How to remove T-Mobile programs - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I have just upgraded to Rom 4.01.00 and as it is a T-Mobile rom I want to get rid of the programs that are provided by T-Mobile so it looks like a normal Rom. I remember reading somewhere before how to do this but now can not find the message, can anyone help me on how to do it or tell me where the post is that explains it.
Regards Seal.....

hi seal,
can you share with us the 4.01.00 rom?
let me try it and i'll try to remove the programs, i'll let you know the result

Ok to remove those T-Mobile apps goto Start, Settings, Today, Items and uncheck "T-Mobile" that does it for the Today plug-in.
Now for the System Tray apps. use File Explorer and go to the \Windows\Startup folder and delete Battery Monitor.lnk.
BTW and if you're not under some type of NDA how about sending the old Qman a PM on how one can obtain a copy of these latest ROM.

Thanks QMAN, it worked.
Here is the address for the download, half way down the page, its in this forum,


Clean Hard Reset without auto run

i have hard reset my O2 Mini and when it wanted to auto run the install files i stopped it.
i saw i have alot of free memory without all those programs it installs without me asking (pdf viewer, ptt, o2 connect...)
i was wondering if there are any necessary cabs in the extended rom i should manually run that include fix's for some bugs...
i have the 1.11 rom.
thanks ahead,
edit: can anyone tell me which cab installs the MMS settings support?
and can anyone attach the program/link that i can put in the programs folder for "running programs"?
I only joined this forum recently so I'm not sure if there's a listing here. The search button is your friend!
However, another forum that I am a member of ( does have a listing. Click here
Thanks alot.

help please

i have completed a soft reset upon my mda compact,to remove the t-mobile(uk) rubbish
but now i have lost my msn messgenr and gprs settings
can anyone please help
thank you
You mean hard-reset & soft-reset to skip ext-rom from loading?
Go to the ext-rom & pick one off the cabs (in 1.13 UK probably that customizes your magician or go to the TMO web-site & get the settings there.
Cheers, M
ta mate
tmobile site was no use.
i duuno?? hope some with the same set up can just post up settings
for modem and grps,messnger
You don't have the cab I mentioned? If you want it give me a pm, then I'll try to attach or upload the files.
Two months ago I just had delete all the UK stuff from my magician & now I'm almost uploading it. Very strange ....
Cheers, M
wow cheers mate
If you go to the index of the xda forum,
You will find under networking all the cabs you require or I will attach the cab now, so saves you time. I am only attaching Tmobile cabs pay as you go and contact.
Saw that the complete 1.12.152 ext-rom is available at the ftp. That's the UK one & apparently the same as I got, sorry made a typo in my folder name. With this or the previous post by apple_power you should be able to solve your problems.
Cheers, M
thnak you very much for all your help,
sorry im new to all the pda world do i just add to mda via pc sync or do i need to copy and paste it to a certain folder
sorry guys but we all have to start someplace
thanks again with out your help my new kit wud be useless ta
Just copy the cab with act.sync to your device, anywhere is ok, & execute
succes, M
big thanks

