multiple SMS/MMS recipients - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Does anyone know of a quick way to select multiple SMS/MMS recipients (instead of having to insert each contact individually) under Windows Mobile 2003 for Smartphones (2nd edition)? I’m fairly certain this can’t be done through the OS itself and so I’m assuming some third-party software will be required (this is fine).
Symbian Series 60 implements this perfectly. When composing an SMS/MMS it presents your contact list and allows you to check off those whom you want to receive the message. Then, after you’ve chosen those recipients, it walks you through all of them and if a contact has more than one number it presents you with those numbers and lets you choose which to use. The entire process is very fluid and you get the sense that there isn’t a more efficient way to go about it. Indeed, I couldn’t come up with a faster method (though the ability to specify a “default” message number would obviate the need to choose which number to use).

I've made a small application that sends SMS messages to the Outlook groups. I can make a new version where you can choose what ever contacts you want...I'll keep you posted....
Best regards

Can you please test this and give me some feedback on how it works.........? I've only tested it on a HTC Artemis.

t0flus said:
Can you please test this and give me some feedback on how it works.........? I've only tested it on a HTC Artemis.
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How do you add a group?

Google for mcc Mass message

I'm using the build in "Categories" in Outlook.
Open a Contact and edit it.
Browse down to the "Categories"
Create a new Category.

Works great! I've tested it on a HTC Artemis.

Works great on Qtek S200. Thanks.

t0flus said:
Can you please test this and give me some feedback on how it works.........? I've only tested it on a HTC Artemis.
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Works very well on Universal (o2 exec). Will it be possible to have a scroll bar in the contact list. Presently it scrolls only with the down key not a major issue though.

On my Artemis I've got a horisontal scrollbar at the bottom. On WM 5.0 Pocket PC's you can also use the left\right arrow keys. You can also browse the contacts with the keyboard keys...
Try downloading the nevest version, I believe I fixed the scrollbar issue in v1.3.

t0flus said:
On my Artemis I've got a horisontal scrollbar at the bottom. On WM 5.0 Pocket PC's you can also use the left\right arrow keys. You can also browse the contacts with the keyboard keys...
Try downloading the nevest version, I believe I fixed the scrollbar issue in v1.3.
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Thanks a lot. Please keep up the good work!

Great little app! Now I can notify my complete mailing list with text messages as well

I have threaded SMS application. Would there be a conflict if I installed this program??

Never tried the "threaded SMS" application so I don't know the answer to your question...
All GroupSMS does is to start the buildt in messaging application and set multiple receivers in the "To" field.

Just installed and looks good. One question.... Any way you can add a counter on the number of recipients selected?
Thanks for a great util!


SMS: contacts group, distribution list, categories... NO ?

