MMS missing after hard reset - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I did a hard reset of my T-Mobile MDA Vario II last night.
I noticed later that the ability to send MMS in the messaging application was missing. It only provides for SMS texts and email accounts, MMS is not listed.
T-Mobile suggested I do another hard reset. Does anyone know if it's possible to get MMS functionality back without doing a hard reset?
Also, the pocket internet explorer homepage is not a T-mobile customized one anymore. Instead it shows a hompage with links to 'Mobile Operator', 'OEM' and 'Windows Mobile'. If I click on one of the first two links, it starts up FIle Explorer. The 3rd link works. I've noticed it doesn't display that annoying message 'You are about to go online', so I think the T-Mobile customizations that run after a hard reset have not worked right.

Sorted. I did another hard reset, this time without the TomTom SD card loaded. It auto-played and interfered with the automatic cab customizations the first time around.

mtcs said:
Sorted. I did another hard reset, this time without the TomTom SD card loaded. It auto-played and interfered with the automatic cab customizations the first time around.
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For future reference you can (re-)install the carrier specific settings by unlocking your Extended Rom and executing the cab file there. Or you can get the settings from your carrier's website and input them manually. If you use a custom rom that includes an ext rom you will have to enter them manually unless you saved off the original cab files or search the forums for them.

Zzan said:
For future reference you can (re-)install the carrier specific settings by unlocking your Extended Rom and executing the cab file there. Or you can get the settings from your carrier's website and input them manually. If you use a custom rom that includes an ext rom you will have to enter them manually unless you saved off the original cab files or search the forums for them.
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Thank you Zzan. Maybe one day I'll have the nerve to give it a try.


How t remove T-Mobile colours from your device

So here is the procedure of getting rid of T-Mobile's customization:
The whole proccess means you will do a hard reset and you will be installing everything from the beggining! So if you don't want that to happen you have to stay with T-Mobile's customization!
Step 1
Hard reset your MDA Compact (power+soft reset). Do all the neccesary steps (choosing your country and timezone) and when you get in the screen that tells you to tap the screen in order to start working have your stylus at the soft-reset hole tap the screen with your finger and do a soft reset IMMMEDIAELY AFTER YOU TAP THE SCREEN!
Step 2
Your MDA compact will restart without any customization it will be a clean Windows Mobile 2003SE. With the file manager go to the Extended ROM folder that is now visible and install the following files:
MMS_Settings_WWE_NL.CAB (This file will install the settings of T-Mobile NL but if you don't install it and then change the settings to your providers settings most probably will end up with MMS that does not work. So install those settings and change them accordingly to your providers settings)
Those are all the files you need to install. For those who need intellipad and intellidialer they will also have to install the 2 files for those programs.
GPRS Settings
I did all the above!!
But now I can't use Internet Explorer anymore.
I don't have te right settings!!
I'm using a O2 card in the phone!!
Can someone help me???
Re: GPRS Settings
zanders77 said:
I did all the above!!
But now I can't use Internet Explorer anymore.
I don't have te right settings!!
I'm using a O2 card in the phone!!
Can someone help me???
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Download the 02 settings from clubimate.
intellidialler does not work
I have a T-mobile MDA Compact in the UK.
If I follow these instructions it works fine - thanks. (SOme of the CAB files are UK versions or have later version numbers.
1. Is there a list anywhere of what each of these CAB files does?
2. The Dialler becomes crappy (formatting numbers in the US way, and not searching for contacts). The default microsoft colours are much more intuitive for showing missed calls/received calls etc in the recent calls list than the T-mobile palette, but i can't make the dialler search the address book in the very clever way it usually does. The intillidialler won't install either.
Any ideas?
Has anyone found decent versions of intellipad and intellidialler to install after doing the debrand on a UK Compact?
Quick question, i did all this and it worked fine for me, orange sim is working happily away when i unlocked the device via IMEI check and installed the orange rom but i've lost the clearvue products suite. I've looked in the extended rom partition but i can't find it
love this thing tho...still fiddling with it 2 months down the line
and how do i get the default microsoft colours?
27 said:
MMS_Settings_WWE_NL.CAB (This file will install the settings of T-Mobile NL but if you don't install it and then change the settings to your providers settings most probably will end up with MMS that does not work. So install those settings and change them accordingly to your providers settings)
Those are all the files you need to install. For those who need intellipad and intellidialer they will also have to install the 2 files for those programs.
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Can you tell me where can i find all those CAB's and intellipad and intellidialer CAB's. Please because I'm a new about this stuff :lol:

