T-mobile UK ICQ problem - Networking

Hy guys
I'm looking for advice or possible solution.
Just Upgraded to Web'n'Walk Plus, that officialy allows you to use Instant messaging. Yes, MSN connected with no questions asked, same happened with skype and fring. BUT!!! No ICQ. Tryed couple of different clients, different settings (including ones with proxy) - nothing, just "error connecting".
All the same setup works using Wi-Fi. T-mobile is in their normal mode - "I don't have information on the system...
Device: HTC P3600
ROM: 02.10.00 WWE.
Had the same problem on Official 1.23 ROM and all MUN's and LVSW's Roms.
Any ideas???

Im still waiting my next pay cycle until wnw+ is working for me on irc etc...
has that passed yet for you?

mrvanx said:
Im still waiting my next pay cycle until wnw+ is working for me on irc etc...
has that passed yet for you?
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Yep, but they told me on the phone, that change will be instant or within 24 hours and I had it for 2 weeks now.
They also charged me some money for that already...

BTW, they didn't block any ports anyway, because I've tried it as a modem for my laptop and it worked fine... ICQ was fine on laptop even before WNW+


Pocket MSN signing in FAILED !!

I've tried to sign in into msn messenger using pocket msn, but failed using WIFI ... any other website has openned wonderfully, but the signing in process to the messenger still fails ?? what can i do to get it done ?
I tried for ages yesterday too and it also failed everytime :-(
Same here , will update this post once ii figure out why , nice tidbit is that im experiencing this with both the Original M3000 ROM and the new I-Mate ROM
It's been happening on my MDA Compact too, so its certainly not a phone issue - only over WiFi (which used to work) - can still log in over GPRS. can't download my HotMail box either! Everything else working fine over WiFi.
I had the same problem untill i change the date and time the correct time;-)
im also having problems signing in Pocket MSN over GPRS...
I had the same problem too, until I signed in using gprs, then went back to wifi, and everything went fine.
Same problem here (I'm using the Qtek 8310 / SP5). MSN mobile doesn't always appear to be up, shame considering they charge $10 to sign up for it!
it's free; how come you say they do charge $10 to sign up to Pocket MSN !! and i want also to tell that it fails to sign in over GPRS too ... it displays the following message : "The Service isn't Available, Please Try Again Later" .... can anybody log in to Pocket MSN successfully over GPRS and WIFI ?? if yes, plzzzzz guys don't hesitate to help us ... thank you in advance ...
Same problem here for 2 days, i'm trying to connect to PocketMSN via GPRS. I tried about 10 times for successfully login.
you mean at the 10th try you got it working ?
unpresedented said:
you mean at the 10th try you got it working ?
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Maybe it wasn't the tenth, but around tenth. 9th, eleven, i don't remember the exact number.
pocket msn u can make it work
hey ppl,
i have imate jasjar, till recently i was also facing a problem like u guys! but thn i discovered something... this is stupid but at times this does work!!! i don't know but what happens with my computer is that it automatically changes the date of my pda by one day... so if u guys check, that might be the same problem with u fella's
as well there is one more issue, ur regional settings should either be oriented to English UK or English US , thn and only then it would work....
if u still have a problem let me know....
i had a strange situation when i tried to connect to MSN mobile; through wi fi i couldn't make it work no matter what i tried. BUT...
the strange thing i had is through GPRS, you see.. i'm using 2 SIM cards for 2 operators in Saudi (STC AL JAWWAL, & MOBILY) when i try to connect through STC SIM card i see hell before i can connect (if i could anyway) but when i use the MOBILY SIM, it connects even very fast.
could the service provider block this service?
Ok , managed to get it working with GPRS now , the thing im experiencing is that somehow the MSN Mobile Sign in Service doesn't let you log on unless certain values are set and correct. It gave me messages about Time& Date , Personal Information and some more requests, when i had complied to all of these i was able to sign in through GPRS without trouble. next stop WIFI...
edit : apparantly the other posters are correct regarding the WIFI , once i had logged in througfh GPRs once nothing stopped me from logging onto MSN using WIFI.
Hmm. I had to sign up here for it to work: http://mobile.msn.com/
saldous - :shock:
did you have to pay the £10 ?
cos ....
If Pocket MSN was pre-installed on your device, you do not need to activate it in order to start using it. Just sign in on the device.
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Agile Messsenger works ok for me but pocket msn wont sign in anymore
says Pockcet msn Sign-in Failed
any know another program like Agile Messsenger as I really need 2 of my msn's signed in when am out and about
I believe I have a solution
hi every one, just got on this board....its great!
Now back to the issue msn messenger.
Paying to activate messenger? no need for that, it is already installed correctly, so in fact you already payed for it.
Now how to solve the problem: the problem mostly lies in your gprs settings: if you take a look at your gprs settings in your connections.
there should be a username and password installen (both are mostely your operator: so for instance if your operator is t-mobile, password and username are "t-mobile").
I know this sounds rediculous, because even if internet explorer works fine with the standard settings, for the protocol used by msn a password is needed.
Good luck!! it worked for me and many other users I know with a mda vario/ qtek 9100
finally i got it working !!
I've got it working, finally ........ there's no tweak at all, just you guys keep trying .....
Re: finally i got it working !!
I'm having the same problem (TMO MDA Vario) - ships with msn messenger.
I've had it work once (when connected to my pc for activesync), but now it doesn't. Wifi, GPRS, nothing seems to work :-(.

