What is AKU2? - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

What is AKU2? I have a Sprint Treo 700wx, and am wondering if there is a way to send an email without having to push send, then send/receive. Is this possible. Are there any free programs to accomplish this? I thought push email was right out of the box on this thing?

Welcome to the forum!
Read this and this to find out about AKU.
Also you must read this!
Finally according to specs at www.pdadb.net this device comes with AKU 2.1 so yes you have push mail capability, but it has nothing to do with what you have to push to send mail .
For push mail to work you need an exchange server. A simpler solution is mail2web or emoze plus several others that provide similar service.
Google and you shell find!
Good luck.


emoze.com offering free push email...any tried this yet?

www.emoze.com has just come up with a push email feature for mobiles and pdas.
i just wanted to know if anyone has tried out the service and how is it?
i don't have an outlook exchange server so i can't really set up direct push on my 8125.
I just checked and Emoze does not support the Qtek 9100 yet
try selecting the Tmo MDA.. same thing.. i'm downloading the program now to see if it works..
ok, stay away from it for now, it is in beta, but here's what happened to me..
1. it replicated my contacts about 40 times.. i had to go thru and delete duplicates... ugh..
2. Program on the PC desktop crashes randomly, it crashed 4 times in a 30 minute period..
3. kinda flaky performance.. it works as in the push email function, it notifies you, but then it took 3-4 trys on the PPC to get out of the notification/program and see the actual email in outlook..
give it time and if they perfect it a little, this will be very cool to have..
g0nk said:
ok, stay away from it for now, it is in beta, but here's what happened to me..
1. it replicated my contacts about 40 times.. i had to go thru and delete duplicates... ugh..
2. Program on the PC desktop crashes randomly, it crashed 4 times in a 30 minute period..
3. kinda flaky performance.. it works as in the push email function, it notifies you, but then it took 3-4 trys on the PPC to get out of the notification/program and see the actual email in outlook..
give it time and if they perfect it a little, this will be very cool to have..
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Cool, thanks for the input. Hopefully they'll fix the bugs soon so we can use it.
replicated my contacts also, it states that you cannot have activesync running while this program is running, which is kinda ridiculous...another thing is, it runs OFF of your computer, uses your OUTLOOK, nothing on their end, its just a piece of software...in other words, if your computer is off, no email....useless if you ask me
Ya know, it's a shame the T-Mobile's SMS-based notification feature isn't a bit better tuned. It really works well - just takes to long to notify your phone of a new event.
For anyone who hasn't tried it. When you go to the T-Mobile website, you can put in the info for one or more of your non-T-Mobile email services. You can use POP3 or IMAP4 servers along with your SMTP server, and you specify your email login and password.
After that, you can click on the feature in your MDA that retrieves specs for your email account from T-Mobile's servers, and pocket Outlook will set up an appropriate additional account for you in the MDA. With this all set up, you can, in addition to your normal way of checking your email, check your email account via the T-Mobile website or via your MDA simply by doing a Send/Receive on the MDA in the Messaging app.
The neat part that T-Mobile hasn't quite implemented 100% is that you can have their server monitor your email account for new incoming messages, and in turn send a "silent SMS" to your MDA to let it know when new email has arrived. Then your MDA automatically kicks off a Send/Receive, fetches whatever email is waiting on the server and notifies you.
This works quite well. The ONLY problem is that that it may take way too long for you to be notified that something new is on the server. This could be due to one (or both) of two possibilities:
1) T-Mobile's back-end servers may not be monitoring and checking your email server frequently enough. If it checks for new email every minute, that's great - but if it waits 30 minutes between checks, that's about the best you can hope for when waiting for your MDA to be notified about new incoming mail.