K-JAM MMS Configuration

I have posted this over at MoDaCo but i thought i would give it a go here as well. :wink:
I stupidly installed MS Global Contact Access (GCA) for PPC on my K-JAM to see if it would work (which it did) but it has caused other problems so i had to uninstall it. This is probably due to MS still not releasing a WM5 compatible version of GCA.
Now, when i open the messaging app and select "MMS Configuration" from the menu instead of the MMS Configuration screen it opens a New Meeting request.
Would anyone know how i can get my MMS config back without a hard reset? Is the setup for MMS in one of the cabs in the extended ROM or is it built into the main System ROM
Any suggestions?
You can download a cab file from club imate for mms, sms settings.
If you know how to access your Ext ROM, you can have a look there and 'guess' the CAB that is resposible for the MMS settings. It should fix the problem.

IIWPO: Theft protection also proven on Wizard

Based of the IIWPO solution initially meant for Wallaby devices (see, I created a customizable installer for Himalaya:
See the Wiki page on IIWPO
Hopefully IIWPO suprises a lot of thiefs!!!!!
IIWPO has proven that it is also fully functional on Wizard. I guess this means it woll be working on WM5 devices in general.
One remark: Due to the different memory behaviour under WM5 you might notice IIWPO does not send an SMS immediately after you change the onwer-info (ie. for test purposes). But it definitely will when the device is woken up after some time!
I followed every step and it isn't working for me.
I checked every setting after installing and everything is in the right folder / registry.
I rebooted my Wizard several times (poweroff button / pen soft-reset) and it never send an SMS.
How do you get around the fact that WM2005 no longer has a useful extended rom and config.txt? Do you now install a iiwpo.exe into the \Windows\Start-up folder?
Any ideas on how to hide it successfully the way it used to be in a hidden and locked extended Rom?
Anyone has tried it on Kjam?
QuasaR said:
I followed every step and it isn't working for me.
I checked every setting after installing and everything is in the right folder / registry.
I rebooted my Wizard several times (poweroff button / pen soft-reset) and it never send an SMS.
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I guess you did personalize the platformxxx.reg file (put in your own data, note the phone# needs to be in international format).
If then the registry just contains the correct data, ie YOUR correct name and SOMEONE's phone# (to send to sms to) I cannot imagine it is not working. The SMS should be sent when your device is woken-up (by just pressing power button). Afaik the SMS is not sent when the device is switched on (ie. after pressing power button 5 secs) or a reset.
pneuma said:
Any ideas on how to hide it successfully the way it used to be in a hidden and locked extended Rom?
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Until there is a decent solution the trick is:
-Backup your OS & radio rom using aWizard tools
-Flash with an 1.5.x ROM using regular procedure (RUU)
-Create your own ExtROM (its writable in this version)
-Restore your backed-up OS & Radio ROM using aWizard tools
Advantage of this is the thief also cannot purge the ExtROM (without upgrading) . . .
slumpolo said:
Anyone has tried it on Kjam?
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As KJam is a Wizard also there is no reason why it should not work
is it possible to use this tool, but without locking the ExtendenRom and without rom upgrade?
even if it is less safe...I prefer using my Extended Rom for some applications but also prefer not to upgrade my Qteck9100 yet.
So I have put it all in the extended rom, but will this 'Config.txt' and 'Autorun.exe' be invoked on a hard reset when the Extende Rom is not locked...
when installing, should i install it in the extende rom or in the device itself?
thanks for the great tips!
edsub said:
QuasaR said:
I followed every step and it isn't working for me.
I checked every setting after installing and everything is in the right folder / registry.
I rebooted my Wizard several times (poweroff button / pen soft-reset) and it never send an SMS.
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I guess you did personalize the platformxxx.reg file (put in your own data, note the phone# needs to be in international format).
If then the registry just contains the correct data, ie YOUR correct name and SOMEONE's phone# (to send to sms to) I cannot imagine it is not working. The SMS should be sent when your device is woken-up (by just pressing power button). Afaik the SMS is not sent when the device is switched on (ie. after pressing power button 5 secs) or a reset.
pneuma said:
Any ideas on how to hide it successfully the way it used to be in a hidden and locked extended Rom?
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Until there is a decent solution the trick is:
-Backup your OS & radio rom using aWizard tools
-Flash with an 1.5.x ROM using regular procedure (RUU)
-Create your own ExtROM (its writable in this version)
-Restore your backed-up OS & Radio ROM using aWizard tools
Advantage of this is the thief also cannot purge the ExtROM (without upgrading) . . .
slumpolo said:
Anyone has tried it on Kjam?
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As KJam is a Wizard also there is no reason why it should not work
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I personalized everything but it never sends an SMS so i tried to run the files manually.
When i run the file \Windows\iiwpo_main.exe is sends the SMS immediately.
Any ideas on where it can go wrong ?
I also tried to run the \Windows\iiwpo_start.exe and \Windows\Opstarten\iiwpo_start.exe but that did nothing.
Himalaya + WM2005
Referring to your reply, sorry I failed to mention I am using Himalaya and enjoyed the iiwpo up until I upgrade to WM2005, after which the extended rom became a useless memory area for Hima devices and was therefore re-claimed with buzz's DOCtools.
Does the extrom in wizard wm5 still have a purpose? As far as I know the files like config.ini never get called by wm5?
Also, Is the current release a rewrite for WM5 or still the same version since 2003 1st edition?
How can i unnistall IIWPO ? I need real HELP pls
Hi guys
I installed IIWPO in my Qtek9100 (Wizard), followed all steps and it doesnt work.
So I decide to unistall it.
I did it from Revome Programs option and with resco i removed registry key .
Now when i do a soft reset i receive allways a Notification Error Mess : Cannot execute \windows\IIWPO_main.exe
This appears also during phone calls !!!
Apps are not in \windows and no more in \windows\startup, registry key is not there. What can i do more ?
Please I need HELP
My guess is that non-functioning has to do with localized versions of WM5.
The cab uses hard-coded pathnames (needed by setup.dll, especially during the customisation process)
It is confirmed that un-install issues have to do with a left-behind notification in the notification db.
Use Check Notifications by scarybear software to get rid of all IIWPO notifications OR do a hard reset :wink:
I updated the IIWPO wiki on this

