Questions regarding Unlocking and Flashing - P3300, MDA Compact III upgrading etc.

I tried searching for the answers but got none.
If I flashed my orbit, do I have to re-unlock my phone again?
Is there any link that teaches beginners how to flash from the start?

jackey said:
If I flashed my orbit, do I have to re-unlock my phone again? Is there any link that teaches beginners how to flash from the start?
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No, once unlocked is always unlocked. It is not stored inside the ROM itself, but in a separate location on the phone.
Flashing can be quite simple: establish a ActiveSync connection, run the ROM.exe from the pc and follow the instructions on the screen. I read somewhere that some possible difficulties might be avoided by performing a hardreset before starting the procedure.

GRUN: not really, if U flash DOPOD ROM UR device is simlocked again.then U need again unlock

phsnake said:
GRUN: not really, if U flash DOPOD ROM UR device is simlocked again.then U need again unlock
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Are you sure? I've never heard this before, and asking myself why a firmware would do such a thing? What's the advantage? Furthermore, as far as I know, the key to locking/unlocking is to know the IMEI code. How does the firmware know the IMEI code of my phone?

yes i'm 100%sure, but its maybe in this ROM is if i remember new radio and SPL, maybe there is lock check included in ROM somewhere. but i run c3unlock again and everythink works fine after that. btw. i guess there is no prob for any app to get UR imei and compare to imei range( ie: dopod "made" artes have imerange for example from 000-100 - and if your imei is out of range ... is locked and as i remember from imei you can get infos about manufacturer, phone type ......)



I just couldnt wait any longer to get past CID lock, so I unlocked at
(removes SIM/NETWORK LOCK - use any provider, removes CID lock - flash any firmware)
costs: 30,68 euros.
good news: cid unlocked, upgrade to any rom now possible!
accept ,my apologies
youve lost me with jargon
im new to xda
so what is cid??
what was it before 02???
so is it liek a plain normal htc now>>
did you lose any data??
is the gps affected?
CID unlock
Could someone send a file with extension unl, which was normally provided by imei-check to unlock your device.
It may bring a good idea to spl modification.
Thanks in advance.
PLS dont try it it isnt working
you only lost 30 eur
veisen said:
PLS dont try it it isnt working
you only lost 30 eur
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what are you meaning?
veisen said:
PLS dont try it it isnt working
you only lost 30 eur
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it has been confirmed that it DOES work, but even IF it works...
I still think it's cheating when u do this and don't wait like your other team/forum-members...
We are all doing the same thing together! A unity!
I have done via imeicheck and tested 2 ROMs already That't waht you do if you have itchy fingers
victoradjei said:
I have done via imeicheck and tested 2 ROMs already That't waht you do if you have itchy fingers
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Traitor... U deserve to be banned from this holy land/forum...
hi to all
cid unlocking is same with sim unlocking
i am wrong ?
i will pay money but i will work my phone wiht all simcards
thanks for repply
CID unlock is not the same as SIM unlock.
if we talk about imei-check service they do the both.
you can read it here:
you can use any sim card.
Good job I saw this thread, I was going to do mine tonight!!
I'll wait and be a team-player.
Hello i can said the same thing.
They work great, Desimlock the artemis and "uncidlock"
I have change my french rom of spv M650 to the French rom of HTC P3300
But when i want to use the GPS tomm said always "waiting the signal GPS" tehy can find my inside GP
It's Normal ?
I'm gona use imei check tonight to CID unlock my MDA Compact 3.
Can someone tell me how I can check to see if its been CID unlocked after I've done it?
Dead Cell said:
I'm gona use imei check tonight to CID unlock my MDA Compact 3.
Can someone tell me how I can check to see if its been CID unlocked after I've done it?
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I think if you're able to flash your device with a ROM from HTC, DOPOD or O2... its CID unlocked...
CoolGadget said:
I think if you're able to flash your device with a ROM from HTC, DOPOD or O2... its CID unlocked...
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Duhh... wouldn't it be better to find out before trying to flash any ROM? Suppose you think the device is unlocked but actually it isn't, then you might end up with a bricked phone.
CoolGadget said:
I think if you're able to flash your device with a ROM from HTC, DOPOD or O2... its CID unlocked...
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If I had the original T-mobile Rom then I would've just taken the risk but I don't and that's why I'm a little worried.
I'm still looking for it but it seems like it doesn't exist anywhere!
If anyone can help me out then I'd really appreciate it.
T-Mobile ROM
The original T-Mobile ROM is available on T-Mobile website amongst many others. I really dont think there is another way to confirm you have CID-unlocked your set, unless you flash it.
Though the report of many who have used imei-check seems to suggest it gets CID-Unlocked
AD10 said:
I really dont think there is another way to confirm you have CID-unlocked your set, unless you flash it.
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I allways thought it would be possible by running the mtty program. Wasn't the command Info 2 for getting the status? Correct me if I'm wrong.
I haven't tried it though, because my phone is certainly locked and I don't want to pay for getting it unlocked.
info 2 and info 4 do not work for the Artemis.
Guys thanks for your replys. I've managed to track down the original Tmobile ROM for the MDA 3 (thanks to some guys here). so now I'll be using imei check to unlock it, once done, I'll go ahead and install any ROM other than Tmobile and if it works then I'll know my device is CID unlocked. If it doesnt then I have the Tmobile ROM to fall back on.
Hopefully it will work otherwise I'll be getting in touch with imei check immediately!
Thanks for your help guys.