Getting the HTC TyTn to work with Exchange ActiveSync/DirectPush in Japan

Here is what I've done so far. Anyone with experience or anyone who has successfully gotten their setup to work, please chime in !
1. Install the JASJAM_WWE_1.20.305.3_1.20.305.104_1.07.03.10_ship.exe rom. Test. Works fine when connected by USB, syncs to any Exchange server with no problem.
However, When I try to sync to any Exchange Server or a different Exchange server through the GPRS connection, it sits on "Synchronizing folders", then "Looking for Changes" and finally after a few minutes of doing nothing, it just gives up and goes back to "Waiting for network".
2. As a test, I've tried to install a different ROM. This time ME_DT_WWE_1182553_106_10303_Ship.exe. Now when I try to connect to the GPRS connection, it retries the dial twice, then it "Dialed : open.softbank.ne.jp. Cannot connect for an unknown reason. Check your connection settings, etc.". This is after installing the SoftBank extended ROM and doing a hard reset, which worked fine for the previous i-mate ROM.
Anyone have any suggestions or ideas?
Wireless OK
After doing some more testing, and changing back to the original i-mate ROM, it seems to sync to Exchange just fine using a Wireless connection.
However going back to GPRS, and it's back to doing exactly the same "synchronising folders"/"looking for changes".
To this date, I have never had a successful GPRS sync - has anyone else?
Japan users?
There are no Japan users with SoftBank GPRS ActiveSync working....?
Hi there, Andrew (you sent him an email) point me to this thread, and will try to reply here. Actually I didn't flash my X01HT yet, but I use Exchange daily on my HTC Mteor and HTC Universal with open.softbank.ne.jp, it works flawlessly. I am waiting for HTC Taiwan to send me back my HTC Hermes (Dopod) back from reparation to try.
But ! Even with my X01HT in Japanese I have sometimes difficulties to connect to the internet and I also have the same error as yours. So this is not really only a ROM issue here.
Now I hard reseted my X01HT and soft reset it before installing the Extended ROM, so there, I do not have any Softbank crap installed my my device and once the open.soft... stuff set I have no problem neither.
Finally I know that some ROM are not Japanese network friendly, for example on my HTC Universal, with an iMATE ROM, I cannot place any Video call, nor access to my voice mailbox correctly, I can dial 1416, but when I want to access to my voice mail... it doesn't work.
Now on ALL my device here in Japan I only install a Dopod ROM, they are, as far as I am concerned the best ROM ever made and with them EVERYTHING WORKS, and I will strongly advise you to try to install a Dopod Rom on your Hermes. If you do not have it on the FTP, I have one on my desktop at the office that HTC Taiwan sent me (HER_DopodAsia_1237074_1060010_WWE_SHIP)
Fantastic, I'll try to install the rom at www.dopodasia.com/download/HER_DopodAsia_1237074_1060010_WWE_SHIP.exe
and see how I go. Thanks very much for your help and ideas.
Sorry to hear about your sick HTC Hermes!
Daimaou said:
Hi there, Andrew (you sent him an email) point me to this thread, and will try to reply here. Actually I didn't flash my X01HT yet, but I use Exchange daily on my HTC Mteor and HTC Universal with open.softbank.ne.jp, it works flawlessly. I am waiting for HTC Taiwan to send me back my HTC Hermes (Dopod) back from reparation to try.
But ! Even with my X01HT in Japanese I have sometimes difficulties to connect to the internet and I also have the same error as yours. So this is not really only a ROM issue here.
Now I hard reseted my X01HT and soft reset it before installing the Extended ROM, so there, I do not have any Softbank crap installed my my device and once the open.soft... stuff set I have no problem neither.
Finally I know that some ROM are not Japanese network friendly, for example on my HTC Universal, with an iMATE ROM, I cannot place any Video call, nor access to my voice mailbox correctly, I can dial 1416, but when I want to access to my voice mail... it doesn't work.
Now on ALL my device here in Japan I only install a Dopod ROM, they are, as far as I am concerned the best ROM ever made and with them EVERYTHING WORKS, and I will strongly advise you to try to install a Dopod Rom on your Hermes. If you do not have it on the FTP, I have one on my desktop at the office that HTC Taiwan sent me (HER_DopodAsia_1237074_1060010_WWE_SHIP)
