HTC 8120? What ever the cingular one is. - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Anyways I've got the Wizard and for what ever reason screen alignment has been off so i try calibrating and a no go, the center of the screen seems dead as it doesn't respond and I tried a hard reset. Now it's stuck on the Alignment screen and i cant use the phone.
Two questions, a) is there a way to flash it back to the regular Windows Mobile 5 so i can send it to HTC or Cingular who ever takes care of repair so they don't go wtf! You have a modded rom! even though the rom isn't the problem.
b) is there a way to atleast skip the alignment so i can use the phone?

Try -- should be the shipped ROM.

Thanks, Cingulars sending me a new phone. Is there a way to call cingular or go somewhere to get my text messages that are still on the network? I have a few new ones from after the point where i reset my phone so they're still on the network. I dont have another cell phone to use so that's not an option.

Or how about somehow avoiding the touch screen alignment?


XDA II: Phone not working anymore and where to repair in US?

Not quite sure what the issue is with this one. Back in the beginning of the year my XDA II fell from waist height when the carry case snap popped open (notebook bag brush across the front catching on the flap). The only noticeable problem after that was that the power button no longer works, so I have to power it on by pressing the phone or address book buttons etc.
About a month and a half after that incident the phone suddenly just stopped getting signal. I was using the standard shipping firmware with a few apps. Soft reset, hard reset both failed to fix the issue, the phone simply will not pick up the network. Interestingly enough if I play with the phone settings and go through the process of manually selecting a network the phone WILL pick up available networks in the area (this kills my idea that the GSM radio failed altogether). For now I've had to switch back to a junk phone as I've been unable to figure this one out. Anyone have any ideas on this one? I'm using T-Mobile for a service provider and I'm based out of California.
Also, does anyone know of a place that can do diagnostic/repairs here in the U.S.? So far my searches have come up empty.
Thanks in advance.
Give this a try:
Reflash the phone with any version of ROM and it should start working fine again. I think the problem is that you're radio firmware somehow got corrupt.
Ok, guess I'll have to give it a try. I've been avoiding trying the slightly riskier stuff as I got this thing via an independant third party, so warranty/support are iffy.
Is there a general release ROM that I should be looking for (using T-Mo in U.S.)? Or should I look to cooking my own (which I'd rather not)?
You can try upgrading the ROM with the same branded one. That shouldn't void the warranty.
I.e. If you've got an O2 device, get the new O2 ROM
I have had a simular problem with hard locking. Finally my phone quit working all together. I went into boot loader mode and flashed it. It's like having a new phone again. So yeah.. I think the ROM's can get corrupt.
NeoCole: Looks like you are using T-Mo in the U.S. Mind if I asked what you flashed yours with? Did you use a specific ROM, Radio Stack version etc.?
I'm running an unlocked i-mate (contradictory to my subj title, I know).
Flash it with the T-mobile 1.72 ROM
ROM Version
Well.. I flashed it with the IMATE 1.72 ROM and used most of it's extended ROM. I used the battery Meeter from the Qtek extended rom. I built most of my extended ROM Myself.
I look at T-Mobile's Beta 1.72 ROM like I look at Windows ME. Both should have never happend. I can't count how many times I had a hard reset with the T-Mobile ROM. I'm not sure if it was a combination of the programs I was useing or not. I saw a post that said SBP was possibly causing the problem. So I quit using SBP products. Later I still had to HARD RESET from time to time. Now that I'm running differently, My device has never been so smooth.
Let me know if this helps,
Looks like I'm pretty much screwed. Without a working power button I can't do a hard reset into bootloader mode. When I try using a utility app that allows me to do a hard reset I can't hold down the jog dial at the same time. Good times.
*edit: yeah, that would be 'can't' hold down the jog dial.
You don't need to boot into the bootload to perform an upgrade... the upgrade software takes care of everything for you (except the hard reset at the end)
All you need to do is sync through Activesync and then run the upgrade program.
I would (and have!) flash the imate 1.72 ROM. It is very stable for me and HAS improved the battery life of my imate.
As stated above, just start the flash process and it will put the device into bootloader mode and perform the flash. It will need a HR at the end, but since your power button is not working, maybe you could remove the battery, slide the red slide/switch back into place for a few seconds as if the battery were there, then slide it back, put in the battery, slide it back into place and press one of the puttons to turn it on.
Hey . . . it might just work!
imate 1.72 ROM did the trick. After I actually READ all the posts regarding the ROM I realized it came with an installer and got that done. So far so good. Now if I could only find my missing tomtom 3 cd key that went MIA during my last move
Hey, that's fabulous! Welcome back to the world of convergence.