Unlocking extended ROM

Really sorry - can someone point me in the direction of a tool that unlocks the extended ROM for a Wizard? I'ves searched but I can't find Am I being blind?
I need to free up some space and want to get rid of those imate .tsk files but need to unlock the ROM first.
Try this one
Download this
Then type (after install)
and walla
can somebody explain how i can delete the files in extended rom ? i tried with TC and the files seemed to be deleted, but after the hardreset they were still there.....I want to get rid of them and install some other programms too.
Thanks and regards
can somebody explain how i can delete the files in extended rom ? i tried with TC and the files seemed to be deleted, but after the hardreset they were still there.....I want to get rid of them and install some other programms too.
Thanks and regards
Ok Total commander gives you access to the extended rom using the method just posted above.
But if you want to actually have the extended rom showing all time, then you need this...
The extended rom unlocker will give the actual extended rom as space deginated extended_rom2 and its about 9.85mb size or something with between about 350kb and 2.5mb of .cab files in it depending on whether its a Qtek (Which has the least amount of files), I-mate, o2 or T-Mobile, these last two probably (along with Orange) will have the most 'junk in them.
Once you have ran the exteneded rom unlocker and soft reset your device it will be accesible through file explorer you won't need TC.
You can then go in and delete (be careful to make sure what everything does first) its your own responsibility, and remove what you don't need.
For example on the I-mate Extended Rom you cane remove Backgammon, Skype and the anti virus prog. There wasn't much on the Qtek Rom I just put on mine just clearvue and soemthing else inconsequential, there was no skype or antivirus, but I believe some Qtek roms might have this.
T-Mobile is abother story, there is a shedload of crap in the extended rom, ranging from a today screen toolbar to small progs, there is list knocking about of what each file does. When I changed from T-Mob to I-mate and then Qtek I just transferred the T-Mobile GPRS settings and the GPRS disconnect button .cab and put them in the exteneded Rom myself and let it run.
Also on I-mate Rom there are carrier settings that you can delete which won't apply to you, basically lots fo countries phone settings, like o2 UK, T-Mobile Spain etc etc, depending on where you are in the world.
You can't delete the I-mate .tsk todayscreens as far as I know, they are not in the ExtRom. The Qtek ExtROm doesn't have the extra .tsk's just default and the Guava Bubbles one.
If anyone wants the T-Mobile GPRS .cab and GPRS disconnect button .cab I can send it through msn or email.
that doesn't work either. I treid with the unlocker and deleted the files with TC. If i check the content no files are there, but when i try to copy other files to the ext. Rom it says that the volume is write protected. I softreseted several times also.
Any hint on that ? How have all the others deleted the files in extended rom ?
batman08 said:
that doesn't work either. I treid with the unlocker and deleted the files with TC. If i check the content no files are there, but when i try to copy other files to the ext. Rom it says that the volume is write protected. I softreseted several times also.
Any hint on that ? How have all the others deleted the files in extended rom ?
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Might not work for you but it worked for me and a load of others. Once the extended rom is visible you can delete files easily, you don't need TC like I said. Its easier to put additional cabs into my documents sync them across and just run them.
Yeah, that's a pitty.... I have the Vodafone VPA Compact II, which is the Wizard 100 afaik.
Someone around here has the same model and succeeded in removing the cabs from the extended rom ?

My new TyTN...seems to be missing MMS...

I just got a TyTN. On my HTC Universal, there was a MMS console or something...forget what they call it...
But it was flawless and there isn't one on the TyTN from what I can see...
Can someone help me out? It MIGHT be my general non-familiarity of the device so I don't see it...but I don't see any programs or settings that even come close to referencing it...
If I understand the questions correctly
From messaging.
Select MMS
You have to install the from ExtendedROM.
I for one, didn't install it, cause the whole messanging application (SMS and E-Mail) starts much faster without MMS installed.
At the moment I'm searching for a proper replacement for MMS that's not that lazy.
Missing MMS Menu on HTC TyTn
I have the same problem on my HTC TyTn. In fact, MMS menu is missing. I've read the answer but I don't know where I could find
Could you help me, please.
unhide the extendedrom as described in the extrom unlocker thread. then you should find a file *shortcut*mms*.cab in the dir /ExtendedROM
Thanx for answering. I've tried what it explained, but nothing happen. My phone coming from SFR (vodaphone). Maybe there is something else to do.
ROM Version
ROM Date: 06/18/06
Radio Version:
Protocole: 32.53.7018.01W
Me, too, and I think I've got it figured out..
I have most of this problem solved but need one additional piece of info (at bottom); maybe someone can fill that in for me.
I got a new 8525 from the day they came out. The letter 'A' stuck so I had to exchange it for a new one. The first 8525 I had showed the MMS directory just fine but the second one they gave me did not. I'm not aware of any differences in the way I set them up or how this could be, but MMS has been missing from my second 8525 since I first fired it up. Cingular support was no help.
Here's what you need to do to fix it:
(1) You need to unhide the Extended ROM. Info on doing that can be found here:
Note that in my situation my phone was already SIM unlocked, and I found that I did not have to CID unlock my device in order to fix this problem. Information on what the difference is between SIM unlock and CID unlock can be found here:
(2) Now, when you open File Explorer, you'll see a new folder listed called "Extended ROM." Open that folder and you'll see a list of .cab files that can install various things for you.
Run the MMS installation .cab file called "MT_Shortcut-MMS-Hermes" to install the MMS function that somehow got missed in the initial setup. I found that I was not able to install this program to Extended ROM, and I did not try to install it to the storage card, but it installed in my Device memory just fine.
Open up Messaging, and you should now see the MMS folder, unless you soft reset, in which case you have to re-install. In my case, no configuration of the MMS function was needed, and MMS works just fine.
QUESTION: Whenever I soft reset my phone, I lose the MMS function again and have to re-install from the .cab. How do I make MMS a permanent feature of my phone?
I hope this helps folks get at least as far as I've managed and maybe someone else can help finish answering this problem. Thanks in advance.
Let's say a stupid asshole erased his ext-ROM and is now missing the whole .
Is it possible to flash back only the ext-ROM ?
Can someone send the .cab to the asshole (meaning ME!) ??
Replying to myself :
contents of known extended roms are here :

AT&T Tilt 2 - am I deleting programs and applications correctly?