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After flashing the Hermes with the new Dopod image, it keeps giving me a
Network Wizard error.
I tried adding the open.softbank.ne.jp settings, but it didn't work.
Then I replaced the Extended ROM with the Softbank Extended ROM. Then the settings for SoftBank were automatically configured - but don't work. It says "the current connection cannot be used for your request". Also, the network wizard comes up every soft reset and says "Your current operator (44020) is not supported. You should obtain an update from your device vendor".
This is kind of confusing - do you have any advice? Did you use the Extended ROM as it was?
Thanks very much for your help
"Your current operator (44020) is not supported. You should obtain an update from your device vendor".
Do not worry for that I have the same problem.
Now you are telling me that you cannot login at all, cannot surf at least the internet?
Just a quick thought... my SBS do not have a real SSL, this is a SBS SSL, so when I quote the box SSL connection in my Mteor or Hermes... it won7t work... try to unquote this box...
Hi there,
Thanks for your reply. I've been messing around on this all night/all day again, and I've made some slow painful progress!
Firstly, I'm glad you had the same problem. Now I'm reassured that the problems are not related.
Next up, I've been trying to get the internet working. I managed to get it to connect before, but whenever I tried to access any site through IE, I got the error "エラーが発生しました。リクエストが不正です。 wj46000e".
I have since done a few hard-resets, and now it doesn't connect, despite me putting in the connection details 10's of times. I now get the error "Dialed : open.softbank.ne.jp. Cannot connect for an unknown reason"
Did you ever have these kinds of problems?
What kind of extended rom are you using? I just copied and pasted the whole Softbank Extended ROM, which worked perfectly on the JASJAM ROM.
If you have any ideas, I'd be really grateful.
Thanks very much
Daimaou said:
"Your current operator (44020) is not supported. You should obtain an update from your device vendor".
Do not worry for that I have the same problem.
Now you are telling me that you cannot login at all, cannot surf at least the internet?
Just a quick thought... my SBS do not have a real SSL, this is a SBS SSL, so when I quote the box SSL connection in my Mteor or Hermes... it won7t work... try to unquote this box...
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Ok so this stuff
エラーが発生しました。リクエストが不正です。 wj46000e
I also get this error while ago... actually the first time I had my X01HT and with the Japanese ROM.
I really do not know what is going on with your device, I just hardreset my HTC Universal and put ALL the setting by hands, NO cab from crap Softbank, and it WORKS !
We should maybe meet one day, and try to let me see your device...
Fantastic - you're really giving me hope that one day soon I'll have a fully functioning device!!
I'll try restoring the original Extended ROM and inputting all the settings manually again. Hopefully it'll work this time.
I'd love to meet up for a chat and a show and tell session! I'd like to see your fully functioning device. Send me a private msg and I'll reply with my Skype/Email address.
logimob said:
Fantastic - you're really giving me hope that one day soon I'll have a fully functioning device!!
I'll try restoring the original Extended ROM and inputting all the settings manually again. Hopefully it'll work this time.
I'd love to meet up for a chat and a show and tell session! I'd like to see your fully functioning device. Send me a private msg and I'll reply with my Skype/Email address.
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Ok Will PM U, but just for reference I flash back my Universal to its orginal ROM and not the 1.90 that we can found here, and straight after the flashing, I put manually the Softbank setting and... WORKS ! I am sure you made a mistake somewhere this is not possible otherwise
Ah ok I see... so you installed your original ROM. Is that available for download anywhere? I'd like to replicate your setup as closely as possible.
