HELP Pocket Internet Explorer - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I could do with a bit of help. I need to disable the address bar within internet explorer. I am hopping someone can tell me if there is a registry change that will disable the address bar. Any reg edits that can alter the behaviour of IE would be useful. I have tried searching this forum and allot of the web. The device is a HP 2790b running WM5. Thanks in advance.

what is wrong with the full screen option in the ie menu?


Pocket Internet Explorer

I was wondering if anyone could help on this one. I need to identify the registry keys on an XDA IIi to allow me to remove certain toolbars/options within the pocket internet explorer. E.g Address bar etc.. Home icon etc. This is so that i can stop users from accessing other sites on the net and stay locked into a website on the XDA. Any ideas?

Disable/Hide 'Lock' icon on Qtek 9100

Hi all
Does anyone know how i can disable or hide the 'Lock' icon in the 'Settings' program group??
We are rolling out a large number of Qtek9100 in our workplace and have a requirement to set a password on the devices and then disable the 'Lock' icon so that users cannot turn off password.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Why not incorporate a dummy password protect control panel, using redirect?
Check out the MSN tutorial/SDK.
Dummy Password Protect Control Panel
Thanks for the prompt reply.
Could you give me a bit more advice about a dummy password protect control panel with redirect please.
What is the url for msn tutorial/sdk??
Thanks again
if you download tweaks2k2 it will let you disable the password panel in settings to prevent your users changing the password or it can be done in the registry manually if you have the time.
Hi Rob61280
Thanks for the advice
Do you perchance know the registry setting that i would need to change to hide/disable 'lock' icon.
I think if i installed tweaks2k2 then users could use it to change the settings.
I think you can unistall tweaks2k2 and the settings stay as you set them.
I'll have a look at the registry and see if there is an easy way to redirect the password applet so it doesnt function (there was a contrast applet you could enable using a similar method).
I've still not found a redirect (it may not be possible through the registry alone but i will keep looking)
there is however a useful function :-
"Enable policy restrictions (Pocket PC 2002)
Pocket PC 2002 devices includes a system policy system to prevent users from downloading and installing new programs via Pocket Internet Explorer, Inbox, File Explorer, ActiveSync or beaming between devices or renaming files.
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\AdminPassword\
Rename the "Redirect" value to "xRedirect"
Soft reset and go to Start > Settings > System tab > Policy applet to set the policy restriction on the device."
This works on wm5 as well
Redirect will not work
I Browsed to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\
then renamed password to xpassword
then softreset
this disabled the original lock applet
another is created in the system tab
anyone any idea how to prevent the applet from being recreated using the registry?
Hi Rob61280
Many thanks for all the work you have put in.
I will try the tweaks2k2 tool and see if i can hide/disable lock icon and then uninstall tweaks2k2 and see if settings hold.
And I thought PDA's were just for a bit of fun :lol: :lol:


Well, very strange: Since a couple of days everytime I open up the keyboard menu I found myself with a list of probalby a hundred selection entries. Not only Keyboard etc, but also strange names like:
ATI Audio Decider DMO Class
Active SSCE engibe Object...
CE Shell...
(you get the idea)
I opened up sipchange.exe and found the same entries.
Seems my registry got corrupted. Everything else works. Could someone send me an export of the standard registry entries for the SIPs?
Would be very appreciated, thank you.
More on this issue ....
Ok, after reading some of the Wiki I found out, that I find all Input methods in
Well, and I could put them on "hide" by setting the IsSIPInputMethod to "0".
since I found like 150 entries in CLSID - I would like to know if it is safe to completely delete the CLSID entries that are not corresponding to my standard inputs or if I have to manually set all IsSIPInputMethod to "0". Inother words: Do I need the other CLSID entries for anything else?
I would now really really appreciate if someone could send me his part of the registry below "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\" from a Hermes.
Could Paypal help anyone for his effort? I would suggest SKTools since it can export a registry. I only need the part mentioned above.
And again...
Well, it seems the entries have to stay there. Just looked at an old backup registry.
Well, anyone knows a registry editor that can easily "search & replace" entries?
All done ...
No idea which application tampered with my registry - but I managed to put all the values back to normal:
I did a Export with the Registry-AddIn from Resco Explorer 2005, then I exported this to a PC, edited the file with an Texteditor and copied it back to the device. Resco Explorer did import the .reg file without problems.
Didnt know Resco Explorer had an import function as well :
Well done you did it with no help from anyone. I would have helped out but site was so slow until now that I was not able to do much for anybody recently - sorry.
Is anyone using a 3 uk simcard in a hermes tytn or spvm3100. Im having problems connecting to msn and skype via gprs. I was wondering if anyone could post their 3 uk settings especially the phone band settings. I used to be able to connect to skype and msn but ever since I temperd with the settings it refuses to connect. It connects onto the 3g network to surf the net though. They both also connect using wifi. Help please!!!
Telco Settings - Wiki?
Well, there are more and more posts about GPRS/MMS settings in these forums. Could anyxone open up a Wiki for WM5/WM6 settings?
I could gladly provide german T-Mobile and Vodafone settings.
Mike, thanks for the offer. I suspect Beemer NullKeyboard in getting all my CLSID registry entries registered as SIP. So a big "caveat" to all readers using this software.

