Could a Universal owner help please? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Yup, I know it's cheeky request...
I run a website called the The Beebotron which lets you Listen Again to any BBC broadcast.
I've had some feedback in this link: here from someone who is having difficulty using my site with a Universal.
Could some kind soul with an HTC Universal please try my site and see if it works on your PDA?
I'd appreciate this, and would be immensely grateful for feedback on this thread - it's just as important to me to know that it doesn't work as to know that it does!
Thanks in advance,

It doesn't work for me. I get two messages. The first one is about security and says -
'Running a system command on this item may be unsafe.Do you wish to continue?'
On accepting the risk, I get another message:
' the file rtsp: (path etc) can not be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components can not be found.
If I try to approach the page through the google mobile proxy, all the links are simply text and not live links to the urls of the files.

Hi evilv
Firstly, thank you very much for taking the time to have a go, and the reply.
The message: 'Running a system command on this item may be unsafe. Do you wish to continue?' is due to Mr. Gates and M$ software which, in this instance, is errmm wrong. It is caused by PIE (Pocket Internet Explorer, IE Mobile, or whatever the current vogue name is) wanting to pass a URL to kick off the appropriate program - which depends on the last few bits of the URL. E.g. if the URL ended in .wma then the Windows Media Player would start. In the case you’ve very decently had a go at, then the URL would have ended in either .rm or .ra – both of which kick off the Real Player.
Secondly, I should have warned people about this message, and I apologise abjectly for not having done so.
On to the next bit… Although you get that message on your Universal, you don’t get it on a PC (I don’t know why, life is sometimes like that…).
Forget the google mobile proxy – that just isn’t going to work.
Could I please presume upon you one more time? Would you please try the same thing on your PC? The reason I ask is that if you try it on your PC and it fails then there may be something getting in the way and stopping you receiving this link in your country (I don’t know where you are). This, theoretically, could be the BBC or your ISP… The end result is that if my site doesn’t work on your PC then it’s definitely not going to work on your Universal. However, if it *does* work PC-wise, then I may have a problem with Universals…
Finally, for any Universal-owner lurkers out there who may not be registered on this board, if you would like to help me and report back whether you find my links work or not then would you please email me at kronalias [@AT] gmail [.DOT] com (I’m trying to avoid spam, so I’m sure you know what to do to get the right email address). If you want to keep it short then just a message ‘ok’ or ‘no go’ would *really* be appreciated.
Thanks again evilv
Cheers, Kronalias
PS Apols, I should said that you should be connecting wifi (unless you have another way which works, in which case please tell me!) and I should have included the Beebotron Lite site for PDAs (also works on PCs), which is here.

It works on my PC. I think you have a problem. The error message I mentioned above may be of some help.

Thanks for that evilv - I suspect that you're right and my site just isn't going to work with Universals. Oh well...

Works perfectly on my Universal using Opera

Works on mine O2 Exec with Opera.

Thank you very much to PC_Arcade and Yen for the feedback – I’ll update the compatibility list on the website mentioning Opera browser works for these PDAs.
A quick reply to evilv, who tried hard and whose feedback I really appreciated. Do you fancy having a go with Opera? Their website is here
Cheers, Kronalias


FIREWALL, do we need one? howgood is standerd securty?