I can't imagine I just got the latest toy and the whole thing made a step backwards...
I cannot send an SMS to a specific group of people among my contacts if not choosing each of them one by one each time...
I have many different group of people I send SMS' to and I was used to have lists on SmartSMS while using a SmartPhone and also distribution lists and categories on Outlook while at the desk...
With Wizard it seems there are no solutions... I have tried almost all of the trial SMS managers out there, but it seems I have no luck...
I've spent the last two days looking for a solution (either within WM5 or as an addon...). No luck...
Do you have any hint ?
Is there anyone wishing to develop something like above explained ?
Thank you very much...
Best regards...
Yeah, im also intressted in sending sms to a group.
Me too, plz let me know if you find some solution...
for a OS of such quality it is an appalling lapse by MS
We should all email them a support question and ask them if it will be included in the next release??
Re: for a OS of such quality it is an appalling lapse by MS
peteborota said:
We should all email them a support question and ask them if it will be included in the next release??
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I've tried a little bit to use InfoSharp to send SMS to contacts within a category (fortunately there is such chance on this small and nice program...). The program itself is not yet "finished" but it does the job...
I'll post my suggestion to the developer, hoping that growing, it will become better.
About sending our comments to Microsoft: well, I personally think it would be nice, but it would be nicer if our suggestions could be "understood" in any way. It seems to me this rarely happens.
Not to mention the function I'm looking for was present in WM2003SE !!!
Maybe too many shrimps are eaten within MS... ;-)
P.S. Actually ANY SUGGESTION on this matter would help, as it seems there still is not solution...
Hi guys have found an app for sending sms by category group
The app is called 'simplysms' and is developed by a company called visual IT.
It's not windows 5 compatible at the moment although I am waiting for a response from the developers.
I'll keep people posted.
SimplySMS mobile 5 will be released in the new year.
good news
Re: Hi guys have found an app for sending sms by category gr
peteborota said:
The app is called 'simplysms' and is developed by a company called visual IT.
It's not windows 5 compatible at the moment although I am waiting for a response from the developers.
I'll keep people posted.
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Is seems they have no plans developing any WM5 version of such program, otherwise something would have appeared on their website...
I think then there is no other option to keep a Nokia phone in my pocket too... but then I don't need an HTC pocket PC... I can run with another one with no phone functions as I did in the past...
Any other news ???
It is very helpful utility if we can find it
if we can have such an application it will be very greate
SimplySMS for windows 5 will be launched in March
Had an email from Visualit the makers of simplysms. They will be releasing a windows mobile 5 version of the software in March this year.
It will allow users to send a text to a outlook category of contacts.
Hold on it's round the corner.
Re: SimplySMS for windows 5 will be launched in March
peteborota said:
Had an email from Visualit the makers of simplysms. They will be releasing a windows mobile 5 version of the software in March this year.
It will allow users to send a text to a outlook category of contacts.
Hold on it's round the corner.
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march ? March ? MARCH ???
It's on next century !!! I'll have switched to another phone by that date...
I'll have to wait then, but I'm looking around for another solution... pretty tired of hand-choosing between my contacts...
Thanks a lot anyway... the fault is not yours... it's MS' first of all...
You could create a shortcut with the recipients pre-listed. E.g.
Text message colleagues.lnk
32#"tmail.exe" -to "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx" -service ""
Will prompt the messaging app with a new message. If you last used Hotmail/whatever, though - it won't start a new text message, but a new e-mail/whatever.
If you want to be able to pick the account, use instead:
32#"tmail.exe" -to "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx"
If you want to add a default message, use :
32#"tmail.exe" -to "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx" -body "Text here"
You can also use vijay555's VJSMS to always send a text message, regardless of what account you're in.
32#"\Program Files\vijay555\VJSMS.exe" "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx" -body "Text here"
Essentially, all the above are more like 'templates' than they are group text message tools. If you have a new person you want to add to a 'group', you'll have to manually adjust the shortcut.
On the other hand - it's available now, and freely.
ZeBoxx said:
You could create a shortcut with the recipients pre-listed. E.g.
Text message colleagues.lnk
32#"tmail.exe" -to "06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx; 06xxxxxxx" -service ""
Essentially, all the above are more like 'templates' than they are group text message tools. If you have a new person you want to add to a 'group', you'll have to manually adjust the shortcut.
On the other hand - it's available now, and freely.
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Thank you very much for the helpful hint... the main problem anyway is always the same: I use distribution lists so I don't have to bother on updates of contacts details. I just keep them updated and I have the result.
There is anyway a major problem on the hint you just gave me: line limitation...
WM5 accepts for example multiple recipients on the "To:" field but the problem is I still do not know which is the maximum number (I suppose it depends on how long the "To:" field can be, maybe max 255 char.).
The same problem applies to your hint: I suppose there is still the limitation of 255 chars... or not ? ;-)
Thanks anyway.
yeah, I have no idea what the maximum length is
Of course, for Dutch numbers, 10 chars length, 11 if I include that semicolon, that's still 25 numbers Sending an SMS to 25 people should be more than enough for me
You could also write a mort script to call VJSMSSend a gazillion times :>
The former issue is the bigger one - I hate updating lists, myself. There shouldn't be anything holding developers back from implementing mailing lists, using info from the contacts POOM, and setting up SMS's (setting up and sending an SMS is a MSDN example, so.. pff)
I'm no developer, though - I just managed to get "Hello world" running a few days ago, and then I got sick - so no long computer times for me
SMS Distribution Lists
Having Upgraded to a qtek 9100 from a nokia 9300 communicator for better windows/outlook compatibility etc, I have been searching for something to fill the gap for SMS Distribtion lists.
I understand from reading other posts than previous versions of Windows mobile did offer this, aswell as being able to play different ringtones depending on chich caller group a call was originating from.
Has there been any new information on SMS Distribution lists for the HTC Wizard phones?
Also, is there any way to actually just select "send new txt message" rather than go to messaging and browse to the correct account/ folder to achieve this?
Re: SMS Distribution Lists
jasvinder said:
Having Upgraded to a qtek 9100 from a nokia 9300 communicator for better windows/outlook compatibility etc, I have been searching for something to fill the gap for SMS Distribtion lists.
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Welcome in the "unsatisfied club"...
I understand from reading other posts than previous versions of Windows mobile did offer this, aswell as being able to play different ringtones depending on chich caller group a call was originating from.
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I have never seen, nor in previous versions, a real "group" as we were used with Nokias...
Some thirdy party programs do that anyway (and it's good enough such programs exists...).
Has there been any new information on SMS Distribution lists for the HTC Wizard phones?
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Unfortunately, no... I have been looking around for a lot of time and finally I found a solution: I kept a Nokia 6230 in my bag, just for this kind of use...
I know, it's stupid... but much more less stupid than preventing me using this feature on a WM5 device !!!
Also, is there any way to actually just select "send new txt message" rather than go to messaging and browse to the correct account/ folder to achieve this?
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Different approach: select the contact you need to send the SMS to and select "Send new SMS" from the options. You'll have the editor opening with the "To:" field already filled...
Hope this helps a little...
Re: SMS Distribution Lists
jasvinder said:
Also, is there any way to actually just select "send new txt message" rather than go to messaging and browse to the correct account/ folder to achieve this?
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Download the attached file, extract the included shortcut to your PPC, and run it - see if that works for you. If it does, you'll note that there's "to" and "body" fields that you can fill out if you want (e.g. a pre-composed message to your boss saying that you'll be on your lunch break)
For some more advanced SMS stuff, try VJPhoneTools:
Or one of the many commercial SMS apps
The download when unzipped only contains a shortcut which is not valid.
CAn we download it from your website?
it's supposed to only contain a shortcut
32#windows\tmail.exe -service "SMS" -to "" -body ""
If you don't have a "tmail.exe" in your device's "Windows" folder, then indeed it's probably invalid. Try searching for that file on your device, see if it's elsewhere. If it's not, or you can't find it, just use one of VJ's tools instead
Group sms
O2SMSPlus is out and about, it's for wm5 and does group sms.

