n00b question. Please don't flame - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I just got my hands on a HTC herm100 (cingular 8525). I was able to superCID it and unlock it. Now I have my tmobile sim card in and it works great with one exception that I have been banging my head on. My MMS is not functional. I have made sure to change the network settings to show wap.voicestream.com with no UID and PWD. When I tap "connect" it goes out to the GPRS (as far as i can tell) and connects fine. When I send or receive a pic/vid message, I get an error saying "unable to send/receive your message". I have been through the MMS configuration a million times. Verified the gateway, port, and server address. I noticed on the herm100 there is no option to select the WAP version, on the MDA it gets set to WAP 2.0. I am on IPL-1.01 and SPL_1.40.olipro via the boot loader screen. Would some one please help me? I have a lot to learn since I am new to all of this.
Thanks for any help

Dunno how this is wherever you are, but in norway there's a seperate gprs connection for MMS..
you can select the wap version in messaging->options->MMS->servers->"servername".

Thanks for the reply. I updated to the latest ROM from HTC and it gave me the additional options I needed to get the MMS working. Thanks


PLEASE HELP me with my MMS setting

In the last 3 weeks since I got my Dopod 818pro, I've spent an obscene amount of time trying to setup the MMS system. I am using T-mobile USA with the most basic voice plan (no internet or wireless plan). T mobile keeps claiming I should be able to send picture messaging with the correct settings. I have read multiple forums (including this forum everyday), going through more settings than I can remember, exhausted T mobile's technical team, and all I get is the "Unable to send message. It will remain in your inbox" message. Even the tech team from tmobile is suggesting that I have a faulty system. So before I give up and deem this unit faulty, maybe someone here can tell me what I'm doing wrong or give suggestions as to a step by step setup, I will be forever grateful. Here's what I've tried:
- I tried the whole wap.voicestream.com setting in "connections", then using the " then" as suggested by t mobile - still doesn't work.
- What I have been successful in getting is text messages, but I assume that's not even in the same category as MMS. In fact, I had someone try to send pics to me, and didn't get it at all.
So my questions are:
1) Is anyone using a port other than 9201 for MMS?
2) Is there any settings in this Asian origin phone that may interfere with it working in the US?
3) My Arcsoft MMS Composer version is 3.xx something, but I've seen other WM5 units (like the Apache) that carries a 2.xx version. Is there any incompatibility issue with 3.xx and WM5 that anyone knows of? If so, does anyone know where I can get an older version of MMS Composer? (I think even the t mobile tech people said they're only familiar with 2.xx version)
4) Which arcsoft MMS composer version does the Jamin have (I assume it should be identical to my dopod 818pro, but worth asking.
5) Should I just pay for the internet plan to see if there's an account issue, and not a software/hardware issue?
6) If the phone and txt messages are fine, should I assume it's not a hardware issue, but rather a WM5/software problem?
7) If anyone has a cab file for TMobile USA or direct me to one I'll appreciate it. (I did do a search on this, but the link directed me to a UK setting cab. file, not a US one).
8) There's an icon in the Settings/Connections screen. Other han the Connections icon, there is a GPRS Setting icon. When I click on it, it allows me to choose PAP authentication or CHAP authenication. Does anyone know which should be checked for T mobile in the US? (none of the tmobile techs know what this is).
9) Finally, has anyone been successful using a dopod 818pro (jamin for that matter), to send mms through t mobile USA. Am I alone here?
I want to thank you for any input whatsoever. I want to try everything before I send this back for exchange.
I have a JAMin on TMO USA. The ARC Soft composer version is The JAMin is the first iMate device that has had flawless MMS operation for me. Other devices have been iffy at best. And it definitely isn't a network issue since MMS on my Treo 650 was always perfect. I guess I don't see how you can even do MMS without a data plan since you need to access the internet at the wap.voicestream.com web site. I didn't know that one could do that with just a voice plan. If that is OK then I would be sure that your MMS is using the wap connection not the GPRS connection based on internet2.voicestream.com.
Anyway below are my TMO USA GPRS/MMS Settings which work on the JAMin. If these don't work I would definitely request a new device.
T-Mobile Internet & MMS Connections Setup, Modified 10/8/05, 2/10/06 for JAMin by FM
1. Start>Settings>Connections>Connections>Tasks Tab
1a. Under first section (My ISP) add a new modem connection-> Modem Tab: "Internet GPRS"/Cellular Line (GPRS)/"internet2.voicestream.com"
1b. Under second section (My Work Network) add a new modem connection-> Modem Tab: "MMS GPRS"/Cellular Line (GPRS)/"wap.voicestream.com"
Proxy Settings Tab: Check "This network connects to the Internet"
Check "This network uses a proxy server to connect to the Internet"
Proxy Server:
Advanced: HTTP/
Secure WAP/
1c. Advanced Tab>Select Networks: Programs that automatically connect to the Internet should connect using: "My ISP"
Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: "My Work Network"
2. Messaging>MMS>MMS Configuration>Preferences Tab-> Retrieve messages immediately/Save sent messages/3 Attempts/
Original Photo Resolution
Servers Tab-> Define a new Server: T-Mobile MMS Server/Set as default
Server Name: T-Mobile MMS Server/Gateway: number: 9201
Server address:
Connect via: My Work Network
Sending size limitation: 250K
Wap Version: 1.2
Thanks so much for responding. I tried all your steps to a tee (BTW, very thorough instructions, much more so than TMo techs). Still doesn't work. My MMS composer version is vs your 19. You don't suppose that much was upgraded b/w these versions, do you? How did you get these settings anyway? Did Tmobile send it to you, or did you set it up yourself. BTW, do you have the 19.99 plan or the 29.99 plan? I'm just trying to figure it if I should just shell out money for the internet plan just to try out the MMS capability. Damn, really don't want to send this back to Expansys.