Hi Guys
Is there a good firewall that we can use with the universal? Do we really need one?
when i browse the web on my Exec i use it over wifi so is that safe, (my home is protected BUT what about the free HOTSPOTS in the city centre <I trust star bucks with my coffee-do I trust them with my internet security?
Would any of you guys use your PDA's webpage to buy something from a website (ebay) or even online banking?
Im not to fused about someone hacking my PDA through my wifi/internet connection, come on the way I look at it, if some one is that good Im sure they have better things to hack then mine! lol
Im more concerned about if I am going to log onto ebay's webpage how secure is my information while its being sent from My PDA browser to there server?
IL appreciate everyone’s thoughts on this!
YES VIJAY that includes you as well,
GUYS KEEP YOUR REPLIES IN RELATION TO THIS THREAD, if you want to talk about your aunty janes cats dogs friends sisters leg, start another thread!)
You don't need one.
Ward said:
You don't need one.
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could you explain why, please?
why dont we need one? because you say so? lol
come on mate you can not give a one sentence reply and walk away from this, do you know how long it has taken me to write the post?
unless you a allsinging alldancing knowit all---------, well even if you are, give a better reply then "you dont need one"
or dont post at all.
you dont need one
You don't need a firewall now, because:
a) No tools for the PPC are really available at the moment, and
b) What exactly are they going to do when they hack in?
c) More importantly, you won't FIND any firewalls for Windows Mobile.
But as to the question of how safe is the information being sent to eBay; well, Pocket IE (Internet Explorer Mobile) is based off IE 5 and 6, with the same security levels. So if you access something with that little lock icon on, you're pretty secure.
If not, you're taking the same risk as normal browsing.
OK guys come on give better answers then "you dont need one"
we are not all mind readers,
breakit down, whywe dont need one?
how safe is your data when its sent from your device?
try to read my intial thread and reply to the points in there,
I am sure that you are not naive to think we dont need one because our networks tell its its safe or because microsoft does,
How many times has microsoft security been compermised?
Networks- remmber t-mobile? when there servers where being hacked (one good thing that came out of that was pairs hiltons EMAILS! along with the secrect service but with parisss its was more of like many online service providers, requires users to answer a "secret question" if they forget their passwords. For Hilton's account, the secret question was "What is your favorite pet's name?" By correctly providing the answer, any internet user could change Hilton's password and freely access her account. and her pet dog name is!!! Chihuahua )
@ snorbaard
thanks dude
N2h, you're being rather rude, so I would have expected a lot more "you don't need one" replies by now just to spite you. I'll answer your question first, and then detail why I believe you're being rather rude.
What you're asking about isn't really a firewall. A firewall is used to prevent certain communications either coming into a machine, or going out of it. E.g. a firewall could be placed on outbound port 80 to prevent users from browsing 99% of the web, or a firewall can and should be placed on inbound port 139 to stop some older netbios 'attacks'.
What you're really asking about is whether the communication you do via your PocketPC - over wifi - is 'secure' in that others can't access your information. The answer to that isn't a simple yes/no - it will depend on a few things.
The first thing to make sure as that the access point you're using has WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol) enabled. The bigger the key, the better. This will mean that 'over the air', your information will be encrypted. Anybody who would 'snoop' that information from the air will need a LOT of data, and a reasonably fast machine, to get the WEP key.
The next thing to make sure is that if the information you're sending is rather sensitive, that you send this information to a site which is using SSL. SSL encrypts your data on your PocketPC itself, all the way through the WiFi router/access point, over the internet, bouncing off of satellites - whatever, until it reaches the destination website where the data is decrypted again. The odds of anybody cracking that signal are *very* slim. It can be done, but it takes ages and ages on multiple computers for even the simplest of SSL encryptions. The 'dumb' way to check whether the site uses SSL is to see if the URL starts with "https". The 'proper' way is to check if the padlock icon is 'locked' in PIE (left of the address bar).
The third thing, if you're using e-mail, is to use an e-mail encryption application, such as PGP. I'm not aware if any exist for PocketPC, but I'm sure they do. These basically encrypt your message in a way that it can still be sent by plain e-mail. The recipient then decrypts the message again on their end. Based on the encryption method used and the length of the message, it would take quantum computers to decrypt it to anything meaningful.
