three ireland network/mms settings - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

greetings from soaking wet and utterly drowned ireland,big up to everyone who has built this amazing site,cheers.
anyhoo thought i,d payback a bit.
here are the setings for 3 ireland for the spv m3100/hermes.these setting were arrived at after many many hours of fiddling and growing my very own ulcer.
these settings have resulted in full internet access with full mms send and recieve.
create a new connection called 3,modem-cellular line (gprs,3g)
APN-,leave all else blank and finish.this will be your default for internet access.
in messenging-menu-tools-options-*mms
Create new 3MMS
connect via my isp
size limit- whatever,mine is 300k
wap version 2.
dont rename the wap connection leave as my isp and only call the modem 3.
and thats it.the gateway was the key.
btw what about a new sticky for all the mirriad networks out there.these settings took for ever to find and then figure.

MMS Settings not working
Thanks for the settings. I still can't get the MMS working on my TyTn on 3 Ireland network.
These are the settings I'm using:
MMS Server: "3MMS"
Port: 8799
Server address:
Connect via: "My ISP"
Sending size: 300K
WAP Version: 2.0
Connect Using: "My ISP"
"My ISP" Settings:
Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Nothing checked
Also, has anyone got Planet3 and services working for 3 Ireland?

check your mms apn it not,ive been using mms for 3 weeks now no worries with the posted setings.i can log onto the 3 web site,my 3 etc 3 mail is a bit of a pig as it is not tytn friendly,internet is proving a stumbler as i cant navigate away from 3 and cant download mail over gprs,there may be a proxy or port that need sopenong alternatively a slight change in the apn may be required.keep looking

Duh, got it now... Thanks stevieboy.
Server address should be:, dunno how I missed the 3 when putting that in...
I can access the internet and use exchange active sync and windows live over the 3 connection, I've got a mobile broadband bundle and it is working fine.
Some of the links of the 3 internet aren't working (complaining about incorrect handset, I've tried updating the User Agent string without any joy) and streaming media isn't working at all, comes up with a 'Failed to find network' message, but according to the thread there is nothing that can be done about that.

ive managed to snarf a copy of the australian dopod wm6 upgrade pack for three AU. flashing your tytn/hermes would brand it as a three phone and i suspect open up the streaming and wider web access,but might be a bit limited in scope other wise ,i,ll atempt to extract the relevant bits and post back with results

so then i flashed the phone with the dopod AU rom,repackaged first as it wont work if you've oli'd your phone.made a note of the USER AGENT and had a good look around,some specific network stuff in the rom area but nothing to get excited over.reflased the phone with new rom and inputed the UA and bingo,full internet with working links from the 3 site,very few "not available on this handset" etc,pop mail etc all good.maybe i got lucky and dont realise it but who gives a fu.....
heres the UA...ppc;240x320:/E1000/mozilla/4.0.
the E1000 was my idea instead of dopod 838pro as the e1000 is supported by 3 here in eire,ive kept 'mise and compatible out of it as nothing else seemed to work.
anyway by accident or design this has worked for me and i'd be keen to see if anyone else can make a go of it

I haven't changed the UA string at all and EAS, POP3 and most internet sites work fine off the bat.

i got all 3 services working

thanks for the post savage,but whats in that link as i cant open it on the phone at the mo

Thanks for the info. Will try the settings next month when I come for a visit.

new update for three ireland,just follow link


it's nearly to do with Vodafone GPRS/MMS....