Tom HTC Artemis Rom v2.00.01 PDAVIET How to install?

First I want to say sorry!
I have troobles to understand how to install it on my French HTC P3300 .
Can I?
Could someone explain me how to?
traxer said:
First I want to say sorry! I have troobles to understand how to install it on my French HTC P3300 . Can I?
Could someone explain me how to?
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Sorry for what? Normally it is not necessary to open a new threat for any question that you might have, just join the different threats about a particular subject.
I guess you are new to all this upgrading stuff. First of all, and most important, is to find out whether your device is cid-locked or not. I think that it is safe to say that when you got your device through a telephone provider, like Orange or T-Mobile, at a very cheap price, then the device is locked and you should have it unlocked before flashing any ROM (except the official ones that you can download from your providers site). When you bought your device retail, at the full price (the Artemis is sold around 500 euro's), then the device is not locked.
Upgrading itself can be pretty straightforward: just establish an ActiveSync connection, run the <ROM name>.exe from your pc and follow the instructions on your screen.
grun said:
Sorry for what? Normally it is not necessary to open a new threat for any question that you might have, just join the different threats about a particular subject.
I guess you are new to all this upgrading stuff. First of all, and most important, is to find out whether your device is cid-locked or not. I think that it is safe to say that when you got your device through a telephone provider, like Orange or T-Mobile, at a very cheap price, then the device is locked and you should have it unlocked before flashing any ROM (except the official ones that you can download from your providers site). When you bought your device retail, at the full price (the Artemis is sold around 500 euro's), then the device is not locked.
Upgrading itself can be pretty straightforward: just establish an ActiveSync connection, run the <ROM name>.exe from your pc and follow the instructions on your screen.
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I got it, but can I know if the device is locked or not? Is there any kind of test or software that do this?
thanx in advance
cfrs said:
I got it, but can I know if the device is locked or not? Is there any kind of test or software that do this?
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Unfortunately, no, not really. On older HTC models you could find out by running the mtty tool, but it doesn't work on the Artemis. I read somewhere that on our device that whole locking (and unlocking) method is quite different than on other models. That is also why it seems so hard to develop a free unlock tool for the Artemis.
The only way you can be absolutely sure is by running the unlock tool from imei-check, but they will charge you for it.
If you just THINK that your device might be unlocked, then I would not recommend to try flashing any other than an official ROM. Of course, it is your choice and you might want to take the risk. That risk is that your phone will become 'bricked' and won't start normally. The only way out of that situation is returning it to the seller to have it restored. Some people with a bricked phone however are able to restore it themselves with the original ROM, so make sure that you have that ROM available. Some original ROMs can be found on the internet, but not all of them.
sorry but you said
Upgrading itself can be pretty straightforward: just establish an ActiveSync connection, run the <ROM name>.exe from your pc and follow the instructions on your screen.
But if i want flash in my artemis a rom like this one Rom v2.00.02 PV for HTC Artemis ( Crossbow Style ) how can i do that?
Ther are no exe file inside but only one similar with bat extension??
Can you help me please
Thank you
andreazzo said:
sorry but you said
Upgrading itself can be pretty straightforward: just establish an ActiveSync connection, run the <ROM name>.exe from your pc and follow the instructions on your screen.
