MDA Wont Boot after update! HELP! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I tried to install the faria wm6 update with the shelltool. everything was going as per the directions, about 3 or 5 mins in the install process(which says takes 15 mins) it stopped and it gave me an error on the phone saying something about the reprog.exe or someting... anyways, the computer said done and to reboot... so I did and now it goes as far as the white TMOBILE screen with the following 4 lines of code
IPL 2.26.0001
SPL 2.26.0001
GSM 02.25.11
and it freezes there... it wont turn off either.
Tries removing the battery and reinserting it. Well the same thing happens upon powering on the device. Tried hitting the little hard reset button on the side with the stylus... the screen flashes off and then it attempts to reboot again and the phone freezes at the same spot. Please help. I did everything according to the directions. PLEASE TELL ME I DIDNT BRICK MY PHONE. :'(

This was answered over in the WM6 forum.
But read this:

thanks.. the reboot with the camera button worked.. then I flashed the original rom back... now time to try again. thanks


Hosed my Radio stack trying to update to new TMOBILE version

Ok so I trashed my ppc doing the radio update. Since I did the exact thing that Freshster did here is a cut and paste of my problem
" So, I tried running this TMO 4.00.10 upgrade in order to upgrade the radio stack to 6.24.00. While it was doing the radio stack upgrade, it failed at 13% complete. The error told me to "reset the device normally, wait for the radio stack to repair itself, reset the device again normally, then try to run the upgrade again."
After I did the normal reset that it told me to do, my screen got stuck on the ROM Kitchen boot screen and only showed a G, R, and 4.00.05 at the bottom corner, without showing a radio version or protocol version number. The led would not light up anymore. It did not flash green to show that it had signal, and it would not even show orange when it was connected to a charger. "
At this point Im SOL until tomorrow b/c I dont have a SD reader, my question is, can I upgrade the radio via the SD and hopefully get things going again? Or do I just attempt to reload a whole new rom and rsu via the SD card tomorrow. Thanks in advance for your help.
This is just a suggestion, I don't know if it will work.
1. Bootup in the Wallaby Boot Loader (hold power button while soft reset)
2. Press Calender button to bring up radio stack selections
3. Select turn off GSM
4. Reset and see if it will boot up when it doesn't have radio turned on
5. If it will, then set in active sync in guest mode
6. copy the RSUpgrade files to your window directory on the device using the explorer option in active sync
7. copy the two monitor files and .m0 to the windows directory
8. reomove the device from the active sync
9. using the explorer on the device find the RSUpgrade executable in the windows directory and double click
10. this should start the radio upgrade going again
Thanks for the suggestion, I tried it but now luck. The pda stays stuck on the rom kitchen boot up screen. Thanks again.
OK, I had the exact same problem. You have to be patient, when you reset the device you'll get the R blank / G blank because the existing radio stack has now been trashed. eventually the PPC OS will boot. At this point reset again, wait for CE to boot & then reset again, The point is keep resetting the PPC every time you get the R Blank & G blank screen and wait for CE to boot. ON each reset the radio stack upgrade is working in the back ground. After 4 or 5 resets mine came up with R 6.24. at this point I connected the PPC back to Activesync & reran the upgrade & it went through just fine & installed the T-Mobile WM2003 ROM
Pdageek1 is right on the money! But I'll add one more step, remove your SIM card. HTH
I will try this on my way to work. I have another question, is the unit still charging when its on the base even though the charge light is not on? Thanks
I had same problem, if you flash with old t-mo rom it boots up everytime and will allow you to reflash radio stack.
hello pdageek and thanks for the suggestions. I have left my unit on at the splash screen with the blank g and r for about 5 2 minute sessions with no luck. Im hesitant to leave it on too long and have it eat up my battery. How long in total did it take your pda to boot up with the corrupt radio upgrade?
Sirseymore, the problem I have right now is that I cant even get it past the splash screen, since the OS is not booting up I cant see the unti via active sync.
You can't just it leave setting there with the blank screen you have to keep
doing the soft resets, until it boots!
Also to speed things up a bit during some of your soft resets try holding the volume control button, it similar to holding the hand of a sick person.
I know it sounds funny but hey what the hell, I did it! :wink:
One last note it also might help if you do a hard reset while holding the volume conrol buttom. I know that also sounds funny but hey I did that too! :wink:
Thanks for all your suggestions everyone. I ended up loade the latest tmobile rom via the loader, I let the pda sit at the Tmobile splash screen for 15 minutes until it booted into CE. Next I copied the necessary files for the RSU into the windows folder, ran the executable and all is working now.
Once again thanks for all the great people in this forum.
bimmer10 said:
Thanks for all your suggestions everyone. I ended up loade the latest tmobile rom via the loader, I let the pda sit at the Tmobile splash screen for 15 minutes until it booted into CE. Next I copied the necessary files for the RSU into the windows folder, ran the executable and all is working now.
Once again thanks for all the great people in this forum.
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When you say Latest tmobile rom do you mean the 4.00.10 or the latest rom off of Tmobile's Website?
I got the same problem as you did blank g and r
Let me know Thanks, Allen
I'm in the same boat. I was running 4.00.05/stock 6.18 RS on T-Mobile USA.
I decided to try to do the Radio Stack upgrade by copying the extracted rsupgrade and monitor files to the device, and running them. It hung at 13%, so I soft-reset, and it hung at the blank G, blank R, 4.00.05 screen.
I tried turning GSM off in the bootloader, and have removed my SIM card. No luck.
Then, I flashed to the 4.00.10 ROM via bootloader, and I'm still sitting at the G/R screen. I have soft reset a few times, but that hasn't gotten me anywhere. I haven't left it for longer than 3 minutes or so before I get so anxious that I try another soft reset.
