, sorry.
This thing also loses the Outgoing Port regardless of reset (just overnight for example) so am at a loss on this one.
Alternately, can we get Memory Map to "see" COM0 as that fix seemed to work for TomTom OK?

GPS Bluetooth with TomTom

Hi All,
With some tricks I managed to install TomTom 5 navigator but I'm having trouble connecting it to the GPS bluetooth mouse from Rikaline 6033.
I paired the device and assigned serial port com6 to it but I cannot see port com6 within TomTom.
TomTom bluetooth support is installed.
Any suggestions?
Tried this freeware?
Good luck!
"Pocket Bluetooth Tools adds the missing Bluetooth functions to the O2 XDA II (or other compatible PDAs like the MDA II).
The current version includes:
Support for Bluetooth Headsets and Car kits (Headset and Handsfree Profil). You may use up to 9 devices at the same time and you do not need to bond the again.
Support for the SSP profile (serial port), e.g. for GPS receivers or modems
Support for ActiveSync (synchronization with Outlook and Internet connection)
Switch Bluetooth on and off automatically
The current version 1.60 of the ROM includes already a virtual serial port but unfortunately it is a dynamic port, which is not visible to many applications. Also the ActiveSync support is difficult and complicated to use and if you want to synchronize with different computers you have always to couple the device again.
For future releases I plan the following improvements:
Support for Bluetooth network access points
Send contacts and files through Bluetooth"
Thanks for your suggestion but two things make me hasitating...
I have a qtek S200 and the software is clearly designed for XDAII and similars.
I do have sertial port profile (assigned port 6 to the GPS mouse)
The only thing is that I do not see the serial port com6 in the TomTom application.
ive had this problem with tomtom 5.0 and my bluetooth GPS device, but dont be dismayed, there is a solution! I hope that this can be applied to you and your bluetooth mouse, ...
ok, as far as i can tell there is a problem with tomtom 5.0 and the avaliable com ports. In your bluetooth com manager you can choose any avalible port, but tomtom 5.0 will only give you a few of those to choose from. Ok, to make this work, you just need a hexeditor on you pc, there are even some for the pocketpc so you can do it all on your device.
so, what you need to do is, go into tomtom, select a port for your bluetooth device (even if its not the same one you chose in the bluetooth manager) then quit out of tomtom and then sync your device, and explore it in windows
ok in:
/my device/program files/navigator
there is a file called:
what you need to do
is open that file up in a hexeditor, and once open it should look something like:
...................a.*....."................[email protected]$x8ysvy.n: COM7:...............
Where COM7 is the selected bluetooth port you chose in tomtom
All you need to do is change it to:
...................a.*....."................[email protected]$x8ysvy.n: COM0:...............
Where COM0 is the com port you chose in the bluetooth manager, for your specific bluetooth device
save, and now copy the navigator.cfg file back to you device, from whence it came, and then restart tomtom
it might take a little longer than you might expect, but it should now pick up your device, ... however, if you want it to continue to work, DO NOT GO IN TO THE TOMTOM BLUETOOTH PORT A SELECTOR AND CHANGE ANYTHING, as this will reset the navigator.cfg file and then you have to go through the whole process again!!
If you have a few devices you want to connect to tomtom, i would suggest setting them all up on 'dummy' tomtom ports, then setting up the REAL ports in the bluetooth manager, then changing the navigator.cfg file in a hexeditor. Once you have a decent .cfg file, save it to your memory card, JUST IN CASE, you mess up your tomtom bluetooth and need to work while you're out and about
hope that helps
what version of tomtom are you using, i had the same problem on my wizard with version 5. when i updated to 5,21 from the tomtom site it added the extra com ports in tom tom and everything worked fine.
Ady B)
This is what I did today on my XDA Mini S. It's collected from this and other forums.
First I had to install the GPS icon on the PDA in settings/connections using a freeware registry editor.
1. Start up a registry editor
2. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings 3. Delet the Dword in there and the value and replace them with:
A new DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec) 4. And create a new string called "(default)" with no value (I think there was originally a string called redirect, rename this "(default)" if it's there 5. The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings. (check it does)
note: you may have to soft reset after each stage if it appears not to work straight away but i managed to make these changes then saved them soft reset and then went to control panel in settings and a GPS option was there. You'll need this for the next stage. Wait about 1 minute before doing the soft reset.
STEP 2: Set up the GPS & Tomtom
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 6 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 6 free. Select COM 6 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM (none) 6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 6.
7. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
If you follow the above exactly it should hopefully work.
davidkw said:
This is what I did today on my XDA Mini S. It's collected from this and other forums.
First I had to install the GPS icon on the PDA in settings/connections using a freeware registry editor.
1. Start up a registry editor
2. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings 3. Delet the Dword in there and the value and replace them with:
A new DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec) 4. And create a new string called "(default)" with no value (I think there was originally a string called redirect, rename this "(default)" if it's there 5. The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings. (check it does)
note: you may have to soft reset after each stage if it appears not to work straight away but i managed to make these changes then saved them soft reset and then went to control panel in settings and a GPS option was there. You'll need this for the next stage. Wait about 1 minute before doing the soft reset.
STEP 2: Set up the GPS & Tomtom
1. Establish a bond with your GPS and select the checkbox for serial access.