But if i want flash in my artemis a rom like this one Rom v2.00.02 PV for HTC Artemis ( Crossbow Style ) how can i do that?
Ther are no exe file inside but only one similar with bat extension??
Can you help me please
Thank you
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Just connect the USB, let activesync make the connection and start the BAT file in the dir of the rom... wait 30min
grun said:
I guess you are new to all this upgrading stuff. First of all, and most important, is to find out whether your device is cid-locked or not. I think that it is safe to say that when you got your device through a telephone provider, like Orange or T-Mobile, at a very cheap price, then the device is locked and you should have it unlocked before flashing any ROM (except the official ones that you can download from your providers site). When you bought your device retail, at the full price (the Artemis is sold around 500 euro's), then the device is not locked.
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Your Artemis, does it have a logo on the body. A logo from maybe T-mobile, Orange, Vodafone, O2 or whatever telecom provider?
If yes, the you shouldn't flash your device with v2.00.02 PV for HTC Artemis ( Crossbow Style ), because the chances are that you will brick it.
If your P3300 only has the HTC logo, then it is fully unlocked and you can flash whatever rom (flavor) you want for the Artemis.
So be aware of the fact. The life of your P3300 is in your hands.
This it is not probably true information. This it is not to end rule
My Artemis he had only logo on body. The logo of start take-off was the only HTC also. No trace T Mobile Orange O2 Vodafone. And I have brick. :{
I tried flash by bootloader however still announcement INVALID ID
Follow for voice grun. get rid (remove) CID - will not it be dust brick as I.
Read this ...
Can anyone link me to a page where I can find all HTC Artemis Roms
TalhaQasim said:
Can anyone link me to a page where I can find all HTC Artemis Roms
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Is the SEARCH button broken today?

How to CID-LOCK a Device?

Yeah, you've read right - I want to CID-Lock my device. Because of some reception issues, i have to send it for repair. I've still warranty on it, but it's unlocked by, so I have to lock it again. Anyone knows somethin'bout it?
Common guys, someone has to know something about it...
Saiyajin said:
Yeah, you've read right - I want to CID-Lock my device. Because of some reception issues, i have to send it for repair. I've still warranty on it, but it's unlocked by, so I have to lock it again. Anyone knows somethin'bout it?
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Perhaps you'll have to request to send you the locking code
if you had CID unlocked through lokiwiz,it wud have been easy by restoring back the cid_locked.bin with lokiwiz which it creates at the time of Cid unlocking.
Yeah but the problem was, that I have a G4 Device, so it didn't work with lokiwiz, at the time.
Lokiwiz tool does not CID unlock a G4 device,however,you can SIM unlock a G4 device by lokiwiz 0.3 version,it provides you with a SIM unlock code.
Anyway,have you upgraded your phone to any wm6 custom Rom or still on official carrier's OS,which came pre-installed on it ? if you are still on the official Rom,then don't assume that the vendor will have any doubts about it being CID unlocked.But if you upgraded then you got a problem there.If you graded,as it's already CID unlocked,may be if you flash the official carrier's Rom which was pre installed,it might get away with it,well it's a give and take situation,but gonna have to take some risk now.
Saiyajin said:
Yeah, you've read right - I want to CID-Lock my device. Because of some reception issues, i have to send it for repair. I've still warranty on it, but it's unlocked by, so I have to lock it again. Anyone knows somethin'bout it?
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Have a look the-equinox's thread about HardSPL stickied in the G4 thread and also at my tutorial on how to remove HardSPL stickied to the top of the G4 thread. I don't know if it is the same concept and procedure but if my thread will help you then it's worth a try.
Good luck.

