Needed Original HTC ESP ROM - P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc.

Hi men, I really need a original HTC Spanish ROM due I need to flash a semi-broke HTC P3300.
Thanks in advance !!

Hello friend, I have a HTC P3300 of movistar, if I can help in something single you must say to me like, and I will try to help you

Thanks chustaschus, can you upload your ROM or send it by e-mail?, I hope your ROM could help me to turn to life my PDA

About ESP Rom
Hi boys !
I need to original HTC Spanish ROM .
Chustaschus may bi you make backup ROM from you device.
Extract with : OS.nb and upload somewhare or plase , where we made download .
10x !!!

gugutka your HTC is from Movistar or you bought it without carrier?, when I bought mine it was free from vendor (sim not lock), I really hope that chustaschus' ROM help us, since his ROM doesn't official for my HTC...

HTC p3300 with Spanish ROM
My p3300 was Spanish ROM. I try to update with WM6 and broke.
I need Shiped Spanish ROM or extracted wiht lokiwiz02.exe and make RUU with nbhtool.exe
Sorry for my poor english

If you have the procedure...
I have a non-Movistar HTC P-3300 spanish 'untouched' (right now I think I'm the only Artemis owner on earth who has not tried WM6! I'm waiting for the 'official' one)
If you can give me a procedure thet is NON INTRUSIVE FOOL PROOF to make a backup of my rom, I could surelly apreciate (and send it).
But I need the Artemis for my work, so it has to be 'warantied non intrussive'
Salut i peles

I reviewed instrucctions of , and I think if you use instructions (no auto mode) in that package and only use this file, you can make a copy of your ROM, this is the post where you can find the zip file:
If you have questions about procedure, just let us know
You told "my HTC is not from movistar" this means you can use any sim in your Artemis?
Thanks !!!

Bakterio said:
I have a non-Movistar HTC P-3300 spanish 'untouched' (right now I think I'm the only Artemis owner on earth who has not tried WM6! I'm waiting for the 'official' one)
If you can give me a procedure thet is NON INTRUSIVE FOOL PROOF to make a backup of my rom, I could surelly apreciate (and send it).
But I need the Artemis for my work, so it has to be 'warantied non intrussive'
Salut i peles
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+1, I haven't tried WM6 yet also, and I would love that fool-proof guide!

...well, I've also reviewed the post, the instructions, and even read some related posts, and I find NOWHERE instructions on how to extract or dump your existing ROM. Plus, if I try anything with a HERMES ROM, I think I'll have a marvellous BRICK!
Someone have a clue on how to achieve our goal???
Salut i peles

Bakterio said:
I have a non-Movistar HTC P-3300 spanish 'untouched' (right now I think I'm the only Artemis owner on earth who has not tried WM6! I'm waiting for the 'official' one)
If you can give me a procedure thet is NON INTRUSIVE FOOL PROOF to make a backup of my rom, I could surelly apreciate (and send it).
But I need the Artemis for my work, so it has to be 'warantied non intrussive'
Salut i peles
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Hi , Bakterio
The procedure to extract ROM from device is use tool lokiwiz02.exe or use the aWizard to backup the OS.rom from p800w

Again, I may be looking in the wrong places, but I can still read a batch file and...
ECHO machinagod's HTC Wizard Unlocker v0.2
ECHO --------------------
ECHO WARNING: This tool is highly experimental!
ECHO I will NOT be held responsible for any problems caused by this tool.
ECHO --------------------
ECHO Thanks to xda-developers, spv-developers, and especially itsme by the work they
ECHO released. This solution would not be possible without them.
ECHO --------------------
ECHO U. Unlock
ECHO L. Lock
ECHO C. CID Unlock (SuperCID)
ECHO Q. Quit
ECHO --------------------
SET Choice=
SET /P Choice=Type the letter and press Enter:
:: The syntax in the next line extracts the substring
:: starting at 0 (the beginning) and 1 character long
IF NOT '%Choice%'=='' SET Choice=%Choice:~0,1%
:: /I makes the IF comparison case-insensitive
IF /I '%Choice%'=='U' GOTO ItemA
IF /I '%Choice%'=='L' GOTO ItemB
IF /I '%Choice%'=='C' GOTO ItemC
IF /I '%Choice%'=='Q' GOTO End
....well I dont want to Unlock, Lock, Cidunlock or, well yes Quit .
Unless there is a specific syntax for PDOCREAD.EXE, something like
Utils\pdocread.exe -n 1 0x000000 0x10000 -b 0x4000 bakterio_backup.bin
I can't see how to (and don't feel brave enough) try it!
Salut i peles

"If you don't want to install automatically, or for some reason the
process doesn't work for you, here are the manual instructions:
1. Transfer SSPL/SSPL-HERM.exe to your phone and run it
2. Tri color screen will appear
3. Disable activesync (file -> connection settings -> uncheck "allow USB connections")
4. Connect your phone to your computer using the USB lead.
5. run RUU/RUU_HERM_Unlock_v3a.exe
6. follow the flashing process (Check the "I understand..." and "I completed..." boxes and update!)
7. Allow your phone to reboot.
8. Transfer HERM_Unlock_v3.exe program to your phone and run it
9. Click the Unlock Button, select unlock option. Select if you want SIM/CID unlock.
10. Click "Unlock!" and wait until process finishes.
11. When done, turn off your phone for 10 seconds and reboot after that.
If you don't have a Windows XP computer you can also update using the SD-Card Method:
1. Unrar RUU_HERM_Unlock_v3a.exe
2. Unrar RUU_Inside.exe
3. Empty (erase the contents) of your microSD card from the Windows Mobile file explorer
or format it from your computer using a card reader (in some cases format doesn't work).
4. Rename HermesUnlocker_v3a.nbh to HERMIMG.nbh and copy it to the FAT32 formatted microSD card.
5. Insert microSD card on your phone
6. Transfer SSPL/SSPL-HERM.exe to your phone and run it
7. Confirm flashing on screen by pressing the power button."
In our case I thought if you do this only one step you will backup your ROM, because you don't need to do Step 4 for SD flashing...