2. In the GPS control panel, select the GPS program to 6 and make sure that the hardware one, is set to None.
4. Start TT5 and the GPS settings, select another bluetooth GPS, and you will see COM 6 free. Select COM 6 and close TT5.
5. At the GPS control panel again, now select COM (none) 6. At BT: select OUTGOING port to 6.
7. Finally start TT5 and it should connect automatically. Wait for a couple of seconds and click the GPS settings and you should see it has connected.
If you follow the above exactly it should hopefully work.
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Ok Dave, I did exactly what you did, and thanx a lot, it's working quite well !
But something annoying is happening: I have to do the BT part EVERY TIME I launch TT5 (It actually asks for it, password, COM port etc...) !!
As if my pairing wasn't saved...
Any advice ?
How does the Prophet perform with TomTom and MediaPlayer running at the same time?
On the Prophet, you learn one thing very quickly:
Never launch 2 programs at the same time ! :lol:
hi which hexeditor did you use and where did you download it from. unable to get one with the script line like you typed. help much appreciated.
hi there,
sorry to trouble you again. would it be possible for you to give a more descriptive explanation regarding the editing with the hexeditor.
This is how I did it:
1) Pair the two devices, non secure connection
2) Settings/Connections/Bluetooth/COM Ports - Select a new outgoing port
3) Select your GPS and assign COM Port
4) Start TomTom Settings - select "Another GPS"
5) Select the same COM Port as above
Wonderful combination, selling my Explorist 500
hi there,
i am having the same problem as niobium. anyone solved this problem! please let me know. help much appereciated.
niobium said:
Hi All,
With some tricks I managed to install TomTom 5 navigator but I'm having trouble connecting it to the GPS bluetooth mouse from Rikaline 6033.
I paired the device and assigned serial port com6 to it but I cannot see port com6 within TomTom.
TomTom bluetooth support is installed.
Any suggestions?
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But something annoying is happening: I have to do the BT part EVERY TIME I launch TT5 (It actually asks for it, password, COM port etc...) !!
As if my pairing wasn't saved...
Any advice ?
educa said:
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Yes that was it
Thank you!!!!
(secure checkmark) worked like a charm!!!
I was ready to toss my device out the window.
Now hopfully when I get in the car, my Handsfree and GPS won't kill each other!
Thanks again
Alternative Bluetooth GPS Receiver Setup for Tom Tom Navigator 6
davidkw said:
This is what I did today on my XDA Mini S. It's collected from this and other forums.
First I had to install the GPS icon on the PDA in settings/connections using a freeware registry editor.
1. Start up a registry editor
2. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings
3. Delet the Dword in there and the value and replace them with:
A new DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec)
4. And create a new string called "(default)" with no value (I think there was originally a string called redirect, rename this "(default)" if it's there
5. The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings. (check it does)
note: you may have to soft reset after each stage if it appears not to work straight away but i managed to make these changes then saved them soft reset and then went to control panel in settings and a GPS option was there. You'll need this for the next stage. Wait about 1 minute before doing the soft reset.
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I came unstuck at this point and had to fiddle around until I finally managed to get my BT GPS device to talk to my phone and TTN6. The following steps worked for me.
1. Pair your BT GPS with your handset BEFORE installing TTN6 (or 5 for that matter).
2. On the handset go to Settings > Connections > GPS, set the GPS Program port to COM8 and the GPS Hardware port to whatever COM your GPS device uses (mine uses COM5). The Baud rate should be set according to your GPS device's manual (mine is 4800).
3. Install TTN6 on your device and follow the setup. When asked, select whichever BT GPS receiver you're going to use and use COM8 as your communication port (if it hasn't appeared, go back to step 2 and try using COM9 instead of COM8).
4. Exit TTN6.
5. Go to Settings > Connections > GPS again, but this time set the GPS Hardware port to "(None)" and the GPS Program port whatever COM your GPS device uses (again, mine uses COM5).
6. Restart TTN6. The program should now pick up your BT GPS device.
If you're still having problems, I'm afraid I can't help much further. This worked for me, but I have a UK Orange SPV M600. It may not work for everyone.
Happy hunting,
niobium said:
Thanks for your suggestion but two things make me hasitating...
I have a qtek S200 and the software is clearly designed for XDAII and similars.
I do have sertial port profile (assigned port 6 to the GPS mouse)
The only thing is that I do not see the serial port com6 in the TomTom application.
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Maybe I'm late or wrong, but you CAN NOT have the same serial port asigned to two devices!, depending on your version of TOM TOM you may be out of the serial port supported range....
BT serial ports are the same as the "old" PC ones.... one cable at a time....
Hope it helps.
Help before I kill my phone............
My head is going to explode at this rate.
Can anyone help me, at basic level, how to:
1. Get a reg editor, by name not just 'get a reg editor' as I have tried 2 now to no avail.
2. Is the GPS settings already in the registry to edit on my 02 mini S or do I need to get that from somewhere before I start?
Currently I can get the bluetooth to pair, can create another OUTGOING port and thats it. It wont actually give me any device even though phone is paired to it
Why cant it just be SIMPLE!!!!
BTW, Im running TTN6 and an 02 Mini S.
Cheers for now, Taff
I got tomtom (but version 6) working flawlessly with my S200. I assigned COM6 as the outgoing port for the GPS, then assigned COM7 as an incoming port. I enabled a secure connection. Then i disabled bluetooth and started tomtom (tomtom enables and disables BT automatically).
I added the GPS device as "other GPS device", waited a few seconds and there it was working.
Maybe the problem is your tomtom version being too old?
My GPS receiver is a BT-338.

