repairing scratched/scuffed screen - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I lost my leather case and, as a result, my screen has gotten somewhat dirty, scratched, and scuffed. I would like to try to repair it but wasn't sure the best way to do so. I believe I have some Novus polish in the storage room outside, that should, I think, take care of all the minor scratches but I'm a little leery about damaging the touchscreen from rubbing on it. Is there a better way to go about fixing this problem? Also what case and screen protector would you guys recommend to prevent this problem from reoccuring?


How to remove scratches from your Trinity screen

(Not sure if there has been a post about this, apologies if there has.)
Just wanted to let everyone know that I had a fairly big scratched area, right where I write the letters for the Letter Recogniser SIP which was very annoying as it prevented the stylus from gliding smoothly. I heard that I should use Brasso (~£1.30 from your local supermarket) on the screen and it has been VERY successful. It's completely removed the scratch.
Just apply a small amount with a cotton-bud and work into the screen in circlular motion (press harder for deeper scratches). Keep doing this for about 10-15 times or until the scratch disappears.
Hope this helps anyone with screen scratches or anyone wondering about using Brasso but too scared to try.
I wouldn't recommend it as too much brasso will affect the screen, It's not just an abbrasive but solvent too so you will melt the plastic screen. Over-use will make the screen look warped.
I tried this on my M500 ages ago; now if HTC have improved on the screen then hey.. go ahead but don't say I didn't warn you.
Screen protectors are a much better option. If the screen is already marked a protector would give you a smooth finish again. If thats to expensive an option clear contact sheet will also offer the same results and a roll of that will give you screen covers for the rest of your natural life.
it would not "melt" the screen - how misguided. it is a mild solvent and abrasive and so is unlikely to cause much harm to the screen unless used constantly. screen protectors look awful on a screen - especially when the device is off.
Off topic a bit. I bought an expensive screen protector from Brando.. it works very well.. but.. for some reason it (the screen protector) got scratched. any easy way to solve it? Brasso is ok? I thought if there can be any method of using .. say car wax to fill in the grooves of the scratch.
I think it got scratched when stuff like sand got attached to my face and when I list to the phone, it stick onto the scren pctr.. and when I write on it.. it got scratched.
Just be happy you had the screen protector on!
I tried to take out the scratches from the plastic cover on my Casio watch with (Crest) toothpaste and it worked FANTASTIC!!!
Thanks a lot to the Guy who suggested this solution for PDA screens.
Damage to screen with brasso
rich1986 said:
it would not "melt" the screen - how misguided. it is a mild solvent and abrasive and so is unlikely to cause much harm to the screen unless used constantly. screen protectors look awful on a screen - especially when the device is off.
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OK it doesn't melt the screen off but it gives it a warped look if you reflect light off it.
No tricks can help
Do not fool yourself. Brasso, toothpaste, Displex all leave marks on the screen. Check it with the device off in sunlight or a strong light source.
Brando protector is expensive.
Cheap and perfect is a new digitizer (USD 8).
I just ordered two more. And whenever I get a scratch and I have time I replace it.
hmmm... Brando's protector is selling for 9-10 dollars - you can easily find cheaper alternatives.
I guess the time and hassles (and of course the warranty alone) of replacing the actual digitizer don't really worth the few bucks saved.

[Q] FFC help/ Paint to cover it up.