About a guide to upgrade our HTC CID locked to any ROM, I updated one week ago my device to wm6, due a problems with GPS, I did a downgrade to WM5. Just one BIG Recomendation, close any program which interecact with PDA, I bricked my HTC because when I'm upgrading again I have opened my Outlook, and five mins after start flashing, Outlook tried to sync with PDA and closed Activesync connection !!

6. follow the flashing process (Check the "I understand..." and "I completed..." boxes and update!)
7. Allow your phone to reboot.
8. Transfer HERM_Unlock_v3.exe program to your phone and run it
9. Click the Unlock Button, select unlock option. Select if you want SIM/CID unlock.
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this is a HERMES (not Artemis) application, and it's meant to 'tweak' (u lock) the HERMES device. As for what I know, it not only doesn't work for the Artemis, but needs a ROM EXTENSION (that is point 5 & 6 on the instructions).
...and the second one is still better!!!!
3. Empty (erase the contents) of your microSD card from the Windows Mobile file explorer
or format it from your computer using a card reader (in some cases format doesn't work).
4. Rename HermesUnlocker_v3a.nbh to HERMIMG.nbh and copy it to the FAT32 formatted microSD card.
5. Insert microSD card on your phone
6. Transfer SSPL/SSPL-HERM.exe to your phone and run it
7. Confirm flashing on screen by pressing the power button."
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This procedure is for ROM FLASHING from a SD card (and later HERMES UNLOCK).
If I wanted this to work on an P3300, the file shoud be renamed ARTEIMG.nbh (instead of HERMIMG.nbh)... and I'm 500% sure this would brick my p3300 in a twinkle!!!!!
If you don't know how to do it, please don't suggest what you wouldn't dare trying in your device!!!! Anything that sounds remotely to 'flashing' something to my device is far from being what I'm wiling to do!
Salut i peles

Sorry for my very poor english, I think you understand other thing, you don't execute step4 on SD flashing procedure, I thought you will don't brick your ROM because when you execute only step 8, you are making a backup of your ROM...
BTW I decompresed HERM_Unlock_v3.exe and I saw only roms..., now I think you can't make a backup of your ROM using this program, but I need to explore more the file in order to understand better how it's works.
Better news is there are much people working in this thread
And "If you don't know how to do it, please don't suggest what you wouldn't dare trying in your device!!!! Anything that sounds remotely to 'flashing' something to my device is far from being what I'm wiling to do!" don't worry dude, I don't want that you flash your device (
Pocha said:
"In our case I thought if you do this only one step you will backup your ROM, because you don't need to do Step 4 for SD flashing...
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as I said, my english is poor, and I misstype what I want to say) , I just read what did the entire file, and extract ONLY the steps we must do, btw if you can wait 1 week, I found a friend who have this device locked by Movistar, and I think we can make a backup of the ROM...
La verdad es que siendo todos españoles (o por lo menos que lo entendemos) podemos escribir en español y si alguien pregunta en inglés responderle en dicho idioma, ya que los post "regionalizados" (y perdón por el palabro) están a la orden del día cuando la gente pide ROMs en otros idiomas...
De nuevo te pido disculpas al expresarme tan mal y darte a entender que tienes que ejecutar el procedimiento completo, aunque tengo que ver con más detenimiento cómo funciona el archivo, creo sincermente que con él se puede llegar a hacer un backup de la ROM (lo voy a intentar con mi hx4700), aunque como he dicho NO hay que ejecutar completamente el archivo ya que este archivo tiene como última misión el Unlock and Uncid del Hermes...
Por cierto las instrucciones que posteé paso por paso, son las que se incluyen en el archivo que te has descargado, yo las he copiado y puse en negrita dos pasos, el primero que creo que es el que hace el backup de la ROM (aunque como he dicho, no sé cómo lo hace todavía) y el segundo lo remarqué para que vieraís que en ese archivo se almacenará la ROM que hemos salvado antes...
Una vez más perdón !

Some information for Backup yours ROMS

I just finished to review all RUU_HERM_Unlock_v3a.exe files, and I can't find any sentence or procedure that make a buckup of our rom, I wrote to pof requesting his help...
Lo dicho, después de revisar todos los ficheros y el bat que incluye el archivo en cuestión, he llegado a la conclusión que el programa no hace en ningún momento ninguna copia de nuestra ROM... he escrito un mensaje a pof (el autor del archivo y la persona que habla en el link que nos ha pasado gugutka, solicitando su ayuda en la forma de hacer una copia de la ROM)

GRAB_IT program doesn't worked on my hx4700, tomorrow I will tried with HTC's friend...

Grab_It program return same error msg "cannot create file"... I will try with other programs...


