Crazy Triny - alarm malfunction? - P3600 General

Since three weeks my alarm function doesn´t work right. My Triny should ring at 6:25pm but does it one hour later. Watch this:
What is going on here?

Check your Clock&Alarms Settings. Perhaps you have switched to the Visiting-Time?

or changed some regional code setting?

Yes, I switched to the visitors time, because I live for a half year in Australia. Nevertheless this has worked for one month now and then suddenly occurred problems. When I activate the visitors time, then the alarm should also ring according to this time?!
As you can see in the picture, he really rings at 7:25 and informs me with the screen "6:25 alarm".

I forgot the worst issue: Sometimes the alarm doesn´t appear at all, even though I configured all settings well!


unreliable alarm!

ok so i set my alarm for 7:00am this morning and it just didnt go off...luckily my mum woke me up anyway but still its very unreliable...anyone else had this issue? maybe its linked to my sms message problem? thanks
the alarm on my X1i has been working flawlessly and waking me up every day at the specified time of 7am...i wish mine didn't work so i wouldn't have to wake up that early!
Be sure to have "Let Alarmsignal ring, even if the device is turned on silent or vibrate only" (i dont know what the official text is but im just losely translating from english.
You should find this option with the Clock and Alarmsignal settings under the Tab More.
Also i suggest setting 2 or 3 alarms.. maybe that will help.. ;P
Mine too, some times it simply doesn't go off (specially if more than one alarm are set).
i wake up before it has to anyway but it's still annoying!
and no, that option doesn't help at all, i tried it.
I'm using the free G-Alarm since October last year and it reliably woke me up every morning.
Maybe you want to try it:
use G alarm
zoelucker said:
ok so i set my alarm for 7:00am this morning and it just didnt go off...luckily my mum woke me up anyway but still its very unreliable...anyone else had this issue? maybe its linked to my sms message problem? thanks
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been using G alarm. no problem.
G Alarm has already failed me twice... helping me get late for work!
I really like it but if i have a real important apointment i use another cell phone with another alarm, i simply can't rely on any of the X1's alarm system alone...
Elusivo said:
G Alarm has already failed me twice... helping me get late for work!
I really like it but if i have a real important apointment i use another cell phone with another alarm, i simply can't rely on any of the X1's alarm system alone...
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Sorry to say that, but it seems to be your fault then.
G-Alarm works reliable and fine.
Just be sure the alarm is set active and at the right days and the ringtone is available and set to 100% volume.
Also let G-Alarm fix the Windows Mobile Alarm Bug and force to put the sound through the speaker even if the phone's set to silent or vibrate only.
Did you tell it to ring EVERY DAY? I forget this every "first" time on a new phone and the alarm dows not work. It only rings when you tell it to do.
I knew it wasn't just me!
Sometimes it will go off fine
Sometimes it will just vibrate and then do nothing else
Other times it won't go off at all
I can't seem to find a pattern to it, it just seems completely temperamental and is far to unreliable.
As for g-alarm that's far too annoying. It went off while my phone was on silent on a train. Had loads of puzzles and mazes and doesn't stop ringing until you have done them. I pulled out the battery, turned it back on and the alarm went off before the phone had even booted up!
sometimes this problem occurred for me with the custom roms being developed but with the original and the r2a roms I have not had an issue
yep, done all that and i have wm all fine tuned, and as i said, only failed twice over a month or so on a week day configuration with no changes made to it, but enough for me to not fully trust it anymore, be it problem with G Alarm or windows problem...
Evostance said:
As for g-alarm that's far too annoying. It went off while my phone was on silent on a train. Had loads of puzzles and mazes and doesn't stop ringing until you have done them. I pulled out the battery, turned it back on and the alarm went off before the phone had even booted up!
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You can turn those snooze games off , it's just if you want it to really wake you up . Anyway G-Alarm works well for me so far. With the standard I had issuses, even on my older Magician. This one period it only sounded this ding sound repeatadly and refused to play the sound file which of course was in place. Weird stuff, but G-Alarm is awesome, it even allows you to set random MP3s from a playlist you set up. Waking up with a different DnB tune every day
Yes i have a feeling ill have the same issue as alarm whether it be the standard or g-alarm will be 100% reliable on my X1. Glad i'm not alone but quite annoyed because that is one of my most important things...this along with text messages not always sounding or being displayed until messinging is opened up makes the phone a little difficult to love sometimes.
To me it seems everyone's X1 is slightly different....some have physical issues like cracking etc, whilst others have things that don't work as well as someone elses X1. I find it very strange. I guess these are my issues!
Evostance said:
I knew it wasn't just me!
Sometimes it will go off fine
Sometimes it will just vibrate and then do nothing else
Other times it won't go off at all
I can't seem to find a pattern to it, it just seems completely temperamental and is far to unreliable.
As for g-alarm that's far too annoying. It went off while my phone was on silent on a train. Had loads of puzzles and mazes and doesn't stop ringing until you have done them. I pulled out the battery, turned it back on and the alarm went off before the phone had even booted up!
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yes, exactelly
as far as i remember, i also faced this on my SE P910i, also same problem!
i barely sleep, and if the phone only vibrates i wake up, but mostly it doesnt!
i will try GAlarm, let's see.
+1 for G-alarm here.
I tried several different progs before settling with G.
I cannot think of an instance where it has let me down, without it being my own stupid fault.
As said before, you can switch off the mazes and puzzles, and just use it as a standard alarm, with/without snooze.
Best piece of freeware i have got, i think.
Why does WinMo standard alarm suck so badly?
Have MS forgotten to update it all this time?
You have any idea how i can add in me xperia more alarm tone.?
I have never had any problems with the alarms. They are right on time.
i tried mine set for this morning. no problems yet. ill test it a whole week or so and see how it goes.
standard nam rom for my x1a.
I gave up on the built-in alarm and I've been using SPB Time which I'm very happy with!