Multi SMS ?

Is there a program or a way to send sms to multiple contacts or grouped contacts with qtek 9100 (HTC Wizard)?
is it possible with poketinformant?
WM5 doesn't support this option that was supported by windows MObile 2003...
Please help
There MUST be a way to send an sms to more than one person. We had this feature 1000 phones ago so it must be there.
Jeyo Mobile Extende
What are you kidding? Simple!
Put your cursor in the "To:" box and click menu (right soft button) and Add Recipient.
Select the name. Repeat as needed for as many contacts as you want.
Alternatively add the numbers manually seperated by a ; just like you would in an Email.
sorry! what i need is a group sending... with my old magician i select in one shot ten or more contacts then i sent my sms. now with newest 9100 i must select contact one by one :-( :-(
I don't know of any program to do this, but it would be easy to store lists of names in a note then copy and paste them into the TO section as and when. Not exactly 'group sending' at its best but does the job...
I need too... Is great for Christmas and New Year!
Idea is write sms and then select multiple recipients from contacts in one shot (by active each contact).
Anybody know?
Visual IT are bring out an upgrade to their Simply SMS
This will allow users to send an sms to a group of people grouped under a category.
here's the link, keep an eye out for it in the new year.
Hi, Peteborota,
Thanks, but not work with a PDA phone (Qtek 9100) and with WM5!
I use TapText by Dinarsoft for occasions like this. Like Hazymat said, but instead of using notepad, i use taptext to store groups of emails. Tap on TapText icon on the top bar to access.
Works with Wisbar Advanced running too. You got to deactivate program icon and make an icon in WA2 to activate TapText. Works really well with WM5. But storing group emails are part of it, i use it to store anything which i need to use frequently. It is commercialware tho.
ARP they will be releasing a WM5 version in the new year
Spoke to their support desk, they hope to release early jan.
Book mark the site and keep looking.
Thanks Swampy, TapText is great!
But I need a app that can send an SMS to many recipients by hightlight each one, in one shot.
Anybody know one?