Vodafone Spanish ROM

Hi everyone!
I have dumped the Original Vodafone ROM. It is now in .raw file. This is the link
I tried to make the .nbh file following the other forum indications without success. (i just make the OS but I couldnt manage for the spalsh screens, radio and extROM) I will REALLY apreciated if any one can do it for me.
Rar hat part00, part01, part02, part03 and y rename the part02 of extROM to ExtROM.
it is a true ROM of Vodafone? It works the GPS and everything? I had that ROM and she went to me very well. It works well? Some problem to install? Since you have obtained the official ROM? Greetings
es una ROM verdadera de Vodafone? Funciona el GPS y todo? Yo tuve esa ROM y me iba muy bien.Funciona bien? ¿Algun problema para instalar? ¿Como has conseguido la ROM oficial? Saludos
seriozsa said:
Hi everyone!
I have dumped the Original Vodafone ROM. It is now in .raw file. This is the link
I tried to make the .nbh file following the other forum indications without success. (i just make the OS but I couldnt manage for the spalsh screens, radio and extROM) I will REALLY apreciated if any one can do it for me.
Rar hat part00, part01, part02, part03 and y rename the part02 of extROM to ExtROM.
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Yes. It is the original with GPS. But as I said, someone has to rebuild the ROM, because I couldn't
Sí. Es la original con GPS pero como ya he dicho, alguien la tiene que compilar, ya que yo no lo he conseguido.
seriozsa said:
Yes. It is the original with GPS. But as I said, someone has to rebuild the ROM, because I couldn't
Sí. Es la original con GPS pero como ya he dicho, alguien la tiene que compilar, ya que yo no lo he conseguido.
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Current shipping from HTC (Upgrade for free phones) i GPS enabled and a higher number than the Vodafone one.
Based on Vodafone records of cripling the phone with unneeded/undesired features (like changing the Contacts button by the Vodafone web site.... with GPPRS charges) Is there anything worth having it rather than the free one widely available?
Actualmente la versión de HTC bajada de su website es mas reciente que la de Vodafone.
Mi experiencia con las ROM de Vodafone es nefasta, cambios en el menú principal para que vayas a su web de servicios (Vodafone Live dichoso) pagando GPRS, claro, sin darte cuenta.
¿Hay algo que valga la pena sobre las ROM libres?
Looking Glass said:
Current shipping from HTC (Upgrade for free phones) i GPS enabled and a higher number than the Vodafone one.
Based on Vodafone records of cripling the phone with unneeded/undesired features (like changing the Contacts button by the Vodafone web site.... with GPPRS charges) Is there anything worth having it rather than the free one widely available?
Actualmente la versión de HTC bajada de su website es mas reciente que la de Vodafone.
Mi experiencia con las ROM de Vodafone es nefasta, cambios en el menú principal para que vayas a su web de servicios (Vodafone Live dichoso) pagando GPRS, claro, sin darte cuenta.
¿Hay algo que valga la pena sobre las ROM libres?
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El problema lo tengo cuando Real Mail no me funciona con la rom de HTC
The problem comes when Real Mail is not working with HTC ROM. Only that.
seriozsa said:
El problema lo tengo cuando Real Mail no me funciona con la rom de HTC
The problem comes when Real Mail is not working with HTC ROM. Only that.
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Siempre puedes extraer la cab de Real Mail e instalarlo aparte. Yo no tengo Real Mail así que no puedo opinar, pero en general Vodafone tiene unas ROM bodriosas y de una versión más antigua que las disponibles "libres".
Bueno, es una opinión.
You can extract the Real Mail .cab from the ext ROM ant set it apart. I don't use Real Mail, so I can't help, but Vodafone has a bad record of using outdated ROMs and then crippling them even more with their propietary stuff.
Well, it's my opinion anyway.
Estoy de acuerdo. también tengo el problema que con otras ROMs no puedo conectarme a Internet via push, que es la manera que tiene vodafone de darte la tarifa plana.
Busquemos una solucion, esta claro que vodafone solo hace funcionar la navegación PUSH con sus roms, pues algo habra que hacer, no sé...
Tal vez haya alguna rom que si lo consiga, o tal vez sea cuestión de usar WM5 no?
We have to research a solution, it's so clear that vodafone only works with push navigation in their own roms, we have to search a solution...
Maybe somewhere is a rom that could navigate, or maybe a WM5 version..
I'm not a Real Mail user, but I'm thinking about it.
What I don't like at all is the fact that you have to use their ROM in order to be able to browse.
I believe there has to be something in the headers that pocket ie sends that identifies the browser, be it the UA or any other exclusive HTTP headers.
I don't know if there is a http sniffer that works in WM5 that would allow to check this. Anyone knows any?
Checking the headers in the http server wouldn't work I think, since Vodafone's http proxy might strip those headers before sending the request to the web server.
I make de WM5 rom with your dump and now all works!
So i dont think we need to update the other roms (radio, etc), because now push mail and navigation works...
I think vodafone push only works in WM5 and maybe any wm5 rom will work.
Ill give it a try and post results...
Well, it has already been solved in another forum.
If you want to use your web browser with wm6 you just need to change its user agent string to a WM5 or WM2003SE one, as easy as that.
Then, you'll be able to surf with your WM6 rom.
Hi!, I'm having the exact same problem.
I'm using Schap's WM6 ROM with upgraded radio and so on... I can download my e-mail with real mail (for WM5) but I can't browse the internet thru PUSH, I called VODAFONE and they told me that I needed the original VODAFONE Rom (which really stinks and has no upgrades to WM6). I thought that maybe changing some Data on the HERMES would make VODAFONE server recognise it, but I really don't know what to change.
"Well, it has already been solved in another forum.
If you want to use your web browser with wm6 you just need to change its user agent string to a WM5 or WM2003SE one, as easy as that.
Then, you'll be able to surf with your WM6 rom."
How do I do this????
It's quite easy to get any WM6 rom to browse the web using the push APN from realmail data plan.
As I said, you just need to change your UA to "Mozilla/4.0".
For starters, you should check which UA your browser is using going to this address: using the ActiveSync connection. There you'll see the current header sent from your browser.
To change it, you can use SK Tools which provides an option to change it, or using a registry editor, you can tweak it for yourself.
You need to change this key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]
and change whatever you have as Default to:
and that's it, you should browse right away.
Thanks for the tip stickman, I already tried this:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]
Didn't work, I got the same result.
If I go to Iexplorer and try to load any page I get this secuence:
1. Go to "" (for example)
2. The taskbar shows "Conecting to PUSH..."
3. Iexplorer's status bar shows "Connecting..."
4. Status bar shows "Searching..."
5. Status bar shows "Opening..."
6. Status bar shows "0 Kb"
7. "Ready"
No clue at all....
Any other idea?? Thanks for the try though
More info on the issue:
I tried installing Opera 8 browser and worked without problems... Weird uh?
Maybe I'll forget about using Iexplorer... either way it sucks..., I'll stick with Opera or Firefox, any recomendations on this?
Well, Opera for sure is a better browser than IE. I find minimo quite unstable and less packed feature-wise than Opera.
On the browsing with IE issue, just browse once you have changed the UA through the ActiveSync connection and check that the UA has really changed and that it looks like the one I proposed.
If that doesn't work just try to copy the Opera UA in PIE.
As I told you I'm browsing the web with Netfront, PIE, Opera and Minimo with no problems in any of them.

