Please Help. Orange Sim in O2 Xda, not allowing text messages - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi, I have recently bought a Sim unlocked O2 XDA Mini S. I am on Orange network and put my sim in. Making and receiving calls no problem.
It wont allow me to send or receive text messages. I called Orange to replace Sim and they wont do it. I am absolutely clueless about ROM s or IMEI s etc. and i would appreciate help and explanations as though i am a 10 year old.
All i know is that the device is a G4. I have tried searching forums but have no idea where to find it.
Please help as it is getting really frustrating.

Orange SIM in an unlocked T Mobile MDA
I can't really help, but I can say I have the same issue, so you are not alone!!
I have an Orange sim in an unlocked T-Mobile MDA. I have got the GPRS, Internet and POP3 emails working. I can send and receive calls but cannot get any SMS messages !! I have been at this for three days now.
Orange don't support this phone so will not help.
Any solutions to this welcomed !!!


HTC Tytn Sim Free - I need to use with UK Vodafone - Advice Please??

I have been given a sim free HTC Tytn and want to use it with UK Vodafone. I currently have an ex-Orange SPV M2000 which i unlocked and it has been working fine with my Vodafone sim. With my M2000 i can make calls and browse the internet at the same time, but with the new Tytn i cannot do this
Is there a fix, should i upgrade it to the latest version or perhaps try and flash it with the V1605 Vodafone flash??
Advice really appreicated from one of the many knowledgeable people on here please,
I upgraded my M2000 to a M3100 (with Orange UK) and they said I had to have a new sim. That could be it.
Alternatively when I got my M3100 it had a *very* early radio rom, and I had some probs receiving calls while browsing. Recent roms have sorted this, I think.
Hi, thanks for the reply.
I have installed the HTC UK Settings .CAB file from this helpful post
I can now access internet using my contract Orange contract sim card (which has GPRS activated) although if i am on the telephone i cannot go to browse without ending the telephone call.
my Vodafone contract sim needs updating so is not available for GPRS, but i presume this will be exactly the same.
Is it IMPOSSIBLE to use Internet browsing whilst making a telephone call??
All help appreciated, Many Thanks
if youre just on the GPRS network and not UTMS\HSPDA then yes its impossable to talk and surf. the whole point of 3G was to be able to do both at the same time. GPRS can only do one thing as the same with EDGE
so in short GPRS\EDGE = one thing at a time
UTMS\HSPDA = two things at the same time.
Hi, thanks for your reply.
I have just spoken to Orange customer services and i do have a 3G sim card and it is active, is there anything i should be altering in the settings menu or anything other files that need to be flashed or installed onto the phone?
Sorry for the lack of knowledge - hope one of you experts can help!
Thank you
Can anyone help me pleasse????

Vodafone Mms

hi guys, im at my wits end. i have a orange spv m600 unlocked to work with a voda sim. i downloaded a for the internet setting ect which self installed. problem is i cannot for the life in me get the mms working. im using the settings that self installed from the cab file and i have the notifications in my inbox but they just wont download. has anyone else got this problem or has anyone been able to solve it and get mms working. im almost ready to give up. any help would be great.
its ok people i rung vodafone and they sent me the settings and it worked first time. wish id have just done that in the first place. if anyone else needs the mms settings for voda uk contract pm me and ill will forward the settings
Would be interested in your offer as I have just bought an o2 xda but i'm with vodafone! Many thanks
SPV M600 and Vodafone MMS settings
I'm going crazy trying to get MMS to work but everything I've tried has failed so far.
I know GPRS is working because I can setup a GPRS connection that I can happily use to browse the internet using pocket IE and also send and receive emails from several POP accounts I've setup in the email app. Also, the Vodafone contract SIM I have came straight out of a Nokia N70 that had no problem sending and receiving picture messages and is actually 3G enabled.
I've followed just about every forum 'try this' instruction I've found but nothing. Calling Vodafone customer service was about as much use as a chocolate teacup as they wanted me to give them a make and model so they could send me a service message but for obvious reasons, the Orange SPV M600 was not one of them. How did you get anything useful out of them?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
also waiting
have pm u m8 and still no reply? Anybody got a cab for this or can direct me to one? Have installed a cab thta I found somewhere but phone still has orange settings on it?