For those wondering whether you do indeed need a Firewall - no, you don't. You may wish to look into some basic BlueTooth protection if you leave that on a lot, but other than that there are no real intrusion points for a PocketPC that you'd have to be worried about.
Microsoft may turn the PocketPC into some ueberplatform in the future which would make it more vulnerable, or maybe they learned their lesson and they'll keep things fairly secure - who knows.
Now then.. as to why you're being rude...
First.. your post - what's with the bold blue text? Do you think it would get people's attention easier? Just makes it more difficult to read.
Second... you address a specific person, vijay555 - who is a very busy person. But even if he wasn't, it's a bit presumptious of you that 1. he would be reading this, 2. he would be interested in replying at all.
Third... you presume that people would go off-topic, in your original post (in large red type, at that). Why not have a bit more faith in fellow man and see what replies roll in, first? Then if people go off-topic, point it out and ask that they try and address the issue you raised in your post.
Fourth... when somebody does answer your post, even if it is a rather short reply, you tell them to either post a better reply, or not reply at all. Don't be surprised if many people will interpret this in a way that will make them not want to reply to any of your posts at all.
Edit: and such is the cost of typing long replies - other people reply before you
zeboxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lol
thatsmade me laugh :lol:
thanks mate
FROM ZEBOX (sorryabout the caps hope i dont hurt anyones feeling)
Now then.. as to why you're being rude...
First.. your post - what's with the bold blue text? Do you think it would get people's attention easier? Just makes it more difficult to read.
Second... you address a specific person, vijay555 - who is a very busy person. But even if he wasn't, it's a bit presumptious of you that 1. he
would be reading this, 2. he would be interested in replying at all.
tust me he gets around!
Third... you presume that people would go off-topic, in your original post (in large red type, at that). Why not have a bit more faith in fellow man and see what replies roll in, first? Then if people go off-topic, point it out and ask that they try and address the issue you raised in your post.
Fourth... when somebody does answer your post, even if it is a rather short reply, you tell them to either post a better reply, or not reply at all. Don't be surprised if many people will interpret this in a way that will make them not want to reply to any of your posts at all.
all in one, the amount of threads iv read where the converstion has gone off topic----------- so had to make that clear,
andbeing honest Im having a lugh so i dont want anyone to take it personaly if Imake a checky comment,
and zeboxx this ones just for you
You still don't need a firewall for your Pocket PC.
A firewall in the sense I understand it is a filtering application which brackets network access: rejecting unsolicited packet, applying appication based rules and optionally, performing some filtering on incoming content.
You don't need one, because: there is very little need to restrict application access to the network - malicious apps exist, but its so difficult for them to gain a foothold on your PPC without you knowing about it. So on a clean PPC, a firewall does nothing useful. Dropping unsolitcited packets is nice, but your PPC is mobile - not always connected and therefore of extremely low risk of network intrusion - AFAIK, I've never even heard of a case.
Save your money and CPU and carry on. P.S. PPC AntiViruses are similarly useless, don't listen to PR hype.
@@ ward
Ward thanks for that between you and snorbaard my questionshave been answerd
regarding firewalls and website security!
thanks dude
ward, zeobox Suggested that i was rude to you andmay have hurt your feeling , well my apologies hope we can b friends :lol: lol
cheers bud
"c) More importantly, you won't FIND any firewalls for Windows Mobile."
AIRSCANNER has one, however, its not currently for WM5 yet
Keep a close watch on AIRSCANNER for the WM5 version though
How to protect your PPC when you're surfing at free hotspots?
I believe that the response should be "You don't need a firewall for your WM5 device - yet."
It's very possible that there are vulnerabilities present in WM5 O/S that simply have not been found yet. There may even be vulnerabilities in WM5 that allow people to reset your device remotely, edit and remove information, etc.
Why would there be vulnerabilities in WM5?
Firstly, its made by Microsoft, and Microsoft has a very bad track record when it comes to this type of thing. Secondly, even if all preventions towards vulnerabilities were taken by Microsoft, it's always possible for one smart hacker to link together something that nobody has ever thought about before. Basically, vulnerabilities are always possible.
If there are vulnerabilities in WM5, why havent I heard about it yet?
Currently the number of devices running WM5 are very small. Theyr also very new, and thus hackers havent really begun to try. It only takes one good enough hacker to do it, though.