My new TyTN...seems to be missing MMS...

I just got a TyTN. On my HTC Universal, there was a MMS console or something...forget what they call it...
But it was flawless and there isn't one on the TyTN from what I can see...
Can someone help me out? It MIGHT be my general non-familiarity of the device so I don't see it...but I don't see any programs or settings that even come close to referencing it...
If I understand the questions correctly
From messaging.
Select MMS
You have to install the from ExtendedROM.
I for one, didn't install it, cause the whole messanging application (SMS and E-Mail) starts much faster without MMS installed.
At the moment I'm searching for a proper replacement for MMS that's not that lazy.
Missing MMS Menu on HTC TyTn
I have the same problem on my HTC TyTn. In fact, MMS menu is missing. I've read the answer but I don't know where I could find
Could you help me, please.
unhide the extendedrom as described in the extrom unlocker thread. then you should find a file *shortcut*mms*.cab in the dir /ExtendedROM
Thanx for answering. I've tried what it explained, but nothing happen. My phone coming from SFR (vodaphone). Maybe there is something else to do.
ROM Version
ROM Date: 06/18/06
Radio Version:
Protocole: 32.53.7018.01W
Me, too, and I think I've got it figured out..
I have most of this problem solved but need one additional piece of info (at bottom); maybe someone can fill that in for me.
I got a new 8525 from the day they came out. The letter 'A' stuck so I had to exchange it for a new one. The first 8525 I had showed the MMS directory just fine but the second one they gave me did not. I'm not aware of any differences in the way I set them up or how this could be, but MMS has been missing from my second 8525 since I first fired it up. Cingular support was no help.
Here's what you need to do to fix it:
(1) You need to unhide the Extended ROM. Info on doing that can be found here:
Note that in my situation my phone was already SIM unlocked, and I found that I did not have to CID unlock my device in order to fix this problem. Information on what the difference is between SIM unlock and CID unlock can be found here:
(2) Now, when you open File Explorer, you'll see a new folder listed called "Extended ROM." Open that folder and you'll see a list of .cab files that can install various things for you.
Run the MMS installation .cab file called "MT_Shortcut-MMS-Hermes" to install the MMS function that somehow got missed in the initial setup. I found that I was not able to install this program to Extended ROM, and I did not try to install it to the storage card, but it installed in my Device memory just fine.
Open up Messaging, and you should now see the MMS folder, unless you soft reset, in which case you have to re-install. In my case, no configuration of the MMS function was needed, and MMS works just fine.
QUESTION: Whenever I soft reset my phone, I lose the MMS function again and have to re-install from the .cab. How do I make MMS a permanent feature of my phone?
I hope this helps folks get at least as far as I've managed and maybe someone else can help finish answering this problem. Thanks in advance.
Let's say a stupid asshole erased his ext-ROM and is now missing the whole .
Is it possible to flash back only the ext-ROM ?
Can someone send the .cab to the asshole (meaning ME!) ??
Replying to myself :
contents of known extended roms are here :