problem with the alarm after brit summer time??

Hi, there seems to be an issue, ever since i ok`ed the brit summer time thing, now the alarm never sounds (which is pretty important to me) i have checked the settings, the phone is not on silent (but the box is ticked to sound if was anyway) i havent changed any settings and the alarm sounded fine prior to the summer time thing, i dont want to re-flash if i dont have to, is this a known prob? or is there a fix? i have the R3D Dark Red rom.
I have a similar problem with G-Alarm. I travel between Amsterdam and London every week. The Alarm that goes off at 6am (Central European Time) when I am in Amsterdam goes off at 5am in London (UK Time). (This is after I have changed my "Home" / "Visiting" settings in "Clock & Alarm").
I got around this by creating a duplicate alarm at 6am after I changed my "Clock & Alarm" settings to GMT.
So I guess the time zone is being taken into consideration somehow.
Anybody know of an alarm where the time zone can be set during alarm creation?
opefully fixed it - thanks to your post, i had phone alarm trial, not doing anything, so removed it, will test alarm later to see if fixed.(cant at moment)

alarm bug - goes off before it's due

Has anyone had this... for the last 2-3 mornings, both alarms came on some 3/4 of an hour before they were due. Even more strange, the fact that the time intervals are not constant: the 1st, due at 0924 went off at 0842; 2nd, due at 0939 went off at 0853. I've tried experimenting a few times this am, but haven't managed to make it happen again ---perhaps it needs to be resting overnight in order to get confused!
See what happens tomorrow morning. By the way, I suspect this has been happening ever since I changed the first alarm's tune from 'beeps' to 'classic'.
P.S.: And as with other users, notification sound comes on too, but that's not nearly as frustrating!
the alarm is USELESS. Don't waste your time with it, get galarm

Clock drift?