iPAQ hx2410 without WIFI drivers "Unrecognized Card"

Hi everyone, I have a problem with a iPAQ, and maybe U can help me! I have upgraded this iPAQ hx2410 from portuguese ROM to english PPC2003SE, and after to WM5. I don't know why or when but the WIFI stopped work! I think that the iPAQ have losted the wifi drivers!
When I try turn on the WLAN I receive the error mesage "Unrecognized Card - Enter the name of the device driver for this card. For information see the card manufacturer's documentation. - Network card in Socket 2" and buttons Ok and Cancel!
I have downgrade e upgrade a lot of times and the WIFI drivers don't been instaled!
Thank U for ear me ... any ideas?
Cambiar de lenguaje el ROM de la pocket fix wifi error Unrecognized Card
Hola !!
ami me funciono en mi dispositivo ojala a ti te sirva..
Aqui tienes la informacion
Este Proceso es para cambiar de lenguaje el ROM de la pocket RX3715 y consiste en resumidas cuentas en renombrar el archivo mensionado del idioma al que se quiere cambiar como si fuera el original si quiero cambiar de ingles a italiano cojo corro el programa en ingles pero cuando se vaya a instalar renombro el archivo italiano de la misma forma que se llama el de ingles y lo recopio en el folder de ingles reescribiendolo
"d2b10111io.nbf" to "d2b10111uo.nbf".:
Este procedimiento tambien funciona cuando te da el error en la tarjeta de wifi
error mesage "Unrecognized Card - Enter the name of the device driver for this card. For information see the card manufacturer's documentation. - Network card in Socket 2"
yo lo probe en mi dispositivo y funciono para ambos problemas..
Gracias Angel B.
Puede trabajar para cualquier ideoma
This process has been used on many different HP pocket pcs that contain a filestore running Windows Mobile 3003 and 2003SE. This is an unofficial process and you use this process at your own risk.
I have taken along time over this process and so if you can link to these pages rather then copying the process it would be much appreciated. If you do use it make sure you credit me (RICOUK) on the forum. Email me for any quieries about the process.
You must read this if you are not changing an English RX3715 to a German RX3715.
(As I have an RX3715 I have done the language change to that device, so, for people with other devices and other languages you need to check the names of the .nbf files and alter accordinally. Also, replace the language ROM preinstalled on your PDA with the Englsih ROM I have mentioned and replace the German ROM with the language you want to install onto your PDA.
For example, you PDA is in Spanish so when I am talking about the English ROM, refer to the Spanish ROM. If you then have the French ROM to use as the new language, when I am talking about the German ROM, refer to the French ROM instead. Simple!
If you are trying this patch with a different model other than an RX3715 then the complete .nbf file names will be different and you will have to take this into account. I have also not tested it on any other device so it is totally up to you whether to do it or not. However, I have helped many people successfully to carry this out on numerous devices.)
You can get the correct ROM images from the ROM Images page.
The Process
1. Download the latest English and German ROMs from the links above.
2. Unpack both.
3. Make copies of the unpacked English and German ROMs.
4. With the original German ROM folder, rename "d2b10111go.nbf" to "d2b10111uo.nbf".
You should end up with a filestructure with SP29770 Ger, SP29770 Ger E, SP29773 Eng, SP29773 Eng E and SP29773 Original, the E folders contains the converted language .nbf file, this makes it easier for later use. The original folder just contains both languages original .nbf file just in case of any accidental deletion or overwriting. Picture
5. Run "ROMUpdateUtility.exe" in the original English ROM folder.
6. On the screen just before proceeding with the ROM update (Picture) copy the renamed "d2b10111uo.nbf" from the original German ROM and overwrite the "d2b10111uo.nbf" in the original English ROM. Picture
7. Proceed with the ROM update.
8. It will take a very long time to start and longer than normal at 90% but be patient. Picture
9. Now you have a German pda. Check that the filestore is now fixed by deleteting the backup folder in the filestore and/or running the format filestore found under settings (use the icons to direct you if you can't read German).
10. If it works you now need to install the English ROM back again we need to trick the ROM update again.
There are more images in the gallery showing each screen with a ring around the button that should be pressed to continue.