I have had the $19.99 unlimited data plan for quite a while now and I don't know anything about the $29.99 plan. These settings are those that I have always used on PPCs such as the Torq 100, PDA2K, JAM, KJAM and now the JAMin and came from trial and error mostly with suggestions from others on here and other forums. I am sure that they are correct.
I really don't use MMS that much and since I have had so much trouble in the past with it trying to send pictures I usually just send them via email attachments using Messaging. That always works and is also free.
I really think that your problem is not having a data plan and I am surprised that the TMO techs didn't mention that. Look at the MMS connection settings - you need to access the Cellular Line (GPRS) - this is a data conection, not voice, and as I said before you need to access the wap web site on the interne for MMS. You can always try the data plan for a day or so and cancel it if it doesn't work but I think that is your problem. I would have all the GPRS settings in place and then have a TMO CSR activate the data plan. You can then test it immediately while the CSR is still on the line by running Pocket Explorer and accessing a web site. If that works then I would try MMS again.
I also hate to send stuff back so hopefully it will work with a data plan,
I think getting the internet plan is the next step before I send it back. The way the tech explained it to me about using the phone line to do MMS. He said that the setting they gave us (servelets/mms, etc) is kind of a backdoor to the GPRS. Some techs did claim they were successful setting it up the Jasjar (maybe they all neglected to note what kind of plan all these wm5 users have). Does your phone have that GPRS authentication thing? Still can't figure out what it is.
Mine is set to PAP by default. Maybe the techs are right about not needing a data plan. I have just always had one when using MMS so haven't tried it without one. I pay for each individual MMS message - $.10 each I think.
fmcgirt said:
Wap Version: 1.2
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I did change WAP ver. from 2.0 to 1.2 to make it work.
And also make sure your MMS connects to wap.voicestream.com not internet2.voicestream.com nor internet3.voicestream.com
I have MMS working on T-mobile w/iMate XDA 2, Dopod 818, iPaq 6515, and Dopod 818 Pro.
Staroip, which T mobile plan do you have? Are you paying anything extra other than the voiceplan?
I have family plan w/ 4 lines. Currently, the line my Dopod 818 pro uses has $19.99 unlimited GPRS (which is not offered anymore). T-mobile has "Total Internet Access" for $29.99 as add-on that comes with unlimiter GPRS/Edge and HotSpot.
My old dopod 818 (aka iMate JAM) is on the line w/o any data plan add-on now but used to have $19.99 unlimited VPN plan. MMS is working fine on those device now.
Have you done the trick for SD card problem, such as not allowing ext-rom installation? Usually, there is MMS patch cab need to be installed in order for MMS to be working.
BTW, on my connection "wap.voicestream.com", I don't use proxy setting.
Is your Dopod 818 pro WWE version or TC version?
Now you're scarying me about the Jam being able to do MMS without any plans. I did do the Sd card thing, but I did launch the MMS cab file. Either way, this wasn't working even before I hard resetted and excluded the ext rom2. This is the WWE version. You think it makes a difference? Now I really have to talk to T mobile soon.
Most camera phones (not PDA) can use MMS w/o data plan.
Here is T-Mobile Wireless Data Configurator
W/O a data plan, your wap.voicestream.com is still open for MMS even though you cannot browse web sites.
You may find some answers there.
I think I'm going to give up now. I just sign up for the internet plan for 29.99. I was able to surf the web. But guess what, still can't do MMS. Almost hilarious. BTW, you don't think I'm doing something stupid like not composing the MMS message correctly, do you? I just launch MMS, create new, attach a picture, then hit send, right? The send address is always the 10 digit phone number, including area code, right? No country code?
The MMS send address can also be an email address - try that. If not, I don't know what else to suggest. As I told you before MS was always flaky for me on everything expect the Treo 650 and JAMin. Sometimes it would appear to work and never show up at the destination. Or take several hours to show up. Sometimes on receive a message would appear to download successfully but I could never display it. These are also problems reported by others. I always felt lucky when it did work and none of us ever knew what was wrong - not settings or network so we had to conclude that the ArcSoft MMS client must be glitchy.
OK, here's the latest update. (I'm spending way too much time on this). As a last attempt, I put my sims card into an old sony erricson T68i phone. I was able to send messages, but when I tried to download the picture, it says some error with the network. So I speculated that it may be the SIMS card afterall. I called up tmobile, and they said some of their older SIMS card may not know how to handle MMS. She suggested I go to the Tmobile store to get a new card. Went there, tmobile gave me a free new card, now I'm able to receive pic messages (which I'm pretty sure I was never able to do with the old SIMS), but I still can't send them out. The kicker is, if I pop the sims card into the t68i, I'm able to create and send messages, and the message even goes into the t68i's inbox, but I still can't download it. Then if I take the same card, put it in my dopod, now the dopod can download and view it. WTF? Should I just send it back? This is too frustrating.
For those who tried to help me, here's the latest update. After trying everything with no success, I was about to send it back to expansys, so I figured I'll try it one more time after I hard reset the device. I plugged the settings in, sent the pic... Guess what, IT WORKED. I don't have the slightest clue as to why. Don't know if the reset reconfigured the SIMS, whatever it is, it worked (even after I restored my backup (so I don't think it was a software incompatibility issue either). All I know is, now I'm ecstatic. All I need to do now is figure out what I'm going to do with picture messaging now that I have it. :shock: Again, thank you so much for those of you who tried to help. This is the greatest forum.