sms to multiple recepients

hi, anybody hav softwr to send sms to multiple recepients or groups or can u guide me where to get it.----for imate jam.
thanx in advance.
Already built in, you only need to type in the first few letters of your contacts in the To: field when composing new message, then click on the found numbers, then just put semi colon ";" after each recipients to add new recipients.
sms to a group of contacts
is it possible to send sms to a group of contacts- through any softwares?? pls help
o2smsplus can do what you want. it can even choose which entries among the group of contacts you do not want to send the sms to. there's a cab file floating somewhere in this forum.
raymonds said:
o2smsplus can do what you want. it can even choose which entries among the group of contacts you do not want to send the sms to. there's a cab file floating somewhere in this forum.
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could u give a link caz i didnt find after an hour of painful searching....can it be downloaded via o2 connect?
i'm sorry i just read that the cab file won't work for wm2003... they said it's intended only for wm5 devices.
O2 sms plus for imate jam??
through some of links I found that O2 sms plus is availble only with O2 as inbuilt software and not availble as a third party download. If any links availble for imate jam pls send.
and thanx for the suggestions.
For WM2003!
arp said:
For WM2003!
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hi arp...
i've installed the o2 sms but when i try to tap it, the message 'O2SMSPlus' is not a valid Pocket PC application...
am i missing something, or do i need to install other software prior to this...
websinister said:
hi arp...
i've installed the o2 sms but when i try to tap it, the message 'O2SMSPlus' is not a valid Pocket PC application...
am i missing something, or do i need to install other software prior to this...
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use tango keyboard and canned message option instead works for me
Hi guys! Hope eveyone had a pleasant new year's celebration.
Anyway, I was hoping that somebody could either post the link or the file of the modified 02 SMS Plus that will run on any WM5 device. I have a WM5 device but unfortunately isn't from 02 and would love to have its functionality.
I have searched this forum for HOURS and cannot seem to find it.
Cheers in advance!
O2sms woks well onWM5 devices!
tesna said:
Already built in, you only need to type in the first few letters of your contacts in the To: field when composing new message, then click on the found numbers, then just put semi colon ";" after each recipients to add new recipients.
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What a shame, using xda 2s for year then u alighten me, now i know..... thanks!

[APP] [2009-02-13] DarkGPS : Send GPS coordinates by mail...

Here is my first application made for my HTC a while ago...I decided to publish this after a friend asks me if this kind of application exists for WinMo...
Developed in c# (.net CF 3.5) it allows to send GPS Coordinates by mail, like the "Here I am" application from the iPhone.
For accessing the GPS on Windows Mobile, I used the SDK from Microsoft (Samples.GPS)... Thanx Kevin for testing and comparison with its iPhone ^^
It should work on any Windows Mobile having a GPS. But I never test this app on other devices!! (mine is HTC Diamond Touch)
CAB File : Download
Source Code available on demand!
For AutoUpdate of this application just go to Config then Check the box "AutoUpdate" and restart the application (not sure of the "first run" but should be "Off" by default).
The "Send Account" is the account to use for sending mails, the "Mail Account" is the account to use for getting contacts (I'm using "Send by Hotmail" and "Contacts are ActiveSync"...)
Do not hesitate if you have any bugs, problems, ideas, ...... I'm really "open" to critics
!!Warning : this is beta release!!
Release 0.3 : add of English language
Release 0.6 : added AutoUpdate support and small things (More info on my blog : HERE and HERE)
Any testers for a beta version ?
Oh yeah
Can you give me a package in french please
i prefer
The application should be in french if your ROM is french...
I tested using a winmo simulator for english and my HTC for french (using Aztor ROM in FR)
Are you using an english language ROM ?
I may add in the next release an option to change the language (have to test this )
Here is my feedback even when I was not able yet to get my GPS coordinates
on a Touch HD, but I am in a hotelroom right now keeping the phone before the window.
- User should be able to modify the mail before it is send out.
- I don't like the contacts list that pops up in big fonts, I think it is smarter
when the mail is generated in the background and than opened in the default mail application, most of the time outlook.
Than a user can select the mail adress for the TO field like he does normally when sending emails and he is able to edit the mail also.
It should not be difficult for you to generate the mail and than show the mail in the mail application...
Nice to have : Expanding the application to be able to send an email or SMS.
Tomorrow I will try more...for now it looks great !
DarkAngelFR said:
Here is my first application made for my HTC a while ago...I decided to publish this after a friend asks me if this kind of application exists for WinMo...
Developed in c# (.net CF 3.5) it allows to send GPS Coordinates by mail, like the "Here I am" application from the iPhone.
For accessing the GPS on Windows Mobile, I used the SDK from Microsoft (Samples.GPS)... Thanx Kevin for testing and comparison with its iPhone ^^
It should work on any Windows Mobile having a GPS. But I never test this app on other devices!! (mine is HTC Diamond Touch)
CAB File : Download
Source Code available on demand!
For AutoUpdate of this application just go to Config then Check the box "AutoUpdate" and restart the application (not sure of the "first run" but should be "Off" by default).
The "Send Account" is the account to use for sending mails, the "Mail Account" is the account to use for getting contacts (I'm using "Send by Hotmail" and "Contacts are ActiveSync"...)
Do not hesitate if you have any bugs, problems, ideas, ...... I'm really "open" to critics
!!Warning : this is beta release!!
Release 0.3 : add of English language
Release 0.6 : added AutoUpdate support and small things (More info on my blog : HERE and HERE)
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Feedback #2
Yez, i got the coordinates and succesfully send the email to my gmail adress and opened it in gmail.
Clicked on the links and you see where I am great.
Application works, but need some modification to give it a boost amongst users :
- Generate the mail in background and than open outlook so that user can edit mail and select recipients.
- Add nice GUI
- Add option to select whether to send by SMS or Mail.
That's it.
Keep us informed about updates.
brownbear said:
Here is my feedback even when I was not able yet to get my GPS coordinates
on a Touch HD, but I am in a hotelroom right now keeping the phone before the window.
- User should be able to modify the mail before it is send out.
- I don't like the contacts list that pops up in big fonts, I think it is smarter
when the mail is generated in the background and than opened in the default mail application, most of the time outlook.
Than a user can select the mail adress for the TO field like he does normally when sending emails and he is able to edit the mail also.
It should not be difficult for you to generate the mail and than show the mail in the mail application...
Nice to have : Expanding the application to be able to send an email or SMS.
Tomorrow I will try more...for now it looks great !
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brownbear said:
Yez, i got the coordinates and succesfully send the email to my gmail adress and opened it in gmail.
Clicked on the links and you see where I am great.
Application works, but need some modification to give it a boost amongst users :
- Generate the mail in background and than open outlook so that user can edit mail and select recipients.
- Add nice GUI
- Add option to select whether to send by SMS or Mail.
That's it.
Keep us informed about updates.
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Hello there
As a developer I make things in 2 steps : first technical demo, then a nice GUI (have a look at the step from v0 to v0.4 of my other app DarkRuler).
I'll add an option for mails : "direct send" (able to edit default message) or "open in outlook". No problem and nice idea
"Add a nice GUI" : any proposition is welcomed, I'll try to improve this a little for other resolution than mine (HTC Touch Diam). I've seen things on the web that could be fun (having city from gps coordinates) but well, this would need internet connection so not sure.
SMS/Mail choice : I was thinking of it already!
I'll publish the application on CodePlex for next release. Should be in 2 weeks (more or less) because many works here...
Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it and was waiting for this kind of feedback to continue development
Looks good - I'll keep an eye on this.
Seems like a useful application, I hope the development goes well.
Really nice app. Works like a charm in my Blackstone. I'll be looking forward that new enhancements that are in the queue
Would you like a spanish translation? I can translate the program, or at least the default email text, if you feel like it.
hey TS, can i know how u get the latitude and longitude? mind to share the code? i'm doing the application that return me back the latitude and longitude... quite blur as this is my 1st time using c# .net and with mobile environment...
really looking forward to hear from u soon..
u can email me at [email protected]
and MMS ?
how about to add MMS as well, so you can send picture of place you like with GPS coordinats together?