Setting up BT GPS for TomTom on o2 XDA Mini S... HELP!

Hey all!
First post here!
Ive installed TomTom on my o2 XDA Mini S but am having some problems getting the BT GPS receiver to communicate!
Ive had a search on this forum and followed these instructions:
To install your BT GPS receiver. First pair the device. Then add a new COM Port under the Bluetooth settings. You want to add an OUTGOING port. I usually specify it as COM0. Then start up TT5, go into GPS configuration, selct "Other BT Receiver", then select COM0 from the menu. TOMTOM will automatically start up BT (it doesn't have to on before you launch the program), find the already paired receiver and start communicating with (give it some time though. the whole process takes about 30 seconds to a minute).
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Sooo.. under the bluetooth settings i could only choose between COM ports 6 and 7 - so i chose 7...
However in TomTom it only lists COM port 9 as an available COM port!? :?
Anyone else had problems with this or can offer any advice??
Any help much appreciated!
Ive done some more searching...
It appears that my problem might be due to the fact that my TomTom is version 5 and i read somewhere that only version 5.2 is compatible with WM5 phones? Is that correct??
Would updating my TomTom to v5.2 therefore allow me access to configure the COM ports correctly - or even better do it automatically so that i dont need to configure it manually! lol ??
Hi Mark,
i had the same problem - basically if you have Navigator 5.21 when you goto GPS CONFIGURE in TomTom you will see com ports 6 & 7 listed.
In the bluetooth settings of your XDA the GPS receiver needs to be set to COM 6 and the incoming port needs to be set to COM 7.
you only have to do this set up procedure once.
That should do it!
and don't forget to set the connection to be NOT secure, when you specify the outgoing COM port...if you chose a secure connection, tomtom will forget the pairing when you restart your GPS...
also, if the com port is not listed in the TomTom GPS configuration, you can chose another port, shut down TomTom, and manualy change the com port to the desired com-port by editing the navigator.cfg configuration file

