Curious behaviour after hard reset - Advantage X7500, MDA Ameo General

Hallo community,
my Ameo showed some problems since yesterday:
The Screen brightness when running on battery couldn't be adjusted anymore. It stayed always to lowest level.
Soft reset didn't work, had to perform a hard reset therfore.
Now there occured some curious things:
When choosing "Einstellungen (settings) - System - Beleuchtung (Illumination ?) - Helligkeit (Brightness ?)" I can only adjust "Energiesparmodus (Energy saving modus ?)". Until hard reset I had had two settings "Battery" and another for a connected modus.
Another thing:
When choosing "Einstellungen (settings) - Persönlich (personal ?) - Menüs(menues ?)" there are some menu items twice. It is "web'n'walk", "Nachrichten" and "Tray Display". "Web'n'walk" and "Nachrichten" are both ticked and I cant untick them to remove from startmenu.
How to remove these double items from the menu and how to untick these unnecessary items ?

Sounds like a good time for a second hard reset.
Did you restore settings from a backup thew first time? That could be it.
I did have some "baby growing up" issues with my Athena the first go around. I tested, re-tested and generally <censored> around with it.
After I had to hard reset, and I tried to remember what worked, and what didn't.
Keep in mind, nothing works perfect but things can be worked around.

Had the same problem and this post from Daryl Mushtaq solved it for me!
hi Devany
not sure if you managed to find a resolution but i too had a similar problem.
i think mine was caused by phonemanager (which i have since uninstalled)
i found that when on battery power the slider in backlight settings did absolutely nothing. the only time the backlight would become brighter was when the alarm was going off.
searching throught the registry i found the solution.
navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\controlpanel\backlight
change the onoffbat key to 1 (mine was set to 0)
once done press the power key down for ages to reboot.
my slider now works fine.
hope this helps
Daryl Mushtaq

edeplano said:
searching throught the registry i found the solution.
navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\controlpanel\backlight
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Sorry - is a Newbie question:
how can I search the registry on a mobile device ?
how to navigate to the HKEY ?

There are lots of registry editors for PPCs I use resco reg editor because it came with resco explorer but there are plenty of free ones.
As always with registry editing BE VERY CAREFUL you can easily brick your machine if you don't know what you are doing.

Thanks to confucius.


Missing BT icon

Hi, guys.
All of a sudden, BT icon (the one that's located in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen) just dissapeard :x I didn't install any new software, didn't perform a reset, or something like that, it just dissapeard for no obvious reason. Any ideas how I could get it back on the screen?
it once did that to me a softreset got it back though
That was the first thing I tried but the situation is still the same
what if you go into settings->connections and choose bluetooth and change it from what ever it's set to and press ok
and maybe change it back again
If you have the last version of BTTools you can push in the new BT icon and, inmediately, make soft reset.
Of this form I have the old BT icon again.
Thanks a lot, mate. I did exactly what you told me, and the icon came back...
Ooops, here comes the problem again After gettin my BT icon back, I removed BTtools, and the icon dissapeard again. I tried the same trick again but with no results. So my question is open for your answers once again
I have the same problem, it was a day or two after I installed and removed GB-Soft Tweak, it went missing ... reinstalled the Tweak, after a few soft-reset, it's gone again until now. Do you have this Tweak installed?
Have you already tried to change \HKLM\Services\BTIcon\Keep or any of the other settings under this key?
Hope that helps
Hmm, a very strange thing happend. I synced it another computer (the one that I sync to maybe once or twice a week) and after that the icon just came back. So far, it's still there. Hopefully, it will stay that way :wink:
Anyway, tnx for all your replies...
Btw, I don't have GB-Soft tweak installed, and I was just about to start playing with the registry when the icon just appeared again.
the value for that registry key (keep) was set to 1. so, I set it to 0, soft reset, still no sign of BT icon.
then i set it back to 1, soft reset ... BT icon came back on!
however, in the next reset ... it's gone. something is messing with it in the background.
I also need my BT icon back.. I-Mate ROM 1.72 Any help, please?
I had the same problem. Days ago I installed skin for the keyboard and mysteriously icon BT returned.
I think there may be a link between the missing BT icon and the number of Today plugins installed or events being processed at startup. I think it is an Operating System issue.
For example.
If I soft reset my unit I can get the BT icon to vanish.
If I then deselect any today plug in and soft reset again the BT icon re appears. However if I do not deselect a today plug in and soft reset the BT icon does not reappear.
So perhaps it is related to a timing of events on load when starting?
This could be a good clue. The timing on startup sounds like a good theory to the problem.
If you look in the registry under [HKLM/Services/BTIcon] there are some interesting keys named: Index, Keep, Order and Context.
Anyone know how these are used???
(The keys "Order" and "Index" seems most interesting)
I just found a solution that worked for me
Read this:
Oggi said:
I just found a solution that worked for me
Read this:
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Similar to what I have said but that thread says to uncheck every today plug in. I have found you don't need to do that. For me just unckecking a single plug is in enough.
I'm pretty sure it is a loading issue.