Daimaou said:
Ok Will PM U, but just for reference I flash back my Universal to its orginal ROM and not the 1.90 that we can found here, and straight after the flashing, I put manually the Softbank setting and... WORKS ! I am sure you made a mistake somewhere this is not possible otherwise
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I just tried installing the other Dopod ROM - with exactly the same results. "cannot connect for an unknown reason". This same stuff worked perfectly on the JASJAM ROM, so I am starting to think these problems are somehow ROM related.
Where did you get your ROM from again?
logimob said:
Ah ok I see... so you installed your original ROM. Is that available for download anywhere? I'd like to replicate your setup as closely as possible.
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This is a Rom for my universal, not my Hermes, My Hermes with a Dopod rom will be sent back to me today. And since my wife want to use the Japanese X01HT I didn't flash it to US... anyway let's meet and check this out.
Guys, are you using the standard Softbank PC Site Direct connection?
If so, you'll never get Exchange Activesync working unless you uncheck the box for "This server requires SSL" AND the Exchange administrator has configured the system to allow non-SSL connections.
Softbank's "open.softbank.ne.jp" connection is anything BUT open. They are doing port blocking and currently appear to only allow port 80, 25, 110 unless you use Pocket IE. This means that ActiveSync and most IM applications fail.
Softbank is reported to say that they plan to begin supporting Exchange ActiveSync "sometime in December" - until then, the port is closed and there is nothing you can do to make it work.
The workaround is to use [email protected] (but this can get very expensive). [email protected] does not have any port blocking.
Anybody heard any updates as to when Softbank will stop blocking the ssl port for Exchange ActiveSync? Still scheduled for sometime in December? This is killing me . . . so stupid that they would do something like this but so typical.
I will die and rot away before these bastards open up SSL...
hguabmur said:
Anybody heard any updates as to when Softbank will stop blocking the ssl port for Exchange ActiveSync? Still scheduled for sometime in December? This is killing me . . . so stupid that they would do something like this but so typical.
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I have been looking through the Japanese sites as well but haven't seen anything. I just keep testing every day. Frigging bastards... I told my Exchange and networking team in the US about it and they had never heard of a Windows Mobile device that was blocked from syncing with Exchange SSL over the wireless.
I have a friend in Korea though with a Samsung WM5 device - his works with Exchange but other ports are blocked so he can't use IM apps. So Japan mobile providers are even more backwards than in Korea.
Hi, hope this issue has been solved already but just in case:
Softbank open APN open.softbank.ne.jp *did not* allow SSL port to go through, so you needed to turn off SSL mode of ActiveSync.
It seems, though, since a few days ago, Softbank opend almost all ports for APN open.softbank.ne.jp thus you should be able to use SSL ActiveSync without problems.
hiroshiy said:
Hi, hope this issue has been solved already but just in case:
Softbank open APN open.softbank.ne.jp *did not* allow SSL port to go through, so you needed to turn off SSL mode of ActiveSync.
It seems, though, since a few days ago, Softbank opend almost all ports for APN open.softbank.ne.jp thus you should be able to use SSL ActiveSync without problems.
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It works!!
I tried just like Tuesday and it didn't work.
OK, now this device is finally useful!!
khammo01 said:
It works!!
I tried just like Tuesday and it didn't work.
OK, now this device is finally useful!!
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Glad to hear it worked. Now my interest is how Softbank is going to treat PC users trying to use X01HT as a wireless modem. I personally hope they provide unlimited usage for $80-$90 per month... (after April)