Hi all, sorry to bother you with this one!
I got my O2 XDAII unlocked and used it with no drama at all with my Vodafone SIM. I then put the GPRS settings in and it worked fine with MSN Messenger and IE etc. I then put the MMS settings in and started sending and receiving picture messages perfectly. :lol:
The problem, i hear you ask....
Well, I got TomTom 3 and a program called POI Warner which is used to alert me of POI's (read, speed cameras :wink: ) and it wanted to connect to the Internet to update it's database. It always used to try once i'd dropped the XDA in the cradle. As something wasn't right somewhere, it used to lock up the XDA until it gave up trying and then it would release the XDA so that i could use it again. This all seemed to be because of the Activesync passthrough settings. :?
I set them as I should have (after reading on here what to do - thanks!) and then it worked fine. Still with me...??????
It seems that i can't send picture message anymore :shock:
I have all the settings from the other posts on here but somehow, my settings in the connections screen have gone loopy.
Can someone on Vodafone PLEASE PLEASE let me know what settings they have in the connections screen, be it two sets (My Work Settings and another) or (Vodafone GPRS and Vodafone MMS - as i used to have). And when you click the advanced tab at the bottom of the connection screens, which programs do you have for 'Programs that connect to the internet should use' and programs that connect to a private network should use'???
when you edit either of these, it comes up with ANOTHER connection screen - what you have got in there??
This is on top of the Server mentioned in the MMS composer screen that needs another mention of the same server in there!!!
If I can get this working with someone's help , I hereby promise to take a screenshot of every screen I have and put an idiots guide to getting this working up on the Web should I need it again!!
thanks in advance Guys!!
Firstly to clean things up a bit it'd look in the registry under [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConnMgr\Destinations] and remove all but:
'The Internet'
'My Work Network' - or whatever it was renamed to
'My ISP' - or whatever it was renamed to
Then resetup all the connections.....
Here are the settings I have, which work perfectly.
Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using:
Vodafone Internet (My ISP renamed)
Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using:
Vodafone Live! (My Work Network renamed)
Vodafone Internet
Under modem...
Name: Internet GPRS
modem type: Cellular Line (GPRS)
Access Point Name: Internet
User name: web
Password: ip
No extra settings under advanced
Vodafone Live!
Under modem...
Name: Vodafone Live! GPRS
modem type: Cellular Line (GPRS)
Access Point Name:
User name: wap
Password: wap
No extra settings under advanced
Under Proxy Settings...
Both boxes ticked.
Under Advanced...
WAP: : 9201
MMS Settings:
Connect via: Vodafone Live!
Under Servers...
Vodafone MMS - just what I called it (should only be one in there)
Port number: 9201
Server address:
& I put my sending size as 100K - but its your choice.

T-Mobile USA, iMate Jam and GPRS. HELP!!!!

Hey there,.....ultimate noob posting here but here goes.
I have an unlocked iMate Jam on the T-Mobile USA network. I have upgraded my plan to include the internet on this phone. These are my phone settings/information:
ROM Version: 1.11.00 WWE
Radio Version: 1.11.00
Protocol Version: 1337.42
ExtROM Version: 1.11.210 WWE
Model #: PM10C
The problem is that I cannot connect to GPRS to get or get MMS. I have gone through the connection settings with t-mobile reps about 20 times and I'm SURE they are correct.
Does anyone know what's going on here? Is it my ROM version. One t-mob rep seemed to think that my ROM version was unsupported. Has anyone else had this problem. Can anyone shed any light? Thanks.
By George, I think I've got it...
Hey, I think that one of the other guys on the forum, figured it out. Check out this post. It is working great for me. I love this forum!!!!!!!!!
I also have an Imate-Jam and I'd like some help from you guys sothat I can read and write chinese for text messaging... I know that there are softwares like monster chinese or CE-star about US $40, is there any alternate way instead of buying the software? since I'm not a bigpocket kinda person please help... thank you
Since the post from Elite has NOTHING to do with the subject of this forum, we are going to ignore it and continue to talk about this issue at hand.
FYI- After my last post, my GPRS internet seems to be working fine. I have to soft reset every once in a while but considering the level of functionality that I have had up till now, I'll take whatever I can get.
The only obstacle left for me is MMS. The iMate notifies me that an MMS message is available for download but when I click on download, it attempts to open my WAP connection (T-mobile rep said that MMS always uses a WAP connection) the connection says that it connects (after looooonnnnggg time) and then says 'receiving' but it NEVER downloads the rest of the MMS message.
All I want to know is if any other T-mobile USA customers have had similar problems. If so, is there any info you can provide me that would help me fix this for all of us.
Ok well here is the 411 on gprs and mms on T-mobile I have run and used both since the xda II was out. I now have a xda IIi and confirm everything works fine. You need to make sure you have the right internet or data service enabled before try! They have two data services. One is just wap which does not give you full access to the internet as in open ports on there network. The other is unlimited internet which is like 19.99. That gives you full access. Configure your device as the following and you will be fine for mms. Also you need your apn correct. Usually on tmobile its or You can call in and ask.
MMS Setting are as follows on any pocket pc phone.
1 Under My Work Network, select “Add a new modem connection”
2 Enter a name for your connection; I used “MMS”
3 From the Select a modem drop down choose Cellular Line (GPRS)
4 Tap Next
5 In the text box labeled (Access point name) type in
6 Tap Next
7 Leave the User name, Password, and Domain fields blank
8 Tap Finish
9 Tap the Proxy Settings tab
10 Place a check in both boxes
11 Leave “Proxy server” blank
12 Tap Advanced
13 Leave HTTP and Socks Server fields blank.
14 Enter for your WAP server. Port # is 9201
15 Enter for your Secure WAP server. Port # is 9201
16 Tap OK twice
Now go to your MMS program and set it up, create a new server and I called mine T-Zones. Here are those settings.
Server Name: T-Zones
Port: 9201
Server Address:
Tap ok
Now go to preferences and enter these settings,
Connect Via: My Work Network
Connect to Server: T-Zones
(check the box to retrieve messages immediately)
And it should work.

