Display dead after changing cover - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Tried to change cover according to the pdf found in a thread earlier.
Got everything in place BUT the display is nothing but black...
I reallt dont think that the display is broken. My guess is that I did something wrong trying to put back the flexible wiring to the connector.
Can anyone help me fix this problem?
Dunno what specifically to be extra careful of when doing this.
Any other idea what might be wrong?!?
Pls, any thoughts are worthful to me! Just want my beautiful "new" black magician to work again...

Same crap happened to me last night!
I painted the cover and expected to be done in about 30 minutes.
At the end 4,5 hours of taking apart en putting it back,
just because the screen stayed blank (sometimes white, mostly black)
Anyway, I figured the problem.. so here it goes..
When you look at the yellow flatcable you notice 2 ears sticking out...
This "ears" suppose to go as far as possible
to line up with the outside line of the green board.
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Yellow = flatcable
Green = board
Black = Slot (where you stick the flat cable in)
Red = imaginary line to line up the back of the "ear" with the board
So when you cannot push enough with your fingers,
take a small screwdriver and push the ears further in the slot.
Just be careful not to break the ear...
I suppose if it break it might take some connections in
the flatcable with it, thus a new screen is needed.

Thanks for your reply!
I checked and I rearranged the flatcable into different locations but no change in a better direction. Sometimes I get colourful stripes over the screen but that is how close I get to it...
Still need some help!
Any more tips or do I have to throw away my beloved magician...?

Sometimes I get colourful stripes over the screen but that is how close I get to it...
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Yeb, know what you mean... Have experice the same.. your screen is definitly oke, not cracked, broke or whatever..
The flat cable is not in far enough or the connection is broken on one side, which means when you put it back together the flatcable slides out a bit. Mine is broken on one side and though I don't think that a broken small clip would mean replacing the whole thing, I did tape it tight to be sure it stays there.
So mate, try again... I dunno how I have to make clear what "push harder" means.. but it's harder than you would expect with this delicate stuff.
If I have to compare the pressure applied to get the flatcable in slot I would say it comes close to pushing an IDE connection into it's slot... it's really hard...
Maybe another guide-line... When you slide in the black middle piece it should NOT touch the flat cable. (well, almost not)
Anyway, let me know in which dumpster you gonna throw it, So i pick it up and sell it back to you

I see...
I pushed the cable in so far so that the "ears" you mentioned earlier touches the white plastic where the cable goes under. Meaning you can´t physically push it any more... Do you understand what I mean? In this position the display is black. It´s when I pull out the cable one or two mm that I get the white screen with stripe on it.
Maybe it´s the broken connection you´re talking about. Have to check if I can see anything of that. Not quite sure what you mean though.
Do you mean that where the cable is connected on the other side, that is where it could have come off?
How can I check if this is the case?
Guess I must have spent 15 hours minimum at this crap now...!!!


Hermes battery door release button problem - info/image request

The battery door on my vario II won't come off when I use the release button. Can't remember ever noticing how the clasp/mechanism worked, could somebody either describe it or take some photos so I can see how to remove the back door without doing any more damage?
Is the vario II door the same as the TyTn door ? I can't remember, if it is I can describe and get a picture within half to 1 bour.
TyTn Battery Door catch
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Thank you! Though it doesn't look very good for finding a way to release the door without damaging it. Does it look possible to you?
cyst said:
Thank you! Though it doesn't look very good for finding a way to release the door without damaging it. Does it look possible to you?
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No it does not look easy. Does the little catch still slide back and forth easily on its spring?
yes it does.
cyst said:
yes it does.
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This I think is bad news cos looking at the one I've got the back off at the moment, if the catch just slips out of engaging the white sliding catch mechanism then it gets really stiff. BUT there is a tiny prong on the black sliding catch that engages the white sliding catches!! (Sounds like this may have broken off, allowing catch to move freely because it's not engaging with anything.)
1. If it's under warranty I'd take it back and have a battle about whether you were "rough" or not, or whether their catch is crap.
2. You could prize up back cover. Not a good idea I think the back cover prongs will snap off.
3. Just dont't take back off!!
4. I think it may just be possible to remove the one screw (Torx) you can access with the cover on. Prize open the case just a fraction to allow a pin/needle to be used to slide the catch and release back. With the device face down you would need to pass the pin through above the central part of the catch and move the pin from right to left. You could in theory wthen completely remove the back housing and examine the catch.
hmm...well had a brain wave and gave the phone a bit of shake. Something inside definately rattles! On closer inspection it also appears as if half the clasp is working - moving the release switch makes the door move a tiny amount.
So it looks like i'll be going into t-mobile and seeing what they say!
Thanks for the help (I may need more if i can't get it replaced!)
Solution and slight embarrassment...
So, nothing was actually wrong as such!
I had been finding that my battery was getting hotter than I was happy with, so I had removed the sticker from the front of it to allow the heat to dissapate more efficiently. This had left a sticky residue on the battery which had stuck to the battery door.
So that's me feeling a bit stupid!
Just pleased it's problem solved - good news