Problem after flashing. No GSM, no SIM, No Camera, No BT, No Wifi

Hello! I have a HTC Cruise, I flashed to spanish ROM.
No the HTC doesn't work, No GSM, no SIM, No Camera, No BT, No Wifi.
What can I do?
Before flashing the cellphone worked great, but now I tried with different ROM and radios but doesn't work.
Any idea? Do I have to restore to the default rom? Any idea? Pleas help me
Which Radio you have? or are the last offcial Radio for WM 6.1.
rspillo said:
Which Radio you have? or are the last offcial Radio for WM 6.1.
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I tried with Radio Murata, radio, 1.25.408.1, 1.28.405.1, also tried to flash with other roms.
The strange thing is that before flashing all worked ok. What can I do? Please help =(
Which ROM you have? If it's based on last WM 6.1 Official you must have last official Radio.
rspillo said:
Which ROM you have? If it's based on last WM 6.1 Official you must have last official Radio.
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Now I have an spanish cooked rom but I tried with different roms and radios, no one fix it.
What ROM and Radio do you think that can fix my phone?
I don't know.
I have M-Amine 2.0 and Radio and all work very good.
Some have any idea?
Changing radios allows me the camera work, but I changed and no the camera doesn't work.
Please if someone know something help =)
Try going back to official ROM and Radio. Check that this works.
BTW did you apply hardware unlock to your phone before flashing?
sofaford said:
Try going back to official ROM and Radio. Check that this works.
BTW did you apply hardware unlock to your phone before flashing?
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And where can I find the official ROM and radio? Because I tried with different "original roms shipped" and radios and it doesnt' work. With an rusian ROM i let the camera work but i changed and no it doesn't work. It seems to be software.
I didnt performe hardware unlock as as factory unlocked and worked great before flashing. =(
Hard SPL
Eng: Did you do the HARD SPL before flashing? That is what "hardware unlock" means... I supose you mean it was unlocked to work with any telephone companies.
Spa: Hiciste el HARD SPL antes de flashear? Eso es lo que significa "hardware unlock". Supongo que cuando has dicho que estaba desbloqueada te referías a que era "libre de frabrica" para usar cualquier operador móvil. Si no has hecho el HARD SPL... lo mismo te la has cepillado.
Gash81 said:
Eng: Did you do the HARD SPL before flashing? That is what "hardware unlock" means... I supose you mean it was unlocked to work with any telephone companies.
Spa: Hiciste el HARD SPL antes de flashear? Eso es lo que significa "hardware unlock". Supongo que cuando has dicho que estaba desbloqueada te referías a que era "libre de frabrica" para usar cualquier operador móvil. Si no has hecho el HARD SPL... lo mismo te la has cepillado.
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Eng: I didn't flash, there was a partner so I don't know if he have done a Hard SPL
The strange thing is that after flashing the SIM was ok, latter (after changing many roms) I do not take it any more, the camera also didn't work but I changed a Russian rom and works. For which I do not believe that it is a hardware. There is no way of turning everything 100 % default factory?
SPA: Hola! Mira realmente no se si hicieron el Hard SPL porque me lo hizo un PELOTUDO, lo que si por lo que tengo entendido si no haces el Hard SPL ni siquiera pasa el intento de flashear y te sale el error the invalid vendor. Lo raro es que despues de flashearlo al principio andaba el SIM, despues no me lo tomo mas, la camara no andaba pero cambie a una rom rusa y andubo. Por lo cual no creo que sea hardware.
No hay forma de volverlo todo para atras 100% de fabrica?
Eng: In this post you will find official HTC WM6.1 spanish ROM. If you flash it... it should fix everything. By the way after flashing ROMS i use to do a Hard Reset
Spa: En el link que te he dejado arriba encontraras las ROM oficial de WM6.1 de HTC. Al flashearla deberia de dejarte el telefono nuevo. De todas formas haz un Hard Reset cuando lo flashees por si acaso... en este foro suelen recomendar hacer Hard resets despues de instalar cualquier ROM. Ah, tenias razon en lo del Hard SPL, no te dejaria seguir si no lo hubiera hecho.
Good luck
May be work if I modify the registry with the PHM Registry Editor? Because I change something without know and bluetooth worked.
Please help =(
Now the SIMslot card detect my SIM!!!
I downloaded the Anime ROM and I replaced DLLs "cut and paste" from OEMDrivers folders to the Windows folder.
First it recognise the SIM contact but no network, so I flashed to other rom with radio and works the network, but there is no noice in the phone calling, only if I turn on speaker
It's something better but I can't solve all the problems. Help!
mercadocel said:
Now the SIMslot card detect my SIM!!!
I downloaded the Anime ROM and I replaced DLLs "cut and paste" from OEMDrivers folders to the Windows folder.
First it recognise the SIM contact but no network, so I flashed to other rom with radio and works the network, but there is no noice in the phone calling, only if I turn on speaker
It's something better but I can't solve all the problems. Help!
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@mercadocel, I'm not sure what you really want to do with your device. Some problems experienced looks like related to registry setting that sometimes preferable by the ROM cooker set by default.
I have flashed with Amine ROM and it's working fine only need to change the radio so my camera can work. My suggestion is just follow the general direction given, i.e.;
1. backup you personal information PIMBackup;
2. remove SIM and SD card;
3. install recommended HardSPL (mine also unlocked but I always did this to migrate from official to any cooked ROM)
4. go flashing;
5. on stylus prompt screen, do a hardreset
6. put back your SIM and SD card
7. restore everything;
then it should be fine.
deepthroat said:
@mercadocel, I'm not sure what you really want to do with your device. Some problems experienced looks like related to registry setting that sometimes preferable by the ROM cooker set by default.
I have flashed with Amine ROM and it's working fine only need to change the radio so my camera can work. My suggestion is just follow the general direction given, i.e.;
1. backup you personal information PIMBackup;
2. remove SIM and SD card;
3. install recommended HardSPL (mine also unlocked but I always did this to migrate from official to any cooked ROM)
4. go flashing;
5. on stylus prompt screen, do a hardreset
6. put back your SIM and SD card
7. restore everything;
then it should be fine.
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It doesnt work
Any other idea? =(
Flash original ROM and go to HTC Service Point...
mercadocel said:
Hello! I have a HTC Cruise, I flashed to spanish ROM.
No the HTC doesn't work, No GSM, no SIM, No Camera, No BT, No Wifi.
What can I do?
Before flashing the cellphone worked great, but now I tried with different ROM and radios but doesn't work.
Any idea? Do I have to restore to the default rom? Any idea? Pleas help me
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Go to HTCSPAIN.COM, and download the Xuo r2 Rom in spanish, and then re flash the Radio Murata, i do it, and is working god on my polaris, (previuosly, i used hard spl)
rspillo said:
Which Radio you have? or are the last offcial Radio for WM 6.1.
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hey, i'm sorry but my camera isn't working too after changing
ROM. And i did HardSPL b4fore changing ROM. but i haven't tried to change the radio...Could anyone please help me on how to change the radio, as in detailly becoz i'm a new user so i need to know from scratch about how to change settings. thanks =)
Help for new guys
Look this thread:

ZTE Blade A6 Unlock Bootloader

Hello, go here and you can unlock bootloader and install root, twrp and much more ...
Keep in mind that the following actions erase your data, make backup, please your data (if they are very important to you)
1 Download my archive new flash.rar . Unpack archive any folder at you're PC.
Go to settings > About phone > click 7 times on build number, next step go to developer option and enable OEM Unlocking and USB debugging.
2 Now we need reboot to EDL. Use [0] Reboot to EDL.bat. After that rename com port - [1] Flash aboot.bat, (you can see your COM port in device manager).
emmcdl.exe -p COM(your com port) -f prog_emmc_firehose_8940.mbn -b aboot aboot1.bin
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Rename and save. And flash, just press on reedited bat file - [1] Flash aboot.bat
3 Turn on your smartphone as recovery (Vol.Up and Power). Now you see Chinese FTM. So you have done everything right, and the most difficult behind.
Click on next bat file [2] oem unlock.bat . The phone will go to the fastbut mode and he unlock bootloader. You will have to see a ring (See? Alright)
Once you have to re-enter the phone into recovery mode (Vol.Up+Power). You're back in Chinese FTM mode, and you go use [3] Final flash.bat.
4 After the last step ([3] Final flash.bat) you see TWRP. Go to Wipe , and format data and tape YES and press OK. Reboot to recovery.
Now TWRP understands encryption phone. And now you can install root (Use only magisk 16-16.7)
Use method 2 much better for you. <<< alternative link
Its twrp for A0622 same with A6? And can i flash via twrp only? Because im not pro or understand bout magisk things
0622 is a6 lite?
No it's voyage 5 but using firmware and kernel A6 because it's A0622 model and it's same like A6 lite, and i think i buy unlock phone because its distribute waranty and check in unlock checker it's said Unlock, but how i installing twrp on my phone or installing super su, becauss everytime i unlocked using adb your method always SAHARA FAIL
---------- Post added at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------
FYI, i just found rooting method for ZTE VOYAGE 5 A0622 in chinese site but it's buy using coins and after click buy or paid my id is banned, don't know why... Lol but i hope my device is getting root so soon because i don't like android phone if it's not rooted
Sort through the firehose (programmers), there is a collection >
And check command:
emmcdl.exe -p COM20 -f prog_emmc_firehose_8940.mbn -gpt
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COM20 - your EDL (9008) port
prog_emmc_firehose_8940.mbn - name programmer
P.S. If it works, you should see a partition list.
p.s.s axon 9 pro have same problem.
Thanks and a request
Hello, I want to thank you for your work, I did what you say in your post and everything went perfect, now I have TWRP in my A6.
I want to ask you if you have any custom ROM to install on the A6, I tried to use a different ROM from the factory ROM and it didn't work and now I can't reinstall the original Rom because it asks me for the original recovery and I can't find it anywhere, can you help me please?
Thank you.
lyoks said:
Hello, go here and you can unlock bootloader and install root, twrp and much more ...
Keep in mind that the following actions erase your data, make backup, please your data (if they are very important to you)
1 Download my archive new flash.rar . Unpack archive any folder at you're PC.
Go to settings > About phone > click 7 times on build number, next step go to developer option and enable OEM Unlocking and USB debugging.
2 Now we need reboot to EDL. Use [0] Reboot to EDL.bat. After that rename com port - [1] Flash aboot.bat, (you can see your COM port in device manager).
Rename and save. And flash, just press on reedited bat file - [1] Flash aboot.bat
3 Turn on your smartphone as recovery (Vol.Up and Power). Now you see Chinese FTM. So you have done everything right, and the most difficult behind.
Click on next bat file [2] oem unlock.bat . The phone will go to the fastbut mode and he unlock bootloader. You will have to see a ring (See? Alright)
Once you have to re-enter the phone into recovery mode (Vol.Up+Power). You're back in Chinese FTM mode, and you go use [3] Final flash.bat.
4 After the last step ([3] Final flash.bat) you see TWRP. Go to Wipe , and format data and tape YES and press OK. Reboot to recovery.
Now TWRP understands encryption phone. And now you can install root (Use only magisk 16-16.7)
Use method 2 much better for you. <<< alternative link
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good tutorial friend I already have the twrp on the mobile but I don't know how to root it, you will have the apk you name because I can't find it thanks
You need intall magisk v16.0
lyoks said:
You need intall magisk v16.0
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im done bro twpr and root i love bro
el_nabo said:
Hello, I want to thank you for your work, I did what you say in your post and everything went perfect, now I have TWRP in my A6.
I want to ask you if you have any custom ROM to install on the A6, I tried to use a different ROM from the factory ROM and it didn't work and now I can't reinstall the original Rom because it asks me for the original recovery and I can't find it anywhere, can you help me please?
Thank you.
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Custom ROMS does not exist for model A6. Unfortunately no one wants to make fully working ROMS. But you can port it yourself, using your knowledge if you have it.
lyoks said:
Custom ROMS does not exist for model A6. Unfortunately no one wants to make fully working ROMS. But you can port it yourself, using your knowledge if you have it.
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im noob :c and rom stock are good is fast no lag
andresh-5 said:
im noob :c and rom stock are good is fast no lag
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Well, you can learn by yourself, it is not difficult. In addition, you can create your own stock firmware. Delete gapps, priv-app and more...
lyoks said:
well, you can learn by yourself, it is not difficult. In addition, you can create your own stock firmware. Delete gapps, priv-app and more...
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yes bro all delete the trash app :d
lyoks said:
Custom ROMS does not exist for model A6. Unfortunately no one wants to make fully working ROMS. But you can port it yourself, using your knowledge if you have it.
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Dear Lyoks
Unfortunately for me my knowledge is not enough for that, that's why I ask for your help, there are two things that I can think of, get the original ZTE recovery for the A6 or get the original ROM but in zip format and flash it with the TWRP , this would have to be using some backup that was created using the TWRP, will I explain?
Do you have any backup you could send me? I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