Disable Screen Alignment

Is there a way to disable te screen alignment utility on the QTEK 2020? I mean the welcome.exe that runs when your battery was empty or when you do a reset?
I'm searching my ass off but i'm not finding anything.
I think it would require i OS ROM modification since it is "factory" clean if you loose the power. Extended rom customization kicks in after the screen calibration.
It´s a painfull process to calibrate but ít´s an even more painfull experience with a non calibrated screen :wink:
Would you really notice it if you wouldn't calibrate the screen? Would be the same like not calibrating a joystick on a PC? If you don't do that you always keep moving because the joystick thinks it's not centered.
I'm just thinking here, during the calibration, would there be anything saved to the registry, of the calibration, because then i would be able to export it to a .reg file and let it be imported during the extended rom customization?
I gonne search some more...
Why all the effort to avoid the calibration? After all you are only forced to do it after a hard reset and the time it takes is minimal compared to the following Extended ROM installation. I can't see why it's such a big deal :?
because i have more than 1 PDA to configure
dcs said:
Why all the effort to avoid the calibration? After all you are only forced to do it after a hard reset and the time it takes is minimal compared to the following Extended ROM installation. I can't see why it's such a big deal :?
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Because it is a great hassle to have it always appeared when you press your Joystick and Calendar hotkey together. And I need these buttons when I play some games or use Sega/Atari and other emulators ((
because it's a touch screen it's much more troublesome not to calibrate
i mean a joystick if no callibrated will wander but a touch screen will not know where or what you are pressing on with the stylus or finger
the alignment isn't a problem for me. just the stupid copy/paste tutorial is a nuisance. But unfortenately it is in the OS. In the beginning developers here tried to make a custom welcome.exe but they gave up. The effort was too much for the benefits.
Great! I didnt know about the joy + calendar button :-D
Rey, my guess is that calibration is device individual so they cant be copied. But using the joy+cal trick at a later stage makes removing it in the OS ROM much more interesting.
oh well, at least i found out how to automaticly get the GMT zone in, so i can just click next and don't have to scroll
For those who are intrested:
Fill in the setting, i have it on GMT +1, then go to your registry editor and export the following value out of the registry:
save somewhere and put it an a the EXTENDED_ROM in a .CAB that auto installes, i put in in the IIWPO.CAB in platformxxx.reg works for me
Rey said:
oh well, at least i found out how to automaticly get the GMT zone in, so i can just click next and don't have to scroll
For those who are intrested:
Fill in the setting, i have it on GMT +1, then go to your registry editor and export the following value out of the registry:
save somewhere and put it an a the EXTENDED_ROM in a .CAB that auto installes, i put in in the IIWPO.CAB in platformxxx.reg works for me
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Try Restorator utility (search this forum on: restorator) for individual and multiple setups. Works for me! Thanks to SP!
Unfortunately, it doesn't solve our alignment issue
Dunno if it can help..but I remember ..some cooked ROMs for XDA1 haven't got this Copy-Paste procedure.. some programmer have removed it.
So,try to search for it..

