Feedback Of Coreplayer 1.1.0 - P3600 General

I have just bought new coreplayer ver 1.1.0 and it is splendid and especially no artifact with my trinity with harware accelation and ati Driver keep on.
wouahhh !!!

Huge speed improvements...

Where can i download the new version?

A link
Can you provide a RS link because I still have the old version and my only option would be to buy it again

TCPM 0.72 the best player i had !

Please remove that file, you are not allowed to redistribute it.

cosinusx said:
Try this...
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If people post warez on this site - it risks being closed down.
I'm sure you'll agree that is not what we want.
This is a great bit of software - for $19.99 but it - if you use your Trinity for Video it's worth it. If you don't use your Trinity for video much - use TCPMP earlier version - very satisfactory.
So please, remove the file.

Not a warez, only download without cracks and serials. This is only installation form. If you have purchased previous version, you can install this one as upgrade, otherwise you must buy licence.

Sorry, this is still not allowed. CoreCodec let users get the file through Mobihand so if the user is asking for a copy, he must be using a pirated copy and you are helping him.

Not quite true

Cant find Ati settings
Solution: I uninstalled program and installed from scratch. I now have the ATI options. Thanks.
OLD question:
I just updated to 1.1.1 build 1600.
I have no Ati option under Preferences/Video. I only have Direct Draw/Raw/Disabled etc.
Where do I set Ati Imgeon to ON?



Hi Guys,
I know this has been discussed before, and trust me I have trawled through the many posts about it, but I want to know if there is any FREEWARE with no limit restrictions that will enable me to decode a DVD to MPEG or AVI.
I have tried a few trials and for some reason, on most of them my PC crashes (mouse freezes) so I don't really have to buy one and find out it won't work without my PC crashing (I have a 2.0GHZ PC with 256mb RAM by the way).
I badly want to put some DVDs onto my XDA 2 before I go on holiday on Saturday!!!
Look thru the ftp site... there was a full version of dvd2ppc when I looked this morning. It was in the uploads folder but be quick.
cheers man, but what ftp site, i'm pretty new to this
it's ok, I found it. thanks for your help
Don't suppose you could help me with a Username and Serial Number otherwise it's pretty useless. Cheers
Try PocketDivXEncoder ( Works a treat I use it on both my XDAII and my c500.
You will Also need BetaPlayer ( to play it back.
Give that a go let me know.
Twichibi requested a U/Name and P/word for DVD2PPC. If whoever uploaded to the ftp has got the info could they PM it to me also.
Username and Serial Number not P/Word !!!!
Please refrain from requesting or posting cracks/serials/passwords on this site please. We can then carry on helping each other without the site being closed down owing to piracy/copyrights issues. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Wouldn't normally ask but the file was uploaded in the first place with the intention of helping out others. Just a bit pointless without a username/serial number.
I know where you're coming from but if that's the way it is then half the stuff on the ftp site should be removed !
I'm sorry but rules are rules. I don't know if this is technically allowed either but I will tell you that is a great security website.
So basically to answer my original question there is naff all free software out there for decoding dvd's
Use fairuse wizzard: I've tried them all this is the best - easiest - free and use the free betaplayer to view them.
I strip the movies plus the original audio plus the directors commentry and watch whilst travelling.
"The Light Edition has all the features of the Full Edition excet that it doesn't allow for range selection and encodings greater than 700 MB"
So I can definitely convert a full DVD film to DivX for FREE?
use google just type in dvd to pocketpc and give a huge pile of results also free onesøgning&meta=
i've done that mate, but most of them are ones where it only lets you decode half of the dvd before you buy
what about this one ?

Fix your ATI ImageON woes with this patch!