Upgrading the Wm6 to Wm6.1

i had HTC p3300 (atremis).
kindly help me to upgrade my mobile to WM6.0 to Wm6.1 (with latest ROM)
Current Specification
ROM version : 3.7.707.1 WWE
ROM Date : 21/06/2007
Radio Version : 02.69.90
Protocol verison :
EXtROM verison : 3.6.707.101
What dou you need?
Have you searched something?
Have you open the first posts on Artemis upgrading seccion?
I would suggest that before u upgrade ur phone read this thread properly to understand the procedures and risks involved in flashing a ROM
1. In order to flash a ROM on ur HTC P3300 u 1st need to CID Unlock your device, that way u'll be able to flash a ROM on to ur phone REMEMBER to CID Unlock your device before doing anything otherwise u'll brick your phone. You can get the CID Unlocking software frm here
2. After you are done wid the 1st step u've now CID Unlocked your device and it is ready for a ROM upgrade. Select and download a ROM of you choice frm here (I personally prefer the Black and Blue ROM flash the ROM on to your device and after the reboot u'll have WM6.1 .
3. Last I would recommend tht u also upgrade you Radio ROM (this is responsible for all the communication functions of ur phone i.e. calls, GPS, WiFi etc) which will enhance the communication capabilities. You can find the latest Radio ROMs here
But please do read the thread i mentioned in the beginning.
Thank u for the reply...
i saw the first posts on Artemis upgrading section...
Its tells about the USPL and related to the upgradtion...
i have one more clarification regarding this..
did the Artemis_USPL pakage contains the ROM or not ?
No. The USPL does not contain the Rom for P3300
peppercon said:
I would suggest that before u upgrade ur phone read this thread properly to understand the procedures and risks involved in flashing a ROM
1. In order to flash a ROM on ur HTC P3300 u 1st need to CID Unlock your device, that way u'll be able to flash a ROM on to ur phone REMEMBER to CID Unlock your device before doing anything otherwise u'll brick your phone. You can get the CID Unlocking software frm here
2. After you are done wid the 1st step u've now CID Unlocked your device and it is ready for a ROM upgrade. Select and download a ROM of you choice frm here (I personally prefer the Black and Blue ROM flash the ROM on to your device and after the reboot u'll have WM6.1 .
3. Last I would recommend tht u also upgrade you Radio ROM (this is responsible for all the communication functions of ur phone i.e. calls, GPS, WiFi etc) which will enhance the communication capabilities. You can find the latest Radio ROMs here
But please do read the thread i mentioned in the beginning.
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thank u for the guidelines
i ran the USPl and I followed the guidelines.
after CID ublocking , it went for ROM Update utility.
i clicked next and processed.
finally i Device get rebooted. but ROM was not get Updated.
still it is in WM6.0
pertaining to point no 2 the rom which is specified by you is it compatible for HTC artemis
I also searched in Artemis _dumped roms.
ididn't understand the Operator . kindly help me about the selection of ROM for my Device.
thanks in advance
When your device boots, what number appears after "SPL" ?
Zecanilis said:
When your device boots, what number appears after "SPL" ?
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ok tht shows, tht u have CID Unlocked your phone...and as i mentioned tht u need to select a ROM of ur choice frm the thread i gave u...just click on the thread link in tht page and tht will lead u to the ROM's page, der u'll c screenshots of the ROM and the OS version which wud be either WM6.0 or WM6.1.
Just download the ROM i suggested (Black and Blue v5.0) and download the cube version after downloading it unpack the file and u'll c ROM Uploader/Updater (something like tht) just double-click it and follow the wizard..thts it
yes tht ROM (Black&Blue v5.0) shall be compatible wid ur Atemis
peppercon said:
yes tht ROM (Black&Blue v5.0) shall be compatible wid ur Atemis
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I installed it too. Ya it is compatible with our Artemis
Fianlly its done..
thank u very much for great support
looking forward the same in future also...
You're welcome!
Hey thx for the posts..
I had a question though - I thought we were talking about Artemis - IOn the screenshots of black & Blue, I saw the processor speed @ 400 MHz - & mine is 200 MHZ ... How much difference will that make ?
win5 to 6.1/6.5?
sir referring to my title..can i upgrade to those higher platform? i have my artemis for almost last year and just know i learn about this..and how can i know is my device is CID locked or SIM locked?
peppercon said:
I would suggest that before u upgrade ur phone read this thread properly to understand the procedures and risks involved in flashing a ROM
1. In order to flash a ROM on ur HTC P3300 u 1st need to CID Unlock your device, that way u'll be able to flash a ROM on to ur phone REMEMBER to CID Unlock your device before doing anything otherwise u'll brick your phone. You can get the CID Unlocking software frm here