el_nabo said:
Dear Lyoks
Unfortunately for me my knowledge is not enough for that, that's why I ask for your help, there are two things that I can think of, get the original ZTE recovery for the A6 or get the original ROM but in zip format and flash it with the TWRP , this would have to be using some backup that was created using the TWRP, will I explain?
Do you have any backup you could send me? I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
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amigo antes de intenter cambiar la rom tenias q hacer tu bakcup yo lo tengo que version es tu movil el mio es el de claro... y es de 1 solo sim
andresh-5 said:
amigo antes de intenter cambiar la rom tenias q hacer tu bakcup yo lo tengo que version es tu movil el mio es el de claro... y es de 1 solo sim
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Hello, I appreciate your interest, I will write in Spanish and English to not to break the forum's rules.
I have to clarify that I did try to backup the ROM twice but errors appeared and didn't continue with the process, that's why I don't have the original ROM.
I am very interested in your backup, if you could share a link to download it it would be very good, my phone is also a single SIM and at this point I risk trying anything to recover the equipment.
Thank you again for your help.
Hola, aprecio tu interés, voy a escribir en español e ingles para no romper las reglas del foro.
Tengo que aclarar que sí intenté hacer el respaldo de la ROM dos veces pero aparecían errores y no continuaba con el proceso, es por eso que no tengo la ROM original.
Me interesa mucho tu respaldo, si pudieras compartir algún enlace para poder descargarlo sería muy bueno, mi teléfono también es de un solo SIM y a estas alturas me arriesgo a probar lo que sea para recuperar el equipo.
Gracias de nuevo por tú interés.
el_nabo said:
Hello, I appreciate your interest, I will write in Spanish and English to not to break the forum's rules.
I have to clarify that I did try to backup the ROM twice but errors appeared and didn't continue with the process, that's why I don't have the original ROM.
I am very interested in your backup, if you could share a link to download it it would be very good, my phone is also a single SIM and at this point I risk trying anything to recover the equipment.
Thank you again for your help.
Hola, aprecio tu interés, voy a escribir en español e ingles para no romper las reglas del foro.
Tengo que aclarar que sí intenté hacer el respaldo de la ROM dos veces pero aparecían errores y no continuaba con el proceso, es por eso que no tengo la ROM original.
Me interesa mucho tu respaldo, si pudieras compartir algún enlace para poder descargarlo sería muy bueno, mi teléfono también es de un solo SIM y a estas alturas me arriesgo a probar lo que sea para recuperar el equipo.
Gracias de nuevo por tú interés.
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si lo subiere a mega amigo sino que mi internet es lento para mañana debería estar dejando el link
el_nabo said:
Dear Lyoks
Unfortunately for me my knowledge is not enough for that, that's why I ask for your help, there are two things that I can think of, get the original ZTE recovery for the A6 or get the original ROM but in zip format and flash it with the TWRP , this would have to be using some backup that was created using the TWRP, will I explain?
Do you have any backup you could send me? I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
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Hello, right here is service firmware
With it, you can bring your phone back to life, ALWAYS!
el_nabo said:
Hello, I appreciate your interest, I will write in Spanish and English to not to break the forum's rules.
I have to clarify that I did try to backup the ROM twice but errors appeared and didn't continue with the process, that's why I don't have the original ROM.
I am very interested in your backup, if you could share a link to download it it would be very good, my phone is also a single SIM and at this point I risk trying anything to recover the equipment.
Thank you again for your help.
Hola, aprecio tu interés, voy a escribir en español e ingles para no romper las reglas del foro.
Tengo que aclarar que sí intenté hacer el respaldo de la ROM dos veces pero aparecían errores y no continuaba con el proceso, es por eso que no tengo la ROM original.
Me interesa mucho tu respaldo, si pudieras compartir algún enlace para poder descargarlo sería muy bueno, mi teléfono también es de un solo SIM y a estas alturas me arriesgo a probar lo que sea para recuperar el equipo.
Gracias de nuevo por tú interés.
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aqui tienes la rom stock solo descomprimes copias a la sd y restauras por twpr
andresh-5 said:
aqui tienes la rom stock solo descomprimes copias a la sd y restauras por twpr
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Hello, thank you very much for your time and for the download link. After decompressing the .rar file you sent I had to rename the folder BACKUPS / 3203872 ..... (this is the serial number of your phone) by BACKUPS / 320676307 .... which is mine to be recognized by my cell phone and I could do the restore, all good until that moment, I restarted the phone and started with the CLARO logo, I thought that the problem was already solved but it was not so, now a legend appears that says "incorrect encryption" and that's it Do you know how to repair this? I did what Lyoks said in the final part of the first post he did but it didn't work.
Hola, muchas gracias por tu tiempo y por el enlace de la descarga. Después de descomprimir el archivo .rar que enviaste tuve que renombrar la carpeta BACKUPS/3203872..... (este es el numero de serie de tú teléfono) por BACKUPS/320676307.... que es el mío para que lo reconociera mi celular y pude hacer el restore, todo bien hasta ese momento, reinicié el teléfono y arrancó con el logo de CLARO, pensé que ya estaba resuelto el problema pero no fue así, ahora aparece una leyenda que dice "encriptación incorrecta" y eso es todo ¿sabes como reparar esto? hice lo que dijo Lyoks en la parte final del primer post que hizo pero no funcionó.
---------- Post added at 12:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 AM ----------
lyoks said:
Hello, right here is service firmware
With it, you can bring your phone back to life, ALWAYS!
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Hello, thank you very much for your time and for the link, I had to open a Yandex account, it was a bit difficult by the way since I had to use the Google translator, I don't understand any Russian! anyway.
I did what the post says but at the time of flashing it only took about two seconds and the green label SUCCESS appeared, I expected the flash to take longer so I think something is not right, I restarted the phone and nothing happened, it was as if I wouldn't have flashed anything. Do you know what I can do?