So, after a day with my AKU3.3 equipped 8525, Platform Builder, IDA Pro and HexCmp, I believe I've finally gotten to the bottom of the ATI ImageON acceleration bug. This is the bug that causes the screen to "tear" during accelerated video playback using CorePlayer, TCPMP or other players that take advantage of the ImageON hardware acceleration. Once this bug is occuring, the entire screen is unreadable until you somehow exit from the video player.
Note that even after this patch is applied there will still remain some "pixelation" artifacts. However, there's a great thread on that can be found here. The thread explains how to resolve most of these. Consider that thread "extra credit" though since all in all, this patch alone resolved about 90% of the ATI issues with my AKU2.3 test device (running the South African 1.35 TyTN ROM).
It was a buffer problem you see....
I've attached a cab which modifies the ATI DDI setup file to the AKU3.3 parameters. I've experienced great results with CorePlayer when using this on an AKU2.3 hermes. I only had to check all the boxes in CorePlayer's ATI IMAGEON setup page. By Default, 2 aren't checked:
"Green Tint" bug compensation
Keep ATI driver active (just test)
I believe it is the second parameter that corrects an out of memory crash when a clip is played in full screen mode the second time.
The above settings are workarounds however since the full benefits of this fix will only be available if the setup file is used in conjunction with the latest versions of the ATI drivers. Unfortunately, these drivers must be "baked" into a ROM. Do not try to install these drivers! You will brick your device if you do and a hard reset will be necessary to fix. Install the attached cab file instead and wait for the chefs here to build the new drivers into their next ROM release.
ROM Chefs: you can find the files that make up the release here
Delete the old versions and bake all three files in the zip into the /windows directory.
Now to the Technical.
ATI released 3 files as part of their DDI update: ace_ddi.dll, ahioem.dll and a hidden little configuration file named atihwtbl0.txt. It's this little text file that contains the magic since ace_ddi.dll uses it to configure several settings at startup. I haven't fully analyzed the changes yet and am in the process of doing this now but at first glance they appear to either move or increase the size of several video buffers in memory. It almost looks like there was an overlap issue with audio buffers
Anyway, enjoy this little patch!
As always, while I'm pretty sure that this patch will rock your ATI world, I take no responsibility for any "undocumented features" that may crop up. I've only done minimal testing on the TyTN 1.35 ROM so far. It must be right though... there weren't any syntax errors.
Installation instructions:
Download the attached CAB file
tap to install (it will ask to reset your device)
note: you must install this to your device. The patch won't work if you install it to a storage card.
If you experience side effects, removal is simple. From Settings->System->Remove Programs just remove "Sleuth's ATIFix". Be sure to reset your device after the uninstall finishes.
It's important to read the TyTN thread located on the CoreCodec forum. Here is the link to that thread. There's a lot of good information concerning the scope of this patch (which takes the form of AKU3.3 experiences) and what still remains to be done. In this thread, schriss does a good job benchmarking the ATI playback and also has some good suggestions, some of which I'm hoping will be implemented in future versions of CorePlayer (such as allowing a YV12 option for the ATI decoder). Also, as the thread points out, DivX decoding using the ImageON remains a challenge (like I said, my patch alone solves about 90% of the issues). Hopefully more will now be able to focus on this once the Hermes DDI setting modifications encompassed by my patch become ubiquitous.
i see you been busy to! thanks man.
Thanks Sleuth,
WMXL v0.30 will incorporate this fix.
Just tried, works perfectly! thanks!
(installed on WMXL.1)
Nice to hear Your post reminds me of something else:
Those of you running WMXL .2 already have the driver portion of the fix baked in. Installing this patch will give you full functionality.
Sleuth255 said:
Those of you running WMXL .2 already have the driver portion of the fix baked in. Installing this patch will give you full functionality.
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since this patch also appears to be working with the older set of ATI DLL's, what's the "full functionality" what you're talking about? what functions are missing now? I didn't really see any differences playing with TCPMP with AKU3.3 and now with this patch on WM6.......
I experienced intermittent crashes on AKU2.3 when running full screen video if the driver wasn't set to remain active. This problem didn't crop up in my WM6 build that had the new drivers.
The problem appeared to be completely resolved in TCPMP/CorePlayer by simply checking all the boxes in the ATI IMAGEON setup screen however.
However, being a purist, I like to see the config file along with its matching driver running.
Lovely Jubbly! and Sleuth, thank you for all your time and hard work with this
WMXL extras updated sir. Bloody brilliant work!!
Heimiko said:
since this patch also appears to be working with the older set of ATI DLL's, what's the "full functionality" what you're talking about? what functions are missing now? I didn't really see any differences playing with TCPMP with AKU3.3 and now with this patch on WM6.......
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Same here but as Sleuth said it was more for fixing crashes in a sense, my cingular device running a wm5 rom without the new drivers now don't crash when using this patch, though ofcourse I still get garbled boxes when playing divx files when I enable acceleration, while x.264 plays perfect when set up right with or without acceleration enabled.
My softbank tytn running xdalive .20 runs good as well as before my device froze at times when using ati video with and without acceleration enabled playing fullscreen. I get a good 20% increase now being able to use it compared to DirectDraw. Thanks for the fix
thanks man...
we were all waiting for this to come
I installed the .cab to the device and checked the two default unchecked boxes on the ATI page in TCPMP.
I opened a divx file and the audio and video were off. I performed a soft reset and everything is now perfect. This is a great find.
Advanced encoders: check out the link to corecodec on post 1. There's a lot there regarding how to optimize encoding for the accelerator (plus a few odd quirks too).
Thanks man. I will test ASAP (now my TyTN is in the hands of my wife that is playing "Ladybugs" game. Nobody in the world is dare enought to even think in ask her for a five minutes check)
Admins do you think this is worthy of a sticky?? Im still trying to root around in the coreplayer forums to find a recommended bitrate/codec etc... to encode our vids into.
I just went through the coreplayer thread again. Perhaps you might want to pm schriss for his opinion on the corecodec forum. At any rate, it looks like DivX is still a problem for the ImageON so I would avoid encoding with codec that fttb . I don't know if its Coreplayer or Hardware though (suspect the former however).
I try to install that CAB on my DOPOD U1000, after reset never can boot up again need to hard reset the device, someone can help to fix this problem?
That's an HTC Athena simdao! This patch is Hermes specific. As you have determined, "Undefined results" can occur if you install this patch on a different device.
Slightly OT here, but does your Athena suffer from ATI based DivX rendering issues? What other ATI ImageON issues do you have with it?
Sleuth255 said:
I just went through the coreplayer thread again. Perhaps you might want to pm schriss for his opinion on the corecodec forum. At any rate, it looks like DivX is still a problem for the ImageON so I would avoid encoding with codec that fttb . I don't know if its Coreplayer or Hardware though (suspect the former however).
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The videos i have encoded using AutoGK, its good because i can just queu up the videos to encode and leave it running. Depending on the program i am encoding i set the filesize accordingly:
60mb for a cartoony show (family guy, futurama, simpsons etc...) approximatly 25 mins (so 2.4mb per min?)
120mb for a filmed program (friends, mythbusters etc...) again approximatly 25 mins (so 4.8mb per min?)
128kbps VBR MP3 for audio (fine for all movies)
fixed width of 320 (the program adjusts for the aspec ratio of the source)
XVid Mpeg4 (2 pass)
I used this encoding method since having success with TCPMP on one of the early iMate roms, since the South Africa HTC rom arrived all the roms since have played back on TCPMP/Coreplayer no problem with the rawframebuffer setting. Since the AKU3.3 test rom i have been using ATi Imageon setting instead and get MINIMAL artifacts onscreen with my files.
Worth a go???
Following mrvanx advice on this and another thread...
I used AutoGK and set parameters as follows:
fixed width 320
Predefined filesize 400mb
128VBR mp3
XviD Mpeg4 (2pass)
This was done on a DVD quality divx file, and produced a 400mb file which played back near flawlessly on the hermes, minimal artifacting, and much better quality than even my ipod! Great stuff