No MMS, Vodafone UK SIM in Exec

Hi - I've seen some posts that kind of address this topic but nothing yet that can solve the problem I'm experiencing (I think!).
I've set my O2 Exec up with what I'm confident are the Vodafone UK WAP APN and MMS server settings. However, when I send a message it tries for the standard 3 attempts and then gives up, saying the message couldn't be sent and that it would remain in my outbox. However, all 3 of the messages are actually successfully delivered! I am unable to download any 'received' MMS sent to me, although I do receive the notifications.
Has anybody else experienced this and, if so, I'd appreciate any advice in solving it.
The WAP APN I'm using is wap.vodafone.co.uk without the proxy setting enabled (as this is specified in the MMS settings). The MMS server is http://mms.vodafone.co.uk/servlets/mms, gateway is with a port number of 8799. Size is limited to 100K, using WAP 2.0.
Thanks for any assistance.
Vodafone MMS
I've got exactly the same problem. I rang vodafone and told them I had a V1640 and ask them to send me the settings, but she couldn't do it for some reason. She told me to go down to the vodafone shop and ask them to program the settings in manually. I haven't done this because I reckon that I will know more than them about the phone.
My O2 ROM has the settings for 02's connections, therefore, the only thing I can think of doing now is to somehow obtain a copy of the V1640 ROM and install it and hope the settings will be inherant with the installation.
Had a quick look aroung the net without any success.
I'm going from memory a little, but before i upgraded to my Orange SPV M5000, I upgraded my O2 XDAII from PPC2003 (not SE) to a WM2005 ROM, working on a Vodafone PAYT SIM.
I used the attached file to configure all the necessary Vodafone settings (btw, this is UK PAYT)... just copy to your device and run the CAB. I don't recall any problems runnings this, irrespective of any manual settings i'd set.
I also recall having to phone Vodafone to ask them to ensure my GPRS was enabled as this affects MMS sending. Vodafone seemed to be happy to automatically switch it off for me every few months!
Hope this helps

No MMS with T-mobile on 8125

I have looked around for some answers to this question and I am not sure it has been addressed. I have the AT&T 8125 that has been upgraded, unlocked, SuperCID unlocked, IPL and SPL above 3, and running WM6. I recently switch to T-moblie and I cannot send or recieve MMS messeges or get on the internet. I have tried T-mobile's help website and even talked to technical support. Thier settings do not work at all. Can anybody shed some light on this? Oh and it no longer uses GPRS it now uses EDGE.
might help
I found that by going to
MMS Options>Servers>T-mobile MMS and only changing the "Connect Via" to Internet
allowed me to start sending and receiving MMS without trying to switch servers adn screw up my phone.
Good Luck
Thanks wilmesg, I was having problems sending MMS with AT&T and this fixed it for me as well.
where can i find MMS Option
I have similar problem with new Tmobile MDA. I looked around cant seem to see where MMS option is.
try one of these CABs for t-mobile:

Urgent help with MMS settings!