[Q] Advice sought for flashing Hermes 200

Hello all,
I am running a 64 bit Win 7 PC and an unlocked Hermes 200, with Win 6, which I wish to upgrade. I have used the Easy Hard-Spl v7 and the Hermes bootloader is showing an IPL 0f 1.04 and a SPL of 2.10 olipro. I have not flashed a phone ROM before and I wish to be safer than sorrier having bricked the Hermes.
I have the HTC_TyTN)WWE_3.54.255.3_6275_1.48.00.10_108.exe file which I wish to flash to the Hermes. I have renamed this file as a .zip file and extracted 8 files including RUU_Inside.exe (55,490kb). Again, I renamed this file as a .zip file and extracted another 8 files icluding RUU_signed.nbh (93,566kb). I am assuming that this is the file I need to flash.
To flash the Hermes ROM, I need to do:
1. have a 2Gb non-SHDC microSD card formatted to FAT32
2. rename RUU_signed.nbh to HERMIMG.nbh and copy this file to the root folder of the SD card
3. insert the SD card into the Hermes and start the bootloader
4. comfirm flashing on screen by pressing the power button
5. wait about 30 minutes
6. once flashing is confirmed as complete, do a soft reset
I am hoping that somebody that knows more than me, which is all of you, will confirm that my sequence of actions is correct or else point out my errors.
Many thanks for your help and advice,
That is ok.
I think in step 4. that you will not confirm with power button, but with other one. Doesn't matters, it will tell you whitch one to press.
First flash AT&T ROM and than ROM image that you want, it is told on almost every [ROM] thread.
Searched high and low, can't find ROM
Before anyone bashes me for asking this, I've searched this forum and many others all evening and through the night and several times previously -- and EVERY SINGLE download link for any ROMs is broken. Can anyone help me locate a WM6.1 ROM that should work on a Cingular (now AT&T) 8525 (HTC Hermes)? By the way I'm no noob, I have successfully flashed ROMs to my HTC Wizard (AT&T 8125) and my HTC Apache and even cooked ROMs for it.
crag345, I'm in about the same boat as having thoroughly researched and being prepared to install a ROM for this thing (except still needing the ROM...hahaha) -- in general your approach seems solid, and those are the steps I've found too for flashing the Hermes from SD card.
Additional steps you might want to take, as found in some forum posts --
0. Make sure you have a ROM version that is compatible with your phone (you probably already did this, but extremely important so worth mentioning).
1.a) scan the SD card to verify integrity. Some have done this using a WM program called Storage Tools (I found Storage Card Tools, I think it is the same they were talking about, for $15). But in the wiki it says you can just use Properties, Tools, Error Checking (I found this on Windows desktop PC by right-clicking the drive letter first - they didn't mention that). I think the point of using Storage Card Tools was this guy had no access to a PC.
2.a) Copy or write down all the settings you can find in the phone, especially MEdia Net (this is from my own experience, after flashing you can't get internet, picture messaging, and similar stuff to work until this is re-entered). You can get there using Settings, Connections, Connections, and under MEdiaNet tap on Manage existing connections (might be called something else if you are with a carrier other than AT&T). Tap Edit, and go through each screen, capturing or writing down the settings.
2.b) Be sure your battery is charged, or phone plugged into charger.
7. Some forums on very similar HTC WM devices also advocate doing a hard reset after flashing a ROM. Not sure how necessary but it can't hurt. Possibly also of interest, if your carrier's ROM includes bloatware, you might be able to eliminate it by RIGHT BEFORE IT INSTALLS their customizations, hit soft reset button. Worked great for me on one phone, but on another phone it failed to stop the carrier customizations.
8. If pic msgs do not work, try going to MMS Options (in Messaging app), Menu, MMS server. (Menu and option names may vary depending on WM version). My notes are for AT&T -- Server name: type in anything. IP address: Port number: 80. Server address Connect via: MEdia Net. send limit is 600KB.
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also, 2.a)1. Obviously, back up any data you have in the phone's internal memory. My Documents, and anything customized you've saved at the \ root level or another subfolder in internal memory. Also back up calendar and contacts -- if you are using Google exchange sync this won't be a problem, it will all come back when you re-establish the account settings and sync -- but if not, you might want to use a PIM backup utility. SK Tools is my favorite.
2.a)2. If you have a registry editor, you might want to use it to export some customized settings for your programs, then you can much more quickly restore those settings after flashing or hard resetting the device. I use an app TaskMgr.exe in the RegEdit screen for exporting subtrees, especially in HKCU, Software. You'll see folders the correspond to apps you've installed. One to not overlook if you customize button settings, is \Microsoft\Shell\Keys. You can inspect items to see if the data is something you care to quickly reinstall. Tap and hold and you can export. This way you can restore PORTIONS of the registry. The new OS will have a registry that is sure to be different in many significant ways so you don't want to export the whole registry and reimport it all. Once you have flashed &/or hard reset a device, you'll need a program that reads .reg files in order to easily reinstall your preferences. If you have SK Tools, even the lite version, once it is installed the system will recognize .reg files.