Cleartype in landscape mode reg hack problem

I did the usual reg hack hklm/system/gdi/cleartypesettings/0 switched off phone to reset & it works for a few times but then it reverts back to normal on its own accord. Checked the reg setting & it shows 1 again. Any ideas, because its driving me mad having to change it again & again.
I use Orange SPV M3100 & PHM Regedit
zen123 said:
I did the usual reg hack hklm/system/gdi/cleartypesettings/0 switched off phone to reset & it works for a few times but then it reverts back to normal on its own accord. Checked the reg setting & it shows 1 again. Any ideas, because its driving me mad having to change it again & again.
I use Orange SPV M3100 & PHM Regedit
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same with me - when i change OffOnRotation setting to 0, reset device, then it works. but after another reset it reverts again.
Try Twkcl.exe
Maybe the solution, it works for my Tytn:
Make the registery change as described for the wizard.
Go to landscape (keyboard slided out) en go to start, settings, system, Screen, General (must be landscape), ClearType, enable ClearType.
Then: make a softreset not using youre stylus but trough the On/Of button, or Softreset trough other possibilties.
After a couple of resets it still works till now! Just testing right now the stylus reset: result: [email protected], so that is really the problem. Using the stylus hole softreset (what's the name for it? Resetbutton for stylus?).
So again procedure as descriped above en never use the resetbutton for stylus anymore until somebody discoverd a solution for it!
Has someone did the trick allready?
I'm going to try such trick, thanks..
I think that's an HTC issue, because it happens also on Qtek 9090...
On Motorola MPx I changed reg value one time and it always worked across lots of soft resets.
Rougenator said:
Make the registery change as described for the wizard.
Go to landscape (keyboard slided out) en go to start, settings, system, Screen, General (must be landscape), ClearType, enable ClearType.
Then: make a softreset not using youre stylus but trough the On/Of button, or Softreset trough other possibilties.
After a couple of resets it still works till now! Just testing right now the stylus reset: result: [email protected], so that is really the problem. Using the stylus hole softreset (what's the name for it? Resetbutton for stylus?).
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i never use 'resetbutton', but always resetting device with on/off button. even with that, cleartype in landscape mode seems to be lost after couple of resets (or maybe, offs/ons).
Can anyone confirm whether or not Twkcl.exe works?
Cheers, Joe
joehood said:
Can anyone confirm whether or not Twkcl.exe works?
Cheers, Joe
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Twkcl.exe works for me.
Rougenator said:
Maybe the solution, it works for my Tytn:
Make the registery change as described for the wizard.
Go to landscape (keyboard slided out) en go to start, settings, system, Screen, General (must be landscape), ClearType, enable ClearType.
Then: make a softreset not using youre stylus but trough the On/Of button, or Softreset trough other possibilties.
After a couple of resets it still works till now! Just testing right now the stylus reset: result: [email protected], so that is really the problem. Using the stylus hole softreset (what's the name for it? Resetbutton for stylus?).
So again procedure as descriped above en never use the resetbutton for stylus anymore until somebody discoverd a solution for it!
Has someone did the trick allready?
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I tried it but after two or three soft resets cleartype in landscape rollbacks to off...
nicolochi said:
I tried it but after two or three soft resets cleartype in landscape rollbacks to off...
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At least you did get it to work. I have no luck with this method at all.
As I mentioned before, Twkcl.exe works well for me. Maybe you wanna try that and forget about tweaking the registry.
I think I know ur problem, try closing the reg editor from memory running programs screen before you reset. That worked for me, but am going to try twkcl now to get it to stay.
that's odd... I followed the instructions for TwkCL but it makes no difference, the reg setting goes back to normal after the 2nd reset.
I physically copied TwkCL.exe to the extended_rom, then edited the config file, that's all I need to do right?
Nothing happened so I edited the registry as normal and it just went back as usual.
Hope someone can help,
joehood said:
that's odd... I followed the instructions for TwkCL but it makes no difference, the reg setting goes back to normal after the 2nd reset.
I physically copied TwkCL.exe to the extended_rom, then edited the config file, that's all I need to do right?
Nothing happened so I edited the registry as normal and it just went back as usual.
Hope someone can help,
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No need such complication....simply copy Twkcl.exe into the \Windows\Startup folder will do.
I believe the instruction is for effecting automated configuration during hard-reset so that Twkcl.exe will be copied to your STARTUP folder after each hard-reset.

Backlight Adjustment sliders(manual) are GONE?