Therefore I don't think ruling out firewalls as being irrelevant to WM5 devices is the right way to go about it. Currently, theyr not needed, but who knows? In a months time we might all be scrambling for a firewall as some worm runs riot deleting our files..
It would probably be nice to have a firewall available, anyway. 8)
Just thought I would post to point out that when you go online using GPRS most service providers give you a NAT connection which is in practice the same as a firewall. No incoming connections are allowed, you don't have a public IP address.
This is largly because if you had a public IP all the viruses on the net looking for unsecure Windows machines would flood out your GPRS connection and use up all your credit without you doing anything.
chinnybob said:
Just thought I would post to point out that when you go online using GPRS most service providers give you a NAT connection
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Very true - also, nearly all wireless hotspots will do the same thing, generally decreasing the amount of potential hackers to only other users sharing the same hotspot.
If your device ever gets hacked while using a hotspot, look around for the guy with the laptop trying to look the other way. :twisted:
As I understand it, there's built in facilities for port redirection and monitoring in Windows Mobile already. Whether or not you'd wish to use it for anything is down to a coder.
As everyone is saying, there are two distinct issues I see here:
1. Are your communications secure between PDA and Server?
2. Is your PDA secure to external intrusions?
Question 1 is addressed above. Use appropriate good sense, keep an eye out for SSL and https and always be weary of transmitting anything sensitive over an open channel. Would I use my PDA to buy something over the net? Probably not - I barely trust my PC browser (and I wrote and secured it myself), and although there's little reason to trust PIE less, that's not a high state of confidence. I always half expect to get cheated/identity theft-ed over the net. But use good common sense, reliable traders and be weary of all open connections that you don't control.
Question 2.
Intrusions. Again, as everyone is saying - as of now, there's not an enormous amount of damage that could be done to your PDA even if someone could stomp all over it without your knowledge. Worst case, you need to hard reset, and someone steals all your personal info.
However, there aren't many well known exploits that you need to worry about. But, that probably means that there are exploits known to those who would be interested in you.
However, since you're wifi roaming, it's likely your IP is dynamic. Somebody would have to have an idea of where you are and be particularly interested in finding you on the net to track you down. (although that's easy enough to do if they know your habits. Server logs give a wealth of info for free! I can see many visitors to my website directly from warez sites. If I wanted to backtrace to an ISP, a server or a user, the info is there in front of me)
So, someone can find you on the net. They then need to identify you as using a PDA they can exploit. They have to know exploits. They can then get access to your system. What's the worst that can happen? As everyone says, be weary of carrying very sensitive info on you phone, at least unencrypted. They're small things prone to theft and loss. If you would worry if it was stolen from your hand, don't put it on there, or encrypt it. Doubley so if you're using public wifi.
There are exploits to take advantage of your system. I'm working on stuff that could easily be classified as a trojan, and there is live code, years old, demonstrating the techniques.
Best advice: be careful. Your PDA is naked compared to your PC (which is firewalled, anti virused, and anti-spyed already. right?) Just because no one is interested in looking at your PDA's undies, doesn't mean you should flash them around. Use good sense on all public networks. However, given the hardware limitations of our PDAs, I'm inclined to say, better to leave it unprotected but not at risk (ie not carry highly sensitive info), then have CPU intensive protection that's counterproductive and unlikely to be needed most of the time.
Others would have different priorities. You have to judge what you have at stake.
VIJAY thanks for the reply your thoughts are allways much appericated.
when you say you have secured your own browser is it a programme that's available on your site or a 1of thing that you did? someone else advised me that netfront 3.3 (or what ever the latest version is) is more secure then ie any thoughts on that.
p.s zeooooooobox guess ur sorry ass was wrong after all.
N2h said:
VIJAY thanks for the reply your thoughts are allways much appericated.
when you say you have secured your own browser is it a programme that's available on your site or a 1of thing that you did? someone else advised me that netfront 3.3 (or what ever the latest version is) is more secure then ie any thoughts on that.
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He said quite specifically his PC browser. (i.e. not a browser on his phone)
As someone said earlier, just make sure the little padlock is there. SSL encryption is good enough for most things.