2) Even if T-Mobile's back-end servers "know" that your email provider's servers have new mail for you once a minute, that only helps if the "daemon" (or whatever process they use) sends the "silent SMS" to you immediately. If the "silent SMS" is queued up, and the process to send them out is delayed, or possibly scheduled to happen once every 30 minutes, we have yet another way in which it takes too long for your phone to be notified that new email has arrived.
Whichever delay is causing this, it would be fantastic if T-Mobile could fix it. If they did, this would, functionally, serve the purpose of push email for many of us -- especially for those of us who have unlimited messaging as part of our plan with T-Mobile.
despite the bugs, it worked great, and i'm gonna keep an eye on their progress..
This is basically the program i've been looking for. Something that I can load on my own PC (since it's on 24/7) and have it sync my inboxes on my 8125.. it was nearly instantaneous when it worked on my system..
a note to people that want to try this though...
2. Make sure ActiveSync is set to not sync anything, and turned off.
3. Then run the program..
I wish it was more stable, and i'd use it all the time, but until then, im sticking with POP updating every 2 minutes..
I can't get it to work on my PC in my office. My company uses a proxy server and the desktop app can't connect to the internet. Any suggestions?
not really sure.. but keep an eye on this thread from their forums, the emoze team might respond with an answer..
I have trying mail2web.com it uses push for activesync for free.
working very well.
mail2web isn't true push, its pull...
PiTT said:
mail2web isn't true push, its pull...
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I think they started push service in their "live.web2mail" bbeta but I could be mistaken as I have not tried it. Even if it free it wont be for long as MS has pretty expensive licensing fees per user to use exchange server. I think they have 6 months where they can claim 0 users. The emoze you need your home pc on all the time. For me it would be ok cuz i always keep my pc turned on but for a lot of people i dont think they do that.
Any news on this? Is it working yet? I keep my computer on all the time and was looking at running Exchange Server from it to get Push Email, but maybe I'm better off waiting for this?
I've been using a mail3web live account for a couple of weeks and it works very well. I just had to set up mail forawrding from my own ISP. I'm pretty sure it's not push email but it works fine through active sync on the PPC as long as I remember not to kill the application. You can set it to synch with the sever as often as you like and as I'm a bit worried about getting a large bill and I'm not too wooried about getting everything instantaniously I've set mine to synch with the server every two hours. If I want to check more frequently I just hit send/receive.
Whoops - no I haven't discovered a new one! The above should read mail2web live account!
I've been using mail2web for a few days... its cool.... and push email too, but that needs a few tweaks before it works properly
jamichy said:
I've been using mail2web for a few days... its cool.... and push email too, but that needs a few tweaks before it works properly
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ok, so can you please tell us more...any link for the tweak? thanx...
hconsulting said:
jamichy said:
I've been using mail2web for a few days... its cool.... and push email too, but that needs a few tweaks before it works properly
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ok, so can you please tell us more...any link for the tweak? thanx...
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There's no tweak. mail2web just upgraded to Exchange SP2, so if you've got a ROM in your wizard that supports push (I'm using the 2.17 custom on my TMO MDA), sign up for a free mail2web account, forward your email there from other accounts, and follow the diretions to set it up on your Wizard, and you will get true push email now.
The only problem I have is that I forward my gmail to my mail2web, and once or twice/day I notice I'm not getting e-mail, sign in to my gmail account and under the forward it says gmail is having trouble forwarding to that account. I push try again, and it starts sending my email again for maybe a day. I think mail2web is either having a problem receiving so much mail (there's been a big buzz about it on xda and howard last few weeks), or else it might be a problem with their spam filters...
thanx for ur reply...that's exactly what i did and got a gmail account too and everything's ok here...all my mails are directed to my mail2web account ( actually live.mail2web.com account)
But can not succeed in push to mail...my rom is the "test only" one I think it's the one before the official 2.17....Any chance to get it work though?
Many thanx...

