creating reg edit cab file - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

i've looked around and i can't really find exactly what i'm looking for.
i want to create a cab file of a .reg file that will add all my special settings into the registry when i wipe my phone. i tried using winCE CAB but it is a pay program now.
any idea how to do this easily? I have a text file with the registry edits ready to go.

WinCE CAB Manager. Not free but great software. Try rapidshare maybe you get lucky.

anyone willing to create a cab file with all the registry hacks in it for the forum? i'm looking at creating a xml file to create a cpf file seems to be a long way to go when wince cab would do it easy.

Isriam said:
anyone willing to create a cab file with all the registry hacks in it for the forum? i'm looking at creating a xml file to create a cpf file seems to be a long way to go when wince cab would do it easy.
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There are so many reg tweaks and not everyone needs or wants the same tweaks. There is no way to do this. Many tweaks are already posted in separate cabs. I made my own cabs for the same thing you suggest, but I do not know how you would take ALL the tweaks and make EVERYONE happy.
It is very easy to make them, either find the software or buy it for about $70 I think.

yea, i mean though pretty much most people use the same cab fixes. smsnosentmsg, bluetooth high quality, things like that.
i don't mind changing 1-2 parameters, but 3-4 people at work have the 8525 and i want to just make a cab to fix all the basic reg edits really quickly.
i'm still looking for wince cab, i don't want to pay 70 bucks to create 1 file. guess i'll try to make my own inf and cabwiz one.

Isriam said:
yea, i mean though pretty much most people use the same cab fixes. smsnosentmsg, bluetooth high quality, things like that.
i don't mind changing 1-2 parameters, but 3-4 people at work have the 8525 and i want to just make a cab to fix all the basic reg edits really quickly.
i'm still looking for wince cab, i don't want to pay 70 bucks to create 1 file. guess i'll try to make my own inf and cabwiz one.
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I do not use either of these (smsnosentmsg, bluetooth high quality) So like I said pretty hard to make a one size fits all reg CAB tweak.

Isriam said:
yea, i mean though pretty much most people use the same cab fixes. smsnosentmsg, bluetooth high quality, things like that.
i don't mind changing 1-2 parameters, but 3-4 people at work have the 8525 and i want to just make a cab to fix all the basic reg edits really quickly.
i'm still looking for wince cab, i don't want to pay 70 bucks to create 1 file. guess i'll try to make my own inf and cabwiz one.
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Check out the Wiki. You might find Fit4Cat is just what you are looking for.

thanks, that does some of them that i was looking for. but mostly i just need a way to create a registry file, and integrate it sorta like you can on win XP with a .reg file.
i might try to get wince cab mgr. looks like exactly what i want to use. unless someone wants to hook me up

well i got wince cab working and i really like this. makes the initial restart from a reset a lot easier. having some problems with keys but mostly just user error. really great program.


Automate my registry changes

I always have to manually regedit several entries every time I rebuild my phone (which is quite often) and am curious on how to automate this. With my PC I simply export the key, modify it if I'm actually deleting the key, and create a batch file with a regedit /s command. Can anyone direct me in this on the pocket PC?
Dr Puttingham said:
I always have to manually regedit several entries every time I rebuild my phone (which is quite often) and am curious on how to automate this. With my PC I simply export the key, modify it if I'm actually deleting the key, and create a batch file with a regedit /s command. Can anyone direct me in this on the pocket PC?
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Howdy Steven - have you tried Resco Registry? From a quick peek I can see that it can import/export keys...might be just what you are looking for.
Two options:
1. Invest in Tweaks2k which will make setting a bit easier to apply.
2. Install a cab file. The catch here is that you are relying on someone else to accumulate and make the settings for you.
Here is a sample .cab file (a list of the changes are provided).
if you tell me what registry entries you need (or if you can export them with a registry editor) then i'll build a cab file which can install the registry edits and all you need to do is reset the device after the cab installs.
by reset you'll need to do the power off reset not the soft reset pin hole...
PHM reg editor has a backup and restore. U could use this and its free
lvlolvlo said:
if you tell me what registry entries you need (or if you can export them with a registry editor) then i'll build a cab file which can install the registry edits and all you need to do is reset the device after the cab installs.
by reset you'll need to do the power off reset not the soft reset pin hole...
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This is what I'm looking for, building a cab file. However I would like to be taught how to fish rather than being given a fish. Where can I find some instructions regarding this?
Well I was recently taught how to do this using an application called WinCE CAB Manager.....the license fee is expensive which is why I offered to do it for you....
JNGold said:
Two options:
1. Invest in Tweaks2k which will make setting a bit easier to apply.
2. Install a cab file. The catch here is that you are relying on someone else to accumulate and make the settings for you.
Here is a sample .cab file (a list of the changes are provided).
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The sample cab file you referenced is a start, thanks! I'm not a programmer but I can write a wicked Dos batch file so this is where I want to start I believe. 'long as I don't have to talk my wife into writing some C code or such I'm cewl.
lvlolvlo said:
Well I was recently taught how to do this using an application called WinCE CAB Manager.....the license fee is expensive which is why I offered to do it for you....
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I see that! $150 is quite expensive. I'm most appreciative of your offer. I really do want to learn to do this on my own though.
i think they have a trial....15 uses.?? i if you want to use that it works to a certain point.....
lvlolvlo said:
i think they have a trial....15 uses.?? i if you want to use that it works to a certain point.....
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I just might give that a shot. Thanks again for the lead!
TRE regedit:
TRE.EXE -s file1.reg
tweakradje said:
TRE regedit:
TRE.EXE -s file1.reg
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Thanks, I'll give it a try!