Simple OS? OS GUIs 4 ur PPC

have any of u tried this application for pocket pc? check it out on this link
apparently, it makes ur pocket pc GUI exactly similar to a MAC or Windows XP (an emulator of some sort). It comes with additonal plug-ins that you can download which emulates applications such as outlook, word, media player, etc
It's a freeware and it looks pretty interesting. My PPC has been in the shop for repair so I have not been able to try this (and probably wont be able to for at least a week) but if anyone out there can give it a shot, let me know ur feedback on this app (is it stable?does it mess up ur PPC?). from the screenshots and videos, a WM2003 version was used so I dont know if it's compatible with WM5 or WM6. I cant wait to try it out when my PPC gets back from the shop.
Initial testing shows that is it quite slow. But that maybe due to the wizards slow processor on WM6. Does not install as it should. I believe that to be an WM6 issue. Other then that overall looks good but not recommended for a wizard. Also get designed for VGA resolution. I think that is due to the fact that it doesn't install and does not configure the software.
My initial view is positive. but need to do some more testing. A cab install file would be useful.
thanks for checking it out! According to the support forums in the site, u can change the VGA setting. Quoted "if you unzip the files from zip, unside a "bin" folder there is a file "kernel.xml" open in notepad and change the 64 to 32 and save". Dont know if this will fix it though.
Also this application is open source i think, so if any of our great programmers here at xda-developers can have a crack at it, i'm sure someone can improve this promising application and make it fully operational for all of us here (like what A_C did with the ILock). The programmer did say that he is open to the idea of someone continuing the development of this program as he does not have a lot of free time to work on this (check the forums section in the site)