Disable Wifi Access! Any suggestions please?

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum, and was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have an Acer S200, and due to restrictions at work, we need to disable internet access from our mobile devices.
I have read various posts that state that this can be achieved by disabling wifi access by altering the registry keys, however none of the methods that i have come accross seem to apply to my Acer S200 mobile 6.5.
Sorry to be a pain, but does anyone know how i can do this?
Thanks in advance everyone.
What are you talking about? Disable wifi? Why do you start it at the first place?
Internet access on mobiles can be done by active synch, data connection, wifi. It 's up to you to disable them by comm manager and active synch.
Maybe I get you wrong. What exactly do you need to stop?
Hi fresco,
thanks for the reply. Well, the organisation wants to prevent the devices from having the ability to connect to the internet.
I understand that there may not be a complete solution, but at the very least I would definitely like to disable wifi completely, since this is what I've read others have done. The devices do not have data connection plans, hence this option isn't a problem.
Apparently I can disable the wifi by altering the registry keys? Any ideas anyone?
any ideas guys?
can anyone direct me to anything that could be remotely useful to the above?
Hi alan,
let me get this straight.You work at an organization that has unencrypted wifi access
but doesn`t want it`s employees using it?
If your company`s wi-fi network gives access to the internet to anyone that connects to it why doesn`t the IT manager set a password to the network or enable mac filtering (prevents unauthorized devices-mac addresses from connecting to the network)?
I don`t know how you would disable the wifi chip from the registry
but if i were you i would buy a second phone for work use only.
Try SKTools maybe there is a solution in the app.
You can disable the WiFi in registry:
Go to "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Hardware]" and change the WiFi string to 0.
In the Comm. Manager the WiFI is disappeared and you are not able to connect.
thanks brainmaster.
the method that you suggested only removes the wifi display from comm manager, however that can easily be bypassed using the windows menu, to open wifi.
then delete that one from the windows menu from Device > Windows > Start Menu

Proxy Settings

I hope I'm posting this in correct area!
I have several WM devices (6.1 and 6.5, Professional and Standard - e.g. Touch 2, Snap, Tytn2), connecting to an exchange server for mail, calendar etc, and they also go through a proxy server for web access .
I want to find an easy way to change proxy server settings on them all without having to go in and manually change proxy server IP address and Port. I've done some searching on here and web in general, and subsequently messed around with creating a CAB file, and an XML provisioning file but neither worked (I found some provider specific proxy settings in registry but maybe these are red herring?)
Then I realised my creations would probably never work anyway because they're unsigned apps which aren't allowed on devices connecting to my exchange server!
Am I missing an obvious and much easier method? Any ideas on best way to approach this?
Thanks in advance
Very nice idea, but I don't know a solution.
Where are the IP-adresses stored?
If it works with registry settings, a cab file should be sufficent.
I'm trying to find a way to do this, but hopefully someone already has a solution.