Outllok Contacts Application

on my new HD2 there is something strange: if I want to add a new contact or edit an old one I can do it, but some fields have disappeared!
For example: name, middle name, family name...all these fields gone: I only have one field "NAME"
Same for address details: before (WM 6.1) I could edit and input into fields like ZIP, City, there is a unique field called "Word Address"
It is NO MORE fine-divided into its fields
What am I missing?
Please suggest
I have tried to remedy by installing Pocket Informant 9...but it is so sloooow..sometimes freeze my whole device. So it is not a viable solution.
Thanks and waiting.
is this issue related to WM 6.5.3? Or just to HD2 devices?
use "start - contacts" to access the windows contacts list instead of the htc contacts and you will find all the fields as you remember them.
thanks Samuel
That is what I usually do...but still I cannot see the fields.
Would you be so kind to post a snapshot, so I can understand what I am doing wrong?
Additianlly my ROM is a barebone one, by freyberry, with almost no HTC application on it (almost basic Microsoft)
in the name field, look at the very right hand side there is a very small grey square, tap there and the complete name box opens.
oh and the field below name works the same.(you can see the two grey buttons in the image )
Dear Samuel
Now I understand: if I click on start outlook contacts the HTC version of contacts is triggered! not the MS version!
How can I do? Is there a registry hack?
Thanks a lot for your help!
By the way, Samuel, what is that Keyboard that you are now using? It look nice.
Is it a good replacement to the standard keyboard? Does it have the ctrl-C (copy) function?
No more ideas?
Thanks and waiting
hi. keyboard is swype. I like it, takes a little while to get used to but very nice when you do.
im afraid I can't really help with how to start contacts, im using a custom rom and when i click start I see an icon called contacts, and I click that and it gives me the widows contacts.
see the image, top right, the link i use.