Not able to sign in to pocket MSN

At last i got my T-mobile Vario II connect to the network, so today i was testing my 3g connection, so i tried signing onto pocket msn but it keeps telling me unable to sign in please retry i've tried over wifi/3g but nothing is tmobile blocking msn?
I've unlocked the phone with the tools provided on this forum, so don't know if anythign else changed.
I would appreciate any help, as i was looking foward for this feature , one of the reason to get web n walk.
I currently have this problem too, but i was (and have been using it since i got my vario2) using it fine last night. Probably a temp thing.
it's good to know, just wondering did pocket msn come with your vario 2 from tmobile? Coz i swear when i got it i didn't even see it there but when i unlocked the phoned with the software i noticed it was there. Maybe i'm seeing things.
So your sugestion is to keep trying?
Hey yes I have this problem too. I couldn't sign in to Hotmail as well.
I had this as well. Can't log in with the built in MSN Messenger. Agile Messenger works perfectly, though. That said, I tried it last night while trying to get my Hotmail access set up, and it worked for the only time in 2 weeks.
Nobody here has said which version of WNW they're on, so I'll assume basic. Some people (including sales people at T-Mob) have said that this is blocked on the basic package, despite it not being explicitly blocked in the T&Cs (falling under the "other" unallowed). Depends what exactly you signed up to and when though, I guess.
I'm on the basic one! £7.50 Web "n" Walk! Will not be too happy as i was informed by customer services before buying that it was allowed.
If it is blocked then i got to have a word with them about getting it unblocked.
I didn't say it is blocked, just that I've been told that it is. Then again, I've been told that it's not, and IIRC the change to the W'n'W T&Cs last month removed specific mention of MSN Messenger as disallowed.
Maybe it's nothing.
For some reasone I can connect to Pocket MSN perfectly last night. Don't know, maybe when I tried it the first time it was a one off thing.
Got it working, had extra letter in user name. dough! (simpson mode)
also another thing to note. I experience problems with the Pocket MSN when I turn on the Proxy settings for internet connection for my GPRS/3G. Lucky my provider seems to work without proxy as well.
Msn had been working fine, and then it stopped and could not connect for a few hours yesterday, leading em to belieb there is issue with msn servers.
I'll have a look at the proxy later, still new phone don't want change alot of things just yet eheh
Can't connect here either!
Had the same problem here for several days, can't log into Messenger on my Vario II - anybody got any ideas what's up?