Does anyone know how to remove small scratches from our screen?
I made a very small scratch accidentally while I was removing the paint covering the ffc hole.
Also does anyone know exactly what type of black paint t-mobile used to paint the hole? If we can figure the color out anyone who needs to send their phone in for repairs can just paint it again and remove the camera.
Sooooo any thoughts?
nothing huh.. x.x
since the glass is actually a ceramic, I'd say you're going to be hard pressed to remove a scratch. I'm not sure though, but you might try a clear acrylic to fill the scratch. I don't know on the other part.
Clear acrylic won't fix the scratch because acrylic has a different refractive index than glass.
Your only options are to either polish the scratch (not likely), or learn to live with it.
There might be glass repair products out there, but I don't know of any
gotya, thanks.. do you believe it will make a big impact once i get the camera installed? like ruin the image.
you can try dry mustard and vinegar mixed together, apply and buff (attach a q-tip to a dremel)...
MichaelB91 said:
gotya, thanks.. do you believe it will make a big impact once i get the camera installed? like ruin the image.
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Doubtful, the scratch is going to be so close to the low resolution lens that I think you won't even be able to tell.
thanks you
Removing glass scratches
Removing glass scratches are tricky. I posted before how to polish plastic. The same is true with glass only there are no solvents that degrade glass so no worries there (couple of acids do but you can't buy).
Here is what you need to do :
1. Mask off EVERYTHING you do not want touched
2. then you can use a dremel with a small buffing wheel or puff ball (you can get @ home depot or Lowes... etc
3. I would use fine polishing compound and then High gloss compound (you can get from an auto body shop (the same for buffing out a newly painted car)
4. Be VERY careful not to heat up the surface or you can crack the glass.
Finally, this will take awhile (maybe as long as an hour) and if the scratch is deep it will warp the surface and make some of the display deformed looking so look at it carefully and decide if this is worth the effort.
The other crap on the market that are fillers, really do not work for small scratches like this. they are designed for larger blemishes, so the chances of these staying in place are slim to never
hope that helps
Not sure what kind of paint was originally over the camera opening but I imagine nail polish would be an effective (and cheap) substitute. With an amount so small would someone notice the difference?
I'm just going to wait and see if the camera can see clearly through it, and ill decide what do to after that.
Thank you (everyone) for all the help. I really appreciate it

Strange Spots on glass

After some day of using I've noticed that some areas of the glass seemed to get dirty more than other and always with the same shapes.
If you clean the glass they almost disappear, to return back when you touch the screen.
Someone sayd that can be a problem of the oilophobic protection that doesn't work fine in all the glass, does anyone know anything about?
Here a photo:
Add a p to http, I'm a new member and I haven't the permissions to post urls..
Might be the anti-fingerprint coating rubbing off. I've read of that happening to people.
The oleophobic coating does wear off - some sooner than others.. Same issues as the iphone 3GS and 4
Best idea is just to clean it, get a screen protector, and be done with it
I had that problem like 3-4 days after getting my device, they where not in the same area like yours , but I went to Best Buy and got it replaced.
That happened to mines too, I was wondering what the hell it might be. I had my spots in all four corners of the display.
The general consensus, to my knowledge, is just that the oleophobic coating used to help prevent finger oils from smudging the screen is just plain ****ty and has a tendancy to wear off rather quickly.
that sucks. screen protector time.
leyvatron said:
that sucks. screen protector time.
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Maybe you're right, although it's not the way i planned to solve it. :\
Thank you all, anyway.
mines messed up to. I just try not to think about it.
One tip, don't apply any pressure when wiping your phone... it will mess up the coating easily, and then that spot will always show up when you get finger oils on it.
is this issue covered under the warranty?

scratched the bezel any idea how to fix it

hey guys I just scratched the bezel I was wondering if any could suggest solution to treat it using a substance or solution that could remove the scratch. Its not a deep scratch it can be seen under light. I wish there was a substance that could remedy the bezel without going through the pain of taking the phone apart as it looks to be a very difficult task.
I think future phone should disregard easily scratch able bezels as those always get scratched so easily

[Q] light scratches

I have not owned this phone for a long time due to the availability. I have had it maybe five days. I started to notivce light scratches around the edges of the screen that would not wipe off. If anyone else is experiencing this or knows how to remove the scratches from the glass panel that would be great.
You didn't consider a case? Not even a bumper case like these?
I've not gotten my device yet, but I imagine that the best course of action is a screen protector and case to protect the sides. I don't plan to leave this naked.
It's probably in your best interest to get the device covered if it isn't already. If it's taking damage like that now, I wouldn't risk it.

