Pocket Internet Explorer - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I was wondering if anyone could help on this one. I need to identify the registry keys on an XDA IIi to allow me to remove certain toolbars/options within the pocket internet explorer. E.g Address bar etc.. Home icon etc. This is so that i can stop users from accessing other sites on the net and stay locked into a website on the XDA. Any ideas?


Network/Mapping/Shared Drive Question...

I try to use VLC for Pocket PC and I would like to access my PC that has multiple drives shared. I have tried Total Commander but I was unable to open a //192.xxx.xxx.xxx/Drive Link
Is there any other Method ?
Can I use Media Player to play songs from my PC as a Network Share to my Mini S (Wizard) ?
i know you can do it using rosco explorer. the way i do it is to use the software from www.orb.com. it sits in your system try and you then access it from pocket ic and it streams the media to your phone from anyware in the world via. gprs or wifi etc
Resco Explorer works a treat for that.
dont connect to an ip, connect to your computer ie
Did the above naming convention still didn't work I was waiting for it to ask me for username and password since it is in a workgroup on a home wireless network. Just says can't connnect.
just to let you know - my problems with alarm clock started when i installed resco explorer and ENDED when i trashed this application - very useful but I want to rely on my wizard waking me up in the morning ;-)

HELP Pocket Internet Explorer

I could do with a bit of help. I need to disable the address bar within internet explorer. I am hopping someone can tell me if there is a registry change that will disable the address bar. Any reg edits that can alter the behaviour of IE would be useful. I have tried searching this forum and allot of the web. The device is a HP 2790b running WM5. Thanks in advance.
what is wrong with the full screen option in the ie menu?

Pocket ie - password or address bar removal

Hi y'all, Anyone know how to password protect pocket ie (similar to content advisor on desktop ie) or if there is a way to completely remove the pocket ie address bar to prevent unauthorised internet useage. Thanks in advance BGA
Why not just remove PIE?
Why try to handicap it? It can still be used by directly launching urls.
Just disable the app completely.
Managers of the companies which we supply to usually require net access and get a bit shirty if its not there - the easiest way to do this would I think be to create 2 different images - 1 for users, with ie removed, and 1 for managers. Thanks for the response

Wifi Hotspots requiring temp user log in

Hello All,
I apologize if this has already been discussed. If it has, could you direct me to the thread?
We have a WIFI hotspot at my work. But, it requires the user to open the internet and either create a new user or log in with an existing one, which I have. I use it with my laptop fine.
But I want to use the standard IExplorer on my wm5 8125 (wizard) and auto login and not log out until I kill the connection. Is there a setting in the phone or software that allows for this? I know that there are a couple of different internet explorers like opera etc that allow for multi tabbing but I don't want to deviate from the standard IE.
Please let me know if or how this is possible.

Making a handheld device visible in network

I have connected my handheld device (Kaiser) to my network via Wifi and through Resco Explorer, I can access folders on my desktop.
Now I'd like to make my device visible in the network for my desktop and access its folders from there.
Is there a software or hack, that makes my device visible?
I believe I'd need some sort of network client?
Preferrably free of course
Best regards,
I'm looking to do the same thing--with my Touch Pro--haven't found a solution yet. If I find something, I'll let you know.