The Funniest Thing Just Happened

I had my Universal in my back pocket when I sat on the car's seat. I felt it there right away so I got off the car and checked on the Universal, the screen'd gonr white with some colored lines! The phone was fully functional except for the screen.
Today I check the coxial cable but got nothing. Tried to play around just doing things with no luck.
I was hopeless, thought I'd pay loads for the screen. I went nuts and started to smack it on my desk. Guess what happened, it worked again!
I was like shocked and happy to see the screen back on ! I'm gonna check on it now, rotate the screen and so, lets see if it stays alive.
Try it again mate. If it works, we can add it to the wiki
good job!, I know a story like this!
my friend was playing with his Universal while breathing some fresh air out
then suddenly...ooooooooooooooooo
the Universal made its way down from the 2nd floor...
ofcourse after collecting its pieces (SD card, Battery cover, Battery, SIM, Stylus)...
going up and turn it on and its working! but with the same problem (white screen with color lines)....
my friend was pissed off..so he began to hit the desk near the device and the screen re-worked again!
and the device never went to the service until now...
this happened 6 months before!
the only things that left..some scratches and the broken cover!
strong Universal
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A story with a happy ending. Serendipity.
If you take a look at the Lcd screen on a universal there are connectors around the corners of the screen (probably find a pic on ebay).
My universal had a problem with a blue tint on the screen but with a squeeze near the upper left of the screen i heard a click and the problem went away.
chances are a swift bang may be resitting the connectors. you might want to try squeezing the corners either side of the screen before resulting to more extreme techniques.
Of course you could remove the covers and be sure of getting good connections
blackest_knight said:
If you take a look at the Lcd screen on a universal there are connectors around the corners of the screen (probably find a pic on ebay).
My universal had a problem with a blue tint on the screen but with a squeeze near the upper left of the screen i heard a click and the problem went away.
chances are a swift bang may be resitting the connectors. you might want to try squeezing the corners either side of the screen before resulting to more extreme techniques.
Of course you could remove the covers and be sure of getting good connections
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Just don't squeeze the corner too hard. I'm now looking for a new screen as I've got the dreaded 'bleeding ink' across the right-hand corner of mine.
Anyone know of a supplier of new screens?
MONGO Smashh!!!...............hmmmm Mongo fix
if it doubt whack the fker i say
p.s the above advice does not extended to women,children or bosses
p.p.s it can have a 50-50 chance of working on cars i find,but louder swearing does help
On an old PDA, I had one of them WiFi SD card thingies.
It was so temperamental and I thought it might have been the contacts or something.
Anyway, I took the WiFi SD apart and put the bare circuit board in the slot, it kinda got stuck, but that also made funny colours come on the screen.

Does your G1 screen have any "flex" with the screen open?

New G1 today - With the screen slid open it feels almost loose (Eg, I can wiggle the screen about backwards and forwards [NOT slide it back into device]).
I do not find this problem when the G1 is in its PDair case however this is most probably because the leather strap that goes around the top of the phone removes any slack that it seems the G1 has.
I do not really want to return the phone as this is my 3rd handset (First 2 were faulty) and would be able to cope for it if this is a known thing that many have however if this is a significant problem I'd have no option...
Look forward to hearing from you.
My Dev phone has a fair amount of flex. I thought about trying to take it apart and tighten it up, but I think I'll let it get a little wear and tear before I go messing around with it like that. The only thing I am really worried about is if I ever drop it with the screen open which could result in it snapping all the way off, but in normal usage it isn't too terribly bad.
LavaChild0809 said:
New G1 today - With the screen slid open it feels almost loose (Eg, I can wiggle the screen about backwards and forwards [NOT slide it back into device]).
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It's normal and due to the relatively weak construction of the sliding arm design. Basically the entire screen swings and is held in place on all axes by one thin metal arm.
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Thanks for such brilliant replies - The photo inparticular is very interesting.
Only thing is reading back my description I'm not sure if I was clear.
Imagine holding the keyboard still and lifting the screen into and out of the photo... The screen has some give or flex in this axis.
Even now I'm not sure I've explained it well... Can you please confirm you understood correctly before and this behaviour is normal for a G1?
Basically there is no axis that the screen does not have a bit of give in, if you give enough force. Of course if the screen is just flopping around loose then that's probably a defect. But it's normal to be able to lift the screen away from the rest of the body when the screen is closed. Hopefully the next iteration will have a more robust design that attaches with atleast two points on the main body.
My above issue is when the screen is open (As in fully slid out)... I wouldn't say it is completely floppy but requires very little force to move. I don't mind if this is a design "flaw" but want to know so that I know if I need to return my G1 or not.
Thank you very much for all of your help - If you could confirm regarding my issue being when the screen is open (Fully slid out) that would be great.
Thanks again!
yea this is happening to me too, and i know its not normal bc my phones brand new and it didnt do this until the other day, and my other friends phones dont do it either
Not that this is what you want to hear....
I'd get another one.
HTC needs to get their crappy work back. I mean, I love what they do, but they don't exactly prioritize doing it well. If we keep sucking it up, they'll keep doing crappy work.
I'd say unless the screen unit is moving 1.0+ millimeters away from the casing then forget about exchanging. Some devices have looser screens than others. If your device has play in the lower left corner more than a millimeter then it is beyond the average. However, you should keep in mind that you might get a refurb in return and it could be worse or have other defects.