My first Performance Registry Tweaks CAB file

Okay okay...I know there are already a few CAB files with performance tweaks, but I made one (my 1st CAB file ) with the settings I like!
You can download 2 versions, one for Dutch users (like me) and one for WWE users.
I have 2 different versions because of a Today Item tweak with the Calendar and on Dutch Roms this is called Agenda.
I know that most of the settings here are also in apps like Registry Wizard, but this CAB files executes way faster then installing and configuring Registry Wizard
A little note: You can uninstall the program, but the settings will stay in the Registry so you have to change them manually!
UPDATE (04-08-2006):
I updated the file to file into one file for Dutch and WWE users, I almost forgot about this file so I still didn't mention what all the registry changes are doing, but like Dr. Puttingham the Wiki you can find everything back!
This file also consumes about +/- 1-2 MegaByte from your RAM Memory, but hey...what do you like more...More RAM or More Speed?
p.s. Here you can see which Registry Settings are applied in the CAB files:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]
"Cache"="\Storage Card\\Temporary Internet Files"
Thanks molski, could you include a list of what all the reg tweaks do, for those not so techie, either in a post or txt or doc format, cheers.
I will....when I have some more time, I barely had the time to make this CAB file for myself
Nice going. My files are downloaded 14 times already, so I guess people find my files useful?
If so, please let me know, I will see what more I can create or adjust
I had a huge load of support with my questions on this forum, so it's nice to finally do something back for the community
can be usefull after upgrade or hard reset
Thanks molski! I think you've got a few more tweaks included than the CommonSpeedRegHacks I was previously using.
Great job!
i must take wwe or not ?
i have got rom dopod 818 pro (qtek s200)
I dont know if it works on a S200, it is created for a Wizard, so I can only say try it and see if you notice any difference in performance
any chance you can explain what exactly the tweaks do?
Hi, is there a guide how to make a cab file that automatically installs registry tweaks? I'd like to make my own custom one, so after a hard reset I don't have to do the tedious tweaking...
Could someone explain how to make one of these CAB files for registry changes? I have searched high and low for the answer.
I did something similar for my 8125. Since I have a tendency to frequently hard reset it, I did a registry file with a bunch of the normal hacks I do, as well as setting up MMS and such. Works like a charm, although I use Resco Explorer with the registry option to do it. I haven't made a CAB file yet.
Saves loads of time after a hard reset.
How might one make this registry file? I'd really like to know.
What do the tweaks do.. .please
Can you tell us what these tweaks do?
@wiredup If you read the WIKI you'll get a lot of knowledge regarding the reg settings. These WM5 changes have been documented countless times here and also on the BA WM5 forum and other places I'm sure.
You can do some googling for more knowledge if you so desire.
molski incorporated these into a very nice cab file that is one of the very first things that I install on all of my devices. His is the most complete so far regarding speed improvements IMO
(Just one of his many contributions)
Thanks again molski!
tracking down a particular .cab
Is there any way to track down a specific regisry string ? i am searching for a string that carrys the label enter pin code at the position where it should actually say enter Simlock password. so i want to adjust this to the approriate text label, however i cannot seem to locate this string to make the text adjustment.
tracking down a particular .cab
Is there any way to track down a specific regisry string ? i am searching for a string that carrys the label enter pin code at the position where it should actually say enter Simlock password. so i want to adjust this to the approriate text label, however i cannot seem to locate this string to make the text adjustment.
tracking down a particular .cab
Is there any way to track down a specific regisry string ? i am searching for a string that carrys the label enter pin code at the position where it should actually say enter Simlock password. so i want to adjust this to the approriate text label, however i cannot seem to locate this string to make the text adjustment.
What is the default value for Glyphcache? I read bot 8 and 4 MB in different threads?
You're tweaks seem good so far... Would be nice if you could put what each one does... I am familiar with most thou. I like my GPRS/EDGE Icon to be different, so I went back and changed that. Also are skinny scroll bars actually providing better performance?
I'm gonna try this out for awhile with OMAPSCALER set at 228 (I had it at 240 with random shutdowns before, but I dont think it was overheating) and see how my performance is.
Also there are programs out there that will create CABs that change registry values... i.e. "WinCE CAB Manager"