Vodafone V1640 - no pocket msn

received 3 Vodafone V1640's at work, and the little buggers don't have Pocket MSN installed, which means no MSN Messenger! have hunted around for the .exe but its no where to be seen
is anyone able to extract the necessary files to get Messenger working again? be much appreciated.
i'm quite surprised Vodafone havn't completed screwed the devices and put god awful themes/icons on them. the only things they do are add their own "inbox/sms/calender" icons to the Today screen which point to the same inbox etc as the default ones...
Tell me what files you nedd and i'll try help
But i ask for a favour in return.
I have 02 xda exec in corporate mode. I have no connection settings for vodafone, I cant get mms working or nothing.
Id appreciate your settings.
I downloaded the latest rom from ftp and it doesnt put the connection settings into my exec, only puts in the mms settings under messaging/inbox, mms configuration
Ive tried allsorts of configurations to no avail. I just cant believe that the latest rom doesnt set up the connections automatically.
Voda Rom
Guys can you use vodafone live sucessfully on your universal, does it work with graphcs and live tv
I cant get vodafone working full stop!
Cant find any instructions for connections that work.....
The Vodafone ext rom on the ftp doesnt set up connections after a hard reset
the bits n bats of info i pulled from posts here doesnt seem to work
theres no help on the vodafone web site bcos the VPA IV isnt available in UK yet it seems
Going around in circles, got an all singing/dancing device and I cant use it!
ok i will give you the settings that work for me now with vodafone
Go to start, settings, connections under isp add a new modem connection.
Select cellular line (gprs, 3G)
Call it vodafone internet
Access point name internet
user name web
passwordd web
that should give you a 3g internet connection, let me know how you get on
is it as simple as that? there are no dns servers or anything?
Is there no modem connection under "My work network"
also under messaging>menu>mms configuration, could you give me these settings please?
Please Please if you have the time will you write all the settings down and where they are.
IE my isp, my work network, mms configuration, together with any dns servers/gateways etc
It Would be greatly appreciated.
BTW does your hard reset set up the connections to vodafone? if it does could you share your extended rom?
if you click on the signal strength icon then settings then band.... whats your setup in here?
sorry for pestering you with all these questions but im desperate to set this up, been messing about with his for a couple of days now.
BTW i installed the vodafone rom last night. Sure enough there are no messenger icons but if you use a thirdpary file explorer and browse to "\windows" you will find instmsgr.exe (this is messenger)
pmsn.exe, pmsnlauncher.exe & pmserver.exe (these are pocket msn)
I guess you could create shortcuts to these using something like resco file explorer and put the shortcuts in your start menu.
If these files are not present let me know, I can also copy you the shortcuts if your having trouble
I have a v1640, and have been wondering about pocket messenger.
Trying the above mentioned, i find that these files do not exist :S
Any help would be apreciated.
I called vodafone today, and after being bupmed about a bit, i was finally told that the v1640s should come with msn, as it is listed in the product description. I currently have a helpful tech looking into the options for me, and it would apear that some 1640s come with msn, and others don't.
I've got an XDA Exec which I use with a Vodafone 3G Sim, and the following settings work just fine for me:
Under Settings->Connections->MyISP I have the following:
Name: Vodafone GPRS
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access Point Name: internet
Username: [email protected]
Password: [email protected]
Under advanced, I have:
User server-assigned IP address under TCP/IP, and also under Servers.
All other entries are unchecked.
Under 'My Work Network', I have the following:
Name: Vodafone MMS
Modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access Point Name:
Username: [email protected]
Password: [email protected]
Under advanced, I have:
User server-assigned IP address under TCP/IP, and also under Servers.
All other entries are unchecked.
If you now go into Pocket Outlook, you need to check your MMS settings. There should be an item at the bottom of the menu called 'MMS Configuration...'. Select it, and check the following:
Under preferences, I have the following checked:
Retrieve Messages Immediately
Download on home network only
Save sent messages
Under servers, I have an entry called 'Contract MMS', which has the following settings:
Server Name: Contract MMS
Port Number: 8799
Server address:
Connect via: My Work Network
Sending size limitation: 100K
WAP Version: WAP 2.0
Using these settings, everything I've tried works just fine.
And setting up mms helps us get MSN messenger how????? These are phone distroed by voda, and already have the mms stuff setup.....
The MSN app was removed at the request of Vodafone Global.
Vodafone have a new version of VF-Messenger comming soon which has connectivity with MSN (,00.html)
The v1240 (tornado) also doesnt have MSN in the ROM.
The spec sheets have very recently changed to include the miss communication that the devices have MSN.
For what I hear we have not seen half of what Vodafone are planning for the windows mobile devices.
All sounds good.... however my problem is I need msn messenger now and not in a few more months time
REDMOND, Wash., and NEWBURY, U.K. - 30 June 2005 - MSN and Vodafone plan to launch the enhanced messaging service in several European countries before the end of the year.
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After some tooing and frowing from department to department, i managed to get a nice lady in TS to credit the £10.99 it would cost for the msn download.
The words "Its not the price, its the principal. Several of your competitors offer this device with msn messenger on it" seemed to work.
heliosfa said:
After some tooing and frowing from department to department, i managed to get a nice lady in TS to credit the £10.99 it would cost for the msn download.
The words "Its not the price, its the principal. Several of your competitors offer this device with msn messenger on it" seemed to work.
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Where can you download it from? Seems odd to pay for msn messenger. Would have thought they'd encourage you to have it (rack up the gprs)
You can download it from the microsoft mobile site/msn messenger site.
However, there is word in the pipeline of a vodafone messenger that connects to the msn messenger network.
someone help please ... PocketMSN, Pocket MSN please .....