Sky By Mobile..

Has anyone got this working on a WM5 device yet?
The url's that you go to come back with
"service is not available for your mobile device".. but there are lots of JAR's and JAD's floating around for different phone types..
As I'm not a Vodafone 3G customer - i'm after the SKY TV Guides and the ability t mark something as "to record" and have it automatically recorded at home.....
Charlie Grillo
id be interested in this too
Can someone explain a bit mroe about this? Is it a service that sky are introducing for their customers, or an extra pay service? Cheers.
This is for current customer (for free):
try going to:
this then checks your phones comatibility
Sky by Mobile - Is it possible on Windows Mobile?
By Gears. Published on 10 Jul 2006.
Some of you may be aware of a new service launched by Sky TV recently. If you're lucky enough to have one of their whizzy PVR's then you'll already be used to the live pause and recording to hard disk. However, recently they announced their Sky by Mobile service which allows you to get the latest news and videos from Sky plus you can now remotely set programmes to record onto your Sky+ box. Good eh?
Only one problem though. You need one of these handsets to run the software, and Windows Mobile isn't on there. I'd really like to use this service - I'm always forgetting to set my Sky+ box or I'm away from the house and I can't physically touch the remote. Last night I found this interesting thread and downloaded this JAR file and plonked it onto my Orange SPV C600. I opened it up in file explorer and ran it in the Java MIDlet Manager. It does actually work, I can load it up and enter my credentials, however it stops after that - I presume because it can't access the net. I can't seem to get around this and I've tried everything like opening a GPRS connection manually and tweaking with the security settings.
Has anyone else tried this successfully ? I'm trying the JAR file for the Nokia 6230 in this example but Sky hide the links so I've not found any other JAR files to test.
It installs in the midlet manager, and runs, but does not connect or go any further.
ive tried the link in a few different browsers, pie, mnimo and the java based opera but no look, just says not compatible with your device, i guess we will have to wait untill the web based service is available and use the text service in the mean time
got excited when the letter came through the post, its been in the pipeline for about a year or so now
edit: looked at the website who i think are the company that provide the software for the service and they do have other products that work on WM phones, so maybe soon it will be on our wizards!
anyone know whether we are going to get this?
On a similar subject, does anyone have the software program that you need to view your sky channels via broadband? I've just registered for it, but they email the URL to the original email address that was given to them by the account holder, but my Dad never gave them one so I'm struggling to get the software!
I think everyone has given up on this but ive managed to get a collection of installers for various phones, using the user agent tags in firefox.
not managed to get any of them to work though! but thought they may be useful to other people.
edit: ignore this post i cant seem to upload the files!
but if anyone is interrested give me a shout, ive got about 13 different installer files, mainly nokia,motorola, SE an i think one might be for blackberry.