My o2 xda mini s is dead I think :(

Right i need some help, big style.
Had me phone now for nearly a couple of months and it's been fine. Then today it all went wrong. Firstly the phone just did'nt work no signal or anything. Tried everything to fix but nothing seemed to work. So hard reset. Now the phone boots up and goes thru setup etc.. (but no 02 option??) gets to my today screen but when I choose anything i get a msg saying did i want to run unknown program etc.. choose yes/no. I have chosen all the combinations to get it to work but the phone sometimes freezes so i have to soft reset to get going but then I'm back to square one. I've downloaded the backup o2 rom but when i run it i get an error saying it cannot create a folder??? So at the moment i can use the phone sometimes but sometimes it freezes up 9/10 i cant sync with comp.
Before you ask I only have tomtom installed and afew themes, and the xda worked fine before hand.
Any ideas please would be a great help. If not I'll be straight on the phone to o2 to get a replacement.
screen shot of the error msg i get
screen shot of the error msg i get
Right getting really annoyed now with my phone :evil:
managed to get it working again after downloading the o2 rom and re-flashing. Since i started this thread i have re-flashed rom about 3 times!!!! My phone just stops working. No network signal or anything!!! All the problems started after i install wisbar, phones never been the same since. stoped using wisbar and started pocket plus. phone worked fine until i soft reset cus it frooze. when it restarted nothingworked. I'm just about to flash again for the 4th time. Only gonna install tomtom and eten dialer and afew games thats it. I'll install in basic mode but wont delete any o2 files as normally do. If it goes again after this it's going back to o2.
Well, simply send it back for warranty repair, what's the problem? These things happen, I'm used to that... had to bring my Nokia 6600 back 2 times during warranty year... :?
does it damaged the phone if your constantly re-flashing the rom?
Sorry to keep posting but is there an anti-virus software or something cus i think there must be something on my xda cus even after flashing the phones still not 100%
Keep in mind, by the way, that flashing your rom with any ROM other than one provided to you by your provider is grounds for voiding your warranty
yeah I know i just thought that may fix whatever problem there is. I think i've just got a dud mini s. Worked fine for a month but now it's gone crazy. I think re-flashing with the o2 rom 5 times and still no joy means the phone will go back.
I'll ring o2 first thing in the morning.