C500 Unable to Send SMS

I recently upgraded my Tytn to a Tytn II and received a new sim with it.
I use my C500 for work (as it gets bashed about) and it worked 100% with the old sim I had.
I tried it with the new sim expecting it to work, everything works except I am unable to send text messages. If I go into phone settings, the SMS center number is blank and if I input the number, it doesn't save. The sim works 100% with the Tytn II.
If I put my old sim in the C500 it doesn't connect to the network as it's been disabled, but the SMS center number IS in the correct box.
Does anyone know of a way to rectify this problem? I've been onto orange tech. support and they were most unhelpful and suggested I use my Tytn II for work, they did try sending sim updates, but that didn't work.
Me too...its the bug of WM6
i thought that my network does this sh**....but now!!!!
OK just restart UR phone
It's not WM6, i did have WM2003 but I upgrade to WM5 and Wm6 to see if they would sort it.... it didn't.
I've got onto orange again and they're looking into it apparently.
Did you ever get anywhere with this? I too want to use my old C500 for work but I can't send SMS.
Yeah, after weeks and weeks of orange trying to sort it there end, they sent me out a new sim card and that sorted it. I did register the new sim in the C500 just incase it was that.

Help needed using Orange Sim in XDA Mini S

I have two XDA Mini S phones, which I believe are fully unlocked. I am able to use a Vodaphone sim in them and everything works perfect. When I put my works Orange sim in them the phone works i.e. I can make and receive calls but the Sim Manager does not work. Which means I cannot access the contacts on the sim card or use the options menu to configure the phone. When I try to access the options menu I get the message " the phone is not ready, please wait 15 seconds and try again"
Has anyone else had this problem and gotten over or around it. I have spoken to both o2 and Orange and they are both an absolute waste of time. I would appreciate all the help I can get. Thanks.
I am on orange too, also had the same trouble. I could make and receive calls, but could not access sim card to add contacts or send / receive texts. The XDA mini is a 2G phone, my orange sim is was a 3G. When I changed it for my wifes 2G orange sim, all worked perfectly, so we just swapped sims and phone numbers. Tried to get a 2G sim out of orange on my contratc, they were having none of it, said I would have to go PAYG. So I did the swap with the wife and extended the contract.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for your advice Mlkey.
Following your response I contacted Orange and changed my works contract 3G sim for a 2G sim on contract. This still does not work and as usual I am getting no real help from Orange.
Looks like the only solution will be to change my mobile / pda, that is, unless anyone else has any other possible fix.
Are PAYG sim's different than contract sim's ??, if they are does anyone know if I were to get a PAYG sim that worked in my XDA would I be able to get my company number transfered to that sim and convert the sim from PAYG on to my works contract account ???.
I would appreciate all the help / advice I can get, before this drives me mad !!!
XDa wizard and Orange sim only
I'm having exactly the same problem! O2 to Orange sim only and completely no SMS. Orange support is argueably the worst. Interseting to here that it's version. ie G4/G4..Have read somwhere that VOip SMS maybe the solution? ...If i can find the thread again I'll post a link.
Fixed this problem by using the t-mobile 2.26 rom as described in "Definitive Guide to unblocking and rom upgrading g3 wizards
I am having exactly the same problem. My phone is a G4 and I believe it to be fully unlocked from o2. According to orange my sim is a G2 sim because the 7th number of the sim card begins with a 2 and not a 3. I cant even try a different rom because I can't connect to my computer with active sync through usb or bluetooth this has been for about a year now.I usually transfer files through a card reader. Can anybody help me because the deal with orange is really good but the phone is useless without sms or mms and I really dont want to change the phone.
My IPL 2.21.001
SPL 2.21.001
GSM 02.07.10
Cheers Gord
I am new to this forum. I have exactly the same problem . Has anyone found any solution to this/ Please help!
The solution is to upgrade the radio rom

mobile data works but not calls please help!

Hi all new to the forum so go easy on me!
Just bought a used galaxy s4 today (im in the uk) was told it was locked to vodafone, so i get home and carry out the unlock method found on this forum.
I then pop in my o2 uk sim card and all seems okay until I find my data works and signal shows in notification bar but says emergency calls only. Ive searched and searched for an answer to no avail.
please help me!
Also note I tried a friends vodafone sim in the phone and data and calls work perfectly.
Many thanks and sorry for the essay,