Anyone else getting click drift with the dell? It sometimes drifts by 10 minds Really annoying when your alarm is set for 6:10. The other day I was setting of for the train home looked at my phone to see how quick I had to walk and it told me I was late and had just missed it. When I got to the station I hadn't at all the click had drifted 10 mins....freaky
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
Should get my Streak later today so will let you know how it fairs in this regard!
It's a bug/hardware fault.
if you pull out the power cable from the device it'll randomly add 15 minutes onto the time.
Other effects may include, setting the vibrate on and sending the device into a fit.
plus it may kill the vibrate mode as well so that the device doesn't vibrate until you receive a phone call.
the only solution I've found for the above problems is that you have to turn the power off before you unplug the phone.
I'm not sure if this is a permanent fix but I'm trying it for the next few days to see if it works, else the phone is going back.
Mine has gained time once before, it is set to 'get time updates from cell'.
I think the cell may have been putting out a duff time because never seen this problem with internet time, or auto-update time off settings.
Not experienced the streak doing any of the weird vibro fit you describe either.
Maybe seperate issues?
Same here with both Streak's regardless what settings I use. Not very handy since I always use the alarm app. Design flaw....
Yep, same here
Initially I thought it was to do with the fact that I had not set it to "internet time" (or whatever it is called). I was set on "O2 time" (or whatever it is called)
However whichever one it is on, I have seen this problem. Alythough saying that... have only noticed it twice and I have had my Streak since "O2 Day1"
Whether this happens more than I notice it does, and it corrects itself (?) I don't know.

DVP DST bug or WP7 bug

Folks, Can you check your DVP time and the actual time today from google. My DVP time zone is set to 05-Eastern US and canada. As of this writing, the current time in DVP is 8:45am. The time as per google and other time sites is 7:45AM. Without DST applied, it is 6:45AM..Can't understand how the DVP shows +2 hrs when DST is in effect.
Edit: It looks like its a minor bug. The DST doesn't work off the get go automatically. Once i went into settings and came back to main screen (or used the phone for couple of minutes), the Time is synced.
================FOR MS==============
Sequence of event (this is for MS to troubleshoot):
1. Set Alarm to ring on weekends @ 7:45AM
2. Sunday 13th Mar 2011 came, alarm rang. Woke up and saw the time on the Device, it said 8:45AM
3. Was pissed that i am late by 1 hr. Booted up my computer and time popped up as 7:45(+/-5 min).
4. Checked my WP7 device again, still said 8:45AM.
5. Went into alarm and checked and came back to main screen and after 10 min, time says 7:55AM.
My inference:
1. Either Alarm is following a time clock on its own or it is not DST applied.
2. OS is not syned with timeserver(?) until one uses the phone?
=============FOR MS==================
My DVP showed the correct -5 Eastern shift BUT my alarm, set for 7am, went off at 8am (adjusted, it was 7am if the time change hadn't happened). I think we may be seeing the same thing. Once my alarm went off, then the time may have updated (the alarm woke me up, so I don't know what it read before that).
I then set a single a alarm, and that happened without a hitch. I didn't mess with my daily 'work' alarm, but added a second one one minute later just in case to track this issue.
I feel bad if this is a bug that's making anyone late for work today.
Yep, same for me...The Alarm was set for 7:45am and it went of @ 8:45am. I think the internal clock might be fine, just the display time is screwed up or buggy.
mines is correct
I'm not sure whats going on with you guys but I don't seem to have this. my time is displayed correctly with no change or intervention from me. I woke up this morning to the right time displayed on my phone. plus I did not have an alarm problem.
I'm using an HD7, not a dell venue pro. don't know if that makes a difference.
It might be just a DVP issue as well. One other thing to note is this bug happens only in a small windows of time (may be 5-10 min or less). So it is very easy to not notice by many. Also If one has the lock screen turning on all time - this might not happen - that's my guess.
Non Bad part - The alarm goes off fine, but time is shown wrong.
Bad part - If one had any appts/tasks to do said day, they might thing that they are 1 hr late and thier alarm screwed up - only to realize later that all is well and WP7 made fun of them.
Ten character delete
Just confirming, my alarm was set to 7h00 and went off at 8h00 and when you go into the alarm config it shows it was set to 7h00.
No such bug bugging my DVP.
Strange bugs keep popping out every now n then with dvp.
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using Board Express
I have the DVP and live at -05 Eastern US and canada timezone. I have no problem with DTS this morning.
bizpat72 said:
Just confirming, my alarm was set to 7h00 and went off at 8h00 and when you go into the alarm config it shows it was set to 7h00.
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Seems like the few of us that had this happen had alarms set on Sunday. The rest may not have used it to wake up today.
It will be interesting to see if it's just the DVP or a widespread deal with WP7.