just a few questions

hi all i got a vario 1 yesterday and ahve no idae what they can do as i got it from my partner who liked it but couldnt use it hence why i now have 2 phones. anyway as its on t-mobile i undersatn how to get it unlocked with lokiwiz etc but can i get rid of the dreadfull t mobile stuff and change it all to o2 like on the xda or is that not possible .
Well, the T-Mobile stuff, or customizations, are stored mostly (visible to users) are in the splash screen and the EXT-ROM. The cleanest way of doing it is to flash a new ROM to it, which I won't recommend unless you really know what you are doing. This would give you a very clean O2 looks of it.
Another way, probably the simplest, is just avoid installing the EXT-ROM at all. To do this, you will need to hardreset your phone (Clear Storage - wiping everything and back into factory settings). And upon the 1st boot up, after the security configuration (e.g. just after the PIN select screen), soft reset your phone (poke the reset), which will avoid installing stuff from the EXT-ROM. Now you will have a clean phone (no customizations), except for the dreaded 1st splash screen for every soft reset, which I can live with.
If you want O2 looks, you can get those stuff from O2's EXT ROM (however you get these) and install each of the CAB file manually. Other than the software from O2, the looks of O2 should be fairly easy to achieve.
how do i do a hard reset as i said only had a chance to even look at the phone today . dont even no if its any good lol. and im guessing the soft reset is on the back behind the cover near camera lense.
also does the front cover come off with ease cos it could do with a lick of paint.
It will be difficult for me to give you the details when you dont even have the phone.
You can get the hardreset sequence at the Wizard Wiki (on top of this screen, XDA-Wiki), go to the Wizard section, and look/search (e.g. using your web browser) for 'hard reset'. At your phone, Start-Settings-System-ClearStorge will do the job too.
Soft reset 'hole' is on the side. Take time to read the manual.
good idea lol . got the phone here now thing is were we got it from i never got a usb cable in the box so got to buy one before i can go putting things on etc thanks for your help much appreciated. oh yeah will i still be able to surf the net etc when its got an o2 sim payg
you will need to get the GPRS/Internet settings for O2. Do a google on the settings. You can try HTC website, they ought to have some CAB for it. Do a search on this forum.
the service manual link is in my signature if you really want to try painting it

Screen align issue WM6!

Have a Vario II with WM6 installed, works great but the screen alignment keeps changing all the time. need constantly go to Settings - System - Screen to align it again. What could cause this? The screen is kept clean with no scratches etc...
Digitiser could be going, You may need to replace lcd. If I was you I'd download "Remote Screen Alignment" and install to pc to keep your alignment settings on your pc. It won't fix the alignment problems but if your touchscreen does go and you try to hard reset or install new rom you'll be able to use the Hermes as you can restore the alignment settings from the pc. It'll keep you up and running until you get a replacement lcd(worst case scenario, Its better to have it with the alignment settings then to have to find someone with the same phone to retrieve the settings from).
you mean its soon time to retire my old Vario... II. too bad my laptop hard drive crashed a while ago and im only running linux ubuntu now... wont be able to connect Vario to it!
any other way to do it... please?
i dont want to loose this phone, or upgrade it as have a great deal wit t-mobile still...
check forum, you may be able to connect to linux. Not sure if Remote screen alignment will work though.
On Aussie ebay, a replacement LCD cost $70Aud including postage. I'd still look at that and see if you think its worthwhile fixing. You could also try to buy a "broken" Hermes off ebay, I've bought 2 (about $120Aud each) and so far there was nothing wrong with either. Ended up cannobilizing my old Jasjam.
Just a thought....
software test screen align
hi, all, i don't know if this thread is correct to insert my request.. but i try.. in this video the user open a software for test screen align.. anyone know what software is it?
thanks in advance
sorry for my english but i am italian...

Touch hd major problem with the screen

OK, here what's the deal: a few days ago I cracked the screen, so I bought a new one and replaced it. BUT, now the phone does not recognize it and the screen doesn't turn on at all. The phone boots and it's working fine, I can recieve calls normaly, but the screen is dead. ALSO, the volume keys stoped functioning...
Any ideas please? I'm getting kinda desperate here...
You probably messed up somwhere in your wiring. Open it back up and make sure everything is intact. Check out some guides online to make sure everything is in the proper place.
Allready done that, everything is in place...I do have a cooked ROM thought I can't remember which since my screen is not working, obiveously...Could it be tha I nedd to switch back an original ROM for it to be able to recognize the new hardware??? And is there an app that would allow me to monitor phones activity over PC???
No, A cooked rom wont affect a screen replacement in anyway.
I repaired mine while KWBR's Topix 6.5 was on the handset, infact Ive never had this handset on a stock rom, so it wont make a difference or help you.
Did you buy your Screen and Digitizer factory pre-assembled, the small price difference compared to buying the part standalone is worth every cent in preventing these sorts of after repair problems.

