Help with mms - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hey guys,
I am unable to set up an mms account on the dopod 838pro with the 3 network provider. When I go to messaging and then new accounts it asks for an email address...Shouldn't there be more options? Do I need some sort of patch to show them?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated

it is in one of the CAB file in your EXT (original) that you have skipped installing.

So how would I go about installing it?

Would I have to mount the extended rom or something there? And would this void the warrenty?

you need to unlock ext ROM and execute the CAB as usual.
Or else, if you are able to find ext ROM some where else (eg, the FTP), you can just get the CAB and execute it.
No, it won't void your warranty. The problem is finding the right CAB and avoid installing unnecessary CAB.

Thanks for the advice
Just found it easier to hard reset and just reinstall everything again


How to remove T-Mobile programs

I have just upgraded to Rom 4.01.00 and as it is a T-Mobile rom I want to get rid of the programs that are provided by T-Mobile so it looks like a normal Rom. I remember reading somewhere before how to do this but now can not find the message, can anyone help me on how to do it or tell me where the post is that explains it.
Regards Seal.....
hi seal,
can you share with us the 4.01.00 rom?
let me try it and i'll try to remove the programs, i'll let you know the result
Ok to remove those T-Mobile apps goto Start, Settings, Today, Items and uncheck "T-Mobile" that does it for the Today plug-in.
Now for the System Tray apps. use File Explorer and go to the \Windows\Startup folder and delete Battery Monitor.lnk.
BTW and if you're not under some type of NDA how about sending the old Qman a PM on how one can obtain a copy of these latest ROM.
Thanks QMAN, it worked.
Here is the address for the download, half way down the page, its in this forum,

not finding mms on my jamin

ok have searched around and i have the settings for the mms for cingular. but when i choose switch accoutns its not listed in there. i only have sms and outlook email. I just loaded the cingular cab as well which iw as sure i already had the cab installed. anyway how can i get that loaded or working. and yes i have searched around and cant find the answer.
never mind. forgot i didnt install any of the crap on the rom upgrade. and had to install it from the rom2 files.
basicly i installed default_mp_mmsautodisco and default_mp_shortcut_mms
hey, you might be messing the ExtROM on your device that is supposed to include the MMS composer. go to start settings system and device info to read the ROM and ExtROM versions. if the ExtROM doesn't show then you nead to hard reset the device and if it doesn't show re install the upgrade.

MMS option gone....

Hey guys I've just hard reset my mini.I soft reset at the point of it needing to restart so I didn't load all the o2 stuff.
only thing now is I have no mms account I can switch to on my list anymore. the mms configeration menu is still there though. can anyone lean me some advice )
Just load the cab from the Extended ROM which has MMS in its name.
sorry to be dim I've searched but can seem to find it, could you give me a path location to follow please ) Cheers
On the wiki for Wizard
there are instructions on how to unhide your Extended ROM.
Do this, then you will have a \Extended Rom directory. There should be a cab file in there O2???????MMS??????.cab just click on this to run it
the link for it on that site doesnt work mate

My new TyTN...seems to be missing MMS...

I just got a TyTN. On my HTC Universal, there was a MMS console or something...forget what they call it...
But it was flawless and there isn't one on the TyTN from what I can see...
Can someone help me out? It MIGHT be my general non-familiarity of the device so I don't see it...but I don't see any programs or settings that even come close to referencing it...
If I understand the questions correctly
From messaging.
Select MMS
You have to install the from ExtendedROM.
I for one, didn't install it, cause the whole messanging application (SMS and E-Mail) starts much faster without MMS installed.
At the moment I'm searching for a proper replacement for MMS that's not that lazy.
Missing MMS Menu on HTC TyTn
I have the same problem on my HTC TyTn. In fact, MMS menu is missing. I've read the answer but I don't know where I could find
Could you help me, please.
unhide the extendedrom as described in the extrom unlocker thread. then you should find a file *shortcut*mms*.cab in the dir /ExtendedROM
Thanx for answering. I've tried what it explained, but nothing happen. My phone coming from SFR (vodaphone). Maybe there is something else to do.
ROM Version
ROM Date: 06/18/06
Radio Version:
Protocole: 32.53.7018.01W
Me, too, and I think I've got it figured out..
I have most of this problem solved but need one additional piece of info (at bottom); maybe someone can fill that in for me.
I got a new 8525 from the day they came out. The letter 'A' stuck so I had to exchange it for a new one. The first 8525 I had showed the MMS directory just fine but the second one they gave me did not. I'm not aware of any differences in the way I set them up or how this could be, but MMS has been missing from my second 8525 since I first fired it up. Cingular support was no help.
Here's what you need to do to fix it:
(1) You need to unhide the Extended ROM. Info on doing that can be found here:
Note that in my situation my phone was already SIM unlocked, and I found that I did not have to CID unlock my device in order to fix this problem. Information on what the difference is between SIM unlock and CID unlock can be found here:
(2) Now, when you open File Explorer, you'll see a new folder listed called "Extended ROM." Open that folder and you'll see a list of .cab files that can install various things for you.
Run the MMS installation .cab file called "MT_Shortcut-MMS-Hermes" to install the MMS function that somehow got missed in the initial setup. I found that I was not able to install this program to Extended ROM, and I did not try to install it to the storage card, but it installed in my Device memory just fine.
Open up Messaging, and you should now see the MMS folder, unless you soft reset, in which case you have to re-install. In my case, no configuration of the MMS function was needed, and MMS works just fine.
QUESTION: Whenever I soft reset my phone, I lose the MMS function again and have to re-install from the .cab. How do I make MMS a permanent feature of my phone?
I hope this helps folks get at least as far as I've managed and maybe someone else can help finish answering this problem. Thanks in advance.
Let's say a stupid asshole erased his ext-ROM and is now missing the whole .
Is it possible to flash back only the ext-ROM ?
Can someone send the .cab to the asshole (meaning ME!) ??
Replying to myself :
contents of known extended roms are here :

unable to download messages?

I was wondering if anyone else had this problem.
I have the HTC Hermes with At&t and no matter what ROM i put it, I'm unable to download picture or video messages.
Has anyone else ever had this problem?
Or does anyone know how to fix it?
Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
1st run arcsoft mms then use the network wizard cooked into your ROM or download the cab file off this site. You will have to search for the cabs...
chances are its in your data settings. you didnt put who your with so we dont know.
Yes is truth!!!!
go here
download the Arcsoft V4.2.8 then download the MMS enable
Then install the V4.2.8 then install the MMS enable cab... do a softreset
run the networkwizard for your carrier... do a sof reset nad Tadaaaaaa!
It must to work ok?
BTW if you dont say where are you and your carrier maybe we can understands how can we helps you ok?