I just sold my HTC HD to a friend, but the problem is that we cant get it to send/recieve MMS!
I live in Sweden and the operator is Tele2/comviq, we have tried all the suggested settings on the Tele2 site, but it just refuses to connect!
I have never used MMS function as long as I had the phone, so I dont know if it worked before, but it dosent work now!
Could someone please help us, and tell if there is something wrong with the phone or if it is just a setting that we are missing!
I have not installed any custom roms, it still has the original wm 6.1 rom!
I had the same problem with T-Mobile and the only way I could get it to work was to turn off proxy server in the connections settings.
Chrissssssss said:
I had the same problem with T-Mobile and the only way I could get it to work was to turn off proxy server in the connections settings.
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Thanks for the tip, I checked the connection settings, but there are no proxy servers active!
Any more suggestions?
it's not touch hd spc if I were you i'd search the networking it forum for your operator as all wm device owners share the same settings
Same problem
I am having all problem with mms (sending and receiving) aswell.
I think the problem comes from our htc hds and 3g n gsm.
When I use my sim card on another phone, i can easily send and receive.
I wonder if those recent roms don't affect the mms thing.
I tried the original rom of my hd with orange and I can send and receive without problem.
I believe there is something wrong with our settings.

Optus MMS issue

I have been enjoying my HD2 for yonks now but I am plagued by a problem whereby I cannot send or received MMS messages.
I also had a problem with replying to SMS messages but this was fixed when I installed Vito SMS Chat... sent and replied to a couple of SMS's using SMS Chat then unistalled it and all is good!
Now back to my current problem.....cannot send MMS messages on Optus 3G. I spoke to Optus and was informed MMS messaging is not supported on the HD2 for at least 6 months due to some deal Telstra has with HTC?? What the!?!?!?
I have searched and searched but found nothing that helps on any forum so I am hopeful some here can assist me!?!?!
I have checked and rechecked settings and they all seem correct.
PS: I have cooked my ROM to one of the scotsman's OZ Roms and love it!!
I am with TPG which use OPTUS 3G lines and i am able to send MMS without any issues at all.
All optus need to do is to activate MMS on your sim card once its activated it should work.
My sim card was already activated before i changed to the HD2 but i dont/havent had a problem yet.
PS. I would change to TPG its a hell of alot cheaper but still uses OPTUS's network (if your on a contract then i feel for you).
I am with PennyTel and they use Optus too.... their customer service is very poor but the call rates are amazing cheap!! Like 0.08c per call to the States untimed! Hard to beat that.... but the downside is poor customer service!
I will try to contact their customer service today to check that my MMS service is active!
some of the mms settings with the connections wizard are incorrect.
I have to change mine everytime I flash a new rom.
I don't have them here but if you search you can find the correct settings and fix them manually.
You could check if mms is enabled by putting the card in another phone.
Hey lakeman,
I have searched for settings and everything I find is the same as in my phone. Appreciate you providing your settings when you get the chance so I can compare....
Mmmmm....didn't think to try sim in another phone... will do this tonite as a test!
Not that it helps you much but I've been using my HD2 on Optus since I got it late last year.
I have never had problems with sending or receiving SMS or MMS...
I'm also using the default settings that are in the startup wizard after flashing
[email protected] said:
Hey lakeman,
I have searched for settings and everything I find is the same as in my phone. Appreciate you providing your settings when you get the chance so I can compare....
Mmmmm....didn't think to try sim in another phone... will do this tonite as a test!
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4 things I have found(though I use Virgin settings)
1.you sometimes have to send yourself an mms to activate it
2.for the server in connections, the connection wizard put a space between virgin and MMS
3. the port should be 9201 rather than 8070
4. the wap version should be WAP1.2.
again these are the things that I had to change to work for me
I have used some roms occasionally that worked straight up
At least this could be a starting point for you to troubleshoot
hi [email protected]
Im with Optus too.. I had issues the first few times I've received MMS.... everytime I went to download the MMS, it'd give me an error and tell me that the file doesnt exist (or something along those lines).
I tried redo-ing all the settings extra with the wizard and couldnt get it to work..
One day, I unexpectedly received an MMS and I was able to reply back with a MMS... it hasn't died on me so far -
And I didnt do anything other than flashings a different different ROM or two and different radios, so i'm guessing that's what might've fixed it.
Anyway, if you're after the actual Optus settings to compare (it seems to be different for the resellers like Virgin, etc even though they run on the same network):
Server Name: Optus MMS
IP Adress:
Port Number: 8070
Server Aaddress: http://mmsc.optus.com.au:8002/
Connect via: Optus MMS Settings
Messages Size Limit: 300kb
WAP Version:2.
All the settings above were automaticallyconfigured using the Connection WIzard.
Hope this helps! :
Thanks lakeman and bobbified,
Tried your suggestions to no avail!
I have a call in with my provider to investigate and they advised my problem is being escalated.....I hope!
I guess I'll have to wait til next week now as it is Saturday!