Polaris 3D Driver Development Project (P3D) - Phase II

The software posted here is for TESTING purposes only, Myself, NikMel or any of the posters of software, or links to software on this thread take absolutely no responsibility or liability for damage caused by the result of installing or flashing software or links to software found on this thread - correctly or otherwise, you do so on the sole understanding that you do so at your own risk.
Project Name: Polaris Project P3D
CAB Name: HTC-CA-Polaris-Drivers
Development and Testing Team: Bally3, NikMel, Neos2007, NuShrike, Rogro82
Bally3 - Development, testing and updates
NikMel - Development, ROM updates and testing
Neos2007 - Development, CAB updates, videos and testing
NuShrike - Development and code optimisation
Rogro82 - Development, code optimisation and testing
JesseW - Design & testng
11/10 - With the release of the 2D driver and also a rom dump of the long-awaited Toshiba G810 rom - We are temporarily suspending further development and discussion of the 3D driver whilst we pursue our other ambition of bringng better 2D capabilities to our devices.
Please see the Poilaris 2D Driver development thread here:
Thank you - we will continue the 3D driver improvement discussions shortly.
8/10 - Today, The P3D team are proud to announce the release of the P3D Polaris 3D driver in an installable (and uninstallable!) cab form through its partnership with the website. Our thanks to Chainfire and the Kaiser team for the creation and distribution of the cab file via its website and enabling the p3D team to concentrate on further development and improvement to the driver.
We wish them all the best
The link to the cab can be found on this page:
2/10 - Distributed new set of drivers that are compatible with the Polaris ddi to all rom chefs to test and integrate into their roms.
30/9 - Initial feedback from Itje's rom is encouraging - users express faster speeds with a few exceptions. NuShrike has success making the original Polaris ddi,dll work with the 3D driver - tested and confirmed working with improved results.
28/9 - Asked rom chefs to assist with testing with their own roms with the drivers cooked in - ije released a new version with 3D drivers.
27/9 - Testing continues with some impressive benchmarks from NikMels rom which has the files cooked in.
26/9 - Group set up for development team:
25/9 - NuShrike and Rogro82, our developers on this project had a breakthorough to fix the scrolling. Neos2007 created a cab which will be posted out to all testers on this project.
An updated video from Neos2007 of the non scrolling 3D acceleration can be seen here:
A Cab file has been generated by Neos2007 for testing FOR the team - we will release a Public Beta after some testing.
23/9 - After trying every angle to fix the scrolling we are now looking at help from NuShrike, a veteran from the CA Kaiser driver who has agreed to help us in porting the CA driver to the Polaris.
UPDATE: After much research and some interesting development work, NikMel has posted a rom which shows hardware acceleration working in concept! - you can see a few youtube videos here:
What you ask IS what we all want to know. Why the Kaiser, but not Polaris?
Is it capable to do it? It is not? Is is a matter of time?
Putting my thoughts to graphical paper here. it might help someone or it might not.
So when I enquired about whether the 3D driver for the Kaiser from would work on the Polaris, the answer was a resounding NO!..
Apparently the Polaris was missing a potential ddi.dll file that was rumoured to be included in WM 6.1.
UDK's Syrius R0 looked promising but the bugs forced me to look elsewhere so I flashed swtos new rom which claims to include the ddi.dll and have "3D Support", though swtos also mentions that there is NO hardware accelerated driver available for the Polaris.
Swtos' Rom included the 3D tests which show the D3DM demo cube actually moving at about average 3.2 fps but the lights program still shows HARDWARE RASTERIZATION: false and "Using system memory".
Athough there are clear speed differences from my UDK R8 rom, video playback is slightly smoother, overall rom speed after installing all programs faster its clear that apart from some tweaking and the ddi.dll file (or tweaking BY the ddi.dll file) this is only software acceleration.
So the question is:
From my limited understanding of this, the only way to verify that the Polaris is running on hardware accelerated 3D mode is that the lights test should say "Using Video Memory".
I tried installing the kaiser 3D driver in the hope that now I have the ddi.dll file this may work. no such luck - exception errors etc..
So started looking at the dll files mentioned in the lights program and googled the file named on the first screen which was d3dmref.dll. I found this interesting article at Microsoft:
Failed on Direct3D mobile Test in Test Tools
Apparently d3dmref is a Microsoft D3D reference driver (not hardware accelerated)
Some questions then:
drdmref.dll is a referenced driver. So what is ddi.dll and what does it do specifically?
The ddi.dll performs better than the Samsung Omnio driver which in itself proved to show much improvement than before - why?
If we now have the required ddi.dll, what else needs to be done to make the HtcClassAction Kaiser 3D drivers work with the Polaris?
What other files are we missing?
Time for a break.. and hopefully someone might be kind enough to provide some answers.
SuperJMN said:
What you ask IS what we all want to know. Why the Kaiser, but not Polaris?
Is it capable to do it? It is not? Is is a matter of time?
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Sure it is.. and here's hoping somehow we get an answer from someone.
Swtos, UDK, these guys must know a little though the actual 3D bit seems to be a carrot dangled to get everyone excited over individuals forthcoming roms.
udk does not directly answer the 3D question, swtos in his defense, has been blunt about the fact that HARDWARE acceleration doesnt exist in his rom which is fairplay.
bally3 said:
So the question is:
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the think is, if the chipset have hardware alleleration, so the polaris have hardware acceleration. we just need the software to unlock it. a time ago i read something about the qualcomm chip and there where standing that the chip have hardware acceleration. i dont think that htc has made a new chip for the polaris so it dont have hardware acceleration. they just used the chip how it was.
Which would mean it should be capable and we should try to ascertain which, if any files are missing from the Polaris as opposed to the almost identically specced Kaiser which has now seen true hardware acceleration.
Of course it might be some simple tweaking to the registry or the dll files to make the classaction drivers working.
I Found this thread in these forums. Look at the last post:
Can anyone run the D3d Mobile samples?
"i,ve had kinda the same problem trying to get some of the samples to run on my trinity, try changing d3dmpp.AutoDepthStencilFormat = D3DMFMT_D24S8;
Dont know if its the same problem but it helped me out."
Anyone care to venture a thought?
This is an interesting article:
might be old news, might be new but this Don Crouch guy seems to know his stuff. Of interest is this line:
"Any device manufacturer should be spanked for shipping this driver as it was only designed for generating golden images to test drivers against. MS prohibits it from being shipped on any device."
This is in reference to the d3dmref.dll which IS present in the Polaris!
Been reading the Kaiser thread to see if I could better understand the issue:
D3D or OpenGL ES hardware acceleration for Qualcomm MSM7200
Reading the last posts we now also have to consider another question if there is a heat issue and HTC were aware of it:
SHOULD we try to hardware accelerate the Polaris???
bally3 said:
Been reading the Kaiser thread to see if I could better understand the issue:
D3D or OpenGL ES hardware acceleration for Qualcomm MSM7200
Reading the last posts we now also have to consider another question if there is a heat issue and HTC were aware of it:
SHOULD we try to hardware accelerate the Polaris???
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good point. i mean, does anyone have real problems because he dont have the drivers? tomtom could be a little more faster but it works. last time i drove over 350miles and was using tomtom all the time and the device got really hot. so if its true i dont think i will use the drivers....
another question....does the kaiser really have 3d drivers ? i dont read the hole story.
OK, putting the "should we" question aside I've been doing some more delving into why the kaiser driver doesnt work out of the box (mainly cos we all would still like to see the Polaris doing hardware accelerated 3D - and who could blame us?
So heres what I've found out so far:
1. Kaiser driver is compatible with roms which include a ddi.dll file version 3.28 and up - someone mentioned 3.55(my file version in the swtos rom shows
2. We might be missing some required dll's (anyone fancy doing some digging here plz?)
... I'll investigate further!
thanks bally3 for those news...
ouioui01 said:
thanks bally3 for those news...
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You're right welcome!
It seems this is the missing link, the wm6.1 that htc officially releases must have a ddi.dll file of 3.28 or above built into it, but I dont know what tweaks are meant to be involved to make a difference.
I'm currently looking for a ddi.dll ver 3.28 as mine is in the Windows directory so I'm assuming its not going to blow up if I try it! (might mean yet another HARD RESET - but it would only be my 10-11th reset since udk's R0 release! - and I always have my current swtos rom on my card ready to flash back if it doesnt boot).
Anyone find this file might want to post it - or brave enough to try it?
Reading this thread in the Kaiser forum, whilst looking for the illusive dll and its dependencies, I came across this thread which contains a ddi.dll file that I do have as a cab on my ppc and was wondering what it would do:
Tutorial - FIX The ClearType in Landscape
It mentions that any ddi.dll file under 3,28 must be a wm6.0 ddi file.
Seeing that mine happens to be 3.1 in swtos new rom which does seem to show some hardware improvements, am I looking in the wrong place or was the 6.1 rom built with a 6.0 dll simply with some jigger-pokery (sorry my technical expression!) to make it work better?
Will the OFFICIAL WM 6.1 come with the required ddi.dll file?
I think I'll quit my hunt for the dll file for the time being and look for more info on the official WM6.1, which is rumoured for release some time in the very near future...
I just want to share my tests
This test is made by Spb Benchmark
I don't think that there is a test like this high.
Who did these tests? and were they done on the current 6.0 release?
These are my test on my polaris wm 6.1 with the latest drivers from o2.
I can share this rom but there is a BIG problem camer is not working and video call too.
I made this rom.
if you've installed the rom can you tell us what version the ddi.dll is then please?
..and thank you for contributing to this thread
NikMel said:
These are my test on my polaris wm 6.1 with the latest drivers from o2.
I can share this rom but there is a BIG problem camer is not working and video call too.
I made this rom.
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It doesn't really matter!! All we wanna do is TESTING! Please, share that ROM to see if it has some clues for us to carry out research on possible improvements
SuperJMN said:
It doesn't really matter!! All we wanna do is TESTING! Please, share that ROM to see if it has some clues for us to carry out research on possible improvements
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hmm.. maybe you're right but the ultimate question about hardware acceleration like the kaiser lies with the version of the ddi.dll. But yes, if the benchmarks are that good its worth testing it so please do share the rom with us, who knows, with different radios the video calling and problems may get fixed and will only help to improve the rom.
I made this test after installation of keiser video fix from

