SEARCH XDA-Developers using GOOGLE - Mogul, XV6800 General

Search XDA-DEVELOPERS using Google
(already setup to search XDA-Developers only. You can also easily find posts by a specific user - enter user name followed by search words)
Search the WIKI using Google
(already setup to search XDA-Developers WIKI only. WIKI = Categorised library of useful facts and information)
.Search ENTIRE INTERNET using Google
.Search using Forum's own Search facility
Remember that Google takes some hours to "crawl" sites for new info. so results will not show the absolute latest posts.​


SEARCH XDA-Developers using GOOGLE

Search XDA-DEVELOPERS using Google
(already setup to search XDA-Developers only. You can also easily find posts by a specific user - enter user name followed by search words)
Search the WIKI using Google
(already setup to search XDA-Developers WIKI only. WIKI = Categorised library of useful facts and information)
.Search ENTIRE INTERNET using Google
.Search using Forum's own Search facility​
Remember that Google takes some hours to "crawl" sites for new info. so results will not show the absolute latest posts.​

IE & Opera Google .... The page was adapted...

Having returned back from using an iphone for a couple of years I'm struggling with some basic windows functionallity.
Using both browsers I enter a search such as XDA and a page is displayed as normal showing the search results. If I click on any of the links I get a Google reformatted page not the original. Is there a way to disable Google intercepting my requests and just display the otiginal web page?
Click on the 'Classic' link at the bottom of a result page from Google.

Google Docs App?

Is there an app that will sync with my Google Docs account to view/edit docs?
I use GDocs from the market and haven't had a problem with it
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I've decided to go with "Docs Pics" to use with my Google Docs account. From all the descriptions & comments on related apps, this one seemed to be what I was looking for more than any other. I really wish Google had their own app for this.
Documents to go full version does everything I need.

[Q] How: Search full contact info on JB/N7

On my Gingerbread phone I had to install an app to enable full searching of the contact record (non-primary fields like custom fields). The app is 'Contact Search' Link:
I thought that I had read that this was fixed in JB/N7...
But when searching in Gesture Search or People, it isn't searching all of the fields. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need an app to fix this?
Update: When searching via the google search bar, I clicked on menu, tablet search and verified that People was checked... under that option it said "search names of contacts" confirming what I am experiencing...
Update 2: I know that when searching contacts on my desktop PC, it does search the whole contact but I am trying to accomplish this from my N7...
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Not really understanding the question. Are you trying to find contacts by another source other than names?
Otherwise I can type/voice the name in the Google search and it finds my contact.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app

How to create a web service that stores users posts [Android]

Hi guys!
I would create an Android app where the users can login with Facebook or Twitter(no problem with this) and then they can post something to give everyone that is his friends or followers, to LIKE or FAVORITE what they wrote.
The app should be like this, approximately:
1)LOGIN (with Facebook or Twitter)
2)Show all the POSTS of the others friends that has the app with LIKES NUMBERS next to each post.
3)Text form where they can write and publish their own posts.
Everyone that login can just put ONE like and being able to see how many likes are stored in that exact time.
The important thing is that the posts and the likes must not be shown in Facebook Diary or Twitter Account to everyone, but just to the users of my app.
I could say I want to create a little private social network with just posts (with likes and comments).
I don't know how to store all the posts and the likes "live"...
What I know for sure is that I have to create a web service that must communicate with my Android app first. But I don't know how to do it.
Anyone can help me? Any links or tutorial would be great!
First answer me why would facebook or twitter let you create a private mini social network inside thier platform ?
for facebook i can say for sure it is not possible !
twitter will be no different but no harm checking
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
sak-venom1997 said:
First answer me why would facebook or twitter let you create a private mini social network inside thier platform ?
for facebook i can say for sure it is not possible !
twitter will be no different but no harm checking
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Mostly I would to use Facebook or Twitter for make the login more easier, without forcing the users to type all his informations..
Actually it would be no problem for me sign up new users! I would just need a new database, that I can link to my Android app via web service.
But my issue is to store the posts of every users with the numbers likes to that post, I thought that with Facebook it would've been more simply to do.
It should like this, after the login:
USER A: Hi, have a wonderful day to everyone!
3 likes. 4 comments
LIKE button COMMENT button
*list of comments*
USER B: Hello!
1 likes. 2 comments
LIKE button COMMENT button
*list of comments*
and go on...
So, as you can see, it must show all the post of all the users with the number of the likes and comments.
I don't know how to store and show them updated in real-time.
HERE is a glimpse of how facebook does that
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
sak-venom1997 said:
HERE is a glimpse of how facebook does that
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for that. :good:
So Facebook uses Apache Hadoop, but I think it's too "big" for what I need for. Are there some alternatives?
ubun09 said:
Thanks for that. :good:
So Facebook uses Apache Hadoop, but I think it's too "big" for what I need for. Are there some alternatives?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No need just press the thanks button dude
SQL or probably nosql if you plan for expansion in near future
for SQL you can have a table with a column time
POST ** contents of post
LIKES **list of users who liked this post
similary for COMMENTS and stuff
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
sak-venom1997 said:
No need just press the thanks button dude
SQL or probably nosql if you plan for expansion in near future
for SQL you can have a table with a column time
POST ** contents of post
LIKES **list of users who liked this post
similary for COMMENTS and stuff
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So great, I can save everything in a external database and then transfer the datas with JSON to Android. I will start with SQL first, (I have no idea where to start with nosql).
But the problem now is: how can I keep the posts updated in real time on Android app?
ubun09 said:
So great, I can save everything in a external database and then transfer the datas with JSON to Android. I will start with SQL first, (I have no idea where to start with nosql).
But the problem now is: how can I keep the posts updated in real time on Android app?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you can use the GCM
google cloud messag**** dont know exactly
it can send push notifications to your app so that it can sync with server to fetch data
Its Google Cloud Messaging
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
sak-venom1997 said:
you can use the GCM
google cloud messag**** dont know exactly
it can send push notifications to your app so that it can sync with server to fetch data
Its Google Cloud Messaging
Sent from my GT-S5302 using Tapatalk 2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So basically you suggest me to: create a database SQL with the table of the posts, then use GCM for display all the datas on the app via web service (php), right?
If you need a server to handle GCM, have a look at Google app engine:
If it's not about hundreds of thousands of users, the free plans should be enough for what you want to do.
Thank you! I will give a look at that ;D
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