Question Is there a specific Driver I should be using so that my phone is seen on my windows pc?

I keep trying to do adb devices or fastboot devices to get this Cricket Dream 5g to show up and i cannot figure it out to save my life.
Is there a specific Driver that i need to install for the computer to see the Dream 5G when it's in fastboot mode?
Aeikozz said:
I keep trying to do adb devices or fastboot devices to get this Cricket Dream 5g to show up and i cannot figure it out to save my life.
Is there a specific Driver that i need to install for the computer to see the Dream 5G when it's in fastboot mode?
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Download the Windows zip from Google.
Extract it somewhere - for example, %USERPROFILE%\adb-fastboot
On Windows 7/8:
From the desktop, right-click My Computer and select Properties
In the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab
In the Advanced section, click the Environment Variables button
In the Environment Variables window, highlight the Path variable in the Systems Variable section and click the Edit button
Append ;%USERPROFILE%\adb-fastboot\platform-tools to the end of the existing Path definition (the semi-colon separates each path entry)
On Windows 10:
Open the Start menu, and type “advanced system settings”
Select “View advanced system settings”
Click on the Advanced tab
Open the “Environment Variables” window
Select the Path variable under “System Variables” and click the “Edit” button
Click the “New” button
Insert %USERPROFILE%\adb-fastboot\platform-tools in the text field
Download the USB drivers and follow the instructions there.
ethical_haquer said:
De :
Descarga el zip de Windows de Google.
Extráigalo en algún lugar, por ejemplo, %USERPROFILE%\adb-fastboot
En Windows 7/8:
Desde el escritorio, haga clic derecho en Mi PC y seleccione Propiedades
En la ventana Propiedades del sistema, haga clic en la pestaña Avanzado
En la sección Avanzado, haga clic en el botón Variables de entorno
En la ventana Variables de entorno, resalte la variable Ruta en la sección Variable de sistemas y haga clic en el botón Editar
Agregue %USERPROFILE%\adb-fastboot\platform-tools al final de la definición de ruta existente (el punto y coma separa cada entrada de ruta)
En Windows 10:
Abra el menú Inicio y escriba "configuración avanzada del sistema"
Seleccione "Ver configuración avanzada del sistema"
Haga clic en la pestaña Avanzado
Abra la ventana "Variables de entorno"
Seleccione la variable Ruta en "Variables del sistema" y haga clic en el botón "Editar"
Haga clic en el botón "Nuevo"
Inserte %USERPROFILE%\adb-fastboot\platform-tools en el campo de texto
Descargue los controladores USB y siga las instrucciones allí.
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hola soy nuevo en esto alguien me podría ayudar con el procedimiento para cargar la ROM a este dispositivo . gracias
Quintana9710 said:
hola soy nuevo en esto alguien me podría ayudar con el procedimiento para cargar la ROM a este dispositivo . gracias
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Please translate your post, feel free to keep the original version along with the translated one.
ethical_haquer said:
Traduzca su publicación, siéntase libre de conservar la versión original junto con la traducida.
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ethical_haquer said:
Please translate your post, feel free to keep the original version along with the translated one.
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Hello, I am new in this, someone could help me with the procedure to load the ROM to this device. EC211001 model. thank you
Quintana9710 said:
Hello, I am new in this, someone could help me with the procedure to load the ROM to this device. EC211001 model. thank you
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Which ROM?
I already have the factory rom. I don't know the steps to install it on the device. I want to install the rom because the phone turns me on and stays on a sign that says it's corrupted
Quintana9710 said:
I already have the factory rom. I don't know the steps to install it on the device. I want to install the rom because the phone turns me on and stays on a sign that says it's corrupted
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Alright, I'll have to help you tomorrow. Sorry.
Ok my friend
Quintana9710 said:
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Alright, so what is your situation right now? It sounds like you have the stock ROM installed, and it's corrupted, but what phone is it?
ethical_haquer said:
Muy bien, entonces, ¿cuál es tu situación en este momento? Parece que tiene instalada la ROM estándar y está dañada, pero ¿qué teléfono es?
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Cricket dream 5g ec211001
I have the rom. I don't know how to install it on the device. and installed several phones before but this rom does not have the file (scater)
what I need are the steps to be able to install the ROM
Quintana9710 said:
what I need are the steps to be able to install the ROM
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I've only used Samsung devices, so I'm honestly not sure if I will be able to help you. I would recommend starting your own thread on this forum so more people will see it. Chances are somebody here knows how to flash your device. Right now your question is buried on a thread called "
Is there a specific Driver I should be using so that my phone is seen on my windows pc?​"
Your question isn't really related to it. Sorry that I couldn't help.