Theme Creation in Spb/TFLO

This is for those of you that have made themes, or know how to make themes in Spb or TouchFLO. I'm looking for a detailed process as to what files get changed, and where they get changed, in order to create themes for these interfaces. I tried a search and got crap results, so I'm sorry if this has been posted elsewhere already.
While I still don't personally have an X1, I would like to make a nice Theme Creator-type program similar to the good ol' Sony Ericsson Theme Creator. Ideally, this would make the process of pushing out new themes as simple as possible, and everyone could have nice, quality themes for their X1.
If, when you post instructions on the theming process, you could attach an example theme, that would help for comparison-debugging as well. Cheers!
there is no theme aditor for TF3D like you want it
Manually select files and replace the images and hope you don't mess up your theme is the only way to go
search for manila editor/m9editor to do so.
good luck
nixx-X1 said:
there is no theme aditor for TF3D like you want it
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You completely misunderstood my post. What I want to do is create the program that lets you edit the themes, and what I was asking for was detailed information on what files need changed, and how they need to be changed.
nixx-X1 said:
Manually select files and replace the images and hope you don't mess up your theme is the only way to go
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This is exactly why I want to write a program for this.
as i have seen until now, theming with spb is very crappy. cant understand while there is no company or programmer that makes something usefull out of our xperias. my last hope for now is the windows mobile 6.5 build...
tarnaman said:
as i have seen until now, theming with spb is very crappy. cant understand while there is no company or programmer that makes something usefull out of our xperias. my last hope for now is the windows mobile 6.5 build...
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I would gladly make such a theming program if someone would tell me how the themes are formatted and structured, what images went where (along with image restrictions, such as their dimensions).
I don't even own an X1, so it's hard to write software for it when I can't really operate on one, but a theming program such as this could run on a generic Windows OS, and create themes to be transferred to the X1, which is very doable if I know what it is I need to make.
aaah.. my bad understanding
as for the TF3D.. there is no real theme you can load it's a compilation of files one can edit.
There are 478 images that can be edited and positioned to get the whole theme look in place. To explain here which goes where and how isn't possible.
What you can do is download itje's full hd cab and extract it.
Then with the mode9editor from 6Fg8 view the files and get to understand the structure.
manila full hd cab
I'd love to help out with the theme creator for TF3D with the SPB i have no experience (didn't like it much).
If you'd want to do it proper I think you'll need to make some kind of emulator for the TF3D interface so you have instant feedback when changing things.
nixx-X1 said:
as for the TF3D.. there is no real theme you can load it's a compilation of files one can edit.
There are 478 images that can be edited and positioned to get the whole theme look in place. To explain here which goes where and how isn't possible.
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I think it would be possible, albeit time-consuming. Is there a different resource which does explain which goes where and how?
Then with the mode9editor from 6Fg8 view the files and get to understand the structure.
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Unfortunately, this alone doesn't help me understand the structure (the mode9 editor seems crash prone and seemingly doesn't understand most of the files in the CAB, and with several BMPs it complains about the headers). I really just need a detailed source of information that says what files get changed, and what they represent (remember also that, since I don't have any phone that can run TF3D personally, I can't go around experimenting with changing files to see what affects what. I need to have a clear documentation of the file structure).
Ofcourse it's possible.. but not for me
Unfortunately I don't have that time
if you check the mode9 files you'll see most of the placement of the qtc files.
The mode9 is actually only for the _manila files.. and yes.. double clicking needs to be prevented
But without a way to test it .. I give you little hope..
Have been searching for weeks for all info one 1 sheet to find my way around.. it's not here to my knowledge.
trail and error is the only way..
but maybe i'm a pessimist
good luck!
Here we go...
Well to change TF3D themes you must edit files called Manila Files. Each file has an image inside it. in some cases (mode9) they stand for actual functions. Once these files are opened, using manila editor, you find the image files. (they are in QTC format). You must then replace "your" image files with the QTC files. This is done with the QTC converter built into manila editor.
Here is where you can download the manila files.
and here is where you can download manila editor:
hope it helps
that 0.2 manila editor is more solid but gives lesser image quality then the mode9editor that is in development now.
but yeah... it doesn't crash
If it helps,
here's a thread that contains a psd file which mapped out the entire manila interface and is easily batchable by the mode9editor.
read before downloading

How to resize cab screen resolution?