2.a)3. A few apps don't seem to store their settings in the registry or anywhere that can easily be saved. WkTask (an EXCELLENT task manager and task switcher program) is like this, and also TCPMP (awesome media player). So, look through the various settings and write down how you like it set up, makes restoring much easier later.
tsugaguy said:
Before anyone bashes me for asking this, I've searched this forum and many others all evening and through the night and several times previously -- and EVERY SINGLE download link for any ROMs is broken. Can anyone help me locate a WM6.1 ROM that should work on a Cingular (now AT&T) 8525 (HTC Hermes)? By the way I'm no noob, I have successfully flashed ROMs to my HTC Wizard (AT&T 8125) and my HTC Apache and even cooked ROMs for it.
crag345, I'm in about the same boat as having thoroughly researched and being prepared to install a ROM for this thing (except still needing the ROM...hahaha) -- in general your approach seems solid, and those are the steps I've found too for flashing the Hermes from SD card.
Additional steps you might want to take, as found in some forum posts --
0. Make sure you have a ROM version that is compatible with your phone (you probably already did this, but extremely important so worth mentioning).
1.a) scan the SD card to verify integrity. Some have done this using a WM program called Storage Tools (I found Storage Card Tools, I think it is the same they were talking about, for $15). But in the wiki it says you can just use Properties, Tools, Error Checking (I found this on Windows desktop PC by right-clicking the drive letter first - they didn't mention that). I think the point of using Storage Card Tools was this guy had no access to a PC.
2.a) Copy or write down all the settings you can find in the phone, especially MEdia Net (this is from my own experience, after flashing you can't get internet, picture messaging, and similar stuff to work until this is re-entered). You can get there using Settings, Connections, Connections, and under MEdiaNet tap on Manage existing connections (might be called something else if you are with a carrier other than AT&T). Tap Edit, and go through each screen, capturing or writing down the settings.
2.b) Be sure your battery is charged, or phone plugged into charger.
7. Some forums on very similar HTC WM devices also advocate doing a hard reset after flashing a ROM. Not sure how necessary but it can't hurt. Possibly also of interest, if your carrier's ROM includes bloatware, you might be able to eliminate it by RIGHT BEFORE IT INSTALLS their customizations, hit soft reset button. Worked great for me on one phone, but on another phone it failed to stop the carrier customizations.
8. If pic msgs do not work, try going to MMS Options (in Messaging app), Menu, MMS server. (Menu and option names may vary depending on WM version). My notes are for AT&T -- Server name: type in anything. IP address: Port number: 80. Server address Connect via: MEdia Net. send limit is 600KB.
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also, 2.a)1. Obviously, back up any data you have in the phone's internal memory. My Documents, and anything customized you've saved at the \ root level or another subfolder in internal memory. Also back up calendar and contacts -- if you are using Google exchange sync this won't be a problem, it will all come back when you re-establish the account settings and sync -- but if not, you might want to use a PIM backup utility. SK Tools is my favorite.
2.a)2. If you have a registry editor, you might want to use it to export some customized settings for your programs, then you can much more quickly restore those settings after flashing or hard resetting the device. I use an app TaskMgr.exe in the RegEdit screen for exporting subtrees, especially in HKCU, Software. You'll see folders the correspond to apps you've installed. One to not overlook if you customize button settings, is \Microsoft\Shell\Keys. You can inspect items to see if the data is something you care to quickly reinstall. Tap and hold and you can export. This way you can restore PORTIONS of the registry. The new OS will have a registry that is sure to be different in many significant ways so you don't want to export the whole registry and reimport it all. Once you have flashed &/or hard reset a device, you'll need a program that reads .reg files in order to easily reinstall your preferences. If you have SK Tools, even the lite version, once it is installed the system will recognize .reg files.
2.a)3. A few apps don't seem to store their settings in the registry or anywhere that can easily be saved. WkTask (an EXCELLENT task manager and task switcher program) is like this, and also TCPMP (awesome media player). So, look through the various settings and write down how you like it set up, makes restoring much easier later.
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I might have a few on my old hhd, I'll dig through tomorrow and let you know (;
do you just need oem?