Blackberry Connect

Is there anyway to get Blackberry connect to work on the TC? I've tried downloading it on the phone and activating it, but it just says pending?
If not what are some better ways of getting email to my TC besides Outlook thats built in!
Simply not at the moment....
Sorry I have tried everything but nothing do do...
We need to wait until a big company like voda, swisscom etc desides to support the Polaris.
Blackberry is blocked with a build number and exact Windows version from Microsoft including device type.
Have a good day
New Rom comming soon
Hi, just got my Orbit 2 a couple of days ago from a shop. I told the guy that i wanted BB connect, and he said they didn't support it on the polaris. Then he told me (about 3 or 4 times) to keep an eye on the software update in the next days...i ask him and looks like this could be BB connect or WM7.
lets keep and eye and cross fingers!!
bardo said:
Hi, just got my Orbit 2 a couple of days ago from a shop. I told the guy that i wanted BB connect, and he said they didn't support it on the polaris. Then he told me (about 3 or 4 times) to keep an eye on the software update in the next days...i ask him and looks like this could be BB connect or WM7.
lets keep and eye and cross fingers!!
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Bardo - Any news on this?
Orbit 2 update
Hi guys, sorry not yet...
What do you guys think
DO you think that its possible that BBC will ever be available for the Polaris. I tried the BBC on wife Touch and it works so i tot it would be the same as well for the Polaris so i took a gamble and went to buy it when its available. Unfortunately, it didnt work......so loss the gamble, but it is a nice and light device as compared to my Kaiser.
What do you guys think. Any hope.
Blabckberry Connect
I have understood that the Blackberry connect must work without problems on any WM6 device.
I'm just wait to conform this to by a TOUCH CRUISE. Please can anyone comfirm if BB Connect WORK or NOT WORK on Touch Cruise and why?
Thanks in advance
jakbru said:
I have understood that the Blackberry connect must work without problems on any WM6 device.
I'm just wait to conform this to by a TOUCH CRUISE. Please can anyone comfirm if BB Connect WORK or NOT WORK on Touch Cruise and why?
Thanks in advance
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Not at the momment. But im hopeful as i have a smartphone vox and it was working then after a while it stopped working. However, maybe some operator have got the vox to be able to work, and from then onwards it started to work. I guess i may be wrong but its perhaps the build number is different as i reason to believe that the current windows devices are ver 6 and the tc is 6.1, maybe thats why it is not working, as i have tried the bb connect on the htc touch aka elf and it worked flawlessly, so best bet is to see when a suitable windows 6.1 cab is release perhaps ver .92 or .93 then the tc will work.
BB Connect and Cruise
Thanks a lot....! I wait for confirmation on BB Connect before buy Cruise......
About BBC ... Guys! BBC check your OS Version and Device ID!! If you use custom Roms and they have a newer OS Version or a bad modded Device ID, you cant connect to the bbc network! Most time it works with the Original delivered rom only!
HTC Niki works with BBC 4.0, but it doesnt with a new cooked Rom.
Next ... if your Cell Phone Provider hasnt the right to use BBC 4.0, the Black Berry Network drops your PIN and you cant connect again!
You see ... a lot of parameters and licencings can make troubles!
Ergo ... if you use WM6.1 -> BBC drops your PIN!!!
BBC with brand new HTC Cruise......?
NetrunnerAT said:
About BBC ... Guys! BBC check your OS Version and Device ID!! If you use custom Roms and they have a newer OS Version or a bad modded Device ID, you cant connect to the bbc network! Most time it works with the Original delivered rom only!
HTC Niki works with BBC 4.0, but it doesnt with a new cooked Rom.
Next ... if your Cell Phone Provider hasnt the right to use BBC 4.0, the Black Berry Network drops your PIN and you cant connect again!
You see ... a lot of parameters and licencings can make troubles!
Ergo ... if you use WM6.1 -> BBC drops your PIN!!!
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Each time I read more ...I'm more confused.... !
I just need to know, if with a out of the box Touch Cruise in Spain, I will be able to use on Vodafone net, BBC with my company BB Enterprise.
I understand in the message of xphobic that HTC Touch Cruise comes with WM 6.1, Is that correct?
I'm a BB-connect user, but I'm thinking of buying the Touch Cruise. My network, Rogers supports BB-connect. Will BB-connect work? This is an important feature for me.
Hi, neither Rogers or Fido support BBC for anything other than nokia. You can install BBC but it will not generate a PIN. If anyone got to generate a PIN please let me know.
I'm running BB-connect on my Nokia E90. It generated a PIN automatically and I've been running it for the past two months. I need to know if the Touch Cruise supports BB-connect as well.
I was not able to set it up.
bardo said:
Hi, just got my Orbit 2 a couple of days ago from a shop. I told the guy that i wanted BB connect, and he said they didn't support it on the polaris. Then he told me (about 3 or 4 times) to keep an eye on the software update in the next days...i ask him and looks like this could be BB connect or WM7.
lets keep and eye and cross fingers!!
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I had a response from someone quite senior in o2 in the UK - they do not intend to support Blackberry connect because RIM are stopping development on the client.
jontymisra said:
I'm running BB-connect on my Nokia E90. It generated a PIN automatically and I've been running it for the past two months. I need to know if the Touch Cruise supports BB-connect as well.
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On a distribution WWE rom yes, on any other ROM, no.
I haven't heard of anyone able to get BBC working on the Cruise. This was discussed in another thread:
Another place where this was discussed is here:
I'm getting mixed answers. Some say it'll work with original ROM, not with cooked, some say it wont work at all. I'm worried now, I'm picking up a TC like tomorrow, and this is an important feature for me.
veerals05 said:
Is there anyway to get Blackberry connect to work on the TC? I've tried downloading it on the phone and activating it, but it just says pending?
If not what are some better ways of getting email to my TC besides Outlook thats built in!
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Possible in Germany on o2's release ROM I read somewhere.
If you are not using a release WM6 Pro Rom it wont work has been my experience with other devices.
o2 UK say that RIM are about to stop developing for the BBC for Windows Mobile and so they say they are no longer going to offer BBC support for new models.