There seem to be two bodies of opinion here - those that say you should keep soft resetting until CE boots, and those that say just to leave it and wait for CE to boot (15+ minutes).
Is there any consensus among those that have recovered from now-infamous blank G/R screen? Should we wait, or should we keep soft-resetting?
JoshB said:
I'm in the same boat. I was running 4.00.05/stock 6.18 RS on T-Mobile USA.
I decided to try to do the Radio Stack upgrade by copying the extracted rsupgrade and monitor files to the device, and running them. It hung at 13%, so I soft-reset, and it hung at the blank G, blank R, 4.00.05 screen.
I tried turning GSM off in the bootloader, and have removed my SIM card. No luck.
Then, I flashed to the 4.00.10 ROM via bootloader, and I'm still sitting at the G/R screen. I have soft reset a few times, but that hasn't gotten me anywhere. I haven't left it for longer than 3 minutes or so before I get so anxious that I try another soft reset.
There seem to be two bodies of opinion here - those that say you should keep soft resetting until CE boots, and those that say just to leave it and wait for CE to boot (15+ minutes).
Is there any consensus among those that have recovered from now-infamous blank G/R screen? Should we wait, or should we keep soft-resetting?
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Well i just got mine working FINALLY, what i did was flashed the rom to 4.00.10 and then did a soft reset let it sit for 15 minutes and then it came to the Align screen blah blah blah So just be patient and let the device sit for 15 minutes or so
Good Luck
Reflect said:
Well i just got mine working FINALLY, what i did was flashed the rom to 4.00.10 and then did a soft reset let it sit for 15 minutes and then it came to the Align screen blah blah blah So just be patient and let the device sit for 15 minutes or so
Good Luck
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I let mine sit, and after about 15 minutes, it did finally come back up. I was able to copy the files and manually run the 6.24 RS upgrade, and I think everything is going to be OK now.. *crosses fingers*
I let mine sit, and after about 15 minutes, it did finally come back up. I was able to copy the files and manually run the 6.24 RS upgrade, and I think everything is going to be OK now.. *crosses fingers*
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Well mine is working very good i havent came acoss any errors yet All i did was do the regular upgrade to 4.00.10 and got to 13% on Radio Stack Upgrade when it errored so i took it out did a few Soft Reset's no luck so i flashed the 4.00.10 Rom through the wallaby bootloader got it up waited patiently for CE to load... loaded after about 15 minutes at that time it was running terribly slow and when i got it up i had no service because i had no Radio Stack so i then loaded up this old radio stack well not so old but it was version 4.21 i then soft reset the device started the 4.00.10 install it went through the Radio Stack then the Rom update with absolutley NO errors or conflicts so everything is working great..
Heres something to keep in mind DONT Upgrade To Tmobile Rom 4.00.10 With the radio stack version A.20.10 Or you will be doing what i had to do!
i want to say thanks to all the great people out there posting
Thanks, Allen
JoshB said:
There seem to be two bodies of opinion here - those that say you should keep soft resetting until CE boots, and those that say just to leave it and wait for CE to boot (15+ minutes).
Is there any consensus among those that have recovered from now-infamous blank G/R screen? Should we wait, or should we keep soft-resetting?
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My suggestion is this when you're in deep dodo, try it all! :wink:
Because as your seeing what works for some doesn't always
work for others.
Reflect, sorry I wasnt able to answer the specifics of the rom earlier, I was talking about th 4.00.10 version. Im glad you were able to fix the problem. :wink:
After waiting the 15 minutes to recover from the blank G/R screen, and successfully upgrading the Radio Stack to 6.24 and the ROM to 4.00.10, I've been using it for a day or so now, and I am pleased with the new ROM and radio stack.
Biggest plus for me is that GPRS now stays "always-on", even when the unit is turned off/suspended. I also like the fact that AIM 2.0, and PDF/PowerPoint viewers are included in the ROM.
As far as stability, I have had a couple of lockups (cleared by soft resets), and one spontaneous soft reset, but these could have been caused by software that I have installed (SpB GPRS Monitor, StocksAndWeatherToday, Journal Bar, Battery Bar, PocketNav, AE Uptime, Fonix VoiceDial Premium, Resco Explorer 2003).
I have had a couple of instances where the GPRS connection stops transferring any data, but still shows as connected. Since there's no way to turn off GPRS (SpB GPRS Monitor has a Disconnect button, but it doesn't seem to work), I can clear this condition by turning the phone off (not the unit, but the phone/radio) then turning it back on and reconnecting GPRS.
Thanks to everyone on this forum for your help, support, and ideas! This is a great amateur developer community.
P.S. - Reflect, sorry I didn't answer your IM. I was in bed...
OK, I am going to try this once more since I can't stand having a useless
I *had* the 4.00.05 ROM and the newest at&t radio stack on my T-Mobile phone (with TM service).
Attempted to install the T-Mobile 4.00.10 rom and associated radio stack via the .exe method over that, and it failed.
After that, I tried reverting back to the old T-Mobile 3.14 rom, via the sd card method. That seems to have loaded, but the GSM is still screwed.
Currently, when I start up the phone, I get the Welcome to T-Mobile startup screen, with 3.14 in the bottom corner. After a minute the G with no number after it is there, and below that, instead of an R is a U? (Maybe because I don't have the sim card in?) With no number. Then I get the "bing" sound, and it goes to a blank screen.
Reading through the posts here, it sounds like I should write the 4.00.10 ROM to the unit with the SD card, then wait for it to start up?
Should I have the sim card in?
When should I try the soft-resetting?
Just as an update, so far so good. I wrote the 4.00.10 rom to the unit with the sd card. Did a hard reset like it told me to. Now starts up with the T-Mobile Test only Not for sale screen. Shows 4.00.10, G with nothing after it, and R with nothing after it. It now stays at this screen though, instead of going to the blank screen. I guess this is a good sign, I am in a position others have been in. Yay! Waiting on it now to do something...anything, and I will attempt the radio fix.