Hey all, is there any tutorial that shows how to edit cabs to your liking? I want to know is I can edit certain cabs so they look good on my Epix's screen(320x320).
~~Tito~~ said:
Hey all, is there any tutorial that shows how to edit cabs to your liking? I want to know is I can edit certain cabs so they look good on my Epix's screen(320x320).
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You can't edit cabs the way you're wanting to.
You'd need to edit the image files inside the cab (providing they aren't built into the exe or something similar). Then edit any relevant positioning inside reference files like xmls or something similar.
If you don't know graphics and at least some basic coding I wouldn't bother. That said, it's not hard to teach yourself enough to accomplish what you're asking.
Hmmm, I always have a ****ty time resizing any image. . . I don't have a problem with basic coding though.

Disable SMS sent pop-up

I'm sure most of you know how to get this done already. But this is a new forum and bound to be new people dropping by. For those of you who are still trying to figure this out...
I've found that Advanced Config tends to mess a few things up on our phones as not all the key's are the same as HTC phones.. (if u are looking for a tweaking program woodhole from has put together quite a few good tweaks.. i'm still hoping he'll cross post a link here you all can check it out)
so to manually edit your registry you'll need a program for that:
Total Commander works great for me and my needs
However, LG was nice enough to provide a reg editor but doesn't seem to be as user friendly. it's called TascalRegEdit.exe and can be found in the /windows directory
change the value from 0 to 1
killerskincanoe said:
I'm sure most of you know how to get this done already. But this is a new forum and bound to be new people dropping by. For those of you who are still trying to figure this out...
I've found that Advanced Config tends to mess a few things up on our phones as not all the key's are the same as HTC phones.. (if u are looking for a tweaking program woodhole from has put together quite a few good tweaks.. i'm still hoping he'll cross post a link here you all can check it out)
so to manually edit your registry you'll need a program for that:
Total Commander works great for me and my needs
However, LG was nice enough to provide a reg editor but doesn't seem to be as user friendly. it's called TascalRegEdit.exe and can be found in the /windows directory
change the value from 0 to 1
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HLKM? o really? hehe...
here i made a cab for everyone
Can't get sms sent notification to turn off.
I feel so defeated.
I've tried three ways to kill the Sent Notification:
1. Change the registry manually (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings).
2. Install juggernaut's cab
3. Replace the HTCMessageSent.exe file, per ookba. (Original file is read-only and can't be deleted).
I've got a Verizon HTC Ozone and the only mod that I've made is to install the new rom that updates to WM6.5 from HTC's site.
That damned SMS sent notification is killing me!!
Is my device ignoring me?
There could be something in the registry that is preventing you from killing it. For the IQ users there was a reg in the LG Idles (UI from LG) that was preventing it. Perhaps HTC has something similar in their UI.
what device u on anderson?
anderson.mike.g said:
I feel so defeated.
I've got a Verizon HTC Ozone and the only mod that I've made is to install the new rom that updates to WM6.5 from HTC's site.
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you do know this is the LG EXPO / IQ forum rite?
i doubt what we've got here is gonna be working correctly for you HTC ozone!
try advanced config 3.3 and disable sms sent notification should work fine..
killerskincanoe said:
I'm sure most of you know how to get this done already. But this is a new forum and bound to be new people dropping by. For those of you who are still trying to figure this out...
I've found that Advanced Config tends to mess a few things up on our phones as not all the key's are the same as HTC phones.. (if u are looking for a tweaking program woodhole from has put together quite a few good tweaks.. i'm still hoping he'll cross post a link here you all can check it out)
so to manually edit your registry you'll need a program for that:
Total Commander works great for me and my needs
However, LG was nice enough to provide a reg editor but doesn't seem to be as user friendly. it's called TascalRegEdit.exe and can be found in the /windows directory
change the value from 0 to 1
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a good registry editor is regedit and is pretty user friendly.