Streaming the BBC's Content on your PDA

The Beebotron site lets you Listen Again to any BBC broadcast – something the Beeb won’t let you do on a PDA .
The main site gives you the information and background for the project, along with the radio stations and their programmes – just click and listen! This works well on a PC, but it’s getting a bit large for a PDA. So in the site you’ll find a link to Beebotron Lite, which is a cut down version (fully functional, but without the explanations) aimed purely at PDA users.
Beebotron and Beebotron Lite also host programme synopsis information. Now you’ll know what you’re going to play before you play it (unlike the Beeb’s site where you don’t know what, e.g. the Afternoon Play MON TUE WED THU FRI is going to give you unless you start playing one of the day links…)
I made the site primarily for my own use (Axim X51v) and then realised that other people might like it.
Thanks for taking the time to read this - hope you like the site!
Cheers, Kronalias
This is a fantastic idea Kronalias! However Real Player on my Universal times-out everytime I try to play any of the links. I've tried over Wifi, and Ive also adjusted real players time-out to 100 in the registry with no success.
Anybody having similar problems?- Is the BBC blocking me because I am conecting from New Zealand? I know they block video, but I have no problem accesing the audio links from my PC.
Hi Vscottie
Thanks for the nice words! Now let’s see if we can get your problem solved….
When you say that you can access the audio links from your PC do you mean that you can use Beebotron to listen? If so then, as my links are the links that are buried deeply in the Beeb’s site, you are not being blocked by either the BBC or your ISP. If you can’t use Beebotron on your PC then I’m afraid you won’t be able to use it on your PDA.
You might just find that you can Listen Again but not Listen Live (or vice versa) - although I haven’t had any reports of this behaviour.
You’re the first response I’ve had from NZ (thank you!), but I’ve had two reports from Australia. These were for a QTEK 9000 (same as an iMate JAS JAR) and a Nokia N80, both of which worked fine. They are both smartphones (WM5 on the QTEK, Symbian OS on the Nokia), and both connected to Beebotron using wifi. I realise NZ isn’t Oz, but I’m rather hoping that if Beebotron works in one country it’ll also work in t’other…
You might just find that you can Listen Again but not Listen Live (or vice versa), although I haven't had any reports of this behaviour.
I’m guessing that your Universal is the HTC Universal Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC Phone. If so, then it should connect…
I’m not sure whether you can do the following on a smartphone (I don’t have one) but this checks whether everything is working on a pocket pc:
1. On your Pocket Internet Explorer please go to the Beebotron, then pick any Listen Again link and then any show. Don't click the link, press and hold it and you should get a popup box. Select the option 'Copy Address'
2. Open Real and then File => Open Location. Paste (Ctl V) the link in and press ok in the top right corner
And it should play!
Would you let me know how you get on please?
Cheers, Kronalias
PS For any other readers, in my OP I forgot to give the link to Beebotron Lite. It’s here: Beebotron Lite
Yeah I can't work out what it's problem is. Real Player 'connects' then starts 'loading' and stays that way with its little clock turning untill it reaches whatever I've set for time-out (100 now) then reports "Response or data from server timed out." It obviously hates me
Connecting from the PC is no problem- both from the Beebs site and yours.
But I've just worked out (sorry I should have checked before) that I can't 'load' Irish streams from RTÉ with real now either, or any real stream from the net- well I can load enough to view the tag information but not play the stream.
There must be something installed on my JasJar that's causing the problems, I've turned off the PCs firewall in case it was that.- Does RealOnePPC have problems with Wifi I wonder (we have no GSM coverage at the house)
Time to try some software removal.
Thanks again