GPS problems

I have a MDA Vario and am having huge problems getting my bluetooth GPS to work with my device. I have a BT GPS (BT77 I think) and have gone through the pairing process and setup the GPS manager in settings. I have an outgoing com port setup on com 6 and the GPS manage setup to direct this to com 9.
I have installed AA Navigator but this can't find the GPS device on com 9. I have also installed VisualGPSce and this too can't see the device. I know the GPS works as I have tested it with my PC.
I am running MrClean 2.24 custom ROM.
Does anyone have any suggestions???
Make sure the GPS is set as an "Incoming" port.
I would actually start from scratch by deleting the GPS pairing from the devices list and do the following.
To do this, go to Start/Settings/Connections, Tap the "Bluetooth" icon and then select "Devices" at the bottom.
Make sure the GPS is not in the list and follow the instructions on pairing the GPS. Usually, you turn off the GPS and when you turn it back on, you hold the power button until you get an LED either flashing rapidly or continuously on.
Ok, go to the "COM Ports" section and tap "New Incoming Port". This should show you the list of paired devices. Tap the GPS entry and select it as COM 6 and make sure the secure connection box is NOT checked.
In your software, you should set the GPS to this com port if it is available.
Also, if you must use the GPS applet in the settings, try setting it to COM 8. For some reason, this seems to work better than others.
Hope that helps.
Setup for TomTom
My BT device is almist the same and I use Tom Tom (was 5 now 6).
I pair to the BT GPS (had to disconnect from the car kit - headset mode while I did this).
Then I go back to the GPS device and discover services (get rid of the keyboard if it pops up and select the Refresh button).
I created an OUTGOING port to the GPS device and used COM6. I then run up TomTom and pointed it at COM6 and it all just works.

vario 2 tomtom 6 gps pairing

I have searched every website and tried everything to get my gps to pair with tomtom 6 on my vario 2, to no avail. I’ve finally got them paired perfectly. Everyone seems to get results in different ways, if you have tried all of theirs, try this…. All downloaded files are shareware and free.
1. Download fit4cat hermes tweaker. (Google search)install. Then enable the gps hidden icon (enable gps settings). It will now show in settings – connections.
2. Download BTHTools1100.exe (Google search) and install.
3. Download Task Manager 2.2 (Google search). Install. It has a very good registry editor plus, plus..
4. Open Task Manager 2.2 and the regedit section in the program.
5. open HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE , open System, open CurrentControlSet, open GPS Intermediate Driver,
6. under Drivers is Controlled Panel Configured device .In Commport change to COM4. ( com 2 also works fine. Have not had to try other comm. Ports.)
7. in Multiplexer change Driver interface to Com 4 ( or 2, depending on above)
8. goto Start, Settings,Connections, Bluetooth, Devices. Delete any old gps connection.Turn on gps. New partnership search. It will find your gps with a yellow question mark icon next to it. Select and press next and enter passkey for your gps is asked. Tick the serial port option and finnish. You will then be taken to the new screen from the installed BTHTools1100.exe. select serial port and choose com same as above.
9. goto Start, Settings,Connections, Bluetooth, Com port, this should now automatically show your gps devise name with the com port next to it
10. goto Start, Settings,Connections, Bluetooth, Security, leave the check box unchecked.
11. goto Start, Settings,Connections,gps. Programs should show COM4.
12. goto Start, Settings,Connections,gps. Hardware should also show COM4.
13. goto Start, Settings,Connections,gps. Access should have box check manage GPS automatically.
14. Open tomtom 6. Turn on gps. Go to GPS status screen and configure. Other GPS receiver works for me. It should now give you the option for COM4. select
15. tomtom should now find your GPS everytime!!!!
Hope this helps as I was pulling my hair out.
thanks alot! I'll give this a try - its always been hit and miss with my GPS and TomTOm6 !!
Please post which GPS device you use.
I have a AD-300 bluetooth GPS set to COM0; I paired it with my Vario II without any problems: out-of-the-box.
Tomtom6 set to "other bluetooth device" connected to com0. Works everytime
Thanks craigsadd77 - very helpful
Do you know what the icons on Today that BTHTools1100.exe creates actually mean or what they do?
I've got a BT icon with a red line through it, a small clock then on the right, 2 icons that look like batteries with a "1" and a "2" in them?
Pairing Hermes TomTom 6 with Bluetooth GPS receiver
#Hermes can not be in flight Mode#
1st: Run BTHTools1100.exe
no icon comes up
Pair them in Bluetooth Manager
Holux (outgoing port com4)
Incoming Port (com8)
no security
In settings >> Connections >> GPS
Programs set GPS program port to Com 8
Hardware set GPS hardware port to Com 4
baud rate 4800
If GPS program is not seen in settings\Connections
Use resco registry or other program and:
Go to Hkey_local_Machine\ControlPanel\GPS settings\ creat (make new) "Group" with Dword data =2
In TomTom chose:
Bluetooth GPS
should be working Now
drbrains said:
Please post which GPS device you use.
I have a AD-300 bluetooth GPS set to COM0; I paired it with my Vario II without any problems: out-of-the-box.
Tomtom6 set to "other bluetooth device" connected to com0. Works everytime
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thats how i set my BT-74R without any problems