2. After you are done wid the 1st step u've now CID Unlocked your device and it is ready for a ROM upgrade. Select and download a ROM of you choice frm here (I personally prefer the Black and Blue ROM flash the ROM on to your device and after the reboot u'll have WM6.1 .
3. Last I would recommend tht u also upgrade you Radio ROM (this is responsible for all the communication functions of ur phone i.e. calls, GPS, WiFi etc) which will enhance the communication capabilities. You can find the latest Radio ROMs here
But please do read the thread i mentioned in the beginning.
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I CID unlocked my artemis 1 year ago,do i need to do it again ? if i want to upgrade a different ROM? or is ones enough
No you dont need to CID unlock your device again if u have done it earlier...just proceed with the ROM flashing
@Neo Collin.
I believe the Black and Blue ROM is compatible with Artemis, since I flashed the ROM once myself and worked perfectly well. Unless you are looking at Black and Blue ROM for another device carrying a higher processor or maybe the screenshots are from some device other than Artemis and posted there for just a reference!! ...please never try flashing a ROM for devices other than Artemis!!...I hope that helps
Yes you can upgrade you Artemis from WM5.0 to WM6.x, however there are a few things you need to know before flashing. (Prior to flashing your device I strongly suggest that you go through with this thread to understand the complications and other issues that you might face during an upgrade
1. Before upgrading your device check whether the device is SIM or CID locked or both in some cases. The best way to check whether your phone is SIM locked or not is to insert a different SIM Card (from another operator), if that SIM card works properly means your device is not SIM locked and if the phone doesn't accepts the new SIM Card then probably the phone is SIM locked. Here is how you can SIM unlock your phone
2. Coming to the second issue which is checking if the device is CID locked or not. Well the best way is to take a trip down to your memory lane and see if u have ever flashed a cooked ROM onto your Artemis (since you said that you are using WM5.0 on it, I reckon that your device is probably CID locked) if however you did flash a different ROM then you must have CID unlocked your device. But there is also a way that you can check whether the device is CID unlocked is when you turn on your phone, but it has been a while since I CID unlocked my device so i don't remember that, however here is the link where you can find the CID unlocking software and its procedure.
3. Lastly just follow the steps I listed in my earlier posts in the forum about how to flash a ROM on Artemis. Here is a really nice ROM that you can flash on your Artemis's a WM6.5
I hope this shall be helpful!! and my apologies for the late reply to all.
peppercon said:
Yes you can upgrade you Artemis from WM5.0 to WM6.x, however there are a few things you need to know before flashing. (Prior to flashing your device I strongly suggest that you go through with this thread to understand the complications and other issues that you might face during an upgrade
1. Before upgrading your device check whether the device is SIM or CID locked or both in some cases. The best way to check whether your phone is SIM locked or not is to insert a different SIM Card (from another operator), if that SIM card works properly means your device is not SIM locked and if the phone doesn't accepts the new SIM Card then probably the phone is SIM locked. Here is how you can SIM unlock your phone
2. Coming to the second issue which is checking if the device is CID locked or not. Well the best way is to take a trip down to your memory lane and see if u have ever flashed a cooked ROM onto your Artemis (since you said that you are using WM5.0 on it, I reckon that your device is probably CID locked) if however you did flash a different ROM then you must have CID unlocked your device. But there is also a way that you can check whether the device is CID unlocked is when you turn on your phone, but it has been a while since I CID unlocked my device so i don't remember that, however here is the link where you can find the CID unlocking software and its procedure.
3. Lastly just follow the steps I listed in my earlier posts in the forum about how to flash a ROM on Artemis. Here is a really nice ROM that you can flash on your Artemis's a WM6.5
I hope this shall be helpful!! and my apologies for the late reply to all.
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hello thanks for notifying us..
my phone is sim unlock im sure of that i have used it with many SIM but security unlock im not sure,,on #2 that USPL by pof, do we need to run tru uspl everytime we're going to flash a new cooked rom? or once u flashed the update SPL no need to flash it again
thank you