WANTED: JasJam help needed in Sydney, Australia

I bought an i-mate JasJam secondhand off eBay recently which has all the Telstra stuff preloaded. However I have a 3G contract with Optus and need to set it up to access the internet via 3G and my work Exchange Server email.
I can probably get someone else to take care of the Exchange Server side of the email issue, but I was wondering if there was anybody in the North Sydney area in Australia who could help me out with upgrading to the latest ROM/software/firmware? I'm happy to pay for your time, normally I'd work this out for myself but I'm flat out at the moment and don't seem to be able to get my head around how to do it with any degree of confidence.
Any help with answering these questions would also be greatly appreciated:
1. If I have a capped BlackBerry plan with Optus, is the data usage still capped with a JasJam?
2. Should I upgrade to Windows Mobile 6?
Please contact me via email rod.wilson(at)
thanks in advance
Im in sydney but a bit too busy atm to help.
If you follow this guide
word for word you dont need to actually understand anything.
Thank you, that guide couldn't have made it any easier!! I was just put off originally from all the threads about upgrading and I wanted to make sure that I got it right so I didn't end up killing the device.
By the way for those trying to access the internet through Optus 3G, I found these settings at
Ok the settings. You need to select My ISP from the connections settings. Once you have this, you will need to set up TWO (2) Connections under MY ISP.
You Name one, 'OPTUS MMS' ... with access point name of 'mms', and another one with name 'Internet' ... with access point name 'internet'.
Now you need to actually set up the MMS email account. Go to Messenging, then to Tools and Options, select MMS and then the Servers tab at the bottom of the page. Create a new one with the following settings:
Server Name: Optus
Port : 8070
Server Address: ... make sure you put HTTP:// before it ... the post takes this out
Connect Via: My ISP
Sending Size: 100K
WAP Version : WAP 2.0
Ok now set that as the DEFAULT.
THATS IT, you ready to go. Now there is one catch. You will need to alternate MY ISP from using Internet and Optus MMS connections so that it will work.
Go to Setting, Connections TAB, Connections, Manage existing and then alternate between which one you wish to use (IE Internet for the net (WAP), and Optus MMS for MMS).
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Click to collapse
thanks again

HTC TOUCH three UK settings

have downloaded the.CAB file so I can surf away but does not work as my homepage ?
worked fine on my Universal ??
any direction/help welcome
great site by the way everyone ! doesn't work on the Universal any more either, three have changed something and now you just get a blank page
If you have them bookmarked, you can still get to My3, Free to watch, Current spend, etc. but not "Today on 3" or Services.
If anyone has a solution, please post it.
found this elsewhere but it may be of help to you
" HTC TyTN 2 and XDA Stellar etc.
homepage ( lg bit is phone model etc ) I have set my homepage to
Three Internet Settings:
Go to the Connection Settings page and create new connection (Start, Settings, Connections, Connections) Then add a new modem connection
Name for the connection: 3
Select a modem: Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access Point name:
User name, password & Domain etc leave blank.
Server Name: 3 MMS
Port Number: 8799
Server Address:
Connect Via: The Internet
Send Limit: 300k
Wap Version: WAP 2.0
When done send yourself a piccy to test. Mine works fine with the above on 3"
The connections work fine, the problem is that we cannot access planet 3 (the 3 online 'walled garden'). I'm pretty sure the problem is that the phone is not supported, and is being blocked. The old method for changing the user agent with the registry doesn't work for WM6 or later versions of WM5 - you can add a value to HKLM/Security/Internet Explorer/... but this only appends a value to the user agent string, you cannot change the start of the string using this method.
I've heard it's possible if you edit browser.dll perhaps? Is there a guide for this? Or does anyone know a better way, perhaps with a (WM6-friendly) PIE add-on?