Free Exchange Push Mail Server W/ Exch. Over Https And Alias's!

I run an exchange server and I am welcoming pocketpc users that are in need of an exchange account to activesync with. This service also offers Direct Push for those of you that have have this on your PocketPC. As well as the ability to sync all of your contacts, calander events, and task wirelessly onto your Outlook desktop instantly.
NOTICE: Lots of users have been asking if they can have an alias setup so that it looks like they are sending from thier personal email address (ie gmail, hotmail, yahoo ect..) and the answers is YES! With each account you can have an alias setup so that your recipents see your email address as anything you like! In order to keep this service alive, it is asked that you donate $10.00 USD in order to use this Email Alias service. You can use paypal and send the money to [email protected]
Anyone that still needs a Exchange account, I can provide one for them. I will be providing up to 75 or so accounts for free, donations will be and are always appreciated. My constraint right now is how much hard drive space I have. If I can get enough donations for a bigger hard drive I would be able to give out many many more accounts. Also, my service will include Exchange over HTTPS as well if you want to use the server with Outlook on whatever computer you want to. I can provide these settings for people that want the service. Just PM me with the e-mail address you want. Domain is @getztek.com .
So if you like the service and feel that you can contribute, please send paypal payments to [email protected]. If you think you can donate in other ways, please send me an email!
Please submit the information in this format:
First Name:
Last Name or Initial:
E-Mail address requested:
Also, please give me at least 24 hours to set this up as it is a free service and I do have a job/life. Thanks!
Lastly, I did have this posted in the Wizard forum, but most people don't read both forums and I have more accounts that I can support, hence posting it here as well.
Also, if you want to let me know about something, please repond in the thread, only e-mail / PM your account information.
I think Im the first to reply, so firstly can I say thanks!
A couple of questions . .
What version of Exchange is this? Any HTML mail support?
How or where do I install the certificate you sent me? I have a mail2web account but that didnt require much setting up but no Outlook access either!
robt2379 said:
I think Im the first to reply, so firstly can I say thanks!
A couple of questions . .
What version of Exchange is this? Any HTML mail support?
How or where do I install the certificate you sent me? I have a mail2web account but that didnt require much setting up but no Outlook access either!
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It is Exchange 2003. Easiest way to install the certificate is put it on your phone, then tap it. It will run and install itself. Once you do that, just enter your info into Active Sync, easy peezie! The outlook access by itself can be tricky which is why I gave you the link to that tutorial showing you how to set it up. Hope this helps.
Sent you a pm . . .
Ok, Im now up and running on both my Tytn and Outlook 2003.
So far everything seems to be working just as it should and my initial impression is that its quicker than mail2web. The original sync of contacts and calendar etc seemed to take aout half the time.
All looking really good, what do I do about the email alias thing? Another pm request to Denial?
I will run for another day or so and update, hopefully will be running a new version of WM6 later today )
Thanks a lot DeniaL, this is a generous contribution to the community and I be making a donation shortly.
robt2379 said:
Ok, Im now up and running on both my Tytn and Outlook 2003.
So far everything seems to be working just as it should and my initial impression is that its quicker than mail2web. The original sync of contacts and calendar etc seemed to take aout half the time.
All looking really good, what do I do about the email alias thing? Another pm request to Denial?
I will run for another day or so and update, hopefully will be running a new version of WM6 later today )
Thanks a lot DeniaL, this is a generous contribution to the community and I be making a donation shortly.
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Sounds good. Glad to hear that you like it. As far as the e-mail alias thing, when you send your donation just include a note saying what your alias'd e-mail should be and I will set it up and send you an email back letting you know when it's finished. Take care!
Just bumping it so more people can get accounts if they want 'em.
i sent you an email,
Looking forward to working with your Exchange server
Why would someone host their email with some random individual they've never met, and open themselves up to remote wiping? Seems like a pretty big security breach to me...
I mean, you may be totally trustworthy. But you also may not be.
richy240 said:
Why would someone host their email with some random individual they've never met, and open themselves up to remote wiping? Seems like a pretty big security breach to me...
I mean, you may be totally trustworthy. But you also may not be.
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They can choose to trust me or not. I am not in this to screw with people. Just like the majority of this forum, I am just trying to offer a service. You can ask any of the people I offer this service to, I am not trying to screw anyone over.
reo said:
i sent you an email,
Looking forward to working with your Exchange server
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I sent you an e-mail back. In regard's to your alias, I need to receive the $10 donation through paypal before I set that up. Go ahead and setup your phone, make sure everything is to your liking. As soon as you decide that, let me know and when I receive the $10 I will setup the alias'ing. Take care.
After much hassle, I'm finally up and running, haha. I trust him. I let him remote desktop connect to my computer to setup outlook and he didnt do anything fishy. He's legit and the service seems to work flawlessly once setup. Much recommended to anyone needing good push email/exchange. I will be donating to him once my paypal acct is funded on saturday. cheers on one of the best services yet!
i got an error on my PPC :
Security permission was insufficient to update your device
reo said:
i got an error on my PPC :
Security permission was insufficient to update your device
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Did you install the SSL certificate on your phone...?
yes, but i got this error.
reo said:
yes, but i got this error.
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Try again, I re-created your account from scratch.
WOOHOO i finally got the same set up configured on one of my home servers!! windows 2003 + exchange server 2003 and i'm golden also got aliases working so now my phone is sending emails as though i'm emailing from gmail, and also synching my work email simultaneously (set up a redirect).
denial, to prevent you getting bogged down i'd be willing to take on a few push accounts too - also SSL based, free push mail
shoot me a PM if anyone's interested!
i would like to verify a few things when setting up the account.
Microsoft exchange server : ???
Exchange Proxy Settings
https:// ????
im trying to setup this account on my outlook 2003.
I changed my handset altogether, im using a TORQ N300/ETEN X500 now.
ok i got it
Microsoft exchange server : server.getztek.com
Exchange Proxy Settings
https:// mail.getztek.com
got my Xchange outlook 2003, and DP account on my PPC
all good.

pushing gmail onto my phone.