Hi folks.. i'm a longtime reader here but i never needed to post.. everything was provided( Thanks for that BTW). But now, i own a Leo myself and came across a problem i didn't find answered( or even asked) yet.
My backlight adjustmen sliders ( Settings->sound&Display.->Backlight) have dissaperead. You know the ones, one is for On battery power and the other On external power. Well, they are just GONE, and it just says "Bright" in each category. I installed a bunch of tweaks, and probably one of them is the culprint, but have no ideea which one and i'm not up for a hard reset/take'em one by one just yet, after spending 4 days tweaking it to my liking.
So maybe someone knows the answer to this..
My setup:
Rom: 1.48
all 4 hotfixes, Bsb Tweaks, Duttys task manager, resco explorere and reg edit, LEd notification enabler, grzegorz B4all+20 shortcuts, .net 3.5, touch x longpress sendkey Alttab, touch x powerbutton actionscreen, touch x remove topcurtain, touch x speedup landscape album, smaberg 1% batt, touchx power management on, g-alarm, Ms reader, WMlonglife, Skyfire, JWMD Icon changer, SPB backup, Heartwolf lockscreen fix v4, tccm settings( no ideea what this one is really, it was preinstalled), and also htc IME_EastEurope( also preinstalled, also no ideea what it is).
I didn't notice the sliders gone until yesterday, and by then all this was installed.. So any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
MattOG said:
For a quick fix, (not sure if it'll last, though it survived a soft-reset, so that's promising)
Goto HKCU -> ControlPanel -> BackLight:
Change ACBrightness to 10
Change Brightness to 10
(Can be anything other than 0)
(These work on power of 10's, so 1=10%, 2=20%, etc)
Now the sliders are back and you can adjust manually. Still not sure what changed them in the first place though.
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so, apparently i am the only one with this problem? still haven't found the cause..
Well I have the hotfixes, bsb tweaks, duttys task manager and .net 3.5 installed and no problem for me, so you can scratch those off the possible problem causer list. You seem to have a few power management apps on there which may be taking this into their own hands - try removing them first and see if it comes back?
I have the same thing,
Off your list, the things we have in common installed:
4 hotfixes, bsbtweaks, resco file explorer, resco reg edit, 20 shortcuts, .net 3.5, smaberg 1% battery, g-alarm.
I've always had mine on auto, until I wanted to look at improving battery life today...
For a quick fix, (not sure if it'll last, though it survived a soft-reset, so that's promising)
Goto HKCU -> ControlPanel -> BackLight:
Change ACBrightness to 10
Change Brightness to 10
(Can be anything other than 0)
(These work on power of 10's, so 1=10%, 2=20%, etc)
Now the sliders are back and you can adjust manually. Still not sure what changed them in the first place though.
Oh, hello everyone by the way, this is my first post!
i somehow reverseed the condition myself, and came here to post, only to find MattOG allready found a fix.
What i did was, following ftr2k8's suggestion, unistalled touchx powermanagement on, also disabled power management from BsB tweaks, then softreset, then reapply power management from BSB tweaks. I did not check immediatly after that, did a few other things, like add pinch to zoom to IGO with BSB, install flashlight, fingerkeyboard, clear ram, and played around with them.. did a few softresets..
when i checked, the sliders were back. I suspect powermanagement was responsible.
No way to test MattOG's fix, but i think it's a more reliable way to try then mine
Thanks guys, cheers!
I have just had the same problem on mine
(I adjust brightness settings everynight as i watch tv eps in bed)
and the only things I had done were
update to 1.66 firmware
resco explorer, photo manager, live, opera 10 beta, skyfire, office mobile, opnmarket.
I've had all of these on before the flash so not sure why it happened.
I've done the reg fix and that's brought them back

Can't adjust brightness

Ok I was using spbTV and all of a sudden the screen got darker and every since then i haven't been able to brighten it.
It's only a problem when im plugged in.
I try to goto brightness on the backlight settings but power supply brightness isn't there, i can only adjust battery brightness.
I've already soft reset, removed SpbTv and still have the issue.
backup you contacts and whatnot then perform a hard reset
Same problem
I have the EXACT SAME problem
jfmckenna said:
backup you contacts and whatnot then perform a hard reset
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Looks like this app is breaking our HD2s. SPB is a great company, I'm sure they will try and work out a fix if you let them know what happened.
Is this happening to anyone else using a different app?
s0leFUNK said:
I have the EXACT SAME problem
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I had the same thing happen to me. I had to do a factory reset. I could not find any way of bringing it back from that. I guess the guys at SPB didnt test it out on the HD2. They should be fixing it soon. I wondered if I was running spb mobile shell if it would have done the same!!?
i had the same problem i figured out how to fix it!
go to the registry
hkey current user
change acbrightness to 10
brightness to 10
save and exit
its fixed
now you have your sliders back
Thanks for that info radiohead7778580, it worked perfectly.
I knew it was something in the registry but I'm far from an expert so I didnt want to go poking around in there. You saved me a reset. Thanks again
no problem glad i can help
All praise to you my friend! I had the same issue using SPB shell. Fixed perfectly! Thankss a million.
For those who do not want to mess with the Registry, I've added the Registry Settings into an easy to install CAB file. Just install to main memory and your Brightness sliders will be returned.
This sets your brightness to FULL (10) on both battery and AC power, so be sure to go in and adjust accordingly for your preferences.