Flashed ROM with shelltool - big problem

I have previously flashed my phone with shelltool no problem. I wanted to try out Faria's new WM6 rom so I install the 2 cabs as normal.
I run shelltool and halfway through my phone comes up with an error - can't find or can't run raplog.exe? or something similar to that. I didnt touch it and left it running - it went on for a good ten minutes longer than it should do and then finally completes. So I do a hard reset and now when I turn it on it hangs on the splash screen with the usual writing in top left corner i.e. IPL 2.21.0001, SPL 2.21.0001, GSM 02.07.10 and OS
Have done a couple of hard resets and normal resets but no luck.
Does anyone have any suggestions??
Sorry should have read more threads - I'm going to try force bootloader and few other things for now.
If you haven't seen this already, read and follow this:

Help help please stuck on bootloader

Help Help Help
Iam new to the flashing
I have herald (HTC P430 HERA) with wm5 ,i tried to upgrade to wm6 with TOUCH-IT.I installed the SPL and then ran the RUU ,everything was perfect the installation started normally ,durin the installation i chose the option to use the keylock ,when my htc started it kept on asking me the password on the device which i entered but it did not accepted .i kept on trying and eventually took out the battery.When i restarted the device it got stuck on a green scnreen with spl 1.08.0001 and when turned off i tried going in to the bootloader but everytime i run the same ruu it gives me erorr 300 i have tried several times now, donwloaded each and every ruu but all in vain and im in pain .sometime the screen get stuck on 0% . Can somebody help or atleast direct me to the right area.
at least it we could reach 1% rom update can be done
i think we can handle it via bootloader commands
you need to install enablerapi....
You have to download the official Tmobile RUU (google it), and reinstall it. After that before you try to flash your phone you have to take the Enablerapi cab and put it on your phone. After that do a hard reset. If you dont know what that is by now you shouldnt be flashing your phone. But anyway hold the buttons above the talk and end buttons and press the reset button at the same time. A black screen will come up and ask you to press the talk button (green button), press it and the phone will do a reset. Configure your screen and connect phone to active sync/WMDC and make sure you put the phone in airplane mode. Then run the uspl again and follow the directions on the screen.