prewarning: i'm a complete microsoft exchange newbie, although i have experience in win2003 management / active directory etc.
here's what i'm trying to do.
basically, push my gmail email onto my phone (running windows mobile 5). i don't want pop access, i want actual PUSH.
how i figure this would work:
- forward my email from gmail to my local win2003 machine, which has exchange 2003 running
- exchange in turn pushes the email onto my phone immediately
- i can reply on my phone and it looks like it came from my gmail address, not from my local domain (i.e. my exchange server address).
so far i'm ok with 1 and 2, all is working golden. BUT i can't reply on my phone - it sends the message fine but shows the from address as my exchange server address.
any idea how to fix this? basically would want to set up some sort of mail relay...
any help would be appreciated! would be glad to provide a few free accounts to people who can help!
If you have Exchange there is a way to setup an alias to accomplish this. PM me if you would like and I can explain in a PM. Basically what it does is it tricks Exchange into thinking it's sending from another e-mail address but basically it just changes the Reply to field so people see it coming from your gmail instead of your exchange account.
Maybe you should try Push Effect ?
took a look at push effect. not quite what i'd like... i odn't want any more running crap on my phone, especially not some alerting service. i want pretty much seamless integration with my outlook on my phone. it can't be hard, i'd rather do it myself for free rather than shell out something or other for licenses or software.
i'm already using emoze (emoze.com) which is good, but adds a silly little signature at the end of emails with some ad. PLUS it has added software running on my pc and phone, which i don't care much for.
try www.port88.org not sure if it's still free. When i signed up it was... amazing services
yep have seen that site. they have a suggested donation of $50, and even then not sure if they let me set my own "from" address...
chamelion said:
yep have seen that site. they have a suggested donation of $50, and even then not sure if they let me set my own "from" address...
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They require a donation in order to use alias, but then again, most places will. If he is already running his own exchange server, then he can just use that. Check your PMs chamelion I sent you instructions.
got the pm thanks
i did actually did do just that a little while ago and it works great (except for sending myself an email).
i have a whole new issue though, i was tryign to implement certificate authentication and now everythings messed up... it just doesn't synch up any more
i'll figure it out, or just reinstall the whole damn thing!
FINALLY got everything working - the aliases and even the SSL authentication which was a pain in the ass. turns out to have been the smallest stupidest mistake i was making, as it usually is!
if anyone wants free push email like denial is offering, shoot me a PM, i can offer the same

Email Programs Are there any Good ones

I have 7 yes 7 email accounts. 5 of which I use on my Hermes. It is a royal PITA to manually log into each account and do a send and receive. Is there some sort of "send and receive all" tweak button that can be added or is there a better email handler out there. I use Outlook for all my contacts. But am willing to look into other options out there.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Best commercial mail client for Windows mobile is FlexMail 2007.
Best freeware client is Qmail.
Both are more capable than default Outlook Mobile.
I am sincerely sorry for not getting back to you sooner to let you know how it was going, Q-Mail kinda flopped and did not do what I wanted. I just did a fresh install of Shwaps 4.31 and am enjoying it so far and I have dropped on Flexmail. There was a new version release today with some bug fixes and such. (I am not new enough to even know what the old bugs were. But so far I really like flex mail. It does seem a bit to Uhm fluffy at times, but is looking pretty good.
You would not by any chance know off hand where the setting is to tell it to leave a copy of the mail message on the server would you. I like to download my mail to my PDA and later when I am at a desktop pull that same message from the server, (and then delete it from the server)
Again thanks for the great sections and I will try and post back my results. Flex Mail does seem to meet my need very well.


Does the Blackstone support imap idle or another kind of pushmail solution?
Yeah, there is support for Direct Push through an exchange server, or for Imap4/Idle through 3rd party solutions like Fleximail or this promising free one http://www.codeplex.com/ImapPusherService
While Imap has the advantage of WLAN compatiblity, I still have to check the effect on battery life
perfect! I'm thinking of changing my email-domain to Domainfactory, which offers free Push-mail http://www.df.eu/germany/produkte/mymail.htmla
I wanted to make sure that both (Domainfactory and Touch HD) will work together.
Would be nice to hear your report of battery life.
can you use push-mail with gmail like on the g1 ?
I am using the free http://live.mail2web.com/ Direct Push for years. Only disadvantage over Imap is that one cannot send email with your choosen email address, you have to use theirs. But lately I am using Imap only, because it works better with different mobile operating systems
Yes, with the free PocketOutlook plugin mentioned in my post.
L0ser said:
can you use push-mail with gmail like on the g1 ?
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Would really be interesting if there is a solution to use push-mail with gmail...
Well, you could forward your gmail to a free push provider, and sync gmail that way. But I think Imap is a easier solution, and not bound to Microsoft or RIM.
anyone got web2mail to push email to their HTC?
Hi chaps,
I wondered if any of you have got this to work? I've followed all the instructions setting up a free push email account with web2mail and setup activesync to receive messages as they arrive, but I still dont get the email until I manually sync.
The only thing I think maybe breaking it, is the fact that I have setup nodata on my htc as my carrier charges loads for using data (I have wifi switched on and connected instead)
Any ideas chaps?
Imap Idle with gmail support, scheduling, etc... Look for email scheduler, it is posted here at xda, and avail here. I am curious how it works on the Blackstone.