Where is the Best Place to Find a list of APPS

Where are the places people are going to find lists of Free Apps.
I am new to the Pocket PC world, I have seen a few posts with people showing new apps, but I would like to be able to browse around and find some that are suited for what I use my phone for.
Looking for Time Wasters. (games)
Media Players (for Divx, and Compressed Videos)
Anything Automotive Related
Skins for changing appearance of the phone
pm me man ill help you!!!
there should really be a sticky in this forum with links to good download sites for games / apps.
Maybe we should start a thread and post links and ask a mod to sticky it. Anyone up for the job ?
There is a big list of software in the WiKi
On A Silver Platter
It doesn't get any better than this :
1) This site is 8525 specific FREEWARE
2) These are links from
3) Another FREEWARE site
5) This page has all the FREE applications iliumsoft offers (7 Pocket PC, 1 Desktop)
6) Yet another FREEWARE site
7) This is the Pocket PC section of this site, but you can navigate to other platform specific applications by clicking on the "Freeware" link at the top of the page. The entire site is strictly FREEWARE
8) This is a mobile/WAP SITE. It is completely formatted for a handheld web browser (small text, aligned left)
9) This is the last direct LINK to a freeware site i have mustered. I've just come across it for the first time and the server seems to be acting up so i can't speak for its reliability. It did work though
10) THIS is a search result from handango. All i did was select the 8525 as my device and "Sort by: Price:Low-High". The first 15 pages of this result gives you full applications with a $0.00 price tag. You may have to navigate a bit through the pages to find anything useful, but there are some pretty good apps in there. I would suggest going through the whole 15 pages so you don't miss anything.
11) This page is's "BEST SITES" for WM PPCs. Scroll down to the "Downloads" section and you will find 46 links, many of them links to freeware sites. Even some of the links that don't say "(freeware)" have links to other Freeware sites on thier pages so you might wanna check them out too
12) Another LIST of PPC related sites with relevant Freeware site links
I've used just about all of these sites before with the exception of the above mentioned. If not, links to and from these sites. I've downloaded well into the hundreds of applications from these sites. In my experience, none of them offer fake freeware or neverending links to the download page (lmao). IMHO, they're all legit.
Still Alive?
Wow, when I posted my first reply I did not realize the date this was created. I posted my reply about a week ago however...maybe beggining of September. Why the hell does the date of my reply state that it was posted 4-9-07? Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has visited recently, if the thread is still alive, and now I'm wondering what date this was "Actually" created?!?!
g0dZpr1z0n3r said:
Why the hell does the date of my reply state that it was posted 4-9-07?
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4 September 2007. Not all countries use the US date convention of putting the month first.
Try for free cracked software!
You just have to register an thats it! Enjoy
@ Viktorx, Thanks for the link, however I believe the mods on here frown on posting warez links.
@g0dZpr1z0n3r WOW, That list is amazing, thank you. I wish there was a way for members to rate other members on this board you would get a huge "+" from me for that. (I am on another board where there is a member rating system and members can give a member a plus if they help them, or a negative if they see someone being nasty for no reason)
@ Everyone else. Thank you for all the other links, I am spending lots of time browsing the places. This site is a wonderful resource.
Now some specific apps I am looking for.
Net Stumbler, its a program to scan for wireless access points.
A better dialer and call log app. I find the one that is built into the phone with Black Satin to be way to clumsy to use. I hate the fact that if I call the same number 4 times in a row, it shows that same number 4 times in the call log rather than just keeping the same number once at the top of the list. I would prefer it kept say the last 10 or 20 numbers I called in a row without repeating some of them.
Capt Fiero said:
Now some specific apps I am looking for.
Net Stumbler, its a program to scan for wireless access points.
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Thx 4 the ups Capt.! I appreciate it! Umm...NetStumbler has its own SITE (click on the download tab). I'm not sure if you were looking for NetStumbler or MiniStumbler NetStumbler is for PCs and MiniStumbler is for SOME PPCs. Breathe eazy though homie, the program "works on most (but not all) Hermes...chipsets" . Good luck w/ that. Let us know how it works out.
Follow THIS site for all ur dialer needs. I'm not sure it will help ur "call log" issues though. Can't help you there fam. Good Luck!
Use WiFiFoFum instead of NetStumbler.
Ya the first program I tried was Ministumbler and it won't work on my Hermes (HTC Tytn) So I installed the WiFiFoFum and it worked perfect right out of the box. Thanks for all the suggestions guys.
MiniStumbler is a Negative
Tried MiniStumbler on my ATT branded 8525 (factory ROM) and it does not work. Connected to Wi-Fi and nothing shows up in the App.
@Capt: Find anything useful at zombienexus?
g0dZpr1z0n3r said:
Tried MiniStumbler on my ATT branded 8525 (factory ROM) and it does not work. Connected to Wi-Fi and nothing shows up in the App.
@Capt: Find anything useful at zombienexus?
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To be honest I have not had time to really read through the page, I did a quick browse around and at first glance there does not seem to be exactly what I am looking for, however I need to read through the site to really see what is there.
Capt Fiero said:
To be honest I have not had time to really read through the page, I did a quick browse around and at first glance there does not seem to be exactly what I am looking for, however I need to read through the site to really see what is there.
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Click to collapse
I don't really think there's an app that exists for the type of setup you want. I personally like that the call log lists every time that you called each #. If I'm not mistaken, WM6 approaches this situation quite differently. I'm not sure which ROM you're running, but you might wanna check that out. I didn't run WM6 long enough to remember exactly, but i found this on modernnomads pertaining to that feature:
"A major improvement is that the history belonging to a number can be retrieved. By pressing the number in the call-log you can get an overview of all calls to that number. THis is a great way to identify when you called a certain person. This information is also partially included in the contact: you will see when you last called a certain person. Unfortunatly there is no way of finding all calls to a specific contact, so you do have to remember which number you used to contact a specific person."
The article is HERE. It's a quite detailed article outlining the key features of WM6
Actually you only have to remember the number if its not saved in your contact list. All call history is saved to the contact. If I go into contacts and select a specific person I can see all the calls to that person time, date, and duration. I think WM6 is great what made you decide to remove it?
why i removed wm6
i had to remove my wm6 rom because im running vista home premium w/ mobile device center and only the black rom allowed me to sync and it wasnt my favorite. other wm6 roms wouldnt sync w/ my laptop. i would either have to sacrifice a not so favorite rom and be able to sync or use my favorite wm6 rom and not be able to sync. i decided to go back to wm5 until the official at&t wm6 rom was released. supposed to be out oct.5. dont get me wrong tho...i love wm6. each rom i flashed had pros and cons, but the pros of wm6 outweigh the cons. cant wait to get it back!
any sim games out there