Cannot flash Wizard...

Hello! First time poster here.
I have a Cingular 8125 (HTC Wizard G3) that was stuck at the bootloader screen (red green and blue bars).
I was able to get the Button ROM (IPL & SPL 1.05) loaded onto device and it was working. I was able to place calls, send messages, etc.
Well, I was following the guides here on this site for unlocking and ran through the unlocking procedure, at which point I attempted to load the T-Mobile ROM (2.60 is what hte IPL and SPL shows).
However, while loading the ROM it failed at 85% giving an Error 302. The device started to reboot over and over again, never getting past the bootloader screen.
I am able to get it to a stable bootloader screen by powering the device off and then connecting it to a wall charger for awhile (i have varied the times, usually I let it sit for more than 10 minutes). I will then connect it back to the PC and try to flash the rom back to the button rom, but it has started doing it on the button rom as well!
Does anyone have any ideas? I have been scouring the forums and haven't found anything yet. I do have the Multi-port/USB TTY program, but I can't seem to find any commands to help me out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I was able to access the device from the TTY (while it was at the bootloader).
I entered in the password (BsaD5SeoA) then entered in the command: ruurun 0 followed by ResetDevice.
The device rebooted at the Button Rom came up! However, it is currently stuck on a customization program....installing
Ok, at this point I'd try the following things. First, hard reset. On reboot, go thru the whole screen alignment. Don't worry about setting date/time, you won't need it. When the screen gets to where it says Customization In 3 Seconds IMMEDIATLY SOFT RESET. You don't want it to customise. Now, it should work normally. Try to flash tmo rom. It will hang at 85% for a while. If that doesn't work, flash from the bootloader screen. Just go into bootlader, (hold camera, stylus into reset hole), after plugging up usb make sure you theres a usb at bottm of screen, and flash your rom.
Thanks for the reply witch.
I tried what you suggested, and I'm still having problems. Whenever the device attempts to flash, the screen will go blank and start endlessly cycling through the bootloader.
I was able to repeat what i did earlier, and got it back to working w/ the button rom. At least I am assuming its button rom. The numbers aren't really matching what button rom was originally. Button was 1.05 IPL and SPL, but the device still shows 2.26.
I checked the version screen to get some numbers, just in case.
ROM Version: WWE
ROM Date: 6/7/06
Radio Version: 02.25.11
Protocol Version:
Any thoughts on why it won't let me flash? I'm a little leary about attempting any ROM upgrades now that I have it a (hopefully) working state. I am going to let the battery charge overnight (was dead after trying everything) and try making some phone calls w/ it tomorrow and test other functionalities.

Need Help!

Hi everyone,
I have freaking weird problem, I just cant use my phone anymore now.
And totaly have no clue wtf is wrong with it..
Today I got the 29.5 artemis rom, and installed it on my phone, using SSPL method
I've done it before with artemis rom only older version. And everything was working fine.
Well it kinda did the same with this newer rom untill I went to "Microsoft my phone" and it froze, and nothing worked to shut it down, so had to take my battery out and in again, it restarted. After that it froze when I pressed the off button, and after I pressed it again it just froze and didnt want to do nothing..
So after that I did the same again I had to take my battery out, and then in again.
So now it just dont want to pass the second "HTC" screen with RGD numbers on it.
So I tried to install the rom from my PC via the bootloader, and it gives me update error after a while watching in htc screen with 0% update on it..
I ******* want to smash the phone in piecess..
what phone you got?is it a tmous?
Try a reset it normals resolves this type of iss - or a factory reset
Well, the issue it freezes at that second screen and normal reset aint working, tried hard reset several times still nothing. Freezes at the second screen.
And I use eropean version of the phone. Dunno what tmous is tho.
Gonna try to get HSPL on it, Task 29 format see if it will do somehting
I think I got it working now, its been formatted succesfully, and now its installing the rom on the phone, hope it wont freeze at the same point (keeping the finger crossed)
Edit #2
Its working now