Need original Toshiba Core Player!!!

I am using custom rom 6.5.5 and core player is missing, I tried the new version but it still don`t support hardware acceleration, can any one kind enough to extract it from the Toshiba rom and make it in a cab? Thank you
elder T said:
I am using custom rom 6.5.5 and core player is missing, I tried the new version but it still don`t support hardware acceleration, can any one kind enough to extract it from the Toshiba rom and make it in a cab? Thank you.
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@elder T.... can you clarify what hardware acceleration you are looking for ? I have used both versions and can't immediately see any different settings between them; I am aware however that there were a number of bug fixes, etc. in the later (paid) version.
The Toshiba Core Player has a feature that uses the SnapDragon`s hardware to do some job like what DXVA does in Microsoft Windows. Its alot smoother when rendering high bit rates encoded videos.
elder T said:
The Toshiba Core Player has a feature that uses the SnapDragon`s hardware to do some job like what DXVA does in Microsoft Windows. Its alot smoother when rendering high bit rates encoded videos.
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Where does this show up in the menus please ? I hadn't spotted any non-standard items anywhere, but may just be being a bit dim
More discussion about It.
elder T said:
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Many thanks - have just had a quick browse, but don't see a definitive clarification - mostly seems to be supposition; there is however one comment by BetaBoy (Core Player developer) which states "On speed differences.... There may be some speed improvements as the TG01 version of CorePlayer has some of our v2.0 improvements." I understood that some of this had also been incorporated into v1.3.6 (which superseeded 1.1.3) also - but in any event, seems to be very dependent on the video format/codec/size concerned.
Erm... I tested it with a `H.264 Video` `AAC Audio` MP4 file, CPU setting is at low and it drop less frames than any other version of coreplayer I used so far.
"It's presumably able to make use of the Snapdragon GPU in the same sort of way as WMP and HTCAlbum can. The normal version runs only on the CPU. I guess it may not be the GPU it's using, but in some way it is specifically tuned to the Snapdragon chipset and able to use parts of it for processing which are not accessible unless you license the ability to use them from Qualcomm."
Shasarak's comment might be true.
I got the Toshiba version now and very happy.
if your desperate for the .cab, re flash the original orange version and the is sitting in the windows directory, along with the other ones like maps etc