[APP] Barcode Scanning Application

Hello all,
I was hoping you could take a moment and provide some feedback on a software project that myself and a group of others created for a business module we are taking.
The idea is a simple (and certainly not unique!!) one.
1. Take Picture of Barcode
2. Decode
3. Get Amazon results for that barcode
The software (attached) has been thrown together just to demo the concept. It uses a web service to do the decoding which makes it pretty slow, it is not production quality software, it is just for testing the concept.
If you have a second and give it a go, please take a second and answer the following:
1. Did it work?
2. Would you use it? (If not, why not)
If you don't feel like downloading it, it would be great if you could take a second and reply saying why you don't want to, e.g. "I just don't think I would find it useful.."
P.S. Sorry if this is not the correct place on the foum to post this, but it seemed the most appropriate.
P.P.S. I tired to attach the source to this as I am not sure how to create a cab and so this might not run correctly on peoples phones that have not run .NET apps before, but the attach page kept timing out...
Great stuff!!!
I have not downloaded the app.
Here's why:
There are other FREE barcaode apps out there that do the same but query more than one system.
Expand your query to other database
Market your product by telling what's different from the others
Will try this...I'll give some feedbacks after few days...cheers
Definetly going to try this out. Thanks for posting, and ill report back also, after some testing. Thanks again.
Cheers for the feedback. Just a word of warning, this is a really really REALLY rough prototype.
@tricsio: Thanks for the feedback, this is exactly the sort of feedback we were looking. Our plans to expand this are:
1. Do image recognition on the device to remove need for sending big files
2. Instead of querying amazon directly with barcode as we do now, send it through an intermediate webservice that we control, which will search multiple sites and return this list back to the device.
3. We also considered things like integrating it with our University's library system to check if a book is available, on loan, the shelfmark etc.
@admins that may read this, I didn't notice the sticky before posting, I am going to read it now and edt the post if it violates any of the rules, sorry about that.