8525 on T-mobile

Anyone using this successfully ? I'm looking to buy this phone, want to make sure someone is happy with the phone on the T-mobile network first.
a lot of members are using tmobile w/ unlocked 8525...works great for me in CA, NV, TX, etc....
works great for me, running WM6. only issue is i can't use mms for some reason. doesn't send or receive. also IE crashes when trying to log into sites like gmail.com
update: I finally got MMS to finally work.
I'm using mine on T-Mobile in Colorado, works great! Just go to the t-mobile site and find the wireless configurator, choose the HTC Wing as your phone and use those settings.
i'm using it t-mobile Oklahoma
Great phone
I have an 8525 sim and CID unlocked and use it everywhere in the world! In the USA, I'm on T-Mobile, but currently I've been on China Mobile for 4 months and the phone works great! Many people here have HTC phones, I used to think of WM6 as for techies, but lots of people have it!
khmer6 said:
works great for me, running WM6. only issue is i can't use mms for some reason. doesn't send or receive. also IE crashes when trying to log into sites like gmail.com
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Hey boss I have no problems with MMS.
Just make sure your setting are as followed
port number: 8080
server address:
connect via t-mobile US (Or what ever you have your data set up named).
sending limit: its your choice.
WAP Version: WAP 2.0
Ive been Using my 8525 on tmobile Networks for Over A yr now.
Mail2web(OutLook Mail)
Internet Explorer
OZ Messenger ( TMO Branded)
All work Without a Hitch on WM5,WM6 & WM6.1
does anyone have issues with IE crashing? It tends to crash when i try to access any site that is secure. Like gmail, or signing into ebay.
tc1545 said:
Anyone using this successfully ? I'm looking to buy this phone, want to make sure someone is happy with the phone on the T-mobile network first.
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I use a T-Mobile 8525 (MDA Vario II) in Croatia on VIPnet network and it,s work preety fine.
khmer6 said:
does anyone have issues with IE crashing? It tends to crash when i try to access any site that is secure. Like gmail, or signing into ebay.
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I've never had a crash on any website using PIE, and I'm on the internet often. Could be your rom's security, cache, memory, etc. settings.
tc1545 said:
Anyone using this successfully ? I'm looking to buy this phone, want to make sure someone is happy with the phone on the T-mobile network first.
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Im using a 8525 with t-mobile in Florida. So far, I had been working some days, some others no, regarding the internet access. At this moment, is not working... and im here, in xda... looking for ways to do it... i ran almost every cab to configure, remove settings and run again new versions and nothing... i keep searching for the solution...
this forum is very helpful. i think i will have it working.
t-mobile support is very unresponsive, i got tired of call them and have the same stupid answer that the problem must be my phone because is not a t-mobile phone... instead to send me to somebody that really knows the values to put in it
picaflor said:
Im using a 8525 with t-mobile in Florida. So far, I had been working some days, some others no, regarding the internet access. At this moment, is not working... and im here, in xda... looking for ways to do it... i ran almost every cab to configure, remove settings and run again new versions and nothing... i keep searching for the solution...
this forum is very helpful. i think i will have it working.
t-mobile support is very unresponsive, i got tired of call them and have the same stupid answer that the problem must be my phone because is not a t-mobile phone... instead to send me to somebody that really knows the values to put in it
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Known internet issue in Florida right now - Don't waste your time configuring, you are being blocked on the Network via T-Mobiles firewall as you are using a 3G enabled phone (even with 3g "disabled) -- once t-mo finishes testing (should be soon), your phone will work again. Read the thread below, 13 pages on the Florida issue.