Need Help Newbie Here !!

Hey guyz ... Howz all doing. okie here's the deal. I am new to this whole Windows Phone 7 stuff used to play a lot with the HTC Elfin i had with WM6.1.
Tried a lot of stuff on Transformer too.
Now itz time for Samsung Focus , as my first Windows Phone Device.
I have read countless articles on this forum but still have a few doubts remaining.
1) Can the 8107 Mango bootloader be replaced with MAGLDR or it will screw up the device ?
2) Is it ok to flash MAGLDR & Custom ROM with an external MicroSD card inside ?
3) I cant find anything to backup stock rom and bootloader & restore it back in case if the device is burned. I found 1 or 2 but some report that restore isnt working. Can ny1 help me out with this.
Lastly the phone is on its way to my place so I dont know if it is a 1.3 or 1.4
But i need to get the above questions cleared as I have my xams running and can only giv 1hour fr the unlocking stuff. So just want to clear all the doubts before the phone arrives.
Thanks a lot guyz !!!
*BUMP* Please Help me ASAP Guyz....
That's because when you flash MAGLDR/custom roms, you do it on your own and accept the risks.
And yes, you might not be able to restore. In theory, you should be able to restore after flashing back a stock ROM, but I for one haven't tested/verified that.
Remember, all these are on your own risk
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. see this
newbies go to website in my signature.
EnderPsp said:
That's because when you flash MAGLDR/custom roms, you do it on your own and accept the risks.
And yes, you might not be able to restore. In theory, you should be able to restore after flashing back a stock ROM, but I for one haven't tested/verified that.
Remember, all these are on your own risk
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. see this
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Thanks for the Replies. One last question, say I got a SIM unlocked device and I flash MAGLDR & Custom ROM, will it ask again for an unlock code ?? ....
sagar_tiru2006 said:
Thanks for the Replies. One last question, say I got a SIM unlocked device and I flash MAGLDR & Custom ROM, will it ask again for an unlock code ?? ....
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No it won't.SIM unlocks are not written on the rom or firmware.So it can't be erased by flashing.
sagar_tiru2006 said:
Thanks for the Replies. One last question, say I got a SIM unlocked device and I flash MAGLDR & Custom ROM, will it ask again for an unlock code ?? ....
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I have to redirect that to my sig:
"Before asking questions, please read the Samsung Focus wiki and search the forums!"
Quote from the wiki:
Formatting, Flashing, upgrading, downgrading OS and firwmare doesn't affect Network lock (SIM lock).
Locks are in NVRAM - you do not overwrite this section by flashing firmware or formatting.
If the device is already SIM unlocked, flashing/updating/downgrading/formatting/etc the ROM will keep the phone unlocked.
Thanx a lot for all the help will flash tango tnite
Hoping not to brick my newly acquired device
Installed MAGLDR
Installed CleanROM !!