Hi all,
I am a noob and I am not too sure if i am deleting stock programs and apps that came with the att tilt 2. Some apps and programs cant be found under "remove programs."
For example, if i want to delete a program, can I just go into the file explorer and find the folder and just delete it from there? Will that completely delete that program?
Also, when i try to delete the "Opera 9" folder, it says "_home.exe is a system file, deleting it will cause some programs to not run properly." Can I still delete it anyways?
I basically want to know if I can just find the folders of the pre-installed programs and apps that i dont want and just delete it from there. Will that completely erase it from my phone?
Thanks in advance for help.
anyone? any inputs would be greatly appreciated.
thank you all
I don't know about Opera (are you trying to upgrade to 9.7 or 10 Beta?), but I deleted many of the ATT bloatware programs exactly as you described. No issues at all. You will also want to go to Windows>Start Menu>Programs and delete the shortcuts there, to remove them from the Start Menu screen.
You will get lots of storage back, and the programs will stay removed unless you hard reset.
Hey thanks for the reply. Opera 9 came pre-installed with the tilt 2 and i downloaded opera 10. So i dont to delete opera 9. I went to file explorer and found its folder and try to delete it. But it says "_home.exe is a system file and deleting it will cause some programs to not work properly"
So im not too sure should i proceed and delete it or should i not? I think _home.exe is a file or something in the opera 9 folder. Umm not too sure what to do.
can anyone help??
if you dont want the ATT bloatware, why dont you just flash a clean ATT rom? (as long as you want to keep the ATT look)
Hi ctbear,
Sorry I am completely new to the WM and not too sure about alot of things. I have been reading on these forums about hard spl and flashing my phone. However, I am still kind of scared to do it, im scared that will screw up and mess up my phone. I do have a couple of questions to your reply.
1. where can I find a clean ATT rom?
2. what exactly is a clean ATT rom? did someone on these forums made the rom or is it a official release by ATT?
Thank you
Nausicaaa said:
Hi ctbear,
Sorry I am completely new to the WM and not too sure about alot of things. I have been reading on these forums about hard spl and flashing my phone. However, I am still kind of scared to do it, im scared that will screw up and mess up my phone. I do have a couple of questions to your reply.
1. where can I find a clean ATT rom?
2. what exactly is a clean ATT rom? did someone on these forums made the rom or is it a official release by ATT?
Thank you
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1. You can find a clean rom in the rom thread.
2. ATT will never release a Clean rom. It has to be made by one of the great rom cooks here on XDA
Tms Uninstaller: Will allow you to delete programs that don't show up in the normal remove programs. Direct download in link. (freeware) ~ Thanks Senax
ctbear said:
if you dont want the ATT bloatware, why dont you just flash a clean ATT rom? (as long as you want to keep the ATT look)
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Is there a flashable version of the stock AT&T rom or are you referring to eras2r's ROM? His is probably closest to the stock rom but it isn't a straight dump from a stock device is it? I've been hoping someone would be able to get the stock rom dumped so we could flash it back. Maybe someone will get one for Christmas! I know the old trick of resetting on the first boot just before the bloatware installer ran was a way to cut back on some of the stuff but it wasn't 100%.
wpbear said:
Tms Uninstaller: Will allow you to delete programs that don't show up in the normal remove programs. Direct download in link. (freeware) ~ Thanks Senax
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Tried this.. I assumed it was going to show all the loaded programs.. all it shows is TMS uninstaller, CleanRAM which I installed and Adobe Flashlight. Is everything else going to need to be deleted by going thru the file explorer?
You can't delete files in ROM. Shortcuts for programs that came pre-installed can be deleted, but the actual program remains. Still, deleting shortcuts yields very little gain in space as they are small files. It does help clean up the Start menu, though. The only way to get rid of the bloatware is to flash a cooked ROM with those items already removed.