Fix for Sleep Of Death!

Did your tablet screen go out? Does the backlight still come on, but the screen shows nothing? Can you hook it up to a TV, and the picture comes out fine? If so, it is most likely a loose cable, and can quickly be fixed by you, without RMAing it and waiting weeks or months. While the guide should be spot on, and you aren't going to be harming the device in any way, I'm still not assuming any responsibility if you destroy your tablet. You will first need to take apart your transformer. There are plenty of guides out there, so once you get the back off, come back here!
hybridau said:
Hi stuntdouble,
Two torx screws have to come off first, these are part of what holds the bezel down.
After that you need to use a guitar pick from the back to lift the bezel up...best to get all 4 corners up and keep sliding..as soon as it wont slide lift it out and back in again a bit further on... it absolutely destroyed the pick by the way..lots of sharp edges in there.
The bezel will then come off from the front of the tablet. Just be careful and dont force it, Around the 40 pin connector was the biggest pain.
The back cover is held down by 4 screws on the top glass, and umm if I recall about 10 screws behind where the bezel . It basically then falls off once all screws are off with not to much effort.
There are also no security stickers over any of the screws anywhere inside the tablet
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Take a look at the bottom, you should see a strip with a bunch of multicolored wires coming from the battery. Underneath it, and near the bottom of the battery you should see a ribbon cable. Here's a picture, the display cable has a flashlight shining on it.
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Try pushing that into the slot a bit and see if that fixed it. If not try pushing on a few of the other cables, if this doesn't fix it, then I would suggest you RMA it, although I really think this will fix it for you. This has happened twice to me, and each time, pushing cables a bit seems to do the job.
Best of luck on fixing it and post your results please!

[HELP] OnePlus 5 - weird LCD problem

Greetings dear people of this forum!
Few days ago my phone's display started behaving in a very weird way (could be a minor drop down).
When I press the power button to draw the pattern, the whole screen is full of disturbed horizontal lines (pic_1).
If I apply some pressure on the screen's bottom right corner (pic_1 - red dot) it gets back to normal and doesn't even flickering at all (pic_2).
Howerver as soon as the display goes off because of the turn off time, too close to the face when making a call or just switch it off with the power botton, the problem reaccures.
I am very sure it is hardware related, because on the screenshots there is nothing like that and it is persist in the boot sequence. In my opinion this is some kind of faulty connection, I have already take the phone apart to catch any loose connector, but nothing changed after that.
I feel like I have to buy a new screen, but I hope I can repair it somehow, because it can works very well after my acupuncture therapy.
I have bought the phone second-hand, and I know there was a screen replacement, so its not the original one.
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Do you guys have any suggestion?
Thank You in advance!
Grabps said:
Greetings dear people of this forum!
Few days ago my phone's display started behaving in a very weird way (could be a minor drop down).
When I press the power button to draw the pattern, the whole screen is full of disturbed horizontal lines (pic_1).
If I apply some pressure on the screen's bottom right corner (pic_1 - red dot) it gets back to normal and doesn't even flickering at all (pic_2).
Howerver as soon as the display goes off because of the turn off time, too close to the face when making a call or just switch it off with the power botton, the problem reaccures.
I am very sure it is hardware related, because on the screenshots there is nothing like that and it is persist in the boot sequence. In my opinion this is some kind of faulty connection, I have already take the phone apart to catch any loose connector, but nothing changed after that.
I feel like I have to buy a new screen, but I hope I can repair it somehow, because it can works very well after my acupuncture therapy.
I have bought the phone second-hand, and I know there was a screen replacement, so its not the original one.
Do you guys have any suggestion?
Thank You in advance!
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Could also be any gaps or something that can cause the lines(display gets pressure from wrong installation).
2 options basically. Loose connector or faulty LCD.
I don't think it's software related.
If you can give it back, then you should. If not, then you can either try to fix it by yourself by replacing the LCD assembly (with the touch digitiser).
daviddosa said:
2 options basically. Loose connector or faulty LCD.
I don't think it's software related.
If you can give it back, then you should. If not, then you can either try to fix it by yourself by replacing the LCD assembly (with the touch digitiser).
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Yes, You were right, as I thought too. The reason behind the problem was the LCD.
I have replaced it and now it works like a charm.
Thanks the response!

